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Retrograde Planets

As all the planets are moving at different speeds, there will be times when a particular planet will appear
from Earth that it is not moving at all, and at times that a planet is actually moving backwards when viewed
against the backdrop of a fixed star. In such periods, the planet is said to be in retrograde motion.

In the ephemeris, planets which are in retrograde are denoted by a R after the degree and minute
designation.A retrograde planet may denote delayed development of factors relating to that planet rather
than any negative influence as was suggested in ancient Astrology. A capital S alongside the planetary
degree in the ephemeris stands for the word stationary and will occur when the planet is slowing down and
has virtually stopped moving. The capital letter D is soemtimes used indicating that the palnet is in direct
motion and is written when a planet changes from a backward direction or retrograde to a forward direction
or direct.Perhaps the greatest impact of retrograde planets can be felt when the outer planets turn
retrograde while forming a transit aspect to one of the natal planets.

Retrograde planets are thought to be weak in their effect, which is true for the personal planets of Mercury,
Venus and Mars but it is not so with the outer planets which stay Retrograde for up to six months.

Mars Retrograde- Mars retrograde in a persons birth chart causes the person to be very frigid or to go to
the extremes. Some have sex aversions. Mars retrograde six to eight days, of course, that is sixty to eighty
years in a horoscope progression. During its slow moving period, two weeks before and after retrogression it
indicates its effects mainly in females.

Venus Retrograde- The effect of Venus retrograde is disastrous to a happy married life. As Venus slowly
turns retrograde, the person gradually gets disinterested in sexual activities. Venus seems to work alike in all
signs when retrograde. It affects men particularly.

Mercury Retrograde- When Mercury goes retrograde, many of our everyday affairs ruled by Mercury are
disrupted. When Mercury is retrograde, mental mistakes abound. Travel plans are often messed up.
Misunderstandings with those in the family or at work occur. Those who have belief in Astrology will refrain
from making any sort of contract when Mercury is retrograde.

Jupiter Retrograde- Such persons often get success in other people's failures. They have the unique ability
to succeed in projects that were abandoned by others. Such people revive sick companies and uncover
hidden assets. In order to achieve their mental goal they prefer to bargain.

Saturn Retrograde- Persons with Saturn Retrograde in their birth charts do not like to be known in public,
they find security in intellectuals or spirituals. They easily yield to external influences. They appear shy,
uneasy, introvert, lacking in self assertion or attempt to cover their lapse with the pretext of arrogance. They
feel alone, isolated, separated from their friends and are seldom understood and very reserved.

Retrograde Planets, Mercury Retrograde

An apparent backward motion of the planets is called a "retrograde" motion. It occurs in

several stages. At first the planet seems to stand still, then it backs up through the signs,
stands still again, and then resumes its forward motion. The amount of time that a planet
spends in retrograde motion depends on the planet's orbit, varying from about twenty-two
days for nearby Mercury to about 160 days for distant Pluto.
A popular misconception is that a retrograde planet signifies something unpleasant. A
retrograde planet prolongs the influence of that planet in its sign and house of a
horoscope. If that influence happens to be an unpleasant one, the prolonged
unpleasantness will be blamed on that retrograde condition.

When Mercury is retrograde, it is considered to be a time of problems with interaction,

travel and even the simple basic workings of things. It is also thought that the general
averse aspects of a retrograde planetary motion carry over into the lives of the people
born under them as a part of their lifetime astrological chart.

The Sun and Moon are never in retrograde motion.

Mercury Retrograde 2009

Mercury turns retrograde January 11 at 8º Aquarius

Mercury goes direct February 1 EST at 22º Aquarius

Mercury turns retrograde May 7 EDT at 2º Gemini

Mercury goes direct May 30 at 23º Taurus

Mercury turns retrograde September 7 EDT at 6º Libra

Mercury goes direct September 29 at 22º Virgo

Mercury turns retrograde December 26 at 22º Capricorn

Mercury goes direct January 15, 2010 at 5º Capricorn

Three or four times a year, never on the same dates, Mercury loops Earthward (to our
eye) in a retrograde cycle back over zodiacal territory. During this passage 3 and a half
week transit, our attention moves towards unfinished business. Since all backward
movement symbolizes a return to source, we can use these times to attend to our inner
perceptions, and reconnect with the spiritual source of our thoughts. This introversion can
bring about a critical purification process that can help us gain new insights based on
prior knowledge.

It's important to figure out how this transit affects the patterns in your life as they will
repeat. I know some readers are not into retrograde, but it has its pitfalls whether you
believe it nor not. With shifting reality, much doesn't work in general, but this transit can
make things a bit more confusing, indecisive and difficult. To me Mercury Retrograde
means Repetitions and Delays. Pay attention to details now, especially linked to
transportation and communication. We also find mixed or missed messages. Plans
change. Things are lost or forgotten. Decisions will be made and revisited. Don't forget
that Mercury is the Trickster who brings messages and learning lessons in round-about
ways that we attract by synchronicity

Mercury Retrograde Affects ...

