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Zhan Long

Arc 16: Guild Challenging

Written by:
Shi Luo Ye
Translated by:
The Team @

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Chapter 181 – Spirit Fire Beast

In the midst of a peaceful valley, a giant wielding a stone

hammer stood among some scattered rocks. He was very tall
and burly, approximately three meters high. His entire body
shimmered with a metallic glow. A pair of bell like eyes sat in the
middle of his rock like head; the slightest glance could scare a
person half to death.

“Level 58 Gold Tier BOSS, Luke the Rock Giant!”

Matcha clutched her sword and flew to a branch, saying: “Just
the boss is enough for this. Darling Duck, make sure you heal
the boss well. Basically the two of you could finish off this
TL: Boss – Xiao Yao and BOSS – Monster (Maybe get used to
this since might not have a TL note every time)

Darling Duck nodded: “Yup, I know!”


I drew the Frost Rain Sword and stepped closer with my Purple
Dawn Boots. With large strides I charged toward the boss like a
shooting star. The edge of my sword was angled down and
slightly trembling while ice particles started to swirl around.
Before I even made it to the boss, I had already activated [Haste]
to increase my movement speed. Waving my sword,“Puchi”, my
Frost Rain Sword plunged deep into the Rock Giant’s chest with
[Fierce Ice Blade], splattering shards of rock and blood.

“What the hell…” Old K clenched his fist, dumbfounded: “How

much attack does that brat Xiao Yao have? The Rock Giant has
a defense of 1100, yet he lost so much health with just one

Wolf held his dagger up and laughed: “I’ve seen his equipment
stats, Xiao Yao’s base attack is 2164, his equipment adds 26%
physical attack, [Turmoil Sword] increases it another 10% and
with the addition of 6 % from Darling Duck’s [Encourage], his
actual attack is 142% his base attack. That’s almost 3000+ in
physical attack. Don’t you think dealing 1800 damage is
TL: Attack (Varies like 120 – 150) – Defense = Damage

Old K sighed, “Sigh, his attack is so overpowered… I’m afraid

that even after I equipped Haunted Twin Blade Battle-Axe, I still
can’t compare to his attack…”

Wolf couldn’t help but laugh, patting Old K’s shoulder and said,
“Old K, don’t bother competing with Xiao Yao’s attack, I don’t
think you’ll ever catch up to him. He can create an SS ranked
custom skill, [Turmoil Sword], you can’t. Moreover, brother Xiao
Yao has 2 Emperor Tier and quite a few Purple Tier equipment
equipped. His overall equipment exceeds you by at least 2

Old K wielded his axe and laughed, “Luckily he’s our boss…”


The Rock Giant roared and attacked with his rock fist, smashing
against my Nebula Armor and causing sparks to fly out. It’s a
shame that he could only deal 500 damage to me, so weak.
Another reason for my high damage was that my Nebula Armor
could decrease the boss’ defense by 7% which was a huge

Behind me, a couple of Mages started their magic attacks and

caused the Rock Giant’s health to flow like water from a faucet.
Before 2 minutes were up, he cried pitifully and died!


The first Demons’ Descent Event Gold Tier boss had fallen, what
rewards would there be? I hurriedly moved forward and kicked
away the rock giant’s corpse, to check the drops that were
scattered over the floor. I ended up disappointed, the 20%
probability wasn’t reached, there were no Guild Creation Tablets
among the whole ground full of drops. However, at least there
were still some equipment, all Gold Tier. Everyone in the party
rolled for the equipment since we all came together but I didn’t
participate since Gold Tier equipment was a bit shabby for me.

”Continue searching the surrounding maps!” I commanded.

Matcha sat on a tree branch with her long white legs swaying
gently. Suddenly, she jerked upwards before flying downwards to
call out: “Boss, a Purple Tier BOSS has spawned!”

“Where?” I replied, surprised.

Matcha’s beautiful pair of eyes looked to the east, “I heard the

news from the forums, a boss spawned at the borders of Green
Qilin Valley. There is a small party of 7 engaging it and it isn’t
going well for them; they’re nearly wiped out. We should rush
there quickly and finish the Boss!”



Sword in hand, I took the lead. Little Wolf, Dong Cheng Lei, Old
K and the others followed one by one. The 20 members of Zhan
Long rushed towards the east side of the Green Qilin Valley and
since we weren’t that far from the boss, it only took 3 minute to
reach there!


Coming out of the dense forest, a giant roaring monster suddenly

appeared in the empty field in front of us. The creature’s whole
body was covered in a flaming red light and each breath spewed
out smoke and fire. Above his head hovered blood red words-

【Fire Soul Beast】 (Purple Tier BOSS)

Level: 58

Around the Fire Soul Beast, there were only 5 players, all with
less than 50% health remaining. There were 2 corpses lying on
the ground, a Lv 51 Mage and another Lv 52 Monk!


Swords and blades struck the Fire Soul Beast’s body, but the
blows only agitated the beast further. The Lv 53 Swordsman who
carried the party leader symbol furrowed his brows,
commanding:“ Archer, lock onto the boss and use [Scatter Shot]
to stun it; this monster’s attacks are too powerful. The two
Healers, remember to heal me at separate times or else I will be
in danger!”

His voice was hardly heard as the Fire Soul Beast suddenly
roared and rushed forward, his 2 claws tearing down lightning


The Swordsman body trembled and slowly fell to the ground, his
eyes filled with helplessness.

“Damn, this BOSS has a 2 strike combo attack? Such a strong

attack, boss has already been killed!” The Archer panicked and
tried to run away.

The Fire Soul Beast’s whole body shook as he suddenly opened
his mouth and a blazing arrow shot forth to pierce the Archer’s


“Shit!” The Lv 51 Berserker couldn’t quell his anger and he

immediately used [Penetration] and [Flame Blade] to hack the
boss’ forehead, causing 1400+ damage. His attack was not bad
but unfortunately, it angered the Fire Soul Beast and the
Berserker was killed by a 2 hit combo!

The two female Healers were dumbfounded. They couldn’t

escape or stay.


With pitiful cries, the two Healers also fell to the ground dead.
This small 7-member party had been officially wiped out.

“It’s our turn now!”

Matcha pat my shoulders and laughed, “Boss, work hard, okay?

I’m going to be Lv 50 soon so if there are any Purple Tier
equipments I’d like to roll for them; I want to become stronger…”

I nodded and smiled, “Some of the Healers come and follow me.
I’m going to try and figure out the boss’ attack pattern!”

“Okay boss, work hard!” Darling Duck smiled sweetly.

The Frost Rain Sword moved like the wind as I rushed forward
and used [Wind Blade] to greet the Fire Soul Beast’s butt. My
attack slashed his skin, causing a fatal blow!



The Fire Soul Beast bellowed in pain and quickly turned around
and swung his claws, it’s the 2 combo attack!

My Nebula Armor shook twice as a brief surge of pain washed

over me with two numbers floating up-


In that moment, Matcha laughed from afar: “Boss’s defense is

indeed much stronger than that Swordsman’s…”

Darling Duck cast [Heal] me and said: “Boss, go on!”

Currently my max health was at 3370 points, so it was relatively

safe for me. With the flick of my wrist, my Frost Rain Sword
unleashed a Lv 6 [Combo] and because of the additional
damage from the “increase in combo attacks damage” extra from
[Desolate Divine Bone Chain], the damage output was increased
by 25%! In the midst of the Spirit Fire Beast’s cries, the golden
hexagrams fluttered away as a stream of 4 continuous numbers
floated up-


With that attack, the boss’ aggro was firmly locked on me. This
was a Lv 58 Purple Tier Boss, which is the same level as me.
Moreover, I had 2 Emperor Tier and 6 Purple Tier equipments
and was far from the same person who fought the General of the
Everlasting Wind from before. There were some high level
Healers behind me so this Spirit Fire Beast would definitely die
by my hand.

In just 4 minutes, the BOSS’ health dropped to less than 20%.

We should be able to wrap this up within a minute!

Matcha sat down on the grass and laughed happily, saying:

“Purple Tier bosses have a 40% probability of dropping a Guild
Creation Tablet, 2% probability of dropping an SS ranked skill
book. Heehee, if our luck isn’t too bad, we might still be able to
create a guild today. I’m looking forward to it~~ We won’t be
wandering adventurers anymore, we’ll have our own guild!”

Wolf was speechless, “Matcha, don’t be too optimistic, things

might not go that smoothly…”

Out of the blue, with an unexpected “Swoosh”, a pillar of light

flashed up. The dead Monk suddenly stood up; he had
resurrected. He quickly retreated back to safety, carrying his
steel shield and looked at me, fully alert. He cried out: “Who are
you guys and what gives you the right to steal our boss?!”

Following that, another few bright lights flashed as the previous

party’s Swordsman and the five other members of the party also
resurrected. One after another they moved back, putting a
distance of 20 meters between us, while looking at us



I knocked the boss a few meters back with a slash, looked at

them and said: “Please don’t misunderstand, we are not stealing
your boss. We only took on the fight after your party died
helplessly against the boss. We are not taking advantage of the

That Swordsman leader brought up his sword and said: “You put
it so nicely; isn’t it the same as stealing our boss?”

I shot him a glance, this Swordsman’s level and equipment is

actually not bad-

ID: Gentle Touch Lv 52 Silver Swordsman

Main City: Ba Huang City
Guild: None

“Gentle Touch!” Old K carried his battle axe and walk over,
replying menacingly, “Your boss still had 90% health left when
you were all slaughtered, now the boss only has 20% health left,
what do you guys want? Don’t tell us you want us to back away
and give this dying boss to you? Do you think that people from
Zhan Long are easy to pick on?!”

Gentle Touch looked at me: “Humph, Xiao Yao Zi Zai, you are a
renowned player throughout Ba Huang City. Show me how
you’re going to solve this problem.!”

I moved backward a little and replied, “Old K, calm down! How

about this, Gentle Touch, your group doesn’t have the ability to
kill this BOSS but you have suffered losses. How about…when I
kill the boss, if a Guild Creation Tablet drops, it will definitely be
mine. For the equipment, without looking at the tiers, I’ll let you
take one. How’s that?”

Gentle Touch blinked: “Really?”

“Of course!”

“Alright!” Gentle Touch laughed: “Previously the forums were in

an uproar, saying Jian Feng Han was dishonest person and unfit
to be called Master of Battle Reflux Style. Today I want to see
whether the best Healer Swordsman, Xiao Yao Zi Zai, is a
trustworthy person!”

I smiled lightly: “Then keep your eyes wide open and watch

The killing of the boss proceeded smoothly and in a few

seconds, his health dropped drastically.


The other party’s Mage moved slightly forward and tightened his
grip on his staff. He looked as if he wanted to take the last hit to
get experience.

However, a beautiful shadow fluttered down beside the Mage. It

was the pretty and beautiful Swordswoman, Matcha. With her
hand resting on her sword hilt, she said: “Don’t move, otherwise I
won’t be so courteous to you…”

Her sword peeked out from its hilt by 10 centimeters, showing off
her readiness to strike. Golden Hexagons peeked out: It was the
prelude to a [Combo]!

Stunned, the Mage gritted his teeth and stood there quietly.
Chapter 182 – The Start of a War


The Frost Rain Sword cut through the Spirit Fire Beast’s neck,
causing the Spirit Fire Beast to roar in pain as blood gushed out
from its large wound. Finally, the last of its health disappeared,
causing its giant body to crash onto the ground. At the same
time, it dropped quite a few items. I looked over all of the drops
but to my disappointment, I didn’t see any Guild Creation
Tablets. The road to establishing Zhan Long as a guild was
bound to be long and tortuous…

“Don’t move!”

Dong Cheng Lei brandished his battle-axe as he abruptly strode

behind me. In a quiet voice, he roared, “Let Brother Xiao Yao
take his pick from the boss drops. Everyone else wait for your
turn patiently. If you get impatient, don’t blame me, Cang Lei,
when I get violent .”

The 7 players were startled but did not say anything.

I took a step forward and kicked all of the equipment to an empty

space. After that, I waved my hands towards the others, “Gentle
Touch, come and take your pick. Take a piece of equipment here
as your compensation!”
Gentle Touch nodded, pointing his finger towards a breastplate
saying, “Then I’ll take the chestplate!”

Reaching out with my toes, I gave it a kick! I didn’t even look at

the attributes of the item.


The chestplate rolled towards Gentle Touch’s feet; as he picked

up the armor piece, his face suddenly grew with excitement as
he saw the stats. Around him, people began to whisper, “Damn,
a Lv 53 Purple Tier that adds +37 strength, +34 Endurance and
+5% defense. What a nice item…”

I smiled to myself and remained silent.

Gentle Touch put the chestplate into his inventory with a small
laugh, “Xiao Yao Zi Zai, you really are a trustworthy person;
thank you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to face
my friends. By the way, you’re familiar with [Valiant Bravery]

I nodded, “Yeah, why do you ask?”

“Well….” Gentle Touch started, pointing to the six people behind

him, “My six friends and I have been looking for a guild to join,
but [Vanguard] has too many requirements, plus Jian Feng Han
has a questionable personality. [Prague]’s Yan Zhao is as
immemorial as a plank of wood; he is a strict traditionalist. We
want to join a young and hot-blooded guild and that’s why we
picked [Valiant Bravery]. However, we don’t have anyone to
introduce us. So I’m worried that General Li Mu doesn’t want our
group. Could you put in a word for us to him, how about it?”

“Sure, you guys get going and say that I sent you guys to him.” I
glanced at their equipment and levels with a smile, “Your
strength is pretty good, General Li Mu would be very glad if you
all joined [Valiant Bravery], after all, at this point in time they’re in
urgent need of high leveled players.”

“Ah, thank you, in that case we’ll…we’ll be going now?”

“Off you go and good luck!”



Looking at Gentle Touch’s group travel farther and farther away,

Wolf rubbed his nose, “Brother Xiao Yao, that was a Lv 53
Purple Tier breastplate that was just taken away by some brats.
I’m not happy with the outcome, it could have been given to Old
K, or Ah Lei, or even Matcha who would have made better use of

I laughed out loud, “That’s enough of that, don’t make a fuss over
such a small thing. Zhan Long is just starting out in Ba Huang
City, we need to build up our reputation the right way. After all, it
was them who attacked the boss first. In a situation where they
haven’t completely given up, we would technically being
snatching the boss. Let’s not have shady actions!”
Matcha chuckled, “Yeah, I support the boss. A single Purple Tier
item in exchange for the trust of that group, this deal was a great

Darling Duck piped up, “Boss, should we look at the rest of the


The boss had also dropped another 3 pieces of equipment: 2

were Gold Tier and one was Purple Tier. It was a Lv 53
necklace, which was rolled away by the highest level Mage, and
the Gold Tier equipments were rolled to an Assassin and a
Swordsman. Other than the 4 equipments, there were still a few
Pardon Cards and two soul stones, which were also rolled away.
In my heart, there was still a small bit of disappointment that I
didn’t find a Guild Creation Tablet, which was a shame since it
was what we longed for most at the moment.


Taking a look at the count, so far we had killed 2 out of the 83

bosses in total; our luck was looking pretty good today.

Matcha looked up into the sky, crinkling an eyebrow while in

heavy thought, “ Boss, according to the most recent news on the
forums, the statistic reports say that 37 bosses have been killed
and among those numbers, 6 of them were Purple Tier bosses;
we just killed one of them. [Vanguard] killed two Purple Tiers,
[Prague] killed one, [Valiant Bravery] killed one, and [Flying
Dragon] also killed one. Right now, all of the major guilds are
having their players track down the bosses throughout the map.
It’s expected that all of the 83 bosses will be dead within the next
2 hours…”

“Ah…” I nodded and after pondering then said, “It’s all about
luck; there’s nothing we can do about it. We only have so many
members and 20 people cannot realistically be expected to kill
most of the bosses.”

“Yeah, yeah.”


After searching for half an hour, there were still no signs of any
boss. However, the Ba Huang City forums were abuzz with new
information about the bosses that were being killed as well as
the items that were dropped. As of now, 9 Purple Tier bosses
had been killed already. This Demons’ Descent Event had a
really nice drop rate; the profits were extremely enticing.

Right as I was idling away and doing nothing, a “Ding!” was

heard. It was a message from General Li Mu, “Xiao Yao, where
are you at right now?”

“Qilin Valley, why do you ask?”

