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Thematic Review Series: New Lipid and Lipoprotein Targets for the Treatment of

Cardiometabolic Diseases

AMP-activated protein kinase: an emerging drug

target to regulate imbalances in lipid and carbohydrate
metabolism to treat cardio-metabolic diseases
Rai Ajit K. Srivastava,1 Stephen L. Pinkosky, Sergey Filippov, Jeffrey C. Hanselman,
Clay T. Cramer, and Roger S. Newton1
Esperion Therapeutics Inc., Plymouth, MI 48170

Abstract The adenosine monophosphate-activated protein termed as metabolic syndrome (MetS) (1), characterized
kinase (AMPK) is a metabolic sensor of energy metabolism by a clustering of major risk factors for developing cardio-
at the cellular as well as whole-body level. It is activated by vascular disease. Obesity, representing derangement in
low energy status that triggers a switch from ATP-consuming energy balances, is tightly linked with the development of
anabolic pathways to ATP-producing catabolic pathways.
type-2 diabetes through its ability to engender insulin re-
AMPK is involved in a wide range of biological activities that
normalizes lipid, glucose, and energy imbalances. These sistance, leading to glucose intolerance and development
pathways are dysregulated in patients with metabolic syn- of type-2 diabetes and dyslipidemia. Thus, insulin resistance
drome (MetS), which represents a clustering of major cardio-
vascular risk factors including diabetes, lipid abnormalities,
and energy imbalances. Clearly, there is an unmet medical
need to find a molecule to treat alarming number of pa- Abbreviations: ACC, acetyl CoA carboxylase; ACE, angiotensin-
tients with MetS. AMPK, with multifaceted activities in vari- converting enzyme; AICAR, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside;
ous tissues, has emerged as an attractive drug target to AIS, autoinhibitory sequence; AMPK, 5′adenosine monophosphate-
manage lipid and glucose abnormalities and maintain en- activated protein kinase; ATGL, adipocyte-triglyceride lipase; CaMKK␤,
ergy homeostasis. A number of AMPK activators have been Ca2+ /calmodulin-dependent kinase ␤; CBS, cystathionone-␤-synthase;
CDC42, cell division control protein 42 homolog; ChREBP, carbohy-
tested in preclinical models, but many of them have yet to drate response element binding protein 1; CNS, central nervous sys-
reach to the clinic. This review focuses on the structure- tem; CPT1, carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1; CRTC2, CREB-regulated
function and role of AMPK in lipid, carbohydrate, and en- transcription coactivator-2; CTRP9, C1q/TNF-related protein 9;
ergy metabolism. The mode of action of AMPK activators, CXCR4, C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4; DDI, drug-drug interaction;
mechanism of anti-inflammatory activities, and preclinical DGAT2, diacylglycerol acyltransferase 2; DIO, diet-induced obese;
and clinical findings as well as future prospects of AMPK EGCG, epigallocathechin-3-gallate; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide syn-
thase; FOXO, forkhead box; GBD, glycogen-binding domain; GPAT,
as a drug target in treating cardio-metabolic disease are glycerol phosphate acyl transferase; GS, glycogen synthase; HDAC,
discussed.—Srivastava, R. A. K., S. L. Pinkosky, S. Filippov, J. class IIA histone deacetylases; HF, heart failure; HKII, hexokinase II;
C. Hanselman, C. T. Cramer, and R. S. Newton. AMP-acti- HMGR, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase; HNF-4␣, hepatic
vated protein kinase: an emerging drug target to regulate nuclear factor-4␣; hsCRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; HSL, hor-
imbalances in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism to treat mone-sensitive lipase; HUVEC, human umbilical vein endothelial cell;
cardio-metabolic diseases. J. Lipid Res. 2012. 53: 2490–2514. ICAM-1, intercellular adhesion molecule-1; IL, interleukin; LCFA, long
chain fatty acid; LKB1, liver kinase B1; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; MetS,
metabolic syndrome; MGAT, monoacylglycerol acyltransferase; MIF,
Supplementary key words atherosclerosis • cholesterol • diabetes • macrophage inhibitory factor; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamy-
drug therapy • dyslipidemias • fatty acid • inflammation • obesity • cin; NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; NF-kB, nuclear factor
hepatic steatosis kappa B; OCT1, Organic cation transporter 1; PEPCK, phospho-
enolpyruvate carboxylase; PGC1-␣, PPAR-␥ coactivator-1␣; SCD1, steroyl
CoA desaturase 1; SDF1␣, stromal cell-derived factor 1 ␣; SERCA, sar-
coplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase; SIRT1, sirtuin (silent
The pathophysiology of diabetes and obesity is a very mating type information regulation 2 homolog) 1; SREBP1, sterol reg-
complex process involving many pathways. Deregulation ulatory element binding protein 1; STRAD, ste20 related adapter;
TBC1D4, TBC1 domain family member 4; TGF-␤, transforming growth
of these pathways gives rise to metabolic abnormalities factor-␤; TNF-␣, tumor necrosis factor-␣; TORC1, target-of-rapamycin
complex-1; TSC2, tuberous sclerosis complex 2; UCP1, uncoupling
protein 1; UPR, unfolded protein response; VCAM-1, vascular cell ad-
hesion molecule-1; WAT, white adipose tissue.
Manuscript received 28 February 2012 and in revised form 11 July 2012. 1
To whom correspondence should be sent.
Published, JLR Papers in Press, July 13, 2012 e-mail: (R.A.K.S.);
DOI 10.1194/jlr.R025882 (R.S.N.)

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

2490 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 53, 2012 This article is available online at
is associated with a wide array of the pathophysiological within the AMPK subfamily of kinases. Studies performed
sequelae, including hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and using AIS deletion constructs show a greater than 10-fold
atherosclerosis (1, 2). Because the number of patients with increase in kinase activity as compared with constructs
MetS is growing at an alarming rate worldwide and 25% of containing the AIS (19, 20).
the developed world’s population have pathological con- The AMPK␤-subunits do not display catalytic activity,
ditions of MetS, there is global unmet medical need to but they appear to be critical for AMPK ␣␤␥ complex as-
find a molecule for monotherapy. Currently, patients with sembly and glycogen sensing in the cell (21–24). Domains
MetS are on 3–5 concomitant medications to treat condi- located near the C terminus of the ␤-subunit have been
tions of hyperglycemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and shown to interact with regions on the ␣- and ␥-subunits,
elevated levels of pro-inflammatory proteins. This require- which suggests that the ␤-subunit, in part, may function as
ment for concomitant treatment is associated with poor a scaffold to support AMPK heterotrimeric complex as-
compliance and risk of drug-drug interactions (DDI) (3), sembly. The ␤-subunits also contain glycogen-binding
leading to discontinuing therapy. domains (GBD) that mediate AMPK’s association with gly-
5′ adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase cogen, which could facilitate colocalization of AMPK with
(AMPK) is an enzyme that controls key players of meta- its substrate glycogen synthase (GS). This might allow the
bolic pathways, thus emerging as a major regulator of glu- cell to coordinate the control of glycogen synthesis with
cose and lipid metabolism through multiple beneficial glycogen levels and energy availability (21–24). Addition-
roles in the target tissues, liver, adipose, and muscle (4). ally, a potential role for ␤-subunit myristoylation has been
AMPK is a phylogenetically conserved serine/threonine suggested to be important for appropriate AMPK cell
kinase that mediates cellular energy homeostasis (5, 6) membrane localization and activation (25).
through the enzymatic activity stimulated by phosphoryla- The AMPK␥-subunits regulate enzyme activity through
tion of threonine-172 (7, 8). AMPK was discovered as an sensing relative intracellular ATP, ADP, and AMP concen-
enzyme whose activity catalyzes the phosphorylation and trations. This is accomplished through complex interactions
subsequent inhibition of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) of adenine nucleotide with four repeated cystathionone-␤-
and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG-CoA synthase (CBS) motifs occurring in pairs called Bateman
reductase, HMGR) (9, 10). These activities attributable to domains (6, 26, 27). It is now thought that the CBS motifs
AMPK together with regulation of insulin signaling make arrange in a manner that results in the formation of four
it an attractive target for the management of hepatic meta- adenine binding sites. Site 4 has a very high affinity for
bolic disorders and insulin resistance (11, 12). The hypo- AMP and does not readily exchange for ATP or ADP,
thalamic functions involved in the regulation of satiety whereas sites 1 and 3 bind AMP, ADP, and ATP competi-
may impact obesity and diabetes (13). AMPK activation is tively (28). Site 2 seems to be largely unoccupied, and its
associated with the stimulation of hepatic fatty acid oxida- role in regulating AMPK activity has not been fully eluci-
tion; inhibition of cholesterol synthesis, lipogenesis, and dated (29, 30). Initially, AMPK activation was thought to
triglyceride synthesis (14); inhibition of adipocyte lipolysis be mediated solely by AMP binding; however, recent work
and lipogenesis (15); stimulation of skeletal muscle fatty has shown that both AMP and ADP binding result in con-
acid oxidation and muscle glucose uptake (16); and mod- formational changes which activate AMPK in two ways: i)
ulation of insulin secretion by pancreatic ␤-cells (17). All promoting Thr-172 phosphorylation by upstream kinases,
these attributes of AMPK show promise and offer opportu- and ii) antagonizing its dephosphorylation by protein
nity to develop a selective AMPK activator to treat lipid phosphatase(s) (31, 32). Conversely, only AMP has been
and glucose abnormalities. This review highlights the mul- shown to directly increase phosphorylated AMPK (Thr-
tifaceted actions of AMPK and its role in the liver and 172) activity through an allosteric mechanism. Kinetic en-
other tissues, with special emphasis on lipid metabolism, zyme assays have shown that allosteric activation by AMP
inflammation, and mode of action. results in a greater than 10-fold increase in activity, while
the activation resulting from Thr-172 phosphorylation of
AMPK STRUCTURE AND REGULATION the ␣-subunit is greater than 100-fold. In combination,
these two activation mechanisms yield a greater than 1000-
Mammalian AMPK exists as a heterotrimeric complex fold increase in activity (33). In cells, intracellular adenine
consisting of three subunits that occur as multiple iso- nucleotide ratios are very tightly regulated, and AMPK ac-
forms. The catalytic ␣-subunits (␣1/␣2) and the regula- tivation appears to be sensitive to small changes in these
tory ␤- (␤1/␤2) and ␥-subunits (␥1/␥2/␥3) are encoded ratios. Although many ATP consuming processes produce
by seven different genes. The catalytic ␣ subunit contains ADP, adenylate kinase maintains AMP and ADP concen-
a highly conserved Ser/Thr kinase domain near the N- trations close to equilibrium in most cell types. Therefore,
terminus in the activation loop (18). Phosphorylation of an increase in the ADP:ATP ratio is associated with a con-
Thr-172 within this loop is critical for enzyme activity (18). comitant increase in AMP concentration, and the intracel-
In addition to regulation through phosphorylation, AMPK␣- lular AMP:ATP ratio also increases. Given that both AMP
subunit activity has been shown to be self-regulated by and ADP activate AMPK through increasing phosphoryla-
a region identified C-terminal to the kinase domain (19, 20). tion and that ADP concentrations usually significantly ex-
This autoinhibitory sequence (AIS) is similar to ubiquitin- ceed AMP concentrations (34–37), it is possible ADP
associated domains, which are highly conserved sequences may be the physiologically relevant adenine nucleotide

