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#9 Zabarte Rd., Brgy.177, Camarin, Caloocan City

The Influences of Technology in Mental Health to the students of Senior High

School of Access Computer and Technical Colleges , Camarin Branch S.Y 2018-


Albanez , Nathaniel

Garamay , Jonathan

Macunat , Jhon Cedric

Mollejon , Develyn

Ortega , Mark Anthony

Ypon , Miles

#9 Zabarte Rd., Brgy.177, Camarin, Caloocan City


These days , it seems like we live our lives on the technology . We rely on Technology for quick
information, job searching , school related assignments and also for Entertainment when we
are bored. Technology makes our work more accessible.

The technology are great for getting school work easily finished , communicating with friends
and for staying connected with your family . It allows people to connect with other and
encourage communication. These social networks removed the need for physical interaction
thus reducing the burden of stress.

It is important though to make sure that all of the students are not reliant on the technological
devices. School is definitely a very stressful part of life, and the technology can work the ease all
of the stress .

Technology can improve our lives , Technology was one of the best way of communication to
reduce the stress and all the problems that you were facing . These days , the Technology are
the mean a wide variety of everyday activities , like social media , gaming , online videos and
lots more . The technology can also have some upsides in our mental health .We all know that
technology can have a positive effect in our lives because it makes things easier . Technology
helps us to enhance more better visual skills because it helps us to have a real boost in our
decision making . It also enhance the mental rotation abilities and improves ability to absorb all
the details and the cognitive flexibility and multitasking ability of a person .

Technology can extend our memories . The convenience of technology will make your brain
engage in advance processing . The technology can improves happiness when you were taking
picture or photos you were increasing your satisfaction and you can feel confident . Revising
those photos will promotes a feeling of happiness and gives a real boost to self esteem . The
technology is not really dangerous , but it is transforming human experiences and the
knowledge and skills in just a few clicks away.

Technology can be a powerful tool for transforming learning . It can help affirm and advance
relationship between educators and students reinvent our approaches to learning and
collaboration , shrink long standing equity and accessibility gaps and adopt learning experience
to meet the needs of all learners . The technology has made our lives more comfortable and

#9 Zabarte Rd., Brgy.177, Camarin, Caloocan City

But being overly connected can cause mental health issues such as distraction , narcissism , expectation
and depression . May people have been experiencing harassment and dis respected in online. Which can
lead to lower self esteem and build up insecurities. The wide spread of digital technology including
computers, internet , video games and smart phones can have a negative effects on the adaptation of
the human brain. Which can result in the changes of the mood , concentration , memory loss , behavior ,
anxiety and depression and also excessive smart phones , computers and all the gadgets can disrupt
your sleep . The bright light coming from your gadgets can block the melatonin secretion . But
technology also creating innovative ways to promote engagement and to develop well being of people
with mental health issues.

In this case the technology can very harmful in our mental health .

You should have boundaries in using technology. You should set a limits of using your gadgets
and you should cut off your phones and stop using technology in the night so that you can sleep
early and sleep peacefully and instead of wrapped up in comparison try to focused on the good
happenings in your life it will helps you to combat your feeling of low esteem and make
bonding with your friends so that you can stop using technology everyday.

#9 Zabarte Rd., Brgy.177, Camarin, Caloocan City


1).what are the effects of technology in mental health in terms of emotions ?

2).What are the causes of technology in mental health in terms of attitude ?

3).What are the dis advantage of technology in mental health ?

4).What are the positive aspects of technology in mental health?

5.)What are the impact of technology in mental health ?

Scope and Limitation

Scope- The scope of our study is about The Influence of Technology in Mental Health

Limitation-Our respondents are the Senior high of Access Computer and Technical Colleges
Camarin branch S.Y 2018-2019

Scope and limitation

The scope of our study is about the Influences of Technology in Mental Health and our
respondent are the Senior high of Access Computer and Technical Colleges , Camarin branch S.Y

#9 Zabarte Rd., Brgy.177, Camarin, Caloocan City

Back ground of the study

It appears that the popular health media has forgotten that widely available technologies can
improve peoples' lives-rather than just turn us into socially avoidant impulsive sexters. Granted,
many new technologies likely impact our mental and physical health negatively. For example,
research suggests that electromagnetic radiation is more likely to penetrate a child's brain than
an adult's, so you should probably take precautions. Yet there are numerous technologies that
help individuals improve their lives.

While most individuals immediately think of traditional talk therapy as the primary path toward
self-improvement, there is a long history of using technologies for the diagnosis and treatment
of psychological disorders. According to David Baker, Director of the Archives of the History of
American Psychology (, technologies within the mental health field
have been most notably used for testing and diagnosis.

One of the most interesting, and bizarre, was the Psycograph phrenology machine patented in
1905. Based on the theory that the shape of the skull could determine personality traits, the
Psycograph would analyze the shape of your skull and provide a printout detailing the
characteristics of your personality. Baker highlights that instruments such as the Psycograph
were quite technologically advanced but ultimately based on flawed science

. Newer technologies, such as electromagnetic brain stimulation of the vagus nerve for
severe depression are promising and have their roots in technologies like electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT), which was developed in the 1930s.

