SP3D Reports Users Guide

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User's Guide

Version 2011 R1 (9.1)

May 2012

Copyright © 1999-2012 Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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Preface ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
SmartPlant 3D Documentation Set ....................................................................................................... 41
Documentation Comments ................................................................................................................... 45

What's New in Drawings and Reports ..................................................................................................... 47

Drawings and Reports .............................................................................................................................. 49

Interface Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 51

Menus and Toolbars ............................................................................................................................. 52
Icons for Components and Drawings .................................................................................................... 52
Permissions Overview .......................................................................................................................... 54

View Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 55

Management Console (View Menu) ..................................................................................................... 55
Detail View (View Menu) ....................................................................................................................... 56
Specify columns in the detail view .................................................................................................. 56
Column Settings Dialog Box ........................................................................................................... 58
Workspace Explorer (View Menu) ........................................................................................................ 59
Refresh (View Menu) ............................................................................................................................ 59

Shortcut Menus ......................................................................................................................................... 61

New Command ..................................................................................................................................... 62
Add a component or package ........................................................................................................ 62
Add Component Dialog Box ........................................................................................................... 62
Save Package Command ..................................................................................................................... 63
Save a package .............................................................................................................................. 64
Save Package Dialog Box .............................................................................................................. 64
Save As Command ............................................................................................................................... 65
Save to a file ................................................................................................................................... 66
Save As Dialog Box ........................................................................................................................ 68
Open Command .................................................................................................................................... 69
Open a document ........................................................................................................................... 69
Delete Command .................................................................................................................................. 70
Delete an item ................................................................................................................................ 70
Rename Command ............................................................................................................................... 71
Rename an item ............................................................................................................................. 71
Print Command ..................................................................................................................................... 71
Print a document ............................................................................................................................ 71
Print a document as a PDF file ....................................................................................................... 72
Select Printer (File Menu) ............................................................................................................... 72
Configure SmartPlant PDF Converter for 64-bit Windows ............................................................. 72
Select Printer Dialog Box................................................................................................................ 73
Setting Properties.................................................................................................................................. 73
Properties Command...................................................................................................................... 74
Properties Dialog Box ..................................................................................................................... 75

Reports User's Guide 3


Choose Label Dialog Box ............................................................................................................... 90

Updating Documents ............................................................................................................................ 90
Refresh (Shortcut Menu) ................................................................................................................ 91
Update Now .................................................................................................................................... 92
Conditional Drawing Update ........................................................................................................... 96

Components Overview.............................................................................................................................. 99

Spreadsheet Reports .............................................................................................................................. 103

Reports Workflow ................................................................................................................................ 104
Reports Common Tasks ............................................................................................................... 105
Report Templates ......................................................................................................................... 106
Report Templates Folder .............................................................................................................. 108
Report Queries to Extract Data .................................................................................................... 109
Create Report (Report Shortcut Menu) ............................................................................................... 110
Create a new report template from an existing template ............................................................. 111
Create and update a delivered report ........................................................................................... 113
Select Report Template Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 114
Edit Template (Report Shortcut Menu) ............................................................................................... 114
Edit a Report Template................................................................................................................. 115
Add Sheets to a Report Template ................................................................................................ 116
Embed Labels in a Report ............................................................................................................ 117
Report Template Editor ................................................................................................................ 118
Design Layout ............................................................................................................................... 123
Parameters (Report Shortcut Menu) ................................................................................................... 139
Report Parameters Dialog Box ..................................................................................................... 139
Copy Report To Catalog (Report Shortcut Menu) .............................................................................. 140
Copy a report template to the catalog .......................................................................................... 140
Select Location Dialog Box .......................................................................................................... 141
Save Report Template (File Menu) ..................................................................................................... 142
Save Report Template As (File Menu) ............................................................................................... 142
Save a report template to a specified location ............................................................................. 142
Save Template As Dialog Box ...................................................................................................... 144
Add Query (Tools Menu) ..................................................................................................................... 145
Add a filter-based query to a report template ............................................................................... 145
Add Report Query Dialog Box ...................................................................................................... 147
Add Formatting (Tools Menu) ............................................................................................................. 147
Add Display (Tools Menu) ................................................................................................................... 148
Add Baseline (Tools Menu) ................................................................................................................. 148
Add Report Baseline Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 148
Remove Report Component (Tools Menu) ......................................................................................... 149
Use the SmartPlant Review Spreadsheet Report for SPRDirect ....................................................... 149
Using SPRDirect ........................................................................................................................... 151
SPRDirect Tips and Troubleshooting ........................................................................................... 157

Search Folders ......................................................................................................................................... 159

Search Folder Filters ........................................................................................................................... 160
Setup (Search Folder Component) ..................................................................................................... 163
Create a search folder .................................................................................................................. 163
Setup Dialog Box (Search Folder Component) ............................................................................ 163

4 Reports User's Guide


Tools Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 165

Batch Processing - Intergraph Batch Services ................................................................................... 165
Update Action ............................................................................................................................... 166
Refresh Action .............................................................................................................................. 167
Print Action ................................................................................................................................... 167
Set Print Options .......................................................................................................................... 168
Create a Template ........................................................................................................................ 168
Schedule [Task] Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 168
Batch Processing ................................................................................................................................ 169
Batch Management ...................................................................................................................... 171
Batch Print .................................................................................................................................... 176
Batch Update ................................................................................................................................ 176
Batch Local Update ...................................................................................................................... 177
Batch Update Document(s) .......................................................................................................... 177
Batch Refresh ............................................................................................................................... 178
Schedule Wizard .......................................................................................................................... 178
Custom Commands ............................................................................................................................ 190
Create custom commands ........................................................................................................... 193
Add custom commands ................................................................................................................ 193
Run a custom command............................................................................................................... 193
Edit a custom command ............................................................................................................... 193
Delete a custom command ........................................................................................................... 194
Custom Commands Dialog Box ................................................................................................... 194
Add Custom Command Dialog Box .............................................................................................. 194
Edit Custom Command Dialog Box .............................................................................................. 195
Delivered Custom Commands ..................................................................................................... 195

Revising .................................................................................................................................................... 197

Revise ................................................................................................................................................. 197
Revise a document ....................................................................................................................... 198
Revise Dialog Box ........................................................................................................................ 198

Publishing Documents ............................................................................................................................ 201

Publishing Title Blocks ........................................................................................................................ 202
Publish Common Tasks ...................................................................................................................... 203
Publish ................................................................................................................................................ 204
Set properties for publishing documents ...................................................................................... 205
Support for Handling Large Publishes.......................................................................................... 205
Publish documents ....................................................................................................................... 208
Publish Workflows ........................................................................................................................ 209
Publish a large 3D model to SmartPlant Foundation ................................................................... 210
Issue request documents ............................................................................................................. 211
Publish Dialog Box ....................................................................................................................... 212
Document Properties Dialog Box ................................................................................................. 214
Find Documents to Publish ................................................................................................................. 215
Find documents to publish ........................................................................................................... 216
Find Documents to Publish Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 216
Manage Projects ................................................................................................................................. 217
Select Active Project Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 217

Reports User's Guide 5


Appendix: Troubleshooting Drawings and Reports ............................................................................ 219

Troubleshooting Linked Servers ......................................................................................................... 222

Appendix: Report Descriptions ............................................................................................................. 223

3Way Diverter Valve (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 223
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 223
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 223
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 223
3Way Diverter Valve tab ............................................................................................................... 224
Angle Control Valve (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 225
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 225
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 225
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 226
Angle Control Valve tab ................................................................................................................ 226
Auto Material Description Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ........................... 227
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 227
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 228
Auto Material Description Rule tab ............................................................................................... 228
Auto WBS Creation Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) .................................... 228
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 228
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 228
Auto WBS Creation Rule tab ........................................................................................................ 228
Basket Strainer 2 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 229
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 229
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 229
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 229
Basket Strainer2 tab ..................................................................................................................... 229
Bend Radius Multiplier Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ................................ 231
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 231
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 231
Bend Radius Multiplier Rule tab ................................................................................................... 231
Bends (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts)...................................................................... 231
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 232
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 232
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 232
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 232
CableTray_Bends tab ................................................................................................................... 232
Blind End Plate (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts) ....................................................... 233
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 234
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 234
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 234
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 234
Blind End Plate tab ....................................................................................................................... 234
Bolt Commodity Code Subst Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ...................... 235
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 235
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 235
Bolt Commodity Code Subst Rule tab .......................................................................................... 235
Bolt Diameter Equivalence Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ......................... 236
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 236

6 Reports User's Guide


Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 236

Bolt Diameter Equivalence Rule tab ............................................................................................. 236
Bolt Extension (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ..................................................... 236
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 236
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 236
Bolt Extension tab ......................................................................................................................... 237
Bolt Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ......................................................................... 237
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 237
Bolt Part Data tab ......................................................................................................................... 237
Bolt Selection Filter For Nozzles (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ......................... 238
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 238
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 238
Bolt Selection Filter For Nozzles tab ............................................................................................ 238
Bonding Jumper (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts) ..................................................... 238
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 239
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 239
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 239
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 239
Bonding Jumper tab ..................................................................................................................... 239
Box Connector (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts) ........................................................ 240
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 240
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 240
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 240
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 241
BoxConnector tab ......................................................................................................................... 241
Bubble Detector (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 242
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 242
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 242
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 242
Bubble Detector tab ...................................................................................................................... 242
Butterfly Valve Elec (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 244
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 244
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 244
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 244
Butterfly Valve Elec tab ................................................................................................................ 244
Butterfly Valve On Off V (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Instrument Part Data) .......................................................................................................................... 246
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 246
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 246
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 246
Butterfly Valve On Off V tab ......................................................................................................... 246
Cable Tray Specifications (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray) ................................................ 248
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 248
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 248
CabelTray Spec tab ...................................................................................................................... 248
Calculation ProgIDs (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ............................................ 249
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 249
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 249
Calculation ProgIDs tab ................................................................................................................ 249
Cap Screw Length Calc Tolerance Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant
Rules) .................................................................................................................................................. 249

Reports User's Guide 7


SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 249

Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 250
Cap Screw Length Calc Tolerance Rule tab ................................................................................ 250
Commodity Material Control Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit) ........................................ 250
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 250
ConduitCommodityMatlControlData tab ....................................................................................... 250
Component Insulation Exclusion Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Insulation
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 251
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 251
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 251
Component Insulation Exclusion Rule tab.................................................................................... 251
Conductivity Sensor (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 252
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 252
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 252
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 252
Conductivity Sensor tab................................................................................................................ 252
Conduit 45 Degree Elbow (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) ........................................... 254
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 254
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 254
CustomInterfaces tab ................................................................................................................... 254
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 254
Conduit 45 Degree Elbow tab ...................................................................................................... 254
Conduit 90 Degree Elbow (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) ........................................... 256
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 256
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 256
CustomInterfaces tab ................................................................................................................... 256
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 256
Conduit 90 Degree Elbow tab ...................................................................................................... 256
Conduit Coupling (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) ........................................................ 258
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 258
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 258
CustomInterfaces tab ................................................................................................................... 258
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 258
Conduit Coupling tab .................................................................................................................... 259
Conduit Plug (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) ............................................................... 260
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 260
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 260
CustomInterfaces tab ................................................................................................................... 260
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 260
Conduit Plug tab ........................................................................................................................... 261
Conduit Pullbox (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts)........................................................... 262
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 262
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 262
CustomInterfaces tab ................................................................................................................... 262
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 262
Conduit Pullbox tab ...................................................................................................................... 262
Conduit Reducer (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) ......................................................... 264
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 264
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 264
CustomInterfaces tab ................................................................................................................... 264
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 265
Conduit Reducer tab..................................................................................................................... 265

8 Reports User's Guide


Conduit Reducing Tee (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) ................................................ 266

SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 266
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 266
CustomInterfaces tab ................................................................................................................... 266
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 267
ConduitTRB tab ............................................................................................................................ 267
Conduit Stock (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) ............................................................. 268
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 268
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 268
CustomInterfaces tab ................................................................................................................... 268
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 269
Conduit Stock tab ......................................................................................................................... 269
Conduit Tangent Elbow (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) .............................................. 269
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 270
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 270
CustomInterfaces tab ................................................................................................................... 270
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 270
Conduit Tangent Elbow tab .......................................................................................................... 270
Conduit Tee (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) ................................................................ 271
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 272
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 272
CustomInterfaces tab ................................................................................................................... 272
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 272
Conduit Tee tab ............................................................................................................................ 272
Conduit Union (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) ............................................................. 274
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 274
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 274
CustomInterfaces tab ................................................................................................................... 274
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 274
Conduit Union tab ......................................................................................................................... 274
Conservation Vent (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 276
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 276
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 276
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 276
Conservation Vent tab .................................................................................................................. 276
Contractor Commodity Code Rules (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Commodity
Code Rules) ........................................................................................................................................ 278
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 278
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 278
Formats tab .................................................................................................................................. 278
Industry Practice Properties tab ................................................................................................... 278
Bolt Coating tab ............................................................................................................................ 278
Bolt Diameter tab .......................................................................................................................... 278
Bolt Length tab ............................................................................................................................. 279
Bolt Set Quantity tab ..................................................................................................................... 279
Bolt Type tab ................................................................................................................................ 279
EndPreparation tab....................................................................................................................... 279
Flange Face Surface Finish tab ................................................................................................... 279
Gasket Thickness tab ................................................................................................................... 279
Gasket Type tab ........................................................................................................................... 279
Geometric Industry Practice tab ................................................................................................... 279
Geometric Industry Standard_UM tab .......................................................................................... 280

Reports User's Guide 9


Geometric Industry Standard_US tab .......................................................................................... 280

Lining Material tab ........................................................................................................................ 280
Manufacturing Method tab ............................................................................................................ 280
MaterialsGrade_BS tab ................................................................................................................ 280
MaterialsGrade_US tab ................................................................................................................ 280
Nipple or Purchase Length tab ..................................................................................................... 280
Nut Type tab ................................................................................................................................. 281
Pressure Rating_DN tab............................................................................................................... 281
Pressure Rating_US tab ............................................................................................................... 281
Piping Commodity Type tab ......................................................................................................... 281
Requisition Classification tab ....................................................................................................... 281
Surface Preparation tab................................................................................................................ 281
Valve Manufacturer and Model No tab ......................................................................................... 281
Valve Trim tab .............................................................................................................................. 282
Washer Thickness tab .................................................................................................................. 282
Washer Type tab .......................................................................................................................... 282
Cross (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts) ...................................................................... 282
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 282
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 282
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 282
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 283
CableTray_Cross tab .................................................................................................................... 283
Default Change Of Direction (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ............................... 284
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 284
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 284
Default Change Of Direction tab .................................................................................................. 284
Default Commodity Selection Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit) ...................................... 285
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 285
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 285
ConduitDefaultCmdtySlcnRule tab ............................................................................................... 285
Default Project Options (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ........................................................... 285
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 285
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 285
Default Project Options tab .......................................................................................................... 286
Diagnostic 3D Grouped by Description and Discipline (Diagnostic) ................................................... 287
Diagnostic 3D To Do List Entries ........................................................................................................ 287
Diagnostic Clean Database Issues (Diagnostic) ................................................................................. 287
Diagnostic Clean Database Issues Grouped by Problem Description (Diagnostic) ........................... 288
Diagnostic Clean Database Issues Grouped by Status (Diagnostic) ................................................. 289
Diagnostic Clean Database Issues with Column Filters (Diagnostic) ................................................. 290
Diagnostic General Statistics on Modeling Activity (Diagnostic) ........................................................ 291
Diagnostic Interference Checking (Diagnostic) ................................................................................... 291
Diagnostic Interference Checking with System Names (Diagnostic) .................................................. 292
Diagnostic P&ID Correlated 3D Objects (Diagnostic) ......................................................................... 293
Diagnostic P&ID Non-Correlated Objects (Diagnostic)....................................................................... 293
Diagnostic Piping Commodity Specifications (Diagnostic) ................................................................. 294
Diagnostic SmartPlant To Do List (Diagnostic) ................................................................................... 295
Diagnostic ToDoList Include Second Class Objects (Diagnostic) ...................................................... 295
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 295
Sheet1 tab .................................................................................................................................... 296
Diagnostic User Access Rights (Diagnostic) ...................................................................................... 296
Diagnostic WorkShare Management (Diagnostic) .............................................................................. 296
DIN Wall Thickness Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ........................................................ 297

10 Reports User's Guide


Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 297

DIN Wall Thickness Data tab ....................................................................................................... 297
Direction Change Fittings (Catalog Parts) .......................................................................................... 298
Electrical CableTray Material Take-Off (Electrical) ............................................................................. 298
Electrical Cableway Fill Sorted by Hanger Name (Electrical) ............................................................. 299
Electrical Cableway Fill Sorted by Hanger Name (Electrical) ............................................................. 300
Electrical Cableway Fill Sorted by Key Hanger Name (Electrical) ...................................................... 300
Electrical Cableway Fill Sorted by Key Hanger Name (Electrical) ...................................................... 301
Electrical Cabling Fill Sorted by Cableway Element (Electrical) ......................................................... 302
Electrical Cabling Fill Sorted by Cableway Element (Electrical) ......................................................... 302
Electrical Cabling Material Take-Off (Electrical) ................................................................................. 303
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Cable Type (Electrical) .......................................................................... 304
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Cable Type (Electrical) .......................................................................... 304
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Cableway Element (Electrical) .............................................................. 305
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Cableway Element (Electrical) .............................................................. 305
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Electrical System Name (Electrical) ...................................................... 306
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Electrical System Name (Electrical) ...................................................... 306
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Hanger Name (Electrical) ...................................................................... 307
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Hanger Name (Electrical) ...................................................................... 307
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Key Hanger Name (Electrical) ............................................................... 308
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Key Hanger Name (Electrical) ............................................................... 308
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Path Marker Name (Electrical) .............................................................. 309
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Path Marker Name (Electrical) .............................................................. 309
Equipment Finishing Sorted by Equipment Name (Equipment) ......................................................... 310
Equipment Location in WBS Project ................................................................................................... 310
Equipment Location Sorted by Equipment Name Style 1 (Equipment) .............................................. 311
Equipment Location Sorted by Equipment Name Style 2 (Equipment) .............................................. 311
Equipment Material Take-Off (Equipment) ......................................................................................... 312
Equipment Nozzle Sorted by Equipment ............................................................................................ 312
Equipment Piping Trim (Piping) .......................................................................................................... 313
Solids of Design Equipment with Composite CoG (Equipment) ......................................................... 313
Exhaust Head (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 314
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 314
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 314
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 314
Exhaust Head tab ......................................................................................................................... 315
Expansion Joint (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 316
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 316
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 316
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 316
Expansion Joint tab ...................................................................................................................... 317
Expansion Joint Offset (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Specialty Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 318
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 318
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 318
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 318
Expansion Joint Offset tab ........................................................................................................... 319
Field Fit Length (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ................................................... 320
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 320
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 320
Field Fit Length tab ....................................................................................................................... 321

Reports User's Guide 11


Filter (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data) ............................ 321
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 321
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 321
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 321
Filter tab ........................................................................................................................................ 322
Flame Arrestor (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 323
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 323
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 323
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 324
Flame Arrestor tab ........................................................................................................................ 324
Flared Pipe (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) .......................................................... 325
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 326
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 326
Flared Pipe tab ............................................................................................................................. 326
Flow Magnetic (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 326
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 326
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 326
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 326
Flow Magnetic tab ........................................................................................................................ 327
Flow Switch (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 328
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 328
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 328
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 328
Flow Switch tab ............................................................................................................................ 329
Flow Transmitter (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 330
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 330
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 330
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 330
Flow Transmitter tab ..................................................................................................................... 331
Fluid Density Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ............................................... 332
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 332
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 332
Fluid Density Rule tab .................................................................................................................. 332
Free Vent2 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)................... 332
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 333
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 333
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 333
Free Vent2 tab .............................................................................................................................. 333
Full-size Tees and Reducing Tees (Catalog Parts) ............................................................................ 334
Gasket Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) .................................................................... 335
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 335
Gasket Part Data tab .................................................................................................................... 335
Gasket Selection Filter for Nozzles (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ..................... 336
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 336
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 336
Gasket Selection Filter for Nozzles tab ........................................................................................ 336
Globe Control Valve (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 337
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 337

12 Reports User's Guide


Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 337

CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 337
Globe Control Valve tab ............................................................................................................... 337
Hangers and Supports All Sorted by Name (Hangers and Supports) ................................................ 339
Hangers and Supports Combined Sorted by Name (Hangers and Supports) .................................... 339
Hangers and Supports End View - Drawing (Hangers and Supports) ................................................ 340
Hangers and Supports for Cableways Sorted by Name (Hangers and Supports) ............................. 340
Hangers and Supports for Components - Drawings (Hangers and Supports) ................................... 340
Hangers and Supports for Components Sorted by Name (Hangers and Supports) .......................... 341
Hangers and Supports for Conduit Sorted by Name (Hangers and Supports) .................................. 341
Hangers and Supports for Ducts Sorted by Name (Hangers and Supports) ...................................... 342
Hangers and Supports for Pipe Sorted by Name (Hangers and Supports) ........................................ 342
Hangers and Supports for Supported Route - Drawing (Hangers and Supports) .............................. 343
Hangers and Supports for Supporting Structure - Drawing (Hangers and Supports) ........................ 343
Hangers and Supports ISO View - Drawing (Hangers and Supports) ................................................ 343
Hangers and Supports Pipe Rack Sorted by Name - Export to Icarus (Hangers and
Supports) ............................................................................................................................................. 344
Hangers and Supports Side View - Drawing (Hangers and Supports) ............................................... 345
HVAC Material Take-Off (HVAC) ........................................................................................................ 345
In-Line Fittings (Catalog Parts) ........................................................................................................... 346
Industry Commodity Code Rules (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Commodity
Code Rules) ........................................................................................................................................ 347
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 347
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 347
Formats tab .................................................................................................................................. 347
Industry Practice Properties tab ................................................................................................... 347
Bolt Coating tab ............................................................................................................................ 347
Bolt Diameter tab .......................................................................................................................... 348
Bolt Length tab ............................................................................................................................. 348
Bolt Set Quantity tab ..................................................................................................................... 348
Bolt Type tab ................................................................................................................................ 348
EndPreparation tab....................................................................................................................... 348
Flange Face Surface Finish tab ................................................................................................... 348
Gasket Thickness tab ................................................................................................................... 348
Gasket Type tab ........................................................................................................................... 348
Geometric Industry Practice tab ................................................................................................... 349
Geometric Industry Standard_UM tab .......................................................................................... 349
Geometric Industry Standard_US tab .......................................................................................... 349
Lining Material tab ........................................................................................................................ 349
Manufacturing Method tab ............................................................................................................ 349
MaterialsGrade_BS tab ................................................................................................................ 349
MaterialsGrade_US tab ................................................................................................................ 349
Nipple or Purchase Length tab ..................................................................................................... 350
Nut Type tab ................................................................................................................................. 350
Pressure Rating_DN tab............................................................................................................... 350
Pressure Rating_US tab ............................................................................................................... 350
Piping Commodity Type tab ......................................................................................................... 350
Requisition Classification tab ....................................................................................................... 350
Surface Preparation tab................................................................................................................ 350
Valve Manufacturer and Model No tab ......................................................................................... 351
Valve Trim tab .............................................................................................................................. 351
Washer Thickness tab .................................................................................................................. 351
Washer Type tab .......................................................................................................................... 351

Reports User's Guide 13


Inline Silencer Type1 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty

Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 351
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 351
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 351
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 352
Inline Silencer Type1 tab .............................................................................................................. 352
Instrument Class Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ............................................................ 353
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 354
Instrument Class Data tab ............................................................................................................ 354
Instrumentation Control Valves Sorted by Name (Instrumentation) ................................................... 355
Instruments (Verification of Consistency) ........................................................................................... 356
Insulation Material (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Insulation Data) ......................................... 370
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 370
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 370
Insulation Material tab .................................................................................................................. 370
Insulation Specification (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Insulation Data) .................................. 370
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 372
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 372
Insulation Specification tab ........................................................................................................... 372
Insulation Thickness Table (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Insulation Data) ............................ 372
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 372
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 372
Insulation Thickness Table tab ..................................................................................................... 372
Knife Gate Valve (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 373
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 373
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 373
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 373
Knife Gate Valve tab..................................................................................................................... 373
Ladder Splice Plate (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts) ................................................ 375
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 375
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 375
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 375
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 375
Cable Tray Ladder Splice Plate tab .............................................................................................. 375
Linear Valves (Catalog Parts) ............................................................................................................. 376
Liner Thickness Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) .............................................................. 377
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 377
Liner Thickness Data tab .............................................................................................................. 377
Mach Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant
Rules) .................................................................................................................................................. 378
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 378
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 378
Mach Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule tab .................................................................................. 378
Mass Flow (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 378
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 378
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 379
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 379
Mass Flow tab .............................................................................................................................. 379
Master Instrument Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) .................................................. 380
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 381
Custom Interfaces tab .................................................................................................................. 381

14 Reports User's Guide


GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 381

SheetName tab ............................................................................................................................. 381
Master Piping Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ......................................................... 383
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 383
Custom Interfaces tab .................................................................................................................. 383
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 383
SheetName tab ............................................................................................................................. 383
Master Piping Specialty Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) .......................................... 385
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 385
Custom Interfaces tab .................................................................................................................. 385
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 385
SheetName tab ............................................................................................................................. 386
Master Valve Operator Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ........................................... 387
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 387
Custom Interfaces tab .................................................................................................................. 387
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 388
SheetName tab ............................................................................................................................. 388
Materials Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ..................................................... 388
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 388
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 389
Materials Data tab ........................................................................................................................ 389
Mating Ports (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ........................................................ 389
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 389
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 389
Mating Ports tab ........................................................................................................................... 389
Min Pipe Length Purchase (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) .................................. 390
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 390
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 390
Min Pipe Length Purchase tab ..................................................................................................... 390
Minimum Pipe Length Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ................................. 390
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 390
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 391
Minimum Pipe Length Rule tab .................................................................................................... 391
Motor Operated Valve (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 391
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 391
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 391
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 391
Motor Operated Valve tab ............................................................................................................ 392
Multi Port Valve Operator Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping)............................................... 393
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 393
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 393
Multi Port Valve Operator Data tab .............................................................................................. 393
NPD Equivalence Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ....................................... 394
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 394
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 394
NPD Equivalence Rule tab ........................................................................................................... 394
Nut Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) .......................................................................... 394
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 394
Nut Part Data tab .......................................................................................................................... 395
Olet-type Branches (Catalog Parts) .................................................................................................... 395
Orifice Plates (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 396

Reports User's Guide 15


SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 396

Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 396
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 396
Orifice Plates tab .......................................................................................................................... 396
Orthographic Drawing Revision History (Deliverables)....................................................................... 398
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 398
Sheet tab ...................................................................................................................................... 398
Pipe Bending Configuration Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 398
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 399
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 399
Pipe Bending Configuration Data tab ........................................................................................... 399
Pipe Bending Die Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data) ............................ 400
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 400
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 400
Pipe Bending Die Data tab ........................................................................................................... 400
Pipe Bending Elongation (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ..................................... 400
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 400
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 401
Pipe Bending Elongation tab ........................................................................................................ 401
Pipe Bending Machine Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data) .................... 401
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 401
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 401
Pipe Bending Machine Data tab ................................................................................................... 401
Pipe Bending Minimum Tangent Length Data (Catalog Engineering
Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data) ..................................................................................................... 402
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 402
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 402
Pipe Bending Minimum Tangent Length Data tab ....................................................................... 402
Pipe Stock (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data) ................................... 403
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 403
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 403
CustomClassInterfaceList tab ...................................................................................................... 403
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 403
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 404
Pipe Stock tab .............................................................................................................................. 404
PipeRuns by Drawing (Deliverables\PipeRuns by Drawing) .............................................................. 404
Piping Commodity Material Control Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ............................... 405
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 405
Piping Commodify Mt ControlData tab ......................................................................................... 405
Piping Commodity Procurement Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) .................................... 406
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 406
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 406
Piping Commodity Procurement Data tab .................................................................................... 407
Piping Commodity Service Limits Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) .................................. 407
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 407
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 407
Piping Commodity Service Limits Data tab .................................................................................. 408
Piping Fittings - Export to Icarus ......................................................................................................... 408
Piping Fittings and Welds Sorted by NPD (Piping) ............................................................................. 408
Piping Fittings Material Take-Off in WBS Project ............................................................................... 409
Piping Generic Data Bolted (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) .................................................... 409
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 410

16 Reports User's Guide


Piping Generic Data Bolted tab .................................................................................................... 410

Piping Generic Data Female (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) .................................................. 410
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 411
Piping Generic Data Female tab .................................................................................................. 411
Piping Generic Data Mechanical (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ............................................ 411
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 411
Piping Generic Data Mechanical tab ............................................................................................ 411
Piping Insulated Pipe Sorted by Insulation Class (Piping) .................................................................. 412
Piping Material Class (Verification of Consistency) ............................................................................ 412
Piping Material Take-Off (Piping) ........................................................................................................ 434
Piping Materials Class (Piping Specifications) .................................................................................... 435
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 435
Bend Angles tab ........................................................................................................................... 435
Bolt Selection Filter tab................................................................................................................. 435
Clamp Selection Filter tab ............................................................................................................ 436
Corrosion Allowance tab............................................................................................................... 438
Default Change Of Direction tab .................................................................................................. 438
Field Lining Thickness tab ............................................................................................................ 438
Gasket Selection Filter tab ........................................................................................................... 438
Inside Surface Treatment tab ....................................................................................................... 439
Joint Quality Factor tab................................................................................................................. 439
Minimum Pipe Length Purchase tab ............................................................................................ 439
Minimum Pipe Length Rule tab .................................................................................................... 440
Nut Selection Filter tab ................................................................................................................. 440
Outside Surface Treatment tab .................................................................................................... 440
Permissible PipeBending Machine tab ......................................................................................... 441
Permissible Taps tab .................................................................................................................... 441
Pipe Bend Radii tab ...................................................................................................................... 441
Pipe Bending Elongation tab ........................................................................................................ 441
Pipe Branch tab ............................................................................................................................ 441
Pipe Nominal Diameters tab ......................................................................................................... 442
Pipe Takedown Parts tab ............................................................................................................. 442
Piping Commodity Filter tab ......................................................................................................... 442
Piping Materials Class Data tab ................................................................................................... 443
Port Alignment tab ........................................................................................................................ 444
Reinforcing Pad Data tab ............................................................................................................. 444
Reinforcing Weld Data tab ........................................................................................................... 445
Root Gap tab ................................................................................................................................ 445
Service Limits tab ......................................................................................................................... 445
Size Reduction tab ....................................................................................................................... 445
Thickness Data Rule tab .............................................................................................................. 446
Washer Selection Filter tab .......................................................................................................... 446
Weld Clearance Rule tab.............................................................................................................. 447
Weld Gap Rule tab ....................................................................................................................... 447
Piping Nipple Spools Sorted by NPD (Piping) .................................................................................... 447
Piping Part Data F001 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 448
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 448
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 448
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 448
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 449
Piping Part Data F001 tab ............................................................................................................ 449

Reports User's Guide 17


Piping Part Data F002 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part

Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 450
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 450
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 451
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 451
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 451
Piping Part Data F002 tab ............................................................................................................ 451
Piping Part Data F003 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 453
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 453
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 453
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 453
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 454
Piping Part Data F003 tab ............................................................................................................ 454
Piping Part Data F004 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 455
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 455
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 456
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 456
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 456
Piping Part Data F004 tab ............................................................................................................ 456
Piping Part Data F005 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 458
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 458
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 458
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 458
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 459
Piping Part Data F005 tab ............................................................................................................ 459
Piping Part Data F006 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 460
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 461
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 461
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 461
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 461
Piping Part Data F006 tab ............................................................................................................ 461
Piping Part Data M001 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 463
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 463
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 463
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 463
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 464
Piping Part Data M001 tab ........................................................................................................... 464
Piping Part Data M002 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 465
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 466
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 466
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 466
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 466
Piping Part Data M002 tab ........................................................................................................... 466
Piping Part Data M003 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 468
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 468
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 468

18 Reports User's Guide


CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 468

GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 469
Piping Part Data M003 tab ........................................................................................................... 469
Piping Part Data M004 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 470
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 471
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 471
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 471
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 471
Piping Part Data M004 tab ........................................................................................................... 471
Piping Part Data M005 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 473
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 473
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 473
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 473
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 474
Piping Part Data M005 tab ........................................................................................................... 474
Piping Part Data M006 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 475
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 476
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 476
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 476
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 476
Piping Part Data M006 tab ........................................................................................................... 476
Piping Part Data M007 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 478
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 478
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 478
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 478
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 479
Piping Part Data M007 tab ........................................................................................................... 479
Piping Part Data M008 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 480
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 481
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 481
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 481
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 481
Piping Part Data M008 tab ........................................................................................................... 481
Piping Part Data M009 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 483
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 483
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 483
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 483
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 484
Piping Part Data M009 tab ........................................................................................................... 484
Piping Part Data M010 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 485
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 486
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 486
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 486
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 486
Piping Part Data M010 tab ........................................................................................................... 486

Reports User's Guide 19


Piping Part Data M011 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part

Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 488
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 488
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 488
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 488
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 489
Piping Part Data M011 tab ........................................................................................................... 489
Piping Part Data M012 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 490
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 491
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 491
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 491
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 491
Piping Part Data M012 tab ........................................................................................................... 491
Piping Part Data M013 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 493
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 493
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 493
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 493
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 494
Piping Part Data M013 tab ........................................................................................................... 494
Piping Part Data M014 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 495
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 496
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 496
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 496
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 496
Piping Part Data M014 tab ........................................................................................................... 496
Piping Part Data M015 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 498
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 498
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 498
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 498
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 499
Piping Part Data M015 tab ........................................................................................................... 499
Piping Part Data M016 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 500
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 501
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 501
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 501
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 501
Piping Part Data M016 tab ........................................................................................................... 501
Piping Part Data M017 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 503
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 503
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 503
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 503
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 504
Piping Part Data M017 tab ........................................................................................................... 504
Piping Part Data M018 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 505
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 506
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 506

20 Reports User's Guide


CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 506

GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 506
Piping Part Data M018 tab ........................................................................................................... 506
Piping Part Data M019 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 508
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 508
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 508
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 508
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 509
Piping Part Data M019 tab ........................................................................................................... 509
Piping Part Data M020 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 510
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 511
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 511
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 511
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 511
Piping Part Data M020 tab ........................................................................................................... 511
Piping Part Data M021 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 513
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 513
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 513
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 514
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 514
Piping Part Data M021 tab ........................................................................................................... 514
Piping Part Data M022 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 516
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 516
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 516
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 516
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 517
Piping Part Data M022 tab ........................................................................................................... 517
Piping Part Data M023 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 518
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 519
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 519
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 519
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 519
Piping Part Data M023 tab ........................................................................................................... 519
Piping Part Data M024 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 521
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 521
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 521
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 521
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 522
Piping Part Data M024 tab ........................................................................................................... 522
Piping Part Data M025 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 523
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 524
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 524
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 524
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 524
Piping Part Data M025 tab ........................................................................................................... 524

Reports User's Guide 21


Piping Part Data M026 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part

Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 526
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 526
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 526
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 526
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 527
Piping Part Data M026 tab ........................................................................................................... 527
Piping Part Data M027 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 528
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 529
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 529
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 529
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 529
Piping Part Data M027 tab ........................................................................................................... 529
Piping Part Data M028 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 531
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 531
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 531
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 531
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 532
Piping Part Data M028 tab ........................................................................................................... 532
Piping Part Data M029 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 533
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 534
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 534
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 534
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 534
Piping Part Data M029 tab ........................................................................................................... 534
Piping Part Data M030 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 536
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 536
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 536
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 536
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 537
Piping Part Data M030 tab ........................................................................................................... 537
Piping Part Data M031 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 538
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 539
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 539
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 539
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 539
Piping Part Data M031 tab ........................................................................................................... 539
Piping Part Data M032 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 541
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 541
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 541
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 541
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 542
Piping Part Data M032 tab ........................................................................................................... 542
Piping Part Data M033 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 543
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 544
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 544

22 Reports User's Guide


CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 544

GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 544
Piping Part Data M033 tab ........................................................................................................... 544
Piping Part Data M034 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 546
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 546
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 546
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 546
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 547
Piping Part Data M034 tab ........................................................................................................... 547
Piping Part Data M035 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 548
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 549
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 549
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 549
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 549
Piping Part Data M035 tab ........................................................................................................... 549
Piping Part Data M036 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 551
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 551
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 551
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 551
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 552
Piping Part Data M036 tab ........................................................................................................... 552
Piping Part Data M037 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 553
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 554
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 554
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 554
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 554
Piping Part Data M037 tab ........................................................................................................... 554
Piping Part Data M038 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 556
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 556
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 556
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 556
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 557
Piping Part Data M038 tab ........................................................................................................... 557
Piping Part Data M039 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 558
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 559
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 559
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 559
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 559
Piping Part Data M039 tab ........................................................................................................... 559
Piping Part Data M040 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 561
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 561
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 561
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 561
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 562
Piping Part Data M040 tab ........................................................................................................... 562

Reports User's Guide 23


Piping Part Data M041 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part

Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 563
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 564
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 564
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 564
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 564
Piping Part Data M041 tab ........................................................................................................... 564
Piping Part Data M042 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 566
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 566
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 566
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 566
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 567
Piping Part Data M042 tab ........................................................................................................... 567
Piping Part Data M043 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 568
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 569
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 569
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 569
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 569
Piping Part Data M043 tab ........................................................................................................... 569
Piping Part Data M044 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 571
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 571
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 571
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 571
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 572
Piping Part Data M044 tab ........................................................................................................... 572
Piping Part Data M045 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 573
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 573
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 574
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 574
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 574
Piping Part Data M045 tab ........................................................................................................... 574
Piping Part Data M046 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 576
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 576
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 576
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 576
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 577
Piping Part Data M046 tab ........................................................................................................... 577
Piping Part Data M047 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 578
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 578
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 579
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 579
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 579
Piping Part Data M047 tab ........................................................................................................... 579
Piping Part Data M048 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 581
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 581
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 581

24 Reports User's Guide


CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 581

GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 582
Piping Part Data M048 tab ........................................................................................................... 582
Piping Part Data M049 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 583
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 584
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 584
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 584
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 584
Piping Part Data M049 tab ........................................................................................................... 584
Piping Part Data M050 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 586
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 586
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 586
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 586
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 587
Piping Part Data M050 tab ........................................................................................................... 587
Piping Part Data M051 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 588
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 588
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 589
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 589
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 589
Piping Part Data M051 tab ........................................................................................................... 589
Piping Part Data M052 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 591
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 591
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 591
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 591
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 592
Piping Part Data M052 tab ........................................................................................................... 592
Piping Part Data M053 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 593
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 594
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 594
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 594
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 594
Piping Part Data M053 tab ........................................................................................................... 594
Piping Part Data M054 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 596
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 596
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 596
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 596
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 597
Piping Part Data M054 tab ........................................................................................................... 597
Piping Part Data M055 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 598
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 599
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 599
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 599
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 599
Piping Part Data M055 tab ........................................................................................................... 599

Reports User's Guide 25


Piping Part Data M056 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part

Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 601
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 602
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 602
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 602
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 603
Piping Part Data M056 tab ........................................................................................................... 603
Piping Part Data M057 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 604
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 605
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 605
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 605
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 605
Piping Part Data M057 tab ........................................................................................................... 605
Piping Part Data Op001 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 607
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 607
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 607
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 607
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 608
Piping Part Data Op001 tab ......................................................................................................... 608
Piping Part Data Op002 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 608
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 609
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 609
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 609
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 609
Piping Part Data Op002 tab ......................................................................................................... 609
Piping Part Data Op003 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 610
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 610
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 610
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 610
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 611
Piping Part Data Op003 tab ......................................................................................................... 611
Piping Part Data Op004 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 611
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 612
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 612
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 612
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 612
Piping Part Data Op004 tab ......................................................................................................... 612
Piping Part Data Op005 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 613
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 613
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 613
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 613
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 614
Piping Part Data Op005 tab ......................................................................................................... 614
Piping Part Data Op006 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 614
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 615
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 615

26 Reports User's Guide


CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 615

GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 615
Piping Part Data Op006 tab ......................................................................................................... 615
Piping Part Data Op007 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 616
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 616
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 616
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 616
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 617
Piping Part Data Op007 tab ......................................................................................................... 617
Piping Part Data Op008 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 617
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 618
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 618
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 618
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 618
Piping Part Data Op008 tab ......................................................................................................... 618
Piping Part Data Op009 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 619
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 619
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 619
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 619
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 620
Piping Part Data Op009 tab ......................................................................................................... 620
Piping Part Data Op010 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 620
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 621
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 621
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 621
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 621
Piping Part Data Op010 tab ......................................................................................................... 621
Piping Part Data Op011 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 622
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 622
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 622
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 622
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 623
Piping Part Data Op011 tab ......................................................................................................... 623
Piping Part Data Op012 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 623
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 624
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 624
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 624
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 624
Piping Part Data Op012 tab ......................................................................................................... 624
Piping Part Data Op013 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 625
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 625
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 625
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 625
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 626
Piping Part Data Op013 tab ......................................................................................................... 626

Reports User's Guide 27


Piping Part Data Op014 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve

Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 626
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 627
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 627
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 627
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 627
Piping Part Data Op014 tab ......................................................................................................... 627
Piping Part Data Op015 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 628
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 628
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 628
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 628
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 629
Piping Part Data Op015 tab ......................................................................................................... 629
Piping Part Data Op016 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 629
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 630
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 630
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 630
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 630
Piping Part Data Op016 tab ......................................................................................................... 630
Piping Part Data Op017 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 631
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 631
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 631
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 631
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 632
Piping Part Data Op017 tab ......................................................................................................... 632
Piping Part Data Op018 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 632
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 633
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 633
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 633
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 633
Piping Part Data Op018 tab ......................................................................................................... 633
Piping Part Data Op019 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 634
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 634
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 634
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 634
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 635
Piping Part Data Op019 tab ......................................................................................................... 635
Piping Part Data Op020 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 635
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 636
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 636
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 636
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 636
Piping Part Data Op020 tab ......................................................................................................... 636
Piping Part Data Op021 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve
Operator Part Data) ............................................................................................................................ 637
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 637
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 637

28 Reports User's Guide


CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 637

GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 638
Piping Part Data Op021 tab ......................................................................................................... 638
Piping Part Data P01 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 638
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 639
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 639
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 639
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 639
Piping Part Data P01 tab .............................................................................................................. 639
Piping Part Data S01 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 641
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 641
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 641
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 641
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 642
Piping Part Data S01 tab .............................................................................................................. 642
Piping Part Data S02 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 643
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 644
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 644
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 644
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 644
Piping Part Data S02 tab .............................................................................................................. 644
Piping Part Data V001 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 646
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 647
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 647
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 647
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 647
Piping Part Data V001 tab ............................................................................................................ 647
Piping Part Data V002 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 649
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 649
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 649
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 649
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 650
Piping Part Data V002 tab ............................................................................................................ 650
Piping Part Data V003 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 651
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 652
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 652
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 652
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 652
Piping Part Data V003 tab ............................................................................................................ 652
Piping Part Data V004 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 654
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 654
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 654
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 654
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 655
Piping Part Data V004 tab ............................................................................................................ 655

Reports User's Guide 29


Piping Part Data V005 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part

Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 656
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 657
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 657
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 657
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 657
Piping Part Data V005 tab ............................................................................................................ 657
Piping Part Data V006 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 659
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 659
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 659
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 659
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 660
Piping Part Data V006 tab ............................................................................................................ 660
Piping Part Data V007 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 661
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 662
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 662
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 662
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 662
Piping Part Data V007 tab ............................................................................................................ 662
Piping Part Data V008 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 664
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 664
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 664
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 664
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 665
Piping Part Data V008 tab ............................................................................................................ 665
Piping Part Data V009 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 666
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 666
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 667
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 667
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 667
Piping Part Data V009 tab ............................................................................................................ 667
Piping Part Data V010 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 669
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 669
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 669
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 669
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 670
Piping Part Data V010 tab ............................................................................................................ 670
Piping Part Data V011 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 671
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 671
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 672
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 672
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 672
Piping Part Data V011 tab ............................................................................................................ 672
Piping Part Data V012 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 674
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 674
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 674