AMP kinase in cardiometabolic disease 2491

activator of AMPK through its ability to maintain AMPK in phosphorylating and reducing DNA binding of the glu-
its phosphorylated state (38–40). cose-sensitive ChREBP (59), resulting in effects on hepatic
lipogenic gene targets, which significantly overlap with ef-
AMPK phosphorylation/activation fects observed on SREBP1 (Fig. 1).
Multiple AMPK kinases have been shown to mediate AMPK regulates carbohydrate metabolism by increasing
AMPK␣ Thr-172 phosphorylation in vitro; however, only GLUT 4-dependent glucose uptake through i) phospho-
two have proven to be physiologically relevant in vivo. The rylation of the Rab-GTPase-activating proteins AS160/
major AMPK kinase is the ubiquitously expressed tumor TBC1D1 (60) and ii) increasing the glycolysis-stimulator
suppressor liver kinase B1 (LKB1) (41, 42). Although fructose-2,6-bisphosphate concentrations through phos-
LKB1 activity is not dependent on phosphorylation of its phorylation of specific 6-phosphofructose-2-kinase iso-
activation loop, significant activity requires binding of the forms (61). Additionally, AMPK inhibits glycogen synthase
scaffold protein MO25 (43) and stabilization by Ste20- via phosphorylation (62). AMPK activation in the liver also
related adaptor (STRAD) protein binding (44). Together, results in the downregulation of the gluconeogenic genes
these three proteins form a constitutively active trimeric glucose-6-phosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxyki-
LKB1-STRAD-MO25 complex that has been shown to me- nase (PEPCK) through multiple mechanisms, including
diate AMPK Thr-172 phosphorylation in multiple mam- phosphorylation of CREB-regulated transcription coacti-
malian systems. Quick to follow the discovery of LKB1 as vator-2 (CRTC2) (63) and class IIA histone deacetylases
an AMPK kinase was the identification of Ca2+/calmodu- (HDAC-4, 5, and 7), which results in decreases in HDAC3
lin-dependent kinase ␤ (CaMKK␤), which phosphorylates nuclear recruitment and FOXO activation (64).
Thr-172 in response to increased cytosolic Ca2+ concentra- Independent of effects on lipid and carbohydrate me-
tions independent of changes in adenine nucleotides tabolism, AMPK also coordinates energy homeostasis by
(45–48). It is thought that this mechanism may couple increasing cellular catabolic capacity through enhancing
ATP-requiring processes, which often signal through in- mitochondrial function and serving as a metabolic check-
creases in cytosolic Ca2+, with AMPK-mediated restoration point for cell growth. Mitochondrial function is enhanced
of energy charge before a significant decrease in ATP lev- through upregulation of the transcriptional coactivator
els occur (49). The physiological significance of another PPAR-␥ coactivator-1␣ (PGC-1␣) (65), which promotes
AMPK kinase, TAK1, remains to be established (50). the expression of nuclear-encoded genes and mitochon-
drial biogenesis. It has recently been shown that AMPK
DOWNSTREAM METABOLIC TARGETS OF AMPK also promotes mitophagy, a process that recycles dam-
aged or surplus mitochondria (see Ref. 66 for review). AMPK
AMPK maintains energy homeostasis by activating cata- serves as a metabolic checkpoint inhibiting energy-
bolic pathways (ATP producing) and inhibiting anabolic demanding cellular functions, such as cell growth, migra-
pathways (ATP consuming). Downstream effects of AMPK tion, and immune response, when energy availability is
activation can be tissue-dependent and impact, directly or limited. This has been shown to be mediated either by in-
indirectly, a broad range of cellular processes, including hibition of the protein synthesis activator target-of-rapamy-
lipid and glucose metabolism, energy expenditure, im- cin complex-1 (TORC1) through the direct phosphorylation
mune response, and cell growth and polarity. of its Raptor subunit (67) and its regulator tumor suppres-
Key lipid metabolic enzymes in the liver that are sub- sor tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2) (68) or by indi-
strates for AMPK include ACC1 (51), and HMGR (52), rect inhibition of NF-␬B signaling.
which are the rate-limiting enzymes of fatty acid and sterol
synthesis, respectively. Glycerol phosphate acyl transferase
(GPAT), a key enzyme in triglyceride and phospholipid ROLE OF AMPK IN HEPATIC LIPID AND GLUCOSE
synthesis, has also been shown to be susceptible to AMPK- METABOLISM
mediated inhibitory phosphorylation (53). Additionally,
AMPK activation in the liver was shown to directly increase Hepatic lipid and glucose dysregulation in metabolic
fatty acid uptake through promoting FAT/CD36 translo- syndrome
cation to the plasma membrane (30) and to enhance fatty Liver is a key organ involved in the lipid and glucose
acid oxidation through the inhibitory phosphorylation of metabolism. It is the major site for storage and release of
ACC2, the enzyme responsible for producing the CPT1 carbohydrates as well as for the synthesis of fatty acid; thus
inhibitor malonyl-CoA (54). In adipose tissue, AMPK phos- playing a key role in the control of whole-body energy me-
phorylates lipases including hormone-sensitive lipase tabolism (11). During over- and under-nutritional states,
(HSL) (55) and adipocyte-triglyceride lipase (ATGL) (56). AMPK coordinates activity of enzymes in lipid and glucose
AMPK also coordinates long-term adaptation of lipid me- metabolism (69), and it regulates the partitioning of fatty
tabolism by downregulating mRNA levels of the transcrip- acids between oxidative and biosynthetic pathways. Derange-
tional factor sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 ment in lipid and glucose metabolism in the liver, charac-
(SREBP1) (29, 57) and protein levels of hepatic nuclear terized by enhanced production and impaired catabolism,
factor-4␣ (HNF-4␣) (58), which reduces lipogenic genes contributes to insulin resistance and dyslipidemia/hyperlipi-
including PK, ACC1, and FAS. AMPK also regulates at demia, leading to diabetes and liver disease (70) and
the intersection of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism by setting the stage of MetS (71) and associated cardiovascular

2492 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 53, 2012

Fig. 1. Current model for AMPK activation. Constitutively active LKB1-STRAD-MO25 complex continu-
ously phosphorylates AMPK, which in the absence of low energy signals is rapidly dephosphorylated by
protein phosphatases. In times of energy stress, when the rate of ATP consumption exceeds the rate of pro-
duction, the ADP:ATP ratio increases. Through the action of adenylate kinase, increases in ADP concentra-
tions are associated with concomitant increases in AMP concentrations, and the intracellular AMP:ATP ratio
also increases. This energy stress favors binding of ADP/AMP over ATP to the ␥-subunit, leading to a confor-
mational change that increases LKB1-STRAD-MO25-dependent phosphorylation and decreases susceptibility
to protein phosphatase-dependent dephosphorylation. The combined effect of increased AMPK␣ phospho-
rylation and AMP allosteric activation can yield > 1,000-fold increase in activity. Activated AMPK then medi-
ates its control on metabolism by phosphorylation of many downstream targets, resulting in restored energy

complications (2). The pathophysiological conditions genes, both at the enzyme phosphorylation level as well as
leading to the abnormal metabolic pathways and eventu- transcriptional level (51, 52, 57, 58). For instance, phos-
ally diabetes and obesity are often caused by the hepatic phorylation of ChREBP by AMPK mediates inhibition of
elevation of the enzymes synthesizing lipid and glucose glucose-induced gene transcription (59). Over-function of
(72). Hyperlipidemia in MetS appears to occur as a result SREBP1, a lipogenic transcription factor, is associated with
of overproduction of VLDL and glucose by the liver the increased prevalence of dyslipidemia in type-2 diabe-
through lipogenic and gluconeogenic pathways (2, 73). tes (77). A key contributing factor in type-2 diabetes is
The role of liver in insulin resistance and lipoprotein the failure of insulin to suppress gluconeogenesis and he-
overproduction has been demonstrated in animal disease patic glucose production. AMPK prevents overproduction
models of excess energy intake (74, 75) and in genetic ani- through downregulation of the SREBP1 and inhibition of
mal models of diabetes, obesity, and hyperlipidemia (76), lipogenic and gluconeogenic enzymes as evidenced by
in which the production of lipids and glucose by liver is the liver-specific AMPK␣2 knockout mice that develop hy-
elevated and clearance is impaired (2, 4). Therefore, liver perglycemia and glucose intolerance as a result of in-
not only plays an important role in dyslipidemia but also creased hepatic glucose production (78). Conversely, the
in the development of insulin resistance (11) through im- stimulation of AMPK in wild-type mice dramatically re-
balances in energy status. AMPK plays an important role in duces hepatic glucose output (79).
balancing this liver-centric dysregulation by functioning as Results from animal models confirm the physiological
an energy sensor and augmenting fatty acid oxidation and importance of hepatic AMPK for whole-body glucose ho-
inhibiting the biosynthesis of cholesterol, triglycerides, meostasis. For instance, systemic infusion of an AMPK activa-
and glucose. tor, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside (AICAR),
in normal and insulin-resistant obese rats decreased he-
Hepatic AMPK in glucose metabolism patic glucose production (80), further corroborated by blood
While AMPK-mediated effects are observed in multiple glucose lowering in mouse models of diabetes following
tissues, liver appears to be the major organ responsible for liver-specific short-term activation of AMPK using adeno-
lipids and glucose production. AMPK-mediated balancing virus-mediated expression of a constitutively active form
of lipid and glucose production in the liver is a key step in of AMPK␣2 (79). Additionally, liver-specific deletion of
maintaining hepatic metabolism. This function of AMPK AMPK␣2 caused mild hyperglycemia and glucose intoler-
in the liver is brought about by modulating a number of ance as a result of enhanced gluconeogensis (78). These

