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Neurosurg Focus 10 (4):Article 1, 2001, Click here to return to Table of Contents

Principles of bone healing


Department of Neurosurgery, Section of Spinal Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio

Our contemporary understanding of bone healing has evolved due to knowledge gleaned from a continuous interac-
tion between basic laboratory investigations and clinical observations following procedures to augment healing of frac-
tures, osseous defects, and unstable joints. The stages of bone healing parallel the early stages of bone development.
The bone healing process is greatly influenced by a variety of systemic and local factors. A thorough understanding of
the basic science of bone healing as well as the many factors that can affect it is critical to the management of a vari-
ety of musculoskeletal disorders. In particular, the evolving management of spinal disorders can greatly benefit from
the advancement of our understanding of the principles of bone healing.

KEY WORDS • bone healing • spinal fusion • arthrodesis

Bone is a dynamic biological tissue composed of meta- thick outer layer, termed the “fibrous layer,” consists of ir-
bolically active cells that are integrated into a rigid frame- regular, dense connective tissue. A thinner, poorly defined
work. The healing potential of bone, whether in a fracture inner layer called the “osteogenic layer” is made up of os-
or fusion model, is influenced by a variety of biochem- teogenic cells. The endosteum is a single layer of osteo-
ical, biomechanical, cellular, hormonal, and pathological genic cells lacking a fibrous component.
mechanisms. A continuously occurring state of bone dep- Osteoblasts are mature, metabolically active, bone-
osition, resorption, and remodeling facilitates the healing forming cells. They secrete osteoid, the unmineralized or-
process. ganic matrix that subsequently undergoes mineralization,
The success of many spine operations depends on the giving the bone its strength and rigidity. As their bone-
restoration of long-term spinal stability. Whereas spinal forming activity nears completion, some osteoblasts are
instrumentation devices may provide temporary support, a converted into osteocytes whereas others remain on the
solid osseous union must be achieved to provide perma- periosteal or endosteal surfaces of bone as lining cells. Os-
nent stability. The failure of fusion to occur may result in teoblasts also play a role in the activation of bone resorp-
the fatigue and failure of supporting instrumentation and tion by osteoclasts.
persistence or worsening of symptoms. Understanding Osteocytes are mature osteoblasts trapped within the
the basic biological and physiological principles of bone bone matrix. From each osteocyte a network of cytoplas-
transplantation and healing will aid the spine surgeon in mic processes extends through cylindrical canaliculi to
selecting the most effective techniques to achieve success- blood vessels and other osteocytes. These cells are in-
ful fusions. In this paper the anatomical, histological and volved in the control of extracellular concentration of cal-
biological features of this process will be reviewed. cium and phosphorus, as well as in adaptive remodeling
behavior via cell-to-cell interactions in response to local
BONE ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY Osteoclasts are multinucleated, bone-resorbing cells
The cellular components of bone consist of osteogen- controlled by hormonal and cellular mechanisms. These
ic precursor cells, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteocytes, and cells function in groups termed “cutting cones” that at-
the hematopoietic elements of bone marrow.10,22 Osteo- tach to bare bone surfaces and, by releasing hydrolytic
progenitor cells are present on all nonresorptive bone sur- enzymes, dissolve the inorganic and organic matrices of
faces, and they make up the deep layer of the periosteum, bone and calcified cartilage. This process results in the
which invests the outer surface of bone, and the endos- formation of shallow erosive pits on the bone surface
teum, which lines the internal medullary surfaces. The called Howship lacunae.12
periosteum is a tough, vascular layer of connective tissue There are three primary types of bone: woven bone,
that covers the bone but not its articulating surfaces. The cortical bone, and cancellous bone.10,22 Woven bone is
found during embryonic development, during fracture
healing (callus formation), and in some pathological states
Abbreviation used in this paper: BMP = bone morphogenetic such as hyperparathyroidism and Paget disease.22 It is
protein. composed of randomly arranged collagen bundles and ir-

Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 10 / April, 2001 1

I. H. Kalfas

regularly shaped vascular spaces lined with osteoblasts. Bone metabolism is also affected by a series of proteins,
Woven bone is normally remodeled and replaced with cor- or growth factors, released from platelets, macrophages,
tical or cancellous bone. and fibroblasts. These proteins cause healing bone to vas-
Cortical bone, also called compact or lamellar bone, is cularize, solidify, incorporate, and function mechanically.
remodeled from woven bone by means of vascular chan- They can induce mesenchymal-derived cells, such as mo-
nels that invade the embryonic bone from its periosteal nocytes and fibroblasts, to migrate, proliferate, and differ-
and endosteal surfaces. It forms the internal and external entiate into bone cells. The proteins that enhance bone
tables of flat bones and the external surfaces of long healing include the BMPs, insulin-like growth factors,
bones. The primary structural unit of cortical bone is an transforming growth factors, platelet derived growth fac-
osteon, also known as a haversian system. Osteons consist tor, and fibroblast growth factor among others.18,32
of cylindrical shaped lamellar bone that surrounds longi- The most well known of these proteins are the BMPs, a
tudinally oriented vascular channels called haversian ca- family of glycoproteins derived from bone matrix. Bone
nals. Horizontally oriented canals (Volkmann canals) con- morphogenetic proteins induce mesenchymal cells to dif-
nect adjacent osteons. The mechanical strength of cortical ferentiate into bone cells. Although typically present in
bone depends on the tight packing of the osteons. only minute quantities in the body, several BMPs have
Cancellous bone (trabecular bone) lies between cortical been synthesized using recombinant DNA technology and
bone surfaces and consists of a network of honeycombed are currently undergoing clinical trials to assess their po-
interstices containing hematopoietic elements and bony tential to facilitate bone fusion in humans.26–28
trabeculae. The trabeculae are predominantly oriented Other proteins influence bone healing in different ways.
perpendicular to external forces to provide structural sup- Transforming growth factor– regulates angiogenesis,
port.16,29 Cancellous bone is continually undergoing re- bone formation, extracellular matrix synthesis, and con-
modeling on the internal endosteal surfaces. trols cell-mediated activities. Osteonectin, fibronectin, os-
teonectin, and osteocalcin promote cell attachment, facili-
BONE BIOCHEMISTRY tate cell migration, and activate cells.15,20,22
Bone is composed of organic and inorganic elements.
By weight, bone is approximately 20% water.22 The weight PHYSIOLOGY OF BONE REPAIR AND FUSION
of dry bone is made up of inorganic calcium phosphate The use of a bone graft for purposes of achieving ar-
(65–70% of the weight) and an organic matrix of fibrous throdesis is affected by each of the aforementioned ana-
protein and collagen (30–35% of the weight).10,19,21,22 tomical, histological, and biochemical principles. Addi-
Osteoid is the unmineralized organic matrix secreted tionally, several physiological properties of bone grafts