30 Reports User's Guide


CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 674

GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 675
Piping Part Data V012 tab ............................................................................................................ 675
Piping Part Data V013 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 676
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 676
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 677
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 677
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 677
Piping Part Data V013 tab ............................................................................................................ 677
Piping Part Data V014 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 679
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 679
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 679
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 679
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 680
Piping Part Data V014 tab ............................................................................................................ 680
Piping Part Data V015 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 681
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 682
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 682
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 682
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 682
Piping Part Data V015 tab ............................................................................................................ 682
Piping Part Data V016 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 684
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 684
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 684
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 684
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 685
Piping Part Data V016 tab ............................................................................................................ 685
Piping Part Data V017 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 686
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 687
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 687
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 687
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 687
Piping Part Data V017 tab ............................................................................................................ 687
Piping Part Data V018 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 689
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 689
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 689
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 689
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 690
Piping Part Data V018 tab ............................................................................................................ 690
Piping Part Data V019 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 691
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 692
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 692
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 692
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 692
Piping Part Data V019 tab ............................................................................................................ 692

Reports User's Guide 31


Piping Part Data V020 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part

Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 694
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 694
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 695
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 695
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 695
Piping Part Data V020 tab ............................................................................................................ 695
Piping Part Data V021 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 697
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 698
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 698
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 698
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 698
Piping Part Data V021 tab ............................................................................................................ 698
Piping Part Data V022 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 700
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 701
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 701
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 701
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 701
Piping Part Data V022 tab ............................................................................................................ 701
Piping Pipe Line List (Piping) .............................................................................................................. 704
Piping Pipe Material Take-Off in WBS Project .................................................................................... 704
Piping Pipe Runs - Export to Icarus .................................................................................................... 705
Piping Pipe Total Length Sorted by NPD (Piping) .............................................................................. 707
Piping Pipeline and Revision Data Sorted by Name (Piping) ............................................................. 707
Piping Pipelines Sorted by Name (Piping) .......................................................................................... 708
Piping Specialty Class Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ................................................... 708
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 709
Piping Specialty Class Data tab ................................................................................................... 709
Piping Specifications Sorted by Spec Name ...................................................................................... 710
Piping Tie Points in WBS Project ........................................................................................................ 710
Piping Valves Material Take-Off in WBS Project ................................................................................ 711
Piping Valves Sorted by NPD (Piping) ................................................................................................ 711
Plain Piping Generic Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ...................................................... 712
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 712
Plain Piping Generic Data tab ...................................................................................................... 712
Planning Joints (ShipStructure) .......................................................................................................... 712
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 712
Report tab ..................................................................................................................................... 712
Plate Flange Setback Distance (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ........................... 713
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 713
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 713
Plate Flange Setback Distance tab .............................................................................................. 714
Port Alignment Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ............................................ 714
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 714
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 714
Port Alignment Rule tab................................................................................................................ 714
Preferred Cap Screw Length Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ...................... 714
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 715
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 715
Preferred Cap Screw Length Rule tab ......................................................................................... 715
Preferred Mach Bolt Length Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)........................ 715

32 Reports User's Guide


SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 715

Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 715
Preferred Mach Bolt Length Rule tab ........................................................................................... 715
Preferred Stud Bolt Length Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ......................... 716
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 716
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 716
Preferred Stud Bolt Length Rule tab ............................................................................................ 716
Pressure Gauge (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 716
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 717
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 717
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 717
Pressure Gauge tab ..................................................................................................................... 717
Pressure Regulator (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 718
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 718
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 718
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 719
Pressure Regulator tab................................................................................................................. 719
Pressure Relief Valve (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Instrument Part Data) .......................................................................................................................... 720
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 720
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 721
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 721
Pressure Relief Valve tab ............................................................................................................. 721
Pressure Switch (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 722
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 723
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 723
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 723
Pressure Switch tab...................................................................................................................... 723
Pressure Transmitter (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Instrument Part Data) .......................................................................................................................... 724
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 725
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 725
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 725
Pressure Transmitter tab .............................................................................................................. 725
Reducer (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts) .................................................................. 726
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 726
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 727
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 727
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 727
Cable Tray_Reducers tab ............................................................................................................ 727
Reinforcing Pads (Catalog Parts) ....................................................................................................... 728
Root Gap (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ............................................................. 729
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 729
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 729
Root Gap tab ................................................................................................................................ 729
Rules (Catalog Engineering Checks\Cableway) ................................................................................. 729
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 729
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 729
Cableway Nominal Sizes tab ........................................................................................................ 730
CableWay Bend Radius tab ......................................................................................................... 730

Reports User's Guide 33


Rules (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit) .................................................................................... 730

SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 730
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 730
Conduit Filter tab .......................................................................................................................... 730
Conduit Nominal Diameters tab ................................................................................................... 731
Short Code Hierarchy Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ................................. 731
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 731
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 731
Short Code Hierarchy Rule tab .................................................................................................... 731
Short Stroke Rotameter (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Instrument Part Data) .......................................................................................................................... 731
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 732
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 732
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 732
Short Stroke Rotameter tab .......................................................................................................... 732
Size Reduction Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)............................................ 733
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 734
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 734
Size Reduction Rule tab ............................................................................................................... 734
Slip On Flange Setback Distance (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ....................... 734
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 734
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 735
Slip On Flange Setback Distance tab ........................................................................................... 735
SmartPlant Review ............................................................................................................................. 735
Specialties (Verification of Constistency) ............................................................................................ 735
Specifications (Catalog Engineering Checks\Cableway) .................................................................... 750
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 751
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 751
Cableway Spec tab ....................................................................................................................... 751
Specifications (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit) ....................................................................... 751
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 751
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 751
Conduit Spec tab .......................................................................................................................... 751
Splice Plate Vertical Adjustable (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts).............................. 752
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 752
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 752
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 752
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 752
Vertical Adjustable Splice Plate tab .............................................................................................. 752
Standard Notes Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\StandardNotesData) ........................................ 753
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 753
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 754
Standard Notes Data tab .............................................................................................................. 754
Steam Trap Type4 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 754
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 754
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 754
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 754
Steam Trap Type4 tab .................................................................................................................. 755
Steam Trap Type5 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 756
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 756
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 756

34 Reports User's Guide


CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 757

Steam Trap Type5 tab .................................................................................................................. 757
Steam Trap Type6 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 759
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 759
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 759
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 759
Steam Trap Type6 tab .................................................................................................................. 759
Steam Trap Type7 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 761
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 761
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 761
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 761
Steam Trap Type7 tab .................................................................................................................. 762
Steam Trap Type8 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 763
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 763
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 763
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 763
Steam Trap Type8 tab .................................................................................................................. 764
Straight (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts) ................................................................... 765
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 765
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 766
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 766
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 766
CableTray Straight tab.................................................................................................................. 766
Structure Curve Member Itemized Material Take-Off (Structure) ....................................................... 767
Structure Curve Member Itemized Material Take-Off by Unit Weight (Structure) .............................. 768
Structure Handrails Detailed Properties (Structure) ........................................................................... 768
Structure Handrails General Properties (Structure) ............................................................................ 769
Structure Ladders Detailed Properties (Structure).............................................................................. 769
Structure Ladders General Properties (Structure) .............................................................................. 770
Structure Linear Member Itemized Material Take-Off (Structure) ...................................................... 771
Structure Linear Member Itemized Material Take-Off by Unit Weight (Structure) .............................. 771
Structure Member Summarized Material Take-Off by Unit Weight (Structure) .................................. 772
Structure Open Steel Sorted by Name - Export to Icarus (Structure)................................................. 773
Structure Slab Material Take-Off (Structure) ...................................................................................... 774
Structure Stairs Detailed Properties (Structure) ................................................................................. 775
Structure Stairs General Properties (Structure) .................................................................................. 775
Stud Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant
Rules) .................................................................................................................................................. 776
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 776
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 776
Stud Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule tab ................................................................................... 776
T Strainer (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)..................... 776
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 777
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 777
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 777
T Strainer tab ................................................................................................................................ 777
Tap Properties Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ............................................................... 779
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 779
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 779
Tap Properties Data tab ............................................................................................................... 779

Reports User's Guide 35


Tee (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts).......................................................................... 779

SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 779
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 779
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 780
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 780
CableTray_Tee tab ....................................................................................................................... 780
Temperature Control Valve (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Instrument Part Data) .......................................................................................................................... 781
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 781
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 782
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 782
Temperature Control Valve tab .................................................................................................... 782
Temperature Switch (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument
Part Data) ............................................................................................................................................ 783
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 784
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 784
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 784
Temperature Switch tab ............................................................................................................... 784
Temperature Transmitter (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Instrument Part Data) .......................................................................................................................... 785
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 785
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 786
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 786
Temperature Transmitter tab ........................................................................................................ 786
Valve Operator Material Control Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) .................................... 787
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 788
Valve Operator Mt ControlData tab .............................................................................................. 788
Valve Tags by Spec (Catalog Parts) ................................................................................................... 788
Vent Silencer2 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 789
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 789
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 789
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 789
Vent Silencer2 tab ........................................................................................................................ 789
View Default (ShipDrawings\Dependent View Reports) ..................................................................... 791
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 791
Report1 tab ................................................................................................................................... 791
Vortex Flow (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 791
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 791
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 791
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 791
Vortex Flow tab ............................................................................................................................. 792
Washer Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) ................................................................... 793
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 793
Washer Part Data tab ................................................................................................................... 793
Weld Model Representation Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) ....................... 793
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 794
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 794
Weld Model Representation Rule tab........................................................................................... 794
Weld Type Rule (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)................................................... 794
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 794
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 794

36 Reports User's Guide


Weld Type Rule tab ...................................................................................................................... 794

Wye (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts)......................................................................... 795
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 795
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 795
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 795
GUIDS tab .................................................................................................................................... 795
CableTray_Wye tab ...................................................................................................................... 795
Y Strainer2 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part
Data) ................................................................................................................................................... 797
SP3DReport_Definition ................................................................................................................ 797
Index tab ....................................................................................................................................... 797
CustomInterfaces ......................................................................................................................... 797
Y Strainer2 tab .............................................................................................................................. 797

Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 801

Reports User's Guide 37

This document is a user's guide for the SmartPlant 3D Drawings and Reports task and provides
command reference information and procedural instructions.
The Drawings and Reports user documentation is delivered in three separate documents:
 Orthographic Drawings User's Guide
 Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide
 Reports User's Guide

Reports User's Guide 39


40 Reports User's Guide

SmartPlant 3D Documentation Set
SmartPlant 3D documentation is available as Adobe PDF files. The content is the same as
online Help. To access these PDF documents, click Help > Printable Guides in the software.
The documentation set is divided into four categories:
 Administrative guides contain information about installing, configuring, customizing, and
troubleshooting SmartPlant 3D.
 User's guides provide command reference and how-to information for working in each
SmartPlant 3D task.
 Reference data guides define the reference data workbooks. Not all tasks have reference
 ISOGEN guides

Administrative Guides
SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide - Provides instructions on installing and configuring the
Project Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the databases, creating
permission groups, backing up and restoring project data, assigning access permissions to the
model, defining and managing locations for Global Workshare, and version migration.
SmartPlant 3D Global Workshare Guide - Provides instructions for setting up the software and
the databases to work in a workshare environment.
SmartPlant 3D Interference Checking Guide - Provides information on installing, configuring,
and using the interference detection service.
SmartPlant 3D Integration Reference Guide - Provides information about installing, configuring,
and using SmartPlant 3D in an integrated environment.
SmartPlant 3D Interpreting Human Piping Specifications - Provides information about how to
interpret human piping specifications so that you can create the corresponding piping
specification in the software.
SmartPlant 3D Export to PDMS - Provides information about how to export model data from
SmartPlant 3D to PDMS. Specific guidelines relating to best practices and known limitations of
the export functionality are also included.
SmartPlant 3D Point Cloud Reference - Provides information for referencing point cloud files
provided by point cloud vendors in SmartPlant 3D.
SmartPlant 3D Troubleshooting Guide - Provides information on how to resolve errors that you
may encounter in the software by documenting troubleshooting tips, error messages, and To Do
List messages.
SmartPlant 3D Plant Design System (PDS) Guide - Provides all information needed to use PDS
with SmartPlant 3D. Topics include referencing active PDS projects in SmartPlant 3D, exporting
PDS data and importing that data into SmartPlant 3D, and converting PDS reference data to
SmartPlant 3D reference data.
SmartPlant 3D/SmartMarine 3D Programmer's Guide - Provides information about custom
commands, naming rules, and symbol programming. This document is delivered, if you install
the Programming Resources, to the [Product Folder]\3D\Programming\Help folder.

User's Guides
Catalog User's Guide - Provides information about viewing, editing, and creating reference data
and select lists (codelists).

Reports User's Guide 41


Common User's Guide - Provides information about defining workspaces, manipulating views,
and running reports.
Electrical User's Guide - Provides information about routing electrical cable, cableway, cable
tray, and conduit.
Equipment and Furnishings User's Guide - Provides information about placing equipment.
Grids User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating coordinate systems, elevation grid
planes, vertical grid planes, radial cylinders, radial planes, grid arcs, and grid lines.
Hangers and Supports User's Guide - Provides instructions on placing piping, duct, and
cableway supports in the model.
HVAC User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing HVAC duct.
Orthographic Drawings User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing
orthographic drawings.
Piping Isometric Drawings User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing
piping isometric drawings.
Piping User's Guide - Provides instructions for routing pipe and placing valves, taps, and pipe
Reports User's Guide - Provides information about creating and managing spreadsheet reports.
Space Management User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing space objects such as
areas, zones, interference volumes, and drawing volumes in the model.
Structural Analysis User's Guide - Provides instructions for defining loads, load cases, load
combinations, and the importing and exporting of analytical data.
Structure User's Guide - Provides instructions for placing structural members such as: beams,
columns, slabs, openings, stairs, ladders, equipment foundations, and handrails.
Systems and Specifications User's Guide - Provides instructions for creating systems and
selecting which specifications are available for each system type.

Reference Data Guides

SmartPlant 3D 2D Symbols User's Guide - Provides command reference information and
procedural instructions for creating 2D symbols used to represent collars, clips, profiles,
brackets, and other items.
SmartPlant 3D 2D Symbols Reference Data Guide - Provides information about the
two-dimensional symbols used in all tasks.
Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about reports reference
Electrical Reference Data Guide - Provides information about electrical cable, cableway, cable
tray, and conduit reference data.
Electrical 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the cable tray and conduit 3D
symbols that are available.
Equipment and Furnishings Reference Data Guide - Provides information about equipment
reference data.
Equipment 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the equipment, equipment
component, design shapes, and design aides 3D symbols that are available.
Hangers and Supports Reference Data Guide - Provides information about hangers and
supports reference data.
Hangers and Supports 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the hanger and
support 3D symbols that are available.

42 Reports User's Guide


Hangers and Supports SmartPart Symbols Reference - Provides information about the hanger
and support SmartPart symbols that are available.
HVAC Reference Data Guide - Provides information about HVAC reference data.
HVAC 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the HVAC 3D symbols that are
SmartPlant 3D Reference Data Guide - Provides instructions about the Bulkload utility,
codelists, and the reference data common to several disciplines.
Piping Reference Data Guide - Provides information about piping reference data including piping
specifications, piping specification rules, piping parts, and piping symbols.
Piping 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the piping 3D symbols that are
Space Management Reference Data Guide - Provides information about space management
reference data.
Structure Reference Data Guide - Provides information about structural reference data.
Structure 3D Symbols Reference - Provides information about the stair, ladder, footings, and
equipment foundation 3D symbols that are available.

Symbol Keys Reference Guide - Provides information about the symbol keys for isometric
drawings. This guide is from Alias, the makers of ISOGEN.

Reports User's Guide 43


44 Reports User's Guide

Documentation Comments
We welcome comments or suggestions about this documentation. You can send us an email at:
Documentation updates for supported software versions are available from eCustomer

Reports User's Guide 45


46 Reports User's Guide

What's New in Drawings and Reports
The following changes have been made to the Drawing and Reports task.
Version 2011 R1 (9.1)

Drawings (General)
 A new Centerline aspect has been added. For more information, see Select Aspects Dialog
Box (on page 82). (CR-CP:47284)
 The values for the Issue Reason property on the Issue tab of the Properties dialog box
can now be customized by editing and bulkloading the DrawingIssueReason_Codelist.xls
workbook. For more information, see Issue Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 87). (P3
CP: 204897)
 The following drawing property values are now mapped in the drawings toolmap schema
(Dwgs3DMap.xml) and published to SmartPlant Foundation:
 Desc1 provides the drawing description (Properties Dialog Box > Title Area Tab).
 Title1 provides the title of the drawing (Properties Dialog Box > Title Area Tab).
 Document Type specifies the subtype (Properties Dialog Box > WBS Tab).
 Discipline specifies the document type (Properties Dialog Box > WBS Tab).
If you have a custom symbol share, you need to merge the mapping changes into that
share. For more information, see Setting Properties (on page 73). (P2 CP:167648)
 A new aspect has been added to place centerlines on equipment and nozzle features. For
more information, see Select Aspects Dialog Box (on page 82). (P2-CP: 205291)
 SmartPlant 3D now uses Intergraph Batch Services to help you run large, time-consuming
operations on a separate computer or during off hours, leaving your workstations available
for other tasks. For more information, see Batch Processing - Intergraph Batch Services (on
page 165). (P3 CP: 169878)
 The Drawing View Properties dialog box has been added. For more information, see
Drawing View Properties Dialog Box (Place View Command) - Steel Order Drawings. (P3

Orthographic Drawings
 You can place elevation label for a route object, such as pipe, HVAC, cable and conduit. For
more information, see Elevation Label Command.
 The option Expand Volume to Include Supported Objects has been added to the Setup
dialog box. For more information, see Setup Dialog Box (Orthographic Drawing by Query
Component). (HF-CP:198256)
 Added Copy and Paste View command to the SP3D Drawings Compose toolbar. For
more information, see Copy and Paste View. (P3-CP:212571)

Piping Isometric Drawings

 The options DottedDimensionedLabel and DottedUnDimensionedLabel have been
added to the Isometric Options Browser. For more information, see Dotted Symbology (S3D
Drawing Format). (P2 CP:198922)
 The options MaximumDistance and UseMaximumDistance have been added to the
Isometric Options Browser. For more information, see Column Reference (S3D Drawing
Dimensions). (CR-CP:203776)

Reports User's Guide 47

What's New in Drawings and Reports

 Three error codes have been added concerning pipeline disconnection. For more
information, see Appendix: Personal ISOGEN Return Values. (P2-CP:204854)
 The ISOGEN Symbol Editor has replaced the Alias Symbol Editor for creating customized
ASCII symbol files. For more information, see Custom Symbols for Isometric Drawings.
 Guidelines for modifying the style settings to support ISOGEN ASCII symbol files have been
added to this document. For more information, see Configure the software to use an ASCII
symbol file.

 Support for SPRDirect functionality has been added. SPRDirect is the process of publishing
SmartPlant 3D and SmartMarine 3D (Smart 3D) model data directly to graphic (VUE) and
attribute or label data (MDB2) files, which can be opened in the SmartPlant Review
application. For more information, see Use the SmartPlant Review Spreadsheet Report for
SPRDirect (on page 149). (P2 CP:199189)

48 Reports User's Guide


Drawings and Reports

The Drawings and Reports task creates orthographic drawings, isometric drawings, and reports
from the model. This task provides an update feature to increase productivity for your company.
When the 3D model changes, you can update the drawings and reports.
The Drawings and Reports task is also responsible for publishing. When your model is
registered using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard, you can publish volume and composed
drawings, orthographic drawings, isometric drawings, and reports. You can also publish 3D
model data using the 3D Model Data component.
The Management Console organizes the different document types into a customizable
hierarchy. Using the component functionality of the console, you can create, edit, update, print,
save, and publish the deliverables. This hierarchy of components and documents is also
available in many of the 3D tasks, such as Common, by using the Tools > Drawing Console
command. You can perform nearly all of your document operations using this command. For
more information, see the Common User's Guide.
Before you can create components for drawings and reports, your administrator must organize
the Management Console hierarchy with folders for each component type. Then, the
administrator must complete several setup steps, including setting up drawing and report
templates, creating view styles, creating appropriate filters, and specifying isometric drawing
options. Default templates and view styles are delivered with the software, and you can
customize them to suit your needs.
It is possible to customize templates and view styles before any objects exist in the model.
However, to create drawings and reports, objects must exist in your model. For example, if you
want to generate isometric drawings, you must have piping in your model.

Composed Drawings
Composed drawings are orthographic drawings created in a 3D task such as Common. The
composed drawing component, available in the Drawing and Reports task Management
Console, manages the composed drawings you create. Composed drawings are flexible,
allowing you to have views that are managed by a drawing region and associate the views to
volumes and other views.

Volume Drawings
Volume drawings are useful for creating general arrangement or construction drawings of areas
within the model. In the Volume Drawing workflows, you or your administrator must create or
edit border templates. You can place drawing property labels in the title block of the template to
fit your company or project. You also must configure the view styles, which are sets of rules that
determine how the graphics in the three-dimensional model are represented on the drawings.
View styles use filters. You can create a folder of drawing filters, with new, existing, and future
filters for each discipline. You place drawing volumes in the Space Management task. You can
publish Volume drawings when they are up-to-date.

Orthographic Drawings by Query

The Orthographic Drawing by Query component, in conjunction with the Drawings by Query
Manager component, creates drawings in mass by specifying a filter-based query to collect
objects for drawings. This drawing type is appropriate for creating detail drawings of particular

Reports User's Guide 49

Drawings and Reports

objects within the model. They are especially useful when creating drawings that use the same
style or format for large numbers of similar objects, such as hangers or supports.
Just like composed and volume drawings, you can print, update, save into MicroStation or
AutoCAD formats, or publish Orthographic Drawings by Query. When you publish Orthographic
Drawings, a viewable graphic file is created; no physical data is published.

Piping Isometric Drawings by Query

Like Orthographic Drawings by Query, you create Piping Isometric Drawings by Query by
specifying a filter-based query to collect the objects. The workflow requires that you create or
edit border templates to fit your company or project. You or your administrator also must set the
isometric options for each of the isometric styles that you need in your project.
When you publish Piping Isometric Drawings by Query, they are published as viewable
graphics; no physical data is published.

In the Spreadsheet Reports workflow, you create report templates, which control the content
and format of reports. The default file format of reports in the software is Microsoft Excel
format. The Report Template Editor provides the ability to configure your reports to use queries
and special formatting.
You can publish Spreadsheet Reports just like drawings. However, the Spreadsheet Reports are
published as Excel spreadsheets; no physical data is published.

 Microsoft Excel 2003 is the minimum supported version for the Drawings and Reports task.
 Microsoft Excel 2007 has a file format and extension of .xlsx. However, the delivered report
templates still use the old .xls extension. If you create a report template with the .xlsx
extension, only machines with Excel 2007 will be able to handle (edit, update, or open) the
report. If you attempt to open an .xlsx file with an older version of Excel, an error message
appears stating that the file is not compatible with the version of Excel.
 For users of Office 2003, in Microsoft Excel under Tools > Macro > Security > Trusted
Publishers tab, check the Trust Access to Visual Basic Project option.
 For users of Office 2007 and Office 2010, click the Microsoft Office button to access Excel
Option. Go to the Trust Center category and select the Trust Center Settings button.
Select the Macro Settings category and check Trust access to the VBA project object
 For more information about Microsoft Office and service packs, refer to the Microsoft web
site (http://www.microsoft.com/) (http://www.microsoft.com/).

50 Reports User's Guide


Interface Overview
This task includes different windows or views within its interface. You can toggle the display of
these windows using commands on the View menu. For more information, see View Menu (on
page 55).

The Management Console contains a hierarchy of folders and components that you create. If
you right-click an item in the Management Console, the available menu commands vary,
depending on the item and your permissions. For more information on managing folders and
components in the Management Console, see Shortcut Menus (on page 61).
The Detail View shows the children of the selected item in the Management Console. You can
select multiple components or documents by pressing Ctrl or Shift while selecting. To specify
the columns in the Detail View, right-click a column heading and click More. The Detail View is
overlaid by other windows depending on the current operation. For example, when reviewing
drawings using the Open command, a 2D viewer appears. When you edit report templates, a
tabular editor appears. For more information on setting the appearance of the Detail View, see
Detail View (View Menu) (on page 56).
The Workspace Explorer is the tabbed view of systems, assemblies, spaces, and Work
Breakdown Structure (WBS) items in the software. For more information about the Workspace
Explorer, see the Common User's Guide available from the Help > Printable Guides command
in the software.
Another window you use while working in this task is the SmartSketch Drawing Editor
window, which appears as a separate application window. It allows you to edit border templates,
drawing templates, and backing sheets for all types of drawings.
See Also
Menus and Toolbars (on page 52)
Icons for Components and Drawings (on page 52)

Reports User's Guide 51

Interface Overview

Menus and Toolbars

In this task, the commands available change according to the active window, selected
Management Console or Detail View item, and the specific workflow.
For example, when you edit a drawing template or open a drawing, control of the template is
with SmartSketch Drawing Editor. You use SmartSketch Drawing Editor menus and toolbars
to edit the open drawing template. When you edit report templates, the report menus and
commands are available.
In addition, the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click an item in the Management
Console or in the Detail View differs according to the type of item. For example, some of the
commands on the shortcut menu for a piping isometric drawing are different from the commands
on the shortcut menu for a composed drawing component.
For the root node of the Management Console hierarchy and Folder items that have no child
items beneath them, the shortcut menu includes Delete, Rename, Copy, Paste, New, and
Properties. If there are any child items beneath the root node or beneath the selected folder,
the following commands are added: Create Drawing(s), Refresh, Run Query, Update Now,
Print, and Save As. If you are registered with SmartPlant Foundation, the Publish and Revise
commands are added as well.
Also, keep in mind that the main menu bar available in the application varies by task. Some
commands available in other tasks may not be available in this one.
See Also
Interface Overview (on page 51)
Detail View (View Menu) (on page 56)

Icons for Components and Drawings

The Management Console and Detail View display different icons to show the type and status
of components and documents.

Drawing Type Icons

- Root of the hierarchy
- Folder
- Search Folder
- Query Manager
- Generic Module Folder
- Volume Drawing type
- Composed Drawing type

52 Reports User's Guide

Interface Overview

- Orthographic Drawing type

- Piping Isometric Drawing type
- Spreadsheet Report
- 3D Model Data type
- MicroStation 3D DGN drawing type
- Drawing document. A status icon is always superimposed over this icon

Document Status Icons

These icons appear superimposed on the document icon and indicate document status.
- The drawing document is a version 6.1 legacy Snapshot drawing. You should use the
Tools > Convert Legacy Snapshots command to convert this document to a Composed
Drawing for use in the current version of the software. If you do not convert the legacy snapshot
drawing, you cannot perform edit operations on the drawing, including update, revise, and
- No graphic objects in the model associated with this drawing document. For example, the
drawing is a Piping Isometric Drawing document created from a Pipeline System that has no
piping parts associated with it.
- Submitted or scheduled for batch processing. These documents are either submitted or
scheduled for batch processing.
- Updating or publishing. A document also displays this icon if an error occurred and forced
the machine to end the update process before it completed. Right-click the drawing document,
and select View Log for more information, or update the document again.
- Out-of-date. This document has been altered in SmartSketch Drawing Editor or the
drawing properties have been changed. A document is not marked out-of-date if the 3D model
has been changed. For example, changing the view style of a drawing view causes the
document to be out-of-date, while moving a pump in the 3D model does not affect the drawing
status (unless a Refresh is performed).
- Up-to-date. This document is an accurate representation of the 3D model based on the last
update performed. If an object in the 3D model that is included in the drawing view has been
moved inside the 3D environment, the document is still up-to-date unless a Refresh is
performed. A change must be made to the drawing properties or inside the drawing in order for it
to be marked out-of-date without a Refresh.
- Error status. An error has occurred during the update process. Right-click the drawing, and
select View Log for more information.
See Also
Components Overview (on page 99)
Interface Overview (on page 51)
Menus and Toolbars (on page 52)
Batch Update Document(s) (on page 177)
Update Now (on page 92)

Reports User's Guide 53

Interface Overview

Permissions Overview
Your site administrator sets permissions and creates permission groups in the Project
Management task. These permissions are used in the different tasks in the software to control
user access.
You can see your current permission group in the dropdown box in the upper left-hand corner of
the window when in the Drawings and Reports task.

The permission group to which an item belongs can affect the actions allowed against that item.
For example, the propagation of properties down the hierarchy, from parent to child, is
interrupted when a node or document in a read-only permission group is encountered.
The following list shows the actions relating to drawings and reports that are affected by
permission groups:
 Accessing shortcut menu commands in the Management Console and Detail View
 Creating items, such as drawings, drawing views, and drawing volumes
 Propagating properties down through the hierarchy
 Deleting items
 Updating items, such as re-extracting drawings
In addition, access to the SharedContent share on the server computer affects actions such as
creating and editing view styles and graphic rules.
See Also
Interface Overview (on page 51)
Menus and Toolbars (on page 52)

54 Reports User's Guide


View Menu

Management Console (View Menu)

Toggles the display of the Management Console. By default, the Management Console is
visible when you enter this task.
The Management Console contains a hierarchy of folders and components that you create. If
you right-click an item in the Management Console, the available menu commands vary,
depending on the item and your permissions. For more information on managing folders and
components in the Management Console, see Shortcut Menus (on page 61).
When you switch to a different task and then return to the Drawings and Reports task, the
Management Console remembers the node you last selected on the console hierarchy.

See Also
Interface Overview (on page 51)
Detail View (View Menu) (on page 56)
Workspace Explorer (View Menu) (on page 59)

Reports User's Guide 55

View Menu

Detail View (View Menu)

Turns the display of the Detail View on and off. This command is located on the View menu.
When checked, the Detail View is visible in the application window. When you right-click folders
or documents in the Detail View, shortcut menus display. The items on the shortcut menu vary
depending on the selected item. For more information on the commands, see Shortcut Menus
(on page 61).

To modify the headings in the Detail View, right-click the column-heading area. Select More on
the shortcut menu to display the Column Settings dialog box.

Specify columns in the detail view

1. Right-click a column heading in the Detail View. The shortcut menu shows the currently
displayed columns with a checkmark .

2. Add and remove columns automatically by checking and unchecking them on the shortcut

56 Reports User's Guide

View Menu

3. To modify the appearance and order of the columns, click More on the shortcut menu.

4. On the Column Settings dialog box, select the columns you want to include in the Detail
View. Clear, or uncheck, the ones you do not want to include. You can also use the Show
and Hide buttons to add and remove columns.
5. To change the order of the columns, click Move Up and Move Down on the Column
Settings dialog box.
6. Specify the width of a column by selecting it and typing an integer in the Width of selected
column box. You can also resize columns by dragging the edge of the column in the Detail
See Also
Interface Overview (on page 51)
Management Console (View Menu) (on page 55)
Refresh (View Menu) (on page 59)
Workspace Explorer (View Menu) (on page 59)
Menus and Toolbars (on page 52)
Column Settings Dialog Box (on page 58)

Reports User's Guide 57

View Menu

Column Settings Dialog Box

Specifies the columns you want to see in the Detail View. You also can specify the order and
width of the columns. You access this dialog box when you right-click in the column heading
area of the Detail View and select More on the shortcut menu.

Move Up - Moves the selected column up one position. The column appears one position to the
left in the Detail View.
Move Down - Moves the selected column down one position. The column appears one position
to the right in the Detail View.
Show - Displays the column in the Detail View.
Hide - Hides the column in the Detail View.
In addition to the Show and Hide commands, you can use the checkboxes beside the
column names to add and remove them from the Detail View. Checked indicates that the
column appears in the Detail View.
Width of selected column - Specifies the width of the column in pixels. You can specify a
different column width for each column.
See Also
Interface Overview (on page 51)
Detail View (View Menu) (on page 56)
Management Console (View Menu) (on page 55)
Refresh (View Menu) (on page 59)
Workspace Explorer (View Menu) (on page 59)
Menus and Toolbars (on page 52)

58 Reports User's Guide

View Menu

Workspace Explorer (View Menu)

Toggles the display of the Workspace Explorer as a viewer only in the Drawings and Reports
task. By default, the Workspace Explorer is visible when you enter this task. The Workspace
Explorer displays the contents of the workspace in a classification hierarchy that reflects the
various relationships defined for the design objects. The content represents the current objects
loaded from the database into the active workspace.

Icons appear at the left of the window objects to indicate the type of the object. For example, a
file folder icon represents the model, an equipment icon represents equipment, an I-beam icon
represents a structural system, and so forth.
See Also
Interface Overview (on page 51)
Detail View (View Menu) (on page 56)
Management Console (View Menu) (on page 55)
Refresh (View Menu) (on page 59)

Refresh (View Menu)

Updates the loaded (expanded) content of the Console hierarchy, when other users are adding
folder, components, or drawings to the hierarchy. The entire hierarchy does not refresh unless
you have all the nodes completely expanded. You can also press F5 to update the content.
See Also
Shortcut Menus (on page 61)
Interface Overview (on page 51)
Detail View (View Menu) (on page 56)
Management Console (View Menu) (on page 55)
Workspace Explorer (View Menu) (on page 59)

Reports User's Guide 59

View Menu

60 Reports User's Guide


Shortcut Menus
When you right-click nodes in the Management Console and nodes or documents in the Detail
View, shortcut menus display. The items on the shortcut menu vary depending on the selected

Root Shortcut Menu

Folder Shortcut Menu
Component Shortcut Menu
Drawing Document Shortcut Menu

 By default, the Management Console and Detail View appear when you enter the task.
You can turn the views on or off on the View menu.
 When you switch to a different task and then return to the Drawings and Reports task, the
Management Console remembers the node you last selected on the console hierarchy.
 If you are registered with SmartPlant Foundation, the Publish and Revise commands are
added as well. You can also set up batch printing and updating for documents using the
Batch commands available on the shortcut menus.
See Also
Components Overview (on page 99)

Reports User's Guide 61

Shortcut Menus

New Command
Adds new folders, components, or packages to the Console hierarchy. Select the model root or
a folder to place the new folders, components, or packages. If you have previously saved a
package, the package is available to add to the hierarchy.
If you select the model root, the New command creates a new folder in which to place
components and packages. For more information on components, see Components Overview
(on page 99).
Add Component Dialog Box (on page 62)

Add a component or package

1. Right-click the top-level model item or a sub-level item in the Console hierarchy.
2. On the shortcut menu, select New.
3. Select a folder, component, or package on one of the tabs of the Add Component dialog
box, and click OK. The folder or component is added to the hierarchy. For additional
information, see Add Component Dialog Box (on page 62).
4. To rename the component, right-click it, then select Rename on the shortcut menu, or press
F2 on the keyboard.

 Right-click a component to access the available commands for that component.

 You can place a folder, application component, or a package under a folder in the hierarchy.
For example, you can add a Piping Isometric Drawings by Query component to a folder.
 You can save a package and have it listed on the Add Component dialog box. When
adding the package to the hierarchy, the software adds the components in the package to
the active permission group. For more information, see Save a package (on page 64).
 You cannot add folders or other components to a Search Folder component. For more
information, see Search Folders (on page 159).
See Also
Shortcut Menus (on page 61)
Components Overview (on page 99)

Add Component Dialog Box

Lists the available components, folders, and packages you can create at the selected level in
the Console hierarchy. You access this dialog box when you select New on the shortcut menu
for a folder or the model root. Select a component or package to view its description.

62 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

Adding at the Model Level of the Hierarchy

You can add folders when you select the model level of the hierarchy. On the General tab, you
can select and add empty New Folders or Search Folders. From the other tabs of the dialog
box, you can select folders that contain delivered packages. For example, you could select the
Equipment tab and add the Imperial_Equipment Drawings. This adds a new Equipment
Drawings folder to the hierarchy, containing all the delivered packages for the selected
equipment drawings folder.

Adding at the Folder Level of the Hierarchy

At folder level of the hierarchy, you can add new components. Many packages are delivered
with the product and you can add new packages using the Save Package Command. For more
information, see Save Package Command (on page 63). You can add tabs to this dialog box
when you save a package.
See Also
New Command (on page 62)
Components Overview (on page 99)
Icons for Components and Drawings (on page 52)

Save Package Command

Saves the console hierarchy from the selected component down. The package saves the setup
information and any template definitions that may exist on nodes within the selected hierarchy.
You can access this command by right-clicking a folder or application component in the
Console. You must have at least write permissions on the component to access the Save
Package command.
When a package is added back into the Console, it recreates the hierarchy that was saved with
the package.
Packages are also used in the setup of a Drawings by Query Manager component for the
creation of orthographic and piping isometric drawings.
Save Package Dialog Box (on page 64)

 Output documents are not saved in a package.

 If the topmost component saved in the package is a folder, then the package can be placed
under the model root or a folder. If the topmost component saved in the package is an
application component, then the package can only be placed under a folder.
 When you place a package, the software adds all the components to the active permission
 To save drawings or reports externally, see Save As Command (on page 65).

Reports User's Guide 63

Shortcut Menus

Save a package
1. Right-click a component in the Console hierarchy.
2. Select Save Package on the shortcut menu.
3. On the Save Package dialog box, specify a name, description, and tab name. For example,
you could save a Piping Isometric Drawing Package to a new tab called Iso.
4. Click OK to save the package.
The package is added to the Add Component dialog box on the specified tab. If a new tab
name was specified, a new tab is added to the dialog box.

You can add the new package to the hierarchy by using the New command. Select the
package on the Add Component dialog box. When you add a package, the software adds all
the components to the active permission group.
See Also
Save Package Command (on page 63)
Shortcut Menus (on page 61)
Components Overview (on page 99)

Save Package Dialog Box

Saves all or a portion of the hierarchy as a package for import later. You can open this dialog
box by right-clicking a folder or component in the Console and selecting the Save Package
Package Name - Specifies a name for the package.
Package Description - Describes the package.

64 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

Tab Name - Specifies the tab of the Add Component dialog box on which the package
appears. You can pick an existing name or type a new tab name in this field. The next time you
access the Add Component dialog box from an existing folder, the software adds the new tab
and lists the new package on the tab. For more information, see Add Component Dialog Box (on
page 62). For example, if you saved a package called Piping Isometric Drawing Package and
added it to a new tab called Isos, an Isos tab is added to the Add Component dialog box:

See Also
Shortcut Menus (on page 61)
Save a package (on page 64)

Save As Command
Saves drawings and reports as specified file types to an external location, such as a share on
another server. This command is not available until you generate drawings for at least one of the
structures in the hierarchy. This command saves only the structures that contain drawings or
reports. You can save multiple file types based on the types of documents available. You can
specify the target file type for each drawing type you want to save.
To save the hierarchy as a package, right-click the folder and select Save Package on the
right-click menu. For more information, see Save Package Command (on page 63).
Save As Dialog Box (on page 68)

What do you want to do?

 Save to a file (on page 66)
 Create a piping component file (PCF)

Reports User's Guide 65

Shortcut Menus

Save to a file
Prior to following this procedure, you must have generated drawings already for at least one of
the items in the Console hierarchy. The Save As command is not available if drawings have not
been generated.
1. Select a folder, component, or document. You can select multiple documents by holding Ctrl
or Shift and clicking each item.
2. Right-click your selection, then select Save As on the shortcut menu. The Save As dialog
box displays.

3. Specify the Output Folder Rule to be used. You can save the item as it appears in the
hierarchy, with its parent folder appended or with the entire model hierarchy appended.
4. Specify the Output Folder location. Click Browse to display a dialog box to locate the
appropriate folder location.
5. Check the boxes for the Component Types you want to save. You can select multiple
component types. For more information, see Save As Dialog Box (on page 68).

66 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

6. In the Target File Type lists, specify the file types you want to save. You can specify a file
type for each component type selected. For example, you could use the Iso_Stress style to
create a Piping Component File (PCF) file, then when you perform a Save As on the
document, check the Isometric Drawings component type and specify the Target File
Type as PCF File.

 For Piping Isometric Drawings, the name of the drawing document becomes the prefix
for all of the files. For example, if the drawing document name is My_Pipeline, the saved
file names become: My_Pipeline.sha, My_Pipeline.pcf, and so on.
 For Piping Isometric Drawings, a file is created for each sheet in the drawing with
[drawing name]_[sheet name] as the filename. For example, if the drawing My_Pipeline
contains Sheet1 and Sheet2, two files will be saved with the names
My_Pipeline_Sheet1 and My_Pipeline_Sheet2.
7. Click OK to save the files as specified.
The saved drawings retain the same names they had in this task.

Reports User's Guide 67

Shortcut Menus

Save As Dialog Box

Sets options for exporting drawings. You can open this dialog box by right-clicking a folder,
component, or drawing and then selecting Save As on the right-click menu.

Output Folder Rules - Specifies how you want to save the hierarchy. The following options are
 As displayed - Specifies the selection is saved as displayed.
 Append Parent Folder - Specifies the selected item is appended to the parent folder.
 Append Model Hierarchy - Specifies the selected item is appended to the hierarchy
starting from the root and including the selected item.
Output Folder - Specifies the location to which to save the package.
Browse - Indicates a folder in which to save the drawings. You can select a local folder or a
folder on another computer on the network.
File Type - Specifies the file formats to save for each drawing type. Check the box next to each
drawing type you want to save. Use the Target File Type dropdown to specify the file type to
which the drawing type is saved. The file types available for each drawing type are described in
the following table.

Drawing Type Target File Types

MicroStation MicroStation (*.dgn)

68 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

Piping Isometric Drawings Shape2DServer (*.sha)

PCF file (*.pcf)
 For Piping Isometric Drawings, the name of the Both (*.sha & *.pcf)
drawing document becomes the prefix for all of All Files (*.*) - Includes all .sha and .pcf
the files. For example, if the drawing document files, as well as all enabled
name is My_Pipeline, the saved file names supplementary files.
become: My_Pipeline.sha, My_Pipeline.pcf, and
MicroStation (*.dgn)
so on.
AutoCAD (*.dxf)
 For Piping Isometric Drawings, a file is created
for each sheet in the drawing with [drawing AutoCAD (*.dwg)
name]_[sheet name] as the filename. For
example, if the drawing My_Pipeline contains
Sheet1 and Sheet2, two files will be saved with
the names My_Pipeline_Sheet1 and
Spreadsheet Reports Worksheets (*.xls)

Composed Drawings, Volume Drawings, and Shape2DServer (*.sha)

Orthographic Drawings by Query MicroStation (*.dgn)
AutoCAD (*.dxf)
AutoCAD (*.dwg)

See Also
Save As Command (on page 65)

Open Command
Activates the selected document for viewing within this task. This command is available on the
shortcut menu for all document types except 3D Model Data. You also can open the document
by double-clicking it.
Opening a MicroStation 3D DGN document requires that the MicroStation application be
loaded on the workstation.

