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Law Of Torts

Right to Safety: A critical Analysis





Purchaser is the point of convergence of the considerable number of exercises. Indeed, he is the
very premise which underpins superstructure of all activities in the general public. Purchaser
intrigue, in this manner, ought to get first need of all. As a resident, as a citizen and as a
purchaser, the purchaser ought to have the privilege to expect that he will get the correct kind of
merchandise and right quality at the correct time and at the correct cost. By and by, it is notable
that the shopper isn't just the most overlooked, the most annoyed, the most endured yet
additionally most mild subject. The customer's situation with respect to accessibility of things
like lamp fuel, sugar and cooking gas is pitiable to the point that he has surrendered himself to
his "destiny and characterized himself as the insignificant individual. " On the one hand, there is
frequently rehashed explanation that "client is constantly right" and the client is the "Ruler". On
the other hand, the lawful position of a purchaser has been communicated in the celebrated
articulation "proviso emptor" or "Let the purchaser be careful." Consumer insurance might be
seen from three points. One is the physical security of the buyer... measures to ensure buyers
against items that are perilous and jeopardize wellbeing. A moment viewpoint is the assurance of
the shoppers monetary intrigue... measures to ensure him against misleading and other out of line
exchange hones and to give sufficient rights also, methods for change. A third and similarly
critical viewpoint is the security of open enthusiasm against the manhandle, the restraining
infrastructure position and prohibitive exchange hones.1

Purchaser insurance is only with giving protection to the fundamental privileges of purchasers.
Be that as it may, purchaser security is basic for a sound economy on the grounds that this
insurance alone can give fundamental quality to him in the market and reestablish the balance in
the purchaser merchant relationship.

"A client is the most critical guest in our premises. He isn't reliant on us, we are subject to him.
He isn't an interference in our work, he is the motivation behind it. He is not a pariah in our
business, he is its piece, we are not helping him out by serving him, he is helping us out by
giving us a chance to do so."These expressions of Gandhiji (1 934) focused on the significance
of purchasers to the makers and their activités including advertising of merchandise and

Sharma Chander Kant, " Role of Consumer organisation in Consumer protection Kanishka publishers, 1995, Delhi,
P. 24
enterprises. Purchasers, infact assume an extremely significiant part in the financial advancement
of a nation. Infact, buyers are the pillers of the economy. Henceforth, every business association
is required to set its goals keeping in see the financial and political structure of the general
public. The fundamental belief system of present day advertising is : don't offer what you happen
to make and feel convient to deliver. Deliver and make what the customers need.

The purchaser development in our nation has been extremely feeble, however try has been made
by the Union Government and additionally Governments of States to promote it. Its nearness has
been for the most part known yet securely overlooked by spectators. Consumerism gives new
accentuation to the Consumers Bill of Rights-The Magna-Carta of purchasers, for example
purchaser has a privilege to full and right data on costs, on nature of merchandise and on
expenses and productivity dissemination. Significance of the purchaser to the business presently
can't seem to be acknowledged completely. Business makes benefit just when merchandise is
devoured or benefits, used. This surmises buyers presence. Business is altogether reliant upon the
consumer for its exceptionally survival as well as for its development.

When all is said in done, purchasers are scattered over the entire nation. They are exceedingly
disordered. Independently, they have exceptionally frail haggling power. They are not proficient
or shrewed purchasers. Moreover, in India, they have an extra impede, in particular, larger part
of purchaser's are uneducated, insensible and for the most part need data to make savvy buys.
Shopper development is a social and monetary development to ensure the interests of purchasers
against the out of line exchange rehearses and different types of misuse in matter of accessibility,
quality, amount and costs of products and ventures. The development of consumerism is the
common result of the powers created by modern and mechanical transformation saw in the
created nations.

