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Customer Centricity Initiative

Macy’s Loyalty Program

Master Test Plan

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December 2009
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Document Purpose............................................................................................ 4

1 Scope........................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Requirements to Be Tested............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Requirements Not to Be Tested...................................................................................................... 5

2 Testing Levels............................................................................................... 5
2.1 Unit Testing...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 System Testing................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Acceptance Testing.......................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Regression Testing........................................................................................................................... 5

3 Approach...................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Guidelines for Iterative Testing........................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Guidelines for Test Factors.............................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Application Interfaces......................................................................................................................... 6

5 Environments and Data................................................................................7

5.1 Inventory of Environment Resources............................................................................................... 9
5.2 Test Data....................................................................................................................................... 12

6 Enterprise Test Tools...................................................................................13

7 Test Deliverables – Project Teams.................................................................13

8 Staffing, Responsibilities, and Training.........................................................14

9 Cross-Business Unit/Third Party Participation by Application.........................14

10 Test Communication Plan........................................................................15

10.1 Meeting Schedules and Purpose................................................................................................... 15
10.2 Metrics and Measurements.......................................................................................................... 15
10.3 Link to Bug Tracker...................................................................................................................... 15

11 Testing Schedules...................................................................................15
11.1 High-Level Testing Milestones.................................................................................................. 15
11.2 Link to Test Scheduler.............................................................................................................. 16

12 Risks and Contingencies.........................................................................16
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13 Assumptions, Constraints, and Dependencies..........................................16

13.1 Assumptions............................................................................................................................. 16
13.2 Constraints............................................................................................................................... 16
13.3 Dependencies.............................................................................................................................. 16

14 Document References................................................................................17

15 Glossary of Terms.....................................................................................17

16 Document History.....................................................................................17

17 Reviewers and Approvers..........................................................................18

18 Appendix.................................................................................................. 18

19 Process Asset History................................................................................................. 19
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Document Purpose
The purpose of this Master Test Plan is to describe the testing efforts for the Macy’s tender neutral loyalty
program also known as the Customer Centricity Initiative (CCI) and the Macy’s Loyalty Program. The
areas covered will include scope, approach, resources, and scheduling
of testing activities across all testing phases.

1 Scope
Macy’s is creating a tender neutral loyalty program, which will allow customers the opportunity to enroll in
the program via in-store, online, and through customer service.
The scope of this Program Level Master Test Plan is to outline testing information at a high-level that
supports the implementation of the tender neutral loyalty program. The implementation of this program
will require both Mainframe and Windows application-testing teams to ensure quality testing is performed
during the system development lifecycle of this project.
Testing Advocates on projects classified as a Work Type 1 (WT1) will include their testing activities in the
Project SDLC Document and will provide a link to the Loyalty Program Master Test Plan. Testing
Advocates on projects classified as a Work Type 2 (WT2) will be required to create an application detail
test plan with reference to the Loyalty Program Master Test Plan.
Testing Advocates should use the document asset templates from the new Q4M Streamline (Beta)
intranet site. The link to this site is http://mymacys/applications/Q4M/Q4MBETA/default.aspx

1.1 Requirements to Be Tested

The requirements to be tested will fall into three categories, Business Requirements, System
Requirements, and Technical Requirements.
Business Requirements: The Business Requirements to be tested are those presented in the Macy’s
Loyalty Program Overview Document. The link to this document is Documents/Loyalty Overview
Document.doc. Application teams will provide traceability evidence from their System Requirements to
their applicable Business Requirements.
System Requirements: The System Requirements to be tested are those presented in each
application’s WT1 SDLC Document or Requirements Definition Document (RDD). These documents can
be found on the MST Loyalty Team Site by selecting the desired application tab. The link to the MST
Loyalty Team Site is Testing
Advocates from each application team will perform testing using System Requirements outlined in either
the WT1 SDLC Document or the RDD and any other supported documentation relevant to their testing
Technical Requirements: The Technical Requirements to be tested are those presented in the Technical
Definition Document (TDD). Testing Advocates should contact their Project Manager or Development
Lead for their project’s location of the TDD. Application teams will provide traceability evidence from
their Technical Requirements to their System Requirements, to their applicable Business Requirements.
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Program Change Requests (PCRs): For WT1 projects, Testing Advocates should list all approved
PCRs relating to their projects in the Projects SDLC Document. For WT2 projects, Testing Advocates
should list all approved PCRs relating to their projects in their application detail test plan. A list of all
PCRs are located Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?