General Li Mu opened up the voice chat, his tone sounding

urgent, “Ba Huang City’s 3 Emperor Tier bosses have been
found. Jian Feng Han has brought 3000 players to Fire Stone
Valley to kill one and [Prague] has brought 4000 players on an
expedition to the East Coast where it is said to contain a dragon
turtle boss that’s also Emperor Tier. The third Emperor Tier boss
is southwest of Qilin Valley in the Wailing Forest. [Valiant
Bravery] will be bringing 1500 players and we are nearly there,
the only problem is that there’s a particularly strong rival guild on
their way: [Flying Dragon]. It is estimated that they’re going to
bring 3000 players, meaning their total players will be double
ours. We are worried that we won’t be able to take down the
boss, so ….”

My lips pursed together in thought, “So you want me to bring

over some men to help?”

“No, we mainly need you!”

“No deal, my people are very strong also!”

Li Mu sounded delighted, “Ah, that’s even better then. Quickly

come and join us now. Take the route through Qilin Valley to
meet with us, bypassing [Flying Dragon]’s route. How many
people do you have?”

“20 people.”

“Eh, 20 people?”

“Yes!” I clenched my fist tightly, “Our fighting spirit is flourishing.

We are a dignified and composed looking group of 20 people.
Under some circumstances, we can hold our own against
thousands of men. You must be careful not to underestimate
these 20 people …..!”
General Li Mu couldn’t help but laugh, “Well then, say no more
brother. This time, you’ll really have to fight hard. This Emperor
Tier boss must be taken down by us at any cost, otherwise,
[Flying Dragon] will have an enormous lead over us!”

“Yup, I got it, We’ll work hard!”

“Okay, thanks in advance!”

“Don’t worry about it, you’re one of us!”



Turning off the chat, I turned to the group, “We have business to
deal with!”

“Eh? What business, Brother Xiao Yao?” Wolf asked.

I said out loud, “There’s an Emperor Tier boss southwest of us in

Wailing Forest and two guilds will be competing against each
other for it. One is [Flying Dragon] and the other is [Valiant
Bravery]. However, [Flying Dragon] has over 3000 players while
[Valiant Bravery] has only 1500 people. So we will help our friend
[Valiant Bravery] withstand [Flying Dragon]’s attacks. Must help
our friend guild take down one of the three big bosses!”

After the speech, I smiled, “Everyone, who’s willing to go with

“Why wouldn’t we?” Dong Cheng Lei laughed, “Wherever Brother
Xiao Yao goes, I will follow!”

Wolf nodded his head, “+1!”

TL: +1 literally means ‘and me’.

Matcha and Darling Duck voiced at the same time, “+1!”

All 20 people quickly agreed that we would advance and retreat

together and be off to rescue [Valiant Bravery]!


“Pa ta! Pa ta!”

A light, misty rain quickly turned into a torrential downpour in a

blink of an eye.

I carried the Frost Rain Sword and rushed through the middle of
the valley while Matcha followed. Wolf was running like a champ
with his new dagger!

The massive rainfall pounded against the tree tops of the forest,
creating a serene sound that would hide the sounds of fighting.
Within minutes, we reached the Wailing Forest’s edge and dove
right in. In a few minutes, the forest map in front of us began to
show a vast amount of tiny blue dots of players. On each of the
players’ arms was the shining emblem of [Valiant Bravery].

“Xiao Yao Zi Zai has arrived!” General Bai Qi chuckled as I

General Li Mu walked on over, greeting me while carrying his
sword. Looking at my troops behind me, he couldn’t help but look
astonished. “My god, to have amassed a group like the one here
in the past few days, impressive! That Cang Lei is Cang Yue’s
older brother isn’t he? Wow, a Lv 54 Undead Assassin, Lv 53
Barbarian Berserker, Lv 52 Musketeer and a Lv 52 Healer…
Xiao Yao, you’ve really outdone yourself this time. To have such
a strong fighting force in a matter of days!”

“Thanks!” I laughed, “This is nothing, they are all my friends and


“Haha, good!”

“Where is the boss?” I asked.

General Li Mu turned around and took us a dozen steps away

towards the front of the jungle and beckoned for us to go look
down into the basin below. “The appearance of the boss is quite
deceptive. Look at the core of the basin over there…it’s that big
tree over there….”

I was surprised, the core of the basin really did house a massive
tree. Its branches were complicatedly interwoven and spread
throughout the jungle, dispersing into the surrounding trees. Was
that really the boss?!

General Wang Jian clenched his sword, saying, “Don’t bother

looking Xiao Yao. It’s a Lv 60 Emperor Tier boss called Guardian
of the Earth. Its defensive abilities and health are very high. It
also has many different ways of attacking. For instance, its trunk
and branches have the ability to shoot pine needles at us.
What’s more is that it’s an extremely powerful AOE attack. The
first time we attempted to go near it to attack, over 50 people
died and we were defeated.”

I clenched my teeth, “Even though it’s an AOE attack, it shouldn’t

be strong enough to do that much damage. After all, the boss is
only a Lv 60 Emperor Tier, right?”

Wang Jian nodded, “Yes, you’re right, the boss did around 1800
damage with its AOE attack. So anyone who had over 1500
defense was more or less able to survive it . However it’s AOE
range covered far too much ground and our Healers weren’t able
to survive. Since our average heavy armor class player has
around 1200-1400 defense, they weren’t able to last long without
Healers. Our Mages were killed after their [Mana Shield] broke
so this boss made us feel like there was no way to beat him.”

General Li Mu took a deep breath and pointed directly across the

basin, “The biggest threat to us is out there; there are at least
2000 members of [Flying Dragon] waiting for us. Once we start
the boss, they’ll definitely attack us. At that time, we will be too
exhausted to resist them. In a situation like this, what would you
do Xiao Yao?”

I looked over the troops, sweat beading down my brow, “If our
numbers had exceeded theirs, then we could have split into two
groups: one to protect while the other tried to kill the boss in 20
minutes. However, this isn’t the case. With our numbers being
lower than theirs, there’s only one way…”
“What way is that?!” Wang Jiang asked.

I uttered my plan, “Dispatch a third of the troop so they can

pretend to attack the boss. The other two thirds will do a sneak
attack. Talk after killing [Flying Dragon], otherwise everything we
discuss is pointless!”

General Li Mu pumped his fist and laughed, “You and I were

thinking the same thing; to fight against a guild like [Flying
Dragons], we need to shed some blood!!
Chapter 183 – A Strong Enemy Appears


His battle axe landed heavily on the ground, causing a few

chunks of mud to go flying. General Bai Qi raised his voice and
said: “Xiao Yao, go ahead and explain how to start the battle. If
we enter rashly, we’ll be eaten alive like a dumpling. [Flying
Dragon] is not full of fools; Soaring Dragon is sly, Black Tortoise
isn’t too easy to deal with either and the newly recruited Nature’s
Knight, Drunken Spear is also shockingly powerful. We have
suffered a lot of loss under his ruthless hands.”
“The gap in numbers is a little big…”

I stared into the distance and said, “General Li Mu, from your
point of view, how would we start the battle?”

General Li Mu clenched his fist and replied: “We, [Valiant

Bravery], though small in number, will never compromise. If I
were to direct this battle, I will consolidate my main forces. Then
like a fist, I would smash into the opponent’s weak point!”

I laughed, “What is their weakness?”

General Li Mu froze and couldn’t think of a response or any

weaknesses in [Flying Dragon]. Standing on the hills on the
opposite side, the line up of [Flying Dragon] troops looked strict
and austere. The heavy armor group stood at the front, followed
by the Mages, Archers and Musketeers. Last were the Healers. If
we really fought them, there would only be huge losses for us.
After all, [Flying Dragon] would not be easily defeated with those
armors equipped by the heavy armor troops on the front lines.

After a few seconds of silence, General Li Mu replied, “Alright, I

admit I can’t find their weakness. Their battle lines are well
formed, indicating great expertise. I really can’t see any

“Yea …” I grabbed my Frost Rain Sword and laughed, “Actually I

can’t see any either!”


“However, we can create a weakness for them….”

I moved forward, reached out my hand, waved and said: “This is

my plan. I’ll lead a few people with me to start to kill the boss.
The enemy will definitely be anxious about this boss and might
start attacking my group any time. The heavy armor group will
definitely be diverted to stop us. Then, we will set up a few
Assassins to prepare a sneak attack for the Mages in the back
and you, General Li Mu, will lead a 1000 men main force. Taking
advantage of the rain, you’ll sneak around the back and ambush
them from behind. As for me, give me 200 people, I’ll break
through from the front when they come to try to take the boss. In
this way, we’ll be able to mess with their formation. Once their
formation is broken, [Flying Dragon]’s superiority in numbers
won’t account for much.”

General Li Mu widen his eyes “Just like that…Will it be enough?

Behind us, General Wang Jian said “It’s worth a try, otherwise
the Emperor Tier boss will have no relation with [Valiant
Bravery]. The last time we fought with [Flying Dragon], we lost. If
we don’t win this time, our guild’s morale will take a big blow.
This war is inevitable, we must fight whether we want to or not!”

General Li Mu took a deep breath and decided. With a swing of

his hand, he shouted, “Okay, we shall fight!”

Having said that, he told me in a low voice, “Xiao Yao, I’ll let you
lead 5 100-man teams and the rest of the group of 1000 people
will be led by me. Let’s maintain contact and when the time is
right, I’ll start the assault.”

I nodded and looked far into the distance, I said, “Take

advantage of the pouring rain that’s limiting visibility right now;
you should hurry and go. Just leave with me with 500 people!”



The heavy rain pelted onto the armor of the warriors. Old K
clenched his battle axe, preparing for the battle. He laughed
lightly, “Li brat, how should we slaughter in little while?”

I said lightly “First, feint an attack; Old K you must endure, don’t
charge ahead alone. As soon as you leave the Healers, only two
of the enemy Mages are needed to insta-kill you, got it?”

Old K bitterly laughed “Okay, I’ll listen to the boss but I’m not
good at feinting. I’m better at brute force. How about this? I’ll go
with General Li Mu and charge with them from the back, that way
it’s more fun!”

I frowned a little, and then laughed, “More fun my ass! I need

your [Whirlwind Blade] and [Savage Jump Slash] to weaken the
enemy’s firepower. So you better not leave, otherwise our 500
warriors won’t stand a chance against 3000 enemies!”

Old K was stunned. “How will I attract their firepower?”

I replied succinctly, “Easy, [Whirlwind Blade] can create a

hurricane to break the enemy’s front line so you should use
[Whirlwind Blade] to destroy their first line of defenses, kill your
way forward and give as many people a taste of your [Flame
Axe] and [Fire Axe]. Once the back line locks onto you, you will
jump out using your [Savage Jump Slash] on an enemy that is
near us. Repeating, you alone can toss and turn the enemies
and make them extremely frustrated. But you’ll need to not fight
a long fight or else you’ll die!

Old K laughed “Okay, I got it, let me handle this!”

Little Wolf lifted his dagger, “Brother Xiao Yao, what do you need
me to do?”

Without hesitation, I said, “Little Wolf, take all the Assassins in

this 500 people team and use [Stealth] to lay an ambush on the
west side of the boss. There’s a small hill on the side of the cliff
where you can hide. The moment the heavy armor player
division passes by, you’ll immediately launch a surprise attack on
[Flying Dragon]’s Mage division. Remember to use your
strongest attack to break their [Mana Shield] and kill them on the
spot, otherwise, if the Mages manage to launch their magic
attacks, these 50+ Assassins will definitely be killed.”

Wolf nodded and smiled, “Understood, Brother Xiao Yao. I won’t

let you down!”

As he spoke, Wolf picked out the Assassins from among the

remaining guild member and they switched into stealth mode
one by one, quietly moving into the distance.


“What’s next?” Matcha lifted her long sword and asked excitedly.

I looked at the crowd and said, “100 man team leaders, please
step forward!”

Swiftly, 5 players from [Valiant Bravery] came out one by one.

One of them, a Swordsman that looked around 25 years old,
smiled, “Xiao Yao Zi Zai, if you have any commands, say them.
Today you are our commander!

I nodded, “When you were killing the boss just now, what was
the range of the boss’ normal attack?”

The team leader thought for a while and said, “Approximately 25-
30 meters from the trunk. You’ll see that this Guardian of the
Earth has many vines that hang from its branches. These vines
have the ability to shoot sharp needles or attack like a spear and
many of us suffered significant damage from those attacks.
Furthermore, the branches’ attack power is extremely high, it
really lives up to its Emperor Tier boss name!”

The other team leader asked, “Xiao Yao, what’s your plan of

I smiled, “All Knights and Monks, equip your shields and

surround around the tree. Healers stand 30 yards away from the
tree to [Heal] and ensure that every Knight and Monk has his
own personal Healer to prevent any casualties. Give [Flying
Dragon] the false appearance that we are spreading out our
formation to kill the boss. This way, our mission will more or less
be completed.”

The team leader nodded and smiled, “Understood, I’ll get on with

“Alright, Swordsmen, Berserkers, Archers, Mages and

Musketeers, the players with these few professions all follow me.
We’ll move around the boss and set up defenses in the valley to
prepare to greet [Flying Dragon]’s attack!”



Amongst the clashing sound of armors and chains, all the Monks
and Knights charged forward followed by a group of Healers
behind. There were around 100 players and everyone was
brandishing heavy shields to bear the tree’s attacks and get to
the foot of the tree. Then, we saw the whole tree started to
wriggle, and suddenly the its branches and vines shot needles
continuously, “Pow pow pow”, stabbing the players’ bodies.
Luckily, the players I dispatched were all heavy armor players
with high defense, so they couldn’t be killed easily. Only players
who went too close to the roots of the tree died, swept away by
its large branch arms.

“It’s about time, Boss..” Matcha reminded me.

Nodding my head, I raised my hand and lifted my cloak, covering

my head and preventing the heavy rain from obstructing my
vision. I slowly pulled out my Frost Rain Sword and whispered,
“It’s time. Everyone follow me, advance slowly and don’t mess
up the formation!”

“Clang clang clang…”

The sound of swords being unsheathed chimed. The average

level of players in [Valiant Bravery] was about 50 and these
Swordsmen were all the cream of the crop. Meanwhile, the
Mages raised their staffs while each and every person entered
into a mental state of preparation. Everyone understood that this
battle was extremely important for [Valiant Bravery]. The
reputation of this guild would depend on the results of this battle!


My Purple Dawn Boots strode through the wet grass as I

summoned Baby Bobo and looked straight ahead. I led nearly
350 people to stand between [Flying Dragon] and the boss. The
group spread their formation one by one and under the veil of the
heavy rain, it was hard to tell the actual number of players here;
maybe the enemy will think that our main force of 1500 people is


General Li Mu sent a message, “Xiao Yao, not good, we killed 4

Assassins along the route so [Flying Dragon] definitely knows
that we are coming!”

“Have your numbers been exposed?”

“In this heavy rain, we shouldn’t be too visible.”

“Then it’s still alright, thank God for this heavy rain! You guys
should continue with the mission and prepare to ambush them.
Now let’s wait and see if this Emperor Tier boss will really attract
the [Flying Dragon]. Once Soaring Dragon attacks my location,
you should immediately start the attack. Their formation will have
a lot of weakness once they start moving. That will be our
“Alright! Oh by the way, Xiao Yao, beware of Drunken Spear.
Remember that name; that Nature’s Knight might have the
power to kill you. You must be careful, don’t die no matter what
or else we’ll all be finished!”

“Okay, I’ll try my best!”


“Boss, they are starting to move!”

Matcha raised her hand and pointed at the top of the Basin.
Indeed, in the midst of the biting cold and heavy rain, the luster
of swords could still be seen. Waves of impenetrable, heavy
armor troops surged down from the top of the mountains, ready
to attack!

I immediately commanded, “All the Knights, Monks and Healers

fall back and prepare for battle. Heavy armor troops, now is the
time, follow me forward. Let’s eliminate them!”

Everyone in [Valiant Bravery] roared, readied their weapons and

raced forward like wild horses. Their resentment towards [Flying
Dragon] was even stronger than Zhan Long’s!


A sound rung from the front, a Lv 53 Swordsman from [Flying

Dragon] had locked onto me and was about to unleash his
[Combo] attack!

