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Teaching Mathematics in Christian Worldview

Mathematics as God’s Creation

The verse, “For Him by all things are created…” This Colossians 1:16 tells us that God created all
things; every detail in this whole world, even mathematics. “He is before all things and Him all things
hold together” (Colossians 1:17). When He created all things, He is also design how it purposed and can
be used. In God is also hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3). The Bible
makes the foundation of our whole knowledge referring to Proverbs 9:10 (The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding). Based on these, Mathematics
cannot be separated away from Christian worldview. Mathematics as a creation of God also connect to
natural phenomena in the world. Mathematics "God created man in his own image. . ." (Genesis 1:27),
Imago Dei. This denotes the symbolical relation between God and humanity. Humans are in the image of
God recognize the special qualities of human nature which allow God to be made manifest in humans.
God confer the wisdom (finite and limited) to the humans for learning everything include distinguishing
good form evil. Therefore, humans must be realize that they created for special purpose or mission.
Man is under the authority of God, and James Nickel said that ultimate foundations and ultimate
meaning in any area of life, including mathematics, can only be found in the revelation of the infinite,
personal God of the Scripture. As bearers of God’s image, we have been given the ability to think
rationally and logically. We use logic to prove theorems and rational thinking to interpret observations.
Our creativity allows us to make conjectures, craft symbols, and model natural phenomena. This aspect
of our biblical worldview explains how we, as mere humans, can grasp mathematical truths and make
applications. Mathematics provides us with the means to carry out this mandate and take care of our
world. As stewards of both creation and our mathematical abilities, our knowledge in mathematics
explores that creation and seeks applications for the good of others (Georgia Miller).

Christian Worldview

The worldview is the point of view that the man used for live the life. In other word, it has to be the life
style, truly come from heart and mind that affects man’s decisions and action in daily life. Douglas
Wilson said that having a Christian worldview means living like an obedient Christian in all of life. The
essence of living a Christian worldview is letting God transform our mind and attitudes, relationships,
and actions. Paul says, “Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to His serving and
pleasing Him. This the true worship that you should offer. Do not conform yourselves to the standard of
this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able
to know the will of God – what is good and pleasing Him and is perfect” (Romans 12:1-2). These also
happen on students and teachers. Their worldview will affect and will be applied in every single aspects
in their life. How they see and respond knowledge especially mathematics as the creation of God.

Teaching Mathematics in Christian Worldview

As the whole explanation above, we can see that Mathematics as an object, Humans (Teachers and
Students) as a subject related each other. How the teachers as role model (the visible man by the
student who adopt Character of Christ) prepare, guide, and build students in academic and spiritual,
make Christ as a center of all the knowledge (worship the One who create not creation) and the
Christian worldview help them to make decisions and doing the proper actions. Therefore, students will
enjoy study mathematics as creation of God. Teacher need connect mathematics to the concrete
application by having discussion with the students so the students realize the purpose of mathematics
as God’s gift. Also how mathematics can be used to solve daily life problem, like perspective differs
maybe other use mathematics for economic benefit and how Christian mathematician respond it
properly. Referring to the curriculum objectives in teaching biblical Christian mathematics by Nickel,
mathematics has been recognized since humans know symbol and writing then it proves inclusion and
sovereignty of God how mathematics can be learned until this time. This shows God is purposeful so
Christian mathematicians have responsible to keep forward to next generation so they can fulfill God’s
purpose. The important point is how others can see Christ in everything that we do and in the
knowledge that we had.

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