by osteoblasts. It is composed of 90% type I collagen and directly affect the success or failure of graft incorporation.
10% ground substance, which consists of noncollagenous These properties are osteogenesis, osteoinduction, and os-
proteins, glycoproteins, proteoglycans, peptides, carbohy- teoconduction.20
drates, and lipids.20,22 The mineralization of osteoid by in- Osteogenesis is the ability of the graft to produce new
organic mineral salts provides bone with its strength and
rigidity. bone, and this process is dependent on the presence of live
The inorganic content of bone consists primarily of cal- bone cells in the graft. Osteogenic graft materials contain
cium phosphate and calcium carbonate, with small quan- viable cells with the ability to form bone (osteoprogenitor
tities of magnesium, fluoride, and sodium. The mineral cells) or the potential to differentiate into bone-forming
crystals form hydroxyapatite, which precipitates in an or- cells (inducible osteogenic precursor cells). These cells,
derly arrangement around the collagen fibers of the oste- which participate in the early stages of the healing process
oid. The initial calcification of osteoid typically occurs to unite the graft with the host bone, must be protected
within a few days of secretion but is completed over the during the grafting procedure to ensure viability. Osteo-
course of several months. genesis is a property found only in fresh autogenous bone
and in bone marrow cells, although the authors of radiola-
beling studies of graft cells have shown that very few of
REGULATORS OF BONE METABOLISM these transplanted cells survive.19
Bone metabolism is under constant regulation by a host Osteoconduction is the physical property of the graft
of hormonal and local factors. Three of the calcitropic to serve as a scaffold for viable bone healing. Osteocon-
hormones that most affect bone metabolism are parathy- duction allows for the ingrowth of neovasculature and the
roid hormone, vitamin D, and calcitonin. Parathyroid hor- infiltration of osteogenic precursor cells into the graft site.
mone increases the flow of calcium into the calcium pool Osteoconductive properties are found in cancellous auto-
and maintains the body’s extracelluar calcium levels at a grafts and allografts, demineralized bone matrix, hydrox-
relatively constant level. Osteoblasts are the only bone yapatite, collagen, and calcium phosphate.19
cells that have parathyroid hormone receptors. This hor- Osteoinduction is the ability of graft material to induce
mone can induce cytoskeletal changes in osteoblasts. Vi- stem cells to differentiate into mature bone cells. This pro-
tamin D stimulates intestinal and renal calcium-binding cess is typically associated with the presence of bone
proteins and facilitates active calcium transport. Calci- growth factors within the graft material or as a supplement
tonin is secreted by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid to the bone graft. Bone morphogenic proteins and de-
gland in response to an acutely rising plasma calcium mineralized bone matrix are the principal osteoinductive
level. Calcitonin serves to inhibit calcium-dependent cel- materials. To a much lesser degree, autograft and allograft
lular metabolic activity. bone also have some osteoinductive properties.19

