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Mantram for removing obstacles:



Sanjeeva ParvaThoDhara mama duKham nivAraya
GHoran upadravAn sarvAn NAshayakshA suranthaka
markatEsha mahothsAha sarvashoka vinAshaka
shatrUn samharaMam raksha shriyam DhathwA Cha Mam Bhara
chant this mantra
everyday morning and evening
with devotion
to remove any obstacles of life
with the blessings of Lord Sri Veera Anjaneya.

Mantram to do impossible things

with the blessings of Lord
asaadhya sadhaka swamin asaadhyam thavakim vadha ||
ramadootha krupasindho mathkaryam sadhaya prabho ||
He, who could achieve that which is impossible, who could do even the most difficult
things- Swamin! Hey Swami- Please tell me: Is there anything that you cannot do? You
are the ambassador of Lord Rama, you are the ocean of ompassion; Prabho (Prabhu in
Sanskrit has the meaning - One who can do, undo and do in another way) please help me
in discharging my duties and responsibilities.
Dwadasa nama mantra of Anjaneya
Hanuman or anjaneya swamy is a special powerful god
who helps you always if you have faith in Him and
pray daily to Him.One wonderful, powerful mantra
of lord hanuman is available which
i used to recite dialy for decades
and i found it very helpfulin dangers and risks ,
in avoiding and averting them.
The mantra is called Dwadasa nama mantra of anjaneya:

Hanuman Anjana soonuhu,
vaayu putro maha balaha,
phalguna sakhaha,
pingaksho amita vikramaha,
Udadhi kramanschaiva,
seeta soka vinasakaha-
lakshmana praana datacha,
dasagreevascha darpaha;
Dwaadasaitani naamani,
kapindrascha mahaatmanaha-
swaapa kale pathenityam,
yaatra kale viseshataha,
tasya mrutyu bhayam naasti,
sarvatra vijayi bhaveth;

There are twelve famous, pious names for anjaneya swami,
they are Hanuman, anjana soona, vaayu putra, mahabala,raamesta,
phalguna sakha, pingaksha, amita vikrama, udadi kramana,
sita soka vinasaka, lakshmana prana data, dasagreeva
darpaha.when some one recites all these names
through this sloka, he will not have problems while
he sleeps or when he starts on any journey.
No fear of death and always he wins.
Yanthroddharaka Anjaneya

"namAmi Dhootham Ramasya sukhadam cha Suradrumam

Peenevritha Mahabaahum Srva shathru nivaranam

NaanaaRathna samaayuktha kundaladi virajitham

Sarvadaabheeshta dhataram satham vy drida Mahave
Vaasinam Chakratheerthasya Dakshinastham GirouSadha
Thungaambhodi Tharangasya Vathena parishobhithe

Naana desha Gatheih sadbhihi sevyamaanam Nripothamaihi

Dhoopa Deepadhi Neivedyaha Panchakaadhyascha shakthithah

Bhajaami Sri Hanumantham Hemakaanthi Samaprabham

Vyasatheertha yatheendranaam Poojitham Pranidhanathaha

Thrivaaram Yah PaTennithyam Sthothram Bhakthya Dwijothama

Puthrarthi Labhathe putrah Yashorthi Labhathe Yashaha

Vidhyaarthi Labhathe Vidhyam DHanaarhti Labhathe Dhanam

SarvathA Maasthu Sandeho Harihi Sakshath Jagathpathihi

Yah Karothyathra sandeham Sayathi Narakam Dhruvam

Ithi Sri Vyasaraja Theertha Virachitha Yanthroddharaka Hanumath Sthothram


Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu "

This Shloka is a very very powerful one,

this shloka is composed by
Sri Vyasaraja theertharu,
Vyasaraja theertharu is the incornation of
Shankukarna God.
In kaliyuga Shankukarna taken the first incornation
as Vyasaraja and did the installation of 765 Hanuman Idols all over India.
And was the greatest devotee of Madhvacharya and
scripted many Granthas on Dwaitha Phylosophy.

It was not enough for him in one incornation,

again he has taken the incornation of Sri Raghavendra theertha and
still he is alive inside bridhavanam at Manthralayam.
Still sitting in brindavan and fulfilling all devotees with their wishes.
The last line of Shloka says that ,
its all true that what i have inscribed in shloka ,
devotees who chant it with lot of devotion for three
weeks everyday three times
will defenitely fulfilled with their wishes ,
Lord Hanuman bless with lot of boons,
this is all true witness is Lord Sri Hari says Sri
Devotees please try to read shloka ,
if there is chanting mistake ,
i will send Voice mail to all ,
Hanuman Gayatri works well for victory in competitions. Recite
this mantra to overcome physical weakness, to build stamina
and better health. Devotees of Hanuman are blessed with
great health, courage, valour and wisdom.
Ohm Anjaneyaye Vidmahe,
Mahabalaye Dhi-Mahi
Tanno Hanuman Pachodayat
Simple prayer to Anjaneya
Asaathya Saadhaka Swaamin
Asaathyam Thavakim vadha
Raama Dhootha Kribhaa Sindho
Math Kaaryam Sadhakka Prabho