It's interesting that the medical devices used by mental health professionals, such as
electromagnetic brain stimulation, are not the ones that will make the greatest impact on our
wellbeing. It is the everyday inventions that offer the greatest benefit. Take the good old
fashion landline telephone, it allows individuals in rural areas to connect with mental health
counselors thousands of miles away. Internet based screening tools and interventions allow for
millions of people around the world to be screened for mental health problems and begin the
process of change from their own homes. Text messaging can remind us of our behavior
change goals when we need it most (e.g. put down the cake).

And the explosion of smart phones with high speed broadband will allow us to instantly access
hundreds of peers in targeted social networks while standing on a crowded bus. These

#9 Zabarte Rd., Brgy.177, Camarin, Caloocan City

technologies help us to connect on a level never seen in history; and for individuals less likely to
seek professional help, they provide a confidential self-paced avenue towards change.

New technological innovations designed to improve mental health are both exciting and
frightening. Technologies are short-cuts that amplify everyday experience. Consequently, they
can be significantly more beneficial, or harmful, than traditional self-improvement methods.
The goal of this blog is to discuss how specialized and everyday technologies can improve our
lives, as well as highlight the weaknesses and pitfalls of using technology to assist in behavior
change. Widely available technologies such as web-based assessment tools and interventions,
mobile phone applications, virtual reality applications, and consumer biofeedback and
monitoring devices will be emphasized. I look forward to this exciting and constantly changing
journey with you.

In a world where we can access just about anything on our electronic devices, it's no surprise
that we're attached.
But what happens when that attachment turns into an obsession or, worse, a true addiction?
Larry Rosen, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology at California State University, Dominguez
Hills, is an expert in the field of technology addiction, an area that's only gaining more attention
these days. For the past 30 years, he has studied the impact of technology on more than 50,000
children, teens and adults worldwide.
Perhaps the most eye-catching statistic he has come across is this: The average person checks
his or her phone about 60 times a day for a total of 220 minutes — nearly four hours.
Dr. Rosen explains that, in general, technology addiction is the same as any other type of
addiction; it becomes a serious problem when you need more of the addictive substance – in
this instance, it could be social media, surfing, apps, gaming or all of the above – in order to feel
the same happiness and satisfaction.
And, as with any addiction, time away from the activity or substance leads to depression,
anxiety or stress, otherwise known as the usual symptoms of withdrawal.

"Do you find that when you are not doing the addictive activity you are restless and keep
thinking about doing it?" Rosen asks. If so, this is a common sign of addiction.

To get in the habit of healthy technology use, he suggests creating a schedule and allotting a
certain amount of time for certain devices.
We asked Rosen about what technology addiction really means, the state of the research, and
how parents can help protect their kids from a problematic relationship with their devices.

#9 Zabarte Rd., Brgy.177, Camarin, Caloocan City

Conceptual framework


- They should create a sign of notice to reduce using technology

Future Researcher

- The future researcher absorbs the information and they can share it to others. Parents - Parents will
guide and discipline their children so that they can learn other things than using technology


-The school should create a rules and obligation so that the students will not exposed in using too much
technology Students- The students should know their limits in using technology.


- The teacher should teach their students and acknowledge their students to do something that will
help them to stop using technology and they should teach their students about what might be the
influences of technology to their mental health

#9 Zabarte Rd., Brgy.177, Camarin, Caloocan City

Definition of terms
Mental health

-Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we
think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make
choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence
through adulthood.


-Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that
negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also


-Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension, and
worrying. These disorders affect how we feel and behave and can cause physical symptoms


-extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration,
as characterizing a personality type

-a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else


-Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted
discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports,
health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes.


-uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence.

Low self esteem

#9 Zabarte Rd., Brgy.177, Camarin, Caloocan City

-Comparing, gossiping about others, putting others first, even excessive Facebooking are all
signs of low-self esteem. You may say you do these things to stay connected or because “I want
to”. The truth is when one is content with themselves, they have healthy self-esteem; external
validation is simply an additive, not a necessity to their lives. A person with healthy self-esteem
spends the bulk of their time doing things that promote positivity within themselves and exude
this in life


- freedom from physical disease or pain

Cognitive losses

-Cognitive impairment is when a person has trouble remembering, learning new things,
concentrating, or making decisions that affect their everyday life. Cognitive impairment ranges
from mild to severe.

Internet addiction

-Internet addiction is defined as any online-related, compulsive behavior which interferes with
normal living and causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones, and one's work
environment. Internet addiction has been called Internet dependency and
Internet compulsivity.


-sadness because one has no friends or company

#9 Zabarte Rd., Brgy.177, Camarin, Caloocan City


#9 Zabarte Rd., Brgy.177, Camarin, Caloocan City

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