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Events Operations Management

Event management is referred as the activities taken by an organisation to plan an event. For
an event manger, it is essential to research and evaluate the likelihood of the event success as
the execution of a film festival event requires a huge sum of money.

The purpose of this document is to portray a Film festival event and to offer an indoor
or outdoor site for the event. The report is will be founded on the insight of an event manger
working for Classic Entertainment production. The study will evaluate the perception of an
event manger and will evaluate the different perspectives of selecting an event for a film
festival purpose. For understanding the most detailed and appropriate choice of the venue, a
detailed investigation will be done in the study. In addition to this, the study will examine the
number of objectives required in managing the entire event. Furthermore, the study will also
determine the event operational plan that will include the licencing the legal issues, risk
management, supply chain management, and many more. It will also outline the learning
gathered from the planning of the event.


1) Type of Event
It is a Film Festival Event of no more than 500 attendees which will be organized by Classic
Entertainment Productions. The planned venue for the event is Kensington Gardens, which is
a Royal Parks for the outdoor event. Kensington Garden is one of the eight Royal Parks of the
capital which has been nominated as the outside venue for the film festival event (Allen,
2011). Kensington Palace, Albert Memorial, the Italian Gardens, the Peter Pan statue and
Serpentine Galleries are located in the area of about 265 acres. The park will be the most
prominent and relevant venue for the major events as it is adorned with outstanding trees as
well as ornamental flower beds and many others. The event will last three days and is aimed
at raising money for a charity. It will be a charitable film festival event and all the revenues
collected during the event will be sent to charity (Báez and Devesa, 2014).

2) Target audience
The program will contain the contents of different performance by different people. This film
festival will reveal and reflects the evolution and trends in the cinema world defending its
wide audience. There is not really any specific set of target audience for this charitable film
festival. Anyone who is into film industry is welcome to come to this festival (Brown, 2014).
There will also be peoples who actually worked in the background of the films and are also
welcomed to show up in this charitable film festival.

3) Accessibility
The event would be committed to making screenings and festival events accessible to all the
attendees. The Classic entertainment Productions understands the importance of accessibility
and thus will provide accessible seats for the persons with disabilities and old individuals and
their companion’s seats will also be reserved (Damm, 2012). It would be ensured that
registration, ticketing and the event website is assessable and will also ensure the
supplemental equipment. Special attention would be provided to those individuals who are
deaf or blind. Event manger will also ensure that there is sufficient time delivered during the
event programs (Harichandan and Musgrave, 2010).


1) Licensing and Legal Issues

Legal procedures will be given most precedence during the period of selecting a venue for the
Film Festival Event. When it comes under the accountability and duty of an Event Organizer
for organizing the event, recognizing the legal matters are regarding the location and also
other of the events ensues to be the most important thing under attention.

The local command is the main organization related with the event organization
platforms. It contains range of constitutional responsibilities from corner to corner number of
laws (Izzo, Bonetti and Masiello, 2012). Local government of the venue is primarily
concerned with the outcomes of a certain event that affects neighbouring community. A
number of legal issues are discussed in the following:

Premise License

The ground must be safe as well as in an appropriate location which it may not cause
any type of incident, accident and harms to the attendees of the party. It has also to be check
several times that the planned event does not have any lawful issues associated to its location
of function (Jackson, 2014). Various other amenities such as car parks, flaming of the fire
crackers and many other types of fun actions which may occur at the film festival should be
allowable at the planned film fest spot.

Planning Approval

It should be endorsement documentation to contrast land use. Whether the occasion is

outdoor or indoor, it is required on a site which is not in fulfilment along with the town
preparation needs (Mair and Whitford, 2013). In this case, the local government may ask for
the separation of scheduling approval.

Noise Control

If the event extends the assigned noise levels then it will be subject ted to the noise
pollution, so meeting the assigned level of noise, an arrangement of circumstances should be
permitted from the local authorities in the case of non- obeying events and the request should
be present 60 days attached with the application amount (Mair and Whitford, 2013).

Food and Drink Control

Food salespersons who are partaking in the event are needed to be enumerated with
the local system or agency and the vendor must present a documentation of registration for
the planned location. The drink and food menus positioned at the event place should support
allowance by the local authorities before 14 days of working and should observe with the
current act of food (Lawton, 2011). Liquor licensing section is the place from where the
license for liquor allowance is obtained. Also, registration should be obtained, at least 3
business days before the event happens.