AMP kinase in cardiometabolic disease 2493

results demonstrate that hepatic AMPK␣2 is essential to in-
hibit gluconeogenesis and maintain blood glucose levels
in the physiological range. AMPK appears to be acting
through LKB1, because lack of hepatic LKB1 abolished
AMPK activity and resulted in increased levels of blood
glucose (81, 82). Furthermore, treatment with metformin,
an AMPK activator, failed to reduce blood glucose in mice
lacking LKB1, again suggesting the key role of LKB1 in the
hepatic AMPK activation (81). Additionally, liver-specific
deletion of AMPK ␣ subunits (␣1 and ␣2) in mice showed
lack of efficacy following AICAR treatment, indicating cru-
cial role of hepatic AMPK in the AICAR-mediated control
of blood glucose levels (83). The suppression of gluconeo-
genesis by AMPK results from the inhibition of the tran-
scription of PEPCK, the key regulatory gluconeogenic
enzyme (84). In addition, AMPK attenuates the synthesis
of glycogen in hepatocytes by deactivation of glycogen syn-
thase (85). Thus, AMPK downregulates expression of en- Fig. 2. Hepatic regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
zymes that are centrally involved in fatty acid synthesis and Nutritional, hormonal, and pharmacological stimuli modulate
gluconeogenesis by inhibiting the transcription factors AMPK activation, resulting in inhibition of FA and cholesterol syn-
SREBP-1c (57), ChREBP (59), and HNF-4␣ (58), and by thesis and stimulation of FA oxidation. ACC inhibition lowers mal-
attenuating the activity of transcriptional coactivators (65, onyl CoA, which in turn inhibits lipid synthesis and activates CPT1.
67), which inhibits the transcription of gluconeogenic en- Hepatic activation of AMPK also reduces glucose output. Both ACC
and SCD1 are key enzymes in controlling liver lipids.
zymes. Thus, in the liver, AMPK normalizes glucose me-
tabolism in disease states.
eating 20–30% more food than the WT mice (88). The
Hepatic AMPK in lipid metabolism liver triglycerides were also reduced substantially in these
Lipid overproduction in the MetS is caused by elevated mice. Further evidence of AMPK-mediated triglyceride
activity of enzymes of fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis, lowering was obtained by infusion of AICAR in lean and
and these enzymes are controlled by AMPK (9, 10, 86). obese rodents (80). These results are consistent with ex
Leptin-deficient ob/ob mice provide an animal model of vivo findings demonstrating the AICAR-induced inhibi-
type-2 diabetes, exhibiting hyperglycemia, hyperinsuline- tion of mitochondrial GPAT activity and subsequent inhi-
mia, and obesity as a result of a high level of hepatic lipo- bition of triacylglycerol synthesis (89). Further evidences
genesis linked with increased expression of lipogenic and supporting the role of AMPK in triglycerides lowering
glycolytic genes (76). Overexpression of constitutively ac- came from two separate studies: i) overexpression of AMPK␣2
tive (CA)-AMPK␣2 in the liver of ob/ob mice normalizes in the liver decreased plasma triglyceride and increased
the expression pattern of these genes. Importantly, plasma ketone bodies, a surrogate marker for hepatic
AMPK activation reduces expression of SREBP1c (57) and ␤-oxidation (79); and ii) liver-specific AMPK␣2 deletion
ChREBP (59) transcription factors, which play a key role increased plasma triglyceride levels and reduced plasma
in the transcriptional regulation of lipogenic and glyco- ketone bodies (78). These observations further emphasize
lytic genes, respectively. The role of ChREBP in hepatic the critical role for AMPK␣2 subunit in balancing between
lipogenesis was confirmed by improved hepatic steatosis hepatic lipogenesis and ␤-oxidation. Thus, diminished
and insulin resistance in ob/ob mice with liver-specific in- AMPK activity may be an important contributing factor in
hibition of ChREBP (87) and activation of AMPK. This was the reduced mitochondrial function and deregulated in-
further corroborated by the liver-specific AMPK␣2 dele- tracellular lipid metabolism associated with hepatic insu-
tion in mice showing enhanced hepatic lipogenesis and lin resistance.
increased plasma triglyceride levels and hepatic glucose Another player in the AMPK activation pathway is SIRT1.
production (78). Conversely, overexpression of AMPK␣2 In human hepatoma cells, AMPK activation through SIRT1
in hepatocytes decreases plasma triglyceride levels (79). decreased glucose induced FAS and triglyceride accu-
Phosphorylation of ACC1 at Ser-79 and ACC2 at Ser-218 mulation (90). Overexpression of SIRT1 increased, while
by AMPK leads to inhibition of ACC activity and decreased shRNA silencing of SIRT1 dramatically decreased LKB1,
malonyl-CoA content, leading to reduced fatty acid biosyn- AMPK, and ACC phosphorylation, and glucose stimulated
thesis and increased CPT1, the rate-limiting step in the triglyceride accumulation (91), suggesting an important
import and oxidation of fatty acids in mitochondria (54). role of AMPK-SIRT1 axis in hepatic lipid metabolism. De-
Thus, a reduction in malonyl-CoA concentration and a creased phosphorylation of SIRT1 and LKB1 in mice fed
subsequent increase in ␤-oxidation results in decreased high-fat diet, and subsequent phosphorylation of AMPK
triglyceride synthesis (Fig. 2). ACC2 knockout mice show and ACC further support this concept. This study suggests
increased fatty acid oxidation in muscle, heart, and liver, a regulatory role for SIRT1 in high-fat diet-induced reg-
and they are lean and have reduced fat content despite ulation of AMPK-dependent effects (92). Furthermore,

2494 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 53, 2012

liver-specific SIRT1 knockout mice developed hepatic ste- ing in decreased levels of malonyl-CoA and activation of
atosis, possibly through AMPK-mediated pathway (93). CPT1, leading to increased palmitate oxidation. Leptin-
Similarly, liver-specific deletion of LKB1 in mice dramati- deficient ob/ob mice with SCD1 mutations were signifi-
cally reduced the phosphorylation of AMPK, leading to cantly less obese than ob/ob controls and had reduced
decreased glucose clearance, increased TORC2, and in- triglyceride storage in liver (101). SCD1 is therefore a
creased expression of gluconeogenic enzymes PEPCK and component of the novel metabolic response to hepatic
G6Pase, suggesting the importance of AMPK-LKB1-SIRT1 lipid accumulation. These results suggest that the inhi-
axis in regulating hepatic lipid metabolism (94). Addition- bition of SCD1 leads to the activation of AMPK and
ally, expression of lipogenic genes, such as Fas, Acc, Srebp1c, downstream effects. Thus, SCD1 deficiency appears
and ChREBP, were elevated in liver-specific LKB1-deficient to be involved in AMPK activation and hepatic lipid
mice. Taken together, these data support the role of metabolism.
SIRT1, LKB1, and AMPK in suppressing gluconeogenic More importantly, the antidiabetic drug metformin acti-
and lipogenic pathways in the acute regulation of energy vates AMPK and markedly reduces hepatic lipid content in
balance in the liver. ob/ob mice (102). The metabolic improvements of adi-
ponectin are linked to the activation of AMPK, resulting in
AMPK and hepatic steatosis decreased liver lipids (103). AMPK activators AICAR and
Obesity is a risk factor for developing chronic nonalco- thienopyridine reduce hepatic fat content in rodents
holic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is caused by the through AMPK activation (104). Another protein, fetuin
overexpression of the lipogenic genes srebp1c, acc1, and A, produced exclusively from the liver has been suggested
diacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 (dgat2) (75). Transgenic to regulate fat-derived hormone adiponectin. Fetuin A in-
mice overexpressing srebp1 show massive fatty liver and in- hibits insulin receptor kinase and induces insulin resis-
creased accumulation of cholesteryl ester and triglycerides tance (105), and fetuin A-deficient mice show improved
(95). AMPK activation reduces the lipogenic enzymes and insulin resistance (106). Conversely, wild-type mice treated
transcription factors, including SREBP1, and increases mi- with fetuin A develop insulin resistance, consistent with
tochondrial oxidation of fatty acids in the liver. AMPK ac- association of fetuin A and insulin resistance in humans
tivator S17834, a synthetic polyphenol, regulates SREBP1 (107). This effect of fetuin A is thought to be linked to adi-
at the posttranscriptional level by phosphorylating SREBP1c ponectin, as individuals with NAFLD have lower adi-
at Ser-372, leading to inhibition of SREBP activity and at- ponectin (108). These studies suggest a cross-talk between
tenuating hepatic steatosis and atherosclerosis in diet- adipose tissue and liver involving AMPK, fetuin A, and adi-
induced insulin-resistance mice (96). AMPK is also involved ponectin. In humans with nonalcoholic steatotic hepatitis,
in the mitochondrial biogenesis in the liver. For instance, metformin administration improved liver function tests
AMPK activator resveratrol increases mitochondrial num- and decreased liver size (109), suggesting a key role of
ber in liver in association with AMPK activation, and mouse AMPK in improving hepatic steatosis, consistent with its
liver lacking AMPK shows reduced mitochondrial biogen- mechanism of action. Thus, hepatic steatosis presents a
esis (97). Thus, AMPK-mediated improvement in mito- pathological condition of deregulated lipogenesis in the
chondrial function together with inhibition of hepatic liver in the insulin resistance and diabetic individuals,
fatty acid synthesis and increase in fatty acid oxidation leading to increased hepatic triglycerides. AMPK activa-
contributes to improvements in hepatic steatosis. tion improves hepatic steatosis directly by inhibition of li-
High sucrose-fed rats develop NAFLD concomitant with pogenesis and indirectly by lowering malonyl-CoA, leading
decreases in AMPK activity in the liver (98). Activation of to increased CPT1 and fatty acid oxidation.
AMPK in the liver leads to reduced lipid synthesis and in-
creased fatty acid oxidation (Fig. 2). Transgenic mice ex-
pressing constitutively active (CA)-AMPK-␣1 in the liver AMPK ROLE IN WHOLE-BODY ENERGY BALANCE
exhibited resistance to weight gain and accumulation of
liver lipids on high-fat diet (99). Similar to ACC2⫺/⫺ mice, AMPK in white adipose
steroyl CoA desaturase 1-deficient (SCD1⫺/⫺) mice on White adipose tissue (WAT) is a primary depot of lipid
high-fat diet shows reduced body weight, body fat mass, storage. In lean healthy subjects, this compartment main-
hepatic lipids, and increased oxygen consumption. These tains a reserve of energy substrate for utilization during
mice also showed increased expression of genes involved energy depleting states. However, excess nutrients by diets
in fatty acid oxidation and improved insulin sensitivity high in fat and carbohydrate can lead to excessive adipose
(100). This effect is thought to occur through increased storage of triglycerides, resulting in obesity. During ATP-
AMPK phosphorylation (52%) and activity (40%), leading consuming states with increased lipolysis, such as fasting,
to increased ACC phosphorylation (62%) and CPT1 activ- exercise, and hypoxia, AMPK is activated in WAT to gener-
ity (63%) (101). Absence of SCD1 in ob/ob mice amelio- ate substrate for ATP production (15, 110–112). AMPK
rated the severe obesity observed in the ob/ob mice (101), activation suppresses the lipogenic pathway in WAT. Ad-
suggesting the inhibition of ACC as one mechanism ac- ditionally, the downstream reduction of malonyl-CoA lev-
counting for increased fatty acid oxidation in the livers of els (a repressor of CPT1) leads to increases in CPT1 and
SCD1-deficient mice, as phosphorylation and activity of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1)-dependent fatty acid oxi-
AMPK and ACC increased in SCD1⫺/⫺ mice (100), result- dation (15, 113). Mitochondrial ␤-oxidation restores the

