LG Project Report

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Submitted partial fulfillment of the training and development of the

awards of degree in Bachelor of Business Administration
Session 2016-2017
Under the guidance of : Submitted By:

Roll No:- 25844

D.A.V Centenary College

NH-3, N.I.T .(Faridabad )Haryana

A summer trainee’s life is never easy. Often viewed as an overtly inquisitive outside,
he/she is believed to be more of a hindrance than an asset by many organizations. The
industry guide who is often a middle level manager finds little time to spend with the
trainee amidst his/her heavy schedule of tasks, deadlines to meet and “BOSSES” to
lease. However I did not have any horrid time tanks to my institution and industry

Many people were instrumental in enabling me to complete and compile this project
on time and as I reflect on the most fulfilling times of my life, it is a moment for me
to extend my deed sense of gratitude, respect and sincere thanks to all those who
extended their help and gave guidance to me at every stage of my project.

I offer my special thanks to Mr. anish mongia(Human Resource),LG Electronic

India Pvt.Ltd. Who gave me the guidance, motivation and leadership during my
project and also for installing in me a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence

I would acknowledge and humbly thank the management of the Organization for
providing me with resources like internet, books, journals, etc to facilitate my learning
on this topic.
Last but not the least, my appreciation goes to my family and my friends who
believed in my capabilities and encouraged me during this project.

In the global and competitive area, all business activity needs are more superior and
enhanced technology

The LG Industry has grown tremendously in past few year. In the present scenario the
industry has become more consumers oriented.

Cost Optimization becomes a necessity for business activity to accelerate the

business in a greater pace. Study of different network cost helps the management in
decision making, as well as to know the strength and weakness of an organization and
the product, which helps in the formation of business plan.

So it was a great pleasure to contribute to the dynamic field of LG Industry. The study
of Network cost gives management extra edged to stand in the cut throat competition.
Network cost is something controllable where Management can do a lot and try to
delight the ultimate customer. Also it has a great significance role for organization to
evaluate its Policy and enhanced their position in the market. This report tries to look
in the relationship between organization-vendor, organization-customer, which is as
important system as nerve system in human body. The Network cost study was carried
out at noidaoffic with the help of many senior mentors who are presently working in
the organization.

Chapter no. TOPIC PAGE NO.

1 Introduction to the study

2 Company profile

3 Review of Literature

4 Research Methodology
A- Objectives of the study
B- Scope of the study
C- Research Design
D- Limitations of the study
5 Data Analysis and Interpretation
6 Conclusions & Suggestions

7 Bibliography

8 Annexure



Training and development play an important role in the effectiveness organisations
and to the experiences of people in work. Training has implications for productivity,
health and safety at work and personal development. All organisations employing
people need to train and develop their staff. Most organisations are cognisant of this
requirement and invest effort and other resources in training and development. Such
investment can take the form of employing specialist training and development staff
and paying salaries to staff undergoing training and development. Investment in
training and Development entails obtaining and maintaining space and equipment. It
also means that operational personnel, employed in the organisation’s main business
functions, such as production, maintenance, sales, marketing and management
support, must also direct their attention and effort from time to time towards
supporting training development and delivery. This means they are required to give
less attention to activities that are obviously more productive in terms of the
organisation’s main business. However, investment in training and development is
generally regarded as good management practice to maintain appropriate expertise
now and in the future.

Meaning of training
According to Edwin B.Flippo, “Training is the act of increasing the knowledgeand
skill of an employee for doing a particular job.

Meaning of development
According to Edwin B.Flippo, “Management development includes the process by
which the managers and executives acquire not only skill and competency in their
present jobs but also capabilities for future managerial tasks of increasing difficulty
and scope’’.

Aims and objectives

• Relate concepts and principles from the psychology of training and development
to real occupational issues in order to make a constructive contribution to
• Recognize the psychological assumptions made in making training and
development decisions and to manage these assumptions appropriately.
• Appreciate the contextual factors of real organisations and work situations that
affect decisions concerning the application of training and development concepts.
• Provide a basis for making useful training interventions within organisations and
evaluating such interventions.
In doing these things, this learning material aims to enable students to develop
appropriate understanding of using occupational psychology within organisations with
respect to issues of training and development.

The benefits of training can be summed up as:

1. Improves morale of employees- Training helps the employee to get job

security and job satisfaction. The more satisfied the employee is and the
greater is his morale, the more he will contribute to organizational success and
the lesser will be employee absenteeism and turnover.

2. Less supervision- A well trained employee will be well acquainted with the
job and will need less of supervision. Thus, there will be less wastage of time
and efforts.

3. Fewer accidents- Errors are likely to occur if the employees lack knowledge
and skills required for doing a particular job. The more trained an employee is,
the less are the chances of committing accidents in job and the more proficient
the employee becomes.

4. Chances of promotion- Employees acquire skills and efficiency during

training. They become more eligible for promotion. They become an asset for
the organization.

5. Increased productivity- Training improves efficiency and productivity of

employees. Well trained employees show both quantity and quality
performance. There is less wastage of time, money and resources if employees
are properly trained.


Any training and development programme must contain inputs which enable the
participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look
into the distant future.

Training, as was stated earlier, is imparting skills to employees. A worker needs skills
to operate machines, and use other equipments with least damage or scrap. This is
a basic skill without which the operator will not be able to function. There is also the
need for motor skills. Motor skills refer to performance of specific physical activities.
The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts and develop a sense of
reasoning and judgment.

Another component of a training and development is development which is less skill
oriented but stressed on knowledge. Knowledge about business environment,
management principles and techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis
and the like is useful for better management of the company.

There is need for imparting greater ethical orientation to a training and development
programme. There is no denial of the fact that ethics are largely ignored in businesses.
Unethical practices abound in marketing, finance and production function in an

Attitudinal Changes
Attitudes represent feeling and beliefs of individuals towards others. Attitude affects
motivation, satisfaction and job commitment. Negative attitudes need to be converted
into positive attitudes. Changing negative attitudes is difficult because;
1. Employees refuse to changes
2. They have prior commitments
3. And information needed to change attitudes may not be sufficient
Nevertheless, attitude must be changed so that employees feel committed to the
organization, are motivated for better performance, and derive satisfaction from there
jobs and the work environment

Decisions Making and Problem Solving Skills

Decision making skill and problem solving skills focus on method and techniques for
making organizational decisions and solving work-related problems.

The main characteristics of a training programme are:

(i) Its objectives and scope are clearly defined.

(ii) The training techniques are related directly to the needs and objectives of the

(iii)It employs accepted principles of learning.

(iv) As far as possible, it is conducted in the actual job environment.

Need of Training

Individual level

 Diagnosis of present problems and future challenges

 Improve individual performance or fix up performance deficiency
 Improve skills or knowledge or any other problem
 To anticipate future skill-needs and prepare employee to handle more
challenging tasks
 To prepare for possible job transfers
Group level

 To face any change in organization strategy at group levels

 When new products and services are launched
 To avoid scraps and accident rates
 1. Identifying Training Needs
Training need is a difference between standard performance and actual
performance .Hence, it tries to bridge the gap between standard performance
and actual performance. The gap clearly underlines the need for training of
employees. Hence, under this phase, the gap is identified in order to assess the
training needs.

 2. Establish Specific Objectives

After the identification of training needs, the must crucial task is to determine
the objectives of training. Hence, the primary purpose of training should focus
to bridge the gap between standard performance and actual performance. This
can be done through setting training objectives. Thus, basic objective of
training is to bring proper match between man and the job.

 3. Select Appropriate Methods

Training methods are desired means of attaining training objectives. After the
determination of training needs and specification of objectives, an appropriate
training method is to be identified and selected to achieve the stated
objectives. There are number of training methods available but their suitability
is judged as per the need of organizational training needs.

