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Break It Down – Reproductive System

Name: Sherrel Boswell


Identify, define and break into word parts 10 medical terms associated with the
Reproductive System.
Example: Vaginosis a condition of the vagina vagin/o – vagina -osis
condition of
1. Neonate;Term for new born baby. Neo=new Nat/o= birth
2. Postpartum; Period of time shortly after birth. Post= after Partum= child birth
3. Amenorrhea; No menstrual flow. A=without Men/o= menstruation Rrhea= flow
4. Dystocia; Difficult labor and child birth. Dys=abnormal, difficult Tocia= labor and
child birth.
5. Hermatosalpinx; Presence of blood in uterine tube. Hemat/o= blood
Salpinx=Uterine tube
6. Mastalgia; Breast pain. Mast/o= breast Algia= pain
7. Oophoritis; Inflammation of the ovary. Oophor/o= ovary Itis= inflammation
8. Endometrial Cancer; Cancer of the endometrial lining in uterus. Endo= inner
Metr/o= uterus Al= pertaining to
9. Pseudocyesis; A condition where the body reacts as if it were pregnant. Pseudo=
false Cyesis= pregnancy
10. Rectocele= Protrusion or herniation of the rectum into the vagina. Rect/o=rectum
Cele= Protrusion

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