Educational Trip Permission Form: This Trip Is Beneficial For Students Enrolled in Ms. Dorothy Garcia's Biology Class

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This trip is beneficial for students enrolled in
Ms. Dorothy Garcia’s Biology Class

Dear Parent/s or Guardian, 

This is to inform you that your child’s class is going on a field trip in relation to their subject in Biology.
Kindly check the information provided and fill out the the form below:

Field Trip Information Things to bring:

Date: - Towel
Place: - Extra Shirt
Purpose: - Bottle of Water
Cost: - Snacks
Itinerary: - Medicine (for allergies maintenance)

"To be filled out by the teacher in-charge

Name of Teacher/ Supervisor:
Contact No/s:

The trip is going to be an all-day activity only. All students and teachers are to arrive at the
estimated time. 

I permit my child ______________________________ to attend the trip

supervised by the members of the Biology Department.

Please be reminded that the meet up time is at 5:30 AM. Late comers will not be admitted.

The assembly area for all students and teachers are inside the Grand Auditorium.

Below is an agreement sheet to be completed by all parent/s or guardian

In case of emergency, I give permission for my child to receive medical assistance. Please contact
Name of Parent/Guardian:
Contact no/s:

Date Signed:

Anywhere International School 123 Anywhere Street, Any City, State, Country 54321

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