 4. Implement Programs
After the selection of an appropriate method, the actual functioning takes
place. Under this step, the prepared plans and programs are implemented to
get the desired output. Under it, employees are trained to develop for better
performance of organizational activities.

 5. Evaluate Program
It consists of an evaluation of various aspects of training in order to know
whether the training program was effective. In other words, it refers to the
training utility in terms of effect of training onemployes' performance.

 6. Feedback
Finally, a feedback mechanism is created in order to identify the weak areas in
the training program and improve the same in future. For this purpose,
information relating to class room, food, lodging etc. are obtained from
participants. The obtained information, then, tabulated, evaluated, and
analyzed in order to mark weak areas of training programs and for future


Training Development

1. Training means learning skills and knowledge for 1. Development refers to the growth
doing a particular job and increases skills required for of an employee in all respects. It is
a job. more concerned with shaping the
2. Training generally imparts specific skills to the attitudes.
2. Development is more general in nature
3. Training is concerned with maintaining and and aims at overall growth of the
improving current job performance. Thus, it has a executives.
short-term perspective. 3. Development builds up
competences for future performance
4. Training is job centered in nature. and has a long-term perspective
5. The role of trainer or supervisor is very important in
training. .
4. Development is career-centered in

5. All development is ‘self-

development’ and the executive has to
be internally motivated for the same.



The Profile of Electronics Industry in India:

India is the fifth largest economy in the world and has the second largest gross
domestic product among the emerging economies. Owing to its large population, the
potential consumer demand is ever increasing and consequently under appropriate
conditions, strong growth performance can be expected. The liberalization of the
Indian economy that began in 1991 has started changing regulatory, financial, and
monetary policies leading to a higher pace of growth. The software industry in India
is already a world leader. The electronics industry is likely to follow.

In India, the demand of video products, such as color televisions (CTVs), VCD/DVD
players, and set-top boxes account for 90% of the consumer electronic market. Easy
availability of finance is an important factor driving growth for consumer electronics
market. Some companies are also taking advantage of this factor by teaming up with
banks to offer attractive loan schemes to consumers. According to suppli projects
(India market intelligent service), consumer electronics industry in India is growing at
a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11%.The electronic industry in India
constitutes just 0.7 % of the global electronic industry. Hence it is miniscule by
international comparison. However the demand in the Indian market is growing
rapidly and investments are flowing in to augment manufacturing capacity. India
however remains a major importer of electronic materials, components and finished
equipment amounting to over US$12 Billion in 2005. This is not a desirable situation
and local manufacturing has to keep pace with growing local demand. The output of
the Electronic Hardware Industry in India is worth $11.6 Billion at present. The
breakup of production in various segments the industry is as shown below:

India is also an exporter of a vast range of electronic components and products for the
following segments -
1) Display technologies
2) Entertainment electronics
3) Optical Storage devices
4) Passive components
5) Electromechanical components
6) Telecom equipment
7) Transmission & Signaling equipment
8) Semiconductor designing
9) Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS)

The Indian Electronics Industry is slated to grow at an amazing pace for years to
come. According to a study by Ernst and Young titled “India: The Hardware
Opportunity" the Indian hardware industry has the potential to achieve revenues of
$62 billion by 2010, wherein the domestic market will account for $37 billion and
exports for another $25 billion. India is the fourth largest economy in the world, its
consumption of electronics goods recorded at $12 billion in 2003 is anticipated to
grow at a startling pace. The population of India exceeds a billion, and according to
iSuppli, the nation is projected to have a gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate of
6 percent in 2005. With the growth of the Indian middle class and the income levels,
electronics industry (the hardware industry) is slated to grow at record levels.
In accordance with the study, the main challenge for the industry lies in the
orientation and path it takes in the years to come. The domestic Indian industry is
growing at rapid pace and to grow six-seven fold in six years is an ideal situation but
very challenging. The exports are targeting mostly the new areas of hardware
manufacturing. The contract manufacturing industry all over the world is slated to
grow to $ 500 billion by 2010 and the report suggests that India might corner $11
billion of the market, a mere 2.2%. The rest of the revenue will come from other
activities such as designing and related exports plus components exports. Depending
on the outlook, analysts have been pessimistic and optimistic on this report, whereby
the optimists are looking beyond the sales figures quoted here. Though China is slated
to pick up chunk of the share for contract manufacturing, India is also fast emerging
favorite amongst the FDIs as a target destination. Though China is the favorite India is
closing in on number three for 2004 plus India is favored for its high tech prowess and
it has already cornered a major chunk of the software contracting work. But before we
get too optimistic on India’s potential, there are some bottlenecks that have to be
taken care by EnterpriseIndia if it wants to succeed.SaysVinayDeshpande, president
of MAIT, “There are four key steps which we need to take to make India a
manufacturing-friendly country. Firstly, market India as a hardware destination and
build a brand akin to software. Making India manufacturing friendly through
improvements in infrastructure and logistics should follow this. We should also
emphasize on design and innovation through the development of Indian solutions for
Indian needs. All these initiatives need to be backed up by the government with
adequate funds.” But the investment requirements to realize potential opportunities
are expected to be about $9 billion and India’s track record in attracting Foreign
Direct Investments (FDI) is not something India can boast of. But to see whether
India becomes a major exporter of electronic components, in a league that will be
headed by none other than most attractive FDI destination, China, all depends on their
ability to improve infrastructure and attract the required capital investments through
FDIs.Major challenges facing the Indian electronic manufacturing market are an
infrastructure that needs to be improved at the earliest possibility, easing of foreign
investment procedures, which is underway, and a restructured government tariff that
now makes domestically manufactured goods more expensive than imported goods
with zero tariff,” says Bryan Wang, In-Stat analyst.


LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of LG Electronics, South

Korea was established in January, 1997 after clearance from the Foreign Investment
Promotion Board (FIPB). The trend of beating industry norms started with the fastest
ever-nationwide launch by LG in a period of 4 and 1/2 months with the
commencement of operations in May 1997. LG set up a state-of-the art manufacturing
facility at Greater Noida, near Delhi, in 1998, with an investment of Rs 500 Crores.
This facility manufactured Colour Televisions, Washing Machines, Air-Conditioners
and Microwave Ovens. During the year 2001, LG also commenced the home
production for its eco-friendly Refrigerators and established its assembly line for its
PC Monitors at its Greater Noida manufacturing unit. The beginning of 2003 saw the
roll out of the first locally manufactured Direct Cool Refrigerator from the plant at
Greater Noida .In 2006, LGEIL also up its second Greenfield manufacturing units in
Pune, Maharashtra that commences operations in October this year. Covering over 50
acres, the facility manufactures Color Televisions, Air Conditioners, Refrigerators,
Washing Machines Microwave Ovens Color Monitors and GSM phones.The Greater
Noida manufacturing unit line has been designed with the latest technologies at par
with international standards at Korea and is one of the most Eco-friendly units
amongst all LG manufacturing plants in the world .LG has been able to craft out in
eight years, a premium brand positioning in the Indian market and is today the most
preferred brand in the segment. Various studies have shown that the consumer is well
informed on the health awareness front. LG was one of the first companies who
recognized the emerging change in consumer needs and decided to differentiate their
products on the basis of technology which appealed to the consumer on the basis of
health benefits. Its vision was to become a 'Health Partner' for its consumers
worldwide and therefore formulated its corporate philosophy to make peoples' lives
better, convenient and healthier. The CTV range offered by LG has 'Golden Eye'
technology, which senses the light levels in the room and adjusts the picture to make it
more comfortable for the eyes. The entire range of LG air-conditioners have 'Health
Air System', which not just cools, but keeps pollution out. Similarly, microwave
ovens have the 'Health Wave System', refrigerators have the 'PN System', which
preserve the nutrition in food and washing machines have 'Fabricare System', which
takes the health factor down to

