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The Microsoft Access wildcards are ____ and ____ . QUESTION MARK (?); ASTERISK (*)
The SQL keyword(s) ________ is used with wildcards LIKE ONLY
Application program interface in two tier architecture database
management system is provided by the OPEN DATABASE CONNECTIVITY
How to select all data from STUDENTINFO table where name starts SELECT * FROM STUDENTINFO WHERE SNAME
from the letter R LIKE '_R%'
Collection of known and useful raw facts that has some meaning
and can be processed in useful way is classified as Updated facts
Which of the following is the correct order of keywords for SQL
Additional access path added into ordered file is called Ternary index
Microsoft sql server not uses which of the following operator
When a ____________ clause is used, each item in the select list
must produce a single value for each group GROUPED BY

Which one will delete the table data as well as table structure DROPEB
are predefined and maintained SQL server where users cannot
assign or directly change the values. global varibale

Constraints that are applied on individual tuples and are verified

whenever any tuple is modified or new tuple is inserted are called Tuple based constraints
The command to remove rows from a table "CUSTOMER" is: DELETE FROM CUSTOMER WHERE ___
The query used to remove all references for the PUBS and
NEWSPUBS databases from the system tables is DROP DATABASE PUBS, NEWPUBS;
Select the right statement to insert values to the STDINFO TABLE THAPA", 45, 5000);
Behavior which allows database designer to specify user defined
operations for databases is called dynamic bahivaoyr
Command which returns first record of just opened file is classified
as scaned command
Basic operations that can be performed on relations are all
SQL server stores index information in the ..................... System
table sysindex
Which of the following query is correct for using comparison SELECT name, course_name FROM student
operators in SQL WHERE age>50 and age <80
Which command displays the SQL command in the SQL buffer, and
then executes it RUN

Which of the following is used to delete an entire MySQL database MYSQL_DROP_DB

Which one of the following sorts rows in SQL ORDER BY
In data model, inherent constraints are classified as Implicit constraints
The select statement, that retrieves all the columns from EMPINFO SELECT * FROM EMPINFO WHERE ENAME IS '[D-
table name starting with D to P is P]%';
A subquery in an SQL SELECT statement ORDER BY
Which of the following types of triggers can be fired on DDL
operations SYSTEM TRIGER
DBMS in which systems involved are coupled together while having
local autonomy is classified as Federated DBMS
Constraint which specifies minimum number of relationship
instances is classified as Participation constraint
The result of a SQL SELECT STATEMENT is a(n) ________ TABLE
Which of the following SQL command can be used to modify
existing data in a database table update
Which of the following do you need to consider when you make a
table in SQL ALL
Data type DATE consists of ten positions where as data type TIME
consists of . Ten positions
Select a query that retrieves all of the unique countries from the ELECT DISTINCT COURSENAME FROM
student table STUDENTINFO;
Data type DATE has three components where as its insertion
considers ten
The sql keyword BETWEEN is used for ranges
What operator tests column for the absence of data is null operator

Collection of programs that helps users to create and maintain

useful databases according to their need is classified as database management system
The type of constraint ______________ specifies data values that
are acceptable in a column default
You can add a row using SQL in a database with which of the
following INSETT
Which of the following is not a valid aggregate function COMPUTE
Constraint which is used to specify consistency in two or more
relations among tuples is classified as PRIMARY
Which operator performs pattern maching LIKE OPERATOR
Which of the following are the five built-in functions provided by
Which of the following is valid SQL for an index CREATE INDEX ID;
Select ________ dept_name from instructor; here which of the
following displays the unique values of the column DISTINCT
Data model, access path and number of users of database
management system are criteria for Classification basis of DBMS
Attributes that can be arranged into hierarchy are called Composite attributes
To sort the results of a query use ORDER BY
How to delete records from studentinfo table with name of student DELETE FROM STUDENTINFO WHERE COLUMN

Constraints which deal with changes in database are classified as Transition constraints
The SQL server services includes BOTH A &amp; B
Constraint violated when given value of attribute is not included in
corresponding domain is domain constrain

Considering device specifications, byte sizes are usually from 4 to 8

Which is the subset of SQL commands used to manipulate oracle
database structures, including tables DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE
Database catalog or dictionary defining descriptive information
which is stored in database is called METADATA
Which of the following can add a row to a table ALTER
Collection of all concepts that must be used to describe database
structure is called client model

Which SQL statement is used to insert a new data in a database insert into
Data type which can be fixed length or varying length as CHAR(n)
and VARCHAR(n) respectively is classified as Character-string
What operator performs pattern matching LIKE OPERATOR

A row of table in relational model terminology is classified as tuple

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