Idol of Anjaneya (Hanuman) in the sanctum sanctorum

“The month of Magha had commenced. I told the children “The holy bath taken in the
month of Magha is very sacred. However, it is not enough if you simply perform this
Maghasnana. You must also undertake circum-ambulation in a temple.”
“Accordingly Myself and the group of children around Me used to visit the Anjaneya
Temple as early as 4 o’clock in the morning. There used to be a big lake behind the
Anjaneya Swami Temple. We used to take our early morning bath in that lake. After
taking bath, we used to go to the temple. Once all of us went to the temple.”
“I therefore, started doing circumambulation to Anjaneya Temple, along with them.
Believe it or not! A big monkey suddenly appeared from nowhere and stood in front of
Me, obstructing My way. The children around Me wondered “We did not see such a big
monkey in this village, so far! From where did it come! They tried their best to drive it
away; but it did not move. Who is that monkey! It was Hanuman, the servent of Lord
Rama, verily! They did not realise this truth. Hanuman himself had come in the form of
that monkey and prayed “Swami! I am the one who had to do circumambulation to you.
You should not do it to me.” Accordingly, I informed the children “Hanuman did not like
My circumambulation to him. Hence, I will give it up.” From that day onwards, a lot of
transformation had taken place in the children. They experienced divine feelings.”
-Sathya Sai Baba

The Glory of Anjaneya-66

The power of Anjaneya Maha Mantram
Once Swami Vivekananda was traveling in a train and
next to him was seated a business man who happened to
travel along with Swami Vivekananda. During their
travel the co-passenger commented that "I do not like
the so called Sanyasi’s, though they have good health
and physique - they never work, they beg for their
food and since they are lazy they pretend to act as if
they are Sanyasis and will make an easy living. In my
case, I work and earn for my living and would prefer
to lead a comfortable life than being like a Sanyasis
and continued cursing all the Sanyasis

Swami Vivekananda never bothered those comments and

kept quiet. The train stopped in one station and both
Swami Vivekananda and the businessman alighted from
the train.

Swamiji came out of the station and sat under a tree

and the businessman followed the Swami and sat in
front of him, opened his food packet and started to
eat his food and while eating he commented that," You
Sanyasis always act as if you chant the divine name
all the time and waste your time but remember without
work , you will not get your food "

The business man noticed some stranger carrying a food

carrier with banyan leaf approaching Swami
Vivekananda and said, "swamiji, I all the time chant
Rama Nama and worship Sri.Rama in my home and
yesterday night in my dream – I had the darshan of
Rama and he instructed me that tomorrow one Sadhu from
Kolkata will be visiting this place and hence you
prepare Bengali food and offer him and Lord Rama gave
me the vision of you also, though initially I
neglected the dream, it was a shocking that today
morning I had the same dream and Lord.Rama told me the
The person in an enlightened mood said that I was so
fortunate that because of you that I could have the
darshan of SriRama twice; and prostrated on to the
lotus feet of Swami Vivekananda & offered him food”

The business man who was watching all these was

shocked and dumbstruck by the incident fell on the
feet of Swami Vivekananda & asked apologies for his
misconduct. Swami Vivekananda smiled at him and
proceeded to walk.

That is the power of the

Lord’s name and hence let’s all

Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Lord Anjaneya represents the highest development of power, valor,

abstinence, fearlessness, innocence, devotion, and trust. In healing, in
solving problems, in eradicating physical and psychological sufferings,
there is nothing equal toAnjaneya Meditation. And there is nothing in the
world which cannot be resolved by Anjaneya Meditation. But Anjaneya
Meditation is not like Transcendental Meditation or Dynamic Meditation, or
even Hare Krishna Meditation. No. Anjaneya Meditation is the very way of
life of the Anjaneya Meditator.
The following lifestyle must be maintained at all cost for infallible rewards.
Stubbornness and obstinacy may be a harmful habit everywhere else, but
in the following after-mentioned points, it can serve to accomplish a great
Here are a few observances.
Anjaneya worship is the most important point in Anjaneya Meditation. For
(1) Keep the body and clothes very clean. At least for the time of worship.
Whatever food is offered to Him should be prepared with pure clarified
butter called ghee, and with utmost cleanliness.
(2) Taking a bath from well water is considered best.
(3) The statue ofAnjaneya should be smeared with vermilion mixed in
sesame oil.
(4) Offer Him red sandal paste mixed with saffron.
(5) Offer Him only red and golden flowers which are large and fragrant.
Such as a lotus, marigold, rose, sunflower, etc.
(6) In the morning worship, offer jaggery and coconut (unshelled) and
sweet balls. In the afternoon, offer jaggery, ghee, and wheat bread crunch
or thick bread. In the night, offering Him mangos, guava or bananas is the
(7) During Anjaneya worship, burn five cotton wicks dipped in ghee,
combined together to make one single flame.
(8) On the day of special Anjaneya sadhana, complete celibacy (mentally,
verbally, physically, and visually) is compulsory. Eat only that which has
been offered to Anjaneya ji.
(9) In Hanuman Meditation, the mantra should be audibly pronounced,
clearly and well. Do not try to be a big shot by jumping straight into
samadhi or sudden enlightenment. Don't break your neck or legs by
exhibiting lots of knowledge and going in deep trance. While pronouncing
the mantra look at Anjaneya ji, directly into His eyes.
(10) Although Anjaneya ji can do anything for anyone, do not wish him to
kill anybody or ruin somebody's life. Rather, conduct His worship with the
intention of self-improvement and betterment for all.
(11) There are two kinds of beads applied in Anjaneya Meditation. One is
rudraksha for peace purposes; the second is mùngà mala for power
(12) Anjaneya is a direct example of service and worshipfulness. Therefore,
Anjaneya Meditators should expect to gain their desired reward by
dedicated service and worship, with homage and trust.