Medical or Dental: Diagnosis made could be wrong, appointments cancelled.

Business: Problems with contracts, meetings, merges, paper work, etc.

Telecommunication: Phones, satellites, computer systems and related

Travel: Lost luggage, flight delays, vehicle problems, getting lost even with a GPS

Decisions: Change or you feel indecisive

Relationships, friendships and partnerships: Changes made and reviewed

Written work will be redone due to errors or change of content.

Creative ideas won't flow!

If you start a diet, you'll quit when retrograde is over.

It will be hard to 'keep it together'.

You'll return whatever you bought.

It may be broken or you'll decide you don't like it!

Many things simply won't add up!

If you play a trick on someone

it will backfire on you.
Life may be a struggle, but don't give up!

Retrograde Planets Meanings

Mercury Rx|Venus Rx|Mars Rx|Jupiter Rx|Saturn Rx|Uranus Rx|Neptune Rx|Pluto Rx

A planet that is retrograde means that the planet was making an apparent backward motion at

the time of birth. If a planet was retrograde at the time of birth, then that planet is notated in

the natal horoscope with an Rx by the astrologer. Planets never move backwards, hence the

term apparent. The Sun and Moon never retrograde. Many people watch the motion of current

retrograde planets, especially Mercury.

From an earth view, a planet only appears to move backwards for a given length of time. Refer

to the section on Planet Motion for approximate retrograde periods. In the Ephemeris, the day

that a planet begins this apparent motion is designated by an R or an Rx In order to

determine the length of time, run your finger down the planet information column until you

find a D. On this day the planet resumes it's "direct" motion again. Some astrologers put more

emphasis on retrograde planets in the birth chart than others. I have found that they add an

important depth to the overall interpretation.

The energy of a retrograde planet is expressed more on an inner level Sometimes the

individual has difficulty expressing the energy outwardly. Some part of that planets energy is

held back. Retrograde planets often cause one to stop and reconsider the consequences, so

that spontaneous expression is blocked in some way. At other times, the outward behavior

becomes exaggerated in an attempt to reconcile the inner doubts. Here are some examples of

how retrograde planets may manifest in a persons chart.

Viewed in karmic terms, retrograde planets in your natal chart can indicate internal struggle

regarding an unachieved goal or an unfinished life lesson or lessons. Generally, natal planets in

retrograde tend to internalize their influences, allowing you to work on your character. Your

Sun and your Moon are never retrograde. The closest the Moon comes is when it is Void of

Course. This is a time when it is best to refrain from beginning anything that you wish to see

come to completion.

When your North and South Nodes are retrograde, you have a strong indication that

these lessons have carried forward over several previous lifetimes.

Listing of Mercury and other planet retrogrades for the current year.

Below are some interpretations for retrograde planets found in the natal chart. With

discernment, you may use these ideas as a basis for figuring out how the current retrogrades

may "act" on the general public.

Mercury Retrograde

* reconsiders before speaking

* lots of inner conversation and thoughts

* expresses self better in writing

* feels misunderstood

Mercury involves mental processes and communication of all kinds. Exploring ideas, seeking

knowledge, writing, public speaking, making contacts, even short trips and commerce fall into

Mercury‘s domain. Mercury is retrograde at least three times each year, and is our most

frequently retrograde planet. During this usually three week timeframe, misunderstandings

increase, mail and email gets lost, messages are delayed or appear elsewhere, misdirection

and frustration with miscommunications of all kinds tend to intensify. Odd ideas tend to occur

as normal abilities and patterns of writing, learning, and speech become disrupted.

For a few, this retrograde actually has the opposite effect. New ideas, new speaking or writing

abilities are often revealed in folks whose natal Mercury is retrograde. Are you normally

hesitant or afraid to speak out? Do you find yourself very concerned with how others will take

your words or what will happen if you speak your mind? You few, may tend to get a kind of

vacation from or improvements in both your usual internal and external dialogue.
In Karmic terms, Mercury retrograde in your natal chart suggests that you may be dealing

with old lessons about the negative consequences of uninhibited speech. Motives mean a lot to

you. You could find yourself attracting more than your share of criticism or opposition to your

ideas, but if you let that stop you from speaking your mind, you are essentially inhibiting

yourself from communicating. You can learn to overcome your fears. Most other people are

actually more concerned with how the world sees them than they are about what they think

about you. Apply your curiosity, flexibility, and take an active interest in the welfare or

interests of people around you. Half of your ability comes from listening! If speaking to groups

of people makes you nervous, let your thoughts escape into the outside world by writing. Make

small talk wherever possible about any topics of interest, while you boost your self confidence

and begin to overcome your hesitance of expounding your personal views in public.