1.2 Requirements Not to Be Tested

MST will not be testing any requirements relating to the testing activities of third-party vendor Acxiom or
out of scope to the tender neutral loyalty program for Pilot.

2 Testing Levels
All application groups participating in the tender neutral program should incorporate the levels/phases of
testing as needed for the project type.

2.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing is performed during coding and integration testing and is done during detailed design. Since
these are developer activities, they would be included in the unit test plan (Use the Unit Test Workbook
Template on Q4M Streamline (Beta). Testing Advocates should follow-up with the Development Lead for

2.2 System Testing

System testing can include many types or phases/levels of testing (Smoke Test, Functional/Component
Testing, Regression Testing, Integration/Cross-FOB Testing, Beta Testing, etc.). Often these are
performed concurrently and in various combinations. Testing Advocates should define and describe the
test types that will be performed for their application testing effort.

2.3 Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing will be performed as End-to-End Test of all functionality across all platforms and
applications. A Program Level Acceptance Test Plan will be created prior to the End-to-End Test. Testing
Advocates can also create a separate Acceptance Test Plan for their projects, if applicable.

2.4 Regression Testing

Regressing testing should be performed by every application Testing Advocate to ensure the quality of
existing code has not been changed as new code is introduced.

3 Approach

The scope of the testing effort for the Loyalty Program will be based on both Waterfall and Iterative
Testing Methodologies. Waterfall Testing is an approach where you complete a number of phases in a
strictly ordered sequence: requirements analysis, design, implementation/integration, and then testing.
Iterative Testing is an approach to testing where an evaluation or assessment of quality is conducted
continuously, on smaller, more manageable units of work.
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The Loyalty System testing activity will focus on the FIT Model (Focused Iterative Testing). Focused
Iterative Testing means testing iteratively against a focused area of a software product/system. A focused
area usually refers to a group of specific features in the software product (for example, Offer/Reward).
All other systems can elect to perform Iterative Testing or continue with their current Waterfall method of
testing until End-to-End Testing is ready to be performed. There will be a separate End-to-End
Acceptance Test Plan where all application-test teams will participate together at one time.

3.1 Guidelines for Iterative Testing

 Start with Iteration 1, Build 1.
o There may be several iterations within a Build.
o For iterations performed, the next iteration should build on the previous iteration.
 Record and keep track of the number of Iterations performed.
 Record and keep track of the number of Builds completed.
 For each Build, request Dev. Lead produces Release Notes so that you know what’s in each Build.
This will be beneficial as the product continues to develop and will provide traceability.
 Each Build produced should build on the work of the previous Build.

3.2 Guidelines for Test Factors

There are many applications interfacing for the Loyalty Program. In order for a successful testing effort,
you may use the following test factors where applicable. Test factors enable the test process to be
logically constructed.

 Correctness – Assurance that the data entered, processed, and outputted by the application
system is accurate and complete.
 File Integrity – Assurance that the data entered into the application system will be returned
 Audit Trail – The capability to substantiate the processing that has occurred.
 Continuity of processing – The ability to sustain processing in the event problems occur.
 Reliability – Assurance that the application will perform its intended function with the required
precision over an extended period of time.
 Ease of Use – The extent of effort required learning, operating, preparing input for, and
interpreting output from the system.
 Maintainability – The effort required to locate and fix an error in the application system or missing
requirement or misinterpretation of a requirement.
 Portability – The effort required to transfer data from one application to another.
 Web Service Communication – Assurance that messaging service are communicating between
applications without error.

3.3 Application Interfaces

Integrated Application Context Diagram link,
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2 Environments and Data

The following environment information is at a high-level and continues to be a work in progress and
subject to change. If changes are made, this document will be updated to reflect those changes. Note:
Figures 1, 2, and Table 1 were retrieved from the Loyalty Program Level Environment Plan.
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Figure 1: Environment Readiness Timeline
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Figure 2: Test Environment Resources

5.1 Inventory of Environment Resources
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This section lists the resources that are used by each system in each environment. The reference
environment names are those used by the new Loyalty system and their mappings to other
nomenclatures are indicated. New resources are emphasized.