Open a document
1. In the Detail View, double-click a document. You can also right-click the document, then
select Open.
2. Close a document by clicking File > Exit.
To edit the document, right-click the document, the select Edit. If the document is a
drawing, you can annotate it.
See Also
Open Command (on page 69)
Shortcut Menus (on page 61)
Components Overview (on page 99)

Reports User's Guide 69

Shortcut Menus

Delete Command
Removes an item and its sub-items from the hierarchy and the database. You access this
command on the right- click menu for any node or document in the hierarchy. Undo is not
available for this action. A confirmation message appears.
You can delete an individual document by right-clicking the document and selecting Delete on
the shortcut menu.
When you delete a drawing, its associated template and its component remain unchanged. Any
associated physical volumes are deleted.
You can delete many items that are directly or indirectly related to this task. The following list
provides examples.
 Components in the Console hierarchy
 Documents
 Drawing volumes
 Drawing views
In some cases, deleting an item causes other items to be deleted. For example, when you
delete a drawing volume, associated views are deleted. When you delete a drawing view in a
generated drawing, associated volumes and documents are deleted.
In addition, the item status and your permissions can affect whether or not you can delete the
item. A drawing set to Approved cannot be deleted. However, you may be able to delete a
drawing set to Working.
You can select multiple components or documents in the Detail View and use the Delete
command from the right-click menu to remove those items.

Delete an item
Right-click a folder, component, or document. On the shortcut menu, click Delete.
You cannot undo a delete operation.
The Delete command propagates down the hierarchy. For example, if you delete a
volume component, its child components (if any) and all the drawings contained in the
components are deleted as well. However, when you delete a single volume drawing, the
associated template, volume, and component remain unchanged. You can update the drawing
component to re-create the drawing.
See Also
Shortcut Menus (on page 61)
Components Overview (on page 99)

70 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

Rename Command
Activates the name of an item in the hierarchy. You can type a different name. The shortcut key
for this command is F2.
You cannot have duplicate names at the same level in the tree, but the names are

Rename an item
1. Select an item in the Console hierarchy or Detail View.
2. Right-click the item, then select Rename on the shortcut menu or press F2 on the keyboard.
3. Type a new name for the item.
See Also
Rename Command (on page 71)
Shortcut Menus (on page 61)
Components Overview (on page 99)

Print Command
Sends a print request for the selected documents to the default printer. This command is not
available until you have created and updated documents.

What do you want to do?

 Print a document (on page 71)
 Print a document as a PDF file (on page 72)

Print a document
1. To specify a printer, select File > Select Printer. For more information on selecting a
printer, see Select Printer (File Menu) (on page 72).
2. Select a folder, application component, or the root node in the Console to print all of the
drawing and report documents beneath the selected level. You can also select a single
document or multi- select documents in the Detail View. You can select multiple documents
to print by pressing Ctrl or Shift and then clicking each document in the Detail View.
3. Right-click and select Print on the shortcut menu.
You can also use the Batch > Print command on the item's shortcut menu to print the item
using a scheduled batch job. For more information, see Batch Print (on page 176).

Reports User's Guide 71

Shortcut Menus

Print a document as a PDF file

1. To specify a printer, select File > Select Printer. For more information on selecting a
printer, see Select Printer (File Menu) (on page 72).
2. Select SmartPlant PDF Converter 4xx as the printer.
3. Select a folder, application component, or the root node in the Console to print all of the
drawing and report documents beneath the selected level. You can also select a single
document or multi-select documents in the Detail View. You can select multiple documents
to print by pressing Ctrl or Shift and then clicking each document in the Detail View.
4. Right-click and select Print on the shortcut menu.
You can also use the Batch > Print command on the item's shortcut menu to print the item
using a scheduled batch job. For more information, see Batch Print (on page 176).

Select Printer (File Menu)

Specifies a printer for documents. The command lists all printers available to your computer.

 To print a drawing as a PDF, select SmartPlant PDF Converter 4xx as the printer.
 SmartPlant PDF Converter 4xx requires special settings for 64-bit versions of Windows.
For more information, see Configure SmartPlant PDF Converter for 64-bit Windows (on
page 72).
Select Printer Dialog Box (on page 73)

Configure SmartPlant PDF Converter for 64-bit Windows

SmartPlant 3D installs SmartPlant PDF Converter 4xx, a printer driver used to convert
drawings and reports to PDF files. If you are using a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or Windows
XP, special settings are needed for this driver.

Windows 7
1. Open Start > Control Panel
The Control Panel appears.
2. In the Hardware and Sound section, click View devices and Printers.
3. Right-click SmartPlant PDF Converter 4xx and select Printer properties.
The SmartPlant PDF Converter 4xx Properties dialog box appears.
4. On the Advanced tab:
 Select Spool print documents so program finishes printing faster.
 Select Start printing immediately.
 Clear Enable advanced printing features.
5. Click OK.

Windows XP
1. Open Start > Control Panel > Printers and Faxes > SmartPlant PDF Converter 4xx.
2. Right-click SmartPlant PDF Converter 4xx and select Properties.
The SmartPlant PDF Converter 4xx Properties dialog box appears.
3. On the Advanced tab:

72 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

 Select Spool print documents so program finishes printing faster.

 Select Start printing immediately.
 Clear Enable advanced printing features.
4. Click OK.

Select Printer Dialog Box

Specifies a printer for documents.
Name - Specifies a printer name.
Status - Displays the current status of the specified printer.
Type - Displays the type of printer.
Where - Displays the port or location the printer uses.
See Also
Components Overview (on page 99)
Print a Document (on page 71)

Setting Properties
The software updates properties from parent nodes to child nodes and drawings in the Console
For example, you can display the Properties dialog box for a folder named Isometric
Drawings. If you set the Division Location property to Huntsville, Alabama, the software
pushes this value to the items contained within the Isometric Drawings folder.
You can specify inheritance for each item on its Properties dialog box. If you set the override
flag for a property, the property is not inherited from the parent. You can provide a new,
overriding value for the property. This new value then propagates to other items deeper in the

Properties and Publishing

Several document properties impact publishing the document. Before you can publish
documents in the software, you must configure your computer. The configuration includes
installing the SmartPlant Client and SmartPlant Schema Component and registering through the
SmartPlant Registration Wizard. For more information about the SmartPlant Registration
Wizard, see the SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide, available from Help > Printable Guides.
Even if you have registered your model using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard, you must set
certain properties to enable the publishing capability. Properties that control publishing are found
on the WBS Tab. For more information, see Set properties for publishing documents (on page

 The software considers blanks or cleared values as override flags.

 If the drawing document you are looking at in the Detail View has a yellow icon (for
example: ), the drawing document is a version 6.1 legacy Snapshot drawing. You should
use the Tools > Convert Legacy Snapshots command to convert this document to a
Composed Drawing for use in the current version of the software. If you do not convert the
legacy snapshot drawing, you cannot perform edit operations on the drawing, including
update, revise, and publish.

Reports User's Guide 73

Shortcut Menus

See Also
Edit document properties (on page 74)
Properties Command (on page 74)

Properties Command
Views and edits properties for the selected document. The properties of child items are inherited
from the parent item unless you set the Override column for the properties.
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)

What do you want to do?

 Edit document properties (on page 74)
 Set surface styles and aspects for 3D model data documents (on page 74)
 Set properties for publishing documents (on page 205)

Edit document properties

1. In the Console, right-click an item in the hierarchy, and select Properties on the shortcut
The Properties dialog box displays.
2. Change the properties as needed. For example, you can set the coordinate system for the
drawing on the Style tab or view the current approval information on the Signature tab.

 If you do not want an item to acquire a property from its parent, select the Override column
on the Properties dialog box. Type a new value. This value propagates to other items
deeper in the hierarchy.
 The software treats blank or cleared property values as overrides.

Set surface styles and aspects for 3D model data documents

Surface Style Rules and Aspects must be set on each 3D Model Data document before
updating it using the Update Now or Batch > Update command.
1. Select one or more 3D Model Data documents.
2. Right-click the selected documents, and select Properties on the shortcut menu.
The Properties dialog box appears.
3. Go to the Surface Styles and Aspects tab to add surface style rules to the selected rules
list. You can also import the surface styles used in the session file. For more information,
see Surface Styles and Aspects Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 80).
4. Click Select Aspects to specify the aspects used within the 3D Model Data documents. For
more information, see Select Aspects Dialog Box (on page 82). If you select no aspects for
your documents, the Simple Physical aspect is automatically applied by default.
5. Click OK on the Properties dialog box to save the changes to the document(s).
Now you can update the drawing documents using either the Update Now or Batch > Update
command to incorporate the surface styles and aspects with the 3D Model Data.

74 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

Use a Search Folder to Collect 3D Model Data Documents for Property Update
You can create a Search Folder that filters for the 3D Model Data documents so you can edit
their surface style rule and aspect settings collectively. When you setup the Search Folder, use
a filter that looks for the SmartPlant Review Output objects. You could additionally specify
properties on the output objects to further narrow the search criteria, such as Data Created,
Date Last Modified, or Signature. For more information, see Search Folder Filters (on page

Properties Dialog Box

Sets options for items in the Console hierarchy. All items in the Console have a Properties
command on their right-click shortcut menus. Using the Properties dialog box, you can control
how you want properties to propagate through the hierarchy.
You can specify labels for some of the properties on the tabs. Click the browse button at the
right of the table cell to display the Choose Label dialog box.

Reports User's Guide 75

Shortcut Menus

General Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 76)

Title Area Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 76)
Signature Area Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 78)
Style Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 79)
Surface Styles and Aspects Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 80)
Issue Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 87)
Revision Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 88)
WBS Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 89)
Notes Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 86)
Custom Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 85)
Configuration Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 90)

 The WBS tab is available only if you have registered your model using the SmartPlant
Registration Wizard.
 If your model has not been registered using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard, the Issue
tab is always available. If your model has been registered, the Issue tab is available only if
you have issued documents to a contract and the information is read-only. For more
information, see Issue request documents (on page 211).
See Also
Setting Properties (on page 73)

General Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Shows general properties for a drawing item.
Name - Displays the name of the property.
Value - Sets the current value of the property.
Behavior - Specifies whether to inherit or override a property in the hierarchy of items in the
Console. If the property is Inherited, the setting comes from items higher in the hierarchy. If the
property is not read-only, you can provide a new, overriding value for the property by changing
the behavior setting to Override. This new value then propagates to other items deeper in the
hierarchy. If you set the behavior to Force Override, the property setting is forced to items
deeper in the hierarchy, even if they are set to Inherit.

Published - Indicates whether the drawing has been published.
Size - Displays the size of the file in KB (kilobytes).
See Also
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)

Title Area Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Sets options for the title area of drawings.
If you access this tab after selecting multiple drawings, these fields will appear empty,
regardless of what information was defined for any of the drawings individually. Any information
you add to this tab will overwrite the previously defined information in corresponding rows in the
selected drawings.
Name - Displays the name of the property.
Value - Displays the current value of the property.

76 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

Behavior - Specifies whether to inherit or override a property in the hierarchy of items in the
Console. If the property is Inherited, the setting comes from items higher in the hierarchy. If the
property is not read-only, you can provide a new, overriding value for the property by changing
the behavior setting to Override. This new value then propagates to other items deeper in the
hierarchy. If you set the behavior to Force Override, the property setting is forced to items
deeper in the hierarchy, even if they are set to Inherit.

Border - Specifies the border attribute that stores the name of border for the title block. This
attribute also stores the dimensions of the border.
Charge Number - Defines the charge number for the drawing.
Charge Title - Describes the Charge Number box. The charge title text is placed to the left of
the charge number.
Company Name - Specifies the name of the company for which the project is designed.
Desc1 - Describes the drawing. This description is the first of four lines of text used to describe
the drawing.
Desc2 - Describes the drawing. This description is the second of four lines of text used to
describe the drawing.
Desc3 - Describes the drawing. This description is the third of four lines of text used to describe
the drawing.
Desc4 - Describes the drawing. This description is the fourth of four lines of text used to
describe the drawing.
Division Location - Specifies the location of the division for which the project is designed.
Division Name - Specifies the name of the division for which this project is designed.
Drawing Naming Rule - Specifies a default or custom naming rule to the drawing. The default
name rules provided include:
 Default Drawing Name Rule - This is the default rule for composed drawing types. Creates
a name based on the parent component name, Global Workshare location ID, and an index
number. The naming rule inserts a "-" between each name. If there are no parent objects,
then only the child object name is used. For example, the first drawing created under the
ComposedDrawings001 component at workshare site 1 is called
 Default By Query Name Rule - This is the default rule for all Drawings by Query drawing
types. Creates a name based on the parent object name (each system and sub-system
above the child object will be included in the name) and child object name. The naming rule
inserts a "-" between each name. If there are no parent objects, then only the child object
name is used. For example, the first composed drawing created at workshare site 1 under
the ComposedDrawings001 component would be named ComposedDrawings001-0001.
 Default Report Name Rule - This is the default rule for all Spreadsheet Reports. Creates a
name based on the object name, Global Workshare location ID, and an index number. For
example, the first drawing created at workshare site 1 is called
 Volume Name Rule - This is the default rule for volume drawing types. Creates a name
based on the volume name, Global Workshare location ID, and an index number. For
example, the first drawing created using the volume Volume001 in workshare site 1 is called
Volume001-1-0001. If a volume is not specified, the drawing name will be named
User-defined naming rules appear in the list if you bulkload against the CDrawingSheet
class, which is the class for the drawing object. The rules are defined on the NamingRules

Reports User's Guide 77

Shortcut Menus

sheet in the GenericNamingRules.xls workbook. For more information, see the SmartPlant 3D
Reference Data Guide available from Help > Printable Guides.
Drawing Number - Displays the unique identifier for the drawing.
Drawing Size - Defines a standard note value for the border size.
Drawing Type - Defines the three-letter code to identify the type of drawing. For example, the
type can be DGN.
Job Number - Defines the unique identifier assigned to a capital project or job.
Note Line - Specifies text for a miscellaneous note line.
Plant Name - Specifies the name of the plant or project for which the drawing is designed.
Project Version - Defines the number and letter sequence that identifies a particular generation
of a document that was created since the last approved revision.
Revision Numbers - Defines the number of the current revision for this drawing.
Sheet - Defines the number of the page and the total number of pages that are associated with
this one. For example, the value might be 3 of 5.
Site Location - Specifies the site location for which the drawing is designed.
Site Name - Specifies the name of the site where the plant is being constructed.
Title1 - Specifies text for the first miscellaneous title. This title is usually a description of the area
shown on the drawing.
Title2 - Specifies text for the second miscellaneous title. This title is usually a description of the
type of drawing.
Title3 - Specifies text for the third miscellaneous title.
See Also
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)

Signature Area Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Sets options for the signature area of drawings.
If you access this tab after selecting multiple drawings, these fields will appear empty,
regardless of the information defined for any of the drawings individually. Any information you
add to this tab overrides the previously defined information in corresponding rows in the
selected drawings.
Name - Displays the name of the property.
Value - Sets the current value of the property.
Behavior - Specifies whether to inherit or override a property in the hierarchy of items in the
Console. If the property is Inherited, the setting comes from items higher in the hierarchy. If the
property is not read-only, you can provide a new, overriding value for the property by changing
the behavior setting to Override. This new value then propagates to other items deeper in the
hierarchy. If you set the behavior to Force Override, the property setting is forced to items
deeper in the hierarchy, even if they are set to Inherit.

Approved By - Specifies the name of the person responsible for approving the drawing.
Approval Date - Specifies the date the drawing was approved.
Checked By - Specifies the name of the person responsible for checking the drawing.
Checked Date - Specifies the date the drawing was checked.

78 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

Designed By - Specifies the name of the person who specified or designed the information on
the drawing.
Designed Date - Specifies the date the drawing was designed.
Drawing Status - Defines the status code for the drawing.
Drawn By - Specifies the name of the person who drew the drawing, or created it.
Drawn Date - Specifies the date the drawing was drawn or created.
Extra Sign By1 - Specifies the name of an extra person who is signing the drawing.
Extra Sign By2 - Specifies the name of an extra person who is signing the drawing.
Extra Sign Date1 - Specifies the date the drawing was signed by the person whose name
appears on this line.
Extra Sign Date2 - Specifies the date the drawing was signed by the person whose name
appears on this line.
Extra Sign Title1 - Defines the title of the person whose name appears on this line.
Extra Sign Title2 - Defines the title of the person whose name appears on this line.
Mfg Rep Date - Specifies the date that the manufacturing representative initials the drawing.
Mfg Rep Name - Specifies the name of the manufacturing representative who signed the
Plant Number - Defines the plant number.
Proj Engineer Date - Specifies the date the project engineer initials the drawing.
Proj Engineer Name - Specifies the name of the person who is the project engineer for the
project using the drawing.
Spec By - Specifies the name of the person who specified or designed the information on this
Spec Date - Specifies the date this drawing was specified or designed.
See Also
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)

Style Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Sets options for the style of drawings and reports.
If you access this tab after selecting multiple drawings, these fields will appear empty,
regardless of the information defined for any of the drawings individually. Any information you
add to this tab overrides the previously defined information in corresponding rows in the
selected drawings.
Name - Displays the name of the property.
Value - Sets the current value of the property.
Behavior - Specifies whether to inherit or override a property in the hierarchy of items in the
Console. If the property is Inherited, the setting comes from items higher in the hierarchy. If the
property is not read-only, you can provide a new, overriding value for the property by changing
the behavior setting to Override. This new value then propagates to other items deeper in the
hierarchy. If you set the behavior to Force Override, the property setting is forced to items
deeper in the hierarchy, even if they are set to Inherit.

Coordinate System - Specifies the global or an active coordinate system.

Reports User's Guide 79

Shortcut Menus

If you want to output large coordinates on your drawings, define a coordinate system using large
negative coordinates. For example, if you want coordinates of 400,000 ft output on drawings,
define a coordinate system origin of -400,000 ft and place your model elements close to global
0. Select the new coordinate system in the Coordinate System field on the Style tab. For more
information on defining coordinate systems, see the Grids User's Guide available from Help >
Printable Guides.

 The Coordinate System property is not used by Composed Drawings. The coordinate
system settings are driven by the properties for the drawing views in a composed drawing.
For more information on the coordinate system properties for a drawing view, see "Drawing
View Properties Dialog Box (Place View Command)" in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor
 If you are accessing the Properties Style tab for a 3D Model Data component or document
with the intention of saving it as a SmartPlant Review file, make sure this property is set
appropriately so that the Plant Monument Coordinate Offset is passed correctly to SPR
when creating the VUE file. This is because SPR shows the objects from the VUE file using
global coordinates. The offset value allows you to see the original coordinates relative to the
new SPR coordinate system. For more information on 3D Model Data components, see 3D
Model Data. For information on saving to SPR, see Save as SmartPlant Review File.
Volume Naming Rule - Specifies the naming rule applied to the content of the drawing.
Batch timeout (in minutes) - Sets the timeout value for batch processing. The default value is
40 minutes. When you set this value, it is stored for the individual drawing document and is used
for all Batch actions for the document (Update, Print, or Refresh). The property is not available
when accessed from the component or folder level of the Console. For more information, see
Batch Processing (on page 169).
Change Management - Enables and disables Change Management for piping isometric
drawings. You can override the Drawing.Content.ChangeManagementEnabled option in the
Isometric style with this property. You can set the property to Enabled, Disabled, or set it to
Undefined. This property is only available when you are viewing properties for a piping
isometric drawing. For more information on Change Management, see Change Management in
Piping Isometric Drawings.
Baseline Date - Identifies a date in time when a snapshot of the drawing document was taken.
It is a way of date- marking the document so you can more easily identify when objects have
WBS Project - Specifies the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) project style to be used with the
drawing. This property serves as the answer to an asking filter when specified in a View Style.
For more information, see Create a Drawing Using WBS Objects.
See Also
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)

Surface Styles and Aspects Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Sets options for the surface styles and aspects used in 3D Model Data. This tab is only available
when you are looking at the properties for a 3D Model Data document.
You can perform the following operations on this tab:
 Select an existing surface style rule from the library and add it to the workspace.
 Modify an existing surface style rule in the library and add it to the workspace.
 Create a new surface style rule and add it to the library and the workspace.
 Delete a surface style rule from the library or the workspace.

80 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

 Rearrange the style rules in the workspace box of the Surface Style Rules dialog box by
using the Move Up and Move Down commands.
 Import surface styles from the session file.
 Set the aspects for the 3D Model Data.

Surface style rules

Style rule library - Lists all the current surface style rules in the Site database.
Selected rules - Lists all the names for the surface style rules currently assigned to the
Add - Adds the selected surface style rule to the workspace.
Remove - Removes a selected surface style rule from the workspace. To remove a surface
style from the workspace, you select the style in the Workspace list, and then click Remove.
Move Up - Moves the selected style rule up one step in the Workspace list.
Move Down - Moves the selected style rule down one step in the Workspace list.
New - Activates the Surface Style Rule Properties dialog box on which you can create a new
surface style rule and add it to the database. This button is available only if you have write
permission to the surface style rules.
Modify - Activates the Surface Style Rule Properties dialog box to modify an existing surface
style rule and add it to the database.
For more information on creating new or modifying existing surface style rules, see
Surface Style Rule Properties Dialog Box (on page 82).
Copy - Creates a copy of the selected rule on the Clipboard. You use Copy to create a copy of
a surface style rule in the Model database so you can modify the rule rather than create a new
If you try to copy a style rule associated with a deleted filter, the style cannot be copied. A
message box displays.
Paste - Pastes the copied rule from the Clipboard so it can be modified.
Delete - Removes the selected Surface Style Rule from the database.
Apply - Applies changes in surface style rules to the workspace.
Double-clicking a surface style rule also activates the Surface Style Rule Properties
dialog box on which you can create or modify a surface style rule if you have permission.
Import from Session - Imports session surface style rules for the selected 3D Model Data

Select Aspects - Opens the Select Aspects dialog box so you can specify the aspects to use
for the 3D Model Data component. For more information, see Select Aspects Dialog Box (on
page 82).
When publishing 3D Model Data documents, the Simple Physical aspect is used by
default if no other aspects are specified.
See Also
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)
Set surface styles and aspects for 3D model data documents (on page 74)

Reports User's Guide 81

Shortcut Menus

Select Aspects Dialog Box

Specifies the aspect associated with the 3D Model Data document(s). An aspect is a geometric
area or space related to an object. The aspect represents information about the object, such as
its physical shape or the space required around the object. Aspects are associated parameters
for an object, representing additional information needed for placement. Aspects can represent
clearances for safety or maintenance, additional space required during operation, or simple and
detailed representations of the object. You define aspects when you model a part class for the
reference data.
This dialog appears when you click the Select Aspects button on the Surface Styles and
Aspects tab of the Properties dialog for a 3D Model Data document(s).
Selected aspects - Shows a checkbox list of all aspects defined by the model reference data.
You can check multiple aspects. By default, the Simple Physical aspect is selected.
 The Centerline aspect shows the centerline on nozzles and equipment and allows you to
specify the line styles for the centerline.
 The Simple Physical aspect includes primitive shapes. The space could be a field junction
box displayed in both the model and in drawings. This is the default aspect when publishing
3D Model Data documents if no other aspects are selected.
 The Detailed Physical aspect provides a more detailed view of equipment in the model. For
example, certain types of equipment may include legs and lugs. You select the Simple
Physical aspect to create a less cluttered view of the object, showing only the body of the
equipment. However, the Detailed Physical aspect shows all the graphical details
associated with the equipment.
 The Insulation aspect shows an area around a piece of equipment indicating insulation is
present. For example, a 4-inch pipe with insulation might look like an 8-inch pipe when the
Insulation aspect is selected.
 The Operation aspect includes the area or space around the object required for operation
of the object. This space shows in the model but not in drawings. The Operation aspect
leaves enough space around a motor for a person to operate the motor.
 The Maintenance aspect includes the area or space around the object required to perform
maintenance on the object. This space may appear in the model but not in drawings. The
Maintenance aspect leaves enough space around a motor to perform maintenance on the
motor, including space to remove the motor, if necessary.
 The Reference Geometry aspect allows you to construct or add graphical objects. For
example, a reference geometry object could be the obstruction volume for a door on a field
junction box. Another example is a spherical control point. Reference geometry can be
included or not in interference checking depending on how you have set up the interference
For more information on defining aspects for your model reference data, see the Common
User's Guide.
See Also
Surface Styles and Aspects Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 80)
Set surface styles and aspects for 3D model data documents (on page 74)

Surface Style Rule Properties Dialog Box

Selects a filter and a surface style to be used for the objects identified by the filter. This dialog
box appears when you click New or Modify or double-click a surface style rule on the Surface
Style Rules dialog box. You can also use this dialog box to rename a rule after you use the

82 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

Copy and Paste capabilities on the Surface Style Rules dialog box. Paste creates a rule named
Copy of original surface style rule name.
Surface Style Rule Properties Tab (Surface Style Rule Properties Dialog Box) (on page 83)
Configuration Tab (Surface Style Rule Properties Dialog Box) (on page 85)

Surface Style Rule Properties Tab (Surface Style Rule Properties Dialog
Creates or modifies a surface style rule. Surface style rules are based on filters. When you
create new rules or modify rules, you specify a filter on which to base the rule. For more
information on filters, see the Common User's Guide.
Rule name - Specifies the name of the surface style rule.
Filter - Identifies the filter used within the style rule. The filters available are the ones defined for
the current database. The list in the dropdown includes the last 10 filters selected. Selecting
Create New Filter in the dropdown list displays the New Filter Properties dialog box so you
can define a new filter for the style rule. Selecting More in the list displays the Select Filter
dialog box. The Properties button for this field displays the Property dialog box for the selected
filter. For more information on defining a new filter or reviewing properties, see the Common
User's Guide.
We recommend that you use simple, asking, and compound filters with style rules. The use
of SQL filters could result in significant performance degradation and should be avoided
wherever possible. Unlike the other types of filters, the software runs the query associated with
an SQL filter directly on the database. For each object passed to the SQL filter, the software
checks to see if any of the objects was returned by the query. However, there are times that
modification of the object changes whether or not the object passes the SQL filter. For example,
a pipeline might pass the SQL filter before it is assigned to a different system. After the system
assignment changes, a different style rule is applied. Hence, some SQL filters may not always
afford the gate-keeping behavior one would expect and could, in fact, result in decreased
efficiency in assessing the project data model.
Style applied - Specifies the surface style to be used for the objects identified by the selected
filter. The list in the dropdown includes all surface styles available for the current database. The
Properties button displays the Surface Style Rule Properties dialog box so you can edit the
style as needed.
Select all aspects to which the style will be applied - Shows a checkbox list of all aspects
defined by the model reference data. You can check multiple aspects. By default, all aspects are

 An aspect is a geometric area or space related to an object. The aspect represents

information about the object, such as its physical shape or the space required around the
object. Aspects are associated parameters for an object, representing additional information
needed for placement. Aspects can represent clearances for safety or maintenance,
additional space required during operation, or simple and detailed representations of the
object. You define aspects when you model a part class for the reference data.
 The Simple Physical aspect includes primitive shapes. The space could be a field junction
box displayed in both the model and in drawings. When you publish 3D Model Data
documents, this is the default aspect used if no other aspects are selected for the document
 The Detailed Physical aspect provides a more detailed view of equipment in the model. For
example, certain types of equipment may include legs and lugs. You select the Simple
Physical aspect to create a less cluttered view of the object, showing only the body of the

Reports User's Guide 83

Shortcut Menus

equipment. However, the Detailed Physical aspect shows all the graphical details
associated with the equipment.
 The Insulation aspect shows an area around a piece of equipment indicating insulation is
present. For example, a 4-inch pipe with insulation might look like an 8-inch pipe when the
Insulation aspect is selected.
 The Operation aspect includes the area or space around the object required for operation
of the object. This space shows in the model but not in drawings. The Operation aspect
leaves enough space around a motor for a person to operate the motor.
 The Maintenance aspect includes the area or space around the object required to perform
maintenance on the object. This space may appear in the model but not in drawings. The
Maintenance aspect leaves enough space around a motor to perform maintenance on the
motor, including space to remove the motor, if necessary.
 The Reference Geometry aspect allows you to construct or add graphical objects that do
not participate in interference checking. For example, a reference geometry object could be
the obstruction volume for a door on a field junction box. Another example is a spherical
control point.
See Also
Surface Style Rule Properties Dialog Box (on page 82)

84 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

Configuration Tab (Surface Style Rule Properties Dialog Box)

Displays the creation, modification, and status information about an object.
Plant - Displays the name of the model. You cannot change this value.
Permission Group - Specifies the permission group to which the object belongs. You can
select another permission group, if needed. Permission groups are created in the Project
Management task.
Transfer - Re-assigns ownership of the selected model objects from their current permission
group to another satellite or host permission group. This button is only available if the active
model/project is replicated in a workshare configuration. The button is not available if all of the
objects in the select set already belong to another location and are non-transferable. For more
information, see "Transfer Ownership Dialog Box" in the SmartPlant 3D Structural Detailing
User's Guide.
The Transfer option does not apply to the Surface Style Rules.
Status - Specifies the current status of the selected object or filter. Depending on your access
level, you may not be able to change the status of the object.
Created - Displays the date and time that the object was created.
Created by - Displays the user name of the person who created the object.
Modified - Displays the date and time when the object was modified.
Modified by - Displays the user name of the person who modified the object.

Custom Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Sets options for user-defined properties.
If you access this tab after selecting multiple drawings, these fields appear empty, regardless of
the information defined for any of the drawings individually. Any information you add to this tab
override the previously defined information in corresponding rows in the selected drawings.
Name - Displays the name of the property.
Value - Sets the current value of the property.
Behavior - Specifies whether to inherit or override a property in the hierarchy of items in the
Console. If the property is Inherited, the setting comes from items higher in the hierarchy. If the
property is not read-only, you can provide a new, overriding value for the property by changing
the behavior setting to Override. This new value then propagates to other items deeper in the
hierarchy. If you set the behavior to Force Override, the property setting is forced to items
deeper in the hierarchy, even if they are set to Inherit.
See Also
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)

Reports User's Guide 85

Shortcut Menus

Notes Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Sets notes for the item.
If you access this tab after selecting multiple drawings, these fields appear empty, regardless of
the information defined for any of the drawings individually. Any information you add to this tab
overrides the previously defined information in corresponding rows in the selected drawings.
Parent Notes - Concatenates the notes from any parents of the currently selected item and
displays the notes. This box is read-only.
Notes - Specifies notes for the currently selected item.
The following graphics demonstrate how parent notes and notes work. The first graphic shows
how notes can be added at different levels of the hierarchy. The Notes tab shows Parent Notes
from a higher-level folder or component. The Notes section shows additional information for a
particular drawing document.

When the document is updated and displayed, the Note Region of the template contains the
specified information.

See Also
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)

86 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

Issue Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Sets options for internal issues.
Issue Number - Shows the drawing issue number. Type the required issue number for the
drawing. When you have selected multiple drawings or a node in the Management Console,
this field is not available to edit. This is because an issue number is created for each drawing,
depending on its current revision history.
Description - Describes briefly the scope of the issue.
Issue Date - Shows the date issued.
Issue Reason - Shows the reason the document was issued. Select a value from Bid,
Fabrication, Construction, Reference, and your customized values if any is defined.
The values for Issue Reason can be customized by editing and bulkloading the
DrawingIssueReason_Codelist.xls workbook delivered in the [Product
Folder]\CatalogData\Bulkload\AdditionalDataFiles folder. For more information, see "Bulkload
Files" in the SmartPlant 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide.
Job Spec - Identifies the job specification for the issued document.
Revision Number - Defines the revision number for this issue of the drawing.

If you access Properties on a single document when your model has not been registered using
the SmartPlant Registration Wizard, the Issue tab displays previous entries. A new row is
available to make a new entry. You can edit each field using alphanumeric and special
characters. You cannot delete a row after it has been added.
If you access Properties on a folder when your model has not been registered using the
SmartPlant Registration Wizard, the Issue tab has a single blank row for a new entry. With the
exception of the Issue Number field, you can edit all the fields. Their values are propagated to
the documents within the folder.

If your model is registered using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard and you have issued
requests for the document, the Issue tab is read-only. The Issue information is retrieved for
informational purposes only.

 You can create only one issue per instance of the Properties dialog box. To create another
issue, close the dialog box and open it again.
 For information on issuing requests for contracts when working in an integrated
environment, see Issue request documents (on page 211).
See Also
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)

Reports User's Guide 87

Shortcut Menus

Revision Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Displays and sets properties for revisions. The Revision tab is always read-write (subject to
user permissions).
Action - Lists the available actions when accessing Properties on a single component, multiple
components, or multiple documents.
 Append Record - Creates a new revision record for each document under the selected
component(s) or in the document set. You can manually enter a value for the next revision
mark or let the software automatically increment it for you.
 Edit Last Record - Edits the last revision for each document under the selected
component(s) or in the document set. Only the edited revision fields overwrite the
corresponding fields on the last revision record. To clear a populated revision field, type a
single space character, and no other characters, in the edited field.
The Edit Last Record and Append Record options are not available for a model registered
with SmartPlant Foundation or when revising a single document.
Revision Mark - Specifies the current revision. For single documents, double-click the New
Record cell to automatically increment to the next revision mark number. To manually enter a
value for the next revision mark, click the New Record cell and type the value. This only applies
when the model has not been registered with SmartPlant Foundation. If this cell is not edited,
then the revision mark number automatically increments to the next available number in each
writeable document associated to the selected set.
Revision Minor Number - Specifies the minor revision number for the revision.
Description - Describes the scope of the revision.
Revised By - Identifies the person who made the revision.
Revision Date - Specifies the date of the revision.
Check - Identifies the person who checked the revision.
Check Date - Specifies the date the revision was checked.
Approved By - Identifies the person who approved the revision.
Approval Date - Specifies the date the revision was approved.
The appearance and behavior of the contents of this tab differ depending on whether properties
are accessed on a single document or accessed on a single component, multiple components,
or multiple documents. The contents of this tab also depend on whether the model is registered
to SmartPlant Foundation.

If you access Properties on a single document and your model has not been registered to
SmartPlant Foundation, the Revision tab displays previous entries made. A new row is
available to make a new entry. You can edit each field using alphanumeric and special
If you access Properties on a single component, multiple components, or multiple documents
and your model has not been registered to SmartPlant Foundation, the Revision tab has a
single blank row for a new or edited entry. All fields are editable. Their values are propagated to
the writeable documents that are associated with the selected set.

If your model has been registered to SmartPlant Foundation, use the Revise command to
create revision numbers. This command reserves a revision number by adding it to the

88 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

document Revision properties. The revision number is added in the form of a blank row on the
Revision tab of the Properties dialog box.
After reserving the revision number, right-click the document and select Properties. Go to the
Revision tab and edit the Revision fields. All fields except for Revision Mark and Revision
Minor Number are editable. For more information, see Revising (on page 197).

 You can create more than one revision per instance of the Properties dialog box by
selecting Apply after adding a record.
 You can delete one or more revision records by highlighting the revision rows and pressing
Delete. You must select OK or Apply to make the deletion permanent. The rows selected
for deletion must be adjacent and must include the last revision record.
See Also
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)

WBS Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Sets options for the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of drawings and reports. This tab is
available only when your model has been registered using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard.
If you access this tab after selecting multiple drawings, these fields appear empty, regardless of
the information defined for any of the drawings individually. Any information you add to this tab
overrides the previously defined information in corresponding rows in the selected drawings.
Name - Displays the name of the property.
Value - Sets the current value of the property.
Behavior - Specifies whether to inherit or override a property in the hierarchy of items in the
Console. If the property is Inherited, the setting comes from items higher in the hierarchy. If the
property is not read-only, you can provide a new, overriding value for the property by changing
the behavior setting to Override. This new value then propagates to other items deeper in the
hierarchy. If you set the behavior to Force Override, the property setting is forced to items
deeper in the hierarchy, even if they are set to Inherit.

Project Name - Displays the project to which the item belongs. In SmartPlant Foundation, a
project is the scope of work approved for capital expenditure (that is, a job).
Document Type - Specifies the type of document, such as Civil Plan.
Document Style - Specifies the style of document, such as Ortho for orthographic drawing.
Discipline - Specifies the discipline for the document. If this is a 3D Model Data document, set
the property to SmartPlant Review Document. If it is a drawing or report document, set the
discipline to match the type of document.
Allow Publish - Sets the document as a publishable document.

Working with the Integrated Environment

You can only publish documents after the appropriate properties are set on the WBS tab. The
WBS tab is not available if the local machine login is not authenticated as a valid SmartPlant
Foundation user. The properties that must be defined for publishing are: Document Type,
Document Style, Discipline, and Allow Publish. For more information, see Set properties for
publishing documents (on page 205).
See Also
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)

Reports User's Guide 89

Shortcut Menus

Configuration Tab (Properties Dialog Box)

Displays the creation, modification, and status information for an item.
Plant - Displays the name of the plant. You cannot change this value.
Permission group - Specifies the permission group to which the item belongs. You can select
another permission group if needed.
If you access this tab after selecting multiple drawings, this field will be empty, regardless of
what information was defined for any of the drawings individually. Any selection you in this field
will overwrite the previously defined information in the selected drawings.
Status - Specifies the current status of the selected Console hierarchy item or items or selected
documents in the Detail View. Depending on your access level, you may not be able to change
the status of the selected items.
Date Created - Displays the date and time the item was created.
Created by - Displays the user name of the person who created the item.
Date Last Modified - Displays the date and time the item was modified last.
Last Modified by - Displays the user name of the person who modified the item last.
See Also
Properties Dialog Box (on page 75)

Choose Label Dialog Box

Specifies a label for a document property. This dialog box displays the labels available on the
application server in the [Reference Data Product Folder]\SharedContent\Labels\Base
Templates folders.
See Also
Setting Properties (on page 73)

Updating Documents
Updating documents increases productivity because you can easily keep deliverables current. It
is important to understand the different update capabilities.
If the drawing document you are looking at in the Detail View has a yellow icon (for
example: ), the drawing document is a version 6.1 legacy Snapshot drawing. You should use
the Tools > Convert Legacy Snapshots command to convert this document to a Composed
Drawing for use in the current version of the software. If you do not convert the legacy snapshot
drawing, you cannot perform edit operations on the drawing, including update, revise, and

Refreshing Document Contents

The Refresh command on the shortcut menu for a Console hierarchy item allows you to see
which documents are out-of-date. For more information, see Refresh (Shortcut Menu) (on page

Updating Documents Using Batch Processing

The Batch command queries the model to regenerate a single document or multiple documents.
For volume and composed drawings, if you have edited the previous copy of the drawing (for
example, by moving a label), the software remembers those changes and re-creates them. If

90 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

batch processing is configured for the selected drawings, the update is performed on the Batch
For more information, see Batch Processing - Intergraph Batch Services (on page 165).
See Also
Refresh document status (on page 92)
Print Command (on page 71)

Refresh (Shortcut Menu)

Compares the date of the last update of the document with the modification date in the model for
any object that has a positive (can be seen) resymbolization in the drawing.
This command is not available until you generate documents. You can access this command by
right-clicking an item in the Console hierarchy and selecting Refresh on the shortcut menu. The
software updates the status for all the expanded items within the parent node.
The Refresh command is not available for Spreadsheet Report documents. A
Spreadsheet Report document is regenerated each time you update or print the report
document. You can refresh the contents of a folder that contains reports.
For out-of-date documents , the command behavior implies the following:
 If the object is hidden entirely and is inside the drawing volume, but the style does not
resymbolize the hidden lines, the object does not participate in the "out-of-date" definition.
 The modification date used for the object in the model can be for any property even if this
property has no impact on the graphic. This means that a drawing could be considered
out-of-date even though the graphic is up-to-date.
For example: Ordinarily, approval status does not affect graphics. However, the view style
you are using for your drawing could use a filter that sets approved objects to a specific
color. A drawing document appears with an out-of-date definition because of a change to
the approval status.
 Objects participating indirectly in the graphic as labels do not participate in the out- of-date
definition. This means that, in rare cases, a label may be out-of-date on a drawing that is
shown as up-to-date.

 To refresh the Management Console to reflect changes made to loaded (expanded) tree
view items, use the View > Refresh command.
 You can also use the Batch > Refresh command on the shortcut menu to perform your
refreshes on the batch server. Batch > Refresh is not available for Spreadsheet Report

Reports User's Guide 91

Shortcut Menus

Refresh document status

The Refresh command compares the date of the last update of the document with the
modification date in the model for any object that has a positive (can be seen) resymbolization in
the drawing. For more information on how this command handles out-of-date data, see Refresh
(Shortcut Menu) (on page 91).
1. Right-click any item in the Management Console.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Refresh. The software checks the model for any differences.
The drawing icons change to reflect the status of the documents compared to the model.
After refreshing a folder or component, you can synchronize it with the model by
right-clicking the item and then selecting Update Now on the shortcut menu.
See Also
Icons for Components and Drawings (on page 52)
Updating Documents (on page 90)

Update Now
Updates a single document or multiple drawing documents whether or not they are out-of-date.
This command is available when you right-click on:
 A folder or component in the Management Console. All drawings in all components within
the folder are updated.
 A component in the Management Console. All drawings in the component are updated.
 One or more documents in the Detail View. The selected drawings are updated.
This command works on your local computer regardless of the batch configuration.
For volume drawings, the Update Now command is not available until you place drawing
volumes for a volume component in the Space Management task. For composed drawings, this
command is not available until you create the drawings in a 3D task through Tools > Drawing
Console. For reports, this command is not available until you create the report by choosing a
report template.

 If the software encounters a problem before or during the drawing update, it stops updating,
displays either an error status or error message, and saves the errors to the log file. For
more information, see Conditional Drawing Update (on page 96).
 The software preserves many of the modifications you make between regenerations of
volume drawings. For example, if you annotate a volume drawing and then regenerate it,
your annotations still appear on the updated drawing.
 Documents created automatically in a Drawings by Rule component are automatically
deleted by updating the component if the document no longer contains views.
 If the software cannot make a SmartPlant Foundation server connection when updating 3D
Model Data documents, you are prompted to provide a valid login and password.

What do you want to do?

 Update all drawings in a folder or a component (on page 93)
 Update a report (on page 93)
 Update a single drawing (on page 94)

92 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

 Insert a note at a precise place on an isometric drawing (on page 94)

Update all drawings in a folder or a component

Before you update a folder or a component, you can refresh its documents to determine
which documents are out-of-date. For more information, see Refresh document status (on page
92). You do not have to refresh before updating, but it can be helpful to determine which
documents are out-of-date.
1. Right-click a folder or a component in the hierarchy. The component must contain existing
drawings or reports. The folder must contain a component with existing drawings or reports.
2. On the shortcut menu, click Update Now. The icons for the out-of-date documents change
to show they are updated. If the Batch Server is configured, the command displays the
Drawing Batch Dialog.
For more information, see Batch Processing - Intergraph Batch Services (on page 165).

 If the software encounters a problem before or during the drawing update, it stops updating,
displays either an error status or error message, and saves the errors to the log file. For
more information, see Conditional Drawing Update (on page 96).
 You can update an individual document by right-clicking the document and selecting Update
Now on the shortcut menu.
 If you place drawing property labels on a template, generate a drawing, move the labels on
the drawing, and then update the drawing, the software remembers the new position of the
labels on the drawing.
 If the software cannot make a SmartPlant Foundation server connection when updating 3D
Model Data documents, you are prompted to provide a valid login and password.

Update a report
1. Right-click a report document.
2. On the shortcut menu, select Batch > Update to update the document on the batch server
now or create a schedule to run the batch job. Select Update Now to update locally. The
icon for the out-of-date document changes to show it is updated .
3. If the batch server is configured, the Drawings Batch dialog appears.
Batch Processing - Intergraph Batch Services (on page 165)

 If the software encounters a problem before or during the drawing update, it stops updating,
displays either an error status or error message, and saves the errors to the log file. For
more information, see Conditional Drawing Update (on page 96).
 When using the Batch > Update command and batch processing is configured for the
selected document, the update is performed on the Batch Server. If batch processing is not
configured, the command behaves the same as the Update Now command, performing a
complete regeneration of the entire drawing on the local machine.
 If you place drawing property labels on a template, generate a drawing, move the labels on
the drawing, and then update the drawing, the software remembers the new position of the
labels on the drawing.