ones clothes. All the products offered by the company have unique technologies,
developed by its R&D departments that give customers a healthier environment to
live-in.The year 2012 witnessed LG becoming the fastest growing company in the
consumer electronics, home appliances and computer peripherals industry. The
company had till the month of October 2012 achieved a cumulative turnover of Rs
5000 Crores in India since its inception in 1997, making it the fastest ever Rs 5000
Crores clocked by any company in the Indian consumer electronics and home
appliances industry. Having achieved this milestone, LG achieved another benchmark
with the first ever sales of One Lakh ACs (Windows and Splits) in a calendar
year.InColour Televisions having set the sales target of one million units of Colour
Televisions for 2006, LG has already achieved the one million mark in the month
ahead of its target. In 2012, LG has emerged as the leader in Colour Televisions, Semi
Automatic Washing Machines, Air Conditioners, Frost-Free Refrigerators and
Microwaves Ovens. In the year 2012, LGEIL achieved unprecedented sales efficiency
both in Direct Cool and Frost Free segment and sold more than 1 million units of
refrigeratorsoutperformingindustexpectation.LG India has also been taking on a slew
of initiatives as a part of Corporate Social Responsibility. LGEIL is proud to have
adopted about 24 villages around our Greater Noida facility. LG extends Free Medical
Care, which comprises of free check ups and a free distribution of medicines on a
daily basis. LGEIL is also generating self-employment opportunities for the people in
the form of tailoring, knitting etc. in addition to all this, LG also sends veterinary
doctors regularly to these villages. Besides all this, LG India is one of the very few
companies in the country that has an internal Energy, Environment, Safety and Health
Department. This function caters to activities like Energy Conservation,
Environmental Issues, Work Place Fire and Safety as well as Occupational Health for
the benefit of the employees.

LG’s vision is to bring the ‘smiling face’ to every home cross the globe.
The smiling face logo symbolizes five key concepts world, future, youth Human and
Technology. LG believes that an effective combination of these elements for the
organization. LGE has been exploring ways to develop, combine, apply technologies
that would customize products and services to meet customer needs and exceed their
expectations LGE is performing this task by identifying its focus on R&D centers.LG
Electronics vision for the 21st century is to become a true global digital leader
through fast growth and fast innovation and to be known as a company who can make
its worldwide customers happy through its innovative digital products and services.
LG Electronics has set its mid-term and long-term goal to rank among the top 3
electronics, information, and telecommunication firms in the world by 2010. We aim
to utilize our core capabilities of product leadership, market leadership and people
leadership and enhance our corporate culture of team work and fun workplace to
achieve our mission of becoming "2 by 10", that is, double our sales volume and
profit by year 2010.

The training department of the Company is confronted with the following problems:

1. There is no regular training schedule for the officers and staff.

2. The training given to the employees is not standardized.
3. No work-study has been done on the requirement of training.
4. No in-house training programmes have been conducted.


The SWOT analysis of the company refers to the strengths & weaknesses inherent in
the organization & the opportunities & threats faced by them from the environment,
internal as well as external. This analysis is the foundation stone of the strategic
planning process as well as short-term plans needed to attain the strategic objective of
the organization. The analysis has been done in order to have a better understanding
of the organization. The information given by the organization has been used to carry
out the analysis. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats identified are
enumerated as follows:


1. The business structure is divisionalised to achieve a focus at the market.

2. Highly advanced production facilities.

3. High quality product with competitively low prices with proven results.

4. In terms of training needs, the Company deputes its officers and staff regularly
on various training programmes.

1. Limited product exports.
2. Limited product portfolio.

3. In terms of training needs, the Company does not have systematic training

1. Vast market for the exports.

2. Ample scope for the product diversification.

3. Vast potential in tapping new sales territories.

4. Scope for entering in the strong rural market.

5. In terms of training needs, the Company can formulate in-house training

programmes for its officers and staff.

1. Severe competition from the existing competitors.

2. Competition from small scale regional players.

3. The Company may loose highly trained staff to its competitors.



Training is one of the processes required to turn new members of an organization into
“productive insiders”.

“Training is a process of transmitting and receiving information related to problem

solving.” Halloram

“Training is the international act of providing means for learning to take place.”
Proctor and Thornton

“Training is a means to educate somewhat narrowly mainly by instruction, drill and

Discipline. It is referred as applying principally to the improvement of skills and
hence to learning how to perform specific tasks.” Yoder

“Training is being defined as an act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an

employee for doing a particular job. It is concerned with imparting specific skills for
particular purposes. Training is aimed at learning a skill by a prescribed method of
application of a technique.” Tripth

“Training is the formal procedure which a company utilizes to facilitate learning so

that the resultant behaviour contributes to the attainment of the company’s goals and
objectives.” Mc Ghee and Thayer
Thus, training refers to the efforts made on the part of the trainer who facilitates
learning on the part of the training to increasing skills knowledge and perfection in a
specific task for efficiency economy and satisfaction. Upon reviewing the variety of
definition of training available the following characteristics can be listed as key
elements for effective training.

1. Effective training is the learning experience

2. Effective training is a planned organizational activity
3. Effective training is a response to identified needs.

Training enables employees to demonstrate new concepts, build skills, solve difficult
interpersonal relationship and technical problems or gain insight into behavior
accepted as “the way things are”. A key assumption of training is that by giving
employees skill and insight for identifying and defining organizational problems,
individual will have greater capacity to change unproductive and unsatisfying
organizational structures and processes. It is a catalytic process that depends largely
on the abilities of informed and skilled members to develop their tools for charge.
However, the individual abilities must be simultaneously supported by organizational
accountability so that, participants use their abilities to the hilt to learn from the
training programmes and transfer those learning to the workplace and is technically
termed as the transfer of training effects. It is basically the process of increasing the
knowledge and skills for doing a particular job; an organized procedure by which
people gain knowledge and skill for a definite purpose.


Employee training is a specialized function and is one of the fundamental

operative functions of Human Resource Management.

Acc to FLIPPO,
“Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an
employee for doing a particular job.”It is a short-term educational process and
utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which employees learn technical
knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.Training refers to the organization’s
efforts to improve an individual’s ability to perform a job or organizational role. It can
be defined as a learning experience in which it seeks a relative permanent change in
an individual that would improve his ability to perform the job.


Training and development go hand in hand and are often used synonymously
but there is a difference between them.

Training is the process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. It is an

application of knowledge. It gives people an awareness of the rules and procedures to
guide their behavior. It intends to improve their performance on the current job and
prepares them for an intended job.

Development is a related process. It covers not only those activities, which improve
job performance, but also those, which bring about growth of the personality. It helps
individual in the progress towards maturity and actualization of potential capabilities
so that they canbecome not only good employees but better human beings.


 Motivation
Learning is enhanced when the learner is motivated. Learning experience must be
designed so learners can see how it will help in achieving the goals of the
organization. Effectiveness of training depends on motivation.

 Feedback
Training requires feedback. It is required so the trainee can correct his mistakes. Only
getting information about how he is doing to achieve goals, he can correct the

 Reinforcement
The principle of reinforcement tells the behaviors that are positively reinforced are
encouraged and sustained. It increases the likelihood that a learned behavior well be

 Practice
Practice increases a trainee’s performance. When the trainees practice actually, they
gain confidence and are less likely to make errors or to forget what they have learned.

 Individual Differences
Individual training is costly. Group training is advantageous to the organization.
Individuals vary in intelligence and aptitude from person to person. Training must be
geared to the intelligence and aptitude of individual trainee.


 To increase productivity
An instructor can help employees increase their level of performance on their
assignment. Increase in human performance leads to increase in the operational
productivity and also the increase in the profit of the company.