AMP kinase in cardiometabolic disease 2495

AMP:ATP ratio. Adipokines, leptin, and adiponectin, which decreased adipose stores. However, tissue-specific AMPK
are secreted by the adipose, promote positive feedback by activation in the hypothalamus may increase appetite and
activating AMPK, thereby enhancing oxidation of fatty ac- food consumption. AMPK is activated during fasting, yet
ids (114, 115). suppressed during refeeding (132). During fasting, AMPK-
In terms of ␤-adrenergic effects on AMPK and triglyceride mediated phosphorylation of ACC (inhibition) reduces
lipolysis, some studies in primary rat adipocytes and F442a malonyl-CoA levels in the hypothalamus and increases
adipocytes demonstrate inhibition of lipolysis with AMPK ac- food consumption (133). Subsequently, CPT1 activity is
tivators, such as AICAR (116–119), via inactivation of HSL stimulated resulting in increased mitochondrial fatty acid
(120). Yet other researchers have described phosphorylation oxidation (134). Fasting induces phosphorylation of ACC
of HSL by AMPK, leading to lipolysis and resulting in reduced and AMPK in rats, and it suppresses FAS mRNA expres-
plasma triglycerides and fatty acids (115, 121). Furthermore, sion in the ventromedial nuclei subsequently, yielding de-
AMPKa2⫺/⫺ mice fed a high-fat diet showed increased white creased malonyl-CoA in the hypothalamus (133). Expression
adipose tissue mass associated with increases in lipid content, of active AMPK in the hypothalamus of mice increases
supporting a role of AMPK facilitated lipolysis (113, 122). food consumption, while hypothalamus of AMPK domi-
The role of AMPK on lipolysis is complex and requires fur- nant negative mice results in a hypophagic phenotype
ther research to elucidate clinical relevance. (132). Treatment of mice with AMPK inhibitor, compound
AMPK is also involved in the phenotypic changes associ- C, decreases food consumption and body weight, and
ated with mitochondrial uncoupling. Mice with hyperacti- treatment with AICAR, an activator of AMPK increases
vated brown adipose thermogenesis (123) as well as mice feeding behavior (135, 136), suggesting a direct role of
having ectopic expression of UCP1 in white adipose (124, AMPK in feeding behavior.
125) have increased AMPK. These animals exhibit associ- The role of hypothalamic AMPK on control of feeding
ated decreases in lipogenesis and lipolysis and increases in behavior is promoted by the hormones leptin and ghrelin.
fatty acid oxidation and glycolysis, resulting in decreased Leptin, secreted by the WAT in response to feeding, has
body weight. Similarly, 3T3-L1 adipocytes overexpressing been shown to inhibit AMPK activity in the hypothalamus,
UCP1 have decreased triglyceride content, accompanied resulting in satiety of appetite (137). Other groups have
by decreased lipogenesis and increased glycolysis (126). demonstrated that centrally administered ghrelin can in-
In addition to the direct effects of AMPK in adipocytes, crease feeding behavior via AMPK activation, independent
adipose tissue mediates a critical role in whole-body en- of leptin (133). Ghrelin, secreted by the stomach, stimu-
ergy balance through secretion of adipokines leptin and lates signaling in neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons and the
adiponectin (127). Leptin, when administered to normal cannabinoid pathway via mechanisms involving AMPK ac-
rats via adenovirus transfer, results in whole-body fat loss tivation (138). Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administra-
associated with lipid depletion of adipocytes, as well as in- tion of ghrelin in rats increases phosphorylation of both
creased circulating nonesterified fatty acids and ketones AMPK and ACC causing increased food consumption, an
derived from increased fatty acid oxidation (114). effect prevented by coadministration with the AMPK in-
Mouse AMPK activity is localized to epididymal fat rather hibitor compound C (133). These findings suggest that
than subcutaneous fat (111). AMPK has lower expression the orexigenic activity of ghrelin may be mediated directly
and is less active in visceral fat than subcutaneous fat in mor- via AMPK activation. The net result of AMPK activation in
bidly obese humans (128, 129). WAT biopsies from obese the hypothalamus is increased appetite (49, 133, 139, 140).
insulin-resistant subjects and body-weight-matched obese Based on these findings, it is possible that AMPK activators
insulin-sensitive subjects revealed an association of lower capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier may increase
AMPK activity in WAT from insulin-resistant subjects (128). feeding behavior. Conversely, therapeutic AMPK activa-
Adiponectin expression and lipolysis rates are highly corre- tors with exposure limited to tissues such as liver, muscle,
lated to AMPK expression in subcutaneous fat (129). Sub- or adipose may yield beneficial reductions in peripheral
jects with low acylation-stimulating protein (ASP) and lipid stores without affecting food consumption. Thus, tissue-
triglycerides have associated increases in adipose AMPK, selective AMPK activators provide an attractive therapeutic
UCP1, and CPT1 as well as decreased ACC (130). Finally, a approach to reduce adipocity, body weight, circulating lip-
recent study involving type-2 diabetic subjects receiving oral ids, hepatic steatosis, or insulin resistance without affect-
doses of either metformin or sulfonylurea monotherapy ing appetite.
demonstrated enhanced AMPK and ACC phosphorylation
with metformin treatment (131). However, there was no as- AMPK in skeletal muscle
sociated improvement in BMI, blood pressure, circulating AMPK is activated by the increase in AMP:ATP ratio as-
lipids, or glucose outcomes compared with the sulfonylurea sociated with ATP consumption during exercise, muscle
group. Additional studies in larger populations of obese contraction, and hypoxia (123, 141, 142). During stress
type-2 diabetics are needed to fully understand the thera- conditions in which ATP levels are reduced, AMPK in-
peutic efficacy of AMPK activation in obesity. creases catabolic processes, such as glycolysis and fatty acid
oxidation, and represses anabolic processes, including gly-
AMPK in the hypothalamus cogen, protein, and lipid synthesis (141, 142). By the ACC/
AMPK phosphorylation in metabolically active tissues malonyl-CoA/CPT1 pathway, AMPK enhances fatty acid
such as adipose and muscle yields a lean phenotype with oxidation in muscle, depleting stored triacylglycerides and

2496 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 53, 2012

diacylglycerides contributing to insulin resistance (143). ROLE OF AMPK IN CARDIAC FUNCTION
AMPK restores the AMP:ATP ratio through ATP produc-
tion mediated by increased fatty acid uptake and lipid oxi- Although the expression of AMPK in the normal func-
dation (113, 141, 142, 144, 145). Leptin secreted from tioning heart is very low compared with skeletal muscle,
adipose contributes to increased lipid catabolism and en- the role of AMPK signaling in heart has been suggested in
ergy expenditure in resting muscle (146, 147). physiological (161) and pathological conditions like hy-
Similar to liver, AMPK also mediates changes in cellular pertrophy (162, 163) and ischemia (164). One of the pri-
glucose homeostasis in muscle cells. In response to muscle mary functions of AMPK activation is to induce glucose
contraction, AMPK activation phosphorylates and stimu- uptake, which has been observed in hypertrophied hearts
lates 14-3-3 binding to TBC1D1, as well as TBC1D4 (AS160), of animal models (165) and humans (166), suggesting a
thereby inhibiting this Rab-GTPase-activating protein re- functional role of AMPK in cardiac hypertrophy (162, 167)
pressor of GLUT4 translocation, and resulting in GLUT4 and ischemia (168, 169). Further evidence of AMPK in
translocation to the plasma membrane of myocytes to fa- cardiac function comes from AMPK mutation that leads to
cilitate glucose uptake (148, 149). myocardial metabolic storage disease with coexistence of
Acute effects of ATP depletion stimulate AMPK phos- hypertrophy and defects in conduction system (167).
phorylation; however, chronic responses include AMPK- Using a muscle-specific ␣2 kinase dead (KD) transgenic
derived expression including increased mitochondrial mouse model, Russell 3rd et al. (169) demonstrated that
hexokinase II (HKII) involved in glucose transport (150), AMPK in heart is involved in glucose uptake during low
PGC-1␣ involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, and CPT1 flow ischemia and reperfusion, thus playing a cardiopro-
involved in fatty acid oxidation via ␣1- and ␣2-AMPK sub- tective role by reducing ischemia and reperfusion associ-
units (151). Increased HKII expression is associated with ated damage. Indeed, infusion of an AMPK activator,
the translocation of GLUT4 in fast-twitch muscle fibers but AICAR, in ischemia-induced rats caused myocardial AMPK
not slow-twitch (152). Furthermore, AICAR stimulates glu- activation and GLUT-4 translocation (170). Thus, AMPK-
mediated glucose metabolism is suggested to have protec-
cose uptake in mouse muscle via AMPK ␥3 subunit ex-
tive effects in cardiac hypertrophy (171).
pressed strictly in glycolytic skeletal muscle (153). HKII also
The protective role of AMPK in failing heart has been
mediates glucose phosphorylation to glucose-6-phosphate,
extensively studied (reviewed in Ref. 172). While a vast
a process that is diminished in insulin resistant subjects as
amount of literature exists on the role of AMPK on heart
a result of impaired glucose tolerance (154). These find-
function, here we focus on two known and widely studied
ings suggest AMPK may play a role in the regulation of fuel
AMPK activators, AICAR and metformin, in relation to
balance from triacylglycerol and diacylglycerol stores (in-
cardiac function. Acute therapy of metformin imparts car-
creased fat oxidation) to glycogen stores, thereby increasing
dioprotection against myocardial infarction both in dia-
the glycolytic potential of skeletal muscle and potentially re- betic and nondiabetic mice, suggesting direct action of
ducing insulin resistance. AMPK activator on the ventricular muscle (173). Long-
During endurance exercise, AMPK mediates a transi- term activation of AMPK by AICAR in pressure overload-
tion from fast-twitch to the oxidative slow-twitch muscle induced cardiac hypertrophy rats showed attenuation of
fiber phenotype (145) by directly phosphorylating PGC- cardiac hypertrophy and improved cardiac function (163).
1␣ (113, 155). AICAR treatment of rats inactivates GS via To directly address the cardioprotective effect of AMPK,
AMPK phosphorylation (156). Because glycogen surplus Nagata et al. (174) produced a constitutively active mutant
results in reduced glucose uptake, the inhibition of GS of AMPK by replacing Thr-172 with Asp, and they demon-
should favorably increase glucose tolerance in muscle. strated that overexpression of this construct in HUVECs
The role of AMPK activity has been assessed in muscle of inhibited anoxia-induced apoptosis, suggesting AMPK’s
obese and type-2 diabetic human subjects in several con- role in protecting against ischemic cardiac injury. As the
texts. While one study reported that obese diabetics had an major effect of metformin is in glucose metabolism, it is
exercise time- and intensity- associated reduction in AMPK possible that the cardioprotective effect of metformin occurs
activity and AS160 phosphorylation, type-2 diabetics had primarily via enhanced glucose metabolism in the heart.
lower basal PGC-1␣ gene expression (157). Other research Glucose-independent long-term effect of metformin was
groups have reported no differences in AMPK activities or investigated in nondiabetic rat model of post-MI heart failure
fatty acid oxidation in a similar setting (158). Reduced (175). In this animal model, metformin showed attenuation
basal glycerol release, muscle biopsy HSL protein levels, of the development of heart failure after myocardial in-
HSL phosphorylation, and increased skeletal muscle tri- farction, suggesting glucose-independent effect of AMPK
glyceride have been observed in obese subjects (159). Fi- activator on cardiac function. Altered substrate metabo-
nally, a recent study explored the effect of short- and lism is associated with advanced heart failure (HF), and
long-term fasting on AMPK activity in healthy human sub- metformin is known to affect substrate metabolism leading
jects and reported elevated lipid and glycogen content in to improved outcome in diabetic HF. Kazdova et al. (176)
muscle and suppression of AS160 phosphorylation, with examined the effect of metformin on the improvement
no change in AMPK phosphorylation (160). Thus, the of cardiac function in nondiabetic volume-overload HF
mixed data in human subjects warrants a more careful, ap- rat model and observed normalization of NEFA and in-
propriately designed and adequately powered study. creased palmitate oxidation but no effect on mitochondrial