Reports User's Guide 93

Shortcut Menus

Update a single drawing

1. Right-click a document.
2. On the shortcut menu, select Batch > Update to update the document on the batch server
now or create a schedule to run the batch job. Select Update Now to update locally. The
icon for the out-of-date document changes to show it is updated .
3. If the batch server is configured, the Drawings Batch dialog appears.
Batch Processing - Intergraph Batch Services (on page 165)

 If the software encounters a problem before or during the drawing update, it stops updating,
displays either an error status or error message, and saves the errors to the log file. For
more information, see Conditional Drawing Update (on page 96).
 When using the Batch > Update command and batch processing is configured for the
selected document, the update is performed on the Batch Server. If batch processing is not
configured, the command behaves the same as the Update Now command, performing a
complete regeneration of the entire drawing on the local machine.
 If you place drawing property labels on a template, generate a drawing, move the labels on
the drawing, and then update the drawing, the software remembers the new position of the
labels on the drawing.
 If the software cannot make a SmartPlant Foundation server connection when updating 3D
Model Data documents, you are prompted to provide a valid login and password.

Insert a note at a precise place on an isometric drawing

1. Switch to the Common task.
2. Click Insert > Control Point.
3. Select the pipe part in the model that needs a note.
Use the quick pick tool to make the correct selection.

4. Position the control point on the centerline of the pipe part. For precision placement, use
commands like Measure , PinPoint , or Point Along.
5. In the Type box, verify that Control Point is selected.
6. Confirm or change the option in the Subtype box on the ribbon.
7. In the Name box, define a name for the control point.
8. Open the properties page of the control point.
9. Click the Notes tab.
10. Click New Note.
11. In the Key point box, select the control point to which to attach the note.

94 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

12. In the Note name box, type or select a name.

13. In the Purpose of note box, select Fabrication so that the note is picked up for inclusion in
the drawing.
14. In the Note text box, type descriptive text for the note.
15. Check the Show dimension box if you want a dimension to appear on the drawing.

16. Click OK.

17. In the Drawings and Reports task, use the Update Now or Batch > Update commands to
update the drawing that includes the pipe part with the associated control point. The note
appears where it was placed in the model.

Reports User's Guide 95

Shortcut Menus

Conditional Drawing Update

Before updating a drawing, SmartPlant 3D ensures necessary information is present before
changing the existing drawing document. If any of the following conditions are true before the
update process begins, SmartPlant 3D displays an error message that lists the missing items,
and makes no changes to the drawing. If any of the following conditions are true after the update
process begins, the drawing update process stops, changes to an error status ( ), and
SmartPlant 3D preserves the previous state of the drawing document to avoid any data loss.

Reference Data Conditions

 View style cannot be found.
 Graphic preparation rule cannot be found.
 Graphic rule cannot be found.
 Label rule cannot be found.
 Dimension rule cannot be found.
 North arrow rule cannot be found.
 Matchline rule cannot be found.
 View rule cannot be found.
 View style filter cannot be found.
 Emptyvw.sha file cannot be found.
 Styles.sha file cannot be found.

Model Data Conditions

 Associated volume cannot be found.
 Associated coordinate system cannot be found.

Memory Conditions
 Not enough available memory to begin the update process.
 Not enough available memory to complete the update process once it has started.

 Failure conditions found before the update process can be viewed in the Drawings.log.
 Failure conditions found during the update process can be viewed when you right-click a
drawing and select View Log.
 Failure conditions are not logged when the Update command is used on a drawing view.
You must use the Update Now command in either the Drawing Console or Drawings and
Reports task to save the error(s) to the log.
 If an orphan view (a view that exists in the model database without a corresponding view)
exists, it is removed from the database and a description of the error is logged in the
Drawings log file in <Temp Folder>\Logs.

96 Reports User's Guide

Shortcut Menus

Reports User's Guide 97


Components Overview
Several specialized components are provided, and they access commands for configuring
templates and generating drawings and reports. The various types of components can be
divided into two groups: application components and folder components. Many of the application
components correspond to specific types of drawings, such as volume drawings and composed
drawings. The Spreadsheet Reports component provides access to report-related commands.
You organize drawings and reports in folders. You can add folders to the root and to other
folders. Each component has a different icon and right-click menu.
You can copy and paste components with some restrictions. For example, application
components cannot contain folders or other application components. If you copy a folder, you
can paste it under a folder but not under another component type. If you copy a Volume Drawing
component, you can paste it under a folder. If you copy other types of components, you can
paste them under folders but not under other types of components.
Your administrator can assign permissions to the different components using commands in the
Project Management task. For example, the administrator can set permissions so that only the
piping designers have write privileges on Piping Isometric Drawings. For more information, see
the Project Management User's Guide.
There are several types of delivered components. Their names reflect the type of drawing or
report they create. When you right-click the root or a folder, then select New, the Add
Component dialog box appears. The dialog box includes a General Tab for general types of
drawings or reports and additional task-specific tabs with delivered folders and packages. For
more information, see Add Component Dialog Box (on page 62).
You can also create and manage components from the 3D modeling tasks by using the
Tools > Drawing Console command. For more information, see the Common User's Guide.
The delivered components are shown on the General tab of the Add Component dialog box.
They include:

Delivered Component Description

3D Model By Query Creates a 3D Model By Query component in the

Console. You can use the 3D Model By Query
component to export 3D model data in bulk as CAD
(SAT) files. The software uses a filter-based query
to collect the objects and document them
automatically. More information is available in the
Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.
3D Model Data Creates a 3D Model Data component in the
Console. Right-click the component and select
Setup on the shortcut menu to specify a filter that
identifies the objects you want collected by the 3D
Model Data component. You can use the 3D Model
Data component to output SmartPlant Review files
or CAD (SAT) files. More information is available in
the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.
MicroStation 3D DGN Creates a MicroStation 3D DGN component in the
Console. Right-click the component and select

Reports User's Guide 99

Components Overview

Setup from the shortcut menu to define the

MicroStation seed file and style to use in generating
the component documents. More information is
available in the Orthographic Drawings User's
Folder Creates an empty folder in the Console.
Drawings By Query Manager Creates a Drawings by Query Manager in the
Console. The Drawings by Query Manager is used
in conjunction with other components, such as the
Orthographic Drawing by Query and Piping
Isometric Drawing by Query components, to
complete the query for objects in the model. The
Drawings by Query Manager provides the filter that
specifies the "where" side of the query. It tells the
query "where" to look for the objects specified by
the component "what" filter. More information is
available in the Orthographic Drawings Users
Guide and the Piping Isometric Drawings User's
Generic Module Folder Creates a Generic Module Folder in the Console.
The Generic Module Folder component provides a
way for you to run your custom VB modules to
create custom drawings. You set up the Generic
Module Folder component to use your custom VB
module. More information is available in the
Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.
Composed Drawing Creates a Composed Drawing component in the
Console. Composed drawings are orthographic
drawings created in a 3D task such as Common.
The composed drawing component manages the
composed drawings you create. More information is
available in the Orthographic Drawings User's
Orthographic Drawing by Query Creates an Orthographic Drawings by Query
component in the Console. The Orthographic
Drawing by Query component allows you to create
drawings for many objects in the model all in the
same manner. This component does not require
physical volumes in the model. The software uses a
filter-based query to collect the objects and
document them automatically. More information is
available in the Orthographic Drawings User's

Piping Isometric Drawing by Creates a Piping Isometric Drawings by Query

Query component in the Console. You create isometric
drawing by associating a Piping Isometric Drawing
by Query component to a Query Manager. The
Piping Isometric Drawing by Query component
specifies the "what" portion of the query, while the
Query Manager specifies the "where". More

100 Reports User's Guide

Components Overview

information is available in the Piping Isometric

Drawings User's Guide.

Spreadsheet Reports Creates a Spreadsheet Report component in the

Console. More information is available in the
Reports User's Guide.

Search Folder Creates a Search Folder in the Console. Search

Folders allow you to search for documents based
on common properties such as out-of- date status,
approval, or documents that have been published
to a certain contract in integrated environment.
More information is available in the Orthographic
Drawings User's Guide.

Volume Drawings Creates a Volume Drawings component in the

Console. The Volume Drawing component uses a
template to create drawings. You can place a view
on the template and associate the view with a view
style to control the output. To define the contents of
the view, you create a drawing volume in the
model. More information is available in the
Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.

See Also
Shortcut Menus (on page 61)
Icons for Components and Drawings (on page 52)
New Command (on page 62)
Delivered Drawing Types
Drawings and Reports Naming Rules

Reports User's Guide 101

Components Overview

102 Reports User's Guide


Spreadsheet Reports
The Spreadsheet Report component allows you to define report templates and create report
The software features a tabbed editor called the Report Template Editor that allows you to
create and modify report templates. Most of the delivered reports use a combination of filters
and SQL. The Report Template Editor includes an interface for entering database query
syntax and testing the results of a query as part of the report. The editor also features an Excel
component in which you can drag and drop attributes onto a worksheet. The default format of all
reports is Microsoft Excel format.
After you make changes to a template, you can test the template by using the Update
Document(s) or Update Now command. For more information on updating documents, see
Updating Documents (on page 90).
There are several types of spreadsheet reports delivered with the software. They are defined
and described in the Reports.xls workbook. For more information on the workbook, see the
Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide.

 Microsoft Excel 2003 is the minimum supported version for the Drawings and Reports task.
 Excel 2007 uses a new file format and extension (.xlsx). However, the delivered report
templates still use the old .xls extension. If you create a report template with the .xlsx
extension, only machines with Excel 2007 will be able to handle (edit, update, or open) the
report. If you attempt to open a .xlsx file with an older version of Excel, an error message
appears stating that the file is not compatible with the version of Excel.
 For users of Office 2003, in Microsoft Excel under Tools > Macro > Security > Trusted
Publishers tab, check the Trust Access to Visual Basic Project option.
 For users of Office 2007 and Office 2010, click the Microsoft Office button to access Excel
Option. Go to the Trust Center category and select the Trust Center Settings button.
Select the Macro Settings category and check Trust access to the VBA project object
 For more information about Microsoft Office and service packs, refer to the Microsoft web
site (http://www.microsoft.com/).

Reports Workflow (on page 104)

Report Templates (on page 106)
Create and update a delivered report (on page 113)
Reports Common Tasks (on page 105)
Appendix: Report Descriptions (on page 223)

Reports User's Guide 103

Spreadsheet Reports

Reports Workflow
The reporting workflow involves the effort of three people:
 A reports database administrator who creates the reporting databases.
 A reports designer who creates report templates that define what is reported and in what
 An end user who runs the reports.

Role of the Reports Database Administrator

The report database is created when you create the model. The reports database administrator
is responsible for the databases, including regeneration when necessary. The reports databases
work in conjunction with the five databases required by the software. For more information, see
the Project Management User's Guide and the Installation Guide available from Help >
Printable Guides.
The administrator must re-create the reports databases anytime the metadata changes, such as
when new attributes or custom interfaces are added to the reference data or when changes are
made to the catalog schema.
The software requires the Reports Database and permissions be set correctly to make
the reporting functionality available.

Role of the Reports Designer

Reports designers can be classified in three categories: Casual, Expert, and Consultant. All
three types of reports designers create and modify report templates, but the manner in which
they do so may differ. All three types of designers use the Report Template Editor to create
report templates. The Casual user creates filter-based reports, but an Expert user may choose
to write SQL query-based reports. A Consultant creates and modifies report files (.rtp, .rqe, .rfm)
as well as using the Report Template Editor to develop complex queries. The Expert and
Consultant designers are more skilled in the use of SQL and the complexities of the data model.
To view the delivered report templates and examples, see the [Reference Data Product
Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports folder located on the product server
computer. The reports are divided further into component folders. For example, the Piping-
related reports and all their supporting files are located in the Piping folder. The reports in this
location are catalog reports and are bulkloaded into the Catalog database.
The delivered spreadsheet reports are defined and described in the Reports.xls workbook. For
more information on the workbook, see the Drawing and Reports Reference Data Guide.

Role of the End User

End users can interactively run reports in most of the tasks in the software using the Run
Report command on the Tools menu. Users can select a report template listed on the Catalog
Reports tab or the My Reports tab on the Run Report dialog box and then run a report based
on that template.
End users also answer prompts for parameterized reports when they are run. The prompt
questions are specified when these types of reports are designed.
End users can access personal report templates, stored in the Personal Report Templates
location specified on the Tools > Options dialog box. Administrators or report designers are
usually responsible for creating catalog report templates.
For more information about running reports, see the Common User's Guide available from the
Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

104 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

The Run Report command is intended for quickly generating reports that will not
be updated in the future. To manage report generation, you must use the reporting functionality
in this task.
In addition to the three different roles involved in reporting, two different time periods exist in
reporting: design time and run time. Design time refers to the part of the process when the
report templates are specified and edited. Run time refers to the time when the report
deliverable is created using the Tools > Run Report command or the functionality in this task.
See Also
Report Templates (on page 106)
Spreadsheet Reports (on page 103)
Report Templates Folder (on page 108)
Create and update a delivered report (on page 113)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)

Reports Common Tasks

The following tasks are used frequently when you create spreadsheet reports.

Create a Spreadsheet Reports Component

You create a Spreadsheet Reports component using New command. For more information, see
New Command (on page 62).

Create the Report or a New Report Template

Right-click on the Spreadsheet Report component and select Create Report to specify the type
of report and create it. For more information, see Create a new report template from an existing
template (on page 111) and Create and update a delivered report (on page 113).

Edit the Report

Right-click a report and select Edit Template to activate the Report Template Editor and
customize the report. For more information, see Report Template Editor (on page 118). To
customize the appearance of the report, go to the Formatting Tab and click Design Layout
to open the report in Excel and modify the appearance and content. For more information, see
Design Layout (on page 123).

Add a Filter-Based Query to a Report

You can add a query to a report. For more information, see Add a filter-based query to a report
template (on page 145).

Create a Filter-Based Report

You can also create a report that is based entirely on filters and object properties. For more
information, see Create a filter-based report.

Remove a Report Template Component

A report component is represented as a tab in the Report Template Editor when editing a report
template. You use the Tools > Remove: Component command. For more information, see
Remove Report Component (Tools Menu) (on page 149).

Reports User's Guide 105

Spreadsheet Reports

Update the Report

Update your report or multiple reports using the Update commands. For more information, see
Updating Documents (on page 90).

Setting Report Properties

You can set report properties with the Properties command. For more information, see Edit
document properties (on page 74).

Copying a Report to the Catalog

Copying a new or edited report to the catalog allows other users to have access to the report.
The report is added to the Report hierarchy in the Catalog task and can be run using the Run
Report command in other 3D tasks. For more information, see Copy a report template to the
catalog (on page 140).

Save a Report Template

You have two options for saving report templates. You can save a modified report template and
its components to the Catalog using the File > Save Report Template command. For more
information, see Save Report Template (File Menu) (on page 142). You can also save a
selected report template and components to a location that you specify and change the names
of report templates and their components before saving. For more information, see Save a
report template to a specified location (on page 142).

Publish the Report

You can publish Spreadsheet Reports if your model has been registered using the SmartPlant
Registration Wizard. For more information, see Publishing Documents (on page 201).
The viewable files created when you publish drawings and reports provide relationship
links to the 3D Model Data. You must also publish the 3D Model Data to provide the navigation
between the viewable files and the 3D Model Data.

Report Templates
To create report templates, you must be familiar with database query syntax and the data model
in the software. You can use the SP3D Schema Browser to view the data model. The
executable, MetaDataBrowser.exe, is delivered in \Program
Files\SmartPlant\3D\Programming\tools\Bin. You need to load the Programming Resources to
access this executable. For more information, see the Installation Guide available from Help >
Printable Guides.
Typically, a reports designer creates the templates based on the content and format customarily
used in the company or project. This task provides a user interface to create or edit report
A report template consists of several sub-template files that together control the data extracted
from the databases, the supporting attributes needed, and the output format. The statements in
the report templates search the databases and extract the most commonly sought after
database information and display it in a useful manner.
The manner in which data is extracted from the database is controlled typically by a query
template. The types of templates include report templates, label templates, query templates,
query parameters templates, and formatting templates. You can compare the template file
configuration to Visual Basic programs; for example, the report template file is analogous to a
Visual Basic project file (.vbp), and the other templates are analogous to the files to which the

106 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

.vbp points: .cls, .bas, and .frm files. The diagram below shows the interrelationships among the
types of templates.

Another way to categorize the templates is by the type of access. Templates can be catalog
report templates or personal report templates. End users can define the location of personal
report templates by clicking Tools > Options and selecting the File Locations tab. The Tools >
Options command is available in most of the tasks in the software.
To view the delivered report templates and examples, see the [Reference Data Product
Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports folder located on the application server
computer. The reports in this location are catalog reports and are bulkloaded into the Catalog
database. You can also copy reports directly into the Catalog database. When you copy a report
to the Catalog database, the software creates a directory with the report name in the
SharedContent folder. The software also creates all the files associated with the report in that
directory. For more information, see Copy Report To Catalog (Report Shortcut Menu) (on page
The delivered spreadsheet reports are defined and described in the Reports.xls workbook. For
more information on the workbook, see the Drawing and Reports Reference Data Guide.

Customized .XLA files

If you have customized .XLA files that you want to use in your reports, you must deliver those
.XLA files to the Symbols\Reports\Components for Reports\Addins folder on the symbol share.
After you deliver your customized .XLA files to this directory, they will be automatically
registered so that they can be used by your reports.
See Also
Report Queries to Extract Data (on page 109)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Reports Workflow (on page 104)
Report Templates Folder (on page 108)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)

Reports User's Guide 107

Spreadsheet Reports

Report Templates Folder

The following list provides descriptions of the report templates folders located in [Reference
Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports on the application server
computer. Report templates contain the necessary SQL statements and links to other templates
to extract the required information and produce an output report.
Baseline - Produces a baseline report, which is used with a differential report. A differential
report shows changes in comparison to a baseline report. For example, you can view which
items have been added, deleted, or modified between the two reports. Baseline information is
not currently editable.
Baseline Parameters - Defines the baseline prompts presented to the user when the report
runs. Examples include currency or dates for reporting purposes.
Display - Displays or publishes the formatted result of a report. Display information is not
currently editable.
Formatting - Formats the results of queries for reports. This type of template can also refer to
formatting parameters if the formatting requires parameters.
Formatting Parameters - Defines the formatting prompts presented to the user when the report
runs. Examples include units of measure and coordinate systems.
Labels - Creates labels, such as piping component labels that appear on isometric drawings.
Labels are mini- reports. You can have only one query for labels. The display template is not
used for labels.
Layout - Provides sample report layouts in Microsoft Excel (.xls) format. The templates provide
examples of column header names and overall output organization.
Queries - Contains the SQL statements or property-based queries that retrieve data during
report creation. This type of template can also refer to query parameters if the query requires
parameters. For more information about report queries, see Report Queries to Extract Data (on
page 109).
Query Parameters - Defines the query prompts presented to the user when the report runs. For
example, a prompt can ask the user for the system parent name.
Reports - Creates reports. The report templates contain references to other templates, such as
query and formatting templates. You can have several queries for report templates.
Schema - Contains XML code that provides a schema for reporting entities and templates.
The following table gives the associated file type for each report template.

Report Template File Extension

Baseline .rbl
Baseline Parameters .rbp
Display .rdy
Formatting .rfm
Formatting Parameters .rfp
Labels .rtp
Layout .xls
Queries .rqe
Query Parameters .rqp

108 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Report Template File Extension

Reports .rtp
Schema .xml

 To enable recursive expansion of embedded labels, the report RFM file must set the
ToParse flag to Yes, as in the following example:
 Microsoft Excel 2003 is the minimum supported version for the Drawings and Reports task.
 Excel 2007 uses a new file format and extension (.xlsx). However, the delivered report
templates still use the old .xls extension. If you create a report template with the .xlsx
extension, only machines with Excel 2007 will be able to handle (edit, update, or open) the
report. If you attempt to open a .xlsx file with an older version of Excel, an error message
appears stating that the file is not compatible with the version of Excel.
 For users of Office 2003, in Microsoft Excel under Tools > Macro > Security > Trusted
Publishers tab, check the Trust Access to Visual Basic Project option.
 For users of Office 2007 and Office 2010, click the Microsoft Office button to access Excel
Option. Go to the Trust Center category and select the Trust Center Settings button.
Select the Macro Settings category and check Trust access to the VBA project object
 For more information about Microsoft Office and service packs, refer to the Microsoft web
site (http://www.microsoft.com/) (http://www.microsoft.com/).
See Also
Report Queries to Extract Data (on page 109)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Report Templates (on page 106)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Appendix: Report Descriptions (on page 223)

Report Queries to Extract Data

Data for reports can be extracted from the software in a variety of ways:
 With queries to the Reports database. The Reports database contains unions of views on
the other databases (Site, Model, Catalog, Site Schema, and Catalog Schema). Although
these queries retrieve data from the model and catalog, they actually query the Reports
database instead of going directly to the other databases. Most delivered reports query the
Reports database when users run the reports from this task or from the Tools > Run
Reports command in other tasks. The Reports database is also used to return data when a
report is updated using the Update Document(s) or Update Now command and when the
report query is executed through the Edit Template command.
 With queries containing filters that use bound objects to retrieve data directly from the model
databases rather than the Reports database.
 By using the drawing that contains an embedded report to define the data the report
 With software written by consultants to gather data for a report.

Reports User's Guide 109

Spreadsheet Reports

Regardless of how reports extract data from the software, most reports contain one or more
query templates that use either SQL statements or property-based queries to select data to
include in the report. The sections that follow describe these two types of queries.

Queries rely on statements to retrieve data. You can write your own queries or you can
customize those delivered with the software to retrieve the information you want. Queries can
use filters in combination with statements to select data from the database. A typical query has a
select statement that ends with a WHERE clause. The underlying filter software works differently
depending on the database you use. For SQL Server, the filter SQL creates a temporary table
called @RPTtemptable. You perform a "select oid from @RPTtemptable" to get the oids
returned by the filter. In SQL Server, the code follows the example:
SELECT oid,...
FROM ...
JOIN ...
WHERE oid in (select oid from @RPTtemptable)
The oid column name may require qualification, depending on the rest of the statement.
However, the SQL variable @RPTtemptable must be used exactly as it is here.
For ORACLE, the query is executed implicitly to return the oids from the filter. You use
'FilterQuery' as a placeholder for the filter generated statement. In ORACLE, the code follows
the example:
SELECT oid,...
FROM ...
JOIN ...
WHERE oid in ('FilterQuery')
Queries can require parameters that the user must supply when he runs the report. To specify
parameters for a query, you can do one of the following:
 Use an existing report template that includes a query with parameters as the basis for your
 Add a query that contains parameters to your report using the Tools > Add Query
If you change the parameters for a report template or add a query with parameters to the
template, you can define parameters for an existing report based on that template by
right-clicking the report in the Detail View and then clicking Parameters on the shortcut menu.
See Also
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Report Templates (on page 106)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Report Templates Folder (on page 108)

Create Report (Report Shortcut Menu)

Specifies a report template and then generates a report. If the template requires parameters or a
filter, you must specify these inputs. Right-click a spreadsheet report component and select
Create Report.
When you create a report, it is added to the Detail View. You can edit, print, or publish the
report after updating it.
Select Report Template Dialog Box (on page 114)

110 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

What do you want to do?

 Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
 Create and update a delivered report (on page 113)

Create a new report template from an existing template

To create a new report template, you can create a report based on an existing template and
then make changes to the template. After your changes are made, you can save the existing
template with a new name to create a new template.
1. In the Management Console, right-click a spreadsheet report component, and click Create
Report on the shortcut menu.
2. On the Select Report Template dialog box, click a report template, and click OK.

 To create a new filter-based report template that returns properties, select one of the
delivered reports that contains a property-based query.
 To create a new report template with a SQL query, select one of the delivered SQL-based
1. In the Detail View, right-click the report you created and click Edit Template. The report
template opens in the Report Template Editor with the first tab of the report template
displayed. The following example shows the report template Equipment Finishing Sorted
by Equipment Name.

Use the arrows at the top of the editor to scroll through the Report Template
Editor tabs.

Reports User's Guide 111

Spreadsheet Reports

2. The Query tabs always appear first in the tab order. In the example above, notice that there
are two query tabs already available. To add a new query, click Tools > Add Query and
select the existing query you want to use as a starting point for your new query. When you
add a query, the software adds it as a tab to the Report Template Editor. For example, you
could add a filter-based query called Processing Equipment and a tab of the same name
would be added to the Report Template Editor.

To set the properties on a filter-based query, see Add a filter-based query to a report
template (on page 145).
3. To modify queries, modify the statements on the appropriate Query tabs to query the
databases. You can edit the existing query, or delete the existing statements and type a new
query. You can combine two queries to create a single query. If the query contains
parameters, click Edit Query Parameters to make changes to the query prompts
presented to the user when the report runs.
For more information on using queries and correct formats for SQL Server and
ORACLE, see Report Queries to Extract Data (on page 109).
4. To modify property-based queries, specify a different filter or create a new filter in the Filter
box on the appropriate Query tabs.
You can add properties to include in the query by clicking Add. To remove a property,
click a row in the table, then click Remove.
5. Test the query by clicking Execute Query . To see the results of the test, click Show
Results Panel .
6. To add a differential report, use Tools > Add Baseline to add a Baseline tab to specify the
differential report.
7. On the Formatting tab, specify the layout of the report by clicking Design Layout . The
software opens the report template in Excel. For more information, see Design Layout (on
page 123).
8. Select an attribute on the left, click Insert, and then click in the Excel window to place the
attribute. You can also drag and drop the attribute from the left pane to the Excel sheet.
9. Right-click the query in the left pane, and click Properties to specify layout properties such
as grouping, sorting, and comparing.
10. Under Formatting Parameters in the Design Layout hierarchy, click and drag parameters
as needed onto the report template sheet.
11. To add a user-defined attribute to the report template, right-click the User Defined item and
select Properties. On the Define User Item dialog box, you can add new user defined
attributes, modify existing attributes, or delete an existing attribute. For more information,
see Define User Item Dialog Box (on page 137).
12. Exit Excel, and save the workbook when prompted.
13. Use File > Save Report Template to save the modified report template and its components
to the Catalog. Use the File > Save Report Template As command to save the selected

112 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

report template and components to a location that you specify. You could also change the
names of report templates and their components before saving.
14. To copy the report template to the database, use the Tools > Copy to Catalog command.
Copy a report template to the catalog (on page 140)

 The software combines the options you set on all the tabs to form the report template. You
can add tabs by clicking the commands on the Tools menu. Each report template can have
multiple queries and baselines, but only one format and one display.
 If you want your report templates to be available to other users, you must make changes to
the names and locations of report templates on the Report sheet of the Reports.xls
spreadsheet and then bulk load the reference data into the Catalog database. All of the
report files (.rtp, .rqe, etc.) must be saved to a directory to which the users have access (like
the SharedContent folder).
 It is recommended that you save new or modified template files with unique names different
from the templates delivered with the software. You should not use the same names as the
delivered report templates.

Create and update a delivered report

1. Verify that at least one spreadsheet report component exists in the Console hierarchy. If
none exists, add a component for reports.
Add a component or package (on page 62)
2. Right-click the spreadsheet report component, and click Create Report on the shortcut
menu. For more information, see Create Report (Report Shortcut Menu) (on page 110).
3. On the Select Report Template dialog box, click a report template, and click OK. The
software creates the report document in the Detail View.
The software prompts for parameters or a filter if the selected report template requires
these inputs.
4. Right-click the report, and click Update Now. The software generates the report. For more
information, see Updating Documents (on page 90).
You can modify the report template if needed. In the Drawings and Reports task,
right-click the report in the Detail View, and click Edit Template. You can add tabs using
commands on the Tools menu, and you can save the report template using File > Save Report
Template. For more information, see Edit a Report Template (on page 115).
See Also
Report Templates (on page 106)
Report Queries to Extract Data (on page 109)
Appendix: Report Descriptions (on page 223)
Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 142)
Save Report Template (File Menu) (on page 142)
Define User Item Dialog Box (on page 137)

Reports User's Guide 113

Spreadsheet Reports

Select Report Template Dialog Box

Selects a report template. This dialog box appears when you click the Create Report command
for a spreadsheet report component or when you click Place Report when a drawing
template is open. By browsing through the hierarchy, you can find any report template in the
Catalog database. Once you select a template, the software generates the report. You can
resize the dialog box and the columns to view the information more clearly.

Properties - Displays the properties of the selected item. All properties on the Properties
dialog box are read-only.
List View - Sets the dialog box to display items in a list view.

Grid View - Sets the dialog box to display items in a spreadsheet-style grid view.
The Create Report and Place Report commands create reports based on a selected
report template. You can also select a report template and view its properties. The buttons that
are grayed out are not available when using these commands.
See Also
Create Report (Report Shortcut Menu) (on page 110)
Appendix: Report Descriptions (on page 223)

Edit Template (Report Shortcut Menu)

Modifies a template for a report. This command opens the Report Template Editor (on page
118), which includes several tabs you use to set query, formatting, display, and baseline
This command is only available in the Drawings and Reports task. It is not available
through the Tools > Drawings Console command in the 3D modeling tasks.

What do you want to do?

 Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
 Add Sheets to a Report Template (on page 116)
 Embed Labels in a Report (on page 117)

114 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Edit a Report Template

1. Right-click a report in the Detail View, and click Edit Template.
2. To modify SQL queries, modify the SQL statements on the appropriate Query tabs to query
the databases. Click Show Results Pane to open a lower window that displays the
results of the query. Test the query by clicking Execute Query .
You can also type a different description for the query in the Description box at the top
of the tab.
3. To modify property-based queries, specify a different filter, or create a new filter in the Filter
box on the appropriate Query tabs.

 You can add or remove properties in the query using the Add and Remove buttons.
 Filters created with the Create New Filter command must be moved to the Catalog before
running the report. Select More in the dropdown to create filters directly in the database.
1. On the Formatting tab, specify the layout of the report by clicking Design Layout . The
software opens a window in Excel.
If you have already opened the Excel layout for the template, the software asks if you
want to overwrite it in the temporary location.
2. Select an attribute on the left, click Insert, and then click in the Excel window to place the
attribute. You can also drag and drop the attribute from the left pane to the Excel sheet.
3. Right-click items in the left pane, and click Properties to specify layout properties, such as
grouping, sorting, and comparing. For more information, see Properties (Shortcut Menu in
Microsoft Excel) (on page 124).
4. Under Formatting Parameters in the Design Layout hierarchy, click and drag parameters
as needed onto the report template sheet.
5. To add a user-defined attribute to the report template, right-click the User Defined item and
select Properties. On the Define User Item dialog box, you can add new user defined
attributes, modify existing attributes, or delete an existing attribute. For more information,
see Define User Item Dialog Box (on page 137).
6. Save the changes to the template by clicking File > Save Report Template. The software
saves the edited template in the Model database.
7. If you added or modified parameters for any query, right-click the report in the Detail View,
and then click Parameters to redefine parameters before you run the report.

 The software combines the options you set on all the tabs to form the report template. You
can add tabs by clicking the commands on the Tools menu. Each report template can have
multiple queries and baselines, but only one format and one display.
 You can save the template in another location by clicking File > Save Report Template As.
By default, templates saved using this command are personal reports that you can run in
most of the tasks in the software using the My Reports tab of the Run Report dialog box.
 You can make new report templates available to other users by making changes to the
names and locations of report templates on the Report sheet of the Reports.xls
spreadsheet and then bulk loading the reference data into the Catalog database. All of the
report files (.rtp, .rqe, and so on.) must be saved to a directory to which the users have
access (like the SharedContent folder).

Reports User's Guide 115

Spreadsheet Reports

Add Sheets to a Report Template

The following procedure steps you through adding sheets to an existing report. You can add as
many sheets as you like to a report, associate queries to the sheets, and set the layout of each
sheet independently.
1. Right-click a report, and select Edit Template. The Report Template Editor appears.
2. On the Formatting tab, click Design Layout to open the report layout in Microsoft
3. You can add a sheet using Excel commands. Right-click an existing sheet and select Insert
to insert a new sheet. You can also rename the sheet by right-clicking the new sheet and
selecting Rename. For more information on creating new sheets, see your Microsoft Excel

4. To populate the new sheet and set its properties, make sure the new sheet is displayed and
right-click Report in the Design Layout hierarchy, then select Properties.

The Report Properties of <SheetName> dialog box appears, showing the layout property
settings for the active sheet. For more information, see Report Properties of <SheetName>
Dialog Box (on page 124).
5. If you want header rows on the new sheet, define them in the Header section. If you want all
the sheets in the report to have the same header, check Repeat on every sheet.
6. Specify custom macros as needed.
7. Set the Filling Mode as needed.
8. To populate the active sheet with report query items, select a query in the Report Items
Available list and click Add.
You can also Remove report query items from the active sheet by selecting them in the
Report Items on Sheet list and clicking Remove.
To clear the contents of the active sheet, click Clear All.
9. Click OK to save the changes to the active sheet. The Report hierarchy for the active sheet
now shows the content you specified, and you can drag-and-drop items on the active sheet.

116 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

10. Save your changes to the report template using either File > Save Report Template or File
> Save Report Template As. For more information, see Save Report Template (File Menu)
(on page 142) and Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 142).

Embed Labels in a Report

The following procedure steps you through embedding labels in a report.
1. Right-click a report, and select Edit Template. The Report Template Editor appears.
2. Add a filter-based query to the report using Tools > Add Query. The Add Report Query
dialog box displays.
3. Select a filter-based query to add to the product and click OK. For example, you could add a
basic Filter Based Query to the report template.
4. Name the query on the Add Query dialog box. For example, FBQ is the name of the added
query in this procedure example.
5. When you click OK, the software displays the Select Filter dialog so you can specify the
appropriate filter for the report, then adds the new query to the Report Template Editor.
6. You can use the CONSTANT property to further define the query. To add an embedded
label, you add a CONSTANT as a string with a value of the label you want displayed in the
report. For example, you could create LAB CONSTANT using a string value of [403] to tell
the software to use the label value instead of the value returned by the query.

 The square brackets [ ] around the label value are required. They signal the software at
report runtime that the query value is not used "as is" but is actually a label that needs to be
 The software evaluates the embedded label for the object whose oid is included in the
query. For example, for the 403 label, the oid of the pipe part needs to be part of the query.
If not, the software ignores the label.
1. On the Formatting tab, click Design Layout to open the report layout in Microsoft
Excel. The new query CONSTANTs show up in the Design Layout hierarchy.
2. You can drag-and-drop the query CONSTANT attributes as needed to define the layout of
the report.
3. Save your changes to the report template using either File > Save Report Template or File
> Save Report Template As. For more information, see Save Report Template (File Menu)
(on page 142) and Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 142).
When you run the modified report, the label CONSTANT is used to populate the report instead
of the value returned by the query.

 For more information on adding filter-based queries, see Add a filter-based query to a report
template (on page 145).
 To add additional sheets to the report, see Add Sheets to a Report Template (on page 116).
 To enable recursive expansion of embedded labels, the report RFM file must set the
ToParse flag to Yes, as in the following example:

Reports User's Guide 117

Spreadsheet Reports

Report Template Editor

Sets options for report templates. The software combines the options you set on all the tabs to
create the report template. The Report Template Editor is available by clicking Edit Template
on the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click a report in the Detail View.

You can add Query and Baseline tabs by clicking the commands on the Tools menu. Each
report template can have multiple query tabs and multiple baseline tabs, but only one formatting
tab and one display tab.
Baseline Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box) (on page 123)
Query Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box) (on page 118)
Formatting Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box) (on page 122)
Display Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box) (on page 123)

Report Name and Description

Report Name - Identifies the name of the report template. This field is read-only in the editor
window. You can edit the report name when the Report Template Editor is closed. Right-click
the report document in the Detail View and select Rename on the shortcut menu.
Report Description - Specifies a description for the report template. When you change the
report description in the Report Template Editor, the description is updated in the report .rtp
and .rqe files.
To save the report to the Catalog, use File > Save Report Template. For more information, see
Save Report Template (File Menu) (on page 142). You can use File > Save Report Template
As to save the report template and components to a location that you specify. You can also
change the name of the report template and its components when you use Save Report
Template As. For more information, see Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 142).
For more information on the files associated with reports, see Report Templates Folder (on page
See Also
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Report Templates (on page 106)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Add a filter-based query to a report template (on page 145)

Query Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box)

Specifies the syntax to retrieve data for the reports. This tab allows you to execute the query
and view the results.
You can create multiple query tabs for one report template by clicking Tools > Add Query. For
more information on adding queries, see Add a filter-based query to a report template (on page

118 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

The first graphic shows the base query for the report, while the second shows the filter-based
query used to further define the report.

Show Results Pane - Displays a pane at the bottom of the tab. When you execute the
query, the results appear here.
Execute Query - Runs the query specified on the tab.
Edit Query Parameters - Displays the Query Parameters Designer for modifying the
query prompts that are presented to the user when he runs the report. For example, a prompt
can ask the user for the system parent name. This button is only available if the query is not
Name - Displays the name for the query. This field is read-only.
Description - Describes the query. When you change the query description in the Report
Template Editor, the description is updated in the report .rqe file.
Filter - Displays the name of the filter on which this query is based. This field is only available if
the query is filter- based.
Properties - Displays the Filter Properties dialog box to change the properties of the filter if
necessary. This button is only available if the query is filter-based.
Allow runtime filter selection - When checked, requires a filter selection be made when a user
runs the report using Tools > Run Report in a 3D task. If this box is not checked, the report
runs using the filter defined within the report.
Add - Displays the Select Properties dialog box to add a new property to a filter-based
query. This button is only available if the query is filter-based.
Remove - Removes a property that was added to a filter-based query. This button is only
available if the query is filter-based.
If the report is saved to the catalog and the filter is not a catalog filter, an error message
displays: Cannot copy report to the catalog filter is not a catalog filter. You should edit the
report template to correct the problem.

Queries in Design Layout

The Query tabs in the Report Template Editor populate the attributes you see when you open
the report template in Microsoft Excel. To open the report template in Excel, click Design

Reports User's Guide 119

Spreadsheet Reports

Layout on the Formatting tab of the Report Template Editor. In the Design Layout
window in Excel, the query attributes are shown in the Report Items hierarchy. You click and
drag to place the query attributes in the report layout window. The graphic below shows how you
can populate the layout of a report template. For more information, see Design Layout (on page

See Also
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Report Templates (on page 106)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Report Template Editor (on page 118)

120 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Query Parameters Designer Dialog Box

This dialog box is accessible in both the Common task and the Drawings and Reports task.
In both tasks, you select a label with query parameters (a SQL label) on the Label Editor dialog
box. Then, click in the Properties area to display the Query Parameters Designer dialog
You can also view this dialog box if you edit a report template with query parameters in
Drawings and Reports.
Name - Provides an internal name for the parameter.
Index - Specifies an index number for the parameter. This number provides a mapping between
the prompt that appears at runtime and the query syntax. The reason for this number is the
SQL/ADO limitation of positional parameters only.
Caption - Provides a caption for the parameter at runtime.
Prompt Category - Specifies the category of prompt for the query parameter.
Prompt Type - Specifies the type of prompt. This list is based on your selection under Prompt
SQL Data Type - Specifies a data type available in the SQL query language.
Default Value - Defines the default value for the parameter.
Displayed - Specifies whether or not the parameter appears on the report.
You can move the parameters up and down in the list on the dialog box by clicking Move
Up and Move Down.

Select Properties Dialog Box

Browses the data model and selects properties on types. You use the Select Properties dialog
box when specifying filter properties for the workspace and when defining labels. This dialog box
is accessible in both the Common task and the Drawings and Reports task.
In Common, you can access this dialog box when you use the File > Define Workspace
command or the Tools > Select by Filter command to view the properties of a filter. On the
Filter Properties dialog box, click the Properties tab, and in the Property column, click More.
You can also access this dialog box by clicking Tools > Options and selecting the ToolTips
tab. Click Edit Tooltip, and then click Add in the Properties section.
In Drawings and Reports, you can access this dialog box when you use the Edit Template
command on a report template to add properties to a filter query.
Object type used as the basis for the property identification - Specifies an object type. Click
More to access the data model tree. For more information, see Select Object Type Dialog Box
(on page 122).
Relationship - Specifies a direct property or a correlation between object types. These
relationship names are sorted alphabetically.
Related object type - Selects another object type. Click More to access the data model tree.
Display properties in this category - Specifies a category. You can define categories in the
reference data workbooks on the Custom Interfaces sheets.
Select one or more properties - Specifies properties. Press SHIFT to select more than one
See Also
Select Object Type Dialog Box (on page 122)

Reports User's Guide 121

Spreadsheet Reports

Select Object Type Dialog Box

Specifies the categories of objects, the feature type, and the component to which you want to
add a ToolTip or label. This dialog box is accessible in both the Common task and the Drawings
and Reports task.
In the Common task, you can access this dialog box when you are specifying an object type for
filter properties. You can also access this dialog box when you are editing labels for ToolTips.
When you are working with filter properties or labels, this dialog box opens after you click More
in the Object type box on the Select Properties dialog box. When you are working with
ToolTips, the Select Object Type dialog box opens after you click the browse button on the
ToolTips tab on the Options dialog box.
In the Drawings and Reports task, you can access this dialog box when you use the Edit
Template command on a report template to add properties to a filter query.
When the Select Object Type dialog box opens, a tree view lists categories of objects available
in the software. When you double-click an object, the view expands to show the available
feature types. After you select a feature type, another level is available for some categories to
show the component features you can select. For example, double-click HVAC, double-click
HVAC Features, and then click HVAC Transition as the feature, and accept the dialog box.
If objects appear in italics, you cannot select that object on this dialog box. The software uses
your previous selections as the basis for this determination. Italicized text for objects in the
Workspace Explorer indicates the objects are hidden with the Show/Hide options.
See Also
Select Properties Dialog Box (on page 121)

Formatting Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box)

Formats the results of queries for reports. This tab allows you to place attributes on an Excel
sheet in the layout that you want. You can have only one Formatting tab for each report

Design Layout - Opens an Excel window in which you can drag and drop formatting
parameters within the report layout. In the Design Layout window in Excel, the Formatting
Parameters are shown in the Report hierarchy. You click and drag to place the formatting
parameters in the report layout window. For more information, see Design Layout (on page
Name - Specifies a name for the formatting template. This field is read-only. You can change
the name of the report formatting (.rfm) when you use Save Report Template As. For more
information, see Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 142).
Description - Describes the formatting template. When you change the format description in the
Report Template Editor, the description is updated in the report .rfm file.
Layout Template - Displays the name of the Excel template used for the layout of the report.

122 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

See Also
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Report Templates (on page 106)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Report Template Editor (on page 118)

Display Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box)

This tab is not currently available.
See Also
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Report Templates (on page 106)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Report Template Editor (on page 118)

Baseline Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box)

This tab is not currently available.
See Also
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Report Templates (on page 106)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Report Template Editor (on page 118)

Design Layout
The actual design of a report layout is done within Microsoft Excel. You access this functionality
by clicking Design Layout on the Formatting tab of the Report Template Editor.
The report Design Layout displays within Excel, allowing you to configure properties associated
with the layout of the report. You can use Excel commands to modify the layout as necessary,
adding color or other graphical definition to make the report meet your corporate standards. You
can change the header information, drag and drop additional fields or parameters onto the
report, and change the organization of the attributes. The items shown in the Design Layout
window represent the query content and format definition of the report, while the spreadsheet
window shows the report layout.