The effect of the purchaser development isn't being felt in the creating nations which are
occupied with the undertaking of accomplishing a quickened rate of financial development.
There are various elements prompting an upsurge of consumerism. Industrialisation furthermore,
large scale manufacturing bringing about creation and promoting of an extensive assortment of
buyer products, presumably, enchant the shoppers yet in addition have them confounded about
their decision in the commercial center. Advancement of a variety of flawed advertising
rehearses by the producers frequently misdirect the purchasers.
The shopper's sway over the commercial center has been disintegrated because of wide
predominance of a merchant's market, blemished rivalry and different types of monopolistic
exchange hones. The quick pace of mechanical change has, most likely, acquired a flood of new
items however has made data holes for the customers as to their quality, execution and utility.
The problems are highlighted by the enormous publicizing efforts for new items which on
numerous events befuddle the customers. The advanced innovation also, new promoting
strategies have been very helpful. However, everything isn't so wonderful and smooth. The
marketers have taken undue preferred standpoint of the shopper numbness and vulnerability.
They receive just those strategies and systems which meet their finishes. They have made the
purchasers an objective of their deceitful practices. Thus, the buyers have turned into the casualty
of different sorts of desires. In this way, the pharases like 'Buyer is the soverign'.'Consumer is
constantly right', 'Purchaser is above all else', 'Customer can do no wrong', appear to be shallow.
The shopper might be a lord of corporate exercises, yet his kingdom stays on the paper only.^ It
has been evaluated that Indian shopper is being duped by about Rs 2000 crore each year.
Malpractices in practice

The social advancement show in instruction and purchaser mindfulness has advanced different
weight gatherings of customers, which look for honest to goodness security of the interests of
buyers. The requirement for purchaser assurance is currently being felt like never before
previously. Among the myraid items in the market, buyer is, today, nursing a sentiment
defenselessness, since he is in effect methodicallly misled as respects quality, cost of items and
benefit accessible.

Purchaser is the point of convergence of the considerable number of exercises. Truth be told, he
is the very premise which underpins superstructure of all activities in the general public.
Customer intrigue, along these lines, ought to get first need of all. As a resident, as a citizen and
as a purchaser, the customer ought to have the privilege to expect that he will get the correct kind
of merchandise and right quality at the perfect time what's more, at the correct cost. By and by, it
is outstanding that the shopper isn't just the most overlooked, the most badgering, the most
endured yet in addition most accommodating resident. The buyer's predicament concerning
accessibility of things like kerosine, sugar and cooking gas is so pitiable that he has surrendered
himself to his "destiny and characterized himself as the irrelevant individual." On the one hand,
there is oft rehashed explanation that "client is constantly right" and the client is the "Ruler".
Then again , the lawful position of a purchaser has been communicated in the renowned
articulation "proviso emptor" or "Let the purchaser be careful".

While the benefit in any business isn't a wrongdoing and it is basic for survival and development,
unlawful benefit or profiteering through faulty means like item corruption, extortion, inflationary
value hones like storing, theory, dark advertising et cetera are considered both hostile to social
and against national.2

The list of instances and kinds of exploitation through malpractices adopted by businessmen is a
very long one. We may mention some of them to indicate the gravity of consumer exploitation so
as to prove the dire need of consumer protection and education : lack of safety regulation; food
adulteration, short weights and measures, misuse of coloring matter, limitation of manufacture,

Asha Bajaj "Consumerism in Haryana with special reference to the role of Diffrent interst Groups", Phd Thesis,
submitted to the MD. University, Rohtak, P.1
blatant misleading advertisement, conspicuous consumption; hire purchase plans, advertisement
tactics, sales gimmicks, evil practices of powerful multinationals, massive profiteering, illegal
trading etc.

The above sorts of acts of neglect and the ensuing abuse of customer, misuse of buyer
enthusiasm on an extensive scale will unquestionably demonstrate the squeezing, the dire
requirement for buyer direction in India. We find that purchaser is an extremely immaterial
individual in the market.
How to view Consumer Protection

Customer security might be seen from three edges. One is the physical insurance of the
customer... measures to secure purchasers against items that are risky and imperil wellbeing. A
moment angle is the security of the buyers financial intrigue... measures to ensure him against
misleading and other out of line exchange hones and to give satisfactory rights and methods for
change. A third and similarly critical perspective is the assurance of open enthusiasm against the
mishandle, the syndication position and prohibitive trade habits.

Buyer assurance is only giving protection to the fundamental privileges of shoppers. In any case,
shopper security is fundamental for a solid economy since this assurance alone can give
neccessary quality to him in the market and reestablish the adjust in the purchaser dealer
relationship^. Thinking about the needs and needs of customers, the purchaser assurance
measures ought to basically be worried about.

a) The protection from hazards to health and safety,

b) The promotion and protection of economic interests;

c) Access to adequate information;

d) Control of misleading advertisements and deceptive representation;

e) Consumer education;

and f) Effective consumer redressal.