I saw his attack coming and the moment we would have came
into contact, I rapidly turned my body. “Hua”, Turning a big arc, I
successfully dodged the enemy’s attack. At the same time, I
slashed my Frost Rain Sword behind and unleashed [Wind


The Swordsman was dumbstruck, “Wha…What a high attack

Baby Bobo also released his 2 [Combo] attack, and it was done,
the first victim!

Up front, the melee attackers tangled together. However, in just a

short 20 seconds of contact, [Flying Dragon] had more than 10
corpses. I raised my sword and shouted, “Fall back!”

Everyone in [Valiant Bravery] fell back one by one and I

continued to command, “Stay at your place and defend against
the attack! Mages, use [Pillar of Fire & Ice]!”


“Clang Clang Clang…”

[Flying Dragon]’s heavy armor players bombarded us with their

strikes for a few seconds before the earth shook as columns of
[Pillar of Fire and Ice] roared and rose from the ground. [Flying
Dragon]’s members immediately cried in pain, one Berserker
holding an axe bellowed, “Our formation is stretched too far and
the Mages didn’t follow, how do we fight!?”


An explosion sounded as 2 [Valiant Bravery] Swordsmen fell

back one after the other, breaking the frontline. Then the ground
suddenly split as indigo geysers of scorching hot spring-water
spewed forth and caused all targets in 5 x 5 area to suffer
burning damage. The 2 [Valiant Bravery] Swordsman cried
painfully and died, just like that.
I nervously gritted my teeth and looked towards the attacker
among the crowd. It was a Knight wearing a whole suit of armor
and the previous two attacks, [Rock Piercing Thrust] and
[Scorching Spring] were all his creation. It was the person
General Li Mu warned me about-

ID: Drunken Spear Lv 57 Nature’s Knight

Guild: Flying Dragon

Position: Elder
Chapter 184 – Getting Shot Hurts


Knocking into a nearby Berserker, I dashed ahead with my

sword tip ready to strike. There wasn’t much distance between
us, less than ten meters now. My Frost Rain Sword was already
glowing bright with a [Fierce Ice Blade] ready to be activated. In
a quiet roar, I said: “Drunken Spear!”

Drunken Spear noticed my existence, revealing a pair of black

eyes that showed no fear. Yelling back at me, “Xiao Yao Zi Zai,
you really are here!”

Some people are destined to be rivals and the moment I saw

Drunken Spear, I knew he was that fated rival. He would be a
powerful rival, powerful enough to be a deadly threat to me!


The raindrops on my Frost Rain Sword flew off the tip as I swung
my sword at Drunken Spear’s neck. That was generally the
weakest point of a person, striking there would do an additional
25% damage. This was general knowledge that every gamer
should know, let alone Drunken Spear. His uncanny ability to
move like a cloud and flow like water showed that he was a
master at the game.
TL: The Author is not bsing this part about the neck, he
mentioned it before…

I smashed my sword against his spear with a boom and wait,

that was the True Soul Spear from the Five Barbarians’ Desolate
Tomb quest. It had ended up in our opponent’s hands!


Drunken Spear’s spear slid back 20 centimeters, blocking the

Frost Rain Sword from sliding down and at the same time, he
abruptly kicked the bottom of the spear to make the tip of the
spear move like a living thing. It was a special skill of his, [Rock
Piercing Thrust], a skill unique to Nature Knights!


My chest went numb as my Nebula Armor had a huge hole in the

middle of it. At the same time, I was involuntarily knocked back a
few meters. [Rock Piercing Thrust], a skill that could pierce
through defenses as well as knock enemies back!

Drunken Spear smiled and rushed on forward, his right hand

clasping the back of his spear as the tip of the True Soul Spear
shot forward like a viper. The activation sequence for [Flame
Blade] began. Here we go again. His spear handling was
exceptional, and the way he worked the spear was pleasing to
the eye. Although he was an enemy, with that move, I began to
respect him.

My shoulders began to burn. Drunken Spear’s attack was
extremely strong, doing over 1200 damage. However, he was
shocked by how small the damage number was, apparently, he
didn’t think my defense would be so high.

The True Soul Spear was cut off from making contact with me as
I flicked my wrist which caused the hilt of my sword to catch the
True Soul Spear’s shaft with a “ka!”. Taking advantage of this
opportunity to leap into the air, my sword glowed bright with the
colors of [Fierce Ice Blade] and instantly slashed into Drunken
Spear’s shoulder. A big number came bursting out above him–


“Ugh…” Drunken Spear frowned, he had roughly 50% of his

original 3000 health left. After taking my attack, he abruptly
stomped the ground with his boots. “Bang”, the earth began to
tremble as all of a sudden scorching hot water came bubbling
out of the ground around us. With no way of dodging it, I was
scalded by the intense heat.


This skill was far too ruthless!

Lifting a foot, I lashed out to kick him!


Drunken Spear brought his spear up to block against my Purple

Dawn Boots, but his strength was lower than mine so he was
knocked back a good 5 meters. His face showed surprise,
though that didn’t stop him from dashing back toward me with his
spear. His iron spear started shaking as he activated [Iron Spear
Thrusts]. This was his finisher, an AOE skill!

This was the first time I had seen a physical killing skill, so
without hesitation, I activated the [Crimson Dragon Ring]’s
special ability, [Shield of the Crimson Dragon]. Immediately a
crimson dragon’s head took form around me, acting as my shield
and increasing my defense by a large amount. The Frost Rain
Sword remained horizontal to my chest, a standard defensive
TL: Xiao Yao chooses to use the [Ring of Crimson Dragon] over
[Reflect] mainly because the skill Drunken Spear is using is
new/may have more than 1 attack.

“Keng keng keng!”

The spear stabbed into me three times, and three numbers

began to rise up as a result–



Waving my hand to cast [Heal] on myself, I recovered 900 health

and then drank a Lv 6 health potion, which added another 1000+
health. Adding to the efforts of the group of Healers behind me, I
was already back to full health!
Drunken Spear bit his lip, and growled under his breath, “Fuck,
Xiao Yao Zi Zai has a ton of skill. Why is he helping [Valiant

I didn’t speak and instead dashed over to him and used a skill.
The Frost Rain Sword flashed after feinting a hit against Drunken
Spear to force him backwards; power surged through me as I
unleashed [Strength of a Thousand Men] onto him!

“Oh crap! Combo!” Fierce Tiger cried out from far away. He
snarled, “Be careful Drunken Spear, that’s an S rank combo!”

Drunken Spear looked very calm despite the impending skill and
with a flick of his wrists, the True Soul Spear hit against my
sword thrice, “pa pa pa!” and defended against the first three
strikes. Although my first three moves were blocked, the fourth
move landed on him!


My shoulder sank as I knocked into Drunken Spear, forcing him

into a stun. The Frost Rain Sword trembled for the final skill,
[Wind Blade]. Even though it landed on Drunken Spear perfectly,
it wasn’t enough to kill him. A Healer from [Flying Dragon] cast
[Heal] on him before I could do any more damage. This made
killing Drunken Spear even harder!

An iron fist landed with a “bang!” onto the ground, activating

[Binding Chains] to lock Drunken Spear’s legs. I growled, “Old K,
use [Whirlwind Slash], Ah Lei, use your [Flame Blade]!”
That’s right, I deliberately angled my shot to knock Drunken
Spear near my Zhan Long members. This would make killing him
much easier. If we didn’t kill him now, then this would be a hard


Old K roared, his [Whirlwind Slash] lashed out as he danced with

his trembling battle-axe. People that were close to Old K were
immediately engulfed in the whirlwind. He had 5 hits on everyone
caught in the skill for 400 damage per hit and a total of 2000.
Dong Cheng Lei also flew forward, his [Flame Blade] at the


But because of the approaching [Flying Dragon]’s Healers’

[Heal]s, Drunken Spear was still hanging on with 30% of his

I called out to Old K while running forward, “[Savage Jump


Old K roared as he leapt forward; his Battle-axe heavily shook

the ground when he attacked Drunken Spear with the skill!



The Frost Rain Sword grew brighter as it flew through the air,
delivering the final blow to Drunken Spear. He fell to the ground
and a helmet dropped from him, which I picked up. It was a Lv
44 Purple Tier, so I threw it over to Old K, further strengthening
our Berserker!


“It’s over…”

Fierce Tiger’s face paled, “Drunken Spear was killed! Dammit, he

had 1547 defense and still died! How high of an attack do the
people in Zhan Long have?”

In the distance, Soaring Dragon carried his staff as he flew in the

air crying out, “Fierce Tiger! Don’t worry, hurry up and break
through their defensive line, we have to secure the Emperor Tier
boss for ourselves! Also, don’t fight with Xiao Yao Zi Zai, let our
Mages and Archers take care of him. There is no need to duel
someone like him!”

Biting my lip, I took command of the situation, “Everyone,

charge, now!”

Meanwhile in the distant enemy lines, the Assassins were finally



A red ray of light beamed down on a Lv 53 Mage and stunned

him before a [Bleed] + [Backstab] combo to insta-killed him.
Right after, the Assassin disappeared by using [Stealth]. Our 50+
Assassins were killing the Mages and Healers of [Flying Dragon]
left and right. This strategy was without a doubt a decisive blow!
Seeing the Mages beside him killed by the surprise attacks,
Soaring Dragon was livid. His staff shook the ground as he cast
a [Rock Spike] while forced a [Valiant Bravery] Assassin out of
his [Stealth]. Soaring Dragon immediately followed up with a
[Pillar of Fire and Ice] that killed him off instantly. At the same
time, he bellowed: “Use AOE spells to force the Assassins to
reveal themselves! How despicable, to send Assassins to try a
sneak attack. Musketeers, all of you crouch and use
[Bombardment] on the whole area. I don’t believe that the
players in [Valiant Bravery] are invincible!”

In a flash, a rumbling sound was heard and each invisible

Assassin was forced out of their invisible state and met by the
anger of the remaining Mages and Archers. The original 50
Assassins quickly dwindled, leaving behind Wolf and a few other
Assassins who quickly went into the bushes to hide. Although
the Assassins had quite a few losses, they managed to kill over
100 cloth armor players!

The battle continued to spread out even more as players

continued to collapse one after another. The long range
members of [Flying Dragon] began to advance forward as we
started to give way. Our losses were building up: over 250
players left alive and the closest graveyard to this area was 30
minutes away, so there was no way any dead player would be
back anytime soon. Healers were also limited by their
cooldowns, so [Revive] couldn’t cover everyone.

My Frost Rain Sword ripped through a high leveled Archer while I
simultaneously turned around and kicked away a Berserker that
was planning to ambush me, “What is General Li Mu doing? Why
aren’t they here yet?” I cried angrily.

Matcha was carefully removing an arrow stuck on her chestplate

as she bit her lip and said, ” I don’t know either, its should be
soon…Boss, I can’t dodge the Archer’s arrows. Getting shot

Reluctantly, I said, “Learn to run in a Z formation, Archers who

are trying to lock in on you will have a higher chance of missing.”

“Oh, but I can’t run in a Z formation well enough…”

“I know, slowly adapt to the game environment, try to get more


“Yes, I’ll give it a try!”

As she said that, Matcha was once again shot in the chest,
causing her face to flush red as she moved it again. Darling
Duck began to cast [Heal] as Matcha whined to herself, “Ugh,
why do I feel like we’re going to lose…”


Seeing my comrades fall one by one, I was starting to feel a little

despair as well.

Suddenly, loud roars sprang up behind [Flying Dragon]’s frontline

as a Swordsman with 10% health left came tumbling onto a hill.
Over his head, the name “Mu Tian” could be seen. He stumbled
towards Soaring Dragon with a cry, “Boss, the rear guard has
been ambushed! The losses are disastrous, at least the 16th –
22nd 100 man teams are all dead within 5 minutes. [Valiant
Bravery] has gone mad!”

Soaring Dragon trembled with astonishment, “What? 700 men

killed within 5 minutes? I didn’t hear wrong, did I? Damn it, why
didn’t you send me a message?”

Mu Tian clenched his teeth, “I thought we could win since their

main team was out trying to kill the boss but who would have
thought that more and more people would appear? The main
attack force of [Valiant Bravery] has already penetrated our rear
guard. The people in the Basin are just some random members
with Xiao Yao Zi Zai leading them!”

Soaring Dragon clenched his staff with a great deal of force, the
wood creaked under the pressure. His eyes were bulging out
with no small amount of anger–

“Xiao Yao Zi Zai, General Li Mu, you two are really goddamn
Chapter 185 – Class Change Certificate


In the party chat, I said under my breath “Get ready to sneak up

behind Soaring Dragon and break his shield. Old K, use
[Whirlwind Blade] to break a path through and I will follow up.
Once Soaring Dragon retreats, Old K will use [Savage Jump
Slash] to chase after him. Remember, if we kill Soaring Dragon,
[Flying Dragon]’s morale will dissipate!”
Wolf nodded, “I need 12 seconds to adjust my position so I can
avoid Musketeers!”

“Alright, get ready!”


I held my breath as I drew my Frost Rain Sword and rushed into

the mob. The enemy’s Swordsmen and Berserkers attacked me
endlessly with their weapons. Too bad for them my 1645
defense was so high where only a few people could break past
my defense, and even if they could break past it, Darling Duck’s
and my [Heal] were enough to keep my health up.

Within 9 seconds, I was only 7 meters away from Soaring

Dragon while lowering my head and fighting against 2
Swordsmen. I could activate [Haste] at any time to rush in for the
“Now!” Wolf shouted under his breath and activated his attack
three seconds later, his Purple Tier dagger flashed through the
air straight into Soaring Dragon’s [Mana Shield]!

“Pu…” The sound echoed lightly. The [Mana Shield] deformed

but it did not break. Wolf did not give up and he crossed his
arms, stabbing with the dagger three more times. All of his
strikes were critical hits!


Finally. Even if Soaring Dragon was the strongest Mage on this

battlefield, his shield still broke. However, his reactions were also
fast and the second his magic boots touched the ground, he
twisted around, lifting his staff, made the sound “Keng” and
blocked Wolf’s final stab! As he retreated, he had already
prepared an [Icicle] in his open hand while shouting “Eliminate
the Assassin!”

[Scatter Shot], [Triple Shot], [Chilling Wind Spell], and [Pillar of

Fire and Ice] and almost every other long range attack joined
together. Wolf couldn’t dodge these attacks and was obliterated.
He fell to his knees and said in the party chat, “I’m leaving the
rest to you all!”

Instant kill! Even Zhan Long’s number one Assassin couldn’t

defend that many attacks.


As a whirlwind erupted, Old K’s [Whirlwind Blade] slashed
through a crowd of people and pushed into Soaring Dragon,
dealing some damage.


Unfortunately, the attack did not kill him. Soaring Dragon roared
“Kill Old K, now! Defend me as I retreat! Where the hell are our
Assassins? Attack their far side and kill Darling Duck and Fox!”

“Sha sha….”

In the rain, my Purple Dawn Boots smashed against grass as I

leapt forward. My Frost Rain Sword crept towards Soaring
Dragon’s back without a sound. I only needed to touch him and
he’d be done for!


Soaring Dragon turned his head, the horror of realization

contorting into his eyes “Xiao Yao Zi Zai?!”

At that moment, he activated the skill, [Eject].

TL: Unique Skill to Soaring Dragon


An invisible force pushed the Lv 58 Mage back 20 yards, it was

an ingenious skill for retreating.

I lifted my sword, and yelled “Old K, use [Savage Jump Slash]!”

Just as I expected, Old K slightly bent his legs, gathering the
energy under his feet. A “Bang” sound was generated by his feet
when he left the ground. The strong force pushed him upwards
and he was like a massive bullet as he came down upon Soaring
Dragon. His battle axe carried a frightening force of power that
hacked into the shoulder of [Flying Dragon]’s Leader!


Finally, this attempt succeeded, and Soaring Dragon fell to his

knees and decayed into a white light, leaving for the spirit world.


As I rushed forward I shouted “Keep advancing! Don’t stop until

we see General Li Mu’s group!”

Nothing is certain in war; we must use everything in this battle

where we are outnumbered two to one. The [Flying Dragon] guild
was actually quite strong; their average strength was not worse
than our own. Therefore for us to win, we had to rely on wild
strategies that were almost crazy.

