Noninvasive Assessment of Plaque Characteristics With Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography in Symptomatic Diabetic Patients

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Emerging Treatments and Technologies


Noninvasive Assessment of Plaque

Characteristics With Multislice Computed
Tomography Coronary Angiography in
Symptomatic Diabetic Patients
GABIJA PUNDZIUTE, MD1,2 ARTHUR J.H.A. SCHOLTE, MD1 cardial perfusion scintigraphy and dobut-
JOANNE D. SCHUIJF, MSC1,3 LUCIA J.M. KROFT, MD, PHD5 amine stress echocardiography, has been
J. WOUTER JUKEMA, MD, PHD1,3 ERNST E. VAN DER WALL, MD, PHD1,3 used to detect CAD in diabetic patients
ERIC BOERSMA, PHD4 JEROEN J. BAX, MD, PHD1 (4,5), and a clear association between ab-
normal test results and worse outcome
has been demonstrated, similar to that in
OBJECTIVE — Cardiovascular events are high in patients with type 2 diabetes, whereas their the general population (6). Nonetheless,
risk stratification is more difficult. The higher risk may be related to differences in coronary after normal findings, elevated event rates
plaque burden and composition. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether differences are still observed in diabetic patients com-
in the extent and composition of coronary plaques in patients with and without diabetes can be pared with nondiabetic individuals (6,7),
observed using multislice computed tomography (MSCT).
indicating a need for further refinement of
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS — MSCT was performed in 215 patients (86 prognostication in this population. The
[40%] with type 2 diabetes). The number of diseased coronary segments was determined per higher event rates in patients with diabe-
patient; each diseased segment was classified as showing obstructive (ⱖ50% luminal narrowing) tes compared with those in patients with-
disease or not. In addition, plaque type (noncalcified, mixed, and calcified) was determined. out diabetes could be related to
Plaque characteristics were compared in patients with and without diabetes. Regression analysis differences in coronary plaque burden
was performed to assess the correlation between plaque characteristics and diabetes. and composition. Therefore, direct visu-
alization of coronary plaque burden
RESULTS — Patients with diabetes showed significantly more diseased coronary segments could be a useful tool for risk stratifica-
than nondiabetic patients (4.9 ⫾ 3.5 vs. 3.9 ⫾ 3.2, P ⫽ 0.03) with more nonobstructive (3.7 ⫾ tion. Indeed, using invasive techniques, a
3.0 vs. 2.7 ⫾ 2.4, P ⫽ 0.008) plaques. Relatively more noncalcified (28 vs. 19%) and calcified
considerably higher extent of CAD and
(49 vs. 43%) and less mixed (23 vs. 38%) plaques were observed in patients with diabetes (P ⬍
0.0001). Diabetes correlated with the number of diseased segments and nonobstructive, non- plaque burden have been demonstrated
calcified, and calcified plaques. in the presence of diabetes (8,9).
To date, atherosclerosis has been
CONCLUSIONS — Differences in coronary plaque characteristics on MSCT were observed noninvasively assessed in patients with
between patients with and without diabetes. Diabetes was associated with higher coronary type 2 diabetes using coronary calcium
plaque burden. More noncalcified and calcified plaques and less mixed plaques were observed scoring, which reveals extensive athero-
in diabetic patients. Thus, MSCT may be used to identify differences in coronary plaque burden, sclerosis (10,11). Still, coronary calcium
which may be useful for risk stratification. scoring may seriously underestimate cor-
onary plaque burden as noncalcified le-
Diabetes Care 30:1113–1119, 2007
sions are not recognized (12). More
recently, contrast-enhanced multislice

