Lesson Plan

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At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Fresh Air Will Kill You
b. Author: Arthur Buchwald
c. Reference: Language in Literature
Anglo-American Literature
Revised Edition
d. Materials: 1. Laptop
2. LCD
3. Projector
4 Speaker
5. Pictures
6. Visual Charts
7. Illustration Boards
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Routine
Emily kindly lead us in prayer
(Emily will in front of the class and
recite the Lord’s Prayer)
Let us put ourselves in the Holy
presence of the Lord…..Amen)
Good morning class.
God morning Miss Jhen, good morning

Before you take your seats kindly pick up

litters on the floor and arrange your chairs.
(Students will pick up pieces of litters
on the floor and will arrange
their seats right after)
Class secretary, do we have any absentees
Miss I am happy to tell everyone that no
one is absent for today.
Very Good! Since no one is absent today
kindly give yourselves a round of applause.
(Student will do what was told to them)
How about your uniform? Is everybody
wearing a complete uniform and ID?
Yes miss.
Very good.

B. Motivation
Do you want to have a game?
Yes miss.
Okay! But before we start I would like to
remind you that you should listen to my
instructions first before making any move.
Is that clear?
Yes miss.
Under your table there are pieces of paper.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

(Students might get curious and check

what is under their armchairs.)
Oops isn’t it I told you to listen to my
instructions first before executing any action?
So now your being divided into two groups.
Those who are in the right side will be group
#1 and those in the left side will be the group
#2. I will give each group one illustration board
that you will use in the activity.
Choose your group leader.
(Students will choose their leader)
In the illustration board given to you, you
have to put their the pieces of paper under
your table and do the puzzle. Noisy group will
be disqualified in the game. First group to finish
the puzzle must raise their illustration board and
all the members should clap their hands three times.
Winning group will have and additional points in
our quiz later.
At the count of true u may start 1..2..3.. go!
(Students will do the task)
Group #1 completed the task first.
Very good group #1 and all of you are very
good, give yourselves a round of applause.
Now let’s try to analyze the pictures. Can I have it
(The students will give the illustration
board with puzzle)
(The teacher will show it to the whole class)
We have picture #1 and #2. What have you noticed
between the two pictures?
Picture #1 shows a clean environment.
Very good. Another one?
It seems like there is no pollution in the
place which makes it beautiful
and wonderful.
How about picture #2, what have you noticed?
Picture #2 shows that the place is so
polluted. The factory is emitting
chemical gasses that are harmful
to the environment as well as the
health of the people.
Very good! Any other hands?
It is as if those people living in that
place couldn’t breathe fresh air
You as a person, Where do you want to stay in
picture #1 or picture #2?
In picture #1 because I am pretty sure
that I can breathe fresh air there
and the place is really wonderful.
Let us try to know how the persona in the essay
that we will discuss now chose between the two.

D. Presentation of the lesson

Our lesson for today is entitled “ Fresh Air Will Kill
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

E. Discussion

Before we proceed to the movie presentation

let us first discuss the background of the author.
Who is the author of the essay?
Arthur Buchwald
(The teacher will show the students the picture
of the Art Buchwald)
This is Art Buchwald. Do you have any idea who
is he?
(The teacher will entertain the answers of her
students and every time they answered correctly
she will pull out something in the picture of the
Art Buchwald.)
He was born on October 20,1925
Very good! Another?
He died last January 17,2007 in the age
of 82.
Okay another?
He specialized in political and social
Very good, another hands?
When you say satire it is actually a mode of writing
or a literary genre that exposes folly by the use of
humor or irony.
Pulitzer Prize Winner.
Pulitzer Prize is an American Prize given for the
distinction in the arts. It is associated with journalism
but is also awarded in the fields of music and literature
Another characteristic?
He was best known for his long-running
column that he wrote in The
Washington Post.
He was known to be the Wit-Of-
Yes very good! All your answers are correct.
Now let us continue, and we need to unlock the
unfamiliar words.
Are you familiar with the activity “Poke It”?
Okay class I have here an envelope-like it has 3
different holes that will correspond to your answers.
Possible answer can be A,B,C, you will
just choose the best answer and poke it using your
pen. When you got it correctly I can pull out the piece
of paper inside it and if not it is not possible for me
to pull the paper and you have to choose another answer.
Are you ready?
Yes miss!
Let us start. I will read the word and a sample
sentence, all you have to do is to give the definition
that match up to the word I gave you. Is that clear?
Item #1 the word is “peculiar” for example “The
peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bat.”
What is peculiar? Here are the choices: letter
A- adventurous
B- uncommon or unusual
C- dangerous
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

What is the answer?

Letter B uncommon or unusual. (The
student will poke his/her
Lets check if your answer is correct. (The teacher
will try to pull the paper)
Very good peculiar means uncommon or unusual.

