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(40 marks)

(Time suggested : 45 minutes)

Question 1

The picture below shows a snatch theft incident which you witnessed while walking to
school. Based on the picture given, write about the incident for your school magazine.

When writing about the incident, you should:

 describe what happened

 express what you felt
 suggest ways to prevent snatch theft
 write between 120 to 150 words. (Follow the limit which is allowed by
your school teacher)

Tips On How To write

1. Read and understand the question carefully.
2. Find the key words :-
o For example : snatch theft, incident, witnessed, walking back to school,
school magazine.
3. In your essay you need to :-
o how the snatch theft happened
o your feelings about the incident
o to prevent snatch theft
4. Use the technique to arrange and to write your ideas/points.

5. Introduction Paragraph – ( 30 – 50 words )

o Last week – I – walking – to school
o 8.00am – football practice
o saw – neighbour – Miss Siti – opposite road – waiting for bus
o she – holding a big brown – handbag
Body - First Paragraph – ( Describe what you saw happen)
o saw – a motorbike – two men
o snatch Miss Siti’s handbag – fell down – screamed for help
o shocked – gave chase – got away
Body - Second Paragraph – ( Describe what happened after )
o checked on Miss Siti – hand and leg – bruises
o father came – took her home – made a police report
o I – felt – angry and sad
Body - Third Paragraph – ( Suggest ways to prevent... )
o People – more careful / alert - alone
o More street lights - bright roads / safe
o Police patrol – in / around – housing areas

Sample Essay
Cases of snatch thefts are reported almost daily in our local dailies. In some
incidences innocent lives have been lost due this unspeakable act.I recently was an eye
witness to this dastardly act. The horrifying incident unfolded right in front of my eyes as
I was walking to school for my football practice last week.
The football practice was scheduled at 8.00 in the morning.On that fateful morning, I
decided to walk to school instead of taking the bus as I normally did. As I was striding
along the brick pavement, my eyes caught Miss Siti, my neighbour, standing on the
opposite site of the road waiting to catch a bus to work. She was gingerly holding a big
brown handbag in her hand.I waved to her and she waved back to me with an angelic
smile.I looked at my watch, it was 7.oo a.m.
As I strode past her, I saw two men on a motorbike riding slowly towards her.Both
were wearing full face helmets. I didn't give much thought about it and just moved
on.Suddenly, without warning, they zoomed past her snatching her handbag in the
process.Miss Siti fell down onto the pavement. She was shocked but managed to scream
for help. It all happened so fast.I gave chase but the thieves managed to escape. They
just sped off into the horizon.
I quickly dashed to Miss Siti's aid. There was a look of bewilderment on her
pained face. I helped to check on her.Fortunately, only her hand and leg were bruised
but overall she was alright. I immediately called and informed her father about the
incident.He drove there as fast as lightning and took her home. Later, they went to the
police station to make a report.The barbaric action of the snatch thieves just made me
angry. At the same time, sad when I thought about all the unfortunate victims who had
fallen prey to them.
In order to prevent from becoming a victim of snatch theft, people need to be
more careful. For example, when they are alone at a bus stop or walking back home
alone- alertness plays an important role in ensuring their safety.In addition, the
government should put up more street lights so the streets and dark alleys can be bright
and safe for the public.Lastly, I strongly believe police presence in and around housing
areas would boost public confidence whereby their safety can be assured by the police.


Sample Question : Your brother spends too much time on the Internet and has done
badly in his PMR Trial Examination.Your mother has asked you to write a letter advising
him how to divide his time wisely.
 Stay Up Late - Chat -Internet
 Too Much - Time - Online games
 Have A Timetable - Study - Surf Internet
 Use Internet - Gain Knowledge

When writing your letter,

 You may use the words and phrases given above.
 Elaborate on your writing to make it more interesting.
 You may add other relevant information.
 Make sure it is not less than 120 words.

How to answer this question

 Use the 6W 1H method

 Read the question carefully
 Use the information given in the question to write your opening.
 Use all the points given.
 Don't forget to add your own point(s).
 Write at least 200-250 words as time permits.
[Simple Style Essay Sample]
322C,Taman Danau Maluri
53300 Kuala Lumpur.

20 August 2013.

Dear Vince,

How are you? I hope you are fine. Please send my regards to father and mother. I miss
you all dearly. I heard that you did not do well in your recent PMR Trial Examination.
Mother phoned me a few days ago and told me about it. Father and mother are really
worried about you spending too much time on the Internet. So, I am writing this letter
to give you some tips on how to divide your time wisely.

First of all, young man, don't stay up late.Don't burn your midnight oil chatting on
the Internet. Go to bed early. Our body needs at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep
everyday.Enough sleep will enable your mind to stay sharp and productive the next
day.Therefore, instead of sleeping around 1 to 2 a.m. in the morning, call it a night
around 10 p.m.

Next, don't spend too much time playing online games. There is nothing wrong in
playing online games but when it affects your studies then you should put a brake to
it.My advice is leave all your online gaming activities until you have finished your
PMR Examination. Focus on your studies first, you can continue playing once you have
finished your examination.