Reports User's Guide 123

Spreadsheet Reports

You can edit the properties of the report by right-clicking the Report node at the top of the
Design Layout hierarchy. You can also edit the properties for report items by right-clicking
them. For more information on setting report level properties, see Properties (Shortcut Menu in
Microsoft Excel) (on page 124).
To modify the report formatting parameters, select an item in the Design Layout hierarchy
Formatting Parameters folder and click-and-drag it to the appropriate position in the report
template. You can add user- defined attributes to your report by right-clicking the User Defined
item in the Design Layout hierarchy and selecting Properties on the shortcut menu. The
Define User Item dialog appears so you can add, modify, or delete attributes that a user will
have to define before the report runs. For more information, see Define User Item Dialog Box
(on page 137).
Other commands that may prove helpful in layout of a report are the Expand All and Collapse All
commands. For more information, see Expand All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel) (on page
138) and Collapse All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel) (on page 139).
When you are finished modifying the design layout, save your changes and close Excel.
After you make changes to a template, you can test the template by using the Update
Document(s) or Update Now command.
See Also
Formatting Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Box) (on page 122)
Add Sheets to a Report Template (on page 116)
Embed Labels in a Report (on page 117)
Spreadsheet Reports (on page 103)

Properties (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel)

Sets report and item properties as well as query and formatting parameters, if applicable. You
access the Properties command by right-clicking on an item in the Design Layout window in
Excel. The Design Layout is displayed in Excel when you click Design Layout on the
Formatting tab of the Report Template Editor.
If you right-click the User Defined item in the Formatting Parameters folder in the hierarchy,
you can add, edit, and delete user-defined attributes used in the report template.
See Also
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Design Layout (on page 123)
Report Properties of <SheetName> Dialog Box (on page 124)
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 128)
Define User Item Dialog Box (on page 137)

Report Properties of <SheetName> Dialog Box

Sets options for the active sheet, identified in the dialog box title. You can open this dialog box
by right-clicking Report in the Design Layout hierarchy, then selecting Properties.

124 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

The Design Layout is displayed in Excel when you click Design Layout on the Formatting
tab of the Report Template Editor.


Start Row - Specifies the starting row for the report header. The default is $1 for the header.
End Row - Specifies the ending row for the report header. The last row of the header is the
yellow-shaded row with the column header text.
Repeat on every sheet - Tells the software to use the same header information for each sheet
in the design layout.

Post-Formatting Macros

Delete - Removes the selected Custom Macro row.

Custom Macros - Specifies macros or add-ins to apply after a report runs. You use macros and
add-ins to apply formatting to cells in a report. Six macros are delivered: Hide or Display Rows,
Show Difference in Colors, Simple Automatic Sum, Copy CoG, Copy Part Class Name To Sheet
Name, and Copy Symbol Icon Path. The code for these macros is available in [Reference Data
Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Components for
Reports\Addins\SP3DReportMacros.xla on the server.

Macro Name Description

HideOrDisplayRows This macro is used in the context of a grouping report. The
reporting software always outputs all rows of data resulting
from the query. If grouping is used, the rows are organized
into groups according to the design time grouping definition.
HideOrDisplayRows is used to hide all but one row of
each group giving the expected grouped appearance.
ShowDiffInColors This macro is used in differential reports. If a row in the
output shows a row deleted since the first (baseline) report
ran, the row appears in red with strike- through lettering. If
the row is old (was present in the baseline), the row has the
same color as that of the baseline output and any values
modified since the baseline are italicized. New rows are

Reports User's Guide 125

Spreadsheet Reports

untouched by this macro.

The software determines differences in rows (old,
new, deleted) by the set of properties named at report
design time. If any of these identity properties changes, a
row is considered new or deleted compared to the baseline
SimpleAutoSum This macro supports the summation of a column of visible
numbers. The SimpleAutoSum macro provides a summing
function that operates only on the visible data, in effect
allowing a sum of the sums. It allows you to define a sum
function on an output cell and a separate total cell
elsewhere on the report to which the macro displays the
sum of grouped data.
The reporting software has quantity functionality that
adds the values of a particular column of a group. Quantity
values output with each row of the group, whether the row
is hidden or not. If a typical Microsoft Excel formula is
applied, all rows are included in the sum.
CopyCoG This macro is used only with the Solids of Design
Equipment with Composite CoG report. It copies the CoG
formula and pastes the formula in a location that is
convenient to read. For more information, see Solids of
Design Equipment with Composite CoG (Equipment) (on
page 313).
CopyPartClassNameToS This macro is only used with reports found in the
heetname [Reference Data Product
Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts folder.
The macro replaces the [cable tray part class name] sheet
name with the active plant name.
CopySymbolIconPath This macro is only used with reports found in the
[Reference Data Product
Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts
directory. The macro copies the SymbolIconPath values
from the Index sheet and pastes them under the Symbol
Icon section in the [cable tray class name] sheet.

Filling Mode

Fill Values - Outputs the values to the specified cells for each row of data. The Fill Values mode
can be used when performance is more important than other content considerations. The
system does not check or validate the contents of the template and no new rows are inserted.
Any text content of cells is overwritten, but existing formatting such as font or color is not

126 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Insert Values, Copy Formats and Formulas - Creates the newly inserted row with the same
formats and formulas as the row definition in the report template. For example, you can have
justification of a cell set to Center. When you select Insert Values, Copy Formats and
Formulas, each row has the designed template formatting and each entry is centered.
Although the report output can use either mode, it is recommended that you use the
Insert Values, Copy formats and Formulas mode. In this mode, the properties of the Excel
template row(s) required for output of a row of data are saved and row(s) are inserted in Excel
with the same property values prior to generating the report data.

Report Items
When designing a report, you must assign explicitly the queries to the sheets before the report
items appear in the report tree view, even if there is only one sheet. To add sheets to the report,
see Add Sheets to a Report Template (on page 116).

Report Items Available - Shows a list of the report queries available in the report definition.
Report Items on Sheet - Shows the list of report queries included on the active sheet.
Add - Adds the selected report query to the active sheet.
Remove - Removes the report query from the active sheet.
Clear All - Clears all the previous report query settings from the active sheet.

 By default, all items are associated to the same sheet.

 The software updates implicitly a report to the new multi-sheet layout if you edit the report or
if you create a new report based on a report created in a previous version of the software.
See Also
Properties (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel) (on page 124)
Report Templates (on page 106)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)

Reports User's Guide 127

Spreadsheet Reports

Item Properties Dialog Box

Sets formatting options for the selected item in the Design Layout window. You can open this
dialog box by right- clicking single item in the Design Layout window and then selecting
Properties. The Design Layout is displayed in Excel when you click Design Layout on the
Formatting tab of the Report Template Editor.
General Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 128)
Attributes Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 129)
Labels Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 130)
Group Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 131)
Sort Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 133)
Compare Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 134)
Hierarchy Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) (on page 136)
See Also
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Report Templates (on page 106)
Properties (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel) (on page 124)
General Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)
Sets general options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel.

Start Row - Specifies the starting row for the report header for this particular report item.
End Row - Specifies the ending row for the report header for this particular report item.
Repeat on every sheet - Tells the report to use the same header information for each additional
sheet in the design layout.

128 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Rows to reserve per item - Specifies the number of rows for the item. For example, you could
have one attribute in Row 10, another attribute in Row 11, and another attribute in Row 12. The
row spread in this case would be three rows.
See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 128)
Attributes Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)
Sets attribute options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel.

Attribute Name - Lists the attribute names in the SELECT statement for this particular report
item. You can add more attribute names by editing the queries in the Report Template Editor.
Is Locked? - Specifies whether the attribute is locked or not. You can lock cells to prevent
changes. For more information about locking cells and protecting data, see the Microsoft Excel
See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 128)

Reports User's Guide 129

Spreadsheet Reports

Labels Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)

Sets labeling options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel.

Use Labels - Enables the controls on this tab.

Delete - Removes the selected Label row.
Name - Specifies a label to place on the report. When you click More in the dropdown list, the
Select Label dialog box appears, allowing you to select labels from the catalog. When you click
New Format in the dropdown list, the Label Editor appears, allowing you to specify a new
format for a label.
Any labels you add using the New Format functionality are only available for the current
report. They are not available for use in other reports.
Output - Identifies the output of the label on the report. In cases where a returned property from
a query has the same name as the label name, you must give a different name for the label.
Is Locked? - Specifies whether the label is locked or not. You can lock cells to prevent
changes. For more information about locking cells and protecting data, see the Microsoft Excel
Trigger - Specifies when the software populates the label and places it on the report. The
values for the label trigger are After Query, After Grouping, After Comparison, and After
Numbering. For example, if you have a material takeoff (MTO) report, you might want the sum
of weights for a group to appear on the label. In this case, you will want the label trigger after the
grouping of the MTO sections.
See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 128)

130 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Group Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)

Sets grouping options for the selected item in the left pane of the Excel window. The grouping
options define the properties that group the input data into composite rows when one row of
output is based on multiple rows of input, such as in MTO reports.
Many of the delivered reports use grouping definition. The graphics below show the properties
identified by the delivered Piping Pipe Total Length Sorted by NPD report.
Use Grouping - Enables the controls on this tab.

Grouping By
Attributes - Lists the attributes available for grouping. You use the single arrow buttons to move
individually selected attributes in the direction of the arrow, or use the double arrow buttons to
move all attributes in the direction of the arrow.
Attributes used for grouping - Lists the columns you want to use for grouping. You can move
items back and forth between the two main boxes on this dialog box by using the arrow keys in
the middle of the dialog box.

Item Tag Number

Style - Specifies the style applied to the item tag number. Values are Numeric (default setting)
and Alphabetic.
Base value - Specifies the counting starting point for the item tag number. The default is 1 for
Numeric and A for Alphabetic. If the style is Alphabetic, only the letter values A through Z will
be accepted, and you are limited to six letters in length. Lowercase characters are changed to
uppercase automatically.
Step - Identifies the counting increment value. The default is 1. This field is numeric only.
Is continued? - If checked, specifies that the numbering starting point continues from the
previous item tag number in the report layout. This checkbox overrides the Base value setting.
Default is unchecked.
Column name - Identifies the name of the item column in the spreadsheet.

Reports User's Guide 131

Spreadsheet Reports

Is Locked? - Specifies whether the cell is locked or not. You can lock cells to prevent changes.
For more information about locking cells and protecting data, see the Microsoft Excel Help.

Delete - Removes the selected quantity attribute row from the Quantities table.
Quantity attribute - Provides a dropdown list of all report attributes. You select an attribute for
which you want to include totals and sum totals in the specified total column.
Quantity total column name - Specifies the name of the quantity column for the selected
Is Locked? - Specifies whether the cell is locked or not. You can lock cells to prevent changes.
For more information about locking cells and protecting data, see the Microsoft Excel Help.

See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 128)

132 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Sort Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)

Sets sorting options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel.

Use Sort - Enables the controls on this tab.

Delete - Removes the last sorting order from the tab.
Sort By/Then By - Specifies an item by which to sort the report. Once the first sort order is
selected, a Then By section is added, allowing multiple sorting specifications.
Ascending - Sorts in alphanumeric ascending order.
Descending - Sorts in alphanumeric descending order.
All attributes specified for sorting must be used for grouping. If you have attributes
involved in sorting on the Sort tab that do not match the attributes in the Attributes used for
grouping field of the Group tab, an error message appears.
See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 128)

Reports User's Guide 133

Spreadsheet Reports

Compare Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)

Sets comparison options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel. These
options apply to differential reports.

Compare Attributes - Enables the controls on this tab.

Identity Attributes
Attributes - Lists properties used as identifiers of rows. The software uses identifiers to check to
see if rows in the baseline report and the current report match. If the rows have different
identifiers, then the rows were deleted or added. If the rows have the same identifier, then the
row was modified.
You can move properties back and forth between the boxes by using the arrow keys in the
Identity Attributes - Lists properties used as identifiers of rows.

134 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Attributes - Lists properties compared between the two reports to determine if differences exist
between matched rows. You can move properties back and forth between the boxes by using
the arrow keys in the middle.
Scope Attributes - Lists properties compared between the two reports.

Display Deleted? - Displays deleted rows on the report. Deleted rows are in the baseline report
but not in the current report.
Deleted Location? - Specifies the location on the report where the deleted rows appear. The
location can be the top of the report, the bottom of the report, or in-line (between other rows).
Display Modified? - Displays modified rows on the report. Modified rows can either be old or
new. Old rows are from the baseline report. New rows are from the current report.
Added Location? - Specifies the location on the report where the added rows appear. The
location can be the top of the report, the bottom of the report, or in-line (between other rows).

Output attribute name - Specifies the header text for the attribute that shows the difference
flags. The following table shows the flags and their meanings.
Flag Meaning
A The row is not in the baseline report but is in the current report.
D The row is in the baseline report but not in the current report.
O One or more of the compared attributes in this row are different between the baseline
and the current reports. The row is from the baseline report.
N One or more of the compared attributes in this row are different between the baseline
and the current reports. The row is from the current report.
U The row is the same in the baseline and current reports.
Is Locked? - Specifies whether the attributes are locked or not. You can lock cells to prevent
changes. For more information about locking cells and protecting data, see the Microsoft Excel
All attributes specified as comparison identifiers must be used for grouping. If you have
differences between the attributes chosen in the Attributes used for grouping field of the
Group tab and the attributes chosen in the Identity fields on the Compare tab, an error
message appears.
See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 128)

Reports User's Guide 135

Spreadsheet Reports

Hierarchy Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)

Sets hierarchy options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel.

The list of attributes on this tab is controlled by the values set in the Attributes used for
grouping grid on the Group tab of the Item Properties dialog box. If the Group tab is disabled,
the Hierarchy tab is disabled also. You can enable both tabs by checking the Use Grouping
box on the Group tab.
Use Hierarchy - Enables the controls on this tab.
Attribute Name - Lists all of the report attributes from the Group tab.
Hierarchy Level - Specifies the hierarchy level for the attribute. The hierarchy levels are all set
initially to "Default".
Create a new sheet every time a Level 1 property value changes. - Specifies that a new
sheet is created in Excel whenever a Level 1 value is changed in the hierarchy.
See Also
Item Properties Dialog Box (on page 128)

136 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Define User Item Dialog Box

Allows you to add, modify, and delete user-defined attributes for reports. Attributes defined in
this dialog box are included in the Parameters dialog box that appears when you run the report.
You access this dialog when editing a report template. On the Formatting tab in the Report
Template Editor, click Design Layout to open the report template in Microsoft Excel.
Expand Formatting Parameters folder in the Design Layout hierarchy, right- click a User
Defined item and select Properties.

Delete - Deletes the selected attribute from the dialog box. On OK, the attribute is removed
from the report template.
Name - Names the user-defined attribute. The name must be unique.
Caption - Provides a caption that will label the user input field on the Parameters dialog box
when the report runs. The default caption is the same as the specified Name.

You can add new user items, edit an existing one, or delete a user item. Click OK to save the
changes to the Design Layout hierarchy, and then you can click-and-drag the user-defined
items to the report template. Click Cancel on the dialog to discard changes.

User-Defined Attribute Definitions in Report Template Files

User-Defined attributes in the Design Layout are saved in two file locations:

Reports User's Guide 137

Spreadsheet Reports

 Report XLS File - You can open the report XLS file and go to the SP3DReport_Definition
sheet to see where the user-defined attributes are saved for the specified report template
sheet. For example, the following shows where field parameter ABC was added to Sheet1
in the report template, but another user-defined attribute bcd was added to Sheet2.

 Report RFP File - You can see where the Formatting Fields are added for field parameters
in every layout sheet. For example:

See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 108)
Design Layout (on page 123)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)

Expand All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel)

Opens all branches of the Design Layout in Microsoft Excel. The Design Layout is displayed
in Excel when you click Design Layout on the Formatting tab of the Report Template
See Also
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Design Layout (on page 123)

138 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Collapse All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel)

Closes all branches of the Design Layout in Microsoft Excel. The Design Layout is displayed
in Excel when you click Design Layout on the Formatting tab of the Report Template
See Also
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Design Layout (on page 123)

Parameters (Report Shortcut Menu)

Specifies the parameters for a report, such as units of measure and coordinate systems. You
can access this command by right-clicking a report document. The parameters required by the
report are defined in the report template. For more information on the parameter definition, see
Edit Template (Report Shortcut Menu) (on page 114).
To add user-defined attributes to the parameter definition, see Define User Item Dialog Box (on
page 137).
Report Parameters Dialog Box (on page 139)
See Also
Report Templates (on page 106)

Report Parameters Dialog Box

Specifies parameters for a report deliverable, such as units of measure and coordinate systems.
This dialog box only appears when you run a report that requires user input for the parameters.
In addition, the controls on this dialog box may vary, depending on the report definition. For
more information on configuring parameters for a report, see Designing Report Layout in the
Reports User's Guide.
Unit of Measure - Sets the units of measure for the report.
Matrix - Specifies information about the coordinate system.

 For some reports, several dialog boxes requiring report parameters appear. The dialog
boxes take the form of a wizard with Back, Next, and Finish buttons at the bottom.
 The query you set up for running a report can generate dialog boxes that prompt for certain
report parameters. In this way, your query can customize the report creation.

Reports User's Guide 139

Spreadsheet Reports

Copy Report To Catalog (Report Shortcut Menu)

Copies a modified report template to the catalog so it can be used by other users.
The Copy To Catalog command is available when you right-click a report document.
Select Location Dialog Box (on page 141)

 The Copy To Catalog command is not available when multiple report documents are
selected. You can only copy one report template to the catalog at a time. If the report
template has not been modified from its original state, the command is not available.
 The report does not have to be up-to-date because only the report template is copied. All
drawing views are copied as part of the template, but the drawing view content is not

Copy a report template to the catalog

The Copy Report To Catalog command is available on the shortcut menu of a report document
with a modified report template.
1. Right-click a report that has a modified template you want to copy to the catalog, and select
Copy Report To Catalog. The Select Location dialog box displays, showing the modified
report template in the Report Name field.

2. Select an existing folder location, or create a new folder by clicking New . If you create a
new folder, you can change the name of the folder or leave it with the default name. For
example, in the graphic above, a new folder was created and renamed New Reports.
3. Click OK to copy the report to the selected folder in the catalog. The report template is now
stored in the catalog for all users to use.

 You can copy only one report template at a time. This command is not available if multiple
documents are selected or if the report template has not been modified.

140 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

 To delete a report template, select it and click Delete . You are only able to delete a
report template if you have appropriate catalog permissions.
 To rename a report template, select it and click Rename . You are only able to rename a
report template if you have appropriate catalog permissions.

Select Location Dialog Box

Lists available catalog locations to which you can copy your report template.

If you select the New folder in the hierarchy, the Delete and Rename buttons are
enabled. When you select an existing catalog folder, most of the buttons on the dialog box
toolbar are disabled.
New - Creates a new folder named New Folder under the selected item in the hierarchy.
You can rename the folder or keep the name.
Delete - Deletes the selected report template, if you have the correct permissions. A warning
message appears. You cannot undo a delete action once it is accepted.
Rename - Renames the selected report template, if you have the correct permissions.
Properties - Displays the properties for the selected report template.
List View - Displays the catalog report hierarchy on the left and the report documents on
the right.
Detail View - Displays the catalog report hierarchy on the left side and a detailed grid view
of the report documents on the left.
Permission Group - Shows the catalog permissions for the selected folder or report document.
Name - Shows the name of the report being copied to the catalog.

Reports User's Guide 141

Spreadsheet Reports

Save Report Template (File Menu)

Saves the modified report template and its components to the Catalog. If you want to be able to
edit your report in the Detail View, save the report to the Catalog before exiting the Report
Template Editor.
If you want your report templates to be available to other users, you must make changes to the
names and locations of report templates on the Report sheet of the Reports.xls spreadsheet
and then bulk load the reference data into the Catalog database.
See Also
Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 142)
Create and update a delivered report (on page 113)

Save Report Template As (File Menu)

Saves the selected report template and components to a location that you specify. You can also
change the names of report templates and their components before saving. This command is
available only on the File menu when you are editing a report template in the Report Template
By default, templates saved using this command are personal reports. You can run these
reports in most of the tasks in the software using the Run Report command on the Tools menu.
Personal reports are located on the My Reports tab of the Run Report dialog box. The file
location, defined with the Tools > Options command, must be set to the directory that contains
the .rtp file of your report.
You can make new report templates available to other users by making changes to the names
and locations of report templates on the Report sheet of the Reports.xls spreadsheet and then
bulk loading the reference data into the Catalog database. Create new reports with names
different from those delivered with the software.
For more information on saving templates, see Save Template As Dialog Box (on page 144)
For more information on editing reports, see Report Template Editor (on page 118).

Save a report template to a specified location

The following procedure saves the report template to a location that you specify using the File >
Save Report Template As command. To save a modified report template and its components
to the Catalog, use the File > Save Report Template As command. For more information, see
Save Report Template (File Menu) (on page 142).
1. Right-click a report in the Detail View and select Edit Template. Modify the report template
as needed.

142 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

2. Click File > Save Report Template As. The Save Template As dialog box displays.

3. To rename a component of the report, select the component in the table, and then click
Rename . After you type the new name of the component, the file name changes
4. To save parts of the report template, click the check boxes to the left of the names to clear
the components you do not want to save.
5. Specify the saving mode and location of the report template and components, and click
Save. By default, the files are saved to the personal reports location defined on the File
Locations tab of the Options dialog box in Common. For more information, refer to the
Common User's Guide.
6. Click Save to save the report template to the specified location.

 If you added or modified parameters for any query, right-click the report document, and then
click Parameters to redefine parameters.
 If you want your report templates to be available to other users, you must make changes to
the names and locations of report templates on the Report sheet of the Reports.xls
spreadsheet, and then bulk load the reference data into the Catalog database.
 Do not overwrite delivered templates. Save new or modified template files with unique
names different from the templates delivered with the software.
See Also
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Spreadsheet Reports (on page 103)
Report Templates (on page 106)
Report Queries to Extract Data (on page 109)
Appendix: Report Descriptions (on page 223)

Reports User's Guide 143

Spreadsheet Reports

Save Template As Dialog Box

Sets options for saving the components of a report template or label. You can open this dialog
box by clicking File > Save Report Template As in the Report Template Editor window.

Rename - Renames the components of a report template or label. To modify a component,

select a report component in the table and then click Rename . When you change the name
of a component, the file name changes automatically.
Name - Displays the name of the report template or label component. You can save parts of the
report template or label by clicking the checkboxes to the left of the names.
Filename - Displays the file name of the component.
All Project - Saves all components of the report template or label in a folder structure similar to
drawing labels and report templates. You choose a root folder, and the templates are all saved
in the root folder.
Individual - Saves each component separately. You can specify a different location for each
Save To Folder - Displays the name of the folder to save the report template or label. To
change the location, click Browse. By default, the files are saved to the personal reports
location defined on the File Locations tab of the Options dialog box in the Common task. You
can change the default file locations. For more information, see the Common User's Guide.

144 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Add Query (Tools Menu)

Adds an existing query to the selected report template. Only those .rqe files that are included in
the bulk loaded catalog data are available for selection.
Add Report Query Dialog Box (on page 147)

Add a filter-based query to a report template

1. In the Management Console, verify that at least one spreadsheet report component exists.
If none exists, add a component for reports.
Add a component or package (on page 62)
2. Right-click the spreadsheet report component, and click Create Report on the shortcut
menu. For more information, see Create Report (Report Shortcut Menu) (on page 110).
3. On the Select Report Template dialog box, click a report template, and click OK. The
software creates the report document in the Detail View.
The software prompts for parameters or a filter if the selected report template requires
these inputs.
4. Right-click the report, and select Edit Template. The Report Template Editor appears.
5. Select Tools > Add Query. The Add Report Query dialog box displays.
6. Select a filter-based query to add to the product and click OK. For example, you could add a
basic Filter Based Query to the report template.

7. Name the query on the Add Query dialog box.

Reports User's Guide 145

Spreadsheet Reports

8. When you click OK, the software displays the Select Filter dialog so you can specify the
appropriate filter for the report, then adds the new query to the Report Template Editor.

9. To require the person running the report to select the filter at runtime, check the Allow
runtime filter selection.
10. Add properties to the query as needed using the table provided. Click Add to display the
Select Properties dialog box and define the property. When you click OK the property is
added as a new row to the Query tab. For example, you could add a property for the
Insulation Requirement on certain equipment.
11. To remove any properties you do not need in the query definition, select a property row and
click Delete .
12. To test run the query, click Execute Query . The Query tab updates to show the results
in a panel at the bottom of the tab. You can turn the results panel on and off by clicking
Show Results Panel . The graphic below shows an example query results pane for a
query that uses a user-defined filter called ProcessingEquipmentFilter and the Insulation
Requirement property.

13. Save your changes to the report template using either File > Save Report Template or File
> Save Report Template As. For more information, see Save Report Template (File Menu)
(on page 142) and Save Report Template As (File Menu) (on page 142).
See Also
Spreadsheet Reports (on page 103)
Report Templates (on page 106)

146 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Add Report Query Dialog Box

Specifies a query template to add to the report. This dialog box appears when you click Tools >
Add Query from the Report Template Editor. By browsing through the hierarchy, you can find
any query template in the Catalog database. This dialog box is resizable.

Properties - Displays the properties of the selected item. All properties on the Properties
dialog box are read-only.
List View - Sets the dialog box to display items in a list view.

Grid View - Sets the dialog box to display items in a spreadsheet-style grid view.
The grayed out tools on this dialog box are not available with the Tools > Add Query
See Also
Add Display (Tools Menu) (on page 148)
Add Formatting (Tools Menu) (on page 147)
Add Query (Tools Menu) (on page 145)
Remove Report Component (Tools Menu) (on page 149)
Report Templates Folder (on page 108)
Report Queries to Extract Data (on page 109)
Add a filter-based query to a report template (on page 145)

Add Formatting (Tools Menu)

Adds a Formatting tab to the selected report template. Each report template can contain only
one Formatting tab. If a Formatting tab is already defined for the selected report template, this
command is not available.
See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 108)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Report Template Editor (on page 118)

Reports User's Guide 147

Spreadsheet Reports

Add Display (Tools Menu)

Adds a Display tab to the selected report template. Each report template can contain only one
Display tab.
This command is not currently available.
See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 108)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Report Template Editor (on page 118)

Add Baseline (Tools Menu)

Adds a Baseline tab to the selected report template. Each report template can contain only one
Baseline tab. If a Baseline tab is already defined for the selected report template, this command
is unavailable to you.
Add Report Baseline Dialog Box (on page 148)
See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 108)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Report Template Editor (on page 118)

Add Report Baseline Dialog Box

Specifies a baseline template to add to the report. This dialog box appears when you select
Tools > Add Baseline from the Report Template Editor. Each template can contain only one
baseline. By browsing through the hierarchy, you can find any baseline template in the Catalog

Properties - Displays the properties for the selected report template.

List View - Displays the catalog report hierarchy on the left and the report documents on
the right.

148 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Detail View - Displays the catalog report hierarchy on the left side and a detailed grid view
of the report documents on the left.
The grayed out tools on this dialog box are not available with the Tools > Add Baseline
See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 108)
Add Baseline (Tools Menu) (on page 148)

Remove Report Component (Tools Menu)

Removes the selected report component from the report template. To select a component to
remove, click the tab for that component in the Report Template Editor. The name of this
command changes to reflect the name of the component tab you select. For example, if you
select a tab called Query: Plant, the command name changes to Remove Query: Plant. For
example, if you wanted to delete a tab called Query: Processing Equipment, click the tab,
then select Tools > Remove Query: Processing Equipment. The software displays a
confirmation message before removing the query definition and tab from the report template.
You cannot use this command to remove display, formatting, or baseline components from a
See Also
Report Templates Folder (on page 108)
Create a new report template from an existing template (on page 111)
Edit a Report Template (on page 115)
Report Template Editor (on page 118)

Use the SmartPlant Review Spreadsheet Report for

SPRDirect enables you to publish SmartPlant 3D or SmartMarine 3D data and objects
(DGN/DWG, PDS, and Reference 3D, for example) directly to graphic (VUE) and label data
(MDB2) files. These files can then be opened in SmartPlant Review. SPRDirect provides a
SmartPlant Review spreadsheet report type in SmartPlant and SmartMarine 3D that contains
labels used to generate the attribute information for SmartPlant Review. This method offers an
easier, faster way to get your SmartPlant 3D/SmartMarine 3D project to SmartPlant Review
(SPR) where you can interactively review and analyze 3D model data.

Reports User's Guide 149

Spreadsheet Reports

In addition to faster data exchange, SPRDirect provides these features:
 You have a WYSIWYG operation in that the attributes you see in SmartPlant 3D or
SmartMarine 3D can also be seen in SmartPlant Review.
 The process of adding or removing attributes is simplified.
 You no longer have to use the additional tools for the data exchange:
 Schema Editor is not needed for mapping properties on the SmartPlant 3D/SmartMarine
3D side.
 The SP3D Label Selector and the UOM Converter utilities that come with SmartPlant
Review are not required.

SPRDirect Components
SPRDirect provides the following components or tools used to complete the process:
 SmartPlant Review spreadsheet report (S3DtoSPRDirect) - Creates the graphic (VUE) file
and the attribute data (MDB2) file. The attribute data that goes into the MDB2 file is
controlled by the SmartPlant 3D/SmartMarine 3D labels. This report is delivered in the
SharedContent folder.
 MapClassIDToLevelDisciplines.txt - Contains the SmartPlant 3D or SmartMarine 3D class
ID-to-SmartPlant Review Discipline and Level mapping. It is used to obtain the SmartPlant
Review discipline and level information for the graphic objects while the graphic (VUE) file is
being created. This file contains the mapping relations between SmartPlant 3D or
SmartMarine 3D classes and SmartPlant Review disciplines. Edit this file only if you want to
change a name or a level number for the generated VUE file.

 ReportSettings.txt - Provides the SmartPlant 3D or SmartMarine 3D class-to-label mapping.

Edit this file when you want to add or remove custom labels, and define additional surface
style rules and aspects.
 Report template and Seed file (Seed.mdb2) - Creates the MDB2 and VUE files.

150 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

The SmartPlant or SmartMarine 3D report template files, seed file, and the
ReportSettings.txt configuration file are installed in the report template folder
\\[ProductDirectory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\SmartPlant

Output Files
Files that are generated from the update process are listed below. The Project file name is the
name of the filter that you associated with the report. These files are automatically created into a
user-defined location.
 [Project file name].log
 [Project file name].VUE
 [Project file name].MDB2

Using SPRDirect
The workflow in using SPRDirect consists of the procedures outlined below. The remaining
sections describe each process in more detail.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of SmartPlant 3D or SmartMarine 3D, you
need to run the Bulkload Reference Data application.
1. Copy the following to your current symbol share folder from its installed location in the
SharedContent\Xml folder:
 MapClassIDToLevelDisciplines.txt
 SmartPlant Review report type and labels
See Copy Report Types, Labels, and the Configuration File (on page 151).
2. Bulkload the SPRDirect catalog additions (upgrade only).
See Bulkload the SPRDirect Catalog (Upgrade Only) (on page 152).
3. (Optional) Edit the ReportSettings.txt configuration file to add any new labels, surface style
rules, and aspects.
See Edit the ReportSettings.txt Configuration File (on page 152).
4. Create and run the SPRDirect Report.
See Create an SPRDirect Report (on page 155).

Copy Report Types, Labels, and the Configuration File

If your SmartPlant 3D or SmartMarine 3D project uses a custom symbol share, you need to
copy the following components into your custom symbol share location so that the VUE and
MDB2 files can be generated.

Default install location: \\[ProductFolder]\SharedContent\Xml folder.

SmartPlant Review Report Type

Default install location: \\[ProductFolder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\SmartPlant
Review. Copy the entire SmartPlant Review folder to your custom symbol location.

Reports User's Guide 151

Spreadsheet Reports

SmartPlant Review Labels

Default install location: \\[ProductFolder]\SharedContent\Labels\Types of Labels\SmartPlant
Review. Copy the entire SmartPlant Review label folder to your custom symbol location.

Bulkload the SPRDirect Catalog (Upgrade Only)

Perform a bulkload operation to load the SmartPlant Review report and SmartPlant Review
labels into the symbol SharedContent folder.
If you are a new SmartPlant 3D or SmartMarine 3D user with version 2011 R1 or
later, then you do not have to perform this operation.
1. Before you begin, go to the release notes for your upgrade and note the location of the
Reports worksheet.
2. Click Start > Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant 3D > Database Tools > Bulkload
Reference Data.
3. In the Excel files box, click Add and load the Report workbook along with any other
workbooks included in the upgrade. The default location for reference data upgrade
workbooks is [Product Folder]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\AdditionalDataFiles.
4. Under Bulkload mode, click Add, modify, or delete records in existing catalog.
5. Under Catalog information, select either MSSQL or ORACLE in the Database Type box.
 If you selected MSSQL, select the name of a server in the Database server name box.
This location is where the Catalog database and schema are stored (or will be stored, if
you are creating a new database set).
 If you selected ORACLE, select the name of the Oracle net service for the Catalog
database connection in the Oracle Service box. The service must exist before you
choose it in this box.
6. In the Database name box, select the name of the Catalog database that you want to
update with new reference data.
7. Select the Catalog Schema database name in the Schema database name box.
8. In the Log file box, click the browse button to specify the name and location of the log
9. Click Load. You can see messages in the status bar of the Bulkload utility while it is running.
If you interrupt the bulkloading process, you may see a Switch To/Retry message.
Click Switch To to return to the bulkloading process.
10. Open the log file to check for any errors or warnings in the bulkloading process. You can
quickly scan the Error Analysis section at the end of the log file to check for errors.
11. Click Close.
For more detailed information about loading reference data, refer to the SmartPlant
3D/SmartMarine 3D Reference Data Guide.

Edit the ReportSettings.txt Configuration File

The ReportSettings.txt configuration file provides the SmartPlant 3D and SmartMarine 3D class
name-to-label name mapping. This file is installed in the
\\[ProductFolder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\SmartPlant
Review\S3DToSPRDirect folder.
You must edit the ReportSettings.txt file when:
 You add new, user-defined labels and surface style rules.

152 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

 You add aspects to objects in the SmartPlant 3D/SmartMarine 3D project file.

If you do not add this information to the ReportSettings.txt file, the new labels, surface
style rules, and aspects are not available in SmartPlant Review.

Add New Labels

Labels can contain out-of-the-box (standard) attributes or properties as well as new, custom
attributes. You can create a new label or modify an existing label and change its name. For
workflow and descriptions on creating labels and label rules or using the Label Editor, refer to
those sections in the Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide.
As an example, the steps below show you how to add a new label called SPR Control Point
Data so that control point objects are displayed in SmartPlant Review. The SmartPlant 3D or
SmartMarine 3D class name for control points is CPControlPoint.
You can use the MetadataBrowser utility to look at the catalog schema data to see the
SmartPlant 3D or SmartMarine 3D classes. Refer to the Using the SmartPlant 3D Schema
Browser topic in the Catalog User's guide for more information.
1. Create the new label in the Drawings and Reports task and add the control points to the
2. Use any ASCII text editor to open the ReportSettings.txt file.
3. Add the new label using the format: [class name]: [label name]. So add the line
CPControlPoint : SPR Control Point Data as shown in the figure below.

For each new label, add a new line in the text file.
4. Save your edits and close the file.
If you do not add the new label names to ReportSettings.txt, then the labels are not
displayed in SmartPlant Review.

Add New Surface Style Rules

Surface style rules define the appearance of objects in your workspace. For example, you can
create and apply a specific surface style rule for objects to appear consistently in certain colors,
and textures. Follow the steps below to add a new surface style rule, and then add it to
Create the Surface Style Rule
1. Click Format > Surface Style Rules.
2. Click New.
3. Type a name for the new surface style rule in the Rule name box.
4. Select a filter in the Filter list, or click More to create a new filter if necessary.
5. Create a New Filter
6. Choose a style to apply in the Style applied list.

Reports User's Guide 153

Spreadsheet Reports

7. Select all the aspects that you want the filter to apply to by clicking in the Select all aspects
to which the style will be applied list.

 You can add new surface styles to apply through rules on the Format > Style dialog box.
 After creating a new surface style rule, you can apply it to the workspace by selecting a rule
in the Style rule library box and clicking Add to add the rule to the Workspace box.
 Because the software processes the rules in descending order, you should list the most
specific rules at the top of the list. Click Move Up and Move Down to change the order of
the rules in the Workspace list.
Add the New Rule to ReportSettings.txt
1. Use any ASCII text editor to open the ReportSettings.txt file.
2. Type in the new surface style rules in the Surface style rules section. The name is not case
sensitive. Surface style rules are applied in the order they appear in the list. In the example
below, the surface style rule named Controlpointrule is added.

3. For each new surface style rule, add a new line in the text file.
4. Save your edits and close the file.

Adding Aspects
The aspect represents information about the object, such as its physical shape or the space
required around the object. Aspects basically define how objects look in a 3D model view.
SmartPlant 3D and SmartMarine 3D provide a variety of standard aspects that can be selected.
For a list of aspects, see the Format View section in the Common User's Guide. You must type
in the aspects you want to use in the ReportSettings.txt file.
1. Use any ASCII text editor to open the ReportSettings.txt file.
2. In the Aspects section of the ReportSettings.txt file, type in the aspects you want to use for
the graphic object display. The example below shows the addition of the Reference
Geometry aspect.

Simple Physical is the default aspect that is used if no other aspects have been set.
Even if you remove Simple Physical from the ReportSettings.txt file, SmartPlant
3D/SmartMarine 3D still uses it.
3. For each aspect, add a new line in the text file.
4. Save your edits and close the file.

154 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

Create an SPRDirect Report

Follow the steps below to create your document and use the SmartPlant Review spreadsheet
template to create and then update or generate VUE and MDB2 files.
1. Click Task > Drawings and Reports.
2. Right-click the top-level model item or a sub-level item in the Console hierarchy.
3. On the shortcut menu, select New.
4. Select Folder in the General tab and click OK.
The folder is added to the hierarchy.
5. Right-click on the folder and click Rename on the shortcut menu.
You can also press F2 on the keyboard.
6. Right-click again on the new folder and click New.
7. Click Spreadsheet Reports in the General tab and click OK.
8. Right-click on the spreadsheet report and click Rename. Type in the new name.
9. Right-click on your spreadsheet report and click Create Report.
10. Click the SmartPlant Review folder from the Types of Reports node in the Reports list,
and then click the S3DToSPRDirect template.

11. Click OK to exit the Select Report Template dialog box, and then select the filter you want
to use for the report.

Reports User's Guide 155

Spreadsheet Reports

12. Type in the path name where you want to place the VUE and MDB2 files. You do not have
to enter a coordinate system.

13. Click Finish.

14. Repeat steps 10-13 for each report you want to create. For example, you can create a
report for different areas in your model.
15. Right-click on your spreadsheet report and click Update Now.
SmartPlant 3D/SmartMarine 3D generates the VUE and MDB2 files, and places them in the
designated output folder.
You can now open the resulting VUE files in SmartPlant Review. See the SmartPlant Review
User's Guide for more information on opening a VUE file.

Report Parameters Dialog Box (SPRDirect)

Defines the location for the VUE and MDB2 files when using SPRDirect.

Path for Output File - Type in the path name where you want to generate the VUE and MDB2
files. You do not have to enter any file names.
Optional Coordinate system - Select a coordinate system from the menu list to use. Currently,
you do not have to enter a coordinate system.
See Also
Create an SPRDirect Report (on page 155)

156 Reports User's Guide

Spreadsheet Reports

SPRDirect Tips and Troubleshooting

This section provides tips and troubleshooting information for help in resolving any issues with
 Create your filter definitions BEFORE you create any reports that use those filters.
 Name the reports the same as the filter you are using for SPRDirect so you know which filter
to pick if you have to re-select it.
 Do not modify the filter after you have used it for an SPRDirect report. Your changes are not
saved. You must re-select it as a Parameter on the report.
 Do not use the local path for the output location.
 You can edit the S3DToSPRDirect.rqp file to include the required path so it is automatically
populated for each new report you create.
 Use an output location on a share that is stable. If your output is on a shared location that is
moved or removed, you must edit parameters on the report to reset it to a new valid location.
 To save some time, define labels to use only report properties you want to see.
 Check the spelling on any entries you must manually make in the

Reports User's Guide 157

Spreadsheet Reports

158 Reports User's Guide


Search Folders
Search Folder allows you to search for documents based on common properties such as
out-of-date status, approval, or documents that have been published to a certain contract in
integrated environment. You can create a Search Folder component in any folder in the
Console. After running the query defined for a Search Folder, you can perform such tasks as
Update or Publish as if you were working from the actual owning component location for the
The documents found by the Search Folder query are listed in the Detail View as if they existed
under the Search Folder component. You are able to interact with the Search Folder documents
just as if you were dealing with the "real" components that own the documents. Search folders
can also be used for reports.
The Search Folder Component is available by running the New command from the shortcut
menu of a folder in the Console hierarchy. Generally, you can create a Search Folder
component under any component in the Console that allows you to run New command.

Search Folder Shortcut Menu

Right click on the Search Folder component to display the Search Folder shortcut menu.
Run Query - Runs the query specified by the Search Folder setup definition. If you have not run
the Search Folder Setup command, this command is not available.
Setup - Specifies the query to run for the Search Folder. Selecting Setup for the Search Folder
does not perform the individual setups for any of the drawing by query documents found in the
Search Folder query and shown in the detail view.
Copy - Copies the Search Folder. It does not copy the associated documents shown in the
detail view area. The Search Folder setup information is saved with the copy. After you paste
the copy to a different location in the Console hierarchy, you can run Setup again as needed for
the new Search Folder.
Delete - Deletes the Search Folder. It does not delete any of the documents found in the
associated detail view.
Rename - Renames the Search Folder. It does not affect any of the documents found in the
associated detail view.
Properties - Displays the Configuration Properties for the document.
To change properties on the document, go the "owner" location of the document. The
Search Folder does not participate in any propagation of properties to its documents.
Save Package - Allows you to save the Search Folder and its definition as a package to be
reused in other folder location in the hierarchy.

 After the search folder is placed in the console, it will follow the same localized naming
convention as a normal folder. For example: "New Search Folder", "New Search Folder (2)",
and so forth.
 Unlike normal folders, you cannot create components beneath a Search Folder. This
includes Paste; however, you can Copy the Search Folder and paste it somewhere else in
the hierarchy.

Reports User's Guide 159

Search Folders

 The Search Folder does not participate in any commands executed from a higher node (for
example, Update, Refresh, and Publish). This prevents multiple actions being run on the
same documents.
See Also
Setup (Search Folder Component) (on page 163)
Create a search folder (on page 163)
Search Folder Filters (on page 160)

Search Folder Filters

Search Folder components use filters to specify how the component identifies the documents to
include in the Search Folder. You can use Drawings and Reports object properties to define
filters when creating Search Folder components. This is what allows you search for documents
based on common properties such as out-of-date status, approval, or documents that have been
published to a certain contract in integrated environment.
When you run Setup on a Search Folder component, you can create filters that check for
specific drawing or report object properties.

The following examples show how you might create filters to search for specific drawing object

160 Reports User's Guide

Search Folders

Basic Drawing Document Properties - Title, Area, and Signature

You can use the Drawing Sheet object and its properties to look for many properties associated
with the drawing documents. On the Properties tab of the Filter Properties dialog box, select
More in the Property field to display the Select Properties dialog box. When you specify
Drawing Sheets as the Object type used as the basis for the property identification, you
can set the Relationship to Direct Properties of Object Type to access the Title, Area, and
Signature properties on the drawing and report documents. For example, you could search
specifically for the Date Created value on the documents.

Reports User's Guide 161

Search Folders

Issue or Revision Properties

To search specifically for issue or revision properties on the Drawing Sheet or Drawing
Component, set the Relationship to Drawing Sheet (or Drawing Component) to Drawing
Issues or Drawing Sheet (or Drawing Component) to Drawing Revisions when setting the
filter properties.

Baseline, Style, Smartplant, or Custom User Attribute Properties

To search specifically for baseline, style, SmartPlant, or custom user attribute properties, set the
Relationship to Drawing Sheet to Drawing Child Properties Drawing Component to
Drawing Child Properties.

