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STORY: UNSOS acquires five (05) additional armoured ambulances to improve

response to medical emergencies

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1. Wide shot, an ambulance arriving at UNSOS Transport Section

2. Wide shot, ambulances parked
3. Med shot, ambulance parked
4. Med shot, ambulance parked

5. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH). Divine Bijurenda, UNSOS Officer in Charge of Fleet

“We have mission specific requirements like this particular one on road surface medical
evacuation; hence we provide ambulances that are fit for the purpose. In this case, the medical
section is operating in a very high risk environment. Based on the Security section evaluation,
Transport section was advised to procure armored ambulances in each location.”

6. Med shot, equipment being loaded on the ambulance

7. Wide shot, equipment being loaded on the ambulance
8. Med shot, equipment being loaded on the ambulance
9. Med shot, equipment being loaded on the ambulance
10. Med shot, equipment being loaded on the ambulance

11. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH). Divine Bijurenda, UNSOS Officer in Charge Fleet Management
“Our mandate is to make sure that our clients have what they need. This is a continuous
operation and in addition to providing them with ambulances, we will ensure that they
are serviceable.”

12. Med shot, Dr. Papa Alioune FALL, UNSOS Deputy Chief Medical Officer taken through
the specifics of the ambulance
13. Close up shot, ambulance equipment
14. Close up shot, ambulance equipment
15. Close up shot, ambulance equipment
16. Close up shot, ambulance equipment
17. Med shot, Dr. Papa Alioune FALL, UNSOS Deputy Chief Medical Officer taken through
the specifics of the ambulance

18. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH). Dr. Papa Alioune FALL, UNSOS Deputy Chief Medical Officer
“The medical section is very delighted to receive these five brand new and fully
equipped Ambulances. This is part of the missions continued efforts to improve the
management of casualties in the field.”

19. Close up shot, ambulance strobe lights

20. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH). Dr. Papa Alioune FALL, UNSOS Deputy Chief Medical Officer
“With these ambulances we are now better equipped to respond timely to emergencies
in all the medical facilities in our missions.”

21. Wide shot, Dr. Papa Alioune FALL, UNSOS Deputy Chief Medical Officer witnessing an
ambulance being parked

22. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH). Dr. Hiram Muriuki, Project Manager Aspen Medical
“Today I received great news that we are going to be given a new state of the art
armoured ambulance which is going to go a long way in improving the quality of service
that we give to our patients.”

23. Close up shot, ambulance parked at UNSOS camp

24. Med shot, ambulance parked at UNSOS camp

25. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH). Dr. Hiram Muriuki, the Project Manager Aspen Medical
“Our response time is supposed to be under five minutes, so having a new vehicle and
the parking that we have at our disposal, we should be able to respond to any
emergency call in under five minutes as required from us.”

26. Wide shot, Dr. Papa Alioune FALL, Divine Bijurenda and the team after the event
UNSOS acquires five (05) additional armoured ambulances to improve response to
medical emergencies
Mogadishu - The United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) has acquired five
armored ambulances to enhance the management of medical emergencies in the mission.
The acquisition of the ultra-modern ambulances, to be deployed in sectors under the
African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), is part of the critical support provided by
UNSOS to its clients in Somalia.
The additional ambulances, purchased by the UNSOS Transport Section were delivered, on
Thursday, to the agency’s medical section pending deployment in the sectors.
Ms. Divine Bijurenda, the UNSOS officer in charge of fleet management, noted that the
ambulances were acquired in response to a requisition for specialized vehicles suited for
high risk environment.
“We have mission specific requirements like this one on road surface medical evacuation,
hence we provide ambulances that are fit for the purpose,” said Ms. Bijurenda. “The
medical section is operating in a very high risk environment. Based on the Security section
evaluation, Transport section was advised to procure armoured ambulances in each
UNSOS is mandated to provide support to AMISOM, the United Nations Assistance Mission
in Somalia (UNSOM) and the Somali National Army (SNA) on joint operations with
The UNSOS Transport Section is responsible for providing vehicular support to all its
clients and the ambulances are part of the 960 assets so far provided in the mission area,
Ms. Bijurenda explained.
“Our mandate is to make sure that our clients have what they need. This is a continuous
operation and in addition to providing them with ambulances, we will ensure that they are
serviceable,” Ms. Bijurenda stated adding that a contractor has been deployed to provide
maintenance service in every location.
In his remarks, Papa Alioune FALL, the UNSOS Deputy Chief Medical Officer, said the
additional armoured ambulances will go a long way in improving medical service delivery,
particularly response to emergencies.
“The medical section is very delighted to receive these five brand new and fully equipped
ambulances. This is part of the mission continued efforts to improve the management of
casualties in the field,” Dr. FALL noted.
He added that the ambulances will be deployed to Kismayo, Baidoa, Beletweyne, Jowhar
and Mogadishu.
Dr. Hiram Muriuki, the Project Manager at Aspen Medical International, a firm contracted
to provide medical service to the UN and other beneficiaries in Somalia, also expressed his
delight saying the vehicles will help reduce time taken to respond to medical emergencies.
“The new state of the art armoured ambulance will go a long way in improving the quality
of service that we give to our patients,” Dr. Muriuki said.

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