I waved my hand to heal Old K, while at the same time I dealt

with an Archer. Matcha, Fox, Darling Duck followed closely
behind me, afraid we would get separated. Of the team of 500,
we had advanced the farthest into “[Flying Dragon] territory”. But
our losses were heavy: only 70 of the 500 were still alive. Even
for Zhan Long, only 11 players remained.
Luckily, at the mountaintop, a familiar shadow appeared; it was
General Wang Jian waving his sword and shouting “Victory is
ours! Kill your way down and regroup with Xiao Yao’s group!”

A flood of [Valiant Bravery]’s players rushed down the mountain

and overran [Flying Dragon]’s players. I had never thought that
this would go so smoothly, not even 20 minutes had past and the
battle was nearly over. Of [Flying Dragon]’s 3000 initial
members, approximately 70% have been killed and the rest were
no longer a threat. They couldn’t continue fighting against
[Valiant Bravery] anymore.

“How many people are left?” Li Mu brooded while charging into


I turned around to look at my group and seeing no more than 50

people I said “At this point, we’ve lost over 90% of our group. Li
Mu, you really gave me a tough task.”

Li Mu couldn’t hold in his laugh “Good brother, don’t be mad,

now what should we do?”

“Immediately regroup to kill the boss. We must get it done within

10 minutes, otherwise they can regroup after reviving!”



Reforming a defensive line, General Wang Jian led 500 people

to set up defenses, Li Mu led the other remaining 500+ people to
kill the boss and Zhan Long was in charge of the assault. The
strategy was simple, I’ll tank and attract the boss’ aggro while
high leveled Mages attack the boss from afar with [Mana Shield]
up and an army of Healers will Heal from behind. Only this way
would we have a chance.

“Sha Sha…..”

Guardian of the Earth, this Lv 60 Emperor Tier boss was slowly

moving around. It’s whole body was covered with branches that
could shoot needles to attack any players that went near it. So
these needles were the boss’ max attack range. However, these
were not attacks that normal players could withstand and was far
longer than the distance long range players could attack from.
Mages would need [Mana Shield]s to protect themselves while
they attack and even had to keep track of the shield’s toughness,
they would die the moment the shield is broken.

Holding the Frost Rain Sword, I charged forward. There were

vines swinging over my head and waves of pine needles flying
towards me.



Luckily, I could withstand these attacks and so I arrived at the

foot of the large tree. Once I got closer, I saw on the trunk of the
tree were eyes that were similar to those of humans but at least
more than 100 eyes, closing and opening. Then there were
these two large branches that served as arms.

[Fierce Ice Blade]!

That put a layer of frost on the boss and at the same time I
activated [Strength of a Thousand Men]. Not being too fancy with
the attacks, I focused on the fastest method in killing this boss.
Otherwise, when [Flying Dragon] members revived and came
here, this would become impossible.


A shadow passed over me then my arm suddenly went numb. I

got attacked and lost 1700+ health; thankfully there were enough
Healers. “Swoosh Swoosh” was the sound I heard as my health
fill back up. At the same time, General Li Mu instructed a group
of Mages to attack.

“Mages, use fire based attacks, the boss is a wood-type

monster, so fire should do more damage. Don’t hold back!”
General Li Mu spared no effort and pulled out his sword to attack
the boss together with me. His stats were more or less high
enough for this dangerous; he was indeed one of the top 3 heavy
armor players of Ba Huang City. Even though he was no match
for Jian Feng Han or Yan Zhao Warrior, he wasn’t too far off.

“Clang clang clang”As the chaotic attack ensued, the Boss’s

health gradually lowered. My heart started pumping faster and
faster and when the Boss only had 20% health, I started
chanting in my heart, “Drop a Guild Creation Tablet… Drop a
Guild Creation Tablet…”

If we get a Guild Creation Tablet, Zhan Long will have some

hope! Either way we can’t always be [Valiant Bravery]’s helpers,
that was definitely not our goal!


“7% health left! Let’s keep going!” Shouted General Li Mu.

Frost Rain sword was almost dull and chipped while I was using
all of my strength attack the boss. Meanwhile, in the party chat,
Little Wolf’s spirit cautioned “Brother Xiao Yao, be careful, I saw
Drunken Spear and about a hundred other spirits arrive in the
basin, They can revive at any time. The only reason they haven’t
should be because they are waiting to steal the boss right?”

I gnashed my teeth, “Yes, tell Li Mu that he must do whatever it

takes to stall Drunken Spear and his people, this boss is ours
and we can’t have them stealing our kill.“

“Got it!”



As I saw the Boss’s health reach 1%, my heart had jumped to
my throat. At this time, my luck had finally expired and not far
from here, rays of light began to flash as members of [Flying
Dragon] had begun to revive. Drunken Spear lifted his Soul
Spear, and rushed straight at me. He immediately used
[Scorching Spring], killing some of the Mages whose [Mana
Shield] had been broken. At the same time, he aimed his spear
at me yelling “Xiao Yao Zi Zai, go die with the boss!”

I quickly lifted my sword at Drunken Spear and activated [Shield

of the Crimson Dragon]


With a forced collision, I pushed Drunken Spear away from the

boss area and at the same time, I shouted “Li Mu, the boss is
yours to kill, hurry!”


Within the short 5 seconds, General Li Mu finally killed the giant

tree and the Guardian of the Earth let out a cry and fell. The
tree’s vigorously waving branches drooped and it’s green blood
stained the ground with multiple equipments and items falling to
the ground!


System Notification: Everyone take notice, player General Li Mu

has killed the Emperor Tier boss 【Guardian of the Earth】, +3
Charm has been awarded!
This means that the first Emperor Tier boss in Demons’ Descent
has been killed!



Drunken Spear’s True Soul Spear flashed and my Frost Rain

Sword shook at the same time. The two of us stepped back a
few steps. Drunken Spear’s eyes followed my every move and
his mouth twitched into a smile as he said “Xiao Yao Zi Zai, you
are indeed a good rival. Too bad we aren’t friends!”

I weakly smiled “We can still be friends, as long as you leave

[Flying Dragon]!”

Drunken Spear hesitated, then smiled “I hadn’t considered that.

Ha, good-bye!”

Quickly withdrawing, this top player of [Flying Dragon] took

hundreds of people to leave. Since the boss had already been
killed, there was no point in continuing the battle.


“Li Mu, what was dropped?” I asked as I walked towards the foot
of the tree.

General Li Mu stood up with a frown “Our luck wasn’t too good;

there weren’t any Emperor Tier weapons but two Purple Tiers
and a Gold Tier dropped. Xiao Yao, there’s also a Class Change
Certificate, do you want it? Besides that, there isn’t anything else
I can give to you…”

“Oh, a Class Change Certificate? Let me see….”


A cyan letter fell into my hands, a Class Change Certificate——

【Phantom Knight】 (SS) : This is an ancient letter that allows

any heavy-armor class to obtain this class from their City’s
Knight Instructor. You will become a legendary yet mysterious
Phantom Knight!
Chapter 186 – Phantom Knight


Quickly, I shoved the Class Change Certificate into my inventory.

Staring at Li Mu, I said. “A gentleman keeps his promise, I came
as soon as you called so I could help. It’s only fair that you gift
me the Phantom Knight Class Change Certification. Don’t you
Li Mu couldn’t help but laugh and nodded furiously, “My god, how
could you think that I would be like that? Zhan Long helped
secure this Emperor Tier boss and helped [Valiant Bravery]
preserve our dignity. Giving you something like the Phantom
Knight Class Change Certification wouldn’t even be close to
enough for compensation. You have a bunch of expert players
and thus have a bigger need for it than I do!”

My eyes glanced over to Wolf and Matcha, nodding in return. I

smiled, “Ah, then I’ll have to thank you Li Mu. The battle is over
so I’ll be taking everyone back to Ba Huang City; I’ll leave the
cleaning of the battlefield to you!”


Li Mu announced, “I, Li Mu, may not have many friends in this

life but Li Xiao Yao is definitely one of the most honored friends
of Li Mu! It is because of the General Family that Zhan Long has
incurred the enmity of a guild like [Flying Dragon]. Better friends
than Zhan Long cannot be found even after a lifetime of
searching. There is no other way to say this but whenever Zhan
Long has need for my help, in any way, I, Li Mu, will definitely not
hesitate to sacrifice myself!”

I smiled slightly, clenching my fist and said: “We all have people
we want to side with no matter who they are; for that, there is
nothing to be ashamed!”



Carrying the Class Change Certificate, I looked to Wolf and the

others and said: “Zhan Long, let’s return to Ba Huang City, our
task has been completed. Today, we have all worked very

Matcha blinked her eyes: “Boss, the 10 Purple Tier bosses were
all killed, there are still another two Emperor Tier Bosses that are
being fought at this moment, are we really are getting offline

“No, everyone return to Ba Huang and wait for me at the

blacksmith area, I have something to tell you all.”



I pulled out a return scroll and used it; “Shua” I was back in Ba
Huang City. I headed straight for the blacksmith’s corner where
Wolf, Old K, Matcha, Fox were and thus Zhan Long Studio’s
online meeting began.

Sitting on top of the warm furnace, I crossed my arms over my

chest, smiled and said: “Today’s mission to kill the Guardian of
the Earth proceeded fairly smoothly but Drunken Spear was
difficult to kill. If it were not for us working together, I am afraid
that we wouldn’t have been able to kill the highly offensive and
defensive Nature Knight.

Old K clenched his fist, “His skills [Rock Piercing Thrust],

[Scorching Spring], and [Iron Spear Thrusts] were far too strong.
Those are class specific skills that others don’t have.”

Wolf waved his hands with a laugh, “Will the future of be

dominated by those with hidden classes, I wonder?”

I shook my head, “Not necessarily, Q-Sword, Jian Feng Han,

and Fan Ge Que are amongst the few players that have reached
the pinnacle with basic classes. Strength in depends on the
person and not the class. Anyways, we will have even more
hidden classes in the future. Leaving aside my profession of
Tomb Guardian of Dragon City, we will have another hidden
class soon enough in our ranks!”

“Oh?” Fox asked, “Boss, what hidden class are you talking

With glee I quickly pulled out, with glee, the Phantom Knight
Class Change Certificate from my bag. The words floating in mid
air above it proved what I said to be true. Immediately, the
people around me began to stare blankly–
Wolf swore, “Damn, Phantom Knight, that sounds like a strong

Old K was speechless, “This…this certificate, how did you come

across it?”

Without skipping a beat, I answered, “The Guardian of the Earth

dropped it and as a reward to Zhan Long for coming to [Valiant
Bravery]’s rescue, Li Mu personally gave it to me. I want to
pursue being a Swordsman so I don’t wish to transfer over to
becoming a Phantom Knight, so let’s see which one of you guys
want it.”

Wolf licked his lips with a smile, “I have been focusing on

Assassins for over 30 years, I don’t want to suddenly switch over
to a heavy armor type class. Old K, it’s just you and Matcha left,
what do you two think?”

Old K held his axe for a moment, thinking about the decision
carefully, “If I were to change classes, would there be any

I nodded, “Yea, once you transfer over to a new class, you can
only randomly keep one of your original skills. So for example, if
you were left with [Flame Blade], you’d burst into tears.”

Old K let out a deep breath and then said, “Fuck it then, I’d rather
not lose my [Whirlwind Slash] and [Savage Jump Slash]. Playing
around with those two skills made my life so much easier and
now I feel like a master at my class; I don’t want to suddenly
become a noob.”
I laughed and handed the Class Change Certificate over to
Matcha, “Then this is yours Matcha since you are a Swordsman
and me being a Swordsman is enough for the studio. So take the
class transfer to become a Phantom Knight. You would
essentially become a mobile war fortress. If you become a
Phantom Knight, we would be able to easily boss and PK– with
someone like you having such strong defensive capabilities.”

Matcha looked at the Class Change Certificate being held

towards her chest and her watery eyes blinked in surprise,
“Boss, you… you really want to give an SS Class Change
Certificate to me? This…this is pretty much priceless though,
isn’t it?”

“It is…” I laughed, “It’s because it’s a priceless treasure that I’m
giving it to you. I’d only feel secure knowing that something like
this is in the hands of one of our own. Besides, Matcha is a
priceless treasure as well. To be able to do the laundry, cook,
and so on…”

“But, but…” Matcha lips trembled as she looked up to me shyly

with her beautiful eyes, “I feel so bad about my horrible
gameplay. I’m afraid…I’m afraid that I’ll waste this SS Class
Change Certificate, so give it to Old K, he’d do it more justice
than I would…”

I shook my head, “Don’t bother complimenting Old K, he only

knows how to use three moves. I know him all too well. Matcha,
you have an excellent understanding of the game mechanics
and strategies that surpasses Old K by a lot. So become a
Phantom Knight, this will give Zhan Long a better opportunity
when you become a super-beautiful Knight. You’ll become Zhan
Long’s symbol player with the start of this SS Class Change

Wolf walked up to pat Matcha on the shoulder and said, “Prepare

to take that Class transfer Matcha! In the future, you’ll be Zhan
Long’s number 1 tank and we’ll easily trample all of the small

Fox grinned, “That’s right, we’ll absolutely stomp them!”

Matcha slowly accepted the Certificate, her eyes barely

restraining the tears from flowing down her face. Quickly, I tried
to soothe her, “Don’t cry, whoever cries is a puppy. This is only a
Class Change Certificate, nothing more. Come on, let’s go
accompany you to get your Class transfer quests over with.
Since this is a SS Level hidden class, it might be difficult to
TL: Common saying to get people to stop crying

Matcha slowly nodded her head in joy, “Ah, yes! You’re such an
amazing Boss…”


Opening the blacksmith’s door, our group of 5 walked straight

towards the job instructors within the grand hall. A group of
professional instructors stood there while to the side of the
barracks was a group of armed soldiers practicing how to fence.
This spot here may be the safest spot of Ba Huang City. All the
NPCs here were high leveled, so any hostiles would be toast by
the time they took a single step in here.

Not too far away, a stout man with a beard growing all over his
face stood there, slapping his chest with a loud laugh,
“Guardians of the Order of Life, become a Knight! You will wield
magnificent weapons and cultivate a strong body that is tougher
than steel as you protect those human ladies. In addition,
perhaps you may even seize the one with the biggest breasts to
become your wife! Haha! Become a Knight of the Holy Alliance

Matcha’s face suddenly grew dark. Turning right round, she said,
“I don’t want to transfer classes anymore…”

I quickly pulled her arm, “Hey hey, don’t be so impulsive, the

instructor may be a wretched person but this doesn’t affect you
personally. Go on and show him your Class Change Certificate
and see what type of mission he’ll give you…”


Shivering, Matcha walked over and handed the Class Change

Certificate. The Knight instructor looked at Matcha with
astonishment, “Little girl, you actually managed to get your
hands on an ancient letter; this is a Certificate for changing
classes. This one in particular will lead you down the path of
power. You…do you really wish to become a Phantom Knight?
Do you really desire to hold a spear between your hands for the
honor of Humans, Moon Elves, Barbarians, and Wind Elves?”
Matcha nodded with a smile, “I do!”

“So be it then!”

The Knight Instructor held out his fist and said, “Well, take your
weapon to the southern jungles of Ba Huang City. You will find a
Phantom Rabbit, kill it and deliver it to me along with 10,000
Gold and you will become a Phantom Knight as a reward!”

“Say what? 10,000 Gold?!” Matcha cried out loud, “No way,
10,000 Gold is too much…”

The Knight Instructor did not speak, he had already given the

I pursed my lips together, “Don’t bother complaining about it,

10,000 is 10,000. Everyone pool your money together, how
much do you all have?”

Wolf said, “I have a little over 1100 Gold…”

Old K muttered, “700 Gold…”

Fox waved his hand, “I took a look at the studio finances, Zhan
Long has around 5900 Gold that we can spend.”

I pondered out loud, “Ah, that’s enough then, I have 3400 Gold.
Give it all to Matcha so that she can transfer. This is a hidden
class, it’s essential to the development of our future!”


We pooled together our money, and handed the 10,000 Gold to

Matcha to hold onto for now. It was time to get out of the city and
look for that Phantom Rabbit!”

Twenty minutes later after looking in the depths of the Ba Huang

Forest. We arrived at where the quest had marked on the map.
The group went on high alert as I beat the brushes with my
sword in hopes of scaring the Phantom Rabbit out of its hiding


A grey blur flew out, resulting in Matcha widening her eyes,


But the rabbit dashed into the bushes once more, evading
capture. Wolf held his daggers with a stern look, “Wow, this
rabbit is extremely fast. Its speed almost makes it look like a

Old K crossed his battle-axe, “Depending on where it’ll pop out

next from, I’ll split the rabbit in half.”