See Also
Setup (Search Folder Component) (on page 163)
Create a search folder (on page 163)

162 Reports User's Guide

Search Folders

Setup (Search Folder Component)

Sets options for creating a Search Folder. This command is available on the Search Folder
shortcut menu and displays the Setup dialog box.
The Setup dialog box specifies a filter that identifies the objects to be included in the Search
Folder query. It also identifies a location that specifies the "where" side of the query. The Setup
definition tells the query "where" to look for the objects specified by the component "what" filter.
Setup Dialog Box (Search Folder Component) (on page 163)

Create a search folder

1. Right click on a folder in the Console hierarchy and select New to display the Add
Component dialog box.
2. Select the Search Folder component and click OK.
3. Right click on the new Search Folder and select Setup to display the Setup dialog box.
4. Specify a filter. This is the part of the query that defines "what" is returned to the Search
Folder. Select More in the Filter dropdown list to display the Select Filter dialog box. Click
Properties to display the Filter Properties dialog box.
5. Set the query location. Select More in the Start From combo box to display the Select
Location dialog box. This is the part of the query that tells the software "where" to look in
the model for the objects.
6. Click OK to create the Search Folder as specified.
After you create the Search Folder, right-click it and select Run Query. The documents
returned by the query are added to the Search Folder listing in the Detail View.
You can run commands from the Search Folder level to modify all of the documents within the
folder, or you can modify the individual documents by selecting them in the Detail View.

 You can rename Search Folders by right-clicking them and selecting Rename.
 Unlike normal folders, you cannot create or paste other components within the Search
 Search Folders do not participate in any commands executed from a higher node (such as
Update Now, Refresh, or Publish).
See Also
Search Folders (on page 159)

Setup Dialog Box (Search Folder Component)

Specifies the query settings for the Search Folder component.
Filter - Identifies the filter that defines the "what" portion of the query. The software uses the
filter to determine the objects included in the drawings when they are generated. Select More in
the Filter dropdown list to display the Select Filter dialog box. Click Properties to display
the Filter Properties dialog box.
Start From - Specifies the location in the model from which to start the object search. Select
More in the Start From combo box to display the Select Location dialog box.

Reports User's Guide 163

Search Folders

See Also
Setup (Search Folder Component) (on page 163)
Search Folders (on page 159)
Create a search folder (on page 163)

164 Reports User's Guide


Tools Menu
Several tools are provided within the Drawings and Reports task. These tools appear on the
Tools menu in the Drawings and Reports task.

Reference Data Tools

The following commands on the Tools menu are for use by your reference data administrator.
They apply strictly to customizing Orthographic Drawing reference data:
 Define View Style
 Define Layout Style
 Edit Border Template
 Edit Layout Template
You do not use these commands in the normal workflow of creating drawings and reports. For
more information, see the Drawings and Reports Reference Data Guide.

Other Tools
You can use Custom Command tool to set up special macro commands you use in your
documents. Convert Legacy Snapshots converts legacy version 6.1 Snapshot drawings to
Composed drawings.

Batch Processing - Intergraph Batch Services

With batch processing, you can make sure your documents are updated, printed, or refreshed
without having to dedicate your workstation to the operation.

Drawings Batch Dialog Box

Updates, prints, and refreshes document batch jobs without requiring a dedicated workstation to
the operation.
Available Actions - Lists the actions that you can perform within a batch job. The actions
available are based on permissions and document type.
 Update - Updates documents on a Batch Server while you continue to work on other tasks.
 Refresh - Refreshes documents on a Batch Server while you continue to work on other
 Print - Schedules a document to be printed from a Batch Server.
Actions to Queue - Lists the action that are performed in the batch job.
 Remove - Removes an action from the queue.
 Clear - Removes all actions from the queue.
Action Options - Allows you to define the parameters of an action.
 Printer – Displays all printers configured on the client computer. The name of the printer on
the batch server must match for the print to be successful.
 Copies – Specifies the number of copies to print.
 Black and White – Prints a black and white drawing, if checked.

Reports User's Guide 165

Tools Menu

 Orientation – Indicates the orientation of the printed output. Select Portrait or Landscape.
 Paper Size – Displays the paper sizes supported by the selected printer.
 Template Name – Saves print settings as a template. Type a name in the box, and click
Save Settings as Template. While optional, creating a new template is a quick method to
submit a batch job with the specified options.
 Save Settings as Template - Creates a user-parameterized action.
 Delete - Removes a template from Available Actions. This option is available only on
user-created templates.
Schedule - Creates the job and opens the Schedule Batch dialog box.
If you click Schedule with no actions in Actions to Queue, you receive a message, and
the form remains open.

What do you want to do?

 Update Action (on page 166)
 Refresh Action (on page 167)
 Print Action (on page 167)
 Set Print Options (on page 168)
 Create a Template (on page 168)

Update Action
The Update action allows you to update documents on a batch server while you continue to
work on other tasks. You can set up a batch update job for a single document or for multiple
Single document:
1. Right-click a single document either in the Detail View or in the Drawings Console, and
select Batch....
2. Select the Update action, and click Add to move it into Actions to Queue.
3. Click Schedule to create the job, and open the Schedule Batch dialog box.
Multiple documents:
1. Do one of the following:
a. Right-click a set of multi-selected documents or components in the Detail View, and
select Batch....
b. Right-click a component in the Management Console, Detail View, or Drawings
Console and select Batch....
2. Select the Update action, and click Add to move it into Actions to Queue.
3. Click Schedule to create the job, and open the Schedule Batch dialog box.
For more information about the Schedule Batch dialog box and monitoring your batch jobs with
Batch Manager, see Schedule [Task] Dialog Box (on page 168) and the Batch Services User's

166 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Refresh Action
The Refresh action allows you to refresh documents on a batch server while you continue to
work on other tasks. You can set up a batch refresh job for a single document or for multiple
1. Do one of the following:
a. Right-click a single component in the Management Console, Detail View, or the
Drawings Console and select Batch....
b. Right-click a set of multi-selected components in the Detail View and select Batch....
2. Select the Refresh action and click Add to move it into Actions to Queue.
3. Click Schedule to create the job and open the Schedule Batch dialog box.
For more information about the Schedule Batch dialog box and monitoring your batch job with
Batch Manager, see Schedule [Task] Dialog Box (on page 168) and the Batch Services User's

Print Action
The Print action allows you to schedule documents to be printed. You can set up batch print
jobs for a single document or for multiple documents.
Single document:
1. Right-click on a single drawing either in the Detail View or in the Drawings Console and
select Batch....
2. Select the Print action and click Add to move it into Actions to Queue.
3. Click Schedule to create the job and open the Schedule Batch dialog box.
Multiple documents:
1. Do one of the following:
a. Right-click a set of multi-selected documents or components in the Detail View and
select Batch....
b. Right-click a component in the Management Console, Detail View, or Drawings
Console and select Batch....
2. Select the Print action and click Add to move it into Actions to Queue.
3. Click Schedule to create the job and open the Schedule Batch dialog box.
For more information about the Schedule Batch dialog box and monitoring your batch job with
Batch Manager, see Schedule [Task] Dialog Box (on page 168) and the Batch Services User's

Reports User's Guide 167

Tools Menu

Set Print Options

The Print action is the only action that has action options.
1. Click Add to move the Print action to Actions to Queue.
2. Define Print options, such as Orientation and Paper Size.
3. Click Schedule.

Create a Template
Templates are user-parameterized actions that are saved in the session file and available for
future batch jobs. You can only create templates based on the Print action.
Create a new template:
1. Select the Print action, and click Add to move it to Actions to Queue.
2. In Action Options, make the necessary changes to the action.
3. Type a new Template Name for the action.
4. Click Save Settings As Template.
Delete a template:
1. Select the template to delete.
2. In Action Options, click Delete.

Schedule [Task] Dialog Box

Task server - Defines the name of the batch computer on which the task is run. If you have
Intergraph Batch Services installed on your computer and you do not define a computer here,
the software sets your computer as the task server. You can also configure to get a configured
list of batch servers. For more information about configuring the task servers, see Making Other
Batch Servers Available in the SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide available from Help > Printable
Queue - Displays the name of the queue to which the batch job belongs and provides a list with
the allowable queues to which the job can be moved. You might not be able to change the
selected queue.
Run job - Sets the frequency with which the job runs. Jobs may be scheduled to run once or on
a regular interval (daily, weekly, or monthly). Depending on the job frequency selected,
additional controls appear below this field. These controls allow you to enter more specific
scheduling information. The scheduling controls may be changed only at job submission.
Run on - Sets the time to start running the job.
Options - Opens the Optional Schedule Properties Dialog Box (on page 169) that you can use
to define a start and end date.
Run on box - Contains a calendar from which you can select the run date. This option is
available when you select Once from Run job.
Every X days - Specifies how many days should pass between job runs. This option is available
when you select Daily from Run job.
Every X weeks - Specifies how many weeks should pass between job runs. In addition, you can
select on which days the job should run. This option is available when you select Weekly from
Run job.
Day X of the month - Specifies on which day of the month the job should run. This option is
available when you select Monthly from Run job.

168 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

The X Y of the month - Specifies on which day of the month the job should run. For example,
you can select the last Monday of the month. This option is available when you select Monthly
from Run job.
Job Start - Notifies you when the job starts, if Outlook is set up.
Job Completion - Notifies when the job completes, if Outlook is set up.
Job Abort - Notifies you if the job aborts, if Outlook is set up.
Address Book - Selects the name of the person to be notified by e-mail of the job status, if
Outlook is set up. If Outlook is not available, this option does not work. You can also type the
address manually. The person you define here receives an email with the job log files after the
job finishes.

 The Intergraph Batch Services SMTP option must be configured on the batch server for this
to work. For more information, see the Intergraph Batch Services documentation.
 You must install WinZip on the batch computer if you want the log files to be zipped in the
email. If WinZip is not available, the log files are attached to the email unzipped.

Optional Schedule Properties Dialog Box

Provides more options on the Schedule Backup dialog box. This dialog box opens when you
click Options.
Start date - Sets an optional start date.
End date - Sets an optional end date, if checked.

Batch Processing
With batch processing, you can make sure your documents are updated, printed, or refreshed
without having to dedicate your workstation to the operation.

Batch Updating
Using Batch > Update, available on the Drawings Batch dialog box, you instruct the software
to update documents on a Batch Server while you continue to work on other tasks.
Before using Batch > Update for 3D Model Data documents, you must set the
appropriate surface styles and aspects for the model data. For more information, see Set
surface styles and aspects for 3D model data documents (on page 74).

Batch Printing
Using the Batch > Print command available on the Drawings Batch dialog box, you can
schedule batch printing jobs as needed to free up valuable processing time.

Batch Refreshing
Using the Batch > Refresh command available on the Drawings Batch dialog box, you can
schedule batch refresh jobs for multiple drawing documents.

Managing Batch Jobs

The Tools > Batch Management command allows you to view your batch jobs and make
changes. For more information, see Manage batch jobs (on page 171).

Reports User's Guide 169

Tools Menu

Setting Up Batch Processing

Batch Server - The computer on which the batch process runs is called the Drawing Batch
Server. The server must have Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional and SmartPlant 3D
Workstation loaded. The computer designated as the batch server is usually one that is not
being used by a user to perform daily tasks, as the process of updating large numbers of
documents and drawings can consume a great deal of the computer's resources. You can have
one or more batch servers per site database. For more information, see Project Size Estimates
and Drawing Batch Server in the SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide.
The user who initially configures the Batch Server must be an administrator on that
computer and have write permissions or better on the model, the SharedContent share, and any
permission groups that access drawings.
Client - The workstations that send batch processes to the server are called clients.

 If the Batch commands are not available on the shortcut menus for your documents, you are
not configured to use batch processing
 Most of the scheduling is stored on the Batch Server in the form of scheduled items in the
Windows Task Scheduler. After models have been assigned to the Batch Server, new
processes appear in the Processes tab of the Task Manager dialog box on that computer.
The Batch Manager process indicates that at least one model can use this computer as a
Batch Server. For each model selected on the Setup 3D Drawings Batch Server dialog
box, one Batch Server process appears in the list. If the Batch Manager or Batch Server
processes are stopped, the computer does not process batch updates.
 You can also have a Batch Tier process running for each of the selected models. This
process is created when the Batch Server process finds a batch job and terminates
automatically after the Batch Server has been inactive for a while.
 The default timeout value for updating documents through the Batch Server is 40 minutes.
For more information on setting the Batch timeout (in minutes) property on a drawing
document, see Style Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 79).
See Also
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Update (on page 176)
Batch Print (on page 176)
Batch Refresh (on page 178)

170 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Batch Management
What do you want to do?
 Manage batch jobs (on page 171)
 Edit or delete batch jobs (on page 171)

Manage batch jobs

You can only modify or delete batch jobs that you own. You cannot change or delete batch jobs
owned by other users.
1. Select Tools > Batch Management. The Batch Management dialog box appears, showing
the currently scheduled batch jobs with their status. For more information, see Batch
Management Dialog Box (Batch Management Command) (on page 173).
2. Click a column header to sort the batch job table by the column definition.
3. Use the View menu items to Refresh the batch job list or toggle the Status Bar on or off.
4. Select one or more batch jobs, and then select Action > Pause to suspend the idle jobs.
This command has no effect on jobs that have started processing.
5. Select one or more batch jobs, and then select Action > Resume to continue processing
the paused jobs. This command has no effect on jobs that are already processing.
6. To cancel a batch job, select it in the table, and then select Action > Cancel.
7. To modify the batch schedule definition for a batch job, select it, and then select Action >
Properties. The Properties dialog box appears, showing the current schedule definition.
For more information on modifying the properties, see Properties Dialog Box (Batch
Management Command) (on page 174).
You can also right-click a batch job to display a shortcut menu for the Pause, Resume,
Cancel, and Properties.

Edit or Delete Batch Jobs

Complete the following steps to edit or delete an existing batch job.
You can also use Tools > Batch Management to update existing batch jobs. For more
information, see Manage batch jobs (on page 171).

Reports User's Guide 171

Tools Menu

1. Right-click a document that has a batch job scheduled and select the batch command you
want to run: Update, Print, or Refresh. The Schedule Wizard displays.

2. The default setting is Schedule the Batch Job. Click Next to schedule a new batch job or
edit the existing batch job.

3. To edit or delete an existing batch job, select the Edit an existing job option. The table at
the bottom of the wizard page enables.
To schedule a new batch job for this document, select the Schedule new job option
and click Next to display the next page of the Schedule Wizard and create a new batch job
schedule. For more information, see Set Batch Job Frequency (Schedule Wizard) (on page
4. Select a batch job in the table. To delete the batch job, click Delete . To edit the batch
job, click Next to display the next page of the Schedule Wizard and edit the batch job
properties. For more information, see Set Batch Job Frequency (Schedule Wizard) (on page

172 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Batch Management Dialog Box (Batch Management Command)

Displays a list of jobs that have been submitted to the batch server and allows you to view or
manage those jobs. You can open this dialog box by selecting Tools > Batch Management.

Click a column header to sort the batch job table by the column definition.
Job Name - Displays the name of the batch job.
Non-scheduled batch jobs use the name of the drawing or drawing component type being
Server - Displays the name of the batch server processing the batch job.
Batch jobs are submitted to a queue on the model database. The batch servers retrieve
the jobs from the queue in a first-in/first-out order.
Parent Component - Identifies the name of the parent component for the batch job.
Request - Displays the type of the batch job request. For example, Update or Print.
Status - Indicates the current status of the batch job. For example: Updating, Submitted,
Scheduled, or Printing.
Owner - Displays the name of the owner of the batch job.
Submitted - Shows the date and time that the batch job was submitted or scheduled.
Scheduled - Indicates how the batch job has been scheduled. For example: Daily, Weekly,
Monthly, One time only, and so forth.

Action Menu
Pause - Suspends the selected idle jobs. A job that is updating will not pause.
Resume - Removes the hold on the paused items. This command has no effect on jobs that are
already processing.
Cancel - Deletes the selected jobs from the queue.
Properties -Displays the Properties dialog box for the selected job. This command is inactive if
multiple jobs are selected. For more information, see Properties Dialog Box (Batch Management
Command) (on page 174).

View Menu
Status - Turns the display of the status bar on/off.
Refresh - Refreshes the display of the batch job list.
See Also
Batch Management (on page 171)
Manage batch jobs (on page 171)

Reports User's Guide 173

Tools Menu

Properties Dialog Box (Batch Management Command)

Displays the current batch schedule for the selected batch jog and allows you to modify the
schedule. You can open this dialog box by selecting Action > Properties in the Batch
Management dialog box.
The information on this dialog box changes depending on the active schedule definition of the
batch job. The active schedule definition is shown at the top of the dialog box.
Schedule task - Sets the type of schedule for the task. If you change this setting, the other
options on the dialog box change as well.
Start time - Specifies the time for the batch job to start. You can select a time using the scroll
button or enter a time in the format shown.

Batch Jobs Scheduled Once

The following example shows a "once only" batch job:

Start date - Specifies the date on which the batch job update begins.

Batch Jobs Scheduled Daily

If the batch job is scheduled to run daily, the Properties dialog box appears as follows:

Every count day(s) - Specifies a number of days. The batch job runs once per the specified
count of days. For example, if you specified 2 as the value, the batch job will run once every 2

174 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Starting on - Specifies the date on which the batch job schedule begins.

Batch Jobs Scheduled Weekly

If the batch job is scheduled to run weekly, the Properties dialog box appears as follows:

Every count week(s) - Specifies a number of weeks for which the batch job will run.
You can check as many days during the week as required. The batch job runs once per day for
the specified count of weeks.

Batch Jobs Scheduled Monthly

If the batch job is scheduled to run monthly, the Properties dialog box appears as follows:

You use the two options to specify when the batch job runs during the month. You can check as
many months a required. The batch job runs once on the specified day of the specified
See Also
Batch Management (on page 171)
Batch Management Dialog Box (Batch Management Command) (on page 173)
Manage batch jobs (on page 171)

Reports User's Guide 175

Tools Menu

Batch Print
Allows you to submit document files directly to a print queue for a printer or schedule the
document files to be sent to the print queue at a later date or at recurring intervals. You can set
up batch print jobs for a single document or a select set of documents you select in the Detail
View. This command is available when you right-click on a single drawing or a select set of
drawings in the Detail View.
The Batch > Print command displays the Schedule Wizard so you can specify whether the
drawing should be printed now or at a scheduled date and time. The batch print job runs on a
batch server. If the command is not available on the shortcut menu for your documents, batch
processing is not configured.
To walk-through the Schedule Wizard and set up batch printing, see Batch Print Schedule
Wizard Common Tasks (on page 187).
To view and manage current batch jobs, see Manage batch jobs (on page 171).

 After setting up the batch print job, the software checks to see if any of the documents are
being updated. If so, the software holds the print job until the updates are complete.
 As long as a document has a file created for it, you will be able to print the drawing. The
software does not check to see if the drawing is up-to-date, out of date, or in an error state.
 The Batch Print command is not available for a MicroStation 3D DGN component
document file.
 The drawing is printed on the default printer of the batch server that processes the print job.
See Also
Batch Processing (on page 169)
Print Command (on page 71)

Batch Update
Allows you to update documents on a Batch Server while you continue to work on other tasks.
You can set up batch update jobs for a single document or a select set of documents you select
in the Detail View. This command is available when you right-click on a single drawing or a
select set of drawings in the Detail View.
The Batch > Update command displays the Schedule Wizard so you can specify whether the
drawing should be updated now or at a scheduled date and time. The batch update job runs on
a batch server. If the command is not available on the shortcut menu for your documents, batch
processing is not configured.
To walk-through the Schedule Wizard and set up batch updates, see Batch Schedule Wizard
Common Tasks (on page 179).
To view and manage current batch jobs, see Manage batch jobs (on page 171).

 Before using Batch > Update for 3D Model Data documents, you must set the appropriate
surface styles and aspects for the model data. For more information, see Set Surface styles
and aspects for 3D model data documents (on page 74).
 The Batch > Update command detects when only border changes have been made and
only updates the border portion of the drawing that is out-of-date.
 If the software cannot make a SmartPlant Foundation server connection when you use Batch
> Update for 3D Model Data documents, you are prompted to provide a valid login and

176 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

See Also
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Processing (on page 169)

Batch Local Update

Allows you to update documents locally while you continue to work on other tasks. This
command is available when you right-click on a single drawing. The command triggers a local
background update against the drawing document.
To view and manage current batch jobs, see Manage batch jobs (on page 171).

 Before using Batch > Local Update for 3D Model Data documents, you must set the
appropriate surface styles and aspects for the model data. For more information, see Set
surface styles and aspects for 3D model data documents (on page 74).
 The default timeout value for updating documents through the Batch Server is 40 minutes.
For more information on setting the Batch timeout (in minutes) property on a drawing
document, see Style Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 79).
 You cannot process more than one Batch Local Update at a time. If you attempt to process
a second Batch Local Update, an error dialog will display. For more information, see
Updating Documents (on page 90).
 If the software cannot make a SmartPlant Foundation server connection when you use Batch
> Update for 3D Model Data documents, you are prompted to provide a valid login and
See Also
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Processing (on page 169)

Batch Update Document(s)

Batch > Update Document(s) updates existing drawings or reports if they are out-of-date. This
command updates all the documents associated with a drawing or report component. You can
also multi-select documents within the Detail View.
This command is available when you right-click a component in the Console hierarchy and point
to the Batch submenu.
If batch processing is configured for the selected item, the command displays the Schedule
Wizard so you can specify whether the update should perform now or at a scheduled date and
time. The update is performed on the Batch Server. For more information, see Batch Schedule
Wizard Common Tasks (on page 179).
For volume drawings, the Batch > Update Document(s) command is not available until you
place drawing volumes for a volume component in the Space Management task. For composed
drawings, this command is not available until you create the drawings in a 3D task. For reports,
this command is not available until you create the report by choosing a report template.
To view or modify the currently scheduled batch update jobs, see Manage batch jobs (on page

 The software preserves many of the modifications you make between regenerations of
volume drawings. For example, if you annotate a volume drawing and then regenerate it,
your annotations still appear on the updated drawing.
 To update a single drawing, right-click a drawing and select Update (for Drawings by Rule)
or Update Now.

Reports User's Guide 177

Tools Menu

 If the software cannot make a SmartPlant Foundation server connection when you use Batch
> Update for 3D Model Data documents, you are prompted to provide a valid login and
See Also
Updating Documents (on page 90)

Batch Refresh
Allows you to refresh documents on a Batch Server while you continue to work on other tasks.
The Batch > Refresh command compares the date of the last update of the document with the
modification date in the model for any object that has a positive (can be seen) resymbolization in
the drawing. You can set up batch update jobs for a single document or a select set of
documents you select in the Detail View. This command is available when you right-click on a
single drawing or a select set of drawings in the Detail View.
The Batch > Refresh command displays the Schedule Wizard so you can specify whether the
drawing should be updated now or at a scheduled date and time. The batch refresh job runs on
a batch server. If the command is not available on the shortcut menu for your documents, batch
processing is not configured.
The Batch > Refresh command Schedule Wizard works the same as the one for the Batch >
Update command. To walk-through the Schedule Wizard and set up batch refreshes, see
Batch Schedule Wizard Common Tasks (on page 179).
To view and manage current batch jobs, see Manage batch jobs (on page 171).
Batch > Refresh is not available for Spreadsheet Report documents. Spreadsheet
Report documents regenerate each time you run, update, or print the report. It is supported for
all types of drawing documents.
See Also
Batch Processing (on page 169)
Batch Update Document(s) (on page 177)
Update Now (on page 92)

Schedule Wizard
The Schedule Wizard appears when you are configured to use batch scheduling, which is
available for Update, Refresh, and Print. The Batch > Update, Batch > Refresh, and Batch >
Print commands appear on the shortcut menu when you select document(s) or components.
You can submit an existing batch job request or schedule a new one. You can also multi-select
documents within the Detail View.
Batch > Refresh is not available for Spreadsheet Report documents. Spreadsheet
Report documents regenerate each time you run, update, or print the report. It is supported for
all types of drawing documents.
If you access the Schedule Wizard for a document that already has a batch job scheduled, you
can edit or delete the existing batch job. For more information, see Edit or Delete Batch Jobs (on
page 171).
You can also manage your existing batch jobs with Tools > Batch Management. For more
information on using batch processing, see Batch Processing (on page 169).
To walk-through the Schedule Wizard and set up batch updates, see Batch Schedule Wizard
Common Tasks (on page 179). For batch printing, see Batch Print Schedule Wizard Common
Tasks (on page 187).

178 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

The default timeout value for updating documents through the Batch Server is 40
minutes. For more information on setting the Batch timeout (in minutes) property on a drawing
document, see Style Tab (Properties Dialog Box) (on page 79).
See Also
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Processing (on page 169)
Batch Print (on page 176)
Batch Refresh (on page 178)
Batch Local Update (on page 177)
Batch Update (on page 176)

Batch Schedule Wizard Common Tasks

The following Schedule Wizard tasks are used when you schedule batch update or refresh jobs
for drawings and reports documents.
Batch > Refresh is not available for Spreadsheet Report documents. Spreadsheet
Report documents regenerate each time you run, update, or print the report. It is supported for
all types of drawing documents.
The Schedule Wizard displays when you are configured to use a batch server and select Batch
> Update or Batch > Refresh from the shortcut menu for a selected document(s).

Submitting or Scheduling a Batch Update or Refresh Job

The initial page of the Schedule Wizard allows you to specify whether you want to submit a
batch update or refresh job now or schedule it for later. For more information, see Submit or
Schedule a Batch Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page 180).

Setting Batch Job Frequency

If you selected the Schedule the batch job option on the initial page of the Schedule Wizard,
the second page specifies the batch job frequency, or how often you want the batch job to
update or refresh. For more information, see Set Batch Job Frequency (Schedule Wizard) (on
page 182).

Scheduling a Daily Batch Job

When you select the Daily option on the second page of the Schedule Wizard, you specify the
day and time you want the batch job to start. For more information, see Schedule Daily Batch
Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page 183).

Scheduling a Weekly Batch Job

When you select the Weekly option on the second page of the Schedule Wizard, you specify
the time and day you want the job to start on a per week basis. For more information, see
Schedule Weekly Batch Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page 184).

Scheduling a Monthly Batch Job

When you select the Monthly option on the second page of the Schedule Wizard, you specify
the time and day you want the batch job to start and the months in which you want the job to
run. For more information, see Schedule Monthly Batch Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page 185).

Reports User's Guide 179

Tools Menu

Scheduling a One-Time-Only Batch Job

When you select the One time only option on the second page of the Schedule Wizard, you
specify the time and day you want the batch job to start. For more information, see Schedule
One-Time-Only Batch Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page 186).

Completing the Scheduling

Once you have specified the frequency, date, and time settings for your batch job schedule, the
final wizard page appears. This page also appears if you selected the One time only option on
the second page of the wizard. For more information, see Complete Batch Schedule (Schedule
Wizard) (on page 187).
For documents that have existing batch jobs, the Schedule Wizard initial page is different.

Scheduling a New Batch Job

To create a new batch job for the selected document(s), select the Schedule a new job option.
When you click Next, the behavior is the same as the tasks described above, starting with Set
Batch Job Frequency (Schedule Wizard) (on page 182).

Editing or Deleting Existing Batch Jobs

When you select Batch > Update or Batch > Refresh on the shortcut menu of a document that
already has a scheduled batch job, you can edit or delete an existing batch job by selecting the
Edit existing job(s) option on the second page of the Schedule Wizard. For more information,
see Edit or Delete Batch Jobs (on page 171).

Submit or Schedule a Batch Job (Schedule Wizard)

Specifies whether you want to submit a batch update or refresh job now or schedule it for later.

Submit the batch job now - Specifies that the job will be automatically named and submitted to
the Batch Server when you click Finish. The batch job name defaults using the convention
BatchJob1, BatchJob2, and so forth to keep the batch job names unique. This option is
specified by default when you select Update from the Batch submenu for a document that has
no previously scheduled batch jobs.

180 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Schedule the batch job - Specifies that you want to set a date and time for the batch job to run.
Click Next to go to the next page of the wizard to continue scheduling the batch job. For more
information, see Set Batch Job Frequency (Schedule Wizard) (on page 182).

 If the document from which you accessed the Schedule Wizard already has batch jobs
scheduled, the Schedule the batch job option is the default selection. When you click Next,
you can either create a new batch job for the document or edit an existing one. You can also
delete an existing batch job. For more information, see Update an Existing Batch Job
(Schedule Wizard) (on page 181).
 Batch > Refresh is not available for Spreadsheet Report documents. Spreadsheet Report
documents regenerate each time you run, update, or print the report. It is supported for all
types of drawing documents.
See Also
Schedule Wizard (on page 178)
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Processing (on page 169)

Update an Existing Batch Job (Schedule Wizard)

Creates a new batch job for the document, edits the existing batch job, or deletes the existing
batch job.
You can also use Tools > Batch Management to update existing batch jobs. For more
information, see Manage batch jobs (on page 171).

Schedule a new job - Specifies that you are creating a new batch job for the document. Click
Next to display the next page of the Schedule Wizard and define a new batch job. For more
information, see Set Batch Job Frequency (Schedule Wizard) (on page 182).
Edit an existing job - Specifies that you want to edit or delete an existing batch job definition.
When you select this option, the table at the bottom of the page enables.
Delete - Deletes the batch job selected in the table at the bottom of the dialog box. This
button is only enabled when a batch job is selected.
Existing batch job table - Lists the batch jobs for the document. To edit a batch job definition,
select it in the table and click Next to display the next page of the Schedule Wizard. For more
information, see Set Batch Job Frequency (Schedule Wizard) (on page 182).

Reports User's Guide 181

Tools Menu

See Also
Schedule Wizard (on page 178)
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Processing (on page 169)

Set Batch Job Frequency (Schedule Wizard)

Specifies the frequency with which you want to update or print this document or set of
documents. This page of the wizard appears under two different conditions:
 If the document(s) has no previously schedule batch jobs and you select the Schedule the
batch job option on the initial page of the Schedule Wizard.
 If the document(s) has previously scheduled batch jobs in existence, and you select the
Schedule a new batch job option on the initial page of the Schedule Wizard.

Type a name for this batch job. - Specifies the batch job name. The batch job name defaults
using the convention BatchJob1, BatchJob2, and so forth to keep the batch job name unique.
You can change the batch job name.
Perform this job: - Specifies the frequency option for updating the batch job. The options are
described as follows:
 Daily - The batch job runs daily at the time specified on the next page of the wizard. For
more information, see Schedule Daily Batch Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page 183).
 Weekly - The batch job runs weekly on the day and time specified on the next page of the
wizard. For more information, see Schedule Weekly Batch Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page
 Monthly - The batch job runs monthly on the month, day, and time specified on the next
page of the wizard. For more information, see Schedule Monthly Batch Job (Schedule
Wizard) (on page 185).
 One time only - The batch job runs one time only. For more information, see Schedule
One-Time-Only Batch Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page 186).
See Also
Schedule Wizard (on page 178)
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Processing (on page 169)

182 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Schedule Daily Batch Job (Schedule Wizard)

Specifies the time and day you want the batch job to start. When you click Next, the final wizard
page displays the batch schedule settings. If the schedule is incorrect, click Back to return to
previous wizard pages and make corrections.

Start time - Specifies the time for the batch job to start. You can select a time using the scroll
button or enter a time in the format shown.
Perform the job - Specifies the day option for updating the batch job. The options are described
as follows:
 Every Day - The batch job runs every day at the time specified at the top of the wizard
 Weekdays - The batch job runs every weekday (Monday through Friday) at the time
specified at the top of the wizard page.
 Every - You specify a number of days in the field provided. The batch job runs once per the
specified count of days. For example, if you specified 2 as the value, the batch job runs once
every 2 days.
Start date - Specifies the date on which the batch job begins.
See Also
Schedule Wizard (on page 178)
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Processing (on page 169)
Complete Batch Schedule (Schedule Wizard) (on page 187)

Reports User's Guide 183

Tools Menu

Schedule Weekly Batch Job (Schedule Wizard)

Specifies the time and day you want the batch job to start on a weekly basis. When you click
Next, the final wizard page displays the batch schedule settings. If the schedule is incorrect,
click Back to return to previous wizard pages and make corrections.

Start time - Specifies the time for the batch job to start. You can select a time using the scroll
button or enter a time in the format shown.
Every - Specifies a number of weeks. The batch job runs once per the specified count of weeks.
For example, if you specified 2 as the value, the batch job will run once every 2 weeks.
Day checkboxes - Specifies the day of the week you want the batch job to run.
See Also
Schedule Wizard (on page 178)
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Processing (on page 169)
Complete Batch Schedule (Schedule Wizard) (on page 187)

184 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Schedule Monthly Batch Job (Schedule Wizard)

Specifies the time and day you want the batch job to start and in which months you want the job
to run. When you click Next, the final wizard page displays the batch schedule settings. If the
schedule is incorrect, click Back to return to previous wizard pages and make corrections.

Start time - Specifies the time for the batch job to start. You can select a time using the scroll
button or enter a time in the format shown.
Day - Specifies a specific day of the month. The batch job runs once per the day specified. For
example, if you specified 2 as the value, the batch job runs on the second day of the selected
The set weekday - Specifies the day of the week you want the batch job to run. For example,
you can set the batch job to run on the second Tuesday of every selected month.
Of the month(s) - Specifies the months you want the batch job to run. You can select multiple
See Also
Schedule Wizard (on page 178)
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Processing (on page 169)
Complete Batch Schedule (Schedule Wizard) (on page 187)

Reports User's Guide 185

Tools Menu

Schedule One-Time-Only Batch Job (Schedule Wizard)

Specifies the time and day you want the one-time-only batch job to start. When you click Next,
the final wizard page displays the batch schedule settings. If the schedule is incorrect, click
Back to return to previous wizard pages and make corrections.

Start time - Specifies the time for the batch job to start. You can select a time using the scroll
button or enter a time in the format shown.
Start date - Specifies the date on which the batch job update begins.
See Also
Schedule Wizard (on page 178)
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Processing (on page 169)
Complete Batch Schedule (Schedule Wizard) (on page 187)

186 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Complete Batch Schedule (Schedule Wizard)

Shows the completed schedule setup for the batch job. It displays the name of the batch job and
the time and date when the job will run.

If the schedule is incorrect, click Back to return to previous wizard pages and make corrections.
If the batch job is scheduled correctly, click Finish to process the batch job request.
See Also
Schedule Wizard (on page 178)
Updating Documents (on page 90)
Batch Processing (on page 169)

Batch Print Schedule Wizard Common Tasks

The following Schedule Wizard tasks are used when you schedule batch print jobs for drawings
and reports documents.
The Schedule Wizard displays when you are configured to use a batch server and select Batch
> Print from the shortcut menu for a selected document(s).

Submitting or Scheduling a Batch Print Job

The initial page of the Schedule Wizard allows you to specify whether you want to submit a
batch print job now or schedule it for later. For more information, see Submit or Schedule
Printing (Schedule Wizard) (on page 189).

Setting Batch Job Frequency

If you selected the Schedule the batch job option on the initial page of the Schedule Wizard,
the second page specifies the batch job frequency, or how often you want the batch job to
update. For more information, see Set Batch Job Frequency (Schedule Wizard) (on page 182).

Scheduling a Daily Batch Job

When you select the Daily option on the second page of the Schedule Wizard, you specify the
day and time you want the batch job to start. For more information, see Schedule Daily Batch
Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page 183).

Reports User's Guide 187

Tools Menu

Scheduling a Weekly Batch Job

When you select the Weekly option on the second page of the Schedule Wizard, you specify
the time and day you want the job to start on a per week basis. For more information, see
Schedule Weekly Batch Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page 184).

Scheduling a Monthly Batch Job

When you select the Monthly option on the second page of the Schedule Wizard, you specify
the time and day you want the batch job to start and the months in which you want the job to
run. For more information, see Schedule Monthly Batch Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page 185).

Scheduling a One-Time-Only Batch Job

When you select the One time only option on the second page of the Schedule Wizard, you
specify the time and day you want the batch job to start. For more information, see Schedule
One-Time-Only Batch Job (Schedule Wizard) (on page 186).

Completing the Scheduling

Once you have specified the frequency, date, and time settings for your batch job schedule, the
final wizard page appears. This page also appears if you selected the One time only option on
the second page of the wizard. For more information, see Complete Batch Schedule (Schedule
Wizard) (on page 187).
For documents that have existing batch jobs, the Schedule Wizard initial page is different.

Scheduling a New Batch Job

To create a new batch job for the selected document(s), select the Schedule a new job option.
When you click Next, the behavior is the same as the tasks described above, starting with Set
Batch Job Frequency (Schedule Wizard) (on page 182).

Editing or Deleting Existing Batch Jobs

When you select Batch > Print on the shortcut menu of a document that already has a
scheduled batch job, you can edit or delete an existing batch job by selecting the Edit existing
job(s) option on the second page of the Schedule Wizard. For more information, see Edit or
Delete Batch Jobs (on page 171).

188 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Submit or Schedule Printing (Schedule Wizard)

Specifies whether you want to submit a batch print job now or schedule it for later.

Printer - Specifies the printer to which the document will be submitted.

Number of copies - Indicates the number of copies of the document to print.
Pure black and white - Specifies that the document should be printed in pure black and white,
with the software setting the color alterations based on colors used in the document.
Schedule the batch job - Specifies that you want to set a date and time for the batch job to run.
Click Next to go to the next page of the wizard to continue scheduling the batch job. For more
information, see Set Batch Job Frequency (Schedule Wizard) (on page 182). If you do not check
this box, the document prints immediately to the selected printer.
If the document from which you accessed the Schedule Wizard already has batch jobs
scheduled, the Schedule the batch job option is the default selection. When you click Next,
you can either create a new batch job for the document or edit an existing one. You can also
delete an existing batch job. For more information, see Update an Existing Batch Job (Schedule
Wizard) (on page 181).
See Also
Batch Schedule Wizard Common Tasks (on page 179)
Schedule Wizard (on page 178)
Updating Documents (on page 90)

Reports User's Guide 189

Tools Menu

Custom Commands
Provides end-user application programming capability for the 3D software. Using Microsoft®
Visual Basic, you can create a custom command that groups a series of commands and
instructions into a single command that runs as an operation in the 3D software. As a result, you
can access the customized commands that directly relate to the work routine in your operation.
In Visual Basic, the Command Wizard helps you to build a custom command. For example, the
first Command Wizard step prompts you to identify general information, including command
name, project name, author, and company. You can start the wizard in Visual Basic by clicking
Command Wizard on the Add-Ins menu. For more information about installing the Command
Wizard and other programming resources, see the SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide available
by clicking Help > Printable Guides in the software.
After adding a custom command in the 3D software, you can edit it. The Edit Custom
Command dialog box requires you to specify the program identifier (prog_id), command name
and description, command priority, and a command line of arguments in a string.

Delivered Custom Commands

The following list provides descriptions and ProgIDs for the delivered custom commands:

Custom ProgID Description

Check SP3DCheckDatabaseIntegr Creates records for the objects that need
Database ity. to be cleaned. You run this custom
Integrity CCheckObj command directly on a database (Site,
Catalog, or Model). After you run this
command, you can generate a report to
review the errors that the Check Database
Integrity command generated. For more
information on the Check Database
Integrity command, see the Database
Integrity Guide available from Help >
Printable Guides.
Clean SP3DCleanDatabaseCmd. Deletes or cleans an object. This command
Database CCheckObj is used when an action on the Check
Database Integrity report is To Be
Removed or To Be Repaired. For more
information on deleting and cleaning
objects in the database, see the Database
Integrity Guide available from Help >
Printable Guides.
Compart CompartQuery. Provides queries on compartments,
Query CCompartQueryCmd objects, geometry, and loads. You can
Service save a .sat file from the geometry queries.

190 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Custom ProgID Description

Create MenuDrawView. Saves and converts the contents of a
Drawing View CMenuDrawView three-dimensional graphic view window
into a snapshot view. The command
creates a rectangular object associated to
a clipping volume or volumes in the
three-dimensional model.
Before you create a snapshot view using
this command, you must have added at
least one composed drawing type to the
Management Console in the Drawings and
Reports task.
You can save additional views by updating
the view contents and then saving the new
design. If you used the Tools > Hide
command to avoid displaying certain
objects, those objects are included in a
composed drawing you create.
You must have appropriate permissions to
access composed drawing types, or you
cannot use the Tools > Snapshot View
command. If you have only read
permission, you receive a message that
alerts you to this condition.
After you create the snapshot views, you
can add them to composed drawings when
you use the Tools > Drawings Console
Find Object SP3DFindObjectByReport. Finds objects with integrity problems in a
by OID FindObjects graphic view. Before running this
command, you must define your
workspace to include these objects. Run a
database integrity report, and use the
reported OIDs of the objects in the
workspace definition. For more information
on the Find Objects by OID custom
command, see the Database Integrity
Guide available from Help > Printable
Fix Project SP3DPRJMGTRepairCmd. Synchronizes the model name in the Model
Root FixCnfgProjectRoot database and the Site database. The
name in the Site database prevails.
You must run this command from a
task in the model, not from Project
Reset Design IMSEngFrameworkCmd. Modifies the Design Basis timestamp. With
Basis Time EngFrameworkCmd this command, you can set the time and
Argument = date back to a point in the past. This

Reports User's Guide 191

Tools Menu

Custom ProgID Description

ResetDesignBasisTime command is useful if, for any reason, there
are delete instructions that could not be
Synchronize DwgSynchTemplatesCmd. Repairs a drawing component that has
Drawing SynchTemplates become corrupted by synchronizing it with
Component a different, uncorrupted drawing
Templates component. This command requires that
the source component is the same type as
the corrupted component, the source
component must have a template, and that
the source component cannot be
corrupted. Also, the number of views on
the source component must be the same
as the number of views on the corrupted
component. The names of the views on the
source component must match the view
names of the corrupted component.
Verify P&ID SP3DDisplayPIDService. Validates the internal connections between
Integrity VerifyPIDCmd objects on a P&ID and objects in the Model
database. This command is useful when
there is a problem displaying a P&ID or
selecting objects on a P&ID. The command
provides some basic troubleshooting
statistics: Number of design basis objects,
number of 3D objects (correlated), number
of P&ID objects, number of deleted P&ID
OIDs, and number of duplicate OIDs.
Custom Commands Dialog Box (on page 194)
Add Custom Command Dialog Box (on page 194)
Edit Custom Command Dialog Box (on page 195)

What do you want to do?

 Create custom commands (on page 193)
 Add custom commands (on page 193)
 Run a custom command (on page 193)
 Edit a custom command (on page 193)
 Delete a custom command (on page 194)

192 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Create custom commands

1. Open Microsoft® Visual Basic.

 You do not create or modify custom commands within the software. You can edit the
code of the command in Visual Basic. You can edit a limited number of items, such as
the description of the command, using the Edit Custom Command dialog box.
 You must install the Command Wizard software in Visual Basic. The setup for the
Command Wizard is located at [Product Folder]\CommonApp\Tools\CommandWizard.
2. In Visual Basic, click Add-Ins > Command Wizard.
3. Complete all steps on each page of the Command Wizard.

Add custom commands

1. Click Tools > Custom Commands.
2. On the Custom Commands dialog box, click Add.
3. On the Add Custom Command dialog box, type the program identifier you assigned to the
command in Microsoft® Visual Basic in the Command ProgID box.
4. Type the name you assigned to the command in the Command name box.
5. Type a phrase that describes the command in the Description box.
6. If necessary, change the option in the Priority section.
7. Type command line arguments in a string in the Argument box.
After you complete this procedure, the Custom Commands dialog box lists the command
you added to the software. You can run the command, edit the settings, or delete the command.

Run a custom command

1. Click Tools > Custom Commands.
The Custom Commands dialog box opens.
2. To start a custom command you created, select the command in the list box, and click Run.
3. After the command runs, click Close on the Custom Commands dialog box.

