Problem Set 3

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Gamma Classes – Quantitative ability problem set

1. Find the value of: f(1/10) + f(2/10) + …. + f(9/10)

𝑓𝑓(𝑥𝑥) =
3 + 9𝑥𝑥

a) 5/2

b) 10/3

c) 9/2

d) 4

2 3 X 5 Y

+ 1 Z 6 4 2
4 2 4 2 3

In which number system (base) was this calculation performed?

a) 6

b) 7

c) 8

d) 5

3. We have a 6 element set. Find the possible number of pairings of 3 different pairs?

a) 20

b) 15

c) 216

d) 729

4. The roots of the equation ax3 + 2x² – 3x + 1 = 0 are in harmonic progression. How many different
values can “a” take?

a) 2
b) 1
c) 0

d) More than 2

5. Find the remainder when 123456123456123456. . . . .(it has 3229 digits) is divided by 53 ?

a) 81
b) 61
c) 0
d) 56

For Answer and detailed solution (Problem set 1 & 2 with video solution can be found in our FB group)
Detailed solution will be discussion at 10PM Friday (13 July 2018) in a live class – link to join the live class will be shared in FB / Whatsapp group
Answer key will be posted tonight here at 8:00 PM - Facebook:
Gamma Classes – Quantitative ability problem set

6. I am standing at the center (O) of a circle (C1) with radius 10cm. My 2 best friends are standing at any 2
random points outside the circle (but in the same plane) from which a pair of mutually perpendicular
tangents can be drawn to C1. Now all possible positions of my friends are joined to form a smooth curve.
What can be the maximum possible distance between my friends?

Fill in the blank

7. Now my friends have been instructed in such a way that the straight line joining their position cannot pass

through C1. They tell me that if they follow this rule then the distance between them (D) is less than x (i.e.
D<x). They have asked me to guess the least possible value of x. Find that number for me.

Fill in the blank

8. James Bond is trying to crack a four-character code to open a lock. He knows the characters used are the
digits 0 to 9 and 9 letters A to I. He also knows that there is no repetition in the code - else it will make the
code vulnerable. His secret device scans the lock and tells him that if a letter is used in the code then it must

immediately be followed by its numerical equivalent. This device can also allow Bond to try 16 combinations
every 1 minute. In how much time will he be able to crack the code?

a) 225 mins
b) 289 mins
c) 361 mins
d) 441 mins

9. There is a sequence of real numbers and given that the first term of the sequence is 0. The absolute value
of every other term is the absolute value of (previous term +1) {i.e. |Term 2|= |Term 1+1|}. Find the
minimum value of (Sn / n), given that n is an even number and Sn is sum of n terms in the sequence.
a) - infinite
b) -0.5
c) -1.5

d) 0

10. There are 4 bishops on a chessboard. What is the number of distinct ways in which they all can be
attacking each other? [Hint: The bishop can move only diagonally and assume that they can cross over any
other piece if they happen to be in their path just like a knight can]

a) 180
b) 182
c) 360
d) 364

For Answer and detailed solution (Problem set 1 & 2 with video solution can be found in our FB group)
Detailed solution will be discussion at 10PM Friday (13 July 2018) in a live class – link to join the live class will be shared in FB / Whatsapp group
Answer key will be posted tonight here at 8:00 PM - Facebook:

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