“Fox, fire a shot into the grass. We’ll get it: and there aren’t many
places where this rabbit can hide!”

“Got it!”


An explosion went off and a gray blur passed by again. I quickly

lashed out with my sword and Wolf slashed with his daggers, but
unfortunately, we both MISSed. Old K didn’t even have the time
to swing his battle axe!


After seven or eight tries in a row, Old K got fed up and used
[Whirlwind Slash] once, doing a good amount of damage and
dealing the money shot to that rabbit!

With a “jiji!”, the Phantom Rabbit fell to the ground, dead. It was
gray rabbit with smooth fur and Matcha, smiling, said, “It seems
that I can finally make that class transfer…”



Returning to Ba Huang City, we handed over the quest item and

the 10,000 Gold to the Knight Instructor. Suddenly, a golden
beam of light fell onto Matcha, showing that she had successfully
changed classes! She was now Zhan Long’s professional
Phantom Knight!


At the same time, a message came from General Li Mu, “Xiao

Yao, terrible news…”
Chapter 187 – Guild Prestige Tablet

“What’s wrong, General Li Mu? Calm down!”

“Okay…” General Li Mu turned on his chat function, took a deep

breath and said, “This time the matter might be serious. Not long
ago, Jiu Li City’s [Judgement] Guild defeated an Emperor Tier
boss and it dropped a Guild Prestige Tablet. Xiao Yao, do you
know what a Guild Prestige Tablet is?”
I jumped, “A Guild Prestige Tablet… I don’t know, I only know of
the Guild Creation Tablet, what is a Guild Prestige Tablet used

General Li Mu replied, “Guild Prestige Tablet is a must have item

when issuing a guild challenge. During a challenge, it will be a
showdown between a tenth of the guild’s number and the loser
guild will immediately be disbanded while the winner guild will
get 10% of the loser’s guild experience. This Guild Prestige
Tablet is extremely rare but there is already one in Jiu Li City.
Furthermore I received information 10 minutes ago that
[Judgement] Guild Master has already sold this one and only
Guild Prestige Tablet for 4,000,000 RMB!”

I froze, “General Li Mu, you don’t have to say anymore. I can

imagine who bought this Guild Prestige Tablet. It’s [Flying
Dragon]’s Soaring Dragon, right?”

General Li Mu gritted his teeth and said, “No, it’s not Soaring
Dragon, it’s Mu Tian. Not even an hour after this Guild Prestige
Tablet drops, Mu Tian went to Jiu Li City and bought it. They will
definitely use it on [Valiant Bravery]!”
I thought for a while and said, “Wait, let me check the rules for
this Guild Prestige Tablet…”



Opening the search function, I found Guild Prestige Tablet.

There were a few lines of descriptions below–

Use Requirement: Player Level 50, Guild Level 3 and above,

target Guild Level 3 and above

Usage Costs: 50,000 gold to use the Guild Prestige Tablet

Battle Requirement: The two Guilds participating will send the

same amount of players to fight in the challenge, with the
maximum being one tenth of their maximum member limit. If the
guild levels are not the same, then the average between the two
will be taken.

Battle Result: If the guild that uses the tablet wins, the losing
guild will automatically be disbanded and can never be
established again. The winning guild will also receive 10% of the
losing guild’s experience. If the guild that uses the tablet loses,
their guild will be automatically disbanded and the challenged
guild will receive 50% of the losing guild’s experience.


“So, do you understand now?” General Li Mu asked.

I nodded, “Not good. [Valiant Bravery] and [Flying Dragon] are
both Lv 3 Guilds and have a limit of 1000 people. A tenth of it
means 100 people participating from each side. This is a 200
people showdown but it’s better than an all-out guild fight, after
all the number of [Valiant Bravery] is lesser overall. If we’re just
choosing a hundred people, we can choose 100 elites. This way,
our chances of winning are much bigger. General Li Mu, I know
very well the abilities of General Wang Jian, General Bai Qi,
General Lian Po and you. Even if it’s [Flying Dragon]’s Drunken
Spear, you all won’t lose easily!”

“I’m just worried that they will hire mercenaries…” General Li Mu

clenched his fist and said, “We, [Valiant Bravery], cannot afford
to lose. Once the guild is disbanded, we brothers will have
nothing left. That’s why Xiao Yao, I’m inviting you, together with
Wolf, Old K, Darling Duck, Fox, Matcha and Ah Lei to join
[Valiant Bravery], help us to win this war caused by the Guild
Prestige Tablet. After the battle ends, you can quit the guild, so
please help us…”

I furrowed my brows and said, “As your friend, I will naturally

help you…. But General Li Mu, I can’t make any promises for
this Guild Prestige Battle, I don’t know what kind of people
Soaring Dragon is going to invite after all. If they are only in the
level of [Wrath of the Heroes], then it will be easy. But if they
invite the elites from guilds like [Legend], [Judgement] or
[Vanguard], we 7 people from Zhan Long won’t help much.”

General Li Mu nodded and calmly replied, “I understand. Life and

death is determined by fate, success and failure is determined by
heavens. We can only try our hardest and hope for the best!”
“Yup. Can you continue to look for other people to invite?”

“Understood. Could you…Could you ask the two beauties Can

Tong and Chang Yue to help us a bit…?

“I’ll ask but I can’t guarantee they’ll agree…”



Opening the chat function, I started a call with Lin Wan Er, it
connected after a few seconds-

“Wan Er?”

“Yup, I’m finishing my quest, what’s the matter?”

“It’s…” I summarized [Valiant Bravery]’s situation.

Lin Wan Er frowned and thought about it and said with difficulty,
“That… no matter what you say, I’m still a member of [Hero’s
Mound], moreover I am the Deputy Leader. The matter of me
joining [Valiant Bravery] may cause unrest with other members
of [Hero’s Mound], so…”

I nodded, “I understand, it will be hard for you to do this.”

Lin Wan Er smiled a little, “However, if you really want me to go,

I’ll bring Dong Cheng and join [Valiant Bravery] for a few days. It
won’t matter that much, at the most I’ll just get scolded by Q-
Sword a little when I return…”
I quickly shook my head, “It’s okay, I don’t want to owe Q-Sword
anything. Leave it at that. [Valiant Bravery] are my friends but
they are not Wan Er’s friends. I don’t have the right to ask you to
help them, I’ll just settle it myself. Wan Er, be careful on your

“Okay, work hard! Don’t lose~~”



After getting back to General Li Mu about the expected news, he

continued to look for other elite players.

Without surprise, not even an hour afterwards, a loud bell

resounded in the air, a Guild Prestige Tablet have been used-


System Announcement: Player Soaring Dragon has successfully

used the Guild Prestige Tablet. The guilds involved in the battle
are the challenger, 【Flying Dragon】 and the 【Valiant Bravery
】. Both parties are entitled to choose 100 players to participate
in the battle. The final winner will receive a great reward while
the loser will equally receive a great loss—guild dissolution. The
official battle will start at 12 AM sharp tomorrow!


“Wow..” Matcha held her long sword, dumbfounded, “[Flying

Dragon] challenged [Valiant Bravery]… This time the joke is a
little too big… Soaring Dragon is ruthlessly trying to wipe [Valiant
Bravery] out from Ba Huang City…”

Little Wolf gritted his teeth and said, “The people in [Valiant
Bravery] like General Li Mu are all good people; they can be
counted as our friends. Brother Xiao Yao, let’s help [Valiant
Bravery] in this battle!”

I nodded, “Yup, General Li Mu has already invited us. The 5

members of Zhan Long Studio plus Ah Lei and Darling Duck, a
total of 7 of us, will join [Valiant Bravery] and help them to win
this guild war!”

Fox frowned a little and said, “I feel like it won’t be that easy.
Since Soaring Dragon started this kind of war, he must be
determined to win. Without any doubt, Soaring Dragon is
definitely well prepared…”

Matcha twisted her eyebrows and said, “Boss, you have a deep
bond with General Li Mu and General Wang Jian, so even if we
know we’ll lose, we will still face the challenge head on.
Furthermore…when Zhan Long is established, we should at
least have a friend. [Valiant Bravery] members are all very loyal,
I feel that Boss’ decision is not wrong. We must lend [Valiant
Bravery] a hand, even if we are going to suffer a heavy loss!”

I laughed, “Yup, I have already informed General Li Mu. Let’s go

to Ba Huang City North Market Square and prepare to join
[Valiant Bravery]. Oh right, Matcha, have you learned any new
“It’s so expensive boss…all the special skills require 100g to

“Doesn’t matter, learn it!”


After a few minutes, 3 golden pillars of light fell on Matcha’s body

continuously and with a wave of her hand, 3 profession related
skills were shared with us.

【Phantom Ray Slash (LV-1)】 : Channels power and releases a

ray of straight light attack through a distance of 15 meters,
dealing 110% of user’s attack. Percentage of attack changes
based on the user’s skill level.

【Phantom Shadow Clone (LV-1)】: Creates a shadow clone

that will cause a specified target to attack the clone instead of
the user for 1.5 seconds. The effectiveness of the skill depends
on the skill level.

【Phantom Holy Shield (LV-1)】 : Creates a holy shield to

protect the user, increase defence and magic resistance by 5%.
The effectiveness of this skill depends on the skill level.


Looking at these 3 abilities, I nodded slightly and laughed,

“[Phantom Ray Slash] is an attacking skill, [Phantom Shadow
Clone] is a control skill while [Phantom Holy Shield] is a
defensive skill. Changing classes to this Phantom Knight
profession was indeed the right choice. Matcha, what
Swordsman skill did you keep?”

Matcha laughed lightly, “[Haste], it’s a little useful. I can increase

my attack speed and movement speed. Furthermore, my
attributes growth has changed, my endurance growth has
increased by a lot, how should I add my points in the future,

“From your point of view, how would you add the points?”

“Based on my understanding of the Knight profession…” Matcha

pursed her lips and said, “Defense and health is a must, these
attributes have special growth from the profession. But physical
attack must also not be neglected. Furthermore, I think that in
the future, defense and health can depend on armors but attack
can only depend on weapons. The attack power of spears is not
as good as battle axes, hence, I will add more points on attack.
The stats distribution will be 7 strength, 1 endurance and 2
defense. Boss, do you think this is practical?”

I nodded and smiled, “Very good, you can distribute it that way.
I’m really looking forward to the day you become stronger!”

“Yup yup!”

“Let’s go, gather in the North Plaza!”


5 minutes later, in Ba Huang City’s North Plaza.

General Li Mu came shuffling, carrying a Purple Tier long sword.
He laughed heartily, “Thank you handsome guys and beauties
from Zhan Long for your help, [Valiant Bravery] will remember it

I knitted my brows, “Stop talking about useless stuff, just add us

into your guild!”


The moment we entered the guild, a blood-red longsword sign

appeared on my shoulder; it was the [Valiant Bravery]’s guild
symbol. General Li Mu looked at me, “Brother, what position
would you like, I won’t even mind making you the Deputy

I shook my head, “No, I don’t want any position. I will just lead
the Zhan Long 7 person group and listen to your commands.
We’ll kill whoever you want us to kill, as simple as that!”

“Okay, thank you all!” General Li Mu clenched his fist and said,
“Thank you, my friends!”

I looked at the forest in a distance and said, “Enough, Li Mu, go

and finish your preparation. We’ll also go offline to rest for a
while, we’ll come online tomorrow afternoon before 11:00 and
await your orders!”

“Yup, alright!”

9pm at night, at the school bar.

Lin Wan Er held a glass of kiwi juice in both hands, slightly

swaying, she looked at me, “The news about [Flying Dragon] and
[Valiant Bravery] spread like a wildfire in the forums. Are you
confident that [Valiant Bravery] can defeat [Flying Dragon]?

I sat on the chair, “That will depend on the enemy…”

“Even when you have no confidence, you still help them…”

“Life itself is a challenge. How can there be any endeavor where

success is guaranteed…”

“True. I wish you success. Sleep early tonight; tomorrow you’ll

need to maintain your best PK mental state. Don’t go out and
fight and don’t drink.”

Chapter 188 – The Calm Before The Storm

The following day, at 10AM.

In the lush woods near the outskirts of Ba Huang City, [Valiant

Bravery] members could be seen everywhere and with the arrival
of Zhan Long’s group of 7, all the players were finally ready for
the 100 VS 100 battle.

Standing underneath a pear tree, I crossed my arms, looked at

General Li Mu and asked “Did you find out who [Flying Dragon]
hired to join their guild?”
Li Mu nodded “Only players that have entered the guild for two
hours should be able to participate in the Guild Prestige
Battlefield. According to the spy I planted in [Flying Dragon], they
hired 11 high level players that are all on the CBN network’s top
1000 players ranking . They also invited 21 players from Fan
Shu City, who are all at least level 50 top tier players and the rest
are from Ba Huang City.

I gave a cold stare “Who in Ba Huang City would help [Flying


Li Mu bitterly said: “[Vanguard] did. 13 core players from

[Vanguard] joined [Flying Dragon] as mercenaries. All of them
belong to heavy armor type classes.”

“13 players?”

“Yes!” General Li Mu gripped his sword handle and said “Xiao

Yao, these 13 players are also on CBN’s top 1000 players and
are veteran gamers from Jian Feng Han’s forces. They are
[Vanguard]’s elite squad and are nicknamed [Vanguard]’s 13
Eagles. Their leader is Fallen Wolf, who you have previously
sparred against!

I clenched my fist “Che, the situation looks grim; it is not in our


Li Mu nodded “Yeah, their average level is 2-3 levels above

ours’. Since [Flying Dragon] hired 50% of their fighting force, they
have an advantage in both level and equipment. They are really
determined to win!”

Alongside me, Matcha said “So much hired help might not be a
good thing, they are not as organized as we are. If we can use
the geographical location to our advantage, we could stand a

I asked “When will the map for the Guild Prestige Battlefield be

“30 minutes before the battle, we will wait here right now since
the time is so short.”



Li Mu sat down on the grass by the pear trees and used both of
his hands to hold up up his head while his arms were resting in
his lap. Frowning, he whispered “Xiao Yao, can you tell me what
I should do? [Valiant Bravery] is my and my brothers’ dream. It is
our expedition in this world of virtual reality, so why do we keep
on hitting these roadblocks such as, [Flying Dragon] and

I patted his shoulders, smiling “Don’t pressure yourself too much,

and don’t worry about it alone, you have us with you. Even if we
lose, there should not be one bit of regret. However, we might
not lose!”

Li Mu nodded.

Off to the side, General Lian Po sighed. Holding his crossbow,

he laughed “We in the General family are called madmen by the
players of Ba Huang City; it seems like they were right. We are
not afraid of picking fights with others because we think of
everyone as equals, not only that, but we all share a love for the
Generals of the Warring States Period, to the extent that we
have used different names as our ID’s. As you can tell Xiao Yao,
Li Mu’s original name was Li Xin, Wang Jian’s original name is
Wang Teng, Bai Qi was originally Bai Ying, and I changed my
name from Sun Hong to Lian Po. And now you have it, a
complete meal…”

TL: He means that the whole General Family is named

completely after famous generals of the Warring Kingdoms time.

I couldn’t hold back my laughter and said “Yeah, that’s exactly

the reason why, we are the type of people that care for one
another. Life is a long and lonely journey, but it is filled with our
friends and dreams that accompany us. Without them, what’s the
difference between life and death?”
Li Mu stood up, laughing “Yes, Xiao Yao is right, [Valiant
Bravery] is our dream, so we can’t let the despicable people from
[Flying Dragon] vanquish it!”

I replied: “Let’s check our battle preparations to make sure that

everything is in order. The battle will begin in one and a half
hours. We need to obtain the information on the map of the
battleground and decide on a strategy in the 30 minutes before
the the battle starts. If we don’t come up with a strategy, and
rush in recklessly, we will not have even a 20% chance of

Li Mu nodded in agreement “Sure!”


Time passed by slowly; for some of [Valiant Bravery]’s players it

was a type of torture, while for others it was exhilarating.
Knowing that they would have to face off against elite players
coming from all three of the large cities, who are definitely
stronger than them, increased their heart rate in both cases.