Table 1: Environment Resource Inventory

Development Test Pre-Production Stress Production

Loyalty esul1084 Redhat esul1085 esul1086, Initial Stress esu1l162,

Linux 5.3 server Redhat Linux esul1087, environment esu1l163,
(TIBCO Syndera 5.3 server esul1088, will be esu1l164,
Dashboard, (TIBCO Syndera esul1089 Redhat Production. esu1l165,
TIBCO Business Dashboard, Linux 5.3 esu1l166 Redhat
Works, TIBCO TIBCO servers (TIBCO Linux 5.3 servers
a duplicate of
Enterprise Business Syndera (TIBCO Syndera
the Production
Messaging Works, TIBCO Dashboard, Dashboard,
System, TIBCO Enterprise TIBCO Business TIBCO Business
will be setup in
Business Messaging Works, TIBCO Works, TIBCO
Lorain and will
Events, System, TIBCO Enterprise Enterprise
double as a
Coherence Business Messaging Messaging
DataGrid) Events, System, TIBCO System, TIBCO
recovery and
Coherence Business Business Events,
Sun M5000 stress test
DataGrid) Events, Coherence
Solaris server environment.
Coherence DataGrid)
board, shared Sun M5000
DataGrid, RT
with other non- Solaris server esu1l167 Redhat
production board, shared Linux 5.3 server
environments with other non- Sun M5000 (RT View)
(Oracle 11g production Solaris server
2 x Sun M5000
(schemaName)) environments board, shared
Solaris server
(Oracle 11g with other non-
boards (Oracle
(schemaName)) production
(Oracle 11g
(schemaName)) CSS Load
CSS Load
Customer TC1CICD TC1CICB TC1CICQ mainframe REL region [regionName]
mainframe DEV mainframe BIZ (CICS, DB2) mainframe PRD
region (CICS, region (CICS, region (CICS, DB2)
DB2) DB2)
FedFIL TFLCICX TFLCICB TFLCICQ mainframe REL region [regionName]
(including mainframe DEV mainframe BIZ (CICS, XML/TRANSL, DB2) mainframe PRD
XML region (CICS, region (CICS, region (CICS,
FZ000XSWEB91 Windows 2003
REL server (ASP, VB6)
DB2) DB2) DB2)
FZ000XSWEB90 FS000XVXML92 [serverName(s)]
Windows 2003 Windows 2003 Windows 2003
DEV server (ASP, BIZ server (ASP, PRD server(s)
VB6) VB6) (ASP, VB6)
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Development Test Pre-Production Stress Production

SPOS Windows XP Windows XP Windows XP Windows XP Windows XP
Register (.NET) Register (.NET) Register (.NET) Register Register (.NET)
[serverName] [serverName] [serverName] [serverName]
Linux server (C Linux server (C Linux server (C [serverName] Linux server (C
scripts) scripts) scripts) Linux server scripts)
(C scripts)
MCOM ibm44p15 AIX ibm64p1 AIX ibm44p20 AIX server (Websphere [serverName(s)]
server server Application Server) AIX server
(Websphere (Websphere (Websphere
ibm44p9 AIX server (DB2 (mut1))
Application Application Application Server)
Server) Server)
[serverName] AIX
ibm52p20 AIX ibm64p2 AIX server (DB2
server (DB2 server (DB2 (instanceName))
(mci252)) (muq8))
RPS TDNCICD TDNCICB TDNCICQ [regionName] [regionName]
mainframe DEV mainframe BIZ mainframe REL mainframe mainframe PRD
region (CICS, region (CICS, region (CICS, STR region region (CICS,
Datacom) Datacom) Datacom) (CICS, Datacom)
FCS TFACICR mainframe FIX region (CICS, Datacom) FACICR0
mainframe PRD
region (CICS,
Datacom, DB2)
PACICR0 failover
ICM WindowsXP WindowsXP WindowsXP WindowsXP WindowsXP
desktop (.NET, desktop (.NET, desktop (.NET, desktop (.NET, desktop (.NET, C+
C++, SQL Server, C++, SQL C++, SQL C++, SQL +, SQL Server,
Development Server, Test Server, Pre- Server, Stress Production
configuration configuration Production configuration configuration files)
files) files) configuration files)
RDS TDNCICD TDNCICB TDNCICQ mainframe REL region [regionName]
mainframe DEV mainframe BIZ (CICS, Datacom, DB2) mainframe PRD
region (CICS, region (CICS, region (CICS,
Datacom, DB2) Datacom, DB2) Datacom, DB2)
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Development Test Pre-Production Stress Production