Draft out a study timetable to help you manage your time wisely. On the timetable
allocate one to two hours to surf the Internet. Now, remember, the Internet contains a
lot of useful information for everyone. It can be used to gain knowledge and to sift
through for information useful for your PMR Examination.
Finally, join some outdoor physical activities rather than just being holed up in the
house in front of your computer the whole day. Go cycling or walking around the park.
Play football or badminton with your friends in the evenings. Physical activities help keep
your body and mind healthy. You need a healthy body and mind to do well in your PMR

I wish I could write more but I have to stop here for now. I have to prepare for
my next week's final term semester examination. I hope you will take my advice
and mend your ways. I wish you all the best in your PMR Examination. Hugs and kisses.

Your loving sister,

Bernice Gabriel.

(The sample essay above is roughly more than 350 words and I have used 5 idioms in the essay)

1. Burn Your Midnight Oil - doing something(working) for very long hours.
2. Call it a night - to end (stop) what one is doing at night.
3. Put a brake to it - to stop an activity.
4. Sift through - to remove something from something.
5. Holed up - hide and wait / just staying put in a place.

Latest (PT3) English Exam Format

Section A - 10 marks [ Error Identification]
Section B (i) - 10 marks [ short passage ]
(ii) - 10 marks [ short passage ]
(iii) - 10 marks [ short message - 50 words]
Section C (i) - 15 marks [ Passage]
(ii) - 5 marks [Poem ]
Section D (i) - 30 marks [ Essay - 120-150 words ]
(ii) - 10 marks [ Novel ]
Total 100 marks
Section A - 15 minutes - [10marks]
Section B - 40 minutes - [30marks]
SectionC - 20 minutes - [20marks]
Section D - 45 minutes - [40marks]


PT3 'READING ALOUD' and 'SPOKEN INTERACTION' tests will be held from 4-28
August 2015, whereas, your 'LISTENING TEST' will be held on 11 August 2015. It's just
around the corner. I'm sure most of you out there would like to know the 'MARKING
SCHEME' for these tests.

Keep reading and you will find the answer below....

(A) Objective

 To encourage student to read the given text aloud using correct pronunciation,
intonation and stress plus show an awareness of audience (teachers / examiners),
purpose and context.

(B) Assessment For Reading Aloud-[ 10 marks ]

1. Students will be assessed on their accurate pronunciation and intonation.

2. Students will be assessed on the fluency of their text deliverance and their
reading rhythm (stress).
3. Students will be assessed on their excellent awareness of audience, purpose and

(C) Assessment For Spoken Interaction - [20 marks ]

1. Students will be assessed on their ability to take part in social interaction to

express ideas, opinions and thoughts.
2. Students will be assessed on their well developed personal responses.
3. Students will be assessed on their fluent and excellent ability to sustain the
4. Students will be assessed on their usage of a wide range of vocabulary with a
variety of sentence structures.
5. Students will be assessed on their usage of accurate grammar and accurate

(D) Marking Scheme

READING (9-10) (7-8) (5-6) (3-4) (1-2)
*'0' mark will be given to student who is unable to read even a single word from the
given text.

SPEAKING (17-20) (13-16) (9-12) (5-8) (1-4)

*'1' mark will be given to student who uses any other language predominantly.
*'0' mark will be given to student who is unable to give any response in English.

Kopitiam Tips For Reading Aloud

1. Sit with an upright body position (don't slouch or sit like an unta) - read the
given text loud and clear (don't shout nor scream) as if your teacher is deaf or
2. Keep reading confidently even if you make grammar or pronunciation mistakes
(which might occur).
3. Don't read too fast or too slow. Read accordingly with a proper tempo and
timing. ( imagine your self as a graceful ballet dancer)
4. Make sure you use the proper stress and intonation when reading your text.

Kopitiam Tips For Spoken Interaction

1. Take a deep breath - relax and stay cool and calm even if you are sweating like
2. Keep your English simple and nice - use proper tenses when you speak.
3. Make sure you speak or interact loud enough for your teacher to hear you -
don't murmur or speak with a low pitch.
4. Don't worry too much about your grammar or your English - just talk and keep
talking until your teacher asks you to stop.
5. Remember the more you talk the better chance you have to get better scores.
6. If you just keep quiet or talk less - the less mark you'll be awarded.

*I hope my sharing will be of help to all the students who will be taking their oral and
listening test this August.Finally, please get the latest info from your respective school
teachers....ALL THE BEST!


1.SECTION A - 10 Multiple Choice Questions (OBJECTIVE)

 Total of 10 marks

Students are given 4 choices of answers to choose from

Question 1

How much does a plate of noodles cost?

A RM1.00
B RM2.00
C RM3.00
D RM3.50

* Circle the correct answer.

2.SECTION B - 10 Limited Response Questions ( SUBJECTIVE)

 Total of 10 marks
 Students are not given any answers to choose from
 Students have to listen to the recording carefully and write down the answer in
the space provided.
 The recording will be played twice (2 times )

* Write down the correct answer.

Each student is given 30 minutes to answer the questions - 15 minutes for each section.

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