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Ex. 1: Supppose a mobiile unit transm

mits 10W pow
wer at a certaain place. Exppress this pow
wer in terms of

Ex. 2: Am mong a pager, a cordless phhone and a moobile phone, which

w devicee would have the (i) shortest,
and, (ii) loongest battery
y life? Justify..

Ex. 1: Finnd the relation nel cell distannce D and the cluster size N
nship betweenn any two neaarest co-chann N.

Ex. 2: Finnd out the surfface area of a regular hexaagon with radiius R, the surrface area of a large hexagoon
with radiuus D, and hencce compute thhe total numbber of cells in this large hexxagon.

Ex. 3: A total
t of 33 MHz
M bandwidtth is allocatedd to a FDD cellular system m with two 255 KHz simpleex
channels tot provide fulll duplex voicce and controll channels. Coompute the nuumber of chaannels availabble
c reuse tecchnique. Assuume 1 MHz of
per cell iff the system uses (i) 4 ceell, (ii) 7 cell,, and (iii) 8 cell
spectrum is i allocated too control channnels. Give a distribution of
o voice and control
c channnels.

Ex. 5: A cellular systeem having a seven-cell cluuster layout with w omni-dirrectional anteennas has beeen
performinng satisfactorily for a requiired signal to interference ratio of 15 dBB. However due
d to the neeed
for increasing the nummber of availaable channels,, a 60o sectorring of the ceells has been introduced. B
what perceentage can thhe number of channels
c Ntotaal be increasedd assuming a path-loss com
mponent n=4??

Ex. 6: In a certain cellu

ular system, an
a average suubscriber placces two calls per
p hour duriing a busy hoour
and the avverage holdin ng time is 3 min.
m Each ceell has 100 chhannels. If thhe blocked caalls are cleareed,
how manyy subscribers can be servicced by each ceell at 2 % GoS S?

Ex. 4: In the previous example, supppose that thhe channels have

h been divvided into twoo groups of 50
channels each.
e Each suubscriber is assigned to a group and can be served only by thhat group. Hoow
many subsscribers can be
b served by the
t two groupp cell?

Ex. 1: Finnd the far fieldd distance forr a circular anntenna with maximum
m dim
mension of 1 m and operatinng
frequencyy of 900 MHz.

Ex. 2: A unit
u gain antennna with a maaximum dimeension of 1 m produces 50 W power at 900 9 MHz. Finnd
(i) the tran
nsmit power in
i dBm and dB,
d (ii) the reeceived powerr at a free spaace distance of
o 5 m and 1000

Ex 4: Calcculate the firsst Fresnel zonne obstructionn height maxim

mum for f = 8800 MHz.

Ex 5: Givven f=900 MH Hz, d1 = d2 = 1 km, h = 255m, where symbols have uusual meaningg. Compute thhe
n loss. Also fiind out in whiich Fresnel zoone the tip off the obstruction lies.

8: Knife-edge Diffraction Model

Figure 4.8 M Given,, Gd (dB) = 20 log(0.5 − 0.62v) − 1 < v <= 0 Gd(dB))
= 20 log(00.225/v) v > 2.24

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