The modern and monetary advancement saw amid the most recent four decades has changed our
monetary and social situation. Any Indian today can take pride in the quick monetary advance
that we have accomplished. The quantitative development in yields in modern and rural parts
under arranged financial improvement has been hailed as notable improvement from the world
class econ.3

The present financial and mechanical improvements have, almost certainly, made detectable
social and monetary changes yet the customer's control over the market system has bit by bit

G.N. Sahu, Consumer problems in India, Indian Journal of marketing , May. 2000 pp. 3-4.
lessened. Purchaser's power in selection of products and enterprises has been extraordinarily
dissolved by different types of out of line, monopolistic and misleading exchange rehearses.
Despite the fact that there are around 200 intentional customer associations in the nation and a
large number of them are doing gigantic support of advance purchaser's motivation, their
exercises are packed in metropolitan urban communities and towns. The development is still in
its earliest stages and at the grass roots level significantly more sharpness and movement are
Self Regulation in Business

Self-direction in business in limit the requirement for broad government intercession. The market
calling can direct its own conduct and activities without anyone else's input train and by raising
moral measures. Business people group must read the written work on the dividers and take
immediately, proper strides to direct its lead and develop self-restraint and self direction in the
substantial national interests. Give it a chance to be noticed this isn't only to protect the customer
intrigue yet additionally to protect the self-enthusiasm of the business group itself. Persisting and
positive enhancements in business practices can be realized by the businesspeople themselves
and these progressions ought to be founded on the inward will or want as opposed to originating
from the outer power or teach. Numerous exchange affiliations have moved decidedly to react to
developing buyer fulfillment. This reaction was because of expanding danger of government
control. Absolutely intentional endeavors of self-direction by industry or exchange are not prone
to be fruitful, in light of the fact that there are no authorizations as some implementation
apparatus. Moral endorse and good duty or commitment may not be intense for implementation
if every one of the individuals from the exchange affiliation don't have a higher feeling of teach
furthermore, appropriate temperament,etc.

Chamber of Commerce and Trade Asscociations can play an effective role in self
regulations.Shopper assurance isn't there typical expected capacity. Thus, another arrangement of
affiliations must be set up for the benefit of exchange to offer customer direction, buyer training
and buyer security. In India, we have such an organisaton called Fair Trade Practices Association
for upholding a method of lead in reasonable exchanging. Protest dealing with hardware might
be endowed to uncommon organizations, for example, MRTPC. Such exceptional bodies can
likewise develop an implicit rules for reasonable exchange hones a type of self direction. Before,
promoting enactment was all things considered business-arranged not buyer situated. Statutory
direction is the crudest shape and in addition final fall back on secure a teach business direct.
Enactment give statutory security to guiltless and not well educated purchasers against
unjustifiable exchange hones. For legitimate individuals self-direction functions admirably and
enactment is unnecessary.

Various buyer security laws have been produced throughout the years to ensure different
interests of buyer. These incorporate Essential Commodities Act, Prevention of Food
Contaminated Act, Standards of Weights and Measures Act and MRTP Act. In any case, these
game plans have not prompted development of a compelling shopper insurance development in
the nation. Besides, these laws are either preventive or correctional in approach and don't give
quick reliefs and remunerations to the distressed buyers. The techniques for conveying the guilty
parties to book under the current laws are likewise long drawn and bulky. Prosecution is an
expensive undertaking which most purchasers can't manage. 4

The law of torts isn't all around created in our present lawful framework. Moreover, there is no
normal stage for authorities and non-authorities for talking about the purchaser's issues and for
exhorting the Government on arrangements and measures expected to advance and secure the
rights and interests of the shoppers.

Purchaser assurance involves securing the rights and interests of the customers in matters of
accessibility, quality, amount and cost of products and enterprises. Securing the interests of the
buyers from unjustifiable and misleading exchange hones is of central worry to society.


