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Including exclusive case

studies and action planning!

Due Diligence
Intelligence For Successful Transactions

19 – 23 October 2008 • Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE

Two highly informative courses to help you make

successful investment decisions
Course I – Financial And Commercial Due Diligence
By Attending Our Financial And Commercial Due Diligence
Course You Will Learn How To:
• Appraise the quality and reliability of information “A lot of info, practical
• Identify and verify worthwhile investment opportunities info, was given in a short
• Analyse the financial and commercial aspects of an entity
5 days, which makes the
• Identify and overcome the most common due diligence pitfalls
course very attractive”
Saeed Ahmad
Course II – Legal Due Diligence Senior Investment Officer
Islamic Corporation for the Development of
By Attending Our Legal Due Diligence Course You Will Learn the Private Sector, KSA

How To:
• Analyse the legal aspects of an entity
• Minimise the risk to your company throughout investment deals
• Identify which transactions require due diligence
• Advise the board of directors on the risks and opportunities of a
contemplated transaction

Supported By

Official Regional
Recruitment Partner
Official IT Partner Official Media
Monitoring Partner
Dear Senior Executive,
Although there has been some press concerning the fact that mergers
According to the results of a December 2007 KPMG market may not result in any value creation, recent studies lead to a
study, companies that completed an acquisition were associated significantly more positive conclusion. According to the results of a
with a 3.7 percent normalised stock gain after 12 months and a December 2007 KPMG study, companies that completed a merger
10.8 percent gain after 24 months. were associated with an average 3.7 percent normalised stock
gain 12 months after a deal was announced. After 24 months,
companies in the study were associated with an average 10.8%
The meaning of this is two-fold. On one hand, the high average
normalised stock gain. This means that the stock prices of the
normalised stock gain for acquiring firms points towards an excess acquirers performed 10.8% better than their industry peers.
of highly profitable acquisition opportunities, many of which are
possibly not being taken advantage of. On the other hand, this This compares to a 2005 survey which identified that only 31%
evidence may point towards an under-valuation of acquired firms. of deals actually added value for the shareholders (Source: KPMG
surveys). Management’s challenge is to beat the market odds and
Proper Due Diligence in seeking investment, acquisition and execute deals that deliver the value investors demand – IIR’s Due
merger opportunities on behalf of both the buy and sells sides will Diligence course will introduce you to the skills that help you make
help to both increase recognition of profitable opportunities and successful transactions.
decrease loss due to under-valuation.

In the first part of this course, you will explore Financial Due
Diligence with a commercially driven perspective. Over the
following two days, Legal Due Diligence will enable you to execute
your operation with lawful sureness.

This course sold out when it was last run, so be sure to book
early and also take advantage of early bird savings. Here are two
reasons why:

“The course leader was very diligent and keen on discussing all key
points related to the topic. The case study method worked really
well and the simulation of client meetings in presentations were also
very useful and beneficial”
Ailya Kazim, Manager Acquisition
Noor Islamic Bank, UAE
A due diligence engagement describes the analysis of the legal,
“Raises valid issues about due diligence that might not be financial and/or commercial aspects of an entity usually in
considered by all people involved in a decision” connection with a proposed transaction that would result in a
Mohammed Abbas, Technical Analyst significant change in the ownership or capital structure of the target
Qatar Petrochemical Industries, Kuwait entity.

The objective of a due diligence engagement is to advise the board

Do not ruin your investment or accept incorrectly valued
of directors how the risks and opportunities of a contemplated
investments by not fully understanding the latest techniques in the
transaction should be dealt with in the negotiation or the integration
critical due diligence process. Furthermore, you can develop a phase. A due diligence report will address the dynamics of the
unified, integrated defense against bad investments by combining business including: identifying deal breakers, critical success factors,
the financial, legal and commercial facets of due diligence by Key Performance Indicators, industry trends, management and
registering for this highly acclaimed two-course package today. personnel issues, information on products, customers, competition,
marketing, sales, research and distribution, taxation and ownership
I look forward to meeting you in October. and legal issues.

Kind regards, The process of gathering data, checking, investigating and verifying
requires experience and judgment to know when, where and how to
explore further to uncover what has not been disclosed. IIR’s Due
Diligence course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to
identify and verify worthwhile investment opportunities.
Keith Parker
Conference Manager Moreover, the increasing popularity of auctions has changed the
deal environment significantly in recent years. The competitive
tension of an auction process can limit the amount of information
P.S. Take part in valuable, exclusive case which is available to acquirers before close. Higher premiums are
study analyses from the Middle East being paid and whether you are a corporate buyer or a private
equity house, a more professional deal approach is required;
and best practice from the west! including the appropriate level of due diligence.

Web: Web:

Course I – Financial And Commercial Due Diligence
19 – 21 October 2008
Course Timings: Registration and morning coffee will start at 8:00 on Day One. All days will commence at 8:30 and conclude at 14:30
with lunch. There will be two refreshment breaks at appropriate intervals.