“Brother Xiao Yao….” Little Wolf silently held the dagger next to
the pear tree and asked “Will we win? I can’t help but worry that
we might not win….”

I forced a smile while pointing at the [Valiant Bravery]’s logo on

my shoulder and said “Today, we are warriors of [Valiant
Bravery] and with that we must fight without any regrets!”

Matcha nodded cutely, “Yes, what boss says is right…..”

Old K held his battle axe while grinning: “Let’s not talk about
winning or losing, we haven’t even fought yet. I’m more
interested in fighting [Vanguard]’s 13 Eagles and seeing if they
are as good as rumors say.”


Moments later, a “Ding” sound could be heard as the Guild

Prestige Battlefield map revealed itself. It was a 10,000 x 10,000
field that was not too large nor too small, in the center of the map
was a plateau with lush forest that was surrounded by shrubs.
The players spawned on opposite ends of the map. Once the
battle started, the players would start fighting, the penalties for
dying here are as usual; if you die, you will lose a level and drop
some equipment.


Deep within the forest, Li Mu waved his hand and the Guild
Prestige Battlefield map appeared, he browsed the map and said
“Everyone has seen the battlefield, if you have any suggestions,
let’s hear them now since everybody here is trustworthy!”

Wang Jian said in a low tone “The map has large bushes and
deep ditches that can hide Mages, Archers, Musketeers to use in
an ambush. “

General Bai Qi laughed “Hehe, within our 100 combatants, we

have 44 heavy armor players that can be used on the plain to
charge forward at them in the most effective way. We can clash
against them head on!”
I shook my head “No, that is what we must not do…..”

Li Mu lifted his head and looking at me, he asked “Xiao Yao,

where do you think is a crucial location?”

My finger pointed on the map: “The crucial location is the center

of the map, the plateau. Using the elevated land will help raise
the potential of the heavy armor players as well as increase
effectiveness of ranged attacks. Controlling the plateau will
control the battlefield, so a battle for the plateau will be

Matcha chuckled “Haha, only boss can see it clearly; the battle
for plateau is inevitable, and we must occupy it. It will then
become easy to attack and retreat to defend. If we secure this
location, we can control the pace of the battle.”

Li Mu nodded “Good, then it is decided, we shall develop our

tactics so that we can capture the plateau!”

Lian Po smiled slightly “Yup, then let’s do that. I am afraid of

disorganized fighting which usually ends up in losses. Our main
strength lies with you guys: Xiao Yao, Li Mu, and Wang Jian.
The strength of others can’t compare to them, so to win, we must
stick together.”

“Let’s discuss specific tactics now!” Li Mu took a deep breath and

continued “we don’t have much time left.”

Within the crowd, Fox coughed and asked “General Li Mu, how
many Musketeers do we have for this battle?”
Li Mu was surprised “A total of 8, why….”

Fox stood up and said “Everyone knows that the firepower of

Musketeers is not as strong as Archers nor Mages when it
comes to ranged attacks. In teamfights, Musketeers shooting
against heavy armor players is like tickling them, so I suggest
that we gather all 8 of the Musketeers and concentrate our
attacks solely on their Archers, Musketeers, Healers and other
cloth armor players in [Flying Dragon]. Overlapping our
[Bombardment] 8 times can insta-kill unsuspecting players. What
do you think?”

Li Mu couldn’t contain his laughter and nodded in approval

“Good! Then the other 7 Musketeers will be under your
responsibility, Fox!”

“Okay, I will organize the ambush, we will make them realize that
we, Musketeers, although unpopular, are a force to be reckoned
with! They will fear us Musketeers!”



Simple instructions were given to the remaining players. Our

tactics were simple; the important thing was to occupy the
plateau while the smaller details were only vaguely discussed
since the time of the battle was drawing near!

System Notification: You are one of the selected participants to
enter the Guild Prestige Battlefield between the two guilds; the
battle will start in 5 minutes. However, you can enter the
battlefield now, do you wish to be teleported?



My character’s body decomposed and with a flash of light

recomposed at one end of the Guild Prestige Battlefield. When I
opened my eyes, I saw that I was within the lush green forest
and surrounded by fragmented broken swords, decaying human
bodies, and the bloodied bodies of defeated orcs. These were
the remnants of a battle that had taken place long ago. The
plateau towered over us, over 50 meters tall, and there was an
invisible border that would only allow us to enter the battlefield
once the battle began.


“Gu Dong!”

Li Mu drily swallowed, his expression nervous yet excited. He

was also a battle maniac, and even though this battle was one to
determine the life and death of [Valiant Bravery], his blood would
still boil at the beginning of a battle. Of course, he was not the
only one looking forward to battle, Bai Qi and Old K both loved
the rush of battle.
“How do we charge to occupy the plateau?” Matcha said slowly
“Preparations must be done in advance…..”

I nodded and said to Li Mu “You take 20 heavy armor players

and charge from the right side, I’ll take Zhan Long and charge in
from the left side. Whoever gets to the top first will start covering
fire for others to help them get onto the high ground. The fight for
the high ground is a must. Fox, you can lead your squadron of 8
musketeers. I’ll send you some coordinates and be ready to
ambush the players there! We must become famous from this
war, dissolve [Flying Dragon], and teach Soaring Dragon a

Li Mu and Fox both nodded “Ok, no problem!”


After waiting for five excruciating minutes, finally, before our

eyes, the curtain began to slowly disappear, bit by bit. The
system began the countdown for the event




The moment everyone has been waiting for has arrived. The
battle has begun!

Carrying my Frost Rain Sword, I was the first player to charge

forward. Following close behind me was Old K, Dong Cheng Lei
and Matcha. Then it was Wolf, Fox, Darling Duck and the rest.
Meanwhile, General Li Mu led the other group to charge from the
right. We kept pace with each other and were no further than 100
meters apart so that we could hear each others call.
Chapter 189 – Every Strike Draws Blood

“I’ll head up first!”

To save time, I traveled quickly with [Haste] and my Purple Dawn

Boots’ built in movement speed which made me faster than
anyone else. Within moments, I was near the base of the
plateau. I rushed up, carrying my Frost Rain Sword, while Baby
Bobo buzzed behind me, ready to fly in to assist me.
I sprinted up the rocky cliffs of the plateau. By the time I arrived
at the top, I noticed that no one from Flying Dragons had arrived
yet and immediately rushed to the other edge. However, before I
even managed to get halfway, a player appeared in my field of
view. It was Drunken Spear, the Nature Knight!

“Xiao Yao Zi Zai!”

Drunken Spear was wielding his True Soul Spear as he charged

at me, his eyes were cold with determination. “Let us fight once
more!” He shouted.

The Frost Rain Sword hung low as I powered forward. Right as

his spear was about to pierce me, I threw myself to the ground
and continued to slide forward at Drunken Spear. The Frost Rain
Sword swept out from ground cutting deeply towards both of
Drunken Spear’s legs!

TL: Sound of surprise/fear.
Drunken Spear jumped up to avoid my sword as he
simultaneously stabbed my back with his spear. At the same
time, his Fire Wolf pet snarled, it’s sharp claws were coming
straight for me!

I kept calm, sliding forward with my body like a bullet; my boots

caught onto a gigantic rock, and I sprang off of it with a strong
kick! Both of my hands held firmly onto the Frost Rain Sword as I
activated my Lv 6 [Combo]. Since Drunken Spear was in the air,
he couldn’t dodge it and so I unleashed the first four hits onto his



As his health dropped , I didn’t wait for his reactions; my Frost

Rain Sword trembled as I unleashed the 5th hit, [Wind Blade]!


Chugging down a health potion to recover 1000 health, Drunken

Spear unleashed his [Rock Piercing Thrust] as I released my
[Wind Blade]. Only then did I realize that the [Rock Piercing
Thrust]’s knockback capabilities which would help him avoid my
[Wind Blade].

After getting hit by the [Rock Piercing Thrust], I was forced to
move back and couldn’t finish Drunken Spear off. However, Baby
Bobo came streaming in with his own [Combo] + [Sting] and
although two of the attacks missed, Drunken Spear’s health still
fell back down a good amount!

“What a strong control…”

Drunken Spear fell back while stomping with a “Pow!” The earth
began to rumble as he activated his skill [Scorching Spring].

Flying back with a MISS flying overhead, I smashed the ground

with my fist , activating [Binding Chains]! Drunken Spear quickly
leaned 3 meter to the side, resulting in a large MISS to appear
over his head. Holding his spear in his hand, he laughed, “I’ll be
going back, what a good adversary! Don’t you dare die too early
on me…”


I stood still and used a [Heal] to recover 900 HP. At the same
time I looked forward and saw that there was a mass of people
rushing uphill. They were the Vanguard’s Thirteen Eagles with
Fallen Wolf in the lead! As expected, all of them were heavy
armor classes: Swordsmen, Berserkers or Knights!

“Xiao Yao Zi Zai, you will die today!” Fallen Wolf held his battle
axe and rushed forward, roaring “Brothers! Let’s teach the
ignorant Zhan Long what defeat tastes like!”

So aggressive, Fallen Wolf is too arrogant!

On the other side, Li Mu’s eyes turned cold. He gripped his
sword and rushed forward yelling “Advance! Let’s buy time for
Xiao Yao to regain his breath!”


Soon, both sides had over 20 people on the plateau. In the

distant skies, above the trees, more than 20 Wind Elves
belonging to [Flying Dragon] revealed themselves. Perhaps this
was their true trump card!

Behind me, Darling Duck, Fox and the others finally appeared, I
was relieved; back-up had finally arrived.

Quickly running forward, I activated a Lv 6 [Combo] aimed at Lv

55 Swordsman’s forehead. That caused a string of numbers to
burst forth but a Healer managed to cast [Heal] onto him at the
last second, keeping him alive. The insignia on the Swordsman
shoulder showed that he was from Jiu Li City. With a happy
smile, he reversed the tip of his sword and unleashed a [Combo]!

“Keng keng keng…”

After a chain of hits, the numbers flew up over the blade of my

sword, totaling over 1800 points of damage. The people from Jiu
Li City were not easy to deal with at all.


A burst of air came from under my feet as my Frost Rain Sword

shook; seeing that, the Lv 55 swordsman’s eyes widen,
“This…this is a unique [Combo] of a Swordsman? It’s Xiao Yao
Zi Zai!!”

With a fast paced combo, I rammed through [Flying Dragon]’s

front line and into the core of their team. A final [Wind Blade] cut
through a Lv 55 Swordsman’s battle armor, killing him instantly.
There weren’t many that could withstand the full length of my
[Strength of a Thousand Men].


Li Mu’s group was also fighting against [Flying Dragon], Wang

Jiang snarled as he brought his sword up, “There’s a Lv 54
Berserker to the right. Focus on killing him first!”

“Shua shua shua!” Three swords struck together, resulting in the

Berserker whimpering as he fell to the ground. At the same time,
Fallen Wolf’s battle axe grew hot with a raging fire while another
one of [Vanguard]’s 13 Eagles initiated a [Combo] onto one of
our own Berserkers. Both sides were feeling the damage and so
the situation was getting desperate!


The earth trembled faintly as a [Pillars of Fire and Ice] exploded

out from the ground, marking the first attack of Soaring Dragon.
In addition, their Archers from the side shot at us with [Scatter
Shot]s, landing with a “pa pa pa” sound. Immediately, two
Swordsmen from [Valiant Bravery] keeled over; killed instantly as
a result of the [Scatter Shot].
In the air, another group of Archers and Mages began firing at
the ground with a fierce firepower. In a flash, 10 players from
[Valiant Bravery]’s frontlines died, in a battle of 100 people, this
was a huge loss. Things couldn’t continue like this or we would
lose for sure!


“This is no good, kill one of the main guys first!”

I marked Fierce Tiger who was [Flying Dragon]’s Deputy Chief

and then barked out a command, “In a few seconds, I’ll burst in
and use [Combo]. Old K, you’ll use [Whirlwind Slash] to try and
kill him and then use [Savage Jump Slash] to jump out. It’s
important that you succeed because once Fierce Tiger is killed,
[Valiant Bravery] will have a chance!”


Moving sideways, I knocked back a Knight. And then evaded the

two [Combo]s by incoming Swordsmen with ease and smiled at
the two MISSes that appeared. Moving past the two Swordsmen,
my sword glowed with the golden hexagrams and was ready to
cleave Fierce Tiger in two!


Fierce Tiger jumped back in a hurry and my [Combo] MISSed the

first two hits!



Before he could recover himself, a roar was heard from Old K as

he brought his battle axe up. The winds of [Whirlwind Slash]
engulfed the crowd and with two “Kacha!” Two hits landed on
Fierce Tiger; he died!


Fierce Tiger sunk to the ground, his eyes looking at the wound
on his chest. He did not think he would be a victim so quickly;
casting an eye of hate at us, he cried out, “You dare… focus on

Feeling something was coming, I retreated while calling out to

Old K, “Old K, retreat now!”

The earth shook with a ferocious tremble as a [Pillars of Ice and

Fire] exploded from under Old K’s foot, smashing into him for
1200 damage. From midair Soaring Dragon quickly cast another
[Pillars of Ice and Fire]! Old K was on the verge of death now!

“Get lost!”

Ignoring the fact that he was close to death, he cut into an

Archer with his axe while his entire body began to glow red.
Springing up with his [Savage Jump Slash], he targeted a
Swordsman and then dragged his battle axe while retreating,
“Darling Duck, heal me…”
Darling Duck nodded her head in silent acknowledgement, her
staff raised to cast a [Heal] onto the scarred body of Old K.


Soaring Dragon trembled with anger, “It’s always you that gives
me trouble, Xiao Yao Zi Zai! You and your Zhan Long! Screw
you! Must you always fight with [Flying Dragon] until the bitter
end?! [Flying Dragon], every Wind Elf, Mage, Archer, and
Musketeer, lock onto Xiao Yao Zi Zai and kill him at any costs!
Every heavy armor class player, lock on to Xiao Yao Zi Zai;
break through his armor and break him!”

Staring coldly behind me, I yelled out, “Fox, prepare to fire!”

“Got it!”

Not bothering to retreat, I continued onwards; knocking away a

nearby Berserker as the entire [Flying Dragon] concentrated onto

Inwardly panicking a bit, I activated the [Shield of the Crimson

Dragon]. The crimson dragon curled around me in the shape of a
protective shield for 7 seconds and used up 40 points of Rage.
But because of that, I gained a tremendous boost in defense!
TL: Rage will be the final call (may have been Fury before)

“Pa pa pa pa…”

Countless arrows and magic attacks splintered against me,

ranging from a low 40 to a high, but still low, 300 points of
damage. The [Shield of the Crimson Dragon]’s extra defense and
magic resistance was extremely powerful!

General Li Mu looked at me with no small amounts of awe,

“Healer, heal Xiao Yao!”

The lights of [Heal] enveloped me while I also cast my own at the

same time. Estimating their position, I yelled, “Fox! Aim northeast
25 degrees and fire at 35 degrees!”

Behind me, I heard the sounds of 8 Musketeers casting their

[Bombardment] skill. The sky lit up like fireworks as 3 Wind Elves
Archers and 2 Wind Elves Mages were blown apart!


Soaring Dragon’s face grew purple, “Wind Elves fall back, don’t
die for nothing!”

I commanded Baby Bobo to fly forward and he killed an Archer.

But afterwards, Baby Bobo unfortunately died by concentrated
attacks after killing that Archer; it was worth it though.



Li Mu knocked back the shield of a Monk with a [Combo] and

without skipping a beat, he activated [Absolute Authority], killing
the Monk that had been standing on the frontline.
Wang Jian’s eyes locked together and whispered into the chat,
“Boss, a player has disappeared…”

“Who?” Li Mu asked.

“Drunken Spear!”

“Ah?” Li Mu turned towards the back, “Have an Assassin do


Soon after, a blood-curdling scream came out as two [Valiant

Bravery] Assassins perished from the back as a horde of [Flying
Dragon] players launched an attack from the back. Drunken
Spear was leading the attack with a bold look on his face!
Singlehandedly charging into [Valiant Bravery]’s back line, he
dodged various [Scatter Shots] with ease. Slamming down his
foot, a [Scorching Spring] exploded from the earth and into the
crowd. At the same time, he launched an [Iron Spear Thrust],
killing a total of 7 members of [Valiant Bravery].

“Forward, kill them all!” Roared Drunken Spear.