Purchaser ought to have the privilege to be ensured against advertising of products which are
risky to life and property. The privilege to be educated about the quality, amount, intensity,
virtue, standard and cost of products and to be ensured against out of line exchange hones is too
theirs. Buyers likewise have the privilege to be guaranteed, wherever conceivable, access to an
assortment of products at aggressive costs and furthermore to be guaranteed that purchasers'
advantages will get due thought at fitting discussions. Redressai against out of line exchange
hones or deceitful abuse of customers and appropriate purchaser training must likewise figure in
buyers' rights.

S. B. Sadars & Fudzale, T.U", Introspection of Consumer movement in India." Indian Journal of marketing, Feb.
2000 P. 24

Government has agreed a high need to shopper assurance and 'worry for purchaser' is
incorporated into the 20-Point program of 1986.0ur Prime Minister is extremely sharp about the
improvement of an expansive and viable customer development in the nation. Considering the
need to give rapid redressai to buyers' grievances and to know about the insufficiencies in the
current regulatory and lawful courses of action, the Government presented the Consumer
Protection Bill in 1986 Session of the Parliament. This Bill which got overpowering help from
individuals from both the Houses, constituted a point of interest in the social what's more,
monetary enactments of this nation. The notable highlights of the new buyer security charge
apply to all products and ventures what's more, give buyer assurance in issues of any shopper
objection emerging out of unjustifiable exchange rehearse (other than of vast modern houses to
be managed by MRTP Commission), faulty products and enterprises, absurd costs charged in
abundance of statutory cost or willfully proclaimed costs. Faulty products and inadequate
administrations incorporate any blame, blemish or deficiency in the quality, amount, power,
immaculateness or standard.


The Government is wanting to set up Consumer Protection Councils in states involving, non-
official and authority individuals. These Councils will give a stage to talk of customer issues and
would prompt the concerned Central or State Government on approaches and projects to advance
and secure the rights and interests of the shoppers. The new enactment reveres the privileges of
the shopper, for example, appropriate to wellbeing, right to data, ideal to training and appropriate
to look for redressai. It depends on law of torts giving sensible pay to the bothered purchasers. It
accommodates redressai hardware which will be accessible inside the simple reach of the

The semi legal apparatus is a three-level set-up at the locale, state and national levels. The
District Consumer Redressai Forum will have forces to change shopper objections in matter of
out of line exchange hones, flawed merchandise and ventures upto a case measure of Rs. One
Lakh. The State Commission can engage customer's claim in overabundance of lakh and
upto Rs. Ten lakhs. National Commission will have forces to grant compenstion for harms above
Rs. Ten lakhs.

The State Commission and National Commission have been vested with proper redrafting and
revisionary powers. To accelerate equity to the buyers, just a single interest is mulled over in the
legal set-up joined in the enactment. To give clout to the enactment, corrective and correctional
arrangements have been joined. Where the dealer or producer neglects to complete the requests
of the District Forum, State Commission or National Commission, he will be culpable with a
detainment for a term which might not be short of what one month but rather which may stretch
out to three years or with a fine which might not be not as much as Rs. 2000 yet which may
stretch out to Rs. 10,000 or with both. To give rapid redressais, the strategies imagined for the
semi legal apparatus are basic, modest and time-bound. No charges have been recommended
forfiling of the grievances before any redressai.


The accomplishment of this enactment will rely upon viable execution of its arrangements by the
Central and State Governments in letter and spirits. Moreover, it will need help of a solid
expansive based buyer development in the nation, contribution of ladies and youth what's more,
participation of exchange and industry.


At introduce there are 68 enrolled willful customer associations contributing their endeavors for
the advancement and security of shopper intrigues enlisted in the Punjab state. Keeping in mind
the end goal to secure the interst of the buyers, the Government of Punjab is actualizing the
arrangements of Consumers Protection Act, 1 986. The Punjab Consumer Protection Rules, 1987
have been told in the State vide Notification dated Nov. 27.1 987. At the state level, Consumer
Question Redressai Commission has been working at Chandigarh since 1 991.

