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Northern Cyprus Campus

Basic Linear Algebra
i. Midterm

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i. (10 points) Let V be the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) ofreal numbers. Define a new addition
and scalar multiplication in the following way:
(a, b) EB (c, d) = (a + c, b + d)
r· (c, d) = (O,rd)

Is V with these operations a vector space? Explain your answer.

\J ~VI-O i
'vv O i,i-~ot
V -t~~S' h~k
U- s: fC1.-~ ./
\JJ i
\~ s~t
W'L o..~ LA
Oh3 L~
e...- ~V~. 'vv
ç·pCC(.L '-
-e. 't

((;0) ':::-it· C 1.; o) ~ (O) 1-0)

CA.. C (?V\, 1ro.. vi- i c .{, o y1. .
2. (12 points) Let V = C[a, 1] be the vector space of all continuous functions on the interval
[O,1]. Let E be the subset of V defined by
-1 -I
E = {f(x)lf(x) E C[8, 1]and l( -x) = - f(x), x E [xf, i]}.
Show that E is a subspace of V (or E ~ V).

ToJee.- ~)J E E , A ro 0<-

Cf +-J) C-x) =- t(-x) +-J{-X)~ -trX)-J-rX) ~ - (f-8'){X);

(),f) (- X) =- ) . .f( - X) =- - ). +- (X) == - (). f) (x)

ior eCU X f [i!>;iJ. Tkr<- ~i-e

+1-6 E E (k~d ).·t c: E.

3. (10 points) Is the following collection of vectors in Jl{3 a linear subspace?

U = {(Xi,X2,X3) E Jl{3lxi +X2+X3 ~ O}

4. (10 points) Suppose V is a vector space and E, Fare subsets of V. Show that Span(EUF) =
Span(E) + Span(F) (or J:(E U F) = J:(E) + J:(F)).

6o.s·~J O~ -tk ·6--iv~J, fhc&tSto~3

i;:;: C r;: U p i\'t~ol P C [; U P /\).J~ kJ-~

5:,p"'" un c S;P"'~( [; UP) ) SP"'~ (p) C <;fC,h ( [; UP)

f3 u(J s;pc. ~ ( J; u (') o.. S '-L j, "f'" Uc IY\ V) \)J L

ct~rN-e- ,-ilt/b-

sp"''' E) t Sp Q" (F')

C cc S'p"''' ( ~ LJ rJ.

COV1v~lo / r kle )< E- Ç'f''''''' ( E u riJ 80

i~s U ~~U
\fe--r;r- i<Hv X == i,A Le ,I- it- j<j ~ J- i

foi- SO}~ ~ et J c ~ / ~li'] c ri ~"cA ~ ~('i}-) C 112 .

Gix t- 'x 1 =- L At'

<!. ~- G' -çp~'"
[;') O·v--C1

~L = i)'J h
c: SP"'h ( 17)

-i~L i
X=:-)(1 + )(l.. G- ~r~""'{ [;)+-- if-:>&r h(

Se"''' C E U ri) CL Si=~(f:) 1- -1:>tAh ( F').

5. (12 points) Let U be the subspace of P3(ffi.) spanned by
E = {2x3 + 1, 5, x3~x2 + 1, x3 - 3}.

Find a linearly independent subset P of E spanning U, that is, U = Span(E) = Span(P) (or
U = .c(E) = .c(P)).

ri' r/1- y\ A ·tLe~,+-

'3 3. i - S ). 3 S~
rJ x +- 't -== :). 'x +- ~ . .!:> E ecti v, L X / >.J /

)(3 _~ =1,)(3 + (- }}s <;:- SP'h '$ XJ/ S-J

f>u ~ P= t s-) X 3 J x'~+0 cr E. vlf-

-tle-,h. \tv e t",,-,v~

S,fC<~ ( r) ::o C;p"'n ( r;;) == ir

6. (12 points) Show that the funetions {eX, e-x, sin x} are linearly independent in the veetor
space C[-7f,7f].

x== O »
7. (12 points) (a) Find abasis for the following subspace of ~3:

T = {(x, Y, z)12x _- y + 5z = O}.

PvJ- rr =- (i) :J) O) / b = (Oi .r;/ j) (; J: J1-

-; + j- .,.i.,.i
ci\ b O c:=
)." ~).t Si") J' )-1
~ O ~ ),=)'= O,
Tkrccf<,rf)3~ cl(\n
rf = C LL)-1 Jr;)
C -=:n

Et ~}
:? [) .
-t-k i "/ C;
=F 11<-3, i~
tJ!öws ~U ~ ( -:r):= ~. IV' (Jikrbc..u1O-f)

c:r= 5'pc." ~~i h] OL iC:ibj fJ' '" bc.sls

.}ol ~

(b) Complete the basis found in part (a) to abasis of ~3.

S(hQ '0 qo C;p'" ~ ai 1)" [.(-401lDWJ -t~-~

t t~) ~i /:tre e~M~ ~~ciA.f ve~D
i'h iP-s. BLA ~ (1L~5) = 3 / -u~~-
t ~i b" ~) is G< h~SLs fo,IF3.
9. (10 points) Let S = {I, 2, ... ,100} and T = {99,100} ç S. Find abasis for Fun(S, T).
(Reeall that Fun(S, T) = {f E Fun(S)lf(t) = O,Vt E T}.) (Hint: Use the eharaeteristie
funetions Xs, s ES.)

x == { :X;1 " ~ ~ n. <::. rev o J

Pu~ (S). YY) () re ove-.r )

{ )' YI '. 1 <: LO ~ ~ S J c pu., (Si T)

h CA eihQM~t /"ActerJe."A s", bS.e..1-

PlG~ t G t'u.",(S,T). TL", f(gJ)=/1100)=O

10ö .'38

J::= ;2f (5) ')s c::: Z-f-(.,)

'X_ = L 1-(,,}:;( G
t;. S;~~ { ?C ~ 1~n <:5~
Tk-c5 PU.h (Si T) ~ Sp" ~ { :X.,: 1 ~" <:: J8 j ovvd

f 'X., : 1~ h .s
L' , LI) is fA hCiSi) /O, nAn ( 5; T)/
cl(M(ru~ [s, T)) = 3 g.

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