 To improve quality
Better-trained workers are less likely to make operational mistakes. It can be in
relationship to the company or in reference to the intangible organizational
employment atmosphere.

 To help a company fulfill its future personnel needs

The organizations having good internal training and development programmers’ will
have to make less changes and adjustments. When the need arises, vacancies can be
easily staffed.

 To improve organizational climate

An endless chain of positive reactions result from a well planned training programme.

 To improve health and safety

Proper training can prevent industrial accidents. A safer atmosphere leads to more
stable attitudes on part of the employees.

 Obsolescence prevention
Training and development programmers’ foster the initiative and creativity of
employees and can help prevent manpower obsolescence.

 Personal growth
Employees on a personal basis gain individually from their exposure to educational
expressions. Training programmers’ give them wider awareness and skills.


1. To impart to the new entrants the basic knowledge and skills they need for
definite tasks.
2. To assist employees to function more effectively in their present positions by
exposing them to new concepts.
3. To build a line of competent people and prepare them to occupy more
responsible positions.
4. To reduce the supervision time, wastage and spoilage of new material.
5. To reduce the defects and minimize the industrial accidents.
6. To ensure the economical output of the required quality.
7. To prevent obsolescence.
8. To promote individual and collective morale, responsibility and cooperative
attitudes etc.


Training is required for several purposes. Accordingly training programmes

may be of the following types:
 Orientation training: Induction or orientation training seeks to adjust newly
appointed employees to the work environment. Every new employee needs to be
made fully familiar with his job, his superiors and subordinates and with the rules
and regulations of the organization. Induction training creates self-confidence in
the employees. It is also knows as pre-job training. It is brief and informative.
 Job training: It refers to the training provided with a view to increase the
knowledge and skills of an employee for performance on the job. Employees may
be taught the correct methods of handling equipment and machines used in a job.
Such training helps to reduce accidents, waste and inefficiency in the performance
of the job.

 Safety training: Training provided to minimize accidents and damage to

machinery is known as safety training. It involves instruction in the use of safety
devices and in safety consciousness.

 Promotional training: It involves training of existing employees to enable them

to perform higher-level jobs. Employees with potential are selected and they are
given training before their promotion, so that they do not find it difficult to
shoulder the higher responsibilities of the new positions to which they are

 Refresher training: When existing techniques become obsolete due to the

development of better techniques, employees have to be trained in the use of new
methods and techniques. With the passage of time employee may forget some of
the methods of doing work. Refresher training is designed to revive and refresh
the knowledge and to update the skills of the existing employees. Short-term
refresher courses have become popular on account of rapid changes in technology
and work methods. Refresher or re-training programmes are conducted to avoid
obsolescence of knowledge and skills.

 Remedial training: Such training is arranged to overcome the shortcoming in the

behaviour and performance of old employees. Some of the experienced employees
might have picked up appropriate methods and styles of working. Such employees
are identified and correct work methods and procedures are taught to them.
Psychological experts should conduct remedial training.

Data Gathering/
Data Gathering
 Evaluation

Solicit Facilities transfer of

Establish objective
Feed- learning Perform Training

Identify resources Plan objectives

Develop curriculum

Fig3.1- Sequential Model of

an effective Training Process

This model reveals some of the biases, beliefs and philosophies concerning how
training should be conducted in an organization.





Fig 3.2- Methods of Training

 On-the-job techniques

On the job techniques enables managers to practice management skills, make

mistakes and learn from their mistakes under the guidance of an experienced,
competent manager. Some of the methods are as:
 Job Rotation: It is also referred to as cross straining. It involves placing an employee
on different jobs for periods of time ranging from a few hours to several weeks. At
lower job levels, it normally consumes a short period, such as few hours or one or two
days. At higher job levels, it may consume much larger periods because staff trainees
may be learning complex functions and responsibilities. Job rotation for managers
usually involves temporary assignments that may range from several months to one or
more years in various departments, plants and offices.Job rotation for trainees
involves several short-term assignments, that touch a variety of skills and gives the
trainees a greater understanding of how various work areas function.For middle and
upper level management, it serves a slightly different function. At this stage, it
involves lateral promotions, which last for one or more years. It involves
move to different work environment so that manager may develop competence in
general management decision-making skills.

 Enlarged and enriched job responsibilities: By giving an employee added job

duties, and increasing the autonomy and responsibilities associated with the job,
the firm allows an employee to learn a lot about the job, department and

 Job instruction training: It is also known as step-by-step training. Here, the

trainer explains the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job knowledge and skills
and allows him to do the job. The trainer appraises the performance of the trainee,
provides feedback information and corrects the trainee. In simple words, it
involves preparation, presentation, performance, and tryout and follow up.

 Coaching: The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who functions as a

coach in training the individual. The supervisor provides the feedback to the
trainee on his performance and offers him some suggestions for improvement.
Often the trainee shares some duties and responsibilities of the coach and relives
him of his burden.
A drawback is that the trainee may not have the freedom or opportunity to express his
own ideas.
 Committee assignments: Here in, a group of trainees are given and asked to
solve an actual organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly.
This develops team work and group cohesiveness feelings amongst the trainees.

 Off-the-job training

It includes anything performed away from the employee’s job area or immediate work
area. Two broad categories of it are:

In house programmes
These are conducted within the organizations own training facility; either by training
specialists from HR department or by external consultant or a combination of both.

Off-site programmes
It is held elsewhere and sponsored by an educational institution, a professional
association, a government agency or an independent training and development firm.

The various off- the- job-training programmes are as follows:

 Vestibule training: Herein, actual work conditions are simulated in a classroom.

Material, files and equipment those are used in actual job performance are also
used in training. This type of training is commonly used for training personnel for
clerical and semiskilled jobs. The duration of this training ranges from few days to
a few weeks. Theory can be related to practice in this method.

 Role-playing: It is defined as a method of human interaction that involves

realistic behaviour in imaginary situations. This method involves action doing and
practice. The participants play the role of certain characters, such as production
manager, HR manager, foreman, workers etc. This method is mostly used for
developing interpersonal interactions and relations.

 Lecture method: The lecture is a traditional and direct method of instruction.

The instruction organizes the material and gives it to the group of trainees in the
form of a talk. To be effective, the lecture must motivate and create interest among
the trainees. An advantage of this method is that it is direct and can be used for a
large group of trainees.

 Conference or discussion: It is a method in training the clerical, professional and

supervisory personnel. It involves a group of people who pose ideas, examine and
share facts and data, test assumptions and draw conclusions, all of which
contribute to the improvement of job performance. It has an advantage that it
involves two-way communication and hence feedback is provided.

 The participants feel free to speak in small groups. Success depends upon the
leadership qualities of the person who leads the group.

 Programmed instruction: This method has become popular in recent years. The
subject matter to be learned is presented in a series of carefully planned sequential
units. These units are arranged from simple to mere complex levels of
instructions. The trainee goes through these units by answering questions or filling
the blanks. This method is expensive and time consuming.


Executives are the people who shape the policies, make the decisions and see
their implementation in any business organization. They are the president, the vice-
president, the managing director, works manager, plant superintendent, controller,
treasurer, office managers, engineers, directors of functions such as purchasing,
research, personnel, legal, marketing etc.
Executive development may be stated as the application of planned efforts for raising
the performance standards of high level managers, and for improving the attitudes and
activities that enter into or influence their work and their work relations.

Executive Development Process

Following are the steps, which are involved in the development process of executives:

 Objectives
The first and foremost step is to define the long- term objectives of training and
development of executives.

 Strength and weakness

An inventory of managers is taken with special focus on their strength in terms of
managerial skills and other attributes. Their unique capabilities, specialist knowledge
and achievements are listed down against each. A comparison with the requirement of
the organization will bring the gap in knowledge and skills of existing executive. This
is the weakness.