SOCR esu2v111 Redhat esu2v115 Redhat esu2v136 Redhat Linux 4.1.2-14 esu1l138 &
Linux 4.1.2-14 Linux 4.1.2-14 server (Websphere Application esu1l139 AIX 5.3
server server Server 6.1) servers
(Websphere (Websphere (Websphere
mt001xsbti90 Windows 2003
Application Application Application Server
server (btwebsvcrel, ASP.NET
Server 6.1) Server 6.1) 6.1), load-balanced
by esu1l137
mt001xsbti90 mt001xsbti90
TDNCICQ mainframe REL region
Windows 2003 Windows 2003 ma001xsbti01 &
(CICS, Datacom, DB2)
server server ma001xsbti02
(btwebsvcdev, (btwebsvcbiz, Windows 2003
ASP.NET (VB)) ASP.NET (VB)) server(s)
mainframe DEV mainframe BIZ [regionName]
region (CICS, region (CICS, mainframe PRD
Datacom, DB2) Datacom, DB2) region (CICS,
Datacom, DB2)
Offer Dunnhumby server of some kind
CIM Acxiom FTP server
DCR [serverName] [serverName] Windows 2003 server (TBL, C#.NET) MA000XSDCR01,
Windows 2003 MA000XSDCR02,
[serverName] Linux [N.n?] server (Oracle N.n)
server (TBL, MA000XSDCR03
C#.NET) &
Windows 2003
Linux [N.n?]
servers (TBL,
server (Oracle
esu1l075, esu1l076
& esu1l077 Linux
[N.n?] server
(Oracle N.n)
Credit Multiple mainframe TEST regions (CICS, Datacom) – “several since Loyalty Multiple mainframe
has different expectations by market” per Jan Altfield. PRD regions
(CICS, Datacom)
TM3CICC – Cleveland market
TPCCICC – Sacramento market [regionNames]
TI0CICC – outside of test market store but zip code falls within target zip
code area
TFVCICC – Cobrands in Sacremento/NY East markets
TF2CICC – Cobrandds in Cleveland market
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Development Test Pre-Production Stress Production

StrongMai ? [serverName] [OS?] mail server [serverName]
l / OES [OS?] mail server
desktop [serverName] AIX
(Websphere server (Websphere
Application [serverName] AIX server (Websphere Application Application Server,
Server) Server, MQ Series) MQ Series)
[serverName] AIX server (Oracle 10g) [serverName] AIX
server (Oracle 10g)
CAPS ibm64p4 & ibm64p5 & ibm64p6 AIX servers (DB2 (“qa”), ibm66p1 &
ibm64p3 AIX DataStage) ibm67p1 AIX
servers (DB2 servers (DB2,
(“dev”), DataStage)
DDW fsgncr10 AIX server (Teradata N.n (EDW_PROD / EWPTMP)) fsgncr10 AIX
server (Teradata
GL TH3CICF mainframe test region (CICS, Datacom?)
PCS TDNCICD TDNCICB TDNCICQ [regionName] [regionName]
mainframe DEV mainframe BIZ mainframe REL mainframe mainframe PRD
region (CICS, region (CICS, region (CICS, STR region region (CICS,
Datacom, DB2) Datacom, DB2) Datacom, DB2) (CICS, Datacom, DB2)

2.1 Test Data

The test data required to support the testing scenarios listed in the Approach section of this document will
be outlined in the individual application’s SDLC or RDD documents. Contact the Quality Control
Organization (QCO) at mailto:MST QCO if help is needed to load application data.

3 Enterprise Test Tools
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Update the following chart to reflect the testing tools used on a project.

Tool Purpose Link to the Tool

Testing Scheduler (TSC) Testing resource scheduling http://tsc/

Bug Tracker Defect management http://bugtracker/bug/

QA Director & Changepoint Testing script depository and http://fs000xscar91:9197/qadirector/d
execution tool. Defect efault.aspx

7 Test Deliverables – Project Teams

The Testing Advocates are responsible for the following work products.