2) Risk Management
Risk can occur or accident can happen at any time, regardless of taking every probable kinds
of insurance. In the event where m any attendees are invited as companies, it becomes vital to
observe in the condition that may form obstruction in the continuing event. Risk management
is a tremendously significant in case of events mainly (Lawton, 2011). No matter if it will
happen in indoor or outdoor. The first most steps for managing the risks includes the analysis
of locations, instead events venue where sufferings can happen. The risk supervision is not
limited only to safety problems but it also assures that the event is being function in the
possible safest way.

In case of weather condition, a pleasant weather may turn into chaotic condition for
attendees, in the case of out-of-doors event; the management of risk of varying weather
condition is quite high. Storms and rains may happen at any pint of time and thus the event
will curved into destruction (Lawton, 2011). Normally, the restroom happens to be positioned
at a distant location in occasion of outdoor area. The same thing is seen in situation of
Kensington Garden, it has to be said that the bathrooms are at extended distance than
estimated. So, for the attendees, this could become a big risk. Thus availability of washrooms
nearby the venue is much essential than anyone can think of (Mair and Whitford, 2013).

3) Health & Safety

In observance with the health and safety legislation, event management has lawful need for
the purpose of undertaking risk valuation of numerous hazards. These hazards might damage
the fitness and safety considerations of the workers and attendees attending the event
(Lawton, 2011). There must be a solid association and connection amongst the security and
police staffs of the local authorities. The officers who are in care of the local police station
had better be providing a declaration notice of the event location, area and number of persons

appearing the events. It is quite significant in order to establish a security strategy backed
with security provider.

The safekeeping workers are informed along with the information of event venue
layout, Exit and entrance, Potential hazards and first aid points for protecting the safety and
health considerations of the members and viewers (Mair and Whitford, 2013). On the basis of
Private Security Act 2004, Mass supervisors should be present in the event at all times along
with the complete awareness of their securities. Being an event executive, it develops the key
duties and responsibilities for assuring that security members and crowd controllers deport as
systematic patrols of toilets, car parks as well as mainly the areas where the occurrence of
illegal drugs happenings and illegal behaviour is high.

4) Supply Chain Management

Based on the size of occurrence and location, the contractors as well as sub- workers are
working for undertaking the works of construction, installation, maintenance of services and
tearing down of temporary structure to respective location. Event management businesses are
important networking and integration organizations which have co-dependent stakeholders.
The stakeholders necessitate establishing trust, bonding and loyalty amongst their
associations, specifically with the providers for mutual advantages (Mehndiratta, 2008).
Requirement of fair line of work event management worries a transparent supply chain.

In order to gain full perceptibility of the program end to end process around the
physical limits, it is important for incorporating company supply chain management.
Impending supply chain management manages and monitors events around the dispersed
procedures that include assets and inventories. For establish a significant event, it is
necessary for appointing contractors stick to the operational procedure on the location of
event. Structural engineer assure the construction of temporary structure establish respective
to specifications (Pernecky, 2015). Contractors should stick to the hazard and safe free supply
of materials, maintenance duties and installation responsibilities. Maintenance of an
appropriate association with buyers who purchase event services, add value to the works
comprise combined services, technical specialist and compatibility with dealer’s conduct.

5) CSR
Corporate social responsibility assists an enterprise to appliance green purposes and approach
in order to guarantee the sustainability of the initiative and the community. The Classic

Entertainment productions ensure the corporate social accountability in diverse levels that
array widely. Being an event manger, there must be an additional effort provided to gain the
organisation’s sustainability. Ecological footprints are the first phase towards this approach
(Plan for Outdoor Event Success, 2015).

For reducing the event footprint, event manager uses recycling programs that are
advanced using energy efficient machineries for video, sound and lightening. Menu of the
event is produced using local produce dairy, fresh fruits and vegetable. Team volunteers
would be developed to collect the revenue for the charity and there would also be a support to
the local citizens.