 Long- range plans

Here the management prepares long-term training and development plans for their
executives, which include the annual training targets, the annual budgets and the
specific area of training.

 Short- term programme

This programme specify the duration, starting time, ending time, number of
executives being trained, identify the resources etc.

 Implementation
The training programme envisaged before is put into operation. The actual training is
initiated by proper timetable and other arrangements.

 Evaluation
In this step, the effectiveness of the executive training programme is evaluated by
measuring the improved performance of executives who underwent the programme,
on their job. There are various criteria of measuring effectiveness such as validity,
reliability etc.


An Investor in People evaluates the investment in training and development to
assess achievement and improve future effectiveness.

Kearns(1994) suggests that there are four groups of ‘measures’ of training

effectiveness, which are used by organization. The groups are as follows:

- No Measurement
- Subjective Measures
- Qualitative Measures
- Objective Measures

The first group, in which no real measurement occurs, includes activities undertaken
as an “Act of Faith”, where no form of measurement is attempted, such as initiatives
to improve communications in organization, which seem to make people feel good
and appear to have worked in some intangible manner.

The second group includes subjective responses from trainees/course

delegates, as exemplified by the “Happy Sheet”. The main question asked is about
how individuals feel after the training. Organizations often make the assumption that
positive responses indicate training success and therefore value to the organization.
However, course delegates may well give strong positive response scores for a
number of reasons, including the presentational skills of the trainer, the quality of the
venue, and the “feel good” factor of indulging in a creative work group, and so on.
Quality measures appear to be more objective than the previous group, but are often
flawed by subjectivity as well. They are typified by questionnaires asking delegates to
“put a value on” the likely benefits of a training programme.Objective measures are
the only really meaningful ones. However, they challenge the provider of training to
demonstrate how their training activities feed through to the “bottom line”: in terms of
return on investment and return on the capital employed. There has often been an
assumption, in times past, that training somehow “justifies itself”, because it is all
about developing people. However, it is incumbent on organizations to look critically
at the ways in which they evaluate their training activities, lest they fall prey to the
subject approach and are badly caught out when a rigorous analysis of all the
functions of the organization’s business is called for. A desirable, if not essential,
characteristic of all training programmes is a built-in provision for evaluation. The
four main dimensions of evaluation are:

 Evaluation of contextual factors

Training effectiveness depends not only on what happens during training, but
also on what happens before the actual training and what happens after the training
has formally ended. Evaluation should, therefore, be done of both the pre-training and
post-training work. Pre- training work includes proper identification of training needs,
developing criteria of who should be sent for training, how many at a time and in
what sequence, helping people to volunteer for training, building expectations of
prospective participants from training etc. Post- training work includes helping the
concerned managers to plan to utilize the participant’s training, and provide the
needed support to them, building linkages between the training section and the line
departments and so on.

 Evaluation of training inputs

This involves the evaluation of the training curriculum and its sequencing.
 Evaluation of the training process
The climate of the training organization, the relationship between participants
and trainers, the general attitude, and approaches of the trainers, training methods, etc
are some of the important elements of the training process which also needs to be
 Evaluation of training outcomes
Measuring the carry-home value of a training programme in terms of what has
been achieved and how much is the main task of evaluation. This, however, is a
complex technical and professional task. Benefits of a training programme are not
obvious and they are not readily measurable. Payoffs from training are intangible and
rather slow to become apparent. A central problem is the absence of objective criteria
and specific definitions of relevant variables by which to measure the effectiveness
either of specific programmes or changes in employee behavior. Nevertheless, the
good personnel managers do make an effort to systematically appraise the benefits
and results of their programmes.In job-related training, the objective is to train people
for specific job skills so that their productivity may increase. Evaluation can be done
either to the direct criterion of increase in output or to the indirect criteria of decrease
in cost, breakage or rejects. Even more indirect are measures that point out changes in
absenteeism or turnover. The most difficult problems of evaluation lie in the area of
human relations skill training, which is given to the supervisors and middle- level
managers. Supervisory and managerial training programmes are, for this reason, less
amenable to objective review procedures. Much subjectivity enters into evaluations of
these programmes, since exact standards and criteria are hard to devise.


The process of evaluating the training effectiveness involves the consideration of
various constraints. Many researchers have developed various methods and models in
order to facilitate this process. Some of the models are described as below: -


Developed originally by WARR (1978), this theoretical model is based on evaluation

being carried out at four different levels:

Context Evaluation: Obtaining and using information about the current operational
context i.e. about individual difficulties, organizational deficiencies etc. in practice,
this mainly implies the assessment of training needs as a basis for decision. This
 Examining the expectations and perceptions of the people.
 Examining whether the training needs were accurately identified.
 Putting the specific training event in the wider context of other training activities.
 Establishing whether the trainers enjoyed the confidence of the trainees and
whether the latter are comfortable with the level and focus of the training.

Input Evaluation: Determine using factor and opinion about the available human and
material training resources in order to choose between alternative training methods.
This involves:
 Establishing the adequacy of the resource base and its cost.
 Considering the choice and effectiveness of the training methods and techniques.
 Identifying the numbers who successfully completed the program compared with
those who started and draw appropriate inferences.
 Establishing whether the trainers were perceived to be credible as far as the
trainees are concerned.
 Establishing whether the psychological and emotional climate of learning was

Reaction Evaluation: Monitoring the training as it is in progress. This involves

continuous examination of administrative arrangements and feedback from trainees.
This involves:
 Looking at the reactions of trainees to the content and method of training.
 Establishing the reaction of other people, particularly line managers to the early
results of the training program.
 Discussing the views and observations of the trainers.

Outcomes: It implies the measuring of the consequences of training. This involves:

 Establishing whether expectations of results were met.
 Identifying whether all or some of the learning objectives were met.
 Finding out what were the end course views about the training.

The three levels of outcome evaluation may be distinguished:

 Immediate Outcomes: The changes in the trainee’s knowledge, skills and
attitude that can be identified immediately after the completion of training.
The aim here is to find out the extent to which positive transfer of learning has
taken place from the training to the workplace. This type of evaluation may be
done in several ways such as behaviourally anchored rating scales or self
repots supplemented by reports of subordinates, peers and supervisors or
critical incidents etc.
 Intermediate Outcomes: These are the changes in trainee’s actual work
behaviour, which result from training. The assumption here is that effective
training should be reflected in the trainee’s increased job-proficiency.
 Ultimate Outcomes: These are the changes in the functioning of part or the
entire organization, which have resulted from changes in work behaviour. For
this purpose, indexes of productivity, labour turnover etc, studies of
organizationalclimate and human resource accounting are taken as the ultimate
results achieved by the trainee.

Hamblin (1974) said, “The purpose of evaluation is control”. A well controlled

training program is one in which the weakness and failures are identified and
corrected by means of the negative feedback and strengths and successes and
corrected by means of the positive feedback.The processes, which occur as a result of
a successful training programme, can be divided into 4 levels. The evaluation can be
carried out at any of the following levels:

 Reaction Level: It measures the reactions of the trainees to the content and
methods of the training, not the trainer, and to any other factors perceived as
relevant. It determines what the trainee thought about the training.

 Learning Level: It measures the learning attitude of the trainees during the
learning period. It collects information that did the trainees learn what was

 Job Behaviour Level: The job behaviour of the trainees in the work environment
at the end of the training period i.e. did the training got transferred to the job?

 Effect on the Department: Has the training helped the trainees in improving the
department’s performance?

 The Ultimate Level: It measures that has the training affected the ultimate well
being of the organization in terms of the business objectives.


LG follows the philosophy to establish and build a strong performance driven culture
with greater accountability and responsibility at all levels. To that extent the Company
views capability as a combination of the right people in the right jobs, supported by
the right processes, systems, structure and metrics.