t present, 200 million people the development of coronary artery dis- computed tomography (MSCT) coronary
worldwide have diabetes, whereas ease (CAD) exists (2), and cardiovascular angiography has become available, which
its prevalence is expected to con- disease is the main cause of death in this allows, in contrast to calcium scoring, de-
tinue increasing exponentially (1). A close patient population (3). tection of both calcified and noncalcified
relationship between type 2 diabetes and Noninvasive testing, including myo- coronary lesions (13–16). As a result, the
technique potentially allows a more pre-
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
cise noninvasive evaluation of coronary
From the 1Department of Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands; the atherosclerosis, which in turn could be
Department of Cardiology, Kaunas University of Medicine, Kaunas, Lithuania; 3The Interuniversity Cardi- valuable for improving risk stratification.
ology Institute of the Netherlands, Utrecht, the Netherlands; the 4Department of Epidemiology and Statistics,
Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands; and the 5Department of Radiology, Leiden University Accordingly, the purpose of the present
Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands. study was to evaluate whether differences
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Jeroen J. Bax, Department of Cardiology, Leiden Uni- in the extent and composition of coronary
versity Medical Center, Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA Leiden, Netherlands. E-mail: plaques in patients with diabetes com-
Received for publication 11 October 2006 and accepted in revised form 18 January 2007.
Published ahead of print at on 26 January 2007. DOI: 10.2337/dc06- pared with those in patients without dia-
2104. betes can be observed with MSCT.
Abbreviations: CAD, coronary artery disease; MSCT, multislice computed tomography.
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion RESEARCH DESIGN AND
factors for many substances.
© 2007 by the American Diabetes Association.
METHODS — The study population
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby consisted of 86 (40%) patients with
marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. known type 2 diabetes and 129 (60%)


Diabetes and coronary plaques on MSCT

Figure 1—An example of diffuse atherosclerosis demonstrated on MSCT coronary angiography in a patient with type 2 diabetes. A: Three-
dimensional volume–rendered reconstruction depicts severe narrowing of the proximal and mid–left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery and
occluded left circumflex coronary artery (LCx). B: The findings were confirmed by conventional coronary angiography. C and D: Curved multiplanar
reconstruction and the corresponding transversal sections of the LAD show multiple obstructive mixed plaques in the whole course of the artery. E:
A nonobstructive plaque followed by vessel occlusion was demonstrated in the LCx coronary artery. F: Diffuse nonobstructive calcified plaque and
an obstructive noncalcified plaque were seen in the right coronary artery (RCA), which was confirmed by conventional coronary angiography (G).

patients without diabetes who underwent (Toshiba Medical Systems, Tokyo, Ja- the clinical history of the patients. Coro-
examination with MSCT coronary an- pan). First, a prospective coronary cal- nary arteries were divided into 17 seg-
giography for recurrent chest pain com- cium scan without contrast enhancement ments according to the modified
plaints. Fifty-one (24%) patients were was performed, followed by 16- or 64- American Heart Association classification
examined with a 16-slice MSCT scanner, slice MSCT coronary angiography per- (21). The presence of coronary plaques
whereas the majority (164 [76%]) under- formed according to the protocols was evaluated visually using axial images
went examination with 64-slice MSCT. described elsewhere (19,20). If the heart and curved multiplanar reconstructions.
Diabetes was diagnosed according to the rate was ⱖ65 beats/min, additional oral One coronary plaque was assigned per
American Diabetes Association criteria ␤-blockers (metoprolol, 50 or 100 mg, coronary segment. Plaques were classified
(17): 1) symptoms of diabetes and a ca- single dose, 1 h before the examination) as obstructive and nonobstructive using a
sual plasma glucose level of ⱖ11.1 were provided if tolerated. 50% threshold of luminal narrowing. As
mmol/l or 2) a fasting plasma glucose level shown in Fig. 1, three types of plaques
of ⱖ7.0 mmol/l. Only patients in sinus MSCT data analysis were identified: 1) noncalcified plaques
rhythm, without contraindications to Coronary artery calcium score. Coro- are plaques having a lower density com-
MSCT, were included (18). All patients nary artery calcium was identified as a pared with the contrast-enhanced vessel
gave written informed consent to the dense area in the coronary artery exceed- lumen, 2) calcified plaques are plaques
study protocol, which was approved by ing the threshold of 130 Hounsfield units. with high density, and 3) mixed plaques
the local ethics committee. A total Agatston score was recorded for are plaques with noncalcified and calci-
each patient. fied elements within a single plaque. The
MSCT data acquisition Coronary plaque assessment. MSCT presence of coronary plaques on MSCT,
All examinations were performed using a angiograms were evaluated by two expe- the presence of obstructive CAD in gen-
Toshiba Multislice Aquilion system rienced observers who were unaware of eral and if located in the left main/left an-