Deliverable – Work Product Purpose

Test Plan Describes the scope, approach, resources, features to be tested,
testing tasks, and risk contingency planning.
For WT1 projects: Enter the link to Loyalty Master Test in Section
6.1 of the SDLC Document.
For WT2 projects: See the Q4M Streamline (Beta) intranet site, Q4M (Beta)
Assets link for the Test Plan Template

Test Cases Specifies test inputs, execution conditions, test outputs, expected
results, actual results, and test pass/fail results.
For WT1 projects: Enter the link to your test cases Section 6.4 of
the SDLC Document.
For WT2 projects: See the Q4M Streamline (Beta) intranet site, Q4M (Beta)
Assets link for the Test Case Template

Test Summary Report Test Summary Report summarizes the application testing results
for this project.
For WT1 projects: Enter the summary information in Section 6.3 of
the SDLC Document.
For WT2 projects: See the Q4M Streamline (Beta) intranet site, Q4M (Beta)
Assets link for the Test Summary Report

Test Scheduler (TSC) This is a testing resource scheduling application. Testing

Advocates are responsible for creating their own application TSC
entries for this project. http://tsc/
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8 Staffing, Responsibilities, and Training

Team Member Role Responsibilities Contact

Russ Summers Enterprise Program Manager Project management for the
Loyalty Program
(678) 474-2085
Diane Nachazel Sr. Enterprise Program Manger Project management for the
Loyalty Program
(678) 474-2136
Violetta Felgin PPQA Analyst PPQA Analyst for the Loyalty
(678) 474-3236
Ginene VanLierop Program Testing Advocate Coordinating the testing efforts
for the Loyalty Program
(678) 474-2256
Gareth Davies Program Operations Advocate Coordinating development and
test environments for the
Loyalty Program (678) 474-3899

QCO Team Test Environments and Data Set-up Support and guide the
application teams with
environment and data (Test Management)
configurations. (678) 474-3024
(Data Loads)
(678) 474-3232
(Test Environments)
(678) 474-3134
Enterprise Tools Team Bug Tracker, Test Scheduler Tools Resolve tool problems and mailto:MST
answer questions about Test
Scheduler and Bug Tracker

9 Cross-Business Unit/Third Party Participation by

Business Unit/ Team Name/ Contact Person, Comments
Company Name Applications Phone, E-mail
Marketing CUS Ginene VanLierop
Meenakshi Tarun
Marketing Loyalty System Charanya Govindarajan
POS - Lorain SPOS Matthew Johnson MST/Lorain
Logistics RDS Tina Arrowood
Direct to Consumer D2C-FedFil James Wiggins
Stores CVT Marc Bergroschtje
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Business Unit/ Team Name/ Contact Person, Comments

Company Name Applications Phone, E-mail
Stores FCS Rosa Summers
Stores RPS Cecilia Unger (Bonnie)
POS Credit Andrea Perine
Direct to Consumer MCOM Roland Demeter

4 Test Communication Plan

10.1 Meeting Schedules and Purpose

The Loyalty Program Testing Advocates began meeting on Monday, November 11, 2009 and will
continue to meet on Mondays from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. to discuss all related items surrounding the
testing efforts for this project. During End-to-End Testing the application test teams will meet daily.

10.2 Metrics and Measurements

Defect Tracking Metrics: Reports from Bug Tracker will be produced weekly and distributed to each
application’s Project Manager, Development Lead, and Management.
The Testing Advocate for RDS will produce and submit a weekly defect summary report from QA Director
to the Program Level Testing Advocate, who will incorporate with the Bug Tracker reports and distribute
to all applicable parties.

10.3 Link to Bug Tracker

All test teams will use Bug Tracker for defect management with the exception of RDS, which is using QA
Director. There is one project level entry in Bug Tracker for the Loyalty Program. The Bug Tracker link
for this project is http://bugtracker/bug/(144skzvyk04ori45isa5rrju)/default.aspx

5 Testing Schedules
The testing schedule for the Loyalty Program will be based on the overall project schedule and the
details for the project schedule are still a work in progress. The current project schedule section for the
Loyalty Pilot – Development & System Test Phase currently starts in the project plan on ID 599 – 607
(this is subject to change). The Loyalty Program Project Schedule link is Documents/Loyalty Program
Schedule (PDF).pdf
Note: Testing Advocates should start testing as soon as Developers have completed Unit Testing and
there are available product areas ready to test.

