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I owe an immense thanks to my professor, Mr. Alan Mustafa at the University of

Greenwich for helping me in many practical matters during the preparation of this
dissertation. He has always given me the privilege to work in my own way. Through out this
whole period I have received un-measurable support from him. Without his support I could
have never accomplished this much. I could not have wished for a better supervisor. Thanks
for your kindness, your patience and your useful suggestions. Secondly another professor I
would like to thank is Mr. Tony Valsamidis for helping me realize the importance of writing
a good report.
The conducting of qualitative research requires proper access to the field of practice.
Hence, I am most grateful to Mr. John Lowdon, Miss Lucia Grande and the other employees
for providing me with good access to their organization.
Most importantly I would like to thank the people closest to me. I want to thank my
mother and father for their immense encouragement and mental support through the hard
times I had to go through. Also I want to thank my friends for their love and support. My
deepest gratitude goes to my lovely girlfriend Kamila, who was always there to give me love
and support. When I was down she was always there to pull me up. Thank you for putting
your trust in me.
Finally I would like to thank God for listening to my prayers. Thank you for helping me to
focus on my works and for looking after my closed ones.
I will always be grateful to everyone. THANK YOU ever so much!
IV. Contents:
I. Abstract:

II. Preface:

III. Acknowledgement:

IV. Contents:
1. Introduction:
1.1 Company Background
1.1.1 USE case diagram: Ordering system
1.1.2 Activity Diagram: Ordering diagram
1.2 Starbucks Ideology
1.3 Reasons for Topic Choice
1.4 Aims and Objective
1.5 Summary

2. Literature Review:
2.1 Introduction
2.2 What is SCM?
2.3 Evolution of SCM
2.4 Supply Chain & E- Business
2.5 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) & E- Business
2.6 Summary

3. Research Methodology:
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Paradigm
3.2.1 Positivism
3.2.2 Interpretivism Main types of Qualitative Research Main types of Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis
3.2.3 Critical Science
3.3 Qualitative vs. Quantitative
3.4 Methodology Used
3.4.1 Interactive Interview
3.4.2 Historic Data
3.4.3 Observation
3.5 Summary

4. Summary of Findings:
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Analysis of Interview
4.3 Analysis of historic Data
4.4 Analysis of Observation
4.5 Summary

5. Conclusion
5.1 Recommendation
5.2 Future Research

V. Appendices

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