Edit a custom command

1. Click Tools > Custom Commands.
The Custom Commands dialog box opens.
2. To change the options for a custom command, select the command in the list box, and click
Edit. For example, you can change the name and description of the command.
3. After completing the needed changes, click Close on the Custom Commands dialog box.
You must open the command in Microsoft® Visual Basic if you want to edit the underlying

Reports User's Guide 193

Tools Menu

Delete a custom command

1. Click Tools > Custom Commands.
The Custom Commands dialog box opens.
2. Select the command in the list box, and click Delete. The software removes the command
from the list box; however, the command code is not deleted.
3. After completing the needed changes, click Close on the Custom Commands dialog box.
This action does not delete the DLL for the custom command. It just removes access to
the custom command from the user interface.

Custom Commands Dialog Box

Adds and edits customized commands you have created with the Command Wizard in
Microsoft® Visual Basic. For information on creating custom commands, see Create custom
commands (on page 193).
Command names - Lists the names of commands that have been added.
Run - Starts the custom command you select in the list box. For more information, see Run a
custom command (on page 193).
Close - Cancels the Custom Commands dialog box.
Edit - Opens the Edit Custom Command dialog box. You can change settings for the
command, such as the program identifier (prog_ID) and command name. For more information,
see Edit a custom command (on page 193).
Add - Installs the custom command into the software. For more information, see Add custom
commands (on page 193).
Delete - Removes the custom command from the software. For more information, see Delete a
custom command (on page 194).
Clear - Deletes the information you have typed in the boxes on the Custom Commands dialog
Description - Contains an identifying phrase so you can better recognize the custom command
with which you are working.

Add Custom Command Dialog Box

Accesses a customized command you created in Microsoft® Visual Basic and saves the
command within the software.
Command ProgID - Identifies the program identifier for the custom command you created in
Visual Basic.
Command name - Specifies the name you assigned to the custom command.
Description - Describes the custom command.
Priority - Assigns a priority of High, Normal, or Low.
Argument - Specifies command line arguments in a string.
See Also
Create custom commands (on page 193)

194 Reports User's Guide

Tools Menu

Edit Custom Command Dialog Box

Changes options for a customized command you added to the software.
Command ProgID - Specifies the program identifier for the custom command you created in
Microsoft® Visual Basic.
Command name - Provides a text box for you to change the name you assigned to the custom
Description - Provides a text box to provide a descriptive phrase for the custom command.
Priority - Changes priority to High, Normal, or Low.
Argument - Change the command line arguments in a string.
Reset Default - Returns the dialog box to its default settings.
See Also
Create custom commands (on page 193)

Delivered Custom Commands

This section describes some of the delivered custom commands. For a comprehensive list of the
custom commands, see Custom Commands in the Common User's Guide.

Repair Documents Custom Command

The Repair Documents custom command updates invalid Styles.sha or Symbol Browser file
paths on a document or a set of documents. Invalid file paths can occur when you change the
symbol share. This causes overhead while editing, saving, or updating documents.
Click Tools > Custom Commands to add the command using the ProgID
DwgRepairCmd.RepairDocuments. For more information, see Custom Commands in the
Common User's Guide.
Each time you use Repair Documents, the changes made to the component or document are
saved in a log file. You can access the file at %TEMP%\Drawings. The log file name starts with
"DwgRepairCmd_" as its prefix. A summary at the end of the log file lists all documents that the
command could not repair.

Repair Documents Dialog Box

Component or Document - Specifies the component or document to repair.
Actions - Shows the repair options for the selected component or document.
 Reset style resources - Resets the style resource files and to the Styles.sha file on the
current symbols share.
 Set symbol browser home - Sets the symbol browser home address. You can change this
address by typing in a new address or by clicking More and opening the file folder.

Reports User's Guide 195

Tools Menu

196 Reports User's Guide


The document revision process is separate from the publishing process, making it possible to
revise a document locally and save it to the database without re-publishing it. The Revise
command is available on the right-click menu for drawings, reports, and 3D Model Data
Revising and publishing are two separate actions. You specify the document revision using the
Revise command, which creates a Revision for the document with Major and Minor set,
depending on the revision schema selected. If you are working in an integrated environment,
you can modify the other revision information on the document.
After setting the revision number, right-click the document and select Properties. Select the
Revision tab and edit the Revision fields. You should update documents to include any new
title block information.
You can now re-publish the document with the new revision information.

 You can use the Revise command if your model has been registered using the SmartPlant
Registration Wizard. For more information on registering, see the Project Management
User's Guide under Help > Printable Guides.
 If the drawing document that you are looking at in the Detail View has a yellow icon (for
example: ), the drawing document is a version 6.1 legacy Snapshot drawing. You should
use the Tools > Convert Legacy Snapshots command to convert this document to a
Composed Drawing for use in the current version of the software. If you do not convert the
legacy snapshot drawing, you cannot perform edit operations on the drawing, including
update, revise, and publish.
See Also
Publishing Documents (on page 201)
Revise (on page 197)
Revise a document (on page 198)

Revising and publishing are two separate actions. You specify the document revision using the
Revise command, which creates a Revision for the document with Major and Minor set,
depending on the revision schema selected. If you are working in an integrated environment,
you cannot modify the Major and Minor revision data, but you can modify the other revision
information on the document.
After reserving the revision number, right-click the document and select Properties. Select the
Revision tab and edit the Revision fields. You should update documents to include any new
title block information.
You can now re-publish the document with the new revision information.
Revise Dialog Box (on page 198)
You can use the Revise command if you have registered your model using the
SmartPlant Registration Wizard. For more information on registering, see the Project
Management User's Guide under Help > Printable Guides.

Reports User's Guide 197


Revise a document
You can revise drawings, reports, and 3D Model Data documents if you have registered your
model using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard. For more information about using the
SmartPlant Registration Wizard, see the Project Management User's Guide under Help >
Printable Guides.
1. Right-click a document and select Revise. The Revise dialog box appears.

 You can also multi-select documents in the Detail View, or you can select a folder in the
Management Console hierarchy to select all of the documents within the folder if they
all have the same revision level.
 If the Revise command is not available on the shortcut menu, check the properties on
the document. Right-click the document and select Properties. Go to the WBS tab and
make sure that you have a Document type and Discipline set for the document. For
more information, see Set properties for publishing documents (on page 205).
2. For a new document or a document that does not yet have a defined revision scheme,
select the revision scheme that you want to use from the Revision Scheme list.
Only revision schemes that are applicable to the configuration (plant) or classification
(document type) are available in the shortcut menu. The revision schemes related to a
configuration or classification are not available for any other configurations or classifications.
If none of the revision schemes are related to the configuration or classification, then all
revision schemes are available unless they are related to any other configuration or
classification. For more information on revision scheme configuration, see Configuring
Different Revision Scheme Strategies in the How to Configure Document Management
3. In the Revise in Tool section, select the next available major and minor revision numbers.
4. Click OK. The document is saved to the model database. The command creates a revision
record by adding it to the document Revision properties. The command also reserves the
revision number.
5. Right-click the document and select Properties.
6. Go to the Revision tab and edit the values in the new revision row.
7. Update the document to update any document property title block information. For more
information, see Updating Documents (on page 90).
8. Re-publish the document. The stored document is not updated until you publish it.

Revise Dialog Box

Allows you to revise a document in the database of the authoring tool without publishing it.
Fields with a shaded background are read-only fields and cannot be edited.
Selected documents - Displays a list of the documents selected to be revised or for which you
want to reserve a set of revision numbers. You populate this list by selecting documents before
you use the Revise command.
Engineering Tool - Opens an authoring tool-specific dialog box that allows you to select
documents to add to the Selected documents list. This option is not available in SmartPlant
Revision Scheme - If you have selected a new document or a document for which no revision
scheme has been selected, choose the revision scheme to be applied from the list of available
options. Only revision schemes that are applicable to the configuration (plant) or classification

198 Reports User's Guide


(document type) are available in the shortcut menu. The revision schemes related to a
configuration or classification are not available for any other configurations or classifications. If
none of the revision schemes are related to the configuration or classification, then all revision
schemes are available unless they are related to any other configuration or classification. For
more information on revision scheme configuration, see Configuring Different Revision Scheme
Strategies in the How to Configure Document Management guide.
Current Revision in Tool Major - For existing documents, this field displays the current major
revision of the document, as defined in the authoring tool, in a read-only format. For new
documents, this field is empty.
Current Revision in Tool Minor - For existing documents, this field displays the current minor
revision of the document, as defined in the authoring tool, in a read-only format. If the revision
scheme does not use minor revision, or if the selected document has not yet been revised, this
field is empty.
Revise in Tool Major - From this list box, choose the next available major revision number for
the document to revise it locally, without publishing the new information. If you do not want to
revise the document at this time, in other words, if you want to reserve revisions numbers
without revising the document, leave this field empty.
Revise in Tool Minor - From this list box, choose the next available minor revision number for
the document to revise it locally, without publishing the new information. If you do not want to
revise the document at this time, in other words, if you want to reserve revisions numbers
without revising the document, leave this field empty. If minor revisions are not supported for the
document, no options are available in this list.
If you do not use the Minor field when revising a document for the first time, the
minor revision option will never be available for that document for future revisions.
Next Major - Updates the document revision to the next major revision.

Reports User's Guide 199


200 Reports User's Guide


Publishing Documents
When you work in an integrated environment with SmartPlant Enterprise, you must publish
documents containing the drawing data and relationships before other authoring tools can share
this information. You can publish your documents from the Drawings and Reports task
Management Console or from a 3D modeling task by using the Tools > Drawings Console
Before you can publish documents in the software, you must install the SmartPlant Client and
the SmartPlant Schema Component, then register the model using the SmartPlant Registration
In a 3D task, you can use SmartPlant > Retrieve to create and update the Design Basis
SmartPlant 3D and SmartMarine 3D allows you to publish modified and new objects with the
Changes Only option. Publish tasks processed through the Changes Only workflow are
smaller compared to All publishes, and are queued to Load and Consolidate before the merge
operation. The merge operation combines the delta data with the previous complete publish
data. After the merge operation succeeds, the information is retrievable. The Changes Only
publishes are not retrievable. To retrieve a Changes Only publish, you must perform an All
publish, which only happens after the load and consolidate processes.
The Publish and UpdatePublish commands are available for the following document types:
 3D Model Data (SmartPlant Review file type)
The 3D Model Data component is capable of publishing many object types (for
example: Piping, Equipment, Cable Trays) depending on the definition of the filter during
component setup.
 Orthographic Drawings (viewable file with links to data)
 Piping Isometric Drawings (viewable file with links to data)
 Reports (viewable file with links to data)

 The viewable files created when you publish drawings and reports provide relationship links
to the 3D Model Data. You must also publish the 3D Model Data to provide the navigation
between the viewable files and the 3D Model Data.
 If the drawing document you are looking at in the Detail View has a yellow icon (for
example: ), the drawing document is a version 6.1 legacy Snapshot drawing. You should
use the Tools > Convert Legacy Snapshots command to convert this document to a
Composed Drawing for use in the current version of the software. If you do not convert the
legacy snapshot drawing, you cannot perform edit operations on the drawing, including
update, revise, and publish.
 If you are publishing 3D Model Data documents, set the surface style rules and aspects
before publishing the documents.
 Every time you generate drawings and reports from SmartPlant 3D in an integrated
environment, a SmartPlant Foundation token is used.
When you publish documents, the software:
 Publishes a visual representation of the document that you can view without SmartPlant 3D.
For drawings, this is an Intergraph proprietary file, called a RAD file (.sha). For reports, the

Reports User's Guide 201

Publishing Documents

viewable file is a Microsoft Excel workbook. You can review and mark up the visual
representation of the document using SmartPlant Markup Plus or SmartSketch.
 Places the published XML file and any viewable files in the appropriate SmartPlant
Foundation vault. This XML file can be retrieved when users are in other authoring tools.

Reasons to Publish
You publish documents and associated data for several reasons:
 Exchanging of data with other tools
 Sharing common data between tools
 Providing enterprise-wide accessibility to published documents
 Managing change, including workflow history, document revisions, and title block

Revisions and Versions of Published Documents

The first time that you publish a document, the software creates a new document master and
the first revision. A revision (major) is an officially recognized change to a document. A version
(minor) is an intermediate update that you have published. Revisions can be published for
sharing or they can go through an approval process, depending on your needs. Each revisions
of a document can have multiple versions.
You can also include revision information within the title block of a drawing by placing drawing
property labels within the drawing template.
When you publish data from any authoring tool, you may not be able to view all of the
properties that you published in the SmartPlant Client. You can customize view definitions to
allow you to see additional properties. For more information on defining view definitions in the
SmartPlant schema, see the SmartPlant Schema Editor User's Guide. For further assistance
with viewing data, contact Intergraph Support Services. You can find support information on our
web site, http://support.intergraph.com (http://support.intergraph.com/).

Publishing Title Blocks

The title block is generally displayed at the bottom of a drawing template. It can include
signatures, revision and issue information, and other properties associated with the drawing.

You add drawing properties, such as revision information or issue requests, to the title block
using the Place Drawing Property Label command when editing a template.

202 Reports User's Guide

Publishing Documents

When you update the revision information or receive an issue request on a drawing document,
the associated properties must be updated. You update the drawing document to incorporate
the property changes for any drawing property labels included in the title block.
After you update the drawing document, you can re-publish it and the appropriate title block
information is recorded in SmartPlant Foundation. Publishing your drawing document helps you
manage the changes, including workflow history, document revisions, and title block information.
The general workflow for including information in the drawing title block is:
1. Edit a template and include drawing property labels for revision or issue request - Place a
Drawing Property Label on a Template.
2. Create drawing documents using the template.
3. Publish the drawings - Publish documents (on page 208).
4. Revise the drawing document or receive an issue request from SmartPlant Foundation -
Revise a document (on page 198) or Issue request documents (on page 211).
5. Update the drawing documents to include the new revision, issue, or other drawing property
information in the title block.
See Also
Publishing Documents (on page 201)
Updating Documents (on page 90)

Publish Common Tasks

The following tasks are used to publish documents. If the documents are drawings or reports,
the Publish command publishes a viewable file with links to the data. If publishing a 3D Model
Data document, the software creates a SmartPlant Review file and publishes it.
The viewable files created when you publish drawings and reports provide relationship
links to the 3D Model Data. You must also publish the 3D Model Data to provide the navigation
between the viewable files and the 3D Model Data.

Setting Properties for Publishing

Before using the Publish command, you should set certain properties on your documents.
If you are publishing 3D Model Data documents, set the surface style rules and aspects as
needed before publishing.

Creating and Reserving Revision Numbers

You should create your documents by right-clicking them and selecting Create Document(s).
Once they are created, if you require revision numbers for the documents, use the Revise
command to reserve the revision numbers.

Update the Documents

Update the documents, right-click the component and select the appropriate Update command.
You can also use Batch > Update if you are configured to use a batch server.

Publish Data
If you have registered your model using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard, you can publish
your documents for retrieval and use in other tools. You can use the Publish > UpdatePublish
command to update drawings and publish them in one step. You can also use the SmartPlant >
Find Documents to Publish command to generate a list of documents that need to be
published and to publish terminations for deleted drawings, isos, and so on.

Reports User's Guide 203

Publishing Documents

Issue Request Documents

You can also use the Publish command to issue a contract request for documents. For more
information, see Issue request documents (on page 211).

Publishes the information in the selected documents. You can access the Publish Documents
command by right- clicking a component or document.
The Publish and UpdatePublish commands are available for the following types of documents:
 3D Model Data (SmartPlant Review file type)
 Orthographic Drawings, including Volume and Composed drawings (viewable file with links
to data)
 Piping Isometric Drawings (viewable file with links to data)
 Reports (viewable Microsoft Excel workbook file with links to data)
The viewable files created when you publish drawings and reports provide relationship
links to the 3D Model Data. You must also publish the 3D Model Data to provide the navigation
between the viewable files and the 3D Model Data.
When you publish a 3D model, you must now enable the Scheduler and Loader in
SmartPlant Foundation to make the 3D model data document retrievable. The load, consolidate,
and merge tasks must complete successfully before the 3D model document can be retrieved.
You must define the Discipline and Document Type properties to enable publishing for the
documents. For more information see Set properties for publishing documents (on page 205).
You may also want to specify documents to be revised, not published, or reserve revision
numbers. For more information, see Revising (on page 197).
To generate a list of documents that need to be published, you can use SmartPlant > Find
Documents to Publish. For more information, see Find Documents to Publish (on page 215).
Publish Dialog Box (on page 212)

What do you want to do?

 Set properties for publishing documents (on page 205)
 Publish documents (on page 208)
 Publish a large 3D model to SmartPlant Foundation (on page 210)
 Issue request documents (on page 211)

204 Reports User's Guide

Publishing Documents

Set properties for publishing documents

1. In the Console, right-click an item in the hierarchy, then select Properties on the shortcut
2. Go to the WBS Tab.
3. Set the Document Type property as needed, such as Civil Plan. This property specifies the
document subtype when published.
4. Set the Document Style property as needed, such as Ortho for an orthographic drawing.
5. Set the Discipline property. If your model has been registered using the SmartPlant
Registration Wizard, this property adds the Publish command to the right-click menu for the
selected document or documents. For a 3D Model Data document, set the property to
SmartPlant Review Document. For a drawing or report document, set the discipline to
match the type of document.
6. Set the Allow Publish property to Yes.

 If you do not want an item to acquire a property from its parent, select the Override column
on the Properties dialog box, then type a new value. This value propagates to other items
deeper in the hierarchy.
 The software treats blank or cleared property values as overrides.
 Before you can publish documents, you must install the SmartPlant Client and the
SmartPlant Schema Component and register your model using the SmartPlant Registration
Wizard. You must also revise and update each document before attempting to publish. For
more information about configuration, see the SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide, available
from Help > Printable Guides.

Support for Handling Large Publishes

The number of objects published from SmartPlant 3D can become so large that the normal
update and publish processing uses up the resources such as memory and address space on
the client and server computers. To address these resource issues, SmartPlant 3D now
supports the concept of using a cache to keep track of objects that have changed and to only
publish these objects. Thus, the software avoids processing objects that have not changed. The
mechanisms for doing this are called delta update, delta publish, and auto-scoping. These
processes are not visible to the user.
 Delta update - Updates only the objects that are modified, deleted, or moved and then
process these. Because only changes are updated, you can produce larger XML and
graphics files without prior address space limitations.
 Delta publish - Leverages the cached information provided by delta update to determine
which objects need to be published. Because only changes are published, you can produce
larger files in the data warehouse.
Since the complete set of objects will not be published each time, it is up to SmartPlant 3D
to keep track of deleted and moved objects. These moved or deleted objects will be sent
with the published objects, eliminating the need to probe the adapter for the existence of
missing objects.
When you publish a 3D model, you must now enable the Scheduler and
Loader in SmartPlant Foundation to make the 3D model data document retrievable. The
load, consolidate, and merge tasks must complete successfully before the 3D model
document can be retrieved.

Reports User's Guide 205

Publishing Documents

Both delta update and delta publish can publish larger documents by automatically splitting the
data into smaller sections in SmartPlant 3D. If your publish data is split into smaller sections, the
document version number increments for each section.
For example, if you publish a document that is split into four smaller sections, the Version field
contains all resulting version numbers. In the following dialog box, the published documents are
published to SmartPlant Foundation as 4 different versions (11-14). The last version contains all
of the updated information from the publish.

Published Documents - Load, Consolidated, and MergeDelta

Tasks (S3D)
A tool published document results in a document version object in SmartPlant Foundation. A
document version has four files attached to it.
1. Data XML file – Contains published objects, relationships and correlations (SameAs
2. Meta data XML file – Contains meta data about the published document version.
3. Instructions XML file – Contains instructions for deleted objects and relationships. Also
contains resurrect instructions for objects that were deleted previously and resurrected as a
result of restoring a tool database.
4. View file – This is a file in the tool format that represents the (graphical) view of the
published document.
When a document is submitted to a workflow that has a load process step, the following tasks
are created.
If the document is not published to such a workflow, and when the Load document
command in SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client is run on the published document, the same
tasks are created.
 Load Task - This task processes the objects and relationships in the data XML by loading
them into a publish domain. This task also processes the instructions in an Instructions XML
file. For example, the delete instruction would result in termination of the object referenced in
the delete instruction.

206 Reports User's Guide

Publishing Documents

 Consolidate Task - This task processes the correlations (SameAs relationships) in the data
XML file. A SameAs is a correlation relationship published by tools indicating that a
published object is identical to an object published by another tool. The correlation of the
object in the current publish domain (say, local object) to the external object (object
published by another tool in another publish domain) is done by creating a shared object in
the Data Warehouse domain. The local and external objects are linked through
SPFComprisedOf relationships; for example, one SPFComprisedOf relationship between the
local object and the shared object, and a second SPFComprisedOf relationship between the
external object and the shared object.
An object that is not correlated also has a shared object created in the Data
Warehouse domain in preparation for future correlation.
The consolidate task also creates a hidden file, known as graphical mapping file, which has
mappings between objects in the database and graphical elements in the view file. This file
is used by SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client for navigation between published objects
in the list view and their graphical representations in the view file.
 MergeDelta Task - This is a task created for delta publishes of SmartPlant 3D. A delta
publish contains new, modified and deleted objects in a document since the last publish of
that document. Only SmartPlant 3D has the capability to do a delta publish. Other tools
publish full data where every object is published whether it is modified or not since last
Since a delta published data XML file and view file only contains the delta, it is required that
it becomes a full data XML and full view file for complete view of the data and graphics of
that document. The MergeDelta task converts the delta data XML file into a full XML file by
merging data from the previous full XML file into the delta XML file.
When you publish a 3D model, you must enable the Scheduler and Loader to
make the 3D model data document retrievable. The load, consolidate, and merge tasks
must complete successfully before the 3D model document can be retrieved. For more
information, see Schedulers and Queue Management.
If you are using SmartPlant Basic Integrator, only the merge task must complete
successfully before the 3D model document can be retrieved. For more information, see
Schedulers and Queue Management..
The merge involves the following:
a. Replace modified objects and relationships in the full publish XML, view file, and the
hidden graphic map file.
b. Delete objects and relationships that are identified in the delete, and move instructions
in the delta instructions XML file, view file, and the hidden graphic map file.
c. Add new objects and relationships to the full publish XML, view file, hidden graphic map
d. Replaces the delta XML file in the vault with the updated full publish XML file, view file,
and the hidden graphic map file.

Set SmartPlant Foundation to Tolerate Failed Loads

For working in any integrated environment, a new site configuration flag in SmartPlant
Foundation Server Manager allows the SmartPlant Foundation Loader to skip a published
document that failed during load and continue processing other documents in the queue.
In SmartPlant Foundation Server Manager, set the SkipFailedDocumentsInLoad flag to True
to allow failed documents to be skipped and other documents to continue processing. Typical
behavior is that once a document is successfully loaded, any previous failed document is
removed from the queue.

Reports User's Guide 207

Publishing Documents

The behavior during a SmartPlant 3D publish is different. If any SmartPlant 3D publish, either a
full publish or delta publish, fails to load, the failed versions remain in the load queue until a full
publish successfully loads. If a delta publish loads successfully following these failures, it does
not remove any previous failed version from the queue because the data in delta publishes is
different from version to version, so a failed previous version needs to stay in the queue until
you resolve the failure or a full publish is loaded. A second reason is this gives an indication to
you that a full publish is needed. When a full publish is loaded, all failed delta publishes are
removed from the queue.

Publish documents
Before you can publish documents, you must ensure that your computer is configured properly.
The configuration includes installing the SmartPlant Client and the SmartPlant Schema
Component and registering the model through the SmartPlant Registration Wizard.
You must use the SmartPlant > Retrieve command in one of the 3D tasks to import published
When you publish a 3D model, you must now enable the Scheduler and Loader in
SmartPlant Foundation to make the 3D model data document retrievable. The load, consolidate,
and merge tasks must complete successfully before the 3D model document can be retrieved.
The SmartPlant menu is not available in all tasks.
1. Right-click a component and select Publish. The Publish dialog box appears.

 If the Publish command is not available on the shortcut menu for the component or
document, check the document properties and make sure that the documents are
up-to-date and have been revised first.
 You can use the Publish > UpdatePublish command to update drawings and publish
them in one step.
2. Edit information as necessary for the selected documents.
When multiple documents are selected, only property values shared by all of the selected
documents appear in the table. Changing a value in the table changes that value for all of
the selected documents.
3. Select the Publish Type.
 SmartPlant 3D supports Publish Type for delta publish.

 The default setting for Publish Type is Changes Only. If the 3D model has not
been published before, the software automatically selects All and performs a
complete publish to ensure all filtered data is published and loaded into SmartPlant
 For subsequent publishes, select All to publish all filtered data in the 3D model,
even if it is unchanged. Select Changes Only to publish only the changes in the 3D
model since the last successful publish.
 If the 3D model does not publish successfully during a delta publish, select All so
that data from the previous publish is published and loaded into SmartPlant
 Other SmartPlant applications do not support Publish Type. For these SmartPlant
applications, the default setting for Publish Type is All, and it cannot be changed.
4. Select one of the following operations:
 Publish to publish the selected documents immediately.

208 Reports User's Guide

Publishing Documents

 Background publish to publish as a separate process so that you can continue

working in the application.
 Scheduled publish to publish in the batch mode by the authoring tool. The documents
are not published immediately. Instead, the selected documents are scheduled for
publish at a later time and may be scheduled as a recurring operation.
5. Click OK to publish the selected documents.

 You can verify the publishing process by starting the SmartPlant Client on your computer
and searching for the published document.
 When publish is complete, the following message displays: Documents have been
published successfully. If the View Log button is enabled, messages are available
concerning the operation. These messages include errors, warning, and informational
messages. Click View Log to review these messages.

Publish Workflows
When a SmartPlant application publishes, the user can publish documents using a workflow.
The following list describes the delivered publish workflows and use cases for the workflows.

Workflow Workflow Description Workflow Use Cases

Auto-Correlate Compares the objects in a Use Auto-correlate
published document to the  When a publishing tool
objects that are already in does not have correlation
SmartPlant Foundation. If the functionality.
object correlates (by name) to
 When a publishing tool
an object with the same
does not retrieve.
shared object definition,
SmartPlant Foundation
automatically correlates the
objects. If the object can
correlate to more than one
object through multiple shared
object definitions, a task is
placed in the To Do list to
allow the user to select the
AutoLoadPublish Generates a document load Use AutoLoadPublish when
task and consolidate task for you intend to load the
the publishing document. published document data into
These tasks are performed by SmartPlant Foundation.
the SmartPlant Foundation
AutoLoadPublishMerge Publish large 3D models. Use AutoLoadPublishMerge
Creates the published 3D when you intend to view or
document, loads the 3D data navigate the complete plant in
in SmartPlant Foundation, then one 3D view.
merges these object sets into
a new composite document
that represents the entire 3D

Reports User's Guide 209

Publishing Documents

Workflow Workflow Description Workflow Use Cases

Correlate Places published objects in the Correlate works similar to
To Do list. From the To Do list, Auto-Correlate except you can
the user manually correlates view the possible correlations
selected items. SmartPlant before the actual correlation
Foundation creates a shared takes place.
Publish Takes the document through Use Publish when you want
an approval step. Upon the published document
approval, it creates the approved before it is loaded
document load and into SmartPlant Foundation.
consolidate tasks. The approval step is added to
the To Do list.
PublishWithDocLoad Loads document into a Use PublishWithDocLoad
document configuration and when you want to view the
submits document to approval document data in SmartPlant
step. Upon approval, it creates Foundation before approval.
document the load and The approval step is added to
consolidate tasks. the To Do list.

Publish a large 3D model to SmartPlant Foundation

Publishing large 3D models to SmartPlant Foundation has reached memory and file transfer
limitations. To make publishing 3D models more efficient, you can publish models in distinct
object sets that accommodate your memory resources. Distinct object sets mean that an object
in the 3D model must appear in only one published model. You publish these object sets using a
workflow called AutoLoadPublishWithMerge. This workflow has MergePublishedFile process
step configured. This workflow creates the published 3D document, loads the 3D data in
SmartPlant Foundation, then merges these object sets into a new composite document that
represents the entire 3D model. The name of the composite document is same as the name of
the workflow to which the Published 3D model is submitted. If you have existing published 3D
models in SmartPlant Foundation and want to merge these into one representative model
document, you can create a 3D composite document manually, and then relate the published
models to the document.
1. Create filters for segregating and selecting data that will be in the published model
documents. For example, you can create filters for equipment, piping, structural, and HVAC.
2. In the Drawings and Reports task, create your separate model documents.
3. Publish each model document separately.
SmartPlant 3D publishes a new version of the 3D document, for example, a model
document called Equipment-1-001, to SmartPlant Foundation. This document is related to
AutoLoadPublishWithMerge, a zvf file, and a mapping file.
4. On the Publish tab on the Publish dialog box, select the AutoLoadPublishWithMerge
from the Workflow list.

210 Reports User's Guide

Publishing Documents

Issue request documents

Before you can publish documents, you must ensure that your computer is configured properly.
The configuration includes installing the SmartPlant Client and the SmartPlant Schema
Component and registering the model with the SmartPlant Registration Wizard. For more
information, see the Installation Guide available from Help > Printable Guides. For more
information on the steps involving the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client, see the
SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client User's Guide.
This functionality is only available in project mode. It is not supported in integration mode.
You must use the SmartPlant > Retrieve command in the Common task to import published
1. Right-click a component and select Publish. The Publish dialog box appears.
If the Publish command is not available on the shortcut menu for the component or
document, check the document properties and make sure that the documents are
up-to-date. For more information, see Set properties for publishing documents (on page
2. Click the Issue Request tab.
3. In the Issue to field, select the contract that you want to assign the document or documents.
4. Under Selected documents, select the documents that you want to associate with the
specified contract.
5. Click Add to add the documents to the Issue Request list. To remove documents from the
list, select them and click Remove. Click Engineering Tools to add documents from
engineering tools, such as P&IDs or PFDs. Click File System to add documents from
another file system, such as Microsoft Word documents or Microsoft Excel workbooks.
6. Click OK to issue the contract request for the selected documents.
7. Start SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client on your computer and search for the published
document to verify the publishing process.
8. Right-click the document in the Desktop Client tree view and select Refresh.
9. Return to the Drawings and Reports task and update the document to incorporate the new
Issue information. For more information, see Updating Documents (on page 90).
10. Review the Issue properties. Right-click the document and select Properties. Select the
Issue tab to see the Issue information. You can also open the document to see the Issue
information in the title block if you added it.
11. Publish the document with the updated Issue information. For more information, see
Publishing Documents (on page 201).

 Only updated documents can be published.

 You can verify the publishing process by starting the SmartPlant Client on your computer
and searching for the published document.
See Also
Find Documents to Publish (on page 215)
Publish (on page 204)
Publish documents (on page 208)
Publishing Title Blocks (on page 202)

Reports User's Guide 211

Publishing Documents

Publish Dialog Box

Provides a list of documents selected to publish.
Publish Tab (Publish Dialog Box) (on page 212)
Issue Request Tab (Publish Dialog Box) (on page 214)
See Also
Publish documents (on page 208)
Find Documents to Publish (on page 215)
Publish (on page 204)
Document Properties Dialog Box (on page 214)

Publish Tab (Publish Dialog Box)

Displays the properties of the selected document or documents. If only one document is
selected in the tree view, the properties displayed on this tab are the properties of that one
document. If multiple documents are selected, only the properties with the same value for all
documents appear. Any properties with varying values across the documents appear with blank
values in these fields.
You can change some of the values assigned to one or more documents by changing the value
displayed in the table. The value you enter here overrides any existing values for all selected
Selected documents - Displays a list of the documents selected for publishing. You must
populate this list by selecting documents in the Management Console or Detail View before
you use the Publish command. For each document, this list displays the name, the type of
document, the workflow from which the document was last published, the revision and version
numbers, the revision scheme, and the date when the document was last published.
Engineering Tool - Opens a dialog box to select documents to add to the Selected
documents list. This functionality is not available in the current release.
File System - Opens a standard Microsoft dialog box that allows you to select documents to
add to the Selected documents list. When you select a file with this Select File dialog box, the
Document Properties dialog box appears, allowing you to specify information about the file,
such as whether it is a new file; the category, type, and subtype of the document; and the name,
description, and title of the document.
Find - Opens the Find Documents to Publish dialog box, which allows you to search for
documents to add to the Selected documents list. For more information, see Find Documents
to Publish Dialog Box (on page 216).
Last Published - Indicates the date on which the document or documents were last published.
Name - Displays the name of the document.
Source - Indicates the authoring tool in which the document was created.
Type - Displays the type of document or documents selected.
Issue Only - Allows you to issue request documents without, necessarily, republishing them.
Use this option when no changes were made to a drawing and you only want to add it to a

 Even with this option set, you can still publish the documents. If any of the documents have
never been published, they must be published, regardless of this setting.
 You will receive an error message if you select multiple documents and activate this option
when one or more of the selected documents cannot be changed. For example, the error

212 Reports User's Guide

Publishing Documents

message appears if the selected set of documents includes both a new document (for which
this field can be set only to No) and current or frozen documents (for which this field can be
set only to Yes). The error message prompts you to select a smaller set of documents.
Revision - Displays the current revision number of the selected document or documents.
You will receive an error message if you attempt to change the value in this field when you
have selected one or more documents that have conflicting revision schemes or different
possible revisions. The error message prompts you to select a smaller set of documents.
Revision Scheme - Displays the revision scheme applied to the selected document or
You will receive an error message indicating that this field cannot be edited if one or more
of the documents that you have selected are not new or will have a revision scheme supplied by
the authoring tool. The error message prompts you to select a smaller set of documents.
Version - Indicates the current version of the document or documents.
Workflow - Indicates the workflow to which the selected document or documents are assigned.
Publish Type - Allows SmartPlant 3D users to publish all data in a 3D model or only the
changes to the model since the last successful publish. The Changes Only option publishes
only the changes in the 3D model since the last successful publish. Select All to publish all
filtered data in the 3D model, even if it is unchanged. If the 3D model has not been published
before, the software automatically selects All and performs a complete publish to ensure all
filtered data is published and loaded into SmartPlant Foundation.
You will receive an error message indicating that this field cannot be edited if one or more
of the documents that you have selected have conflicting sets of possible workflows. The error
message prompts you to select a smaller set of documents.
Check and publish released claims for previously deleted items - Specifies that you want to
resolve issues where deleted items were restored from an earlier version and the claim on them
was released. This check takes additional time and should only be used when deleted items
have been restored. This option is not supported in this release.
This check box should also be activated when publishing after a backup is restored or
when releasing the claim on an object forces another tool to release the claim on a related
object that was previously deleted. In this specific case, the tool fetches the object from As-Built
again and releases the claim.
Operation - Specifies the operation to perform on the selected documents.
 Publish - Selected documents are published immediately.
 Background publish - Selected documents are published immediately as a separate
process, allowing you to perform other tasks at the same time.
 Scheduled publish - Selected documents are published in the batch mode by the authoring
tool. This option is available only for tools that support batch mode and are processed by the
authoring tool, not the SmartPlant Client. The documents are not published immediately.
Instead, the selected documents are scheduled for publish at a later time and may be
scheduled as a recurring operation.
If the software cannot make a SmartPlant Foundation server connection when you
use Scheduled Publish, you are prompted to provide a valid SmartPlant Foundation login
and password.
Custom - If applicable, opens the Custom dialog box. This functionality is available only if
defined by your project implementation team.
See Also
Publish documents (on page 208)
Find Documents to Publish (on page 215)

Reports User's Guide 213

Publishing Documents

Publish (on page 204)

Document Properties Dialog Box (on page 214)

Issue Request Tab (Publish Dialog Box)

Displays the documents associated with a specific issue request and allows you to add
documents to or remove documents from a request.
Selected documents - Displays a list of the documents selected for publishing. You must
populate this list by selecting documents in the Management Console or Detail View before
you use the Publish command. For each document, this list displays the name, the type of
document, the workflow from which the document was last published, the revision and version
numbers, the revision scheme, and the date when the document was last published.
Engineering Tool - Opens a dialog box to select documents to add to the Selected
documents list. This option is not supported in this release.
File System - Opens a standard Microsoft dialog box that allows you to select documents to
add to the Selected documents list. When you select a file with this Select File dialog box, the
Document Properties dialog box appears, allowing you to specify information about the file,
such as whether it is a new file; the category, type, and subtype of the document; and the name,
description, and title of the document.
Find - Opens the Find Documents to Publish dialog box, which allows you to search for
documents to add to the Selected documents list.
Issue to - Contains a list of all objects (contracts) that can support issue requests. When you
select an item from this list, the names of any documents associated with that object appear in
the table.
Add - Creates a new item in the table for any documents highlighted in the Selected
documents tree view.
Remove - Deletes a selected document from the table.
Document Name - Displays the names of all documents associated with the object in the Issue
to field.
See Also
Publish documents (on page 208)
Find Documents to Publish (on page 215)
Publish (on page 204)
Document Properties Dialog Box (on page 214)

Document Properties Dialog Box

Provides details about a new or existing document selected for publishing. You can access this
dialog box using the following procedure:
1. Click File System on the Publish Dialog Box (on page 212). A Microsoft standard Select
File dialog box appears.
2. Select a file to display the Document Properties dialog box and specify information about
the file.
An asterisk (*) next to a field indicates that the field must be completed before the OK
button will be enabled.
Selected file - Displays the name of the file that you selected on the Select File dialog box.
New document - Indicates that this document has not previously been published.
Published previously - Indicates that the file has already been published at least once before.
Document category - Select the category for the document.

214 Reports User's Guide

Publishing Documents

Document type - Select the type of document. The options that appear in this list are
determined by the selection that you make in the Document category field.
Document subtype - If applicable, select the subtype for the document. The options that
appear in this list are determined by the selection that you make in the Document type field.
Name - Enter the name of the file as it will be known in the integrated environment.
Descriptions - Enter a brief description of the file. This description appears later to help you
recognize the file.
Title - Enter the official title of the document.
See Also
Find Documents to Publish Dialog Box (on page 216)
Publish Dialog Box (on page 212)
Issue Request Tab (Publish Dialog Box) (on page 214)
Publish Tab (Publish Dialog Box) (on page 212)

Find Documents to Publish

Generates a list of documents that either have not been published or have been modified and
need to be published again or have been deleted since the last publish. The command is found
on the SmartPlant menu in the Drawings and Reports task.
This command can also be accessed from using the Find button on the Publish tab of the
Publish dialog box. For more information, see Publish Tab (Publish Dialog Box) (on page 212).
Documents must be up-to-date, and the required Discipline property must be defined in order
for the documents to be available for publishing. An error message displays if one or more of the
documents found by the Find Documents to Publish command do not meet this criterion. All
items matching the publish criteria continue through the process. For more information on
setting the appropriate properties, see Set properties for publishing documents (on page 205).
For more information on updating documents, see Updating Documents (on page 90).
The SmartPlant > Find Documents to Publish command looks for the following:
 Documents created but never published
 Documents modified since their last publish
 Documents deleted after being published
The command looks for documents that need to be republished in the active WBS project. For
example, if Project A is the active project, the Find Documents to Publish command looks for
documents in Project A only. You set the active WBS project in the Active Project box on the
main toolbar. For more information, see Manage Projects (on page 217).
Find Documents to Publish Dialog Box (on page 216)

Reports User's Guide 215

Publishing Documents

Find documents to publish

Documents must be up-to-date, and the required Discipline property must be defined in order
for the documents to be available for publishing. An error message displays if one or more of the
documents found by the Find Documents to Publish command do not meet this criterion. For
more information on setting the appropriate properties, see Set properties for publishing
documents (on page 205). For more information on updating documents, see Updating
Documents (on page 90).
1. From the Drawings and Reports task, click SmartPlant > Find Documents to Publish.

 This command is available only if you have registered the model using the SmartPlant
Registration Wizard.
 This feature is also available by clicking the Find button on the Publish dialog box.
 The Find Documents to Publish command determines which documents need to be
published or re-published and displays the results of the search in the Find Documents
to Publish dialog box.
2. From the Select documents to publish list, check the boxes corresponding to the
documents that you want to publish.
You can quickly select the entire list by clicking Select All, or you can clear the entire
list by clicking Clear All.
3. Click OK to accept the selections. The documents selected for publishing now appear in the
Documents to Publish list on the Publish dialog box and can be saved by publishing the
documents. For more information, see Publish documents (on page 208).

Find Documents to Publish Dialog Box

Allows you to search for documents that have been updated since they were last published.
Additionally, you can use this dialog box to terminate documents that were previously published
but no longer exist in the authoring tool. You can access the Find Documents to Publish
dialog in two ways:
 Select SmartPlant > Find Documents to Publish.
 Click Find on the Publish command dialog box.
Last Published - Displays the date when the files were last searched. The information
appearing in the lists on this dialog box was found on this specified date and time. This option is
not available in the current release.
Update - Displays the Update dialog box, which allows you to define new search criteria for
finding documents to publish. This option is not available in the current release.
Select documents to publish - Displays a list of files that were either updated since they were
last published or files that have not yet been published. For each file, this list displays the file
name and type, and the date on which the document was last published. If the file has not been
published, the Last Published field for the document is New.
Select documents to terminate - Displays a list of the files that were previously published but
have since been removed from the project. For each file, this list box displays the file name and
type, and the date on which the document was last published.
Select All - Selects all of the files in the associated list of documents.
Clear All - Clears any selected documents in the associated list.

216 Reports User's Guide

Publishing Documents

See Also
Publishing Documents (on page 201)
Find Documents to Publish (on page 215)
Publish Tab (Publish Dialog Box) (on page 212)

Manage Projects
The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) project is shown in the dropdown at the upper left-hand
corner of the Drawings and Reports task window, next to the Permission Group dropdown. It
shows the current active project.

In the Common task, you can create new WBS items and projects or edit existing ones. For
more information, see the Common User's Guide.
You use projects in conjunction with publishing. The active project must be set before using the
Final Publish command on the SmartPlant menu.
See Also
Publishing Documents (on page 201)
Select Active Project Dialog Box (on page 217)

Select Active Project Dialog Box

Specifies the active project. You can access the Select Active Project dialog box by clicking
More in the Active Project box on the main toolbar. You define whether you want to look in the
local Workspace or in the Database for the project by selecting the options at the top of the
dialog box. The project hierarchy updates with the selection of the option.
See Also
Manage Projects (on page 217)

Reports User's Guide 217

Publishing Documents

218 Reports User's Guide


Appendix: Troubleshooting Drawings

and Reports
This section describes Drawings and Reports error levels and error logging. You can use log
files to review activities and errors that occur when working with the software.

Error Levels
You can specify the settings for drawings error logging by modifying switches in the
registry. For more information, contact Intergraph Support Services. You can find support
information on our web site at http://support.intergraph.com (http://support.intergraph.com/).
Generally speaking, the larger the number for the error level, the more exhaustive is the logging
of errors. The error levels are:
1 - General user error. This is the default level. At this level, log files only contain error
messages for certain anticipated error conditions (such as a missing filter or a missing view
style), as well as some unanticipated error messages.
101 - Development-specific error level. At this level, log files include everything from the
previous error level, as well as certain development-specific error or informational messages.
201 - General Information. At this level, log files include everything from the previous error
levels, as well as informational messages about what projects and methods are being called.
251 - Batch Information. At this level, log files include everything from the previous error levels,
as well as special batch-specific informational messages.
999 - Exhaustive. At this level, log files contain all informational and error messages.

 When the error level is set to 999, the error log files can become very large.
 You can also run the [Product Folder]\Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin\ErrorLogEnable.exe tool
to enable detailed error logging in the SP3DErrors.log.