5.1 High-Level Testing Milestones

Task/Milestone Testing Range Date
Pre-System Testing 01/18/2010 – 02/18/2010
System Testing 02/18/2010 – 04/19/2010
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Task/Milestone Testing Range Date

Integration Testing 02/18/2010 – 04/19/2010

Regression Testing 02/18/2010 – 04/19/2010
Acceptance Testing (E2E) Development & QA 02/18/2010 – 04/19/2010
UAT (Business Partners) 04/01/2010 – 04/19/2010

5.2 Link to Test Scheduler

Each Testing Advocate will setup a separate Test Scheduler entry for their application. The link to Test
Scheduler is http://tsc/

6 Risks and Contingencies

Risks and contingencies are being tracked at the project level. If a project risk affects the overall testing,
notify Ginene VanLierop to escalate the risk.

7 Assumptions, Constraints, and Dependencies

7.1 Assumptions
13.1.1 A Testing Advocate, Project Manager, Tech Lead, Development Lead, and Operations Advocate
shall be assigned for each application area.
13.1.2 All projects shall record defects in Bug Tracker, Project Name: Macy’s Loyalty Program, Release
Pilot with the exception of RDS, which will be using Changepoint.
13.1.3 Development Leads and Operations Advocates shall contact the QCO with any data or
environment issues.
13.1.4 Testing Advocates shall verify their teams have access to all testing environments. Access shall
be verified prior to the Ready To Test (RTT) checkpoint.
13.1.5 Testing environments shall be ready for each testing phase/level.
13.1.6 All application testing teams shall have their application’s data loaded into the various testing
environments prior to testing.

7.2 Constraints
Resources available to perform testing may impact application team’s ability to produce quality
Un-configured environments may impact application team’s development and testing activity.

13.3 Dependencies
The Loyalty Program application teams will identify testing dependencies.
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Examples of testing dependencies are:

1. A requirement for another application team to provide (load or create) test data.
2. A requirement for another application to be functional in the test environment during
3. A requirement for another team to process or validate output from testing.

14 Document References

Document Path/Location
Q4M Streamline (Beta) Document Assets http://mymacys/applications/Q4M/Q4MBETA/Q4M BETA
for WT1 Release/Forms/Work Type 1.aspx

Q4M Streamline (Beta) Document Assets http://mymacys/applications/Q4M/Q4MBETA/Q4M BETA

for WT2 Release/Forms/Work Type 2.aspx

15 Glossary of Terms
MST Glossary

16 Document History

Version Date Change Author

.01 12/11/09 Initial document creation Ginene VanLierop
1.01 1/12/10 Updated environment section. Updated link to Ginene VanLierop
the latest system context diagram.
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Save Date: 7/23/2018 Macy’s Loyalty Program
Last Saved By: j.manikanda Master Test Plan v. 1.01
Print Date: 7/23/2018

17 Reviewers and Approvers

Version Name / BU (A)pprover or Disposition Date
1.0 Marc Bergroschtje / Stores Testing R 12/17/09

1.0 Tina Arrowood / Logistics Testing R 12/16/09

1.0 Matthew Johnson / POS Lorain Testing R 12/15/09
1.0 James Wiggins / D2C Testing R 12/17/09
1.0 Rosa Summers / Stores Testing R 12/17/09
1.0 Cecilia Ungers (Bonnie) / Stores R 12/17/09
Testing Advocate
1.0 Andrea Perine / POS Credit Testing R 12/17/09
1.0 Tammerra Tillman (Tami) Product R 12/17/09
1.0 Roland Demeter R 12/17/09

18 Appendix
Test Plan Template v 3.2 (do not delete) Company Confidential Page 20 of 21
Save Date: 7/23/2018 Macy’s Loyalty Program
Last Saved By: j.manikanda Master Test Plan v. 1.01
Print Date: 7/23/2018

8 Process Asset History

Release Date Change Author

Rel 3.3, Template 3/24/09 Added Process Asset History section to the template; K.Hadfield
v3.1 FMT #9229 - Removed any guidance that allowed
deletion of sections of the template (Introductory
guidance, section 2 guidance and section 4 guidance
were changed)
Rel 3.3.2 8/25/09 Changed CARS to Quality Manger (QM) in guidance (3 K.Hadfield
Template v3.2
Test Plan Template v 3.2 (do not delete) Company Confidential Page 21 of 21

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