Venus Retrograde

* reconsiders before expressing love or affection

* relates awkwardly to others

* doubts the love others offer

* can become obsessed in relationships

* feels let down by the commitment level of others

Venus involves pleasure, love, romance, relaxation, aesthetics, peaceful feelings, harmony,

money, and values. Venus tends to work by attraction. Approximately every eighteen months

or so, Venus slips into retrograde for about six weeks. While Venus is retrograde, you are more

likely to find your ability to attract what you want restricted or inhibited. You could find

yourself much more concerned with achieving or maintaining external beauty, your flow of

ready cash, questioning your ideas of pleasure, aesthetics, or even revaluating your feelings

about romantic relationships.

Do you find yourself inhibited about seeking what you really want from your romantic partner?

Does your ability to attract the money and attention you feel that you need seem to cause you

problems? Is your natal Venus retrograde?

A natal Venus retrograde can cause you difficulty achieving fulfillment or finding your right

romantic partner. You may be more in love with your ideas about love than you are with any

real person you know. In karmic terms, you need to complete a life lesson about giving and

receiving love and affection. You are here to determine what is truly of value to you and learn

about creating a balance of give and take in your romantic life. Your romantic dialogue has a

tendency to be far too internal at times, causing you to inhibit the flow of good things into
your life. You will have to be willing to experience loving and being loved in order to attract

what you desire into your life and create the feelings of security you need.

Mars Retrograde

* reconsiders before expressing anger

* finds competitive situations hard to handle

* tends to repress and so ....

* can become depressed

Mars represents direct energy, physical expression, individual action and assertiveness, as well

as anger, desire, sexuality, competitiveness and motivation for self interest. Mars energies

tend to burst forward exerted in short duration. Every two years Mars goes retrograde for two

to two-and-a-half months. What often results are upsets and frustrations in daily life as

emotions which should be externalized becoming internalized, a kind of chewing up one’s self.

When you finally explode, it is likely as not that in doing so you will be acting out aggressively

against your own self interest.

If you have Mars in retrograde in your natal chart, you may find that you are waging an

internal battle causing you difficulty in asserting yourself because you are afraid of the

consequences of releasing your anger. You may tend to over think before you act. You may

find that you have a tendency to hold back. In karmic terms, you are likely to be attempting to

make up for some vaguely recollected but deeply influential past misdeeds you now regret.

Whatever the cause, you are holding yourself back instead of standing up directly for your own

interests. This works directly against the life lesson that you are here to accomplish. Your are

learning about yourself, defining who you are by what actions you take. You will need to let go

of timidity or a lack of direction in order work out how you can initiate actions without creating

a chaos of needless destruction. Here is a key indicated by your 7th House Sign and its natural

ruler Venus.

Jupiter Retrograde

* has doubts about what they deserve and so ...

* finds it easy to settle for crumbs

* feels superior in some way inside

* abundance is felt on the inside

* looks inside for answers to religious questions

Jupiter represents the principles of expansion, gambling, speculation, luck, opportunities,

optimism, abundance, travel, higher education, teaching, religion and philosophy.

Approximately four months a year, this planet slips into retrograde. When it does, you are

likely to see its influence roll through your life and society around you. Plans have a tendency

to implode. Jupiter retrograde influences us internally to look within to seek new meanings.

You may find you can best use these opportunities to revaluate your life and reach new levels

of awareness and understanding.

If Jupiter is retrograde in your natal chart, you have a very rich internal life. You actually make

your own luck. Abundance is felt within as you search the world looking to discover truth and

develop a broader philosophy of life and living. At the same time, you may feel hesitant about

involving yourself to deeply in others affairs or sharing your views out of a concern for being

thought so different that you may be cast out by public opinion. Speculations may not bring

you all the external rewards you seek, but each time you take a chance, your adventures allow

you to gain from a wide variety of experiences. You must remain open and honest with

yourself in order to expand your spirituality and allow your inner voice to guide you.

Saturn Retrograde

* feels they're never good enough inside

* indulgent outward behavior may mask inner feelings of inadequacy

* hides fears

Saturn deals with karma, limits, responsibility, tradition, conservatives, authorities, long term

goals and accomplishments patiently created, taking responsibility, creating structure, and

setting boundaries. Once a year the planet Saturn goes into retrograde for about four-and-a-

half months. During this influence, you will probably find it unwise to attempt sudden changes

or to rush through things. Take practical steps and accept limitations while you take serious

steps toward your long term goals. Saturn retrograde can cause you to become your own

hardest taskmaster, limit your actions or leave you feeling blocked and pessimistic. .