AMP kinase in cardiometabolic disease 2497

respiration, cardiac morphology, and mortality, suggest- while metformin affects hsCRP levels in much greater ex-
ing that the use of metformin is safe in diabetic HF. tent than insulin secretagoge glibenclamide (185, 187),
Obesity is associated with insulin resistance and glucose both metformin and PPAR-␥ agonist rosiglitazone, which
intolerance, which is linked to increased cardiac injury. A also promotes AMPK activity (29), were similarly effective
fat-derived plasma protein, C1q/TNF-related protein 9 in controlling inflammatory markers in addition to meta-
(CTRP9), has shown beneficial effect on glucose metabo- bolic parameters (186).
lism (177) and vascular function (178). Decreased levels The most common attributes of chronic inflammation
of CTRP9 have been observed in mouse model of isch- associated with obesity, type-2 diabetes, and atherosclero-
emia-reperfusion injury and in DIO mice (179). Delivery sis include i) phenotypic changes in circulating and resi-
of adenovirus expressing CTRP9 attenuated infarct size dent monocyte-macrophages; ii) leukocyte migration,
after ischemia reperfusion, and this effect was found to lipid accumulation, and foam cell formation in suben-
be mediated via AMPK signaling. In another study, activa- dothelial space of the diseased arteries; iii) activation of
tion of AMPK by metformin in mouse model of HF showed NF-kB signaling; iv) unfolded protein response (UPR); and
improvement in left ventricular function, attenuation of v) local and systemic oxidative stress (188, 189) (Fig. 3).
cardiac hypertrophy, and survival (180). These cardiopro- Polarization of resident macrophages toward pro-
tective effects were associated with phosphorylation of inflammatory M1 or mixed M1/M2 phenotypes is a hall-
AMPK and eNOS and increases in PGC1-␣. Furthermore, mark of low-grade inflammation associated with metabolic
metformin-mediated improvements in cardiac function disorders (188). Similar to other tissues, AMPK is also be-
were found to be dampened in AMPK-deficient mice, sug- lieved to act as a “master switch” of macrophage functional
gesting the important role of AMPK in reducing cardiac polarization, as it can be rapidly activated or inactivated
damage. In a canine pacing-induced HF model (181), upon exposure to anti-inflammatory (IL-10, TGF-␤) or
AMPK activators AICAR and metformin attenuated oxi- pro-inflammatory (LPS) stimuli, respectively (190). In mu-
dative stress-induced cardiomyocyte death and improved rine macrophages, constitutively active AMPK␣1 signifi-
cardiac function via AMPK-mediated mechanism, as the cantly lowered production of LPS-induced TNF-␣ and
beneficial effects of cardioprotection was blunted by IL-6, whereas IL-10 secretion remained substantially up-
Compound C, an inhibitor of AMPK (180, 181). Together, regulated coincidently with modulation of IkB-Β, Akt/
these findings suggest a cardioprotective role of AMPK GSK␤, mTOR, and CREB (190), known downstream me-
activators in established animal models of cardiac injury diators of AMPK signaling (191). Interestingly, AMPK/
and dysfunction. angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) axis also has been
recently shown to support macrophage M2 polarization.
Although controversial, this study demonstrates that un-
ROLE OF AMPK IN IMMUNE RESPONSE identified lipid mediators secreted by adipocytes from
ASSOCIATED WITH METABOLIC DISORDERS nonobese individuals stimulate AMPK phosphorylation
and ACE expression and promote macrophage pheno-
Anti-inflammatory effects of AMPK signaling have been typic transition toward anti-inflammatory state (192).
demonstrated in multiple in vivo models of inflammatory In the subendothelial space of the large and small arter-
diseases with AMPK activators AICAR and metformin. ies, differentiation of monocyte-derived macrophages into
AICAR-mediated activation of AMPK was shown to largely lipid-laden foam cells is considered to be a crucial event
reduce inflammation and minimize organ damage in for the development and progression of atherosclerotic lesion
models of acute lung injury, acute and chronic colitis, and (193). While uncontrolled uptake of modified LDL by
autoimmune encephalomyelitis (182–184). macrophage scavenger receptors is largely responsible for
In patients with type-2 diabetes or mild metabolic syn- this process, cholesterol efflux mediated by the ATP-bind-
drome, treatment with metformin reduces plasma levels of ing cassette transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 is recognized as
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) as well as levels a critical mechanism to balance tissue cholesterol homeo-
of IL-6, ICAM-1, MIF, and TNF-␣ (185, 186). Interestingly, stasis (194). AMPK activation attenuates oxLDL-induced

Fig. 3. Downstream anti-inflammatory effects of

AMPK signaling. Activation of AMPK reduces vascu-
lar inflammation via inhibiting NF-␬B signaling path-
way, leading to decreases in cytokine production,
lipid peroxidation, and leukocyte homing. On the
other hand, AMP activation improves vascular func-
tion by influencing eNOS and acting on the SIRT1-
PGC1␣-FoxO axis.

2498 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 53, 2012

lipid accumulation in murine macrophages by upregula- through restoration of vascular function via NO-depen-
tion of ABCG1 expression and promoting cholesterol ef- dent vasorelaxation and inhibition of leukocyte adhesion
flux from lipid-laden cells (195). Furthermore, infusion of (210, 211). Metformin and AICAR treatments result in
AICAR in vivo augments ABCG1 expression levels and increased superoxide dismutase mRNA expression and inhi-
markedly reduces atherosclerosis in ApoE mice (195). bition of hyperglycemia-induced intracellular and mito-
Migration of circulating monocytes into vascular intima, chondrial ROS production (212). AMPK upregulates UCP-2
followed by proliferation of monocyte/macrophage lin- expression in cultured EC and in aorta from diabetic mice,
eage within atherosclerotic lesion, represents a key feature resulting in decreased superoxide and 3-nitrotyrosine pro-
of human atheroma as well as plaque instability and rup- duction and increased NO bioactivity (213). Interestingly,
ture (193, 196, 197). Consistent with the ability of AMPK recent data suggest that antioxidant effect of rosiglitazone
to inhibit growth and proliferation of numerous mesen- is strictly dependent on its ability to activate AMPK and is
chymal cell types (198), AMPK activation also suppresses not mediated by PPAR-␥ (214).
oxLDL-induced macrophage proliferation by directly There is now evidence that in human neutrophils,
causing cell cycle arrest independent of p38 MAPK/Akt AMPK inhibits NADPH oxidase and suppresses superox-
signaling (199). Migration and homing of leukocytes into ide production, suggesting that activation of AMPK could
inflammatory sites is an energy consuming function that is be an important mechanism for regulating an immune re-
highly dependent on availability of energy substrates (200) sponse when energy supply is limited (215).
and, therefore, can potentially lead to a shortfall in energy Mechanistically, AMPK directly phosphorylates and con-
supply (201). AMPK activation in monocyte-like cell line trols activity of numerous key metabolic regulators and
rapidly reduced random cell migration as well as chemo- transcription factors predominantly involved in control of
taxis toward SDF1␣ gradient independent of CXCR4 re- glucose and lipid metabolism (12). Multiple studies dem-
ceptor binding (201) or subcellular localization of the onstrated that AMPK activation downregulates NF-kB
Rho GTPases, RhoA, and cdc42, emphasizing the role of system, a prime mechanism for low-grade chronic inflam-
AMPK in control of cell movement via change in energy mation associated with obesity, type-2 diabetes, and athero-
dynamics at the site of inflammation (201). sclerosis (188, 189, 193). However, inhibitory effects of
Energy deficiency, hypoxia, and a highly aggressive oxi- AMPK on NF-kB signaling are likely to be indirect and gov-
dative environment at the area of inflammation trigger erned by downstream mediators, such as SIRT1 and PGC1␣
significant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and unfolded (216). Exposure of macrophages to pro-inflammatory
protein response (UPR) in multiple resident cell types stimuli results in decreased sirtuin levels associated with in-
tangled with variety of human pathologies, including dia- creased activation of RelA/p65 subunit of NF-kB and
betes and obesity (202, 203). Circulating oxidized and gly- increased pro-inflammatory cytokine release (217). Consti-
cated LDLs (HOG-LDL) damage and induce apoptosis in tutively active AMPK␣1 mimics the effect of SIRT1 on
vascular endothelial cells (EC), further promoting pro- deacetylating NF-kB and, as a result, significantly inhibits
gression of atherosclerosis as well as other vascular complica- LPS- and free fatty acid (FFA)-induced TNF-␣ expression
tions of metabolic disorders (204, 205). HOG-LDL-mediated and restores macrophage anti-inflammatory phenotype
impairment of vascular endothelium has been linked to (218). Consistently, myeloid-specific deletion of SIRT1 gene
increased ER stress via oxidation and inhibition of sarco- results in increased accumulation of activated macrophages
plasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca ATPase (SERCA) in liver and adipose tissue of mice challenged with a high-
(206). AMPK␣2-deficient mice revealed higher expression fat diet and promotes development of systemic insulin re-
of ER stress markers, increased levels of intracellular Ca , sistance and metabolic imbalance (219).
and significantly reduced SERCA activity in aortic EC, The p65 subunit of NF-kB constitutively bound to PGC-
strongly supporting protective role for AMPK␣2 subunit in 1␣ and NF-kB activation increases physical interaction be-
maintaining SERCA function (207). Consistently, deletion tween p65 and PGC1␣, resulting in reduction in PGC1␣
⫺/⫺ ⫺/⫺
of AMPK␣2 subunit in ApoE or LDLR mice results expression and subsequent dysregulation of glucose oxi-
in escalation of vascular inflammation, oxidative stress, dation (220). Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of
and largely increased atherosclerotic burden due to im- the PGC1␣ gene in human aortic smooth muscle cells
paired endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation and SERCA (SMC) and EC alleviates intracellular and mitochondrial
activity (206, 207). ROS production and NF-kB activity, as well as MCP-1
Activation of the NADPH oxidase system is aligned with and VCAM-1 expression, supporting the possibility that
metabolic disorders and believed to function as a primary signaling molecules stimulating PGC-1␣ in the vascula-
mechanism of endothelial dysfunction and chronic vascu- ture, such as AMPK, will exert beneficial effects on vascu-
lar spasm (208). Reduced availability of nitric oxide (NO) lar inflammation and development of atherosclerosis
coupled with generation of multiple highly reactive oxi- (221). Thus, anti-inflammatory consequences of AMPK
dant species (ROS) modulates the activity of diverse intra- activation strongly support a rational to develop novel
cellular signaling molecules via “redox signaling” (209). pharmacological interventions designed to stimulate AMPK
Endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) is a direct AMPK target activity and potentially provide additional clinical benefits
(12) linked to immune response and vascular inflamma- for patients with metabolic disorders by reducing local
tion. Several studies implicate AMPK activation as an effec- and systemic inflammation linked to vascular complica-
tive pathway in improving a disturbed redox balance (12, 209) tions of the disease.

