Pamphlet4 - EstateEqualizationDistribution Fillable

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You Have Options

Beware of
Instead of conflict, what if there was a way to make
all the children feel that mom and dad took care of
Personal Financial
them? Hazards
What if you could leave a certain asset completely Part 4
to one child who was best suited to receive it, without Inadequate Planning for the Future of Your
overlooking or dealing unfairly with the other children? Property: Will Your Estate Cause Undesired and
What if you could create liquidity (a block of cash) in Unexpected Family Conflicts?
your estate that enabled you to distribute highly illiquid
assets without concerns of unbalanced inheritances? The Assets in Your Estate
What if you could provide a large tax-free cash ben- Successfully accumulating assets often requires hard
efit to deserving children or grandchildren to help set work, discipline, and patience over several decades.
up their financial futures? However, many people have not considered that every-
What if there was a way to create the dollars needed thing that you own will eventually be owned by someone
in the future for pennies on the dollar today? else—literally every dime will end up in someone else’s
hands. Without proper planning people cannot control
Let’s Talk who gets what, when or how they get it, or whether their
There are several powerful strategies that can help assets will cause undesirable family conflicts.
you accomplish these, and many other, personal finan- Do you own any illiquid assets (real estate, business,
cial goals. Let’s sit down and talk and you can decide if family home) that are a large percentage of your total
any of these strategies might be of interest to you. wealth? Could your children have different financial
Ardal Powell, MA, PhD needs or desires if they were to inherit assets? To create
New York Life/NYLife Securities
“equal” distribution would prized assets have to be sold?
Would anyone feel hurt if a certain asset didn’t go to
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advice. Consult your own professional advisors before implementing any planning strategies. © 2018
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Advanced Planning Group
How will you ensure that everyone wants to do the
same things with jointly inherited assets (keep vs. sell,
Let’s Look at the Numbers
use vs. rent, work vs. passively own, etc.)? Could chil- Let’s look at some of the unexpected conflicts that
dren’s spouses (in-laws) influence decisions about what could arise if Dan and Leigh passed away before they
to do with that property? were able to put their estate in order.  
Many families and individuals have not considered
the family conflicts that could arise after mom and dad The Jones’ Assets:
are gone if estate equalization has not been achieved. $3m (farmland)
How might your family be impacted by the distribution $2m (all other assets)
of your estate? $5m (total assets)
Let’s look at a hypothetical example. Potential Conflicts:
Nate gets the land because he’s working it.
If you passed away without plans to equalize $3 million to Nate, but only $2 million between
the other two kids? (unequal inheritance)
your estate, where could unexpected conflicts
The commercial property produces passive in-
creep into family relationships? come, but Nate has to work to make a living.
(should the twins get free income?)
Who should get the house? (Nate could actually
Dan and Leigh Jones have enjoyed financial success. live there, but if he gets it $3.35m goes to him
For years they have worked and carefully saved. They and only $1.65m goes to his siblings)
have $3 million of farmland, a commercial building worth Divide the land between all the kids equally.
$1.25 million, a $350,000 farm house, and $400,000 of Nate wants control over his livelihood. (What if
cash, securities, and other property. Their oldest son, siblings don’t want to sell, or can’t agree on
Nate, works the farmland, while their other children (adult price? What if they want rent income? What if
twins – Josh and Jane) pursue their careers in other cities. they want to sell to an outsider to get cash?)

If Dan and Leigh don’t plan carefully, their children In other words, illiquid assets (like real estate and
could run into conflicts about property, their estate, and businesses) can cause kids to feel unfairly dealt with.
what is a fair division when they are gone!

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