My heart grew cold as I saw the event that had just transpired,
“Matcha, block Drunken Spear from moving towards us!”


“Sha sha…”

Our little Phantom Knight brandished her sword as a surge of

energy escaped forward!

Her [Phantom Ray Slash] swept through a group of people and

although the damage wasn’t high, it hit many people.

Drunken Spear didn’t say anything but his True Soul Spear did
all of the talking for him. Stabbing Matcha on the shoulder with a
“Pa!”, a spurt of blood came out while the attack forced Matcha
to retreat while crying out in tears. Activating [Reflect], she tried
to hit Drunken Spear before getting out of range but
unfortunately Drunken Spear easily dodged it with a MISS
floating up!


Three golden shields encircled Matcha as she activated her

[Phantom Holy Shield].
Chapter 190 – Must Die

“Xiao Yao, you go help Matcha block Drunken Spear, I’ll hold the
frontline!” General Li Mu yelled loudly.

I was not willing to let Matcha face Drunken Spear and a dozen
other players from [Flying Dragon] alone, so I took this chance to
quickly run back while loudly yelling, “Little Wolf, Old K, Ah Lei,
we’re going to save Matcha and kill Drunken Spear!”


With my Purple Dawn Boots sweeping past the meadow, I

arrived with my Frost Rain Sword aimed straight at Drunken
Spear’s chest. But Drunken Spear was also very fast, and his
arm blurred when he raised it. “Keng.” My attack was blocked.
However, by the time the True Soul Spear was able to move
again, my fist had already hit his stomach with a “BANG” and I
had finished aiming another kick too.


My Purple Dawn Boots were blocked by the True Soul Spear,

thus reducing some of the damage, while my fist still struck
Drunken Spear fairly——

Drunken Spear took several steps back from the blow, his face
full of shock. “Damn it! What kind of strength is that? How can
Xiao Yao be this strong?!”

Behind him, an Archer of Jiu Li City spoke softly. “Drunken

Spear, our priority is to kill Xiao Yao. We can’t let him use his full
power. Otherwise when he uses his [Combo] and [Strength of a
Thousand Men], he may very well kill you.”

Drunken Spear gave a nod: “Got it!”

I stayed where I was and furrowed my brow while whispering in

the team channel, “Little Wolf?”

“Who do I kill, Brother Xiao Yao?” Wolf asked. His speed was
greater than mine, so he was already hidden within the forest,
near Drunken Spear.

Watching Drunken Spear retreat, I quickly spoke, “Give up on

Drunken Spear, Little Wolf, go and stun the Berserker named Sa
De Le Jia. Old K, use [Whirlwind Blade] to break up their
formation and I’ll be the main attacker. Duck, focus on healing
Matcha, and Matcha, go back and find opportunities to use
[Phantom Ray Slash] to whittle away their health !”
Everyone nodded. In the next moment, “Sha,” a crimson light
appeared which signaled the success of our ambush. Wolf had
stunned a Lv 54 Berserker, and I charged in violently. My cold
blade swept past his throat as I unleashed [Fierce Ice Blade]
followed immediately by a [Combo], leaving behind a string of
damage that killed the Berserker while he was still in a stunned

A wooden arrow pierced straight through my armor, stunning me.

It was a [Scatter Shot]!

Drunken Spear hollered one thing: “Now!”

[Rock Piercing Thrust]! [Scorching Spring]!


Two consecutive hits and I was still stunned. This was a

dangerous situation!!

“Xiao Yao, I’m coming!”

Old K roared loudly and charged head on, brandishing his battle
axe. He carried with him a violent aura as he swept through the
crowd, completely breaking the formation of the Swordsmen and
Berserkers around me. But that wasn’t the end of it! With a loud
roar, Old K activated [Savage Jump Slash] which landed directly
onto the Archer that shot me, before following up with [Flame
Axe] to finish things off!


The Lv 55 Archer’s eyes were wide open as he kneeled to the

ground. Within Jiu Li City, he was one of the Top 10 Archers and
could even be considered a Master Archer. But unfortunately
within this battlefield, he couldn’t take the attacks of a Berserker,
especially a Berserker that had an S-Class skill. That skill was
just too frightening!


After gulping down a potion and casting a [Heal] on Old K, I

shouted, “Old K, retreat! If you go any further, you’ll get killed!”

Two Berserkers rushed toward Old K, their battle axes were

already gleaming with elemental light: one was a [Flame Blade]
while the other was an [Ice Blade]. If they landed, Old K would
mostly likely be a Dead K.

At that crucial moment, Little Wolf broke broke his stealth right
after his cool down finished and managed to stun the Berserkers.

“You wanna die?!”

Drunken Spear spun around, locking his True Soul Spear onto
Little Wolf and stabbing him!


Little Wolf pivoted quickly and crossed his daggers in front his
chest into a defensive stance. At that moment, the spear collided
with him, striking him hard enough to knock him back a few
meters into some far off bushes. He put his life on the line in
order to save Old K.

I rushed forward and swung the Frost Rain Sword towards the
other Berserker. “Keng.” The blade clashed against the
Berserker’s [Flame Blade] for a second before it got parried off.
At the same time, I shifted my shoulders and rammed into the
Berserker’s chest, giving off a “Keng” sound. The blow knocked
him back, causing him to lose his balance. Air surged around me
and I activated [Strength of a Thousand Men].


The Berserker slowly fell to his knees. His eyes widened and all
his energy left his body as he teetered on the edge of life and
death.: “Dammit, why does Ba Huang City have so many


Drunken Spear went around me in a large circle and killed a

[Valiant Bravery] Archer with two jabs. Then he turned to face
Matcha with eyes filled with killing intent. “The Phantom Knight is
a hidden class. She must be killed first!”

Seeing the [Rock Piercing Thrust] activate, I hurriedly said in the

team channel, “Matcha, [Reflect] back the attack. Drunken
Spear’s attack is too high! You can’t take it!”

Matcha nodded. She waved her arm softly as a mirror-like shield

appeared at her side. [Reflect] was successfully activated.

Drunken Spear was no rookie; he knew what skill that mirror

really was. He quickly turned the tip of his spear just enough to
let his attack only graze Matcha, causing very little damage to
her and consequently decreasing the rebound to himself.


Just then, Dong Cheng Lei’s axe broke past Drunken Spear’s
defenses, rapidly launching a flurry of attacks at him and loudly
yelling, “Brother Xiao Yao, Drunken Spear managed to break

The corner of my mouth drew back: “Did you see that, Little
Wolf? Go, we’re changing our target, focus on Drunken Spear!”

“Yes!” From within the underbrush, a shadow appeared and

swept past.


“Use [Reflect] again, Dong Cheng Lei!” Matcha yelled as she

pulled back her sword and retreated.

Dong Cheng Lei activated the skill without hesitation. [Reflect]

was the perfect counter against high attack players but Drunken
Spear’s reaction speed was too fast. He immediately stopped his
spear while punching Dong Cheng Lei to waste the [Reflect].
Then, he launched his [Rock Piercing Thrust].


With just one attack, Dong Cheng Lei was almost out of health,
and suddenly Drunken Spear slid to the left, dodging my sword
stab. Twisting his wrist, the spear swept past a second time and
penetrated Dong Cheng Lei’s abdomen with a slight sound,
causing 1100+ damage to him: insta-kill!


Dong Cheng Lei fell to his knees. Right before he was killed, he
punched Drunken Spear, with a “Bang”, and knocked him back a
few steps. His super strength really wasn’t something to laugh at.


Taking advantage of Dong Cheng Lei’s knockback punch, I

attacked once more with Frost Rain Sword using [Fierce Ice


It hit but there were just too many Healers: he wouldn’t die with
just that..


Then another sword slashed downwards, this time it was

Matcha’s [Phantom Ray Slash]. Unfortunately, at that crucial
moment, when Drunken Spear had almost no health, that idiot
girl’s slash was crooked…

Drunken Spear hastily retreated, after all, he was the last person
alive from his team. However, he kept his calm and wasn’t
flustered at all. As he retreated, he lifted his True Soul Spear and
threw a [Flame Spear] attack at Old K, almost killing him!
Old K paled in shock and quickly fled. I bit my lips and dashed in.
One second afterwards, Wolf appeared. Using his ambush skill,
“pa”, he succeeded in stunning Drunken Spear!

“Don’t fight, I’m coming! Old K, get the [Whirlwind Blade] ready!”

Having reached the stunned Drunken Spear, a bright glow

shined under my feet: the prelude to [Strength of a Thousand

The quick attack simply couldn’t be avoided. Drunken Spear

understood this and grounded his teeth, “Darn, I fell into your
trap! This time I’m done for. Why did I die so early…?”


Old K swept past Drunken Spear with his [Whirlwind Blade],

followed up by my [Wind Blade]. Under the two attacks, Drunken
Spear kneeled, slowly falling into the ground, dead. He looked at
me and faintly said, “I hope next we meet, it won’t be as

I nodded, “Rest in peace!”


At the conclusion of the battle, Zhan Long’s 6 member team

together with the 9 players from [Valiant Bravery], had
annihilated the 14 people from the opposing team after a fierce
fight. But our losses were also heavy, the 9 [Valiant Bravery]
members were all dead except for 1 Healer.
Turning around, I looked at the battle situation on the other side.
I couldn’t help but groaned bitterly; There were hardly any
[Valiant Bravery] players left on the plateau. The remaining
survivors were being suppressed by 20+ [Flying Dragon]
members. General Li Mu, General Wang Jian and General Bai
Qi were all painfully hanging on with only half of their health left.
There was too big a gap between the average battle strength of
the players. It was impossible to fight them head on!

“Quickly, we need to help them!”

I hastily rushed over and gauged the difference between the two

Valiant Bravery 14 players VS Flying Dragons 27 players


I felt dread from the bottom of my heart. We were already at an

absolute disadvantage in the number of people!

“Xiao Yao!!!”

Li Mu hacked his way over and roared at the top of his lungs,
“Our Healers are all dead so we have no chance of victory.
Retreat downhill with your Zhan Long members and look for
another opportunity later on. It’s already too late for those of us
up here to fall back! [Valiant Bravery]’s future now rests within
your hands!”

As a battle axe hacked into his shoulder, General Wang Jian
was forced to his knees, his health depleted. However, with his
dying breath, he propped himself up on his blood soaked battle
axe and thrust his weapon into his opponent’s chest. He was
immediately hit by another [Combo] and gradually fell. On the
other side, General Bai Qi’s chest was pierced by 10+ arrows.
Letting out a grunt, he too died!


[Pillars of Fire and Ice] ravaged the ground, causing General Li

Mu’s body to tremble. Under this near-death condition, he
unleashed [Absolute Authority] and killed off another player from
[Flying Dragon]. But at this moment, a battle axe descended
upon him and ploughed directly into his chest!


The attack caused General Li Mu to immediately drop dead. At

the same time, Fallen Wolf slowly pulled out his axe from Li Mu’s
corpse. Stepping on his dead body, he looked towards us and
laughed menacingly, “Is [Valiant Bravery] filled with second-rate
players? It doesn’t matter if you add Xiao Yao Zi Zai and Zhan
Long, trash is still trash! Didn’t you say you were strong? Have
you seen us? The [Vanguard] 13 Eagles have not sustained a
single loss!”


Holding my Frost Rain Sword firmly, I slowly retreated while

bitterly shouting out——
“Retreat! We can lose this battle but [Vanguard]’s 13 Eagles
must die!”
Chapter 191 – Arrogance


I felt a surge of pain as my legs got entangled in some shrubs.

Tightly gripping my Frost Rain Sword, I stayed behind the Zhan
Long members still alive, consisting of Old K, Darling Duck,
Matcha and Little Wolf. On the map, the red dots far exceed the
blue dots in number; [Valiant Bravery]’s players had almost been
completely wiped out. The number on the map now indicates 5
VS 25. There are only 5 of us now – 4 from the Zhan Long
Studio plus Darling Duck. Who would have thought that after that
one battle we’d only have so few players remaining.

I sat down under a towering tree. Clenching my fist, I said with

annoyance in my heart, “Was…. Was our tactic to attack the
highlands wrong?”

Little Wolf appeared from a thick patch of grass and comforted,

“Brother Xiao Yao, it has nothing to do with our tactics; the
disparity between our strength is simply too huge. The
reinforcements acquired by [Flying Dragon] are astounding,
especially the 13 Eagles. Any one of their attack power is not
lower than 1900. A clash against them left most of the heavy
armor group from [Valiant Bravery] dead. There wasn’t much of a

Old K with his axe in hand sat down on the grass and said, “We
only have 5 people while they still have 25. This is impossible to
In the air, Matcha interrupted as she flapped her wings while
carrying her sword, “We still have a chance but we must not
attack the highlands, we will instead use mentality.”

“What mentality?” Wolf replied in astonishment.

Matcha beamed, “They’ve had such a successful battle and even

killed the guild master of [Valiant Bravery], can they not be
proud? Therefore, we’ll just send a bait and lure them bit by bit.”

I asked in a low voice, “Who will be bait?”

Matcha patted her 34C as she smiled, “Who else but me.
Though I am the lowest leveled here, I am not that weak and
should still have some value. Boss, you didn’t see it but I almost
killed Fallen Wolf with [Phantom Slash] so he must hate me a lot.
As long as he sees me flying in the highlands, he’ll be rushing
down towards me with the 13 Eagles. At that time, Boss and
Little Wolf should begin, divide and conquer, this will be our best

“With a Musketeer’s long-range, killing them would be easier.” I

glanced around, “Hey, where is Fox?”

Old K says with a grin, “Fallen Wolf’s axe already sent him to Ba
Huang City.”

Me, “…..”

Clasping her hands, Matcha declared, “In that case, everyone
must prepare! This Guild Prestige Battle is the first among the
three main cities of China’s server. This event is on live TV. As
you can see, many people are observing this battle; millions of
players are currently watching us right now, let us not shame
ourselves so go and prepare!”

I shot a glance on the viewer count and discovered that this

Guild Prestige Battle has a total of 2,748,872 observers. With the
3rd and 4th batch helmet issued, the Chinese server’s players
sure have skyrocketed; the number of people watching us is
almost 3,000,000. Regardless of victory or defeat, the three main
cities will surely be aware of the “Zhan Long” name after this
battle. We must do this beautifully or else we will just be wasting
such a good propaganda opportunity.

I stood up while further strengthening my grip on the Frost Rain

Sword and said, “Good. Everybody follow the plan; we only have
5 people so everyone must do their best!”

Scanning the map, I found an area of motley hedgerows and

pointed my hand over there before saying, “This is the place
where we’ll assemble. Little Wolf, sneakily make your way
towards the front. Old K and I will remain hidden in the central
area. We’ll employ this dense vegetation to conceal ourselves
from their maps and avoid being seen as red dots. Darling Duck
will be at the rear end. We will take advantage of Matcha’s
mobility and attract the 13 Eagles here. I will launch the first
attack and have their attention focused at me. I will then activate
the [Shield of the Crimson Dragon] to withstand their attacks for
7 seconds. Little Wolf, you must eliminate 1 of them while they
are concentrated on me; I will try to kill 1-2 of them. When my
[Shield of the Crimson Dragon] only has half of its duration left,
Old K, use your [Whirlwind Slash] and [Savage Jump Slash] and
kill 4-6 of them. Do not go on fighting after that and simply
escape after completing your attacks and continue to look for
new opportunities!”

Everyone nod, “Okay!”


Following the plan, our group of people used the natural cover
and approached the plateaus. In the air, Matcha fluttered her
fairy wings as her snow white legs appeared exceptionally
charming. She gave a laugh and said, “I will go now; pray for my
safe return!”

I nod, “Take care, we’ll be waiting for you here!”


Matcha flew away with a gust of wind. Little Wolf, carrying his
daggers, faded away as he used his [Stealth]. I drew my sword
and cut down a large number of vegetation and packed it in a
small ditch. Old K and I immediately jumped down and buried
ourselves deeply within it until what little indication that was
visible on the map disappeared.


In the distance, Matcha with her wings dancing, looked at the

ground. Her pair of beautiful eyes were on full of alert as she
maintained her distance from the forest where the crowd was.
She barked into the darkness, “Fallen Wolf, shame on you!”