6) Waste Management
In a Film festival, a large crowd of viewers and audiences come together for enjoying the
event generates large sum of wastes and much of it is recyclable. Being an event executive, it
is vital to plan waste management for reducing waste as well as maximizing recycling (Reid,
2011). The types of wastes littered by spectators in film festival are bottles, cans, food, soiled
wastes etc. the major aspects involved by an event manager in waste reduction planning
involves the following:

 Identify the waste regulators as well as regulate the controllers ready for applying
recycling efforts
 Assessment of occasion waste squad composition
 Conniving a scheme that would gather, carriage and sort the trash as well as
recyclables and trash (Reid, 2011)
 It also becomes an important consideration for educating as well as trains the
recycling workers, vendors, attendees and participants

C. Reflect on the processes that you followed to draw up the Event Operations Plan

Working through an appropriate plan has helped in planning the event process accurately.
There are lots of changes that I have made in my procedures. My entire planning step is
related to each other and everything of them is interconnected. The very first thing that I did
is developing the event goal and objectives (Reid and Ritchie, 2011). I made a tangible goal
and objective of this event such as why our company is organising this event and what is the
purpose of this event and what our company hope to achieve from this. After that O develop a
concentrated team to handle all the details of the event. I learned that creating a list of
speakers, entertainment groups, publicity enterprise, sponsors and volunteers is very

From the conduction of the event, I learned that that operational plan of an event
manager must encompass all aspects of the event which must involve the venue, logistics &
catering management, Speakers, entertainment, Publicity&promotion enterprises, printed
programs, Registration, Sponsor management and Volunteer management (Robertson, Junek
and Lockstone-Binney, 2014). I also learned that developing a budget is very important and it
must be specific and include revenue opportunities.

Operation management definitely includes certain responsibilities for the event mangers. One
of this is ensuring the business operations of the event efficiently both in terms id using the
least quantity of resources and also in meeting the customer’s requirements for their highest
level of satisfaction. Operations management is defined as the management of the resources,
raw materials, labour and energy that are converted into services (Robson, 2008). One
operation management theory that I have used in the entire event procedures of Classic
Entertainment Productions is the theory of Six Sigma. This theory helped me to focuson
quality service. The method helped me with the six sigma process that includes the trending
of the charts and also potentiality defect the calculations.

The theory of SixSigma has helped me in successfully completing the event and
delivering it to the standards of client’s expectation (Robson, 2008). The model helped me in
measuring the number of defects in the event planning process and also in eliminating all of
them. The tools of Six Sigma help in improvising the quality implementation. The method of
Six Sigma isusually put into practice by trained experts to make improvement in the process.

By utilising the experienced team approach and implementing the Six Sigma to its standards,
I ensured that the event procedures progresses towards a desired state of expectation of the
client (Rojek, 2014).

As event mangers, I am often so busy, that I overlook some of the important elements which
are critical for the success of the event. The main challenge that I face during the planning of
this event is of unclear budget. Event budget in current business environment is decreasing
and event planners have to get creative and appropriately utilise their available resources. I
overcome this issue by defining a clear budget limit for the vent and also tracked down the
expenses as the preparation goes down (Rojek, 2014).

Another issues that comes during preparation of the event plan is the failure in
keeping the track of changes to the scope of the event, failure in keeping track of the smallest
change means a lot to the event defined budget. I overcome this issue by following a
prescribed change pursuing process as it is an operational way to keep the changes
documented communicated and keeping ii under control (Ryan, 2016).

During the preparation of the event, I got interacted with event manager of Premium Events
London Co. The manager of the specified company praised my work and also suggested
some ideas to improve the successfulness of the event (Shaoling Ma, 2009). He suggested
that it is important to know the shareholders of the event as it is important to know who is
going to get benefit from the event. I took this message as a serious note as my event was to
be conducted to raise money for a charity find. He also suggested that not to treat events like
an afterthought. The planning must be ahead and there should be a clear description of the
budget (Silvers, 2012). As the event is for a charity purpose, it is important to include all the
additional fees into the budget.

From the above report it has been found that, Kensington Palace, Albert Memorial, the Italian
Gardens, the Peter Pan statue and Serpentine Galleries are located in the area of about 265
acres. The park will be the most prominent and relevant venue for the main events as it is
adorned with superb trees as well as decorative flower beds and many others. It has been also
found that, The Classic entertainment Productions understands the importance of accessibility
and thus will provide accessible seats for the persons with disabilities and old individuals and
their companion’s seats will also be reserved. It would be ensured that registration, ticketing
and the event website is assessable and will also ensure the supplemental equipment.

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