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A. Types of OOH Media

a. Outdoor & Indoor
b. Stationary and Mobile
c. Photographic, Mechanical, Digital

B. Strengths & Limitations

a. Strengths
i. Broad reach
ii. High frequency
iii. Geographic flexibility
iv. Low cost per thousand
v. Branding opportunities
vi. Recency medium
b. Limitations
i. Nonselectivity (advertising geared towards general groups of
consumers, cannot pinpoint specific market segments (e.g.
housewives, young professionals, teens)
ii. Short exposure time (now you see it, now you don’t)
iii. Difficulty in measuring outdoor advertising medium
iv. Environmental concerns

C. Making the most of OOH

1) Location is key. Ensure high visibility, high traffic count.

2) Be creative. OOH is a low-attention medium with generally limited

exposure time. Hence, it has to communicate fast. Ads with clear single-
minded message will perform well.

a) Ads should be striking, eye-catching, attention-grabbing.

 Think inside the box. Translate product benefits into the
 Break away from clutter.
 Be different.
 Quest for something new.

b) Based on research, the most striking outdoor ads often feature sex,
humor and celebrity

c) According to an OAAP Research, following are the attributes that

help in the awareness and recall of outdoor ads
 Use of bright cheerful colors
 Use of photographic or real life situations
 Use of celebrity endorser
 Uniqueness of billboard design

3) Synergize with other media. The most impactful ads tend to be those
where the creative is matched across media – particularly TV.

4) Avoid wear-out by planning and executing a number of different

executions for long campaigns.

5) Integrate the brand. The strongest outdoor campaigns have indelible

branding, not just a big logo.

Buying OOH Media

• Monthly cost per site depending on:

– Size (standard: 40’ x 60’)
– Site/Location (P400,000 to P680,000 per month along EDSA; lower
rates outside EDSA and in provincial areas)
– Type/Execution (photographic, creative, digital)

• Rates are negotiable according to:

– Volume of media buy (number of sites); e.g. additional sites can be
thrown in as bonuses
– Duration of media buy (minimum: one-year negotiable); e.g. additional
months of exposure can be thrown in as bonuses

• Considerations in site selection:

– Traffic/volume of pedestrians/vehicles – potential audience exposure
– Billboard visibility (distance, length of time a moving vehicle is exposed
to the message )
– Site distractions (other billboards, trees, buildings, cables)

Audience Measurement
Traffic count: an actual count of the number of people passing by a
billboard/poster site within a given timeframe

The industry need to update OOH traffic count to for better audience targeting
and more realistic measure of exposures. Currently being studied and
developed are

• Actual billboard visibility measurement through eye-tracking measurement

• Audience location measurement and travel data
Rise of Digital OOH

Industry trends that are changing advertisers’ perception of OOH

• Mobile convergence (from the web to mobile: surfing, search, purchase,

• Developments in digital platform (geofencing, integration of data sources
with OOH planning systems)
 Geofencing: a location-based service that sends messages to
smartphone users who enter a defined geographic area

• Data sources
 Big Data leading to more targeted and therefore more effective OOH
planning – geolocation, audience profile, consumer behavior

Digital OOH Media Forms

 Interactive Posters
 Virtual Stores
 3D Projection Mapping (also called video mapping or spatial augmented
 Holographic Projection

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