Pundziute and Associates

Table 1—Characteristics of patients with and without diabetes multiple CAD risk factors), and use of
All Patients Patients P ⬍ 0.05 was considered statistically
patients with diabetes without diabetes significant. Statistical analyses were per-
formed using SPSS software (version
n 215 86 129 12.0; SPSS, Chicago, IL) and SAS software
Age (years)* 58 ⫾ 11 56 ⫾ 11 59 ⫾ 12 (release 6.12; SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
Male sex 136 (63) 56 (65) 80 (62)
Hypercholesterolemia 114 (53) 53 (62) 61 (47) RESULTS — Baseline characteristics of
Arterial hypertension 107 (50) 48 (56) 59 (46) patients with diabetes and without diabe-
Smoking 80 (37) 33 (38) 47 (36) tes are provided in Table 1. In total, 215
Family history of CAD 82 (38) 30 (35) 52 (40) patients (136 [63%] men; age [mean ⫾
BMI (kg/m2)* 27 ⫾ 4 28 ⫾ 5 26 ⫾ 4 SD] 58 ⫾ 11 years) were included, of
Obesity 37 (17) 20 (24) 17 (14) whom 86 (40%) were patients with
Cardiac history known type 2 diabetes. Ninety-six (45%)
Previous MI* 41 (19) 8 (9) 33 (26) patients used statins (41 [48%] patients
Previous PCI* 42 (20) 9 (11) 33 (26) with diabetes, 55 [43%] without diabetes,
Data are means ⫾ SD or n (%). *P ⬍ 0.05 between patients with and without diabetes. MI, myocardial P ⫽ 0.47), 91 (42%) used aspirin, 78
infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.
(36%) used ␤-blockers, and 69 (32%)
used ACE inhibitors. Patients with diabe-
terior descending (LAD) coronary artery, and compared with the two-tailed t test tes were significantly younger compared
and the presence of obstructive CAD in for independent samples. When not nor- with patients without diabetes and had a
one vessel (single-vessel disease) or two or mally distributed, continuous variables higher mean BMI and lower prevalence of
three vessels (multivessel disease) were were expressed as medians (interquartile previous CAD.
evaluated. For each patient, the number range) and compared using nonparamet-
of diseased coronary segments (segments ric Mann-Whitney tests. MSCT plaque characteristics
containing plaques or previously im- To determine the relationship be- Total patient population. Coronary
planted stents) and the number of coro- tween plaque characteristics and the pres- plaque characteristics on MSCT in the en-
nary segments with nonobstructive as ence of diabetes, linear regression analysis tire population and in patients presenting
well as obstructive plaques were deter- was performed when the dependent vari- with or without diabetes are shown in Ta-
mined. Also, the numbers of segments able was continuous, and logistic regres- ble 2 and Fig. 2. After exclusion of 64
with, respectively, noncalcified, mixed, sion analysis was performed when the (2%) segments of nondiagnostic quality
and calcified plaques were determined. dependent variable was categorical. First, (n ⫽ 11 small caliber, n ⫽ 45 with motion
univariate analysis was performed, fol- artifacts due to elevated heart rate, and
Statistical analysis lowed by multivariate analysis with cor- n ⫽ 8 with increased signal-to-noise ra-
Categorical variables were expressed as rection for the following variables: age, tio), a total of 2,941 coronary segments
numbers (percentages) and compared be- sex, risk factors for CAD, clinical presen- were included in the analysis. CAD was
tween groups with a ␹2 test. Continuous tation (typical angina pectoris or atypical completely absent on MSCT in 41 (19%)
variables were expressed as means ⫾ SD chest pain together with the presence of patients. In the remaining 174 (81%) pa-