Day One – Sunday, 19 October 2008 Day Two – Monday, 20 October 2008 Benchmarking Merger And Acquisition
Best Practice Topics To Enhance • Exploring the secrets of successful teams
Financial And Commercial Due
and how you can learn from
Diligence Your Due Diligence Success benchmarking your team’s approach and
skills against the industry
Introduction During day two you will focus on the skills
• Definitions necessary for presenting your findings to the
• Types of due diligence Board of Directors and cover several topics Day Three – Tuesday, 21 October 2008
which will help you enhance the effectiveness
The Transaction Process of your due diligence process Practical Due Diligence
• Enquiry management and determining the
scope Presenting The Findings To The Board Of Investigation
• Initial value assessment Directors
• Developing the contents of a due diligence The objective of Day Three is to reinforce
• Pre-bid and data room investigations
report with emphasis on key negotiation the skills learned on Day Two by applying
• Full access
and integration matters them to a case study, based upon a real life
• Completion and reporting
example. It has been designed to enable you
Basic Valuation Techniques to gain practical experience in performing
Financial Due Diligence
• Corporate valuation techniques will be a due diligence investigation as part of an
• Accounting policies
introduced and the relationship between integrated team.
• Analysing information in a limited and full
access situation due diligence and valuation explored
• Plan and carry out a focused due
• Forecasts and projections
Driving For Post Deal Success diligence engagement which meets the
• Sensitivity and trend analysis
• Understand what acquirers are doing to board of directors’ needs and is in
enhance value from their acquisitions and accordance with a standard approach
Commercial Due Diligence
what challenges they face in taking control • Perform effective fact finding and analysis
• Business analysis models
of the target business work and interpret the results to support
• Strategic business objectives
• Consider the subtle differences between robust conclusions and advice
• Core business processes
the approaches of European acquirers, • Appreciate the risks inherent in due
who appear to be more successful diligence work and discover how these
Support processes
compared with those in the Americas and risks should be managed
Objectives are met by forming multi-skilled
What Can Corporate Acquirers Learn From teams to work through the financial and
Private Equity? commercial stages of a due diligence
• A great deal of attention has focused in investigation.
recent years on private equity firms
snapping up assets and turning them The additional benefits of this approach are
around in double quick time for a that you will:
handsome return. As corporate activity • Consider the depth and breadth of the
continues to pick up, it is important to investigation
ask what corporate acquirers can learn • Realise the importance of a coordinated,
from private equity’s positive performance multi-skilled approach
• Compare and challenge the evaluation
and conclusion of other teams

Review of course one and action planning

Introducing Your Expert Course Leader

Andrew Robinson, FCA, AMCT has been a Resident Partner in KPMG’s Dubai office since 1995 leading financial due
diligence engagements. In this capacity he has led teams performing investigations on behalf of international and local
companies in a variety of industries including energy, manufacturing, financial services and trading. Cross border assignments
have been particularly rewarding, providing Andrew with a breadth of experience across many of the Middle Eastern states.

Andrew is a UK national with over 25 years’ experience with KPMG in international offices. He worked in Europe and North America prior to
basing himself in the Middle East in 1989. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and a member of the
Association of Corporate Treasurers in the UK.

Tel: 971-4-3352437 Fax: 971-4-3352438 Email: Web:

Course II – Legal Due Diligence
22 – 23 October 2008
Course Timings: Registration and morning coffee will start at 8:00 on Day One. All days will commence at 8:30 and conclude at 14:30
with lunch. There will be two refreshment breaks at appropriate intervals.

Day One – Wednesday, 22 October 2008 Due Diligence Tasks Day Two – Thursday, 23 October 2008
• Document review
• Other information gathering Key Issues In Legal Due Diligence
Legal Due Diligence • Analysis and synthesis of information • Corporate matters
• Ownership of assets
Introduction Sources Of Due Diligence Data • Government licenses and permits
• What is “due diligence”? • Target company • Liens and encumbrances
• Who needs to perform due diligence and • Government/public records • Pending and threatened litigation
why? • Third parties • Intellectual property matters
• Which transactions require due diligence? • Environmental matters
Due Diligence Process • Employees
Transactions Commonly Involving Due • Building an effective team • Middle East local law issues
Diligence • The due diligence checklist
• Acquisitions/takeovers • Data room Case Study – Due Diligence Checklist
• Financings • Public records search
• Real estate conveyance
• Long-term commercial contracts

Introducing Your Expert Course Leader

Herbert S. Wolfson is the Managing Partner of Emirates Law Network, an American law firm focusing on the United Arab Emirates and
neighbouring countries. He began his career as a securities lawyer in Washington in 1990 and went on to practice in Riyadh, New York, Abu
Dhabi, Dubai and Philadelphia. He has more than 15 years of experience working in and with the Middle East. Herbert serves as lead counsel
for multinational corporate clients in transactions in the UAE and neighbouring countries. He has provided expert testimony in US courts on
commercial disputes governed under the UAE, Saudi Arabian and Egyptian legal systems. Herbert’s publications include a detailed analysis
(accompanied by his own English translation) of UAE Federal Law No. 4 of 2000, which established the Emirates Securities and Commodities
Authority. He has a degree in law Magna cum Laude, as well as an undergraduate degree and a Master’s degree in Arabic, all from the
University of Pennsylvania. In 2003, Herbert was the lead drafter for a new contract law for the Government of Afghanistan.

