Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective - Online Version

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Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective - online version 30.06.

11 15:34


Innovation Strategy
Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective - online version
Reading material
Innovation work at OECD
Presentations and videos
In the press About the book:
Background and ordering information
Contact us
Towards a measurement agenda for innovation
Innovation today
Empowering people to innovate
Unleashing innovation in firms
Investing in innovation
Reaping returns from innovation
Addressing global challenges

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This animated graphics video shows the different ways OECD countries fund business R&D.
OECD's Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective (presentation about the new OECD publication, PPT)

Corrigendum, 30 March 2011


Introduction: Towards a Measurement Agenda for Innovation

Chapter 1: Innovation today

Sources of growth

Decomposition of growth in GDP per capita, 2001-08

New sources of growth

Labour productivity growth: adding the contribution of intangible assets, 1995-2006

Intangible assets

Investment in fixed and intangible assets as a share of GDP, 2006

Innovation beyond R&D,3746,en_41462537_41454856_44979734_1_1_1_1,00.html Seite 1 von 6

Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective - online version 30.06.11 15:34

New-to-market product innovators, 2004-06

Protection of innovation

Patents and trademarks per capita, 2005-07


Service-related trademarks, 2008

Comparing cycles: United States Gross Domestic Product and trademark applications at the USPTO,

Mixed modes of innovation

Complementary innovation strategies in manufacturing, 2004-06

Complementary innovation strategies in services, 2004-06

Collaboration in innovation

Firms with national/international collaboration on innovation, 2004-06

Collaboration on innovation, 2004-06

Mapping hot research areas

Hot research areas on a science map, 2008

Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research

Locations of inter-/multidisciplinary research areas on the science map, 2008

New players in research

Scientific articles and co-authorship, 1998 and 2008

Scientific collaboration

Trends in co-operation on scientific articles, 1985-2007

Scientific collaboration with BRIC countries, 1998 and 2008

Clusters of knowledge
Patents per million inhabitants, Europe, average 2005-2007
Patents per million inhabitants, North America, average 2005-2007
Patents per million inhabitants, Japan and Korea, average 2005-2007
Patents per million inhabitants, Australia and New Zealand, average 2005-2007

Innovation hotspots

Innovation hot spots in renewable energy, 2005-07

Innovation hot spots in biotechnologies and nanotechnologies, 2005-07

Science for environmental innovation

The innovation-science link in “green” technologies, 2000-07

Technological innovation for climate change

Trends in technological innovation for climate change mitigation, 1978-2006

Transfers of environmental technologies

Transfer of wind (top) and solar photovoltaic (bottom) technologies, 1990-2007

Chapter notes

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Chapter 2: Empowering people to innovate

2.1 Basic scientific skills

Reading, mathematics and science proficiency at age 15, 2006

Length of time students have been using a computer and mean PISA science score, 2006,3746,en_41462537_41454856_44979734_1_1_1_1,00.html Seite 2 von 6

Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective - online version 30.06.11 15:34

2.2 Tertiary education

Transition from upper secondary education to graduation at the university level, 2007
Annual tuition fees charged by public universities and public subsidies to private entities, 2007
Private net present value for an individual obtaining tertiary education as part of initial education,

2.3 Doctorate holders

Graduation rates at doctorate level, 2007

Science and engineering graduates at the doctoral level, 2007
New graduates at doctorate level by country of graduation, 2007

2.4 Skills mismatch

Unemployment rate of university graduates, 2007

Supply of and demand for highly skilled employees, 2009
Percentage difference in median gross annual earnings between doctorate holders working as
researchers and those not working as researchers, 2006

2.5 International mobility

International students, 2007

Job-to-job mobility of human resources in science and technology (HRST), employed 25-to-64-
year-olds, 2007
International mobility of doctorate holders by main destination, 2006

2.6 Entrepreneurial talent

Self-employed by place of birth, 15-to-64-year-olds, 2008

Percentage of the population 18 to 64 years old who received any type of training in starting a
business, during or after school, 2008

2.7 GAP page - Innovative workplace and skills for innovation

Firms engaged in innovation-related training activities by size, 2004-06

2.8 Consumers' demand for innovation

Final consumption expenditure of households, by selected category, 2008

Percentage of households having invested in environmentally friendly products in the last ten
years, 2008
Monthly household expenditures on communication services, by type of access, 2007

Chapter notes

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Chapter 3: Unleashing innovation in firms

3.1 Entry and exit

Entry rate, average 2000-07

Employer enterprise birth rate (2006) and death rate (2005) in the manufacturing sector
Employer enterprise birth rate (2006) and death rate (2005) in the services sector