Here it is worth specifying that, in the territory of Punjab, Consumer Protection Council was set
up in the year 1992 and stayed working upto September 15,1995. From that point forward, it
couldn't work because of absence of assets. The prior dialog demonstrates that the Consumer
Protection Act, 1986 has been authorized to advance and secure the privileges of the customers.
To give expedient and straightforward redressai to purchaser debate, a three-level semi legal
apparatus is tried to be set-up at the region, State and Central levels who are to watch the
standards of common equity and have been engaged to give reliefs of a particular sort and to
grant whatever suitable remuneration to the customer. A development ever financial enactments
by re-characterizing the lawful connection amongst customers and providers or fabricates of
good also, administrations, the new law is a noteworthy advance forward toward equity for the
shoppers through an institutional game plan which is effectively accessible, rapid, more
affordable redressai of their grievances subsequently empowering them to look for pay for harms
if there should arise an occurrence of defective products.

The Madhya Pradesh Bill, 1 984 the main far reaching model Bill had an impact over the Act.
Nonetheless, the foundation and working of organizations for settlement of buyer question
should be transformed in order to make them more compelling. As to usage of the Act, the
redressai apparatus has been made practical just in fourteen states/association regions. In this
association, it ends up important that different states should try genuine endeavors to actualize
the Consumer Protection Act by building up region and state level redressai offices with no
further delay. It might be brought up that each District Forum under Section 10 and the State
Commission under Section 16 is made out of three individuals just independent of the territory
what's more, populace of the State concerned.

For example, states like Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharastra having
extensive regions and more populace are having as it were three-part discussions at the region
and state levels. Also, the individuals are required to sit in single Bench. As a result it ends up
troublesome for them to Cope with thousands what's more, a great many cases preceding them.
In this association, it is presented that their number ought not be restricted to three rather it ought
to be expanded to a few individuals keeping in see the number of inhabitants in the states
including adequate number of individuals qualified in law. It is additionally presented that the
Commission ought to be permitted to sit in Benches and each Seat ought to have a part qualified
in law. The same can be connected to the structure of sittings of the Commission at the National
level under Section 20 which is by and by formed of just five individuals.
With respect to strategy to be trailed by the Redressai Agencies on receipt of objections which
has been endorsed under Section 13(1) of the Act it might be noticed that under provisions (f)
and (g) of this Section, any gathering can "debate the rightness of the techniques of fitting
research facility or investigation or test embraced by the proper lab by submitting his complaints
in writing as to such a report or investigation. In addition, parties should be given a sensible
chance of being heard in this association by the concerned Forum. Who is to judge the rightness
of this examination ? The rightness of the test or examination made by an investigator or
specialized master in that capacity can't be judged by the court which as it were, implies that the
court needs to send the merchandise for examination to some other research facility and so on.

All this may at last reason delay in the procedures of these courts. In this association, it is
presented that in instances of protestations claiming absconds in the products which can't be
resolved without legitimate investigation or trial of the merchandise, the example of the products
ought to be sent for testing or investigation to no less than three research centers at the same time
and the simultaneousness in the two reports ought to be taken as last and no gathering ought to
be given a chance to raise complaint against it in order to maintain a strategic distance from any
postponement in the transfer of shopper question.

In addition, the arrangement for installment of any expenses with respect to the purchasers for
research facility test or investigation (Section 1 3 (d)) ought to be erased in order to enable the
customers to bring their grievances and get review without causing any additional money related
weight at all.

Under the Consumer Protection Act just four reliefs of a particular sort are said in Section 1 4
which can be allowed by the Redressai Forums through a request to be specific expulsion of
imperfection brought up by the proper lab, supplanting of blemished merchandise with new
merchandise of comparative depiction, restore the cost or charges paid by the complainant or
installment of remuneration. The organizations, in any case, as have been appropriately indicated
out have no power make a request for forbidding the merchandise which-can be hazardous to
wellbeing and life. These court ought to be engaged to make a request in such manner as well, by
embeddings a proviso to this impact under Section 14.
It is one of the privileges of the buyers to look for redressai against out of line exchange
rehearses or corrupt abuse of buyers by any merchant by making an affirmation in the objection
of misfortune or harm because of such practice, as have been specified under Section 2(c) of the
Act. The articulation uncalled for exchange rehearse has-been given the same significance as in
Section 36-An of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act of 1969 be that as it may,
should exclude an uncalled for exchange rehearse embraced by the proprietor of an endeavor to
which Part An of Chapter III of that Act applies or by any individual following up for sake or for
the advantage of, such proprietor. It implies an exchange hone which to promote the deal, utilize
or supply of any products or for the arrangement of any administrations, receives at least one of
the practices endorsed and in this way makes misfortune or damage the buyers of such products
or administrations, regardless of whether by taking out or limiting rivalry or something else.
Along these lines, such a training ought to be at least one of those recorded under Section 36-A.
Also, under Segment 36-D of a similar Act, the MRTP Commission may ask into any exchange
hone which may precede it for request and on the off chance that it is of the supposition that the
training is biased to the general population intrigue or to the enthusiasm of any shopper or
customers for the most part, it might by arrange coordinate that (a) the training should be ended
or might not be rehashed, and (b) any understanding identifying with such uncalled for exchange
rehearse should be void or might stand adjusted in regard thereof in such way as might be
indicated in the order.