Table 2—MSCT plaque characteristics in the whole study population and comparison between patients with diabetes and without diabetes

Patients Patients
All patients with diabetes without diabetes
n 215 86 129
Coronary plaques on MSCT 174 (81) 73 (85) 101 (78)
Obstructive CAD 80 (37) 34 (40) 46 (36)
Single-vessel disease 43 (20) 16 (19) 27 (21)
Multivessel disease 37 (17) 18 (21) 19 (15)
Obstructive CAD in left main/LAD coronary artery 61 (28) 29 (34) 32 (25)
Total Agatston calcium score 73 (0–387) 72 (0–372) 74 (0–391)
No. of diseased segments* 4.3 ⫾ 3.4 4.9 ⫾ 3.5 3.9 ⫾ 3.2
No. of segments with obstructive plaques 0.9 ⫾ 1.7 1.0 ⫾ 1.8 0.9 ⫾ 1.6
No. of segments with nonobstructive plaques* 3.1 ⫾ 2.7 3.7 ⫾ 3.0 2.7 ⫾ 2.4
No. of segments with noncalcified plaques* 1.0 ⫾ 1.6 1.3 ⫾ 2.0 0.7 ⫾ 1.2
No of segments with mixed plaques 1.3 ⫾ 1.8 1.1 ⫾ 1.5 1.4 ⫾ 2.0
No of segments with calcified plaques* 1.8 ⫾ 2.4 2.3 ⫾ 2.8 1.5 ⫾ 2.1
Data are means ⫾ SD, median (interquartile range), or n (%). *P ⬍ 0.05 between patients with and without diabetes. LAD, left anterior descending.


Diabetes and coronary plaques on MSCT

Figure 2—A: Clustered columns demonstrating the distribution of diseased coronary segments, segments with nonobstructive and obstructive
plaques in diabetic and nondiabetic patients. f, diabetes present; 䡺, no diabetes. B: Bar graph demonstrating the relative distribution of coronary
segments with different plaque types in patients with diabetes and without diabetes (P ⬍ 0.0001). u, calcified plaques; o, mixed plaques; f,
noncalcified plaques.

tients, 917 (31%) segments with plaques on MSCT in the former population (Fig. tients with diabetes were more frequently
(n ⫽ 871 [30%]) or previously implanted 2A). In addition, CAD tended to be more either noncalcified (114 of 406 [28%] vs.
stents (n ⫽ 46 [1%]) were observed. Of severe in diabetic patients as both left 90 of 465 [19%]) or calcified (198 of 406
segments containing plaques, 675 (77%) main/LAD coronary artery disease and [49%] vs. 198 of 465 [43%]). In contrast,
showed nonobstructive and 196 (23%) multivessel disease were more frequently plaques in patients with diabetes were less
showed obstructive CAD. In general, diagnosed, although the difference did frequently mixed (94 of 406 [23%] vs.
noncalcified plaques were observed in not reach statistical significance. 177 of 465 [38%]) (P ⬍ 0.0001).
204 (23%) segments, mixed plaques in For plaque types, however, signifi-
271 (31%) segments, and calcified cant differences were observed between Correlation of MSCT plaque
plaques in 396 (46%) segments. diabetic and nondiabetic patients as pa- characteristics and diabetes
Diabetic patients versus nondiabetic tients with diabetes presented with signif- The results of uni- and multivariate anal-
patients. As can be derived from Table icantly more segments containing yses of the correlation between MSCT
2, the average number of diseased seg- noncalcified plaques (1.3 ⫾ 2.0 vs. 0.7 ⫾ plaque characteristics and the presence of
ments was higher in patients with 1.2, P ⫽ 0.005) as well as calcified diabetes are depicted in Table 3. After cor-
diabetes (4.9 ⫾ 3.5) compared with non- plaques (2.3 ⫾ .8 vs. 1.5 ⫾ 2.1, P ⫽ rection for baseline characteristics, the
diabetic patients (3.9 ⫾ 3.2) (P ⫽ 0.03). 0.02). Accordingly, the relative distribu- correlation of the number of diseased cor-
In particular, nonobstructive coronary tion of plaque types, as illustrated in Fig. onary segments as well as the number of
plaques were more frequently observed 2B, also differed because plaques in pa- segments with nonobstructive plaques

