Six Step Model

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Enterprise based Vocational Education

Six Step Model

Step 1 : Information
 What is the problem?
1. Determine which design is proper with the target

 What needs to be solved?

1. Make design which is effective, solid, eassy to use and safe when operating
2. Calculating bending, tensile, deflection as strength determination of the arm,
shaft, and top frame

 What is required?
1. Design
2. Material

 What do I know?
1. Calculation
2. Materal determination

 What information I need more?

 What is available in time/ budget/facilities?

1. Time : 3 weeks
2. Budget : -
3. Facilities : EVE workshop

 What are the limitations?

 What I must not do?

1. Rework
2. Out of target
3. Wrong measurement and Calculation
4. Wasting time and material
5. Bad machining installation

 Who is the customer

Concrete Laboratory

Step 2 : Planning
 What is the target?
1. Complete the task as the time has been provide and doesn’t need overtime
2. Can be installed easily
3. Has good appearance

Project report.doc
Enterprise based Vocational Education

4. The design doesn’t disturb the worker

 What are the alternatives to solve the problems?

Options Aspects Grade Notes
1. portable design Kelebihan : fleksibel, pembuatan
lebih mudah, material yang
dibutuhkan lebih kecil
Kekurangan : beresiko
menghalangi aktivitas pekerja

2. fix design Kelebihan : tidak beresiko

menganggu aktivitas pekerjaan,
designe baru

Kekurangan : pengerjaan lebih

sulit, material yang digunakan lebih

 What is the safe working procedure?

 How is the time table?

Step 3 : Decision
 From all of the alternatives, which plan/method is the most efficient?

Step 4: Execution
 Action Logs
 Problem Encountered
 How to solve each problems
Step 5: Quality Control
 What must be monitored closely during execution?
 What are the critical parts or steps during execution?
 Recording every problem encountered.
Step 6: Evaluation
 Are the target achieved?
 What was good and what wasn’t?
 What can be improved for similar project?

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Enterprise based Vocational Education

Project report.doc

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