When to do Anjaneya Meditation?

Tuesday is the day ofAnjaneya . One can observe the above 12 points and
perform His worship. Saturday is also recommended.
According to the kind of goal you have set for yourself, correspondingly
that form of Anjaneya ji should be the object of your Anjaneya Meditation.
Come to a point where you see Him clearly even when you close your eyes.

Necessary Ingredients for Anjaneya Meditation:

16 itemed worship is the best way. It requires, pure water from the well,
pure milk from a self-nourished and served cow, (or at least from a cow not
fed with meat or hormones), curd, ghee, honey, panchamrit, vermilion
mixed in sesame oil, red sandal paste, red flowers, sacred thread, betal nut,
jaggery, coconut, five-wicked ghee flame, and astagandha.
Appropriate Atmosphere for Anjaneya Meditation:
Make a decent, fascinating alter for Anjaneya . Spend as much as you can
to decorate the place. Miserliness Anjaneya ji dislikes. On your alter place a
statue/picture of Anjaneya ji that appeals to your heart the most. You can
keep a picture/statue of Lord Rama or SitaRama both. No other pictures or
statues are allowed.
For instant attainment of your goal, place a yantra called Veer-Vikram-
Hanumanta-Yantra which is inscribed on a copper plate. It has to be
awakened and energized by a certain spiritual process. For protection from
outer and inner obstacles, keep Anjaneya -Mudrika right in front of you.

How to Start Hanuman Meditation:

On the day of your sadhana, please take a nice bath. Be sure that in your
shampoo, hair conditioner, lotion, and soap, that there are no animal
ingredients, and they were not tested on animals. After bathing, wear red
clothes. Sit facing the North, facing Anjaneya ji on the alter, who should be
facing South. The worship place should be cleaned with cow-dung and clay
mixed with water, or with some all-natural, environmentally friendly, anti-
bacterial cleanser. Make the alter and sprinkle vermilion over it. Then place
Anjaneya Yantra and Anjaneya Mudrika on a heap of sesame. Now the
atmosphere is ready. Start your worship....
Take water in your right hand and read the sankalpa: Mention your name,
father's name, purpose of this worship on this particular day, and say: May
Lord Sri Anjaneya shower his mercy on me.
Remember the most holy man in your life. Sit in Veer-mudra. Kindle a ghee
flame. Bathe the yantra and mudrika with water and smear vermilion paste.
Put a dot the size of your thumb on your pineal gland too (after first
offering some paste to Anjaneya ji). Offer red flowers and worship lovingly;
then invoke Him with the following mantra:
Aum namo hanumantày àvesaya àvesaya svàhà.
Chant one round of this mantra on your 108 bead mala. Then chant the seed
Aum hum hum hsoum hasphroum hum hum hanumate namah.
Chant this daily, for as many malas as possible.
Sing this song of Hanuman Meditation whenever you are happy:
udyanmàrtandakoti prakat ruchiyutam
chàru vìràsanastham
mounjì yajno pavìtà runa ruchir sikhà
sobhitam kundalànkam
bhaktànàmistadam tàm
pranat muni janam vedanàda pramodam
dhyàyed nityam vidheyam plavagakulapatim
gospadì bhùtavàrìm
“I meditate on Sri Hanumanji, who is shining like the rising sun of the a golden
dawn. Seated in valor pose, wearing red sacred thread, dazzling crown of bright
gold, and large dangling earrings on both sides. He rejoices at the sound of the
recitation of the Vedas. He is fond of fulfilling the desires of his devotees as well as
taking them in his lap, and leaping over the world of misery and problems as
comfortably as a ditch made by a cow's hoof. I love to meditate on Hanumanji with
all my heart, all my soul, and all my life. it is so...”
For advanced Anjaneya Meditations, please look into these Sanskrit books:
Hanuman Bahuk, Maruti Stotra, Hanumad Upàsanà, Hanumat Shatak,
Paisàchabhàsyam Stotram, Kusumànjali, Mantra Maharnava, Mantra Mahodadhi,

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