Item #2 the word is “revive” for example “We revived

him with artificial respiration”
What does the word revive means?
A- to restore to life or consciousness
B- killed or murdered
C- destroyed

Letter A to restore to life or

consciousness. (The
student will poke his/her answer)
Lets check if your answer is correct. (The teacher
will try to pull the paper)
Very good revive means to restore to life or

Item #3 the word is smog for example “Smog makes my

eyes teary.
A- problems encountered in life
B- overwhelming feeling of happiness
C- smoke or other atmospheric pollutants combined
with fog.
What is the correct answer?
Letter C smoke or other atmospheric
pollutants combined with fog.
(The student will poke his/her
Lets check if your answer is correct. (The teacher
will try to pull the paper)
Very good!

Item#4 the word is “sneeze” for example “The smog

made me sneeze.”
A- to emit air or breath suddenly or forcibly
B- to sleep
C- to eat a lot of food
What is the answer?
Letter A to emit air or breathe suddenly.
(The student will poke his/her answer)
Lets check if your answer is correct. (The teacher
will try to pull the paper)
Very good the answer is letter A.
Do you have any question?
During Reading
So let’s move on to the movie I prepared for you.
Watch and listen to the movie presentation carefully
because we will discuss it later. Is that clear?
Yes miss Jhen.
(The teacher will play the movie presentation that
will only last for 10 minutes).
(Students will pay attention to the movie
presentation quietly)
(After the movie presentation the teacher will
discuss what was it all about.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Post Reading
Did you understand the presentation?
Yes miss Jhen.
According to what you have watched what is
said to be the big attraction of Los Angeles?
Smog is the big attraction of Los
Very good!
Who is the persona in the essay?
The author himself: Sir Art Buchwald.
During that time he was lecturing and his next
destination is what place?
Flagstaff Arizona miss.
When he Got out of the plane he smelled something
peculiar, according to the person he was talking to
during that incident what is that peculiar smell?
The peculiar smell is the fresh air of
Flagstaff Arizona.
Okay, why is it that his eyes aren’t watering knowing
that what he smelled is air?
Because fresh air doesn’t cause our eyes
to water.
What was the feeling of the persona in that place with
fresh air?
He felt uncomfortable.
What was the advice of the one talking to him for
him not to be bothered anymore?
He advised him to put a handkerchief
over his nose and to breathe
through his mouth.
When they were on the drive the man ask him again
how he feels and he said that fresh air made him
dizzy. He was looking for a diesel bus and they found
a truck driver what did they do?
He disbursed five-dollar bill and put his
head near the exhaust pipe for a
half hour.
After that, what did he feel?
He felt revived and he was able to give
his speech.
When he returned to Los Angeles what did he do?
He took one deep breath of the smog
filled-air and began to sneeze
and he felt like he was a new man again.
Is the situation the same in our community nowadays?
Yes miss.
How would you describe you surrounding now?
(Students will give their ideas
What are the possible causes of air pollution?
(Students will give their ideas.)
Population growth
Smoke belching
Burning of plastics and other materials
How about its effect? the effects of air pollution.
Negative impact on human health
Acid rain that damages properties
Pollutes water resources

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Smog reduces visibility so it might

cause accidents.
Harm forest, wildlife and agriculture.

What can you do to help avoid air pollution?

(Students will give their answers)
Conserve energy
Recycle paper, plastics, glass, bottles,etc
Plant trees
Do not smoke
Drive less by not using your own car or
by car pooling.
Stop backyard burning
Okay very good all your answers are correct.
Do you think the discussion about smog in the
essay is serious?
Yes. The topic is serious but he uses
humor to get the full attention of
the readers as well as letting the
readers enjoy what they read.
What does the writer probably hope to achieve
through his essay?
He wants us to realize that as a citizen
we must always be concerned in
protecting our environment
because time might come that
we cannot breathe any fresh air
much worst if oxygen will out in
the market.
Very good!

F. Enrichment

Okay class I have here a set of pictures showing

the story and it is properly arranged according to
its proper sequence. All you have to do is to retell
what story according to how you have understood
it using these pictures. Is that clear?
Yes miss.
(The teacher will show the picture and students
will volunteer to answer)
Mr. Art Buchwald went to Flagstaff
Arizona and smelled a peculiar
(The teacher will call the students one-by-one until
they finished retelling the story)

G. Generalization.

Air is shared among all living things and it is our duty to protect and to maintain its cleanliness.
Protecting it will help us enjoy our environment and live healthy. Air pollution has many disastrous
effects that need to be curbed, but as a citizen we can also contribute in protecting our air. We must
cherish the gift given to us by God. We are to take care of the things he had given to us. The essay of Sir
Art Buchwald is an evidence that there are people who are concerned to our damaged environment.
Through the help of his essay he can inspire and open the eyes of those people who can luckily read his
piece of work.

H. Evaluation

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