AMP kinase in cardiometabolic disease 2499

PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVATORS OF AMPK by ATP by virtue of its binding at the same sites (226, 227).
Activation of CaMKK-␤ by Ca2+/calmodulin provides an
The effects on glucose and lipid metabolism described alternate pathway by which AMPK can be activated via
in the previous sections suggest that AMPK activation may increased intracellular Ca2+ levels, independent of AMP.
be a potential mechanism in the effective treatment of A wide variety of stimuli and activators modulate AMPK ac-
type-2 diabetes and the MetS (222) and perhaps even obe- tivation through multiple mechanisms described above. As
sity. Numerous new compounds have been reported as a discussed below, some pharmacological activators of AMPK
result of searching novel AMPK activators by rational drug function through SIRT1- and PGC-1␣-mediated pathways
design, screening of chemical libraries, and testing of (Fig. 4). While AMPK activation in muscle leads to tran-
plant extracts. While a wide variety of agents activate scriptional activation of fatty acid ␤-oxidation via PGC-1␣
AMPK, in many cases, the mechanisms remain poorly un- (228), liver AMPK activation controls glucose and lipid ho-
derstood. Some agents directly interact with one or more meostasis primarily through downregulation of gluconeo-
of the AMPK protein subunits, while others influence genic genes, like PEPCK and G6Pase (57, 229), and lipogenic
AMPK activation indirectly through a number of players in genes, like ACC1, FAS, SCD1, and SREBP1 (10, 51, 52).
the metabolic and signaling pathways (Fig. 4). The indi- A variety of known pharmacological agents, either syn-
rect activators of AMPK include pharmacological agents, thetic or plant-derived and with different structural fea-
nutritional staging, hormones, natural bioactives, and tures, all lead to AMPK activation, albeit by different
long chain fatty acids. The direct activators are selective mechanisms (Fig. 4). The indirect AMPK activators are
small molecules. metformin and phenformin (57); phytohemicals derived
In the context of how indirect and direct AMPK activa- from traditional medicines, like berberine (230); fla-
tors induce AMPK activation, it is important to mention vonoids and polyphenols, like quercetin (231, 232) derived
here the two upstream kinases in mammals, the LKB1 from plants; and synthetic compounds, like thiazolidine-
(223) and the CaMKK-␤ (45–47), which phosphorylate the diones (233, 234). The indirect activators (Figs. 5–7) acti-
catalytic ␣ subunit, leading to the activation of AMPK. The vate AMPK by inhibiting complex 1 of the respiratory
AMP:ATP ratio change by pharmacological activators in- chain, whereas osmotic stress (116), and resveratrol (232,
duce either AMP-mediated allosteric activation and phos- 235) activate AMPK without any change in cellular nucle-
phorylation of AMPK or inhibition of dephosphorylation otides. Metformin effects have also been seen where no
of Thr-172 by protein phosphatases (33, 224, 225). Both changes in cellular nucleotides are detectable (234).
effects are caused by binding of AMP at two exchangeable Hawley et al. (236) carried out elegant research to iden-
sites on the ␥ subunits of AMPK complex and are inhibited tify mechanism of AMPK activators using cells expressing
␥-subunit variants. These researchers employed two differ-
ent types of cells, one that showed AMP sensitivity and ex-
pressed AMPK complexes (termed as WT) and the other
cell line that harbored a ␥2 variant that was insensitive to
AMP. The CBS domains bind ATP and AMP; the binding
of AMP and ATP to AMPK occurs in a mutually exclusive
manner. Binding of ATP keeps the activity of AMPK low,
and when AMP levels increase, the exchange of AMP for
ATP results in a several-fold increase in kinase activity. Using
these two cell lines, these authors tested indirect AMPK
activators like metformin, phenformin, troglitazone, quer-
cetin, resveratrol, and berberine, and direct activators like
AICAR, A-769662, and Ca2+ ionophore A23187, which in-
creases cytoplasmic Ca2+ and activates upstream kinase
CaMKK␤. In this study, while the majority of compounds
tested showed inhibition of mitochondrial ATP produc-
tion and thereby activation of AMPK indirectly, metformin
Fig. 4. As shown, many activators, such as resveratrol, berberine, appeared to activate AMPK by an additional mechanism
and TZDs, inhibit mitochondrial ATP production and thus activate involving LKB1 (237). Similarly, resveratrol and quercetin,
AMPK indirectly by increasing the cellular AMP:ATP ratio. Resvera- in addition to modulating the AMP:ATP ratio partly via in-
trol also acts via SIRT1-mediated mechanism to influence LKB1 hibition of ATP synthase, also showed activation of AMPK
and, eventually, phosphorylation of AMPK. The biguanide drugs
metformin and phenformin require the transporter OCT1 to enter through SIRT1 (232), although some researchers consider
cells but also work through modulation of AMP:ATP ratio. EGCG this effect as secondary to the activation of AMPK (144).
and ␣-lipoic acid activate AMPK via CaMKK␤. AICAR is taken up by
cells and converted to ZMP, an AMP mimetic that binds to the
AMPK␥ subunit. A-769662, a small molecule, mimics the effect of
AMP but binds to a different site, probably involving the ␤ subunit.
Activation of AMPK by PT1 occurs by relieving inhibition by the Indirect AMPK activators
auto-inhibitory domain on the ␣ subunit. Adipokines, leptin, and Metformin. Metformin, a derivative of guanidine (Fig. 5),
adiponectin activate AMPK by influencing ␣ subunit indirectly. is taken up by the cells via organic cation transporter 1

2500 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 53, 2012

Fig. 5. Synthetic direct and indirect activators of AMPK. These activators induce AMPK activation via a
number of pathways, including LKB1, SIRT1, AMP:ATP ratio, CaMKK␤, and ATP synthase.

(OCT1), which is highly expressed in the liver and facili- tion of complex I of the respiratory chain (82) and subse-
tates the selective uptake of metformin into hepatocytes quent alterations in cellular adenine nucleotide levels.
(238). In mice lacking OCT1, the effect of metformin on However, TZDs have also been shown to be high affinity
AMPK activation and gluconeogenesis is dampened, and ligands for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-␥
the hypoglycemic effect of the biguanide is abolished (239), (PPAR-␥) (244). Indeed, many pharmacological effects of
suggesting that metformin’s primary action is the inhibi- rosiglitazone have been attributed to its PPAR-␥ activating
tion of hepatic gluconeogenesis and to some extent glu- properties (245, 246). TZDs acutely activate AMPK by a
cose uptake in skeletal muscles (81). Among the mechanisms mechanism independent of PPAR-␥-regulated gene tran-
of action of metformin suggested, the direct inhibition of scription, which appears to be associated with change in
the respiratory chain complex 1 constitutes the more con- cellular energy state (82, 247). TZDs downregulate lipoly-
vincing molecular mechanism, leading to reduced cellular sis through the reduction of TNF-␣ and reduce fatty acids
ATP and increased AMP (82, 240, 241). The main antidia- in circulation by accelerated uptake by adipocytes (248).
betic effect of metformin is attributed to hepatic activation In addition to TNF-␣, these drugs also inhibit the release
of AMPK followed by the inhibition of gluconeogenesis. In of several adipokines from adipose cells, such as interleu-
contrast to skeletal muscle, the effect of metformin in the kin-6 and resistin, which induce muscle insulin resistance.
liver is mediated by LKB1, as the liver-specific knockout of Concomitantly, TZDs augment the secretion of the insu-
LKB1 in diabetic mice did not respond to metformin (242). lin-sensitizing factor adiponectin from adipose tissue in
Thus, the AMPK-mediated hypoglycemic effects of met- man and rodents (249). Adiponectin stimulates glucose
formin in mice appear to require the upstream kinase uptake and fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscles and in-
LKB1. Available experimental evidence suggests that met- hibits gluconeogenesis in the liver by activating AMPK
formin activates AMPK via modulating the AMP:ATP ratio (103, 250). Thus, TZDs might exert their therapeutic ben-
as well as LKB1 mediated pathway (242), although an efit by activating AMPK via two independent mechanisms.
AMPK-independent effect has also been suggested (243). In the skeletal muscle of diabetic patients treated with
In human subjects, metformin reduces blood glucose levels TZDs, an increase in PGC-1␣ was noticed over six months
mainly via inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis (239). (251). Importantly, TZD effects were observed in adipo-
cytes in which PPAR-␥ expression was blocked (233),
Thiazolidinediones. Thiazolidinediones (TZD) are an- which was further corroborated using a TZD derivative,
other class of antidiabetic drugs that have been shown to BLX-1002, that does not bind to PPAR-␥, but stimulates
stimulate AMPK activity. Members of this group, such as AMPK activity and induces insulin secretion in ␤-cells
rosiglitazone and pioglitazone, cause rapid increase in (252). PPAR-␥ sparing activity of another TZD, MSDC-
AMPK activity. Similar to the biguanides, the acute effects 0602, was recently shown to have attributes consistent with
of TZDs on AMPK activity is mediated indirectly via inhibi- AMPK activation (253).

AMP kinase in cardiometabolic disease 2501

Fig. 6. Plant-derived AMPK activators. One of the main features of plant-derived AMPK activators is the presence of multiple phenolic
groups that make them hydrophilic and easy to absorb in the gut. However, a plant-derived AMPK activator having decent pharmacokinetic
properties is yet to be identified.