The Company organizes various training and development programmes, both

in-house and at other places in order to enhance the skills and efficiency of its
employees. These training and development programmes are conducted at various
levels i.e. for workers and for officers etc.


LG: -

S.no Training programmes Duration No. of Designation

1 Baking with Soy 2 days 1 Officer
2 Land Mark Seminar 1 day 5 Manager,
3 Contract Labour 1 day 2 Managers
4 Lean Manufacturing 2 days 2 Managers
5 Risk assessment in work place 1 day 1 Officer

6 Productivity and 2 days 4 Officers

7 Adv. Technology mgmt for 2 days 1 Officer
prevention and control of

8 Bearing Maintenance 1 day 1 Officer
9 Good Auditing Practices 1 day 1 Manager
10 HACCP/GMP/GHP 2 day 4 Officers
11 Occupational health and 2 day 1 Officer
12 Sales training programme 3 days 3 Sales territory
13 Assessment centre 2 days 16 Officers
14 Landmark Forum Programme 3 days 7 Managers,
15 Excellence in Manufacturing 2 days 3 Officers
by eliminating stock-outs
16 XIV training programme 4 days 4 Officers
17 Occupation and health 2 days 1 Officer
18 Training for INKJET printer 4 days 7 Managers,

S.no Training Programmes Duration Conducted by

1 ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 1 day Worker teachers

refresher programme

2 Personality development 2 days Worker teachers

3 Worker teacher’s day 1 day Worker teachers

4 ISO 14000 awareness ½ day Worker teachers

5 National safety day 1 day Worker teachers

6 Fire fighting ½ day Security officer

7 Worker’s participation in 3 days Central board of worker’s

management association

8 Educational trip to Haridwar, 7 days Worker teachers

Rishikesh, Dehradun

9 Gemba- Kaizen workshop 5 days Kaizen institute

10 Security and fire fighting 1 day Worker teachers

11 Positive approach 1 day Worker teachers

12 Vipassana meditation 2 days VipassanaSadhnaSansthan

13 Worker’s children- Workshop 1 day ShakuntalaAnand

for young people, personality

LG provides training to all its employees as per the policy of the organization.

PURPOSE OF TRAINING: To ensure availability of trained manpower.

SCOPE: All categories of employees


Identification of Needs

Preparation of Training Plan

Imparting Training


Induction Training

Training Effectiveness

Fig: The training procedure


Management Staff
The Performance Appraisal form of the organization has a section in which the
training and development needs are filed up. The person whom the concerned
employee is reporting fills the Performance Appraisal form annually. Such person
may be a branch head or department head.

Identification of training need is done at the Executive Office (EO) level for the
managers through the Performance Appraisal forms annually and the records are
maintained at the Executive Office. Managers are nominated for the various training
courses by the Executive’s Office. Managers may also be nominated to certain
training programmes from the branch if the subject’s covered are found to be of
interest or if they offer a learning opportunity in some emerging areas of knowledge.
Training needs for the department through their Performance Appraisal forms
identifies the officers, which are filled in by the department head. The Performance
Appraisal forms thus give the emerging training needs. This exercise is carried out

Staff and Workers

Training needs for staff and workers are identified based on:

- Company’s strategy and policy.

- Organizational Thrust Areas.
- New Emerging Areas.

This together gives the consolidated system of needs that is prepared by the Personnel
Officer and approved by the Department Head.


On the basis of identified training needs, the annual training calendar is prepared by
the Personnel officer and approved by the Personnel Head.Annual Training Budget is
prepared by Branch Personnel Head and is approved by Executive Office. This gives
the final list of training activities in a particular year. It is attempted to carry out all the
programmes to fulfill the identified needs. The Head of the Personnel Department
monitors the actual training conducted vis-à-vis the identified training needs on a
monthly basis.


Actual training is imparted with the help of in-house and outside agencies. The
selection of these agencies is done on the basis of reputation; programmes offered by
them, past experience and feedback received from the earlier participants.Training is
also imparted by nominating the concerned employee for an external training
programme. All records of the training are maintained at branch as per Record of
Training in the Personnel folder and the same is intimated to the Executive Office
Personnel through the Monthly Personnel Report.


A feedback is taken from the participants through a questionnaire on the programme

and their impressions in order to further improve upon the same. There are three such
questionnaires available and one of these is used depending upon the nature of the
training programme and the level of participants. Also, a person from the personnel
department sits through the final session of the programme and takes the verbal
feedback about the programme.


Staff/ Officers/ Managers

This is carried out as the very first step for any new entrant into the branch at the
Staff/ Officer/ Manager level.The department prepares a schedule for the employee as
per which he is required to spend specific time in each department. During such
period, he is reporting to the respective department head.
The objective of the induction programme is to familiarize the participant to the
function of different department. The copies of the same are sent to the General
Manager and all concerned. At the end of the induction, the trainee has to submit a
report to the Personnel Department.

In the case of a new entrant, he is called in General shift for 2 days for training under
a senior worker to familiarize him with the welfare facilities like card punching,
canteen, public conveniences, rules and regulations, standing orders, shift timings,
spell outs, medical facilities, leave procedures etc. After two days of training, he is
deployed in the concerned department. The Personnel Officer organizes this.

Management Trainee’s Training

Management trainees are given a fortnight of induction programme. Corporate HR
advises it as per Management Trainee Training programme designed by them.
Thereafter, a detailed training programme is carried out whereby the incumbent is to
understand in depth of working of each department at various locations as per the
programme given by the Corporate HR. Corporate HR maintains all relevant records
pertaining to Management Trainee’s training at Bangalore.


For each training programme conducted in-house for LG Delhi branch personnel, a
training brochure is developed.

The brochure developed consists of the following information:

- Programme objectives: Need of the training and what are the objectives that this
training aims to achieve, what likely outcomes are expected to come out of impact
of this training.
- Programme content: Topics being covered during the training.
- Methodology adopted.
- Programme faculty.
- Personnel to be covered.
- Training methodology.
- Training effectiveness criteria and scale.

The training effectiveness is measured by measurement of the achievement of the

objectives. This lists down the measurement indicators, achievement of which will
ensure that programme objectives are achieved.

A person gets nominated for the training programme in the following two ways:
a) Training programme flowing from the training needs

b) Training programme for testing out the training/ increased awareness/ general
information/ omnibus training types etc.

Training programmes flowing from training needs:

The programmes are divided into three broad categories:
- Functional
- Behavioral
- General/ Omnibus programmes

1. Functional: The outcome of the training is measured by comparing the data pre-
training and post-training. A scale is developed for measuring the effectiveness of
training based on the % achievement of the objectives.
2. Behavioral: The effectiveness of the training of this nature is measured annually.
This is seen through the training need identification for the coming year for the
employee. If the training need is repeated there, then the training provided is taken
as ineffective. If the training need is repeated but with focus on a part of the need,
then the training is partially effective. If not repeated, then the training is effective.
3. General: These are the training needs flowing directly from the organizational
needs. Examples of these can be ISO 9000 training, ISO 14000 training and any
awareness training. These are omnibus training programmes, which are run for a
large number of employees.

The effectiveness of the training is measured by:

- - Achievement of those organizational objectives within the time lines.
- - Number of audit issues raised on the areas covered in the training.
- - Any other such thing as defined in the training brochure.
The effectiveness of the outside training programme is measured on the same
line as above. However, no detailed brochure is prepared for the same. The
measurementcriterion for the programme is defined in the beginning of the
programme and effectiveness measured against the same.A consolidated effectiveness
report of the training programme is prepared at the end of the year. The programmes
that are found to be ineffective are reworked.Trainingprogramme for testing out
thetrainingAlso there are training programmes, which are not flowing directly from
the training needs measurement of effectiveness of the training is not needed to be


Training needs Approval from the Personnel Department

of Annual
Training needs Training

Annual Imparting
Training Training

Collecting Monitoring of Actual Training

Feedback for vis-a-vis the Identified needs
Further Improvement

Fig Flowchart for Training of an Officer


Approval from the Personnel Department

Company Strategy and Policy

Organizational Thrust Of Annual
Areas Training needs Training

New Emerging Areas Consolidation Imparting

Of Training
Training needs

Collecting Feedback for Further Training


Monitoring of Actual vs the

Identified Training needs.