Table 3—Estimates of correlation of MSCT plaque characteristics with the presence of diabetes

Univariate Multivariate
MSCT characteristics Parameter estimate P value Parameter estimate P value
Total Agatston calcium score 127.91 0.11 139 0.08
Coronary plaques on MSCT 1.56 (0.76–3.21) 0.23 1.35 (0.56–3.26) 0.50
Nonobstructive CAD 1.53 (0.70–3.32) 0.28 1.11 (0.42–2.94) 0.83
Obstructive CAD 1.59 (0.72–3.52) 0.25 2.09 (0.68–6.49) 0.20
Obstructive CAD in left main/LAD coronary artery 1.70 (0.77–3.74) 0.19 2.89 (0.90–9.31) 0.08
Single-vessel disease 1.11 (0.46–2.67) 0.82 1.35 (0.43–4.29) 0.61
Multivessel disease 1.77 (0.72–4.35) 0.21 4.78 (0.66–34.37) 0.12
No. of diseased segments 1.01 0.03 1.51 0.0004
No. of segments with obstructive plaques 0.13 0.58 0.33 0.17
No. of segments with nonobstructive plaques 0.99 0.008 1.27 0.0005
No. of segments with noncalcified plaques 0.63 0.006 0.69 0.004
No of segments with mixed plaques ⫺0.28 0.28 0.03 0.91
No of segments with calcified plaques* 0.77 0.02 0.88 0.008
Data are odds ratios (95% CI) or estimates of correlation. LAD, left anterior descending.