Plant-derived AMPK activators polyphenols leads to LKB1-dependent AMPK activation

Polyphenols. A number of plant-derived agents, like by direct deacetylation of LKB1 by SIRT1 (260). EGCG-in-
genistein, quercetin, isoginkgetin, and epigallocatechin- duced increase in AMPK phosphorylation is mediated
3-gallate (EGCG), all contain isoflavone and isoflavone- by CaMKK-␤ activation (255). Furthermore, the SIRT1
like moieties in their structures, and have been shown to regulation of LKB1/AMPK signaling appears to be tissue-
activate AMPK (Fig. 6). These are polyphenolic substances specific as resveratrol-stimulated AMPK activation in neu-
found in a variety of plants. The lipid-lowering effects of rons was independent of SIRT1 (261).
the phytoestrogen genistein and its ability to decrease adi-
posity were found to be related to the activation of AMPK
(231). Plant-derived phytoestrogens and polyphenols acti-
vate AMPK in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and adipocytes and in
primary mouse hepatocytes (254).
The activation of AMPK by EGCG has been suggested to
be mediated via CaMKK-␤ (255). Green and black teas are
enriched with a variety of polyphenolic compounds, in-
cluding EGCG (256). The consumption of both green and
black teas lowers cholesterol in preclinical animal models
and also in man (224, 257, 258). Singh et al. (259) demon-
strated that cholesterol-lowering effect of green and black
tea extracts enriched in catechins and epigallocatechins
occurs through phosphorylation of AMPK, concomitant
with phosphorylation of HMG-CoA reductase, similar to
that seen in AICAR-treated cells. Polyphenols, such as res-
veratrol and EGCG, are shown to be potent activators for
AMPK in vitro and in vivo (235, 255). Some of the beneficial
metabolic actions of polyphenols are mediated by their
ability to activate SIRT1 (235), as resveratrol, a polypheno-
lic substance, activated SIRT1, leading to the modulation Fig. 7. Long-chain fatty acids and their analogs as AMPK
of LKB1/AMPK-signaling axis (91). SIRT1 activation by activators.

2502 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 53, 2012

Another group of AMPK activators derived from plants berberine may also result from the anti-inflammatory ac-
has been identified. For example, capsaicinoids, extracted tivities as suggested by Jeong et al. (271).
from hot peppers, are shown to induce fatty acid oxidation
and decrease body fat accumulation in diabetic mice. The ␣-Lipoic acid
synthetic structural ester isomer isodihydrocapsiate acti- ␣-Lipoic acid (Fig. 6) is a plant-derived antioxidant,
vates LKB1 both in vitro and in vivo (262). In L6 myotubes, which has been shown to decrease lipid accumulation in
these substances increased glucose uptake and reduced rat skeletal muscle and steatosis in the obese rat liver via
blood glucose in the myocytes of diabetic mice. Inhibition AMPK phosphorylation (272). The inhibition of lipogen-
of salidroside-induced AMPK activity by Compound C in esis by ␣-lipoic acid was suggested to occur by AMPK-de-
L6 myotubes suggests that this compound exerts its effects pendent and AMPK-independent pathways. In C2C12
by activating AMPK (263). myotubes, ␣-lipoic acid increased the AMPK activity by
Curcumin, a polyphenolic natural product of the plant Thr-172 phosphorylation of the AMPK␣2 subunit, which
Curcuma longa, was originally described as an anticancer resulted in the phosphorylation of ACC at Ser-218. Investi-
agent (264), but later it was also shown to have AMPK- gation of the effect of ␣-lipoic acid revealed that AMPK
activating properties in ovarian cancer cells (265). It pre- phosphorylation occurs through the CaMKK pathway as
vented cytokine-induced death in vitro and in vivo in the inhibition of CaMKK-␤ with the selective inhibitor
isolated mouse pancreatic islets in an AMPK-dependent STO-609 abolished ␣-lipoic acid-stimulated AMPK activa-
manner (266), and it reduced hepatic glucose produc- tion, with a concomitant reduction of ACC phosphoryla-
tion (267). tion. This was further corroborated by studies using a short
interfering-RNA against CaMKK-␤, which abolished ␣-
D-xylose and lipophilic D-xylose derivatives lipoic acid-induced AMPK activation. These data suggest
Winder et al. introduced AMPK as a target for develop- that CaMKK-␤ is possibly the target for ␣-lipoic acid-in-
ing novel drugs for the treatment of type-2 diabetes in 1999 duced AMPK activation in myotubes (273).
(222). Since then, numerous molecules that activate AMPK,
directly or indirectly, have been synthesized or extracted Long chain-fatty acids, PUFA, and fatty acid analogs
from plants. One such compound is D-xylose and its deriva- Activation of AMPK by long chain fatty acid (LCFA)
tives (268). These compounds activate AMPK phosphoryla- (274) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (69, 275) has
tion and glucose uptake by L6 myotubes at very high been shown in animal models. In skeletal muscles (276)
concentrations (10–20 mM). More potent derivatives of and L6 myotubes (277), fatty acids stimulate AMPK activa-
D-xylose, such as 2,4;3,5-dibenzylidene-D-xylose-diethyl- tion. These effects are short-lived and transient due to effi-
dithioacetal, 2,4-benzylidene-D-xylose-diethyl-dithioacetal, cient ␤-oxidation. Substituted ␣,␻-dicarboxylic acids of
and 2,4-benzylidene-D-xylose-3-O-methyl-diethyl-dithioac- 14-18C fatty acids (MEDICA analogs) (Fig. 7), which are
etal, were synthesized that showed significant stimulation not metabolized beyond their acyl-CoA thioesters, inhibit
of glucose uptake in myotubes at concentrations ranging lipid synthesis (278) and show hypolipidemic and antidia-
from 5 to 100 ␮M. This effect occurs via AMPK activation betogenic activities (279). In a more recent study (280),
through AMPK phosphorylation at Thr-172 and inhibited MEDICA analogs are shown to activate recombinant AMPK
by the AMPK inhibitor Compound C, suggesting involve- in a cell-free system, in cell lines such as HepG2 and 3T3-L1
ment of AMPK activation. Some of these compounds re- and in diabetic db/db mice. Activation of AMPK in the lat-
duced blood glucose levels in the genetically diabetic ter animal model normalized blood glucose and suppressed
KKAy mice (268) and show potential as antihyperglycemic hepatic glucose production. These effects were suggested
compounds. to occur via decreased energy charge in cultured cells as a
result of mitochondrial uncoupling by a long chain fatty
Berberine acyl analog (281) and by direct activation of LKB1-depen-
Berberine, an isoquinoline alkaloid derived from dent phosphorylation of AMPK- Thr-172 by the MEDICA-
Hydrastic canadensis, and its synthetic derivative dihyd- CoA or LCFA-CoA thioester but not by free acid.
roberberine are claimed to be effective antilipogenic and A new class of fatty acid analogs, gemdimethyl dicarbox-
hypoglycemic agents in rodents (230, 269). Berberine has ylic acids, have been shown as potent inhibitors of fatty
been shown to have antidiabetic effects in vitro as well acid and cholesterol synthesis in primary rat hepatocytes
(270). To investigate the mode of action of berberine, Lee and in in vivo lipogenesis assay (282). A series of cell-based
et al. (230) used two animal models of insulin resistance. studies revealed that an optimized compound, 2,2,14,14-
In db/db mice, berberine improved glucose tolerance tetramethyl-8-hydroxypentadecanedioic acid (ETC-1002)
without affecting food consumption. In high fat-fed Wistar (Fig. 7), stimulated AMPK phosphorylation, leading to the
rats, berberine downregulated lipogenic genes and upreg- phosphorylation of ACC and HMG-CoA reductase and as-
ulated genes that are involved in energy expenditure. In sociated with inhibition of lipogenesis and cholesterol syn-
adipocytes and L6 cells, treatment with berberine showed thesis (283). Further investigation into the mechanistic
AMPK activation, leading to the phosphorylation of ACC insights suggested that ETC-1002 free acid was able to acti-
and inhibition of fatty acid synthesis. These researchers vate AMPK in a cell line independent of xeno-CoA formation
also suggested AMPK activation in primary mouse adipo- (Stephen Pinkosky et al., unpublished observations). The
cytes via activation of p38 (230). The antidiabetic effect of unique properties of ETC-1002, including AMPK activation,