The redressai offices under the Consumer Protection Act have neither any specialist to make a
request for discontinuance or non-reiteration of an uncalled for exchange hone nor to make such
request for give of harm as for a training not going under the comprehensive definition yet which
may end up fundamental because of innovative headways. In this manner, it is presented that
such powers ought to be given on the Consumer Dispute Settlement bodies by embeddings more
conditions in significant Section 1 4 (1 ) of the Act or otherwise.

As respects the working of the Redressai Machinery it has been accounted for 28 that whatever
courts have been set-up under the Act, appear to be hesitant in granting harms to buyers even in
the wake of inferring that the shopper has been swindled or befooled 29. In other cases courts by
and large save their judgements and don't settle any date of proclamation of choice This denies
the shopper of the impediment time frame for definite interest against such orders." Therefore, it
is need of great importance that the purchaser redressai offices should work so as to help the
buyers in advancing their grumblings previously them of losing their confidence in such manner.

Any individual oppressed by a request of the National Consumer Redressai Commission can
incline toward an interest to the Supreme Court under Section 23 inside a time of 30 days or after
that if there should be an occurrence of an adequate reason being appeared as per the general
inclination of the Supreme Court. Accordingly bid to the Supreme Court is unhindered. Be that
as it may, it ought to be confined and the Supreme Court ought to be made as it is made in
common suits from High Court to the Supreme Court. At the end of the day, it ought to be
permitted just if the National Commission affirms that the case is a fit one to be chosen by the
Supreme Court including a generous inquiry of law of general significance. The arrangement
toward this path ought to be embedded in the demonstration.


Based on above discoveries the accompanying surigestions are made.

a) No association can work easily and proficiently without reserves. The buyer gatherings have
endured a ton on this record and need adequate assets from the Government to meet their
everyday prerequisites. The Governments ought to give the essential offices like legitimate
convenience to run the workplace, great furniture, a powerful library and so on, to every one of
the discussions.

b) So as to accelerate the transfer of grumblings, The CDRAs ought to stricktly follow to the
arrangements of Consumer Protection Act while permitting a deferment.

c) The examination uncovers that a substantial number of respondents recorded their protests in
purchaser courts through promoters. Be that as it may, under the law it isn't important to draw in
an advocates. It is, in this way proposed individuals must be persuaded and instructed about the
methodology to document their protestations in District discussion. Further, the demonstration
ought to be so ammended where the Complaintant does not draw in a promoter, the contrary
party would cause to have the administrations of an insight. It is recommended that to challenge
purchaser cases for nothing out of pocket, more Shopper Legal Aid Cells are required toward
buyer equity to secure redressai of shopper grievances.

1. Sharma Chander Kant, " Role of Consumer organisation in Consumer protection Kanishka
publishers, 1995, Delhi, P. 24

2. Asha Bajaj "Consumerism in Haryana with special reference to the role of Diffrent interst
Groups", Phd Thesis, submitted to the MD. University, Rohtak, P.1

3. G.N. Sahu, Consumer problems in India, Indian Journal of marketing , May. 2000 pp. 3-4.

4. S. B. Sadars & Fudzale, T.U", Introspection of Consumer movement in India." Indian Journal
of marketing, Feb. 2000 P. 24

5. Narinder Kumar and Batra," Consumer Rights, Awareness and Action in Small Cities Indian
Journal of marketing, Vol. 21 No. 4 Sep. Dec. 1990

6. United Nation General Assembly, " Consumer protection, Resolution No. 39/248. April 9.

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