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a) (2 marks) Explain briefly the underlying cause of negative deviation from ideality for

a liquid solution.

S1-2016 – Q5 (14 marks)

To recycle lead from lead acid batteries requires a large number of processes. After the
initial processing of the lead, one of the major remaining contaminants is copper. To
remove the copper (Cu), sulphur (S) is added to the lead at 500 K. The sulphur reacts with
the copper in the liquid lead solution to form copper sulphide (Cu2S) that then floats to the
top of the liquid solution to become part of the liquid sulphide (matte) phase solution.
This matte phase contain a mixture of copper and lead sulphides and lead. The major
reaction and data are below.
Please note: sol = in liquid lead solution, matte = in liquid matte phase solution
Copper removal: 2Cu (sol) + S (sol) → Cu2S (matte)
rG T 140,000 40
2Cu (s) + ½S2 (g) → Cu2S (s) J/mol
rG T 110,000 20
½S2 (g) → S (1 wt% in lead)

The molecular weights, in g/mol, are: Pb=207.2; S = 32.1

At 500 K, copper is a solid with a maximum solubility in liquid lead of 0.2% (mole basis).
The liquid matte contains 10 % Cu2S (mole basis). At this concentration and 500 K, the
Cu2S has an activity coefficient of 0.1 (relative to pure solid standard state).
a) (2 marks) What is the activity coefficient, relative to the pure solid, of Cu in the liquid
lead solution?
b) (10 marks) What concentration of sulphur in liquid lead, in wt %, is required to
achieve a copper concentration of 0.01% (mole basis) in liquid lead? If you cannot
answer part (a), assume the activity coefficient for Cu in the liquid lead is 150.

c) (2marks) Using your answer from (b) what is the mole fraction of sulphur (xs)
required? If you cannot answer part (b), assume the wt% of sulphur is 0.01%
a) (12 marks) A compressor that is part of a propane system on a refinery is being used
to increase the pressure ready for storage. The inlet and outlet temperatures and
pressures are given above. Using the van der Waals equation and the heat capacity both
given below, calculate the work required for this compressor. Note that the volumes at
the inlet and the outlet have already been solved using the equation of state at the inlet
and outlet T and P.

b) (2 marks) Using the same equation of state as (a), it is attempted to determine if

propane is a liquid or a gas at 340 K and 2.5 MPa. From the equation of state and
fugacity calculations, the results in the table below were obtained. Is it a liquid, or a
vapour,or a mixture of both at this temperature and pressure according to the equation
of state? Explain your answer in a few sentences
S1-2016 – Q6 (14 marks)
Use the phase diagram for the lead-bismuth (Pb-Bi) system in the figure below. Note: The
numbers on the diagram indicate critical temperatures in oC and compositions in mole
(atomic) percent Pb.

Note: x-axis is mole (atomic) percent. Answer all compositions for this question in mole
a) (1 mark) What is the maximum solubility of bismuth in solid lead? What is the
maximum solubility of lead in solid bismuth?
b) (2 marks) How many moles of lead need to be added to 10 moles of bismuth to
achieve the lowest possible melting temperature?
c) (3 marks) At 75% lead and at 200 C, what phases are present, what are their
compositions and their proportions?
d) (3 marks) From the condition in part ©, what phases appear, disappear, or remain if
the mixture is cooled to 180 C ? For any remaining phase, has the amount of that
phase increased, decreased or remained the same? Why has it increased/ decreased/
remained the same?

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