AMP kinase in cardiometabolic disease 2503

are expected to have beneficial effects in normalizing lipid activation by AICAR may be described as a direct activator,
and carbohydrate abnormalities. Indeed, many of the ex- as the metabolite of AICAR, ZMP, directly interacts with
pected benefits of AMPK activation were seen in a diet- the AMPK ␥-subunit similar to AMP. Because of the struc-
induced hyperlipidemic hamster model treated with tural similarities of ZMP with 5′-AMP, it mimics all of the
ETC-1002, including lowering of triglycerides, LDL-C, adi- allosteric effects of 5′AMP on the AMPK system (116).
posity, and improvement in hepatic steatosis (284). The Some researchers, however, have claimed that ZMP can
liver-selective effect of ETC-1002 was also seen in KKAy also regulate glucose metabolism by direct inhibition of
mice with the lowering of glucose and improvement in fructose-1,6-biphosphatase in hepatocytes, independent
glucose intolerance. The KKAy mouse is an animal model of the activation of AMPK (289). AICAR exhibited antidi-
of diabetes and obesity for evaluating antidiabetic and hy- abetic effects in disease models by improving blood
polipidemic agents (245). As expected from a selective glucose level, lipid profile, hepatic glucose output, and
direct activator of AMPK (104), ETC-1002 showed antidi- glucose disposal (290). In both healthy and diabetic indi-
abetic effect and improved hepatic steatosis in this model viduals, AICAR infusion increased skeletal muscle glucose
(285). Not surprising that these favorable attributes of uptake (291). The inhibition of IL-6 and IL-8 secretion by
ETC-1002 in a number of animal disease models also trans- adipose and skeletal muscle following AICAR treatment
lated into humans and showed significant improvements suggests that AICAR may also improve insulin sensitivity in
in circulating lipids in normal (286) and dyslipidemic in- the periphery (292).
dividuals without any apparent adverse effects. Further-
more, ETC-1002 dramatically reduced aortic lipids in LDL A-769662
receptor knockout mice in a lipid-dependent and inde- A new class of AMPK activators, known as non-nucleo-
pendent manner (287). ETC-1002 displays activities and side thienopyridone, has been identified using partially
attributes as good as a selective small-molecule AMPK acti- purified AMPK from rat liver (104). The lead molecule
vator A-769662 in terms of its IC50 of fatty acid synthesis in A769662 showed specificity to AMPK activation when
primary rat hepatocytes (3–5 µM) and efficacy in animal screened against a panel of 76 protein kinases at 10 ␮M
model of diabetes (104). Interestingly, the 30 mg/kg/day concentration (293). Unlike other AMPK activators,
efficacy of the selective AMPK activator A-769662 in ani- A-769662 directly activates native AMPK complex purified
mal model of diabetes and obesity was very similar to the from rat liver in cell-free assays by mimicking both the ef-
30 mg/kg/day dose of ETC-1002 in multiple animal mod- fects of AMP on allosteric activation, as revealed by the
els of disease. While ETC-1002 was safe and efficacious in AMPK␣ subunit and LKB1 knockout cell lines, and inhibi-
human subjects, another AMPK activator, A-769662, is yet tion of dephosphorylation of AMPK complex (225, 293).
to be evaluated in humans for safety and efficacy. Thus, Further activation of AMPK by A-769662 at saturating AMP
ETC-1002 offers promises to emerge as a monotherapy for concentrations suggests that the binding site of A-769622
patients with lipid and carbohydrate abnormalities, and and AMP may not be identical (104, 293). Additionally,
because of LDL-lowering activities in human subjects A-769662 allosterically activates AMPK complexes harbor-
(286), it may also offer hope to those patients who are sta- ing a mutation in the ␥1 subunit that abolishes allosteric
tin intolerant. activation by AMP (225). Interestingly, an AMPK complex
lacking the glycogen-binding domain of the ␤ subunit or
containing a mutation of Ser-108 to alanine (an autophos-
DIRECT ACTIVATORS phorylation site within the glycogen binding domain of
the ␤1 subunit) completely abolished the allosteric effect
AICAR of A-769662, while only partially reducing AMPK activa-
The nucleoside AICAR has been widely used as a refer- tion (225). Most importantly, A769662 activates AMPK
ence compound to investigate the downstream effects fol- complexes that exclusively contain the ␤1 subunit (294).
lowing activation of AMPK (116, 119). The effect of AICAR This property limits the potential therapeutic use of
on mitochondrial respiration in intact hepatocytes at A-769662 to tissues expressing the ubiquitous ␤1 subunit
higher concentrations of AICAR (>100 ␮M) was not medi- but not to tissues, like skeletal muscle, that assemble pre-
ated by AMPK, as this effect was also observed in hepato- dominantly AMPK␤2 complexes.
cytes isolated from AMPK␣1␣2 liver-specific knockout The main target of A769662 appears to be the liver, in
mice (203). AMPK-independent effects of AICAR in the which an activation of ␤1-containing AMPK complex re-
hepatic and muscle glucose uptake have been reported duces the expression of gluconeogenic enzymes and he-
(54, 288). AICAR gets metabolized to 5 amino imidazole- patic glucose production. AMPK ␤1, but not ␤2-containing
4-carboxamide ribonucleoside monophosphate (ZMP) as complexes, were dose-dependently activated by A-769662
a result of uptake of AICAR (analog of adenosine) by the in muscles. AMPK activation by A-769662 was independent
cells via an adenosine transport system, followed by con- of the upstream kinase utilized (225, 293). Importantly,
version of AICAR to ZMP via adenosine kinase. Like AMP, unlike indirect AMPK activators, neither the changes in
ZMP also binds to the ␥ subunit of AMPK and induces al- adenine nucleotide levels (79) nor alterations in mito-
losteric changes in AMPK conformation, allowing kinase chondrial oxidative phosphorylation following treatment
activation (54) and inhibition of dephosphorylation, both with A-769662 have been detected in hepatocytes. Addi-
leading to increase in the AMP:ATP ratio. Thus, AMPK tion of A-769662 to primary mouse hepatocytes stimulates

2504 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 53, 2012

AMPK activity and phosphorylation of its known down- was noticed up to 100 µM concentration with an EC50 of
stream targets, but it was completely abolished in hepato- 4.3 µM. Further studies with appropriate cell lines and spe-
cytes lacking AMPK␣1 and ␣2 catalytic subunits. cific inhibitors demonstrated that AMPK activation by
A769662 showed an IC50 of 3.2 and 3.6 µM in primary ampkinone occurs via LKB1-mediated mechanism. In a
rat and mouse hepatocytes, respectively, in an assay mea- diet-induced obese mouse model, amkinone at 10 mg/
suring 14C-acetate incorporation in fatty acids. As expected kg/day dose showed improvement in glucose tolerance
from an AMPK activator, chronic treatment with A-769662 and insulin sensitivity concomitant with the reduction in
lowered plasma triglyceride, glucose, and liver lipids in adiposity and body weight without affecting food con-
ob/ob mice, which was associated with the mild downreg- sumption. More follow-up in vivo studies are needed to
ulation of PEPCK, G6Pase, and FAS. The effect of met- show efficacy in established diabetes models, and safety as-
formin on these genes was not consistent with AMPK sociated with this class of molecules.
activation in this study. Another patented thienopyridone
derivative was recently reported (295), which also contains
a thienopyridone moiety and activates AMPK, most likely
by interacting with the ␤1 subunits. Since the identifica- LIMITATIONS OF KNOWN AMPK ACTIVATORS TO
tion and elucidation of the mechanism of efficacy of TREAT METABOLIC DISORDERS
A-769662 in an animal model in 2006, no further progress Plant-derived products have not shown adequate thera-
on the development of this molecule has been reported. peutic use primarily as a result of poor pharmacokinetic
properties and adverse effects of some of the natural prod-
Furanothiazolidine (PT1)
ucts at higher doses. Synthetic molecules like AICAR suffer
During the screening of chemical library against the from unfavorable pharmacokinetic properties as well (i.e.,
␣-subunit of AMPK, Pang et al. (296) discovered a furan- high effective concentration, poor bioavailability, and
othiazolidine derivative PT1 as a direct activator of AMPK short half-life) and severe metabolic complications like lac-
(Fig. 5). When tested in HepG2 cells, it lowered lipid con- tic acidosis and massive uric acid production (298). An-
tent and activated AMPK␣1394, AMPK␣1335, and AMPK␣2398, other serious shortcoming of AICAR is the lack of a strict
as well as the ␣1␤1␥1 heterotrimer in a dose-dependent specificity for AMPK. In fact, AICAR interacts with other
manner with an EC50 of about 8 µM using inactive form of enzymes, such as S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase and
human AMPK ␣1394. As expected from the mechanism glycogen phosphorylase (299). To solve these problems,
used for screening, it interacted with the autoinhibitory efforts have been made to develop more potent derivatives
domain in the ␣1 subunit and converted AMPK to a con- of AICAR. One example is the imidazo pyridine derivative
stitutively active complex by relieving the autoinhibition. S27847, which increased the activity of AMPK 7-fold in he-
Experiments with L6 myotubes showed that PT1 effectively patocytes at micromolar concentrations (300), but it re-
increased the phosphorylation of AMPK with no apparent mains to be seen if it is associated with any adverse effects.
changes in the ATP:ADP ratio in the cells. In HeLa cells, Metformin has been used to treat diabetes for 50 years,
PT1 stimulated AMPK and ACC phosphorylation in the and is currently the front-line drug for the treatment of
absence of LKB1 and without increasing the AMP:ATP ra- type-2 diabetes. Of concern is a recent report that links
tio. It should be noted that a concentration of 40 µM was metformin-induced activation of AMPK to an increased
used for the activation of AMPK in L6 myotubes and in biogenesis of Alzheimer’s amyloid in mouse brain (301).
HeLa cells, which is rather high for a direct activator of Although metformin is relatively safe, it is not effective in
AMPK. Because HeLa cells express CaMKK-␤, but not all patients, perhaps due to variability in the efficiency of
LKB1, as the upstream kinases, this suggests that the AMPK hepatic uptake by the OCT1 transporter (238). In addi-
phosphorylation in the HeLa cells by PT1 occurs via tion, a number of reduced function polymorphisms have
CaMKK-␤-mediated mechanism. This was further corrobo- been identified in the OCT1 gene that exhibit impaired
rated by loss of PT1-induced phosphorylation of AMPK in metformin uptake (302), suggesting that genetic variation
cells cotreated with STO-609, a specific CaMKK-␤ inhibi- may alter responsiveness to the drug in human patients.
tor, suggesting a critical role for Ca2+-dependent CaMKK-␤ Intestinal epithelial cells also express transporters of the
activation in this process. In vivo efficacy and safety in ap- OCT1 family (Oct1–3), and inhibition of the respiratory
propriate animal models are awaited to ascertain the po- chain in the gut may be responsible for the unpleasant
tential of this novel chemotype for development as gastrointestinal side effects of biguanides, as well as the
antidiabetic drug that targets the autoinhibitory domain more dangerous side effect of lactic acidosis that led to the
of the AMPK ␣ subunit. withdrawal of phenformin, a more potent biguanide, in
1994. There is evidence that much of the lactic acid pro-
Ampkinones duced in animals treated with biguanides is derived from
A small molecule activator of AMPK was identified by the gut (136). It therefore seems quite likely that a drug
Oh et al. (297), which was termed as ampkinone (Fig. 5). that activated the AMPK system more directly would be
These amkinones phosphorylate AMPK at Thr-172 in a more efficacious in the treatment of type-2 diabetes and
number of cell lines, leading to ACC phosphorylation. the metabolic syndrome than the biguanides.
While these data were generated with the 10 µM concentra- Small molecule selective activators of AMPK also suf-
tion, a dose-response in terms of AMPK phosphorylation fer from poor bioavailability, and overall unfavorable

AMP kinase in cardiometabolic disease 2505

pharmacokinetic properties. The first selective small mol- FUTURE DIRECTIONS
ecule, A-769662, activator of AMPK discovered, although
had reasonable EC50, the in vivo EC50 in acute lipogenesis New compounds that activate AMPK in multiple tissues
was similar to fatty acid analogs, thus showing no advantage or those directed to the liver are needed as novel antidia-
over reported AMPK activators. Additionally, the safety of betic, antihyperlipidemic, and antiobesity drugs to nor-
this molecule is unknown. The finding that A769662 acti- malize metabolic imbalances. The ideal AMPK activator
vates AMPK complexes that exclusively contain the ␤1 sub- should have multiple beneficial properties on several path-
unit (104) may limit the potential therapeutic use of this ways, which are deranged in MetS. While the new chemi-
compound to tissues expressing the ubiquitous ␤1 subunit cal entity should have adequate specificity to activate
but not to tissue-like skeletal muscle with AMPK␤2 com- AMPK at a lower concentration than marketed agents, it
plexes. Indeed, unlike metformin, A769662 was unable to should preferably activate AMPK in the liver and desirably
stimulate glucose uptake in skeletal muscle (303). Other in other tissues, like muscle. Thus, the activation of AMPK
selective small molecule activators of AMPK, like PT1 and should be targeted to liver, adipocytes, and skeletal
ampkinone, are yet to be tested in adequate animal muscles, but not to the brain. Oral formulation of drugs
models for efficacy and safety before it can advance to having better bioavailability and overall favorable pharma-
the clinic. One small molecule ETC-1002, which has cokinetic properties is preferred. With the success of ETC-
shown efficacy in multiple animal models consistent with 1002 in the clinic in terms of safety and efficacy, it is
effects expected from an AMPK activator and shown to be reasonable to hope that the ongoing efforts in several lab-
safe and efficacious in clinical studies involving dyslipi- oratories may lead to discovering a novel class of drugs to
demic subjects, offers tremendous promise as a new novel treat diabetes and related metabolic abnormalities in the
treatment. future.

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