2 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 10 / April, 2001

Principles of bone healing

BONE HEALING PROCESS cur. The incorporation and remodeling of a bone graft re-
The process of bone graft incorporation in a spinal fu- quire that mesenchymal cells have vascular access to the
sion model is similar to the bone healing process that graft to differentiate into osteoblasts and osteoclasts. A
occurs in fractured long bones.4 Fracture healing restores variety of systemic factors can inhibit bone healing, in-
cluding cigarette smoking, malnutrition, diabetes, rheu-
the tissue to its original physical and mechanical proper- matoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. In particular, during the
ties and is influenced by a variety of systemic and local 1st week of bone healing, steroid medications, cytotoxic
factors. Healing occurs in three distinct but overlapping agents, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications
stages: 1) the early inflammatory stage; 2) the repair stage; can have harmful effects. Irradiation of the fusion site
and 3) the late remodeling stage.9,13 within the first 2 to 3 weeks can inhibit cell proliferation
In the inflammatory stage, a hematoma develops with- and induce an acute vasculitis that significantly compro-
in the fracture site during the first few hours and days. In- mises bone healing (SE Emery, unpublished data).
flammatory cells (macrophages, monocytes, lymphocytes, Bone grafts are also strongly influenced by local me-
and polymorphonuclear cells) and fibroblasts infiltrate the chanical forces during the remodeling stage. The density,
bone under prostaglandin mediation. This results in the geometry, thickness, and trabecular orientation of bone
formation of granulation tissue, ingrowth of vascular tis- can change depending on the mechanical demands of the
sue, and migration of mesenchymal cells. The primary nu- graft. In 1892, Wolff first popularized the concept of struc-
trient and oxygen supply of this early process is provided tural adaptation of bone, noting that bone placed under
by the exposed cancellous bone and muscle. The use of compressive or tensile stress is remodeled. Bone is formed
antiinflammatory or cytotoxic medication during this 1st where stresses require its presence and resorbed where
week may alter the inflammatory response and inhibit stresses do not require it.22,31 This serves to optimize the
bone healing. structural strength of the graft. Conversely, if the graft is
During the repair stage, fibroblasts begin to lay down a significantly shielded from mechanical stresses, as in the
stroma that helps support vascular ingrowth. It is during case of rigid spinal implants, excessive bone resorption
this stage that the presence of nicotine in the system can can potentially occur and result in a weakening of the
inhibit this capillary ingrowth.11,23–25 A significantly de- graft. This potential disadvantage of instrumentation
creased union rate had been consistently demonstrated in needs to be balanced with the beneficial effects that spinal
tobacco abusers.2,3,6 fixation has on the fusion process.
As vascular ingrowth progresses, a collagen matrix is
laid down while osteoid is secreted and subsequently min-
eralized, which leads to the formation of a soft callus
around the repair site. In terms of resistance to movement, BONE GRAFTS
this callus is very weak in the first 4 to 6 weeks of the The two types of bone grafts frequently used in spinal
healing process and requires adequate protection in the fusion are autografts and allografts. Autograft bone is
form of bracing or internal fixation. Eventually, the cal- transplanted from another part of the recipient’s body.
lus ossifies, forming a bridge of woven bone between the Allograft bone is transplanted from genetically nonidenti-
fracture fragments. Alternatively, if proper immobiliza- cal members of the same species. Both types of bone
tion is not used, ossification of the callus may not occur, grafts are commonly used in spine surgery.
and an unstable fibrous union may develop instead. The ideal bone graft should be: 1) osteoinductive and
Fracture healing is completed during the remodeling conductive; 2) biomechanically stable; 3) disease free;
stage in which the healing bone is restored to its original and 4) contain minimal antigenic factors. These features
shape, structure, and mechanical strength. Remodeling of are all present with autograft bone. The disadvantages of
the bone occurs slowly over months to years and is facili- autografts include the need for a separate incision for har-
tated by mechanical stress placed on the bone. As the frac- vesting, increased operating time and blood loss, the risk
ture site is exposed to an axial loading force, bone is gen- of donor-site complications, and the frequent insufficient
erally laid down where it is needed and resorbed from quantity of bone graft.13,30
where it is not needed. Adequate strength is typically The advantage of allograft bone is that it avoids the
achieved in 3 to 6 months. morbidity associated with donor-site complications and is
Although the physiological stages of bone repair in the readily available in the desired configuration and quantity.
spinal fusion model are similar to those that occur in long The disadvantages of allograft include delayed vascular
bone fractures, there are some differences. Unlike long penetration, slow bone formation, accelerated bone re-
bone fractures, bone grafts are used in spinal fusion pro- sorption, and delayed or incomplete graft incorpora-
cedures. During the spinal fusion healing process, bone tion.1,5,14,16 In general, allograft bone has a higher inci-
grafts are incorporated by an integrated process in which dence of nonunion or delayed union than autograft.1,7–9,15,33
old necrotic bone is slowly resorbed and simultaneously Allografts are osteoconductive but are only weakly os-
replaced with new viable bone. This incorporation process teoinductive. Although transmission of infection and lack
is termed “creeping substitution.”17,20 Primitive mesenchy- of histocompatibility are potential problems with allograft
mal cells differentiate into osteoblasts that deposit osteoid bone, improved tissue-banking standards have greatly re-
around cores of necrotic bone. This process of bone depo- duced their incidence.
sition and remodeling eventually results in the replace- Bone grafts can also be classified according to their
ment of necrotic bone within the graft. structural anatomy: cortical or cancellous. Cortical bone
The most critical period of bone healing is the first 1 to has fewer osteoblasts and osteocytes, less surface area per
2 weeks in which inflammation and revascularization oc- unit weight, and contributes a barrier to vascular ingrowth

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4 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 10 / April, 2001

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