Fig3 Flowchart for Training of a Worker



“Research Methodology comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating,

hypotheses or suggesting solution, collecting organization and evaluating data,
making deducation and researching conclusion and at last carefully testing confusion
to determent weather they fit formulated hypotheses.

According to Clifford Woody,

“Research Methodology comprises of defining & redefining problems, collecting,
organizing &evaluating data, making deductions & researching to conclusions.”

Accordingly, the methodology used in the project is as follows: -

 Defining and redefining problem

 Formulating hypotheses – suggesting solution.
 Collecting organizing and evaluating data.
 Making reduction and reaching conclusion.


 To analyze the existing training practices, its effectiveness and recommend

measures to improve the training practices in the organization.

 To study the frequency of training, training methods and their effects on the
trainees and recommend certain measures for improvement.

 To understand the present practices enforced in respect of training at the

personnel department and recommend any changes if necessary.
 To take feedback and analyze the level of satisfaction amongst the employees
in respect of training activities and suggest alternatives.


Training Effectiveness is the process wherein the management finds out how effective
it has been at training and developing the employees in an organization.

 This study gives some suggestions for making the present training and
development system more effective.
 It gives organization the direction, how to deal differently with different
 It identifies the training & development needs present among the employee


Exploratory Research-It is type of study where the researcher just explores for the
knowledge. He want to be familer with the subject. The reason may be that he want
to define or redefiner his research problem. He want formulate a hypothesis to be
tested or he want to creat a good research design for his research etc.

Descriptive Research Design- It goes a step further than the exploratory research. It
help research in describing accuratory phenomena, process, people, event, object etc.
It help in describe in the characterstic of its subject and through this one can go to
further step of classifying the thing.
Experimental Research Design-Its refer to research design where the research
manipulates distribute or interferes with the independent variable. Deliberately
planned and control with an observed it effect on the dependent variable .
I have used “Descriptive Research Design” in my training report.



The technique of Random Sampling will be used in the analysis of the data. Random
sampling from a finite population refers to that method of sample selection, which
gives each possible sample combination an equal probability of being picked up and
each item in the entire population to have an equal chance of being included in the
sample. This sampling is without replacement, i.e. once an item is selected for the
sample, it cannot appear in the sample again.


The main statistical tools that will be used for the collection and analyses of data in
this project are:

 Questionnaire
 Pie Charts
 Tables



To determine the appropriate data for research mainly two kinds of data will be
collected namely primary & secondary data as explained below:

Primary data are those, which were collected afresh & for the first time and thus
happen to be original in character. However, there are many methods of collecting the
primary data; all will not be used for the purpose of this project. The ones that will be
used are:
 Questionnaire
 Informal Interviews
 Observation


Secondary data is collected from previous researches and literature to fill in the
respective project. The secondary data will be collected through:
 Text Books
 Articles
 Journals
 Websites


The training department of the company is confronted with the following

problems :

There is no regular training schedules for officers and staffs.

The training given to employees are not standardized.


No work study has been done on the requirement of training.


No in house training programmes have been controlled.


Q1. How many training programmes have you attended in last 5 years?

No. of No. of Respondents % of

Programmes Responses
0-5 8 40%
6-10 5 25%

10-15 4 20%
More than 15 3 15%
Total 20 100%

More than 15; 15%

0_5; 40%
10_15; 20%

6_10; 25%

45% of the officers have attended 6-15 training programmes in the last 5 years, which
is an indication of an effective training policy of the organization. However, 40% of
the officers have attended only 0-5 training programmes, which needs to be evenly
monitored by the organization.

2) The programme objectives were known to you before attending it.

Options No. of Respondents % of
Strongly agree 5 25%
Moderately agree 7 35%
Can’t Say 3 15%
Moderately 1 5%
Strongly Disagree 4 20%
Total 20 100%

strongly disagree; 20% strongly agree; 25%

moderately disagree; 5%

can't say; 15%

35% of the respondents moderately agree to the fact of knowing the training
objectives beforehand, in addition to 25% who strongly agree. But a small population
disagrees as20% strongly disagree to this notion. Training objectives should therefore
be made known compulsorily before imparting training in the organization

3) The training programme was relevant to your developmental needs.

Options No. of Respondents % of

Strongly agree 6 30%
Moderately agree 8 40%
Can’t Say 3 15%
Moderately 2 10%
Strongly Disagree 1 5%
Total 20 100%

strongly disagree; 5%
moderately disagree; 10% strongly agree; 30%
can't say; 15%

moderately agree; 40%

70% of the respondents feel that the training programmes were in accordance to their
developmental needs. 15% respondents could not comment on the question and 15%
think that the programmes are irrelevant to their developmental needs and the
organization must ensure programmes that satisfy the developmental needs of the

) The period of training session was sufficient for the learning.

Options No. of Respondents % of

Strongly agree 6 31%
Moderately agree 4 21%
Can’t Say 4 21%
Moderately 3 16%
Strongly Disagree 2 11%
Total 20 100%
strongly disagree; 11%
strongly agree; 32%
moderately disagree; 16%

can't say; 21%

moderately agree; 21%

52% respondents feel that the time limit of the training programme was adequate but
25% feel that it was insufficient. Also, 21% could not comment on the question. All
the respondents though felt that increase in time limit of the programmes would
certainly be beneficial and the organization should plan for this to be implemented in
the near future.

5) The training methods used during the training were effective for understanding the
Options No. of Respondents % of
Strongly agree 4 20%
Moderately agree 8 40%
Can’t Say 3 15%
Moderately 3 15%
Strongly Disagree 2 10%
Total 20 100%
40% of the respondents believe that the training methods used during the programmes
were helpful in understanding the subject, yet 25% disagree to this notion. The
organization should use better, hi-tech methods to enhance the effectiveness of the
methods being used during the training programmes.
6) The training sessions were exciting and a good learning experience.

Options No. of Respondents % of

Strongly agree 5 25%
Moderately agree 8 40%
Can’t Say 2 10%
Moderately 3 15%
Strongly Disagree 2 10%
Total 20 100%

strongly disagree; 10%

strongly agree; 25%
moderately disagree; 15%

moderately agree; 40%

can't say; 10%

65% respondents believe that the training sessions were exciting and a good learning
experience. 10% respondents could not comment on this while 25% differ in opinion.
They feel that the training sessions could have been more exciting if the sessions had
been more interactive and in line with the current practices in the market.

7) The training aids used were helpful in improving the overall effectiveness of the
Options No. of Respondents % of
Strongly agree 4 20%
Moderately agree 5 25%
Can’t Say 7 35%
Moderately 3 15%
Strongly Disagree 1 5%
Total 20 100%

strongly disagree; 5%
moderately disagree; 15%strongly agree; 20%

moderately agree; 25%

can't say; 35%

40% of the respondents believe that the training aids used were helpful in improving
the overall effectiveness, yet 20% disagree to this notion. 35% respondents did not
comment on the issue. Yet the total mindset of the respondents was that the
organization should use better scientific aids to enhance the presentation and
acceptance value of the training programme.

8) The training was effective in improving on- the- job efficiency.

