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K.R. Puram, Bangalore – 560036.


1. What are the main motives of launching cyber-attacks? Explain common types of cyber-attack?
2. Discuss substitution and transposition techniques in details.
3. Explain guiding principles in detail?
4. Give examples for substitution cipher?
5. List some common vulnerabilities and explain with example.
6. Explain why modular arithmetic has been used in cryptography?
7. Discuss different defending strategies and techniques in security?
8. Compare block cipher and stream cipher.
9. Which of the two operations – substitution or transposition – causes diffusion? Which causes confusion?
Explain your answer.
10. Find GCD of 1070 and 1066 using Euclid algorithm and its inverse using extended Euclidean algorithm?
11. List the different types of attacks and explain in detail.
12. Describe Chinese remainder theorem with example?
13. An integer n, 0<=n< 210, satisfies the following set of congruences:
n mod 5 = 4
n mod 6= 3
n mod 7= 2 what is n?
14. Encrypt the message “PAY” using hill cipher with the following key matrix and show the decryption to
formulate original plaintext
17 17 5
K= 21 18 21
2 2 19
15. Find an integer that has a remainder of 3 when divided by 7 & 13, but is divisible by 12 using CRT.
16. Summarize the in detail modular exponentiation
17. Apply Caesar cipher and k=5 decrypt the given ciphertext “YMJTYMJWXNIJTKXNQJSHJ”.
18. Apply vigener cipher; encrypt the word “explanation” using the key “leg”.
19. Discover the difference between public key and conventional encryption.
20. Use Hill cipher technique to encrypt the plaintext “HELP” using key 3 7
15 12
21. Explain in detail the extended Euclid’s algorithm.
22. Draw the general structure of DES and describe how encryption and decryption are carried out?
23. Explain DES Construction by Fiestel structure and Round function with proper diagrams.
24. Explain S-Box in detail with diagram. Identify the row value and column value for the given 6 bit’s
( 110011 )

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