TD ThermalPP

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Hochschule Offenburg Prof. Dr.-Ing. B.

Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik Thermal Power Plants

1st Problem
In a boiler every hour 100.103 kg water will be evaporated and expanded in an heat insulated tur-
bine. The specific enthalpy is
 at the boiler entry h1 = 128 kJ/kg,
 at the exit of the boiler and at the entry of the turbine h2 = 3150 kJ/kg and
 at the turbine exit h3 = 2350 kJ/kg.
Please calculate:
a) the added heat at the boiler,
b) the power of the turbine and
c) the efficiency of the facility.

2nd Problem
In a JOULE-process the air is forced to follow the static changes of state:
1 → 2 isentropic compression from p1 = 1 bar to p2 = 7 bar
2 → 3 isobaric heating to T3 = 510 K
3 → 4 isentropic expansion
4 → 1 isobaric cooling to T1 = 278 K.
All changes of state are free of friction.
a) Plot the JOULE-Process in a p,v-diagram!
b) How high are the obtained temperatures in the process T2 and T4?
c) What specific works will be exchanged at the compression and expansion?
d) How big are the added and removed heats?
e) What is the thermal efficiency?
Assumption: Air can be treated as perfect gas with specific heat capacities (cv = 0,717 kJ/(kg K), κ
= 1,4).

3rd Problem
To satisfy the peak load power demand often open gasturbines are used. In this example a mass
flow rate of mdot = 100 kg/s under ambient conditions (p = 1 bar, T = 300 K) is sucked. The fluid
is air (perfect gas, R = 0,287 kJ/kgK, κ = 1,4).
The air will be compressed in the adiabatic compressor (efficiency ηc = 0,85) at p = 4 bar followed
by an isobaric combustion chamber, where the gas is heated to T2 = 1000 K and finally expanded
in an isentropic turbine (efficiency ηT = 0,9) to ambient pressure. The turbines drives with the same
shaft the compressor as well as the generator with a mechanical efficiency of ηm = 0,98. Mass flow
rate and properties by the injected fuel can be neglected.
1. Plot the process in a T,s-diagram.
2. Calculate:
a) the generated power in the turbine,
b) the consumed power in the compressor,
c) the electrical power of the generator,
d) the added heat in the combustion chamber needed.
3. What is the total efficiency of the plant?
4. What is the temperature of the flue gas leaving the facility?
To improve the efficiency the process will be carried out with an internal heat exchanger. For this
reason an (isentropic to the outer side) isobaric heat exchanger will be installed, where the com-
pressed air will be heated by the hot flue gas in advance of the combustion chamber. The effi-
ciency of the heat exchanger is ηhex = 0,8.
5. Plot the heat exchange in the T,s-diagram and mark the transferred heat.
6. Is there a change of the turbine power?
7. What heat flow rate has to be added in the combustion chamber now?
8. Calculate the new total efficiency and the exit temperature of the flue gas.

4th Problem
A gasturbine operated in an open process sucks in air of ambient conditions p1 = 1 bar, t1 = 25 oC.
The compressor has two stages; downstream of the first stage the air will be cooled isobaric to the
ambient temperature, in the second stage compressed to 8 bar. Then the air will be heated up

Wintersemester 2014/15 Problems

Hochschule Offenburg Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Jatzlau
Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik Thermal Power Plants

isobaric to 700 oC and in a two staged turbine expanded to ambient pressure. Between the expan-
sion process an isobaric reheat process to 700 oC is applied.
Air is a perfect gas with constant specific heat capacity cp = 1 kJ/kg K. Compression and expan-
sion are reversible-adiabatic.
1. Plot the theoretical process in a p, v- and T,s-diagram.
2. What is the intermediate pressure of the compression and the expansion, if the work
should reach the maximum?
3. Calculate for the theoretical process the gas properties in all points of the diagram.
4. Calculate the thermal efficiency of the facility.
5. How much air is necessary per hour, if a power of 1000 kW should be generated?

5th Problem
A vessel with a volume of 0,5 m3 contains 10 kg water and steam under saturation conditions at a
pressure of p = 5 bar. Calculate
1. the steam content (quality)
2. the spec. enthalpy h
3. the specific inner energy u
4. the specific entropy s
5. slope of the vapor-pressure-diagram dp/dT at 5 bar.

6th Problem
10 kg/s saturated water at 200 oC are throttled adiabatic to 2 bar. Calculate
1. temperature after throttling
2. quality after throttling
3. entropy difference per time by throttling

7th Problem
A closed vessel with constant volume contains 0,38 kg water and 0,1 kg steam in equilibrium
condition at 1 bar.
1. What heat has to be added to the system, in order to increase the pressure to 10 bar?
2. What is the temperature then?

8th Problem
A power boiler generates 360 t/h life steam at p1 = 100 bar and t1 = 540 oC.
The life steam has to be cooled to 520 oC by injecting saturated water at 110 bar. Before injecting
the water the pressure is throttled adiabatic to p4 = p1 = 100 bar and the mixed to the life steam.
1. Plot this process in a T-s-diagram.
2. What is the quality in the water after throttling?
3. What hourly mass flow is necessary for the injection?
4. What is the total entropy difference per time?

Wintersemester 2014/15 Problems

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