Fallen Wolf with his axe exposed said with a livid expression,
“Shame on me? The people from Zhan Long are the ones who
are shameless. After striking, you quickly leave. Where are you
hiding? Xiao Yao Zi Zai, come out and fight with me. Don’t be a
coward who only knows how to hide. When the 120 minutes are
up, we will still be the winners. [Valiant Bravery]? What a joke!”

Matcha blinked as she proudly looked at Fallen Wolf before

continuing to taunt, “[Vanguard] is merely a group of villains. I
think it should not be 13 Eagles, it should be 13 Crows. No, it’s
13 Ducks!”
TL Note: Ducks is also slang for male prostitutes in China.

Fallen Wolf trembled with anger, “Do not insult our [Vanguard].
You have no right to do so!”

Matcha gave a subtle smile. She suddenly made a hand gesture

as she formed a gap of about 2 cm between her index finger and
thumb and said with a nifty smile, “What a shame, you’re only
this long!”


Fallen Wolf lost himself in his fury. He roared as he raised his

axe which had fire jumping on its surface. Charging at Matcha,
he cried, “Go to hell!!”
“Swoosh” a miss flashed as Matcha hurriedly retreated and
began her escape, never glancing back.

“Fallen Wolf, don’t be rash!” Soaring Dragon lifted his wand and
gave his orders, “Defend the plateaus and we’ll win. It doesn’t
matter if they drag this on for 100 minutes more. We can afford
to wait, so don’t act impulsively!”

Fallen Wolf retorted with a smug look on his face, “They only
have 5 people now which includes a Healer. With so few
opponents you still want to hide in the plateau, what’s the
difference between us and that Zhan Long turtle group? Soaring
Dragon, you can stay holed up here. I’ll kill them, [Vanguard] will
not cower. 13 Eagles, follow me and slaughter them!”
TL: Turtle = can only defend, no way to attack

In the forest, the other 12 heavy armored players jumped out of

the grass with their swords, axes and spears and started the


“Boss, they are coming!” Matcha whispered in the team channel.

“I can see them. Just keep flying; they have no long range skills
or long range classes so they can’t hurt you. Don’t fly too fast so
that they can follow you!”

“I know!”

“Be careful!”

A few minutes later, a player flew through the sky. It was Matcha
who was followed by red dots coming from the forest one by one.
Fallen Wolf walked ahead with 2 Swordsmen and 3 Berserkers
behind him. They were all near the front.

Little Wolf mumbled in the team channel, “Brother Xiao Yao,

should we kill Fallen Wolf first?”

“No!” I shake my head and smirks, “Let’s kill the others first.
Fallen Wolf is not that good of a target. I want to butcher the 13
Eagles before him and watch him seethe in fury!”


“Get ready, I’m going out!”

“All right!”

As they came closer and closer, the battle erupted when a

Berserker was about 5 meters away!


Brambles and grasses split apart as I jumped out of the ditch.

The Frost Rain Sword glowed with golden hexagrams. Four
slash marks imprinted on the chest of the Lv 54 Berserker and
caused super high damages.


Instant kill: Berserkers suffer from low defense!

Turning around, I stretched my hand to seize the hilt of a

Swordsman’s sword that was flying towards me. I countered with
my [Fierce Ice Blade] towards his chest and a huge damage
number appeared, 1574. Not waiting for the Swordsman to react,
I quickly used another basic attack, and dealt 974 damage. My
second kill! The effect of my equipment added with my [Turmoil
Sword] was truly terrifying. My attack was too powerful; enough
stand at the top of Ba Huang City!

I swung my leg and it found its way to a Swordsman’s chest with

a “Bang” which knocked him back. Air started to swirl around my
feet as I was about to use my [Strength of a Thousand Men]! I
ended with a normal attack to save cooldowns and it did the job.
With a whining sound, the third player fell before my sword.



2 seconds after that, Fallen Wolf had finally come to his senses.
He charged at me as his eyes burn with hatred, “Xiao Yao Zi Zai,
I dare you to come at me. Stop killing my brothers!”

I lift my hand and a “Clang” could be heard as my Frost Rain

Sword collided with his axe. I swiftly kicked him at his stomach;
the shock wave knocked him back several meters. The
difference in strength was obvious!

Behind me, Wolf’s Purple Tier dagger gleamed as he stunned a

Berserker by using [Gouge], and attacked him with three
consecutive strikes. The Berserker sobbed and fell to the
ground. In a few seconds, [Vanguard]’s 13 Eagles became 9!


“Center, defensive formation!” Fallen Wolf growled as he

commanded, “Use your [Flame Axe] and [Ice Blade]. Surround
Xiao Yao Zi Zai and kill him. Just exterminate him and we’ll win!”

“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh”

Seven successive [Flame Axe]s and 2 [Ice Blade]s came rushing

directly at me. Escaping this barrage of attacks was out of
Chapter 192 – Death Match


A dragon’s screech sounded as scarlet flames burst from the

ground, instantly taking the shape of a scarlet dragon. Encircling
my body, it increased my defense by a huge amount. At the
same time, I strode forward and slid through the gap between
the three enemies. As I dodged 2 [Ice Blade] attacks, two big
MISSes appeared above my body. However, I couldn’t avoid the
damage from the other 7 [Flame Axe] attacks.


A continuous stream of damage numbers burst out. These 7

violent [Flame Axe] attacks instantly depleted my health. Without
a second thought, I drank a healing potion and cast [Heal] on
myself, regaining 2000+ health immediately. At the same time,
with a flick of my wrist, my Frost Rain Sword flew like an ice
dragon bursting forth from the sea, “swoosh swoosh swoosh”,
and sliced through a Berserker.

“Clang clang clang…”

Sparks of fire splattered endlessly out of my Nebula Armour.

However, with the protection of [Shield of the Crimson Dragon],
each attack only amounted to approximately 100 points. Then, a
holy light descended upon my head as I regained about 1000
health. That was Darling Duck’s [Heal].


One of the Vanguard’s 13 Eagles Swordsman clenched his

longsword tightly while his eyes almost popped out of their
sockets, “What kind of shield is that? It’s so tough! We can’t
break it. F*** it! Even [Flame Blade] can’t break his defense,
what kind of defense is that!?”
TL: Break defense = Do significant damage = Have attack higher
than defense

Fallen Wolf looked from afar, clenching his teeth, “Where is Zhan
Long’s healer, Darling Duck? Two of you go and kill her! The
others continue to surround Xiao Yao Zi Zai, his shield definitely
has a time limit!”


I kept brandishing my sword and attacked while shouting in the

party chat, “Darling Duck, move back, don’t mind us, you can
retreat already! Old K come on up, pave your way with
[Whirlwind Blade] then use your [Savage Jump Slash] to kill
people with low health. Little Wolf continue to stun people but
don’t put yourself at risk!”

Old K carried his battle axe while rushing forward, splitting the
grass in his path. His body was slightly lowered as a circle of
cold wind whistled on his battle axe. Then, the entire group of
people were suddenly flung away and spun within an endless
hurricane that was sweeping everything away. “Slash Slash
Slash” [Whirlwind Blade] swept past the crowd, its attacking
power was exceptionally brutal. The three players whom I had
just attacked fell in a flash.

“This is bad!”

Originally Fallen Wolf wanted to pursue me, but with the

presence of my [Shield of the Crimson Dragon], I became an
unmovable iron plate. Old K’s sudden attack also caused Fallen
Wolf to be completely unable to kill him. In the middle of
[Whirlwind Blade], Old K was an invincible killing machine. No
one dared to take the initiative to approach him, it was the
equivalent of seeking death. As Fallen Wolf watched the
situation spiral out of control, he roared in fury: “Retreat, wait for
an opportunity to fight back!”

“Where are you running to?!”

Old K roared and then suddenly leapt forward, his battle axe
landed on the forehead of a Swordsman with only 31% of health
left. He was immediately killed. With a flash of his battle axe, his
[Flame Axe] charged into another Berserker!


Wolf also appeared just at the right time. He stunned a Berserker

that was running away and thanks to the poison debuff from
earlier, when Wolf was finding opportunities to slip shots in, the
Berserker’s speed got reduced. Trapped in Wolf’s hands, he was
fated to die.

In the blink of an eye, 10 of Vanguard’s 13 Eagles met their end,

only 3 were left.

“Matcha, block him!”

I shouted loudly. Matcha immediately descended from the air

and executed [Phantom Ray Slash] with her sword. With a
“bang” sound, it hit its target; a Swordsman standing at the very
front. The angry Swordsman rushed forward toward Matcha,
while at a low health level, and bellowed, “Even if I die here, I
must at least kill someone!”


The light from his [Combo] flickered. Matcha hastily activated

[Reflect], but unfortunately, it could only reflect one attack. With
the dying Swordsman’s [Combo], she received 3 additional
attacks. Then, at this time, Fallen Wolf rushed towards Matcha
from the back, with flames erupting from his battle axe. It was a
[Flame Axe]!

“Careful!” I yelled, “Matcha, move to your right, there’s an enemy

behind you!”


Matcha gasped with her rosy lips. However, she made a grave
mistake as she tripped over a strawberry plant. Fallen Wolf’s
battle axe swept past her shoulders, bringing forth a huge
amount of damage-


“Boss…” Matcha looked at me, her body disappearing into

fragments of light and scattering with the wind.

Zhan Long Studio had once again lost a member. My heart sank
as I held my sword and dashed forward. With a “bam”, I brushed
past a Swordsman, killing him with a slash from my Frost Rain
Sword quickly. Then, I raised my sword with both hands as I
rushed towards another Swordsman.

“F*** you, Xiao Yao Zi Zai!”

His face twisted with anger, the Lv 53 Swordsman suddenly

raised his sword; he was going to trade hits!


A ray of light appeared around him, it was [Reflect]!

I changed from using my sword to using my bare hands and hit

him, effortlessly neutralizing [Reflect]. Then I rushed forward and
kneed the Swordsman. “Bam”, he was pushed back while my
Frost Rain Sword pierced him through his chest. A ray of green
light descended from the skies as a huge amount of damage
was dealt.. An fatal strike-


Once again, another enemy was killed!



Fallen Wolf huffed roughly, standing in the middle of the plains,

with his whole body slightly trembling. Battered and exhausted,
he looked at me, surrounded by 12 corpses. All of [Vanguard]’s
13 Eagles members had fought with outstanding results before
but he was the only one left now. This arrogant chap was the last
man standing.


I thrust my Frost Rain Sword into the ground and propped myself
up on the sword. Indifferently, I said, “Fallen Wolf, where did your
arrogance go? Didn’t you claim that [Vanguard]’s 13 Eagles were
undefeatable? Didn’t you look down on Zhan Long? How about
now, without your superiority in numbers, what advantage does
[Vanguard] have?”


Fallen Wolf swallowed his saliva and looked toward me, his gaze
cold and overcast. “Xiao Yao Zi Zai, I admit you are
extraordinary! Remember this, sooner or later we will return you
this debt. [Vanguard] will definitely not bear this kind of

I abruptly pulled out my sword and pointed it at his chest.

Enraged, I said, “Who’s the one shaming to [Vanguard]? Who’s
the one who backstabbed me for the sake of a Heaven’s Plan
Sword in the Valley of Everlasting Wind? Who’s the one who
tried to take advantage of me again and again? Indeed, who’s
the one that is embarrassing [Vanguard] in the end? It’s
[Vanguard] itself. It’s Jian Feng Han! It’s you, Fallen Wolf! It’s all
of your arrogance that brings shame to your former glory!”

Fallen Wolf gritted his jaw, “We have nothing to talk about.
Prepare to die!”

His battle axe shone with a glint while Fallen Wolf silently
appraised me.



With a wave of my arm, I called forth [Binding Chain], binding

Fallen Wolf at once. I raised my hand and commanded Baby
Bobo to attack while saying, “Wolf, Old K, finish him!”

Turning around, the sounds of a blade slashing through armor

resounded, Fallen Wolf howled miserably and fell to the ground.
Finally, [Flying Dragon]’s reinforcements, [Vanguard]’s 13
Eagles, have fallen. It’s just as what I had said before. We can
lose the Guild Prestige Battle but the [Vanguard]’s 13 Eagles
must die!


Behind me, I heard a female voice crying out. My heart sank,

there’s trouble again!
Indeed, Darling Duck’s name in the party list had turned dim!

Wolf raised his dagger and entered stealth mode while angrily
shouting, “Brother Xiao Yao, Darling Duck was killed by an
Assassin’s sneak attack!”

“Kill him!”

I raised my hand and healed myself before lifting my sword and

rushing to Darling Duck’s corpse. She had been on a grassy
plain but the Assassin had hidden thanks to his [Stealth]. The
problem is that he couldn’t have gone too far; he hasn’t had the
time to escape yet.

Old K also lifted his battle axe, his eyes sweeping around, trying
to catch any movements or irregularities.

Wolf softly said in the dark, “Nobody move. If we carefully

observe every movement in the surrounding area, we’ll find the
assassin’s position…”



All three of us stood still like tree stumps in the wilderness but
there were no movements for three full minutes. I looked at every
grass and trees in the surrounding areas all the more, how could
it be?

Could it be that?
At this time, a small gush of wind blew in the distance, carrying a
cloud of dandelions. I hastily lifted my sword and said in a low
voice, “Little Wolf, pay attention, an opportunity has come…”

Wolf nodded his head, “Yes, I’m watching carefully!”


As the dandelions flew around, suddenly at a point, a few stalks

of dandelion’s changed their trajectory, obviously hitting some
obstruction. But it appeared as if there was nothing there.

I quickly whispered, “ Old K, use [Whirlwind Slash] immediately!

The target’s position is at (7471, 2973), now!”


Old K turned around and immediately swept to the left. Then,

there was a “ding” sound from an Assassin’s dagger blocking
Old K’s battle axe but the Assassin was knocked back by the

“This bastard, you are indeed here!”

Old K laughed maniacally and lifted his battle axe to give chase
and kill him. But suddenly his whole body trembled and he fell
into a stunned state. On his forehead a large damage number
burst forth- 1109!

My heart sank, I never would have thought that there would be
another Assassin here!

The fleeing Assassin, who was running away, suddenly turned

back to attack. With his daggers dancing in the air, “Slash Slash
Slash”, he made three continuous attacks and Old K immediately
fell to the ground. Even his battle axe was dropped.

“Damn it…”

I lifted my sword and flew forward, knocking away the second

Assassin with a [Combo] before finishing him off with a stab
through his chest! Wolf appeared behind the first Assassin,
successfully sneak attacking him and killing him with one attack!


“Pa Da! Pa Da!”

Another two bodies fell. Wolf and I glanced at each other with
immense concern in our eyes. Old K, Matcha, Fox, Darling Duck,
and Dong Cheng Lei had all died. There were only two of us left
but there were still 10 elite players on the other side, including
[Flying Dragon]’s Guildmaster, Soaring Dragon. This Guild
Prestige Battle was going to be an extremely difficult fight!

We collected the equipment drops on the ground. 7 Gold Tier

and 1 Purple Tier equipment all went into our inventory. As all
the players here were hard to deal with and thus the equipment
dropped were all exceptional.

I stood on the field as I raised my hand and sheathed my Frost
Rain Sword. Wolf stood by my side and said, “Brother Xiao Yao,
how are we going to fight later on? Matcha and the others are
probably really worried about us. Unfortunately, they can’t give
us any news now. The Guild Prestige Battle has blocked all
communication from the outside.”

I looked up at the distant plateau and said, “Let’s go, we’ll find an
opportunity. Even if we don’t win, we need to at least kill that
Soaring Dragon bastard!”



A few minutes later, at the plateau area in the Guild Prestige


I hid myself in a bush, watching the plateau, and saw Soaring

Dragon holding his staff and standing straight with 4 heavy armor
players, 2 Healers, 2 Mages and 1 Archer. This group was
extremely formidable. The Archer’s [Scattered Shot] could stun
us and then the Mages could bomb us indiscriminately with their
attacks. Even God would not be able to withstand this combo.

“How shall we fight?” Wolf asked.

I muttered, “I only have 44 Rage Points left, so I can only call

[Shield of the Crimson Dragon] once more. To begin, I will move
first, attracting their firepower. I’ll try my best to kill 1 to 2 heavy
armored players. Little Wolf, wait at their escape route, focus on
killing the two Healers but don’t stay too long. Once you have
used your skill two times in 6 seconds, retreat back and wait for
your cool down to finish. You can kill two to three people with
each rotation and we can win with 2-3 rotations!”


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