Pundziute and Associates

and the presence of diabetes remained sta- Plaque composition diabetes, and, thus, MSCT coronary an-
tistically significant. For plaque type, both Another important finding of the present giography may have substantial incre-
the number of coronary segments with non- study is the difference in distribution of mental value over coronary calcium
calcified and calcified plaques remained different coronary plaque types between scoring, although this concept needs fur-
significantly correlated with diabetes. patients with and without diabetes. Rela- ther study.
tively more noncalcified and calcified
plaques were observed in patients with
CONCLUSIONS — In the present diabetes. At the same time, the proportion
This study is a comparative study, de-
study, differences in coronary plaque of mixed plaques (possibly regarded as an
scribing coronary atherosclerosis in pa-
characteristics between patients with and intermediate phase of coronary plaque
tients with and without diabetes.
without diabetes were observed using development) was significantly lower in
Examinations were performed at a single
MSCT coronary angiography. A signifi- patients with diabetes. Accordingly, these
time point and were not repeated over
cant, positive correlation between the observations could suggest a more rapid
time. Also, MSCT angiograms were eval-
presence of diabetes and coronary plaque development of atherosclerosis in the
uated visually as no reliable quantitative
extent was demonstrated. In particular, presence of diabetes, with faster pro-
algorithms are currently available. Two
diabetes was associated with an increased gression from noncalcified lesions to
scanner generations (16- and 64-slice
number of nonobstructive plaques, indi- completely calcified lesions. A faster pro-
MSCT) were used during the study,
cating more diffuse CAD compared with gression of atherosclerosis in patients
which could have affected the accuracy of
that in patients without diabetes. Also, with diabetes had been suggested previ-
detection of different plaque types. Fol-
differences in the distribution of coronary ously on the basis of event rates in pa-
low-up data are not yet available, and
plaque types were observed, with diabetic tients undergoing nuclear perfusion
these data are needed to determine
patients showing more noncalcified and imaging (6,30). In the general popula-
whether the observations on MSCT may
calcified plaques and less mixed plaques. tion, a normal perfusion scan is associated
provide prognostic information and may
with a low (⬍1%) hard event rate, which
potentially be used to identify diabetic pa-
is sustained over long-term follow-up. In
tients at increased risk. Finally, patients in
Plaque burden patients with diabetes, the hard event rate
the present study were referred for non-
In the present study, a larger plaque bur- is equally low in the first 2 years in pa-
invasive cardiac evaluation of chest pain
den was observed in patients with diabe- tients with a normal perfusion scan, but
with known or suspected CAD. Accord-
tes. Similar observations have been an increased event rate (despite the initial
ingly, the findings may not be applicable
normal myocardial perfusion scan) is ob-
reported in previous invasive as well as to asymptomatic diabetic patients.
served after 2 years of follow-up. This ob-
postmortem studies (22,23). Nicholls et In addition, several limitations of
servation has been considered to be
al. (23) recently reported observations in MSCT in general should be mentioned.
related to a faster progression of CAD in
654 subjects (including 128 with diabe- MSCT is still associated with an elevated
diabetic patients.
tes) using intravascular ultrasound; the radiation dose, and administration of
The increased prevalence of both
authors demonstrated that diabetes was a contrast media is also required. Finally,
noncalcified and calcified plaques also
strong, independent predictor of percent the presence of ischemia cannot be deter-
may have implications for calcium scor-
plaque volume and total atheroma vol- mined on MSCT, and abnormal MSCT
ing. In a recent study by Raggi et al. (31),
ume, indicating that diabetes appears to findings should ideally be combined with
10,377 asymptomatic individuals (in-
be associated with a substantial increase functional data.
cluding 903 patients with diabetes) were
in (diffuse) plaque burden. In summary, differences in coronary
followed for a period of 5 ⫾ 3.5 years after
In addition, diabetes was associated plaque characteristics on MSCT were ob-
coronary calcium scoring with electron-
with more nonobstructive plaques in the served between patients with diabetes
beam computed tomography. Higher
current study. This has also been ob- and without diabetes. Diabetes may be as-
mortality was observed in diabetic pa-
served in studies using invasive coronary sociated with a higher coronary plaque
tients compared with nondiabetic pa-
angiography (8,9). The increased total burden as determined on MSCT. Also,
tients despite similar coronary calcium
plaque burden may be related to the in- more noncalcified and calcified plaques
scores, a finding that was observed for ev-
creased event rate, as observed in diabetic in combination with less mixed plaques
ery level of coronary calcification. The au-
patients. Moreover, it has been suggested were observed in patients with diabetes,
thors hypothesized that the difference in
that plaque rupture may occur often in possibly reflecting faster progression of
prognosis in diabetic and nondiabetic pa-
nonobstructive lesions, referred to as vul- CAD in the presence of diabetes. MSCT
tients despite similar calcium load could
nerable plaques (24 –27). Many of these may be used to identify differences in cor-
be attributed to the presence of extensive
nonobstructive lesions will not be associ- onary plaque burden, which may eventu-
diffuse noncalcified atherosclerosis,
ated with stress-inducible ischemia, re- ally be useful for risk stratification of
which could not be detected by calcium
sulting in normal results on functional patients with diabetes.
scoring. In line with these suggestions,
imaging tests, such as nuclear imaging the current study indeed demonstrated
or stress echocardiography (28,29). the presence of diffuse atherosclerosis
Acknowledgments — G.P. is supported fi-
Whether the larger total plaque burden with a significantly higher amount of non- nancially by a training fellowship grant from
and the increased prevalence of nonob- calcified coronary plaques in the diabetic the European Society of Cardiology, by a Huy-
structive lesions in diabetic patients trans- patients. Accordingly, calcium scores gens scholarship, and by Toshiba Medical Sys-
lates into a higher event rate remains to be may underestimate total coronary plaque tems Europe. J.D.S. is supported financially by
determined in future studies. burden to a higher extent in patients with The Netherlands Heart Foundation (grant


Diabetes and coronary plaques on MSCT

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