Options No. of Respondents % of

Strongly agree 3 15%
Moderately agree 6 30%
Can’t Say 4 20%
Moderately 4 20%
Strongly Disagree 3 15%
Total 20 100%
strongly disagree; 15% strongly agree; 15%
moderately disagree; 20%
moderately agree; 30%

can't say; 20%

45% respondents believe that the training programmes increase their job efficiency
but 35% disagree to this. The view of the respondents were towards having more
technological and current topics for the training programmes which could help them
satisfy their creative urge and simultaneously increase their on-the-job efficiency.

9) In your opinion, the numbers of training programmes organized during the year
were sufficient for officers of LG.
Options No. of Respondents % of
Strongly agree 2 10%
Moderately agree 3 15%
Can’t Say 5 25%
Moderately 2 10%
Strongly Disagree 8 40%
Total 20 100%
strongly agree; 10%
moderately agree; 15%
strongly disagree; 40%

can't say; 25%

moderately disagree; 10%

25% respondents have the opinion that the frequency of the training programmes is
sufficient but 50% of the respondents differ to this. They believe that the number of
training programmes organized in a year should be increased and some in house
training programmes should also be organized by the organisation regularly.



1) How many training programmes have you attended during the last year?

No. of No. of Respondents % of

Programmes Responses
Upto 2 25 62%
3-5 10 25%
6-8 4 10%
More than 8 1 3%
Total 40 100%
More than 8; 3%
6_8; 10%

3_5; 25%
Upto 2; 63%

35% of the workers have attended 3-8 training programmes in the last year, which is
the clue of a useful training policy of the organization. However, 62% of the workers
have attended only 0-2 training programmes, which should be effectively seen by the
organization. Also, every worker should be given chances to attend as many training
programmes as possible.
2) The training given is useful to you.

Options No. of Respondents % of

Strongly agree 19 47%
Moderately agree 10 24%
Can’t Say 5 13%
Moderately 5 13%
Strongly Disagree 1 3%
Total 20 100%

strongly disagree; 3%
moderately disagree; 13%
can't say; 13%
strongly agree; 48%

moderately agree; 25%

71% of the respondents feel that the training programmes were useful. 13%
respondents could not comment on the question and 16% think that the programmes
were irrelevant to their objective of being useful. The organization must ensure
programmes that are useful and prove to cater to the developmental needs of the

3) The time limit of the training programme was sufficient.

Options No. of Respondents % of

Strongly agree 7 18%
Moderately agree 14 34%
Can’t Say 5 13%
Moderately 6 15%
Strongly Disagree 8 20%
Total 40 100%

strongly disagree; 20% strongly agree; 18%

moderately disagree; 15%

moderately agree; 35%
can't say; 13%

42% respondents feel that the time limit of the training programme was adequate but
35% feel that it was insufficient. Also, 13% could not comment on the question. All
the respondents though felt that increase in time limit of the programmes would
certainly be advantageous and the organization should take some steps in this

4) The time limit of the training programme, if increased would

make it more effective.

Options No. of Respondents % of

Strongly agree 18 45%
Moderately agree 8 20%
Can’t Say 4 10%
Moderately 8 20%
Strongly Disagree 2 5%
Total 40 100%

strongly disagree; 5%
moderately disagree; 20%
strongly agree; 45%
can't say; 10%

moderately agree; 20%

65% respondents feel that the increase in the duration of the training programmes
would be beneficial but 25% differ to this opinion. Going by the majority, the
organisation should make required changes to increase the duration of the
programmes and also take the opinion of the workers to have an effective training
5) The training was effective in improving your on-the-job efficiency.

Options No. of Respondents % of

Strongly agree 15 37%
Moderately agree 10 25%
Can’t Say 5 13%
Moderately 6 15%
Strongly Disagree 4 10%
Total 40 100%

strongly disagree; 10%

moderately disagree; 15% strongly agree; 38%

can't say; 13%

moderately agree; 25%


62% respondents believe that the training programmers’ increase their job efficiency
but 25% disagree to this. The respondents were of the opinion that having current
topics for the training programmers’ and also some sessions by an external faculty
would help them increase their on the job efficiency.

6)The training aids used were effective in improving the overall effectiveness of the

Options No. of Respondents % of

Strongly agree 10 25%
Moderately agree 4 10%
Can’t Say 12 30%
Moderately 8 20%
Strongly Disagree 6 15%
Total 40 100%

strongly disagree; 15%

strongly agree; 25%
moderately disagree; 20%

can't say; 30%

35% respondents believe that the training aids were effective in improving the overall
efficiency of the programme. Contrary to this, 35% disagree and 30% could not
comment on the issue. The organization should ensure positive awareness about the
training aids used. Also, the use of better presentation aids should be facilitated.
7) The number of training programmes organized for workers in a year are sufficient.

Options No. of Respondents % of

Strongly agree 7 18%
Moderately agree 6 15%
Can’t Say 4 10%
Moderately 15 37%
Strongly Disagree 8 20%
Total 40 100%

strongly disagree; 20% strongly agree; 18%

moderately agree; 15%

moderately disagree; 38% can't say; 10%

33% respondents believe that the number of training programmes organized in a year
are sufficient, but a majority of 57% disagrees to this. The organization should ensure
multiple programmes for the workers and hence enable them in improving their skills
and knowledge.

8) The participation of workers in training programme would help increase its


Options No. of Respondents % of

Strongly agree 20 49%
Moderately agree 9 23%
Can’t Say 5 13%
Moderately 4 10%
Strongly Disagree 2 5%
Total 40 100%

strongly disagree; 5%
moderately disagree; 10%
can't say; 13%
strongly agree; 50%

moderately agree; 23%

72% respondents feel that participative and interactive training session could provide
more awareness and knowledge in a small span of time as compared to classroom
teaching. 13% respondents could not comment on this and 15% disagree to it.



In current market scenario ,the competition in the electronic sector is highest ,so as to
remain in competition all companies have develop in terms of customer satisfaction
and others features.
Based on the data collected through the questionnaire and interactions with the
Officers and Workers of LG the following recommendations are made for

 The organization may utilize both subjective and objective approach for the
training programmes.
 The organization may consider deputing each employee to attend at least one
training programmes each year.
 The In-house training programmes will be beneficial to the organization as well as
employees since it will help employees to attend their official work while
undergoing the training.
 The organization can also arrange part time training programmes in the office
premises for short durations, spanning over a few days, in order to avoid any
interruption in the routine work.
 The organization can arrange the training programmes department wise in order to
give focused attention towards the departmental requirements.



Book and Author Name

GUPTA, SHASHI K., Human Resource Management, KalyaniPublicers
MEMORIA,C.B Personal Management, Himalaya Publishing House
SAHV,R.K, Training For Development, Excel Book
KOTHARI, C.R. Research Methodology, Himalaya Publishing House

Websites :
 www.lg india.com
 www.wikepedia.org
 www.yahoo.com
 www.google.com


Questionnaire for the Managers in LG
1)How many training programmes have you attended in last 5 years?

 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
2) The programme objectives were known to you before attending it.
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
3) The training programme was relevant to your developmental needs.
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
) The period of training session was sufficient for the learning.
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
5) The training methods used during the training were effective for understanding the
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
6) The training sessions were exciting and a good learning experience.
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
7) The training aids used were helpful in improving the overall effectiveness of the
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
8) The training was effective in improving on- the- job efficiency.
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
9) In your opinion, the numbers of training programmes organized during the year
were sufficient for officers of LG.
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

Questionnaire for the Officers

1) How many training programmes have you attended during the last year?
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

2) The training given is useful to you.

 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

3) The time limit of the training programme was sufficient

 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

4) The time limit of the training programme, if increased would make it more
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

5) The training was effective in improving your on-the-job efficiency.

 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
6) The training aids used were effective in improving the overall effectiveness of the
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

7) The number of training programmes organized for officers in a year are sufficient.
 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

8) The participation of officers in training programme would help increase its

 Strongly agree
 Moderately agree
 Can’t Say
 Moderately Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

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