Who should attend?

This course is specifically designed for corporate executives from organisations with an interest in exploring corporate financial
• Chairmen, Chief Executive Officers, Managing Directors, General Managers
• Property Investors, Managers
• Corporate Finance Directors & Managers, Financial Directors, Chief Accountants & Controllers, Chief Finance Officers
• Corporate Development Directors & Managers, Development Directors & Managers, Strategic Planning Managers, Business
Development Managers
• Heads of Mergers and Acquisitions, Valuation Directors & Managers, Directors of Legal Services & Lawyers, Legal Councils

Forthcoming Relevant Events

BC2732 Corporate Valuation
9 – 13 November

BC2768 Contract Drafting For Non-Lawyers

16 – 20 November 2008

A0939 Saudi IPO Business Forum

22 – 26 November 2008
For more information on any of the above events please contact us on
Tel: 971-4-3352483 or email:

Tel: 971-4-3352437 Fax: 971-4-3352438 Email: Web:

IIR Middle East certified by

Due Diligence
19 – 23 October 2008 • Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE
ISO 9001:2000


971-4-3352437 971-4-3352438

IIR Holdings Ltd. GCS/IIR Holdings Ltd.

PO Box 21743, Dubai, UAE P O Box 13977, Muharraq, Kingdom of Bahrain
For further information and Group Discounts contact
971-4-3352483 or email:

If you have eight or more delegates who need this training,

contact IIR In-House on 971-4-3352439 or WEB BC2734
Yes, I want to register for:

Event Dates Price before Price between Price after

3 August 2008 3 and 24 August 2008 24 August 2008
Financial And Commercial (3 days) 19 – 21 August 2008 US$ 3,195 US$ 3,395 US$ 3,495
Due Diligence (Save US$ 300) (Save US$ 100)
Legal Due Diligence (2 days) 22 – 23 October 2008 US$ 2,695 US$ 2,795 US$ 2,895
(Save US$ 200) (Save US$ 100)
Book for the entire event (5 days) 19 – 23 October 2008 US$ 4,250 US$ 4,550 US$ 4,750
(Save US$ 2,140) (Save US$ 1,840) (Save US$ 1,640)

Course fees include documentation, luncheon and refreshments. Delegates who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Personal Details:
Title First Name Surname Job Title Department Email
1 Delegate

2nd Delegate
3rd Delegate
4th Delegate
To assist us with future correspondence, please supply the following details:
Head of Department
Training Manager
Booking Contact

Company: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Address (if different from label above): ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................. Postcode: .................................................. Country: .......................................................................................
Tel: ......................................................... Fax: .....................................................
No. of employees on your site: Yes! I would like to receive information about future events & services via email.
0-49 50-249 250-499 500-999 1000+ My email address is: .....................................................................................................................
Nature of your company’s business: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Payments Cancellation
Event Venue
A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent upon receipt of your registration. Please If you are unable to attend, a substitute
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dubai, UAE
note that full payment must be made upon receipt of the invoice and prior to delegate will be welcome in your place. If this
is not suitable, a US$ 200 service charge will Tel: 971-4-3311111
the event. Only those delegates whose fees have been paid in full will be admitted to the
event. You can pay by company cheques or bankers draft in Dirhams or US$. Please note be payable. Registrations cancelled less than
that all US$ cheques and drafts should be drawn on a New York bank and an extra amount seven days before the event must be paid in Accommodation Details
of US$ 6 per payment should be added to cover bank clearing charges. All payments should full. We highly recommend you secure your
room reservation at the earliest to avoid
be made in favour of IIR Holdings Ltd. Avoid Visa Delays – Book Now
last minute inconvenience. You can
Delegates requiring visas should contact the
Card Payment hotel they wish to stay at directly, as soon as
contact the IIR Hospitality Desk for
Please charge my credit card: Visa Mastercard American Express possible. Visas for non-GCC nationals may take assistance on:
several weeks to process. Tel: 971-4-4072693
Name on Card: .....................................................................................................................
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the programme Fax: 971-4-4072517
Card Number: ....................................................................... Exp. Date: ............................... may change and IIR reserves the right to alter the Email:
venue and/or speakers.

Signature: ............................................................................................................................. MF PG F100 Finance © Copyright I.I.R. HOLDINGS B.V.

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