Saturn retrograde in your natal chart, indicates that you are likely to have been abused by

those with power over you, perhaps having faced unfair situations at home. You may need to

declare personal boundaries, to work out conflicts with authority on a karmic scale. You could

feel that fate conspires against your desires but it’s really you putting the brakes on through

feelings of persecution or inhibition in the house where it is placed until you work out how to

face doing or confronting whoever or whatever it is that threatens you. Your lesson is one of
patience and steady application of hard work as you overcome the impatient urge to cut

corners. Everything you gain will be hard won but you will eventually succeed, win the respect

of others and actually can shine where you faced difficulties before.

Uranus Retrograde

* reconsiders outward expressions of rebelliousness

* feels different inside

* outward conformist behavior masks inner feelings of non-conformity or ...

* goes out of their way to upset others apple carts

* has a difficult time finding their niche in society

Planet of change, independence and risk Uranus is retrograde for about five months out of

every year. While it is, you can expect the unexpected. The situation is not secure. Things are

subject to sudden fluctuation and you may be feeling a bit stubborn, rebellious, your emotions

explosive and uncooperative toward anyone or anything that represents the status quo.

Internally, you may feel like you are so ready to take a risk and just blow off conventional

wisdom or prescribed ways of doing things.

If Uranus is retrograde in your natal chart, you fare more than ready to try something new

and are very likely to experience wide fluxuations in circumstances in the areas of life

represented by the house in which Uranus is placed even if your manner has a tendency to

hide it. You really do have a tendency to push thing to extremes there. You are actually a

catalyst for positive energies if you channel your rebelliousness into originality as you move

toward independence and personal freedom. Karma indicates that you are here to learn about

individuality, opening up to an attitude that change is very good and that personal

experimentation with the cultural order is as great way to shake this up.

Neptune Retrograde

* feels guilty inside and so ....

* tends to blame themselves when things go wrong

* super sensitive inside and so .....

* puts on a tough skinned mask

Neptune goes into retrograde five months out of every year, a time when a lack of boundaries,

imagination, creativity and a desire to experience the pleasures of the moment can get the

best of you as logic is set aside replaced by feelings and intuition. There is a tremendous
amount of creative potential for you to achieve your dreams if you rise above your ego and

focus your activities and compassion outward as well as inward.

Neptune retrograde in your natal chart indicates that you could feel inhibited by the harsh

realities of the physical world, choosing to spend a lot of time in your own imagination.

Daydreams could replace active participation in life inhibiting your ability to realize your

potentials in the areas of life represented by the house where Neptune is placed. Substance

abuse can be triggered by a need to escape and you can fall prey to your own illusions if you

don’t accept people as they are and use your sensitivity to let go of limitations as you stay

connected to others.

Pluto Retrograde

* keeps their chin up during crisis because .....

* they want to keep inner upheavals private

* they get what they want by acting like they don't care

Pluto is the planet of complete transformation, upheaval, reversals, and bew beginnings, and

spends on average, five months out of the year in retrograde. is also a time of destruction and

rebuilding when intense situations and outside forces intervene. Be willing to go to extremes

and prepared to cut away the useless in those areas of life represented by the house your

Pluto is in, releasing what no longer serves you in order to regenerate your life.

Pluto retrograde in your natal chart indicates that you are here to learn karmic lessons about

intensity, control, and struggles for dominance. While you are wrestling with you own inner

conflicts, outside forces are likely to upset your life. You are likely to find public opinion can be

fickle, giving you little outward reason for blind trust in others. The people who make up your

world may revere you one moment and revile you the next. Part of your lesson is to refuse to

get locked in a battle of egos. Penetrate to the essence of the situation uncovering hidden

truth. Trust your instincts being completely honest with yourself. Forgive yourself and others,

but do not forget the lessons as you learn that you are the final authority. You may not always

be able to control what you face nor what is done, but you are in sole control of how you

choose to respond or react

Current Retrograde Movements

Mercury usually turns retro three times a year.

Venus retro happens every eighteen months or so.

Mars turns retro only once every two years.

Retrograde Planetary Cycles

• Mercury • Saturn
Retrograde 24 days Retrograde 140 days
Stationary approx. 3 Stationary approx. 10
days days

• Venus • Uranus
Retrograde 42 days Retrograde 150 days
Stationary approx. 11 Stationary approx. 16
days days

• Mars • Neptune
Retrograde 80 days Retrograde 160 days
Stationary approx. 20 Stationary approx. 16
days days

• Jupiter • Pluto
Retrograde 120 days Retrograde 160 days
Stationary approx. 10 Stationary approx. 16
days days

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