3.2 Mobilising private funding

Long-term interest rates, 2008

Venture capital investment, 2008
Business angels, 2007

3.3 Policy environment,3746,en_41462537_41454856_44979734_1_1_1_1,00.html Seite 3 von 6

Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective - online version 30.06.11 15:34

Days needed to start a business, 2010

Barriers to entrepreneurship, 2008
Taxation on personal income and corporate income, 2009

3.4 Young and innovative firms

One- and two-year-old employer enterprises in manufacturing and in services, 2006

Patenting activity of young firms, 2005-07
Patenting and survival - within a two-year window, 2006

Chapter notes

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Chapter 4: Investing in innovation

4.1 Firms investing in R&D

Business enterprise expenditure on R&D, 2008

Direct and indirect government funding of business R&D and tax incentives for R&D, 2007

4.2 Firms investing in innovation

Expenditure on innovation, by firm size, 2006

Firms receiving public support for innovation, by size, 2004-06
Firms' turnover from product innovation, by type, 2006

4.3 Government funding R&D

Government budget appropriations or outlays for R&D, 2007

Government budget appropriations or outlays for R&D by selected socio-economic objectives, 2008
Government budget appropriations or outlays for R&D by national sector of performance, 2008
(updated 30 March 2011)

4.4 Higher education and basic research

Higher education expenditure on R&D, 2008

Government funded R&D in higher education by type of funding, 2008
Basic research performed in the public sector, 2007

4.5 Information and communication technologies

ICT investment by asset in OECD countries, 2008

Increase in the probability to innovate linked to ICT use, manufacturing, 2006
Increase in the probability to innovate linked to ICT use, services, 2006

4.6 Firms and smart infrastructure

OECD broadband subscribers per 100 inhabitants, by technology, June 2009

Evolution of a representative DSL broadband subscription over time, 2005-09

4.7 Governments and smart infrastructure

E-government readiness index, 2008

Relation between broadband penetration and citizen uptake of e-government services, 2008

4.8 GAP page - Measuring innovation in the public sector

Total expenditure of general government, 2008

4.9 GAP page - Multi-level governance of innovation,3746,en_41462537_41454856_44979734_1_1_1_1,00.html Seite 4 von 6

Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective - online version 30.06.11 15:34

Share of sub-national government in public investment, 2007

Chapter notes

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Chapter 5: Reaping returns from innovation

5.1 Scientific collaboration

Scientific articles by type of collaboration, 2008

Highly cited (top 1%) scientific articles by type of collaboration, 2006-08

5.2 Science and industry linkages

Patents filed by public research organisations, 2000-07

Main scientific fields cited in “green” patents by inventor country, 2000-07
Relative citation rate in “green” patents by main scientific fields 2000-07

5.3 Knowledge clusters

R&D intensity by region, 2007

Regional average of PCT patents with co-inventor(s) by location, 2005-07

5.4 Commercialisation

Patents granted at the European Patent Office by 2009

ICT-related patents granted at the European Patent Office by 2009
Biotechnology patents granted at the European Patent Office by 2009
Nanotechnology patents granted at the European Patent Office by 2009
Renewable energy patents granted at the European Patent Office by 2009

5.5 Knowledge circulation

International technology flows (royalties and licence fees), 1997-2008 (updated 30 March 2011)
Patenting firms licensing out at least one patent to non-affiliated companies, 2006
Foreign inventions owned by countries, 2005-07

Chapter notes

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Chapter 6: Addressing global challenges

6.1 Health

Total expenditure on health, 2007

Health R&D in government budget appropriations or outlays for R&D, 2008
Public funding of health-related R&D, 2007

6.2 Climate change

Renewable energy patents, 1998-2006

Patents for climate change mitigation technologies, 2007
Government research, development and demonstration (RD&D) expenditures on selected climate
change mitigation technologies, 2004-08

6.3 Other environmental challenges

Patent applications in pollution abatement and waste management technologies, 2002-07

Government R&D budget devoted to control and care for the environment, 2008,3746,en_41462537_41454856_44979734_1_1_1_1,00.html Seite 5 von 6

Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective - online version 30.06.11 15:34

Facilities with environmentally-related R&D in selected manufacturing sectors, 2003

Chapter notes

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Also available:

Mesurer l’innovation : Un nouveau regard - version en ligne (French)

Related documents:

Measuring Innovation: A New Perspective (English)

The OECD Innovation Strategy: Getting a Head Start on Tomorrow (English)

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