Participants: Sample Size N WHAT

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The participants involved in this study were athletes with different sports and average
students with background in sports. Sample size n WHAT students from SS 104 (section) were
taken on convenient sampling method within the age group of WHAT of both genders for this
study. The participants were marked with a score of zero in the standing stork test if he or she
had any injuries.

Apparatus and Procedure

Body Mass Index was first used before conducting the non-fatiguing tests and classified
themselves if they belong to underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese. The tests were
demonstrated to all the participants and the best of the three trials were recorded for analysis.

To administer Ruler Drop Test, a 30-cm long ruler is needed. The participants sit in a
chair with their dominant side elbow flexed at 90° with mid-pronated forearm resting on the
armrest, with the fingers suspended off the edge. The participant was asked to catch the ruler
as quickly as possible, once the ruler was released from the examiner’s hand. The distance
between the top of their thumb and the bottom of the ruler will be taken as a measurement of
their reaction time.

To conduct the Stork Standing Balance Test, participants must stand comfortably on
both feet with hands on the hip and lift one leg and place the sole of the non-supporting foot
beside the knee of the supporting leg. The timer starts immediately after the participants raise
the heel of their foot. The participants stay in that position for as long as they can. Repeat the
steps using the other leg. The trial ends once the heel of the involved leg touches the floor, the
hands come off of the hips or the opposite foot is removed from the supporting leg.

For the Alternate Hand Wall Toss Test, tennis balls and timer are required. A mark is
place two meters from the wall. Participants must stand, facing a wall behind the retaining line
and hold a tennis ball, whether on the left hand first or right hand first. Participants’ knees
should be slightly bend with the feet shoulder width apart. At the starting signal, the ball should
be thrown from one hand in an underarm action against the wall and catch it using the other
hand. Same goes if it has been thrown using the other hand first. The ball is thrown repeatedly
for 30 seconds and the number of successful catches are recorded.

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