Log Files
There are three categories of orthographic drawings error log files. These files are all located in
the user's temporary (Temp) folder. For example, your Temp folder might be located at
C:\Documents and Settings\login name\Local Settings\Temp.
You can enter %Temp% in the Address box at the top of Windows Explorer to go to your
Temp location.
The log files are:
 %TEMP%\Drawings.log and %TEMP\Errors.log - General purpose error log file. Most of the
errors encountered in Drawings and Reports are logged here.
 %TEMP%\Drawings_Batch.log - The batch service-specific error log file. Any errors or
information messages related to the batch service are found here.
 %TEMP%\DwgBatchServer_< Process ID >_< yyyy_mm_dd_hh_nn_ss >.log - The batch
server-specific error log files. Any errors or information messages related to the batch
servers are found here.

Reports User's Guide 219

Appendix: Troubleshooting Drawings and Reports

 %TEMP%\DwgBatchTier_< Process ID >_< yyyy_mm_dd_hh_nn_ss >.log - The batch

tier-specific error log files. Any errors or information messages related to the batch tier
services are found here.
 Generation-time error logs (for example, error log files generated during a drawing update
operation). You can easily view these files by right-clicking a drawing in the software and
selecting View Log on the shortcut menu.
The Temp location also includes .xml files. The software creates one .xml file for each
graphical view in a drawing as it processes the drawing.

Out of Memory Tips

If you are receiving Out of Memory errors when processing very large drawings, check the
 Set the Intersection Edges option in the view style to Off. Sometimes, this option is set to
High Resolution for large drawings. High Resolution is typically useful for drawings of one
object, such as a hanger drawing or an equipment drawing, where you want to see detail
such as the coped intersection of a nozzle with a tank cylinder. If you have this option set
high in a large plan drawing, then the software examines every small beam, cylinder, or nut
and tries to draw coped intersections or rounded edges in the webs. This operation uses a
lot of time and memory.
 Make sure the Preserve Z Order option in the view style is turned off unless you really need
it. A case where you might need it is in a cable tray drawing where trays are stacked or
crossing in plan. However, for most drawings, this setting just leads to increased processing
time and high memory usage for little gain.
 Make sure multiple aspects have not been chosen in the VHL graphic rules.
 If the computer is running the XP operating system and has 3+ GB of memory, but you have
not turned on the 3 GB memory switch in the boot.ini file, the software will not take
advantage of the extra memory. Also, setting the page file to 4 GB and using the 3 GB
switch, regardless of the memory available on the computer, can also help.
 If you have a computer with at least 4 GB of memory, use it as your batch server and make
sure the timeout value is not set too low (the default is 40 minutes). The Batch timeout
property is available on the Drawing Sheet General Properties dialog box and on the
Properties dialog box (Style tab). You can set a different value for each drawing. Batch
updates done with Batch services do not respect this timeout value.
 If you have a very large session active in the host and then update a drawing, the update
process starts at the large memory usage in the active session. So, if you limit your
workspace to a very small set of objects or even one object, the update process has a better
chance of succeeding. If you use batch updates instead of local updates, workspace is not
an issue.
 Decrease the Flush Threshold setting (the default is 2000). This setting is available on the
Drawing View Properties dialog box for a view in a composed drawing. In some instances,
increasing the number may help. During the update process, the Drawings software asks
Core for the monikers of all the objects it has to process. Core passes in the monikers and
Drawings binds them, thus using memory. The software binds up to 2000 of the objects
before it releases the memory and grabs the next 2000. If you reduce this number, say in
increments of 500, the memory gets released much more often and can lead to a successful
update. It is an iterative process to figure out a good number. This value should be from 5 to
5000 with a default of 2000.
 Set the Geometry Validation setting to ON (the default is OFF). This setting is available on
the Drawing View Properties dialog box for a view in a composed drawing. If the drawing
has SAT or DGN files, there are sometimes many invalid geometry errors that can use
increasing amounts of memory. With this setting as On, the software analyzes geometry,

220 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Troubleshooting Drawings and Reports

then discards and does not draw invalid geometry, thus freeing up resources and reducing
update time. The caveat is that the drawing may not be 100% accurate because invalid
geometries may represent legitimate items but are removed from the drawing. If the
reference file is there just as background, this situation might be acceptable.
 In general, you should not place huge SAT files as equipment shapes. If you must place
them as shapes, break them into smaller files.
 The range inside reference files should be kept as small as possible. For example, if the file
contains a pipe rack far away from the global origin, place the file in the model and then
move it to the appropriate position.

Isometric Drawings
The isometric drawing log files reside at the location specified in your Temp environment
variable. For example, the path to the log might be C:\Documents and Settings\login name\Local
You can view message files (.mes), piping component files (.pcf), and .xml files for the isometric
drawing generation process.

VHL Precision
Objects can be displayed as Vector Hidden Line (VHL). There can be instances when you may
want the hidden line information for a model. For example, it may be useful to know how the
edges in the hidden line view are occluded. In general, VHL Precision should not be set, unless
you have some parts in the model that have been modeled with a precision different from rest of
the system. The values you can set impact the VHL calculations. The VHL Precision setting
must be a positive number between 0.001 and 0.000001. This setting is available on the
Drawing View Properties dialog box for a view in a composed drawing.

This variable exports XML settings to the location specified in your Temp environment variable.
An XML file contains the name of the isometric view style currently being used. This information
can be used to troubleshoot isometric drawing settings.
The XML file containing the isometric view style will be approximately 27 KB in size.
The ISOKEEPFILES variable is not a Drawings and Reports setting, it is a System Properties
1. Click Start and right-click My Computer.
2. Select Properties.
3. Select the Advanced tab.
4. Click Environment Variables.
The Temp environment variable is listed under User variables for username. If you are
unsure of where your Temp folder is, the location is noted in this box.
5. On the Environment Variables dialogue box, select New under the System variables box.
6. Enter ISOKEEPFILES in the Variable box and enter YES in the Value box.
7. Click OK.
You must set this variable before entering Drawings and Reports and creating the
isometric drawings.

Reports User's Guide 221

Appendix: Troubleshooting Drawings and Reports

The log file for reports (SP3DReports.log) resides at the location specified in your Temp
environment variable. For example, the path to the log might be C:\Documents and
Settings\login name\Local Settings\Temp.
See Also
Drawings and Reports (on page 49)
Troubleshooting Linked Servers (on page 222)

Troubleshooting Linked Servers

If your Site/Catalog/Plant database server is different from your Reports database server, you
can use linked servers for communication between the data sources. However, if linked servers
are not configured correctly, the login may fail when you run queries against a linked server.
For linked servers to work correctly, the following must be true:
 The database link must be created on the Site/Catalog/Plant database server, not the
Reports database server.
 The linked server must support Windows Authentication Mode.
 A user must be connected to SQL Server using Windows Authentication Mode on both
 Security account delegation must be available on the client and the sending server.
For more information about setting up linked servers, see Microsoft SQL Server documentation.
See Also
Appendix: Troubleshooting Drawings and Reports (on page 219)

222 Reports User's Guide


Appendix: Report Descriptions

This appendix describes the delivered SmartPlant 3D reports and the attributes included with
each report. Also included is the default directory location for each report.

3Way Diverter Valve (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of 3Way Diverter Valves to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\3Way
Diverter Valve folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 223

Appendix: Report Descriptions

3Way Diverter Valve tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

224 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#
Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#

Angle Control Valve (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Angle Control Valves to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Angle
Control Valve folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Reports User's Guide 225

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Angle Control Valve tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#

226 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#

Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#

Auto Material Description Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of automatic material description rules to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Auto Material Description Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Reports User's Guide 227

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Auto Material Description Rule tab

Piping Component Type #PGDB::PipingComponentType#
Termination Class #PGDB::TerminationClass#
Material Description Label Name #PGDB::MatlDescLabelName#
Material Spec Label Name #PGDB::MatlSpecLabelName#

Auto WBS Creation Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of automatic WBS (Work Breakdown System) creation rules to be used for
review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Auto WBS Creation Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Auto WBS Creation Rule tab

Rule Name #PGDB::RuleName#
WBS Grouping #PGDB::WBSGrouping#
Create Exclusive WBS Item #PGDB::CreateExclusiveWBSItem#
Label Name #PGDB::LabelName#
Object Filter Name #PGDB::ObjectFilterName#
Auto WBS Grouping Rule #PGDB::AutoWBSGroupingRuleType#
Control Point Sub Type #PGDB::ControlPointSubType#
Max Number Of Objects #PGDB::MaxNumberOfObjects#
Respect Assembly Boundaries #PGDB::RespectAssemblyBoundaries#
Pull In Associated Items #PGDB::PullInAssociatedItems#
Include Assemblies #PGDB::IncludeAssemblies#
Ignore Boundaries #PGDB::IgnoreBoundaries#

228 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Basket Strainer 2 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Basket Strainers to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Basket
Strainer2 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Basket Strainer2 tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#

Reports User's Guide 229

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#

Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#

230 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#

Str Diameter #PartData::[lbl_StrDiameter]#
End Diameter #PartData::[lbl_EndDiameter]#
Basket End Diameter #PartData::[lbl_BasketEndDiameter]#
Basket Length #PartData::[lbl_BasketLength]#
Collar Thickness #PartData::[lbl_CollarThickness]#
Arm Length #PartData::[lbl_ArmLength]#
Str Width #PartData::[lbl_StrWidth]#
Cylinder Length #PartData::[lbl_CylinderLength]#

Bend Radius Multiplier Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Bend Radius Multiplier rules to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Bend Radius Multiplier Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Bend Radius Multiplier Rule tab

Nominal Piping Diameter #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Pipe Bend Radius Multiplier #PGDB::PipeBendRadiusMultiplier#
Absolute Pipe Bend Radius #PGDB::AbsolutePipeBendRadius#

Bends (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts)

Creates a report of cable tray bends - 90/60/45/30 degree, horizontal and vertical - to be used
for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts\Bends folder.

Reports User's Guide 231

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name
The part classes names (PartClassName) associated with this report definition are:
CT90HBend CT60HBend CT45HBend CT30HBend
CT90VIBend CT90VOBend CT60VIBend CT60VOBend
CT45VIBend CT45VOBend CT30VIBend CT30VOBend

AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

CableTray_Bends tab
Part Class Type CableTrayClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Part Number #PartData::PartNumber#
Part Description #PartData::PartDescription#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Material #PartData::Material#
Tray Type #PartData::TrayType#
Component Type #PartData::ComponentType#
Length #PartData::[lbl_Length]#
Load Span Classification #PartData::LoadSpanClassification#

232 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Rung Spacing #PartData::RungSpacing#

Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Replacement Part Number #PartData::ReplacementPartNumber#
Nominal Width #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth]#
Nominal Depth #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth]#
Reducing Size #PartData::ReducingSize#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Nominal Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth1]#
Nominal Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth1]#
Actual Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth1]#
Actual Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth1]#
Load Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth1]#
Load Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth1]#
Nominal Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth2]#
Nominal Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth2]#
Actual Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth2]#
Actual Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth2]#
Load Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth2]#
Load Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth2]#

Blind End Plate (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of cable tray blind end plates to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts\BlindEndPlate folder.

Reports User's Guide 233

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Blind End Plate tab

Part Class Type CableTrayClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Part Number #PartData::PartNumber#
Part Description #PartData::PartDescription#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Material #PartData::Material#
Tray Type #PartData::TrayType#
Component Type #PartData::ComponentType#
Length #PartData::[lbl_Length]#
Load Span Classification #PartData::LoadSpanClassification#
Rung Spacing #PartData::RungSpacing#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#

234 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Replacement Part Number #PartData::ReplacementPartNumber#
Nominal Width #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth]#
Nominal Depth #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth]#
Reducing Size #PartData::ReducingSize#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Nominal Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth1]#
Nominal Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth1]#
Actual Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth1]#
Actual Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth1]#
Load Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth1]#
Load Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth1]#

Bolt Commodity Code Subst Rule (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Bolt Commodity Code Subst rules to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Bolt Commodity Code Subst Rule

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Bolt Commodity Code Subst Rule tab

Contractor Commodity Code #PGDB::ContractorCommodityCode#
Bolt Diameter #PGDB::BoltDiameter#
Bolt Length #PGDB::BoltLength#
Bolt Commodity Code #PGDB::BoltCommodityCode#

Reports User's Guide 235

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Bolt Diameter Equivalence Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Bolt Diameter Equivalence rules to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Bolt Diameter Equivalence Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Bolt Diameter Equivalence Rule tab

Bolt Diameter in Primary Units #PGDB::BoltDiameterInPrimaryUnits#
Primary Units Of Measure #PGDB::PrimaryUnitsOfMeasure#
Bolt Diameter In Secondary Units #PGDB::BoltDiameterInSecondaryUnits#
Secondary Units Of Measure #PGDB::SecondaryUnitsOfMeasure#

Bolt Extension (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Bolt Diameter Equivalence rules to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Bolt Extension folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

236 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Bolt Extension tab

Nominal Piping Diameter #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Pressure Rating #PGDB::PressureRating#
End Preparation #PGDB::EndPreparation#
End Standard #PGDB::EndStandard#
Standard Bolt Extension For Studs #PGDB::[lbl_StandardBoltExtensionForStuds]#
Alt Bolt Extension For Studs 2 #PGDB::[lbl_AltBoltExtensionForStuds2]#
Alt Bolt Extension for Studs 3 #PGDB::[lbl_AltBoltExtensionForStuds3]#
Alt Bolt Extension for Studs 4 #PGDB::[lbl_AltBoltExtensionForStuds4]#
Alt Bolt Extension for Studs 5 #PGDB::[lbl_AltBoltExtensionForStuds5]#
Alt Bolt Extension for Studs 6 #PGDB::[lbl_AltBoltExtensionForStuds6]#
Standard Bolt Ext For Mach Bolts #PGDB::[lbl_StandardBoltExtForMachBolts]#
Alt Bolt Extension For Mach Bolts 2 #PGDB::[lbl_AltBoltExtensionForMachBolts2]#
Alt Bolt Extension For Mach Bolts 3 #PGDB::[lbl_AltBoltExtensionForMachBolts3]#
Alt Bolt Extension For Mach Bolts 4 #PGDB::[lbl_AltBoltExtensionForMachBolts4]#
Alt Bolt Extension For Mach Bolts 5 #PGDB::[lbl_AltBoltExtensionForMachBolts5]#
Alt Bolt Extension For Mach Bolts 6 #PGDB::[lbl_AltBoltExtensionForMachBolts6]#

Bolt Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping)

Creates a report of bolt part data to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
No inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Bolt Part Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Bolt Part Data tab

Industry Commodity Code #BPD::IndustryCommodityCode#
Bolt Type #BPD::BoltType#
Geometric Industry Standard #BPD::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Materials Grade #BPD::MaterialsGrade#
Coating Type #BPD::CoatingType#

Reports User's Guide 237

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Bolt Selection Filter For Nozzles (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Bolt Selection Filters for Nozzles to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Bolt Selection Filter For Nozzles folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Bolt Selection Filter For Nozzles tab

Equipment Tag Number #PGDB::EquipmentTagNumber#
Nozzle Tag Number #PGDB::NozzleTagNumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PGDB::ContractorCommodityCode#
Bolting Requirements #PGDB::BoltingRequirements#
Quantity Of Cap Screws #PGDB::QuantityOfCapScrews#
Cap Screw Contractor Cmdty Code #PGDB::CapScrewContractorCmdtyCode#
Cap Screw Diameter #PGDB::[lbl_CapScrewDiameter]#
Tapped Hole Depth #PGDB::[lbl_TappedHoleDepth]#
Bolt Extension Option #PGDB::BoltExtensionOption#
Fabrication Category #PGDB::FabricationCategory#
Supply Responsibility #PGDB::SupplyResponsibility#
Comments #PGDB::Comments#
Lubrication Requirements #PGDB::LubricationRequirements#

Bonding Jumper (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of cable tray bonding jumpers to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts\BondingJumper folder.

238 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Bonding Jumper tab

Part Class Type CableTrayClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Part Number #PartData::PartNumber#
Part Description #PartData::PartDescription#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Material #PartData::Material#
Tray Type #PartData::TrayType#
Component Type #PartData::ComponentType#
Length #PartData::[lbl_Length]#
Load Span Classification #PartData::LoadSpanClassification#
Rung Spacing #PartData::RungSpacing#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#

Reports User's Guide 239

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Replacement Part Number #PartData::ReplacementPartNumber#
Associated Part Number #PartData::AssociatedPartNumber#
Quantity of Associated Part #PartData::QuantityOfAssociatedParts#
Reducing Size #PartData::ReducingSize#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#

Box Connector (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of cable tray box connectors to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts\BoxConnector folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

240 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

BoxConnector tab
Part Class Type CableTrayClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Part Number #PartData::PartNumber#
Part Description #PartData::PartDescription#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Material #PartData::Material#
Tray Type #PartData::TrayType#
Component Type #PartData::ComponentType#
Length #PartData::[lbl_Length]#
Load Span Classification #PartData::LoadSpanClassification#
Rung Spacing #PartData::RungSpacing#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Replacement Part Number #PartData::ReplacementPartNumber#
Nominal Width #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth]#
Nominal Depth #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth]#
Reducing Size #PartData::ReducingSize#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Nominal Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth1]#
Nominal Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth1]#
Actual Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth1]#
Actual Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth1]#
Load Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth1]#
Load Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth1]#
Nominal Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth2]#
Nominal Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth2]#
Actual Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth2]#
Actual Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth2]#

Reports User's Guide 241

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Load Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth2]#

Load Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth2]#

Bubble Detector (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Bubble Detectors to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Bubble
Detector folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Bubble Detector tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Instrument Length
OA:Instrument Width
OA:Instrument Height
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#

242 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#

Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Instrument Length1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentLength1]#
Instrument Diameter #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentDiameter]#

Reports User's Guide 243

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Butterfly Valve Elec (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Butterfly Valves Elec to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Butterfly
Valve Elec folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Butterfly Valve Elec tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#

244 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#

Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Reports User's Guide 245

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Butterfly Valve On Off V (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Butterfly Valves On Off V to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Butterfly
Valve On Off V folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Butterfly Valve On Off V tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#

246 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#

Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Reports User's Guide 247

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Cable Tray Specifications (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of Cable Tray specifications to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Specifications folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

CabelTray Spec tab

Spec Name #Data::SpecName#
Manufacturer #Data::Manufacturer#
Material #Data::Material#
Tray Type #Data::TrayType#
Rung Spacing #Data::[lbl_RungSpacing]#
Load Span Classification #Data::LoadSpanClassification#
Description #Data::Description#
Is Tray Specification #Data::IsTraySpecification#
Default Bend Radius #Data::[lbl_DefaultBendRadius]#
Preferred Gap #Data::PreferredGap#
Tray Length #Data::[lbl_TrayLength]#
T2T ConnPart1 Comp Type #Data::T2TConnPart1CompType#
T2T ConnPart1 Comp Qty #Data::T2TConnPart1CompQty#
T2T ConnPart2 Comp Type #Data::T2TConnPart2CompType#
T2T ConnPart2 Comp Qty #Data::T2TConnPart2CompQty#
T2T ConnPart3 Comp Type #Data::T2TConnPart3CompType#
T2T ConnPart3 Comp Qty #Data::T2TConnPart3CompQty#
T2F ConnPart1 Comp Type #Data::T2FConnPart1CompType#
T2F ConnPart1 Comp Qty #Data::T2FConnPart1CompQty#
T2F ConnPart2 Comp Type #Data::T2FConnPart2CompType#
T2F ConnPart2 Comp Qty #Data::T2FConnPart2CompQty#
T2F ConnPart3 Comp Type #Data::T2FConnPart3CompType#
T2F ConnPart3 Comp Qty #Data::T2FConnPart3CompQty#
F2F ConnPart1 Comp Type #Data::F2FConnPart1CompType#
F2F ConnPart1 Comp Qty #Data::F2FConnPart1CompQty#
F2F ConnPart2 Comp Type #Data::F2FConnPart2CompType#

248 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

F2F ConnPart2 Comp Qty #Data::F2FConnPart2CompQty#

F2F ConnPart3 Comp Type #Data::F2FConnPart3CompType#
F2F ConnPart3 Comp Qty #Data::F2FConnPart3CompQty#

Calculation ProgIDs (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Calculation ProgIDs to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Calculation ProgIDs folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Calculation ProgIDs tab

Design Standard #PGDB::DesignStandard#
Wall Thickness ProgID #PGDB::WallThicknessProgID#
Branch Reinforcement ProgID #PGDB::BranchReinforcementProgID#

Cap Screw Length Calc Tolerance Rule (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Cap Screw Length Calc Tolerance Rules to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Cap Screw Length Calc Tolerance
Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Reports User's Guide 249

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Cap Screw Length Calc Tolerance Rule tab

Bolt Length From #PGDB::[lbl_BoltLengthFrom]#
Bolt Length To #PGDB::[lbl_BoltLengthTo]#
Bolt Diameter From #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterFrom]#
Bolt Diameter To #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterTo]#
Bolt Length Tolerance #PGDB::[lbl_BoltLengthTolerance]#

Commodity Material Control Data (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Conduit)
Creates a report of conduit commodity material control data to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Commodity Material Control Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

ConduitCommodityMatlControlData tab
Contractor Commodity Code #PartData::ContractorCommodityCode#
First Size From #PartData::FirstSizeFrom#
First Size To #PartData::FirstSizeTo#
First Size Units #PartData::FirstSizeUnits#
Second Size From #PartData::SecondSizeFrom#
Second Size To #PartData::SecondSizeTo#
Second Size Units #PartData::SecondSizeunits#
Second Size To #PartData::SecondSizeTo#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Client Commodity Code #PartData::ClientCommodityCode#
Short Material Description #PartData::ShortMaterialDescription#
Localized Short Material Desc #PartData::LocalizedShortMaterialDesc#
Long Material Description #PartData::LongMaterialDescription#
Vendor #PartData::Vendor#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Fabrication #PartData::FabricationType#
Supply Responsibility #PartData::SupplyResponsibility#
Reporting Type #PartData::ReportingType#

250 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Quantity of Reportable Parts #PartData::QuantityOfReportableParts#

Gasket Requirements #PartData::GasketRequirements#
Bolting Requirements #PartData::BoltingRequirements#
Loose Material Requirements #PartData::LooseMaterialRequirements#
Subst Cap Screws Quantity #PartData::SubstCapScrewsQuantity#
Subst Cap Screw Cntr Commodity Code #PartData::SubstCapScrewCntrCommodityCode#
Subst Cap Screw Diameter #PartData::SubstCapScrewDiameter#
Tapped Hole Depth #PartData::TappedHoleDepth#
Valve Operator Type #PartData::ValveOperatorType#
Valve Operator Geo Ind Std #PartData::ValveOperatorGeoIndStd#
Valve Operator Catalog Part Number #PartData::ValveOperatorCatalogPartNumber#
Reportable Commodity Code #PartData::ReportableCommodityCode#
Hyperlink To Electronic Vendor #PartData::HyperlinkToElectronicVendor#

Component Insulation Exclusion Rule (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Insulation Data)
Creates a report of Component Insulation Exclusion Rule to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Insulation Data\Component Insulation Exclusion
Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Component Insulation Exclusion Rule tab

Piping Commodity Type #PGDB::PipingCommodityType#
First Size From #PGDB::[lbl_Density]#
First Size To #PGDB::FirstSizeTo#
First Size Units #PGDB::FirstSizeUnits#
Second Size From #PGDB::SecondSizeFrom#
Second Size To #PGDB::SecondSizeTo#
Second Size Units #PGDB::SecondSizeUnits#
Multi size Option #PGDB::MultisizeOption#
Heat Tracing Medium #PGDB::HeatTracingMedium#
Insulation Purpose #PGDB::InsulationPurpose#
Insulation Temperature From #PGDB::InsulationTemperatureFrom#
Insulation Temperature To #PGDB::InsulationTemperatureTo#

Reports User's Guide 251

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Conductivity Sensor (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Conductivity Sensors to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Conductivity
Sensor folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Conductivity Sensor tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#

252 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#

Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#

Reports User's Guide 253

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Conduit 45 Degree Elbow (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of conduit 45 degree elbows to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts\Conduit 45 Degree Elbow folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

CustomInterfaces tab
AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Conduit 45 Degree Elbow tab

Part Class Type ConduitComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#

254 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#

Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#

Reports User's Guide 255

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Conduit 90 Degree Elbow (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of conduit 90 degree elbows to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts\Conduit 90 Degree Elbow folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

CustomInterfaces tab
AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Conduit 90 Degree Elbow tab

Part Class Type ConduitComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#

256 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#

Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#

Reports User's Guide 257

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Conduit Coupling (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of conduit couplings, adapters, allied couplings and connectors to be used for
review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts\Conduit Coupling folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name
The part class names (PartClassName) associated with this report definition are: ConduitCPL,
AlliedConnector, Allied Coupling, and ConduitAdapter.

CustomInterfaces tab
AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

258 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Conduit Coupling tab

Part Class Type ConduitComponentClass
Symbol Definition SP3DConduitCoupling.CCoupling
User Class Name Conduit Coupling
Occurrence Class Name Conduit Coupling
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#

Reports User's Guide 259

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Conduit Plug (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of conduit plugs or caps to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts\Conduit Plug folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name
The part class names (PartClassName) associated with this report definition are: ConduitPlug
and ConduitCap.

CustomInterfaces tab
AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

260 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Conduit Plug tab

Part Class Type ConduitComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Face to End #PartData::[lbl_FacetoEnd]#

Reports User's Guide 261

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Conduit Pullbox (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of conduit pullboxes to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts\Conduit Pullbox folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

CustomInterfaces tab
AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Conduit Pullbox tab

Part Class Type ConduitComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#

262 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#

Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#
Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Piping Point Basis[4] #PartData::PipingPointBasis4#
Id[4] #PartData::Id4#
End Preparation[4] #PartData::EndPreparation4#
End Standard[4] #PartData::EndStandard4#
Schedule Thickness[4] #PartData::ScheduleThickness4#
Piping Point Basis[5] #PartData::PipingPointBasis5#
Id[5] #PartData::Id5#
End Preparation[5] #PartData::EndPreparation5#
End Standard[5] #PartData::EndStandard5#
Schedule Thickness[5] #PartData::ScheduleThickness5#
Piping Point Basis[6] #PartData::PipingPointBasis6#
Id[6] #PartData::Id6#
End Preparation[6] #PartData::EndPreparation6#
End Standard[6] #PartData::EndStandard6#

Reports User's Guide 263

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Schedule Thickness[6] #PartData::ScheduleThickness6#

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Npd[4] #PartData::Npd4#
Npd Unit Type[4] #PartData::NpdUnitType4#
Npd[5] #PartData::Npd5#
Npd Unit Type[5] #PartData::NpdUnitType5#
Npd[6] #PartData::Npd6#
Npd Unit Type[6] #PartData::NpdUnitType6#
Elec Equipment Length #PartData::[lbl_ElecEquipmentLength]#
Elec Equipment Height #PartData::[lbl_ElecEquipmentHeight]#
Elec Equipment Width #PartData::[lbl_ElecEquipmentWidth]#

Conduit Reducer (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of conduit reducers to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts\Conduit Reducer folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

CustomInterfaces tab
AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

264 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions


Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Conduit Reducer tab

Part Class Type ConduitComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 265

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Conduit Reducing Tee (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of conduit reducing tees to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts\Conduit Reducing Tee folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

CustomInterfaces tab
AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

266 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

ConduitTRB tab
Part Class Type Ind
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#

Reports User's Guide 267

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#

Conduit Stock (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of conduit stock to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts\Conduit Stock folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

CustomInterfaces tab
AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

268 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Conduit Stock tab

Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
First Size Schedule #PartData::FirstSizeSchedule#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Density #PartData::[lbl_Density]#
Purchase Length #PartData::[lbl_PurchaseLength]#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#

Conduit Tangent Elbow (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of conduit tangent elbows to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts\Conduit Tangent Elbow folder.

Reports User's Guide 269

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

CustomInterfaces tab
AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Conduit Tangent Elbow tab

Part Class Type ConduitComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#

270 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#

Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#

Conduit Tee (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of conduit tees to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts\Conduit Tee folder.

Reports User's Guide 271

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

CustomInterfaces tab
AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Conduit Tee tab

Part Class Type ConduitComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#

272 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#

Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#
Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#

Reports User's Guide 273

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Conduit Union (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of conduit unions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts\Conduit Union folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

CustomInterfaces tab
AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Conduit Union tab

Part Class Type ConduitComponentClass
Symbol Definition SP3DConduitUnion.CUnion
User Class Name Conduit Union
Occurrence Class Name Conduit Union
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#

274 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#

Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Union Diameter #PartData::[lbl_UnionDiameter]#

Reports User's Guide 275

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Conservation Vent (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Conservation Vents to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part
Data\Conservation Vent folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Conservation Vent tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#

276 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#

Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Instrument Height1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight1]#
Instrument Length #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentLength]#

Reports User's Guide 277

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Contractor Commodity Code Rules (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Commodity Code Rules)
Creates a report of piping contractor commodity code rules for improved integration. This report
is be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Commodity Code Rules\Contractor Commodity
Code Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Formats tab
Property Name #Formats::PropertyName#
Property Sequence #Formats::PropertySequence#
Number of Characters #Formats::NoOfChars#

Industry Practice Properties tab

Identifies the industry practice properties addressed by this report - Pressure Rating, Schedule
Thickness, Materials Grade, and Geometric Industry Standard.

Bolt Coating tab

BoldCoatingCodelistNumber #BoltCoating::CodelistValue#
BoltCoatingChars #BoltCoating::Code#
BoltCoatingValue #BoltCoating::ShortValue#

Bolt Diameter tab

BoltDiameterChars #BoltDiameter::Code#
BoltDiameterValue #BoltDiameter::StringValue#

278 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Bolt Length tab

BoltLengthChars #BoltLength::Code#
BoltLengthValue #BoltLength::StringValue#

Bolt Set Quantity tab

Bolt Set Quantity Chars #BoltSetQuantity::Code#
BoltSetQuantityValue #BoltSetQuantity::IntegerValue#

Bolt Type tab

BoltTypeCodelistNumber #BoltType::CodelistValue#
BoltTypeChars #BoltType::Code#
BoltTypeValue #BoltType::ShortValue#

EndPreparation tab
EndPreparationCodelistNumber #EndPreparation::CodelistValue#
EndPreparationChars #EndPreparation::Code#
EndPreparationValue #EndPreparation::ShortValue#

Flange Face Surface Finish tab

FlangeFaceSurfaceFinishCodelistNumber #FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish::CodelistValue#
FlangeFaceSurfaceFinishChars #FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish::Code#
FlangeFaceSurfaceFinishValue #FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish::ShortValue#

Gasket Thickness tab

GasketThicknessChars #GasketThickness::Code#
GasketThicknessValue #GasketThickness::StringValue#

Gasket Type tab

GasketTypeCodelistNumber #GasketType::CodelistValue#
GasketTypeChars #GasketType::Code#
GasketTypeValue #GasketType::ShortValue#

Geometric Industry Practice tab

GeometricIndustryPracticeCodelistNumber #GeometricIndustryPractice::CodelistValue#
GeometricIndustryPracticeChars #GeometricIndustryPractice::Code#
GeometricIndustryPracticeValue #GeometricIndustryPractice::ShortValue#

Reports User's Guide 279

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Geometric Industry Standard_UM tab

GeometricIndustryStandardChars #GeometricIndustryStandard_UM::Code#
GeometricIndustryStandardValue #GeometricIndustryStandard_UM::ShortValue#

Geometric Industry Standard_US tab

GeometricIndustryStandardChars #GeometricIndustryStandard_US::Code#
GeometricIndustryStandardValue #GeometricIndustryStandard_US::ShortValue#

Lining Material tab

LiningMaterialCodelistNumber #LiningMaterial::CodelistValue#
LiningMaterialChars #LiningMaterial::Code#
LiningMaterialValue #LiningMaterial::ShortValue#

Manufacturing Method tab

ManufacturingMethodCodelistNumber #ManufacturingMethod::CodelistValue#
ManufacturingMethodChars #ManufacturingMethod::Code#
ManufacturingMethodValue #ManufacturingMethod::ShortValue#

MaterialsGrade_BS tab
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeCodelistNumber #MaterialsGrade_BS::CodelistValue#
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeChars #MaterialsGrade_BS::Code#
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeValue #MaterialsGrade_BS::ShortValue#

MaterialsGrade_US tab
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeCodelistNumber #MaterialsGrade_US::CodelistValue#
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeChars #MaterialsGrade_US::Code#
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeValue #MaterialsGrade_US::ShortValue#

Nipple or Purchase Length tab

NippleorPurchaseLengthChars #NippleorPurchaseLength::Code#
NippleorPurchaseLengthValue #NippleorPurchaseLength::StringValue#

280 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Nut Type tab

NutTypeCodelistNumber #NutType::CodelistValue#
NutTypeChars #NutType::Code#
NutTypeValue #NutType::ShortValue#

Pressure Rating_DN tab

PressureRatingCodelistNumber #PressureRating_DN::CodelistValue#
PressureRatingChars #PressureRating_DN::Code#
PressureRatingValue #PressureRating_DN::ShortValue#

Pressure Rating_US tab

PressureRatingCodelistNumber #PressureRating_US::CodelistValue#
PressureRatingChars #PressureRating_US::Code#
PressureRatingValue #PressureRating_US::ShortValue#

Piping Commodity Type tab

PipingCommodityTypeCodelistNumber #PCT::CodelistValue#
PipingCommodityTypeChars #PCT::Code#
PipingCommodityTypeValue #PCT::ShortValue#

Requisition Classification tab

RequisitionClassificationCodelistNumber #RequisitionClassification::CodelistValue#
RequisitionClassificationChars #RequisitionClassification::Code#
RequisitionClassificationValue #RequisitionClassification::ShortValue#

Surface Preparation tab

SurfacePreparationCodelistNumber #SurfacePreparation::CodelistValue#
SurfacePreparationChars #SurfacePreparation::Code#
SurfacePreparationValue #SurfacePreparation::ShortValue#

Valve Manufacturer and Model No tab

ValveManufacturerandModelNumberChars #ValveManufacturerandModelNo::Code#
ValveManufacturerandModelNumberValue #ValveManufacturerandModelNo::ShortValue#

Reports User's Guide 281

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Trim tab

ValveTrimCodelistNumber #ValveTrim::ValveTrimCodelistNumber#
ValveTrimChars #ValveTrim::Code#
Valve Trim Value #ValveTrim::ShortValue#

Washer Thickness tab

WasherThicknessChars #WasherThickness::Code#
WasherThicknessValue #WasherThickness::StringValue#

Washer Type tab

WasherTypeCodelistNumber #WasherType::CodelistValue#
WasherTypeChars #WasherType::Code#
WasherTypeValue #WasherType::ShortValue#

Cross (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts)

Creates a report of cable tray crosses and reducing crosses to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts\Crosses folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name
The part class names (PartClassName) associated with this report definition are CTCross and

AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

282 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

CableTray_Cross tab
Part Class Type CableTrayClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Part Number #PartData::PartNumber#
Part Description #PartData::PartDescription#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Material #PartData::Material#
Tray Type #PartData::TrayType#
Component Type #PartData::ComponentType#
Length #PartData::[lbl_Length]#
Load Span Classification #PartData::LoadSpanClassification#
Rung Spacing #PartData::RungSpacing#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Replacement Part Number #PartData::ReplacementPartNumber#
Nominal Width #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth]#
Nominal Depth #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth]#
Reducing Size #PartData::ReducingSize#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Nominal Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth1]#
Nominal Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth1]#
Actual Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth1]#
Actual Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth1]#
Load Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth1]#
Load Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth1]#
Nominal Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth2]#
Nominal Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth2]#
Actual Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth2]#
Actual Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth2]#

Reports User's Guide 283

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Load Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth2]#

Load Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth2]#
Nominal Width[3] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth3]#
Nominal Depth[3] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth3]#
Actual Width[3] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth3]#
Actual Depth[3] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth3]#
Load Width[3] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth3]#
Load Depth[3] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth3]#
Nominal Width[4] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth4]#
Nominal Depth[4] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth4]#
Actual Width[4] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth4]#
Actual Depth[4] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth4]#
Load Width[4] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth4]#
Load Width[4] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth4]#

Default Change Of Direction (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Default Change Of Direction to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Default Change Of Direction folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Default Change Of Direction tab

Bend Angle From #PGDB::[lbl_BendAngleFrom]#
Bend Angle To #PGDB::[lbl_BendAngleTo]#
Functional Short Code #PGDB::FunctionalShortCode#

284 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Default Commodity Selection Rule (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Conduit)
Creates a report of conduit default commodity selection rules to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\DefaultCommoditySelectionRule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

ConduitDefaultCmdtySlcnRule tab
FeatureType #Data::FeatureType#
Generic Short Code #Data::GenericShortCode#

Default Project Options (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of Default Project Options to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Default Project Options folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Reports User's Guide 285

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Default Project Options tab

Industry Commodity Code Option #PartData::IndustryCommodityCodeOption#
Olet Branch Ownership Option #PartData::OletBranchOwnershipOption#
Stud Bolt Length Round Off Option #PartData::StudBoltLengthRoundOffOption#
Stud Bolt Length Round Off Value #PartData::[lbl_StudBoltLengthRoundOffValue]#
Mach Bolt Length Round Off Value #PartData::[lbl_MachBoltLengthRoundOffValue]#
Cap Screw Length Round Off Option #PartData::CapScrewLengthRoundOffOption#
Cap Screw Length Round Off Value #PartData::[lbl_CapScrewLengthRoundOffValue]#
Cap Screw Engagement Cap #PartData::[lbl_CapScrewEngagementGap]#
Nut Creation Option #PartData::NutCreationOption#
Washer Creation Option #PartData::WasherCreationOption#
Piping Commodity Override Option #PartData::PipingCommodityOverrideOption#
Piping Bend Radius Multipier Option #PartData::PipeBendRadiusMultiplierOption#
Minimum Plate Flange Thickness #PartData::[lbl_MinimumPlateFlangeThickness]#
Density Of Water #PartData::[lbl_DensityOfWater]#
Pipe Bend Radius By User Option #PartData::PipeBendRadiusByUserOption#
Bolt Length Calculation Option #PartData::BoltLengthCalculationOption#
Piping Cmdty Ctlg Part No Basis Opt #PartData::PipingCmdtyCtlgPartNoBasisOpt#
Piping Cmdty Procurement Data Opt #PartData::PipingCmdtyProcurementDataOpt#
Bolt Diameter Equivalence Option #PartData::BoltDiameterEquivalenceOption#
Gskt Sln For Mismatch Bltd Ends Opt #PartData::GsktSlnForMismatchBltdEndsOpt#
Undefined Service Limits rule Opt #PartData::UndefinedServiceLimitsruleOpt#
Mach Bolt Length Round Off Option #PartData::MachBoltLengthRoundOffOption#
Name #PartData::Name#
Description #PartData::Description#
Hyperlink to Human Spec #PartData::HyperlinkToHumanSpec#
Default Industry Practice #PartData::DefaultIndustryPractice#
Cmdty Code Dependence On Schedule #PartData::CmdtyCodeDependenceOnSchedule#
Auto Ind Cmdty Cd Creation Option #PartData::AutoIndCmdtyCdCreationOption#
Auto Branch Data Creation Option #PartData::AutoBranchDataCreationOption#
Spec Or Catalog Verification Opt #PartData::SpecOrCatalogVerificationOpt#
Non Radl Tangtl Branch OD Multiplier #PartData::NonRadlTangtlBranchODMultplier#
Non Radl Offset Branch OD Multiplier #PartData::NonRadlOffsetBranchODMultplier#
Bolt Cmdty Code Expn Subst Option #PartData::BltCmdtyCodeExpnSubstOption#
Default Pipe Bending Machine Num #PartData::DefaultPipeBendingMachineNum#
Header Branch Size Basis Option #PartData::HeaderBranchSizeBasisOption#
Piping Specification Notes Option #PartData::PipingSpecificationNotesOption#
Commodity Code Builder Option #PartData::CommodityCodeBuilderOption#
Material Desc Builder Option #PartData::MaterialDescBuilderOption#
Piping Spec Ver Management Option #PartData::PipingSpecVerManagementOption#
Purchase Length Basis Option #PartData::PurchaseLengthBasisOption#

286 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Gasket Selection Based On Fluid Code #PartData::GasketSelBasedOnFluidCode#

Diagnostic 3D Grouped by Description and Discipline

To Do list items are listed with status, state, and user information, grouped by their problem note
and their discipline.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Diagnostic\3D To
Do List Entries Grouped\3D To Do List Entries Grouped.rtp folder.
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Total #ToDoList::Count#
Note #ToDoList::Note#
Discipline #ToDoList::Discipline#p

Diagnostic 3D To Do List Entries

To Do list items are listed with status, state, and user information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Diagnostic\3D To
Do List Entries\3D To Do List Entries.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Discipline #ToDoList::Discipline#
Note #ToDoList::Note#
Object Name #ToDoList::ObjectName#
Permission Group #ToDoList::PermissionGroup#
Approval Status #ToDoList::ApprovalStatus#
State #ToDoList::State#
Changed By #ToDoList::UserLogin#
Date Modified #ToDoList::TodoDate#

Diagnostic Clean Database Issues (Diagnostic)

Objects, along with their first relations, are listed with various error properties.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Diagnostic\Diagnostic Clean Database Issues\Diagnostic Clean Database Issues.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Name (Or Class Name) – Name of the object in error. If the object does not have a name or
has been deleted, the class username is provided. #Error::ObjectName#

Reports User's Guide 287

Appendix: Report Descriptions

First Relations – Displays the first relations of the object in error. If the object does not exist
except in a relationship, you can identify it by using the userclass name of the objects on the
other side of the relationship. #Error::First Relations#
DataStore – Displays the object where the error is found. Values include: Site, Model, and
Catalog. #Error::DataStore#
In Todo List – Specifies if the object in error has a To Do record associated with
it. #Error::InToDoList#
State – Displays the object in error. Values include: Active, Deleted, and Not
found. #Error::State#
Approval – Displays the status of the object in error. Values include: Working, In Review,
Rejected, and Approved. #Error::ApprovalStatus#
OID – The Unique Indentifier (in space and time)of the object in error. #Error::OID#
Permission Group – Displays the group where in object was last
modified. #Error::PermissionGroup#
Date Created - Creation date of the object in error. #Error::ObjectDateCreated#
Date Modified – Last modification date of the object in error. #Error::ObjectDateModified#
Date Deleted – Displays the date the object was deleted. Values include: Approval, PG, Date
created, and Modified are Nulls. #Error::DeletedDate#
Deleted by – Displays the name of the person who deleted the object in
error. #Error::DeletedBy#
Application – Displays the name of the application that reported and qualified the
error. #Error::ApplicationUserName#
Owner – Displays the name of the owner of the object in error. #Error::ClassOwnerApplication#
Status – Displays the status of the error. Values include: New, Existing, No longer exists, and
Fixed. #Error::Status#
Severity – Displays the severity of the error. Values include: Fatal, Crucial, High, and
Normal. #Error::Severity#
Date Created – Date the error was created. #Error::ErrorDateCreated#
Date Updated – Displays the last modification date of the error. #Error::ErrorDateModified#
Action to take – Values include: No Action and To be Removed. #Error::ActionToTake#
Problem Description – Displays a description of the error. #Error::ProblemDescription#

Diagnostic Clean Database Issues Grouped by

Problem Description (Diagnostic)
Objects, along with their first relations, are grouped by problem description and listed with
various error properties.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Diagnostic\Diagnostic Clean Database Issues Grouped by Problem
Description\Diagnostic Database Issues Grouped by Description.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
DataStore #Error::DataStore#

288 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

In Todo List #Error::InToDoList#

Application #Error::ApplicationUserName#
Status #Error::Status#
Severity #Error::Severity#
Action to take #Error::ActionToTake#
Problem Description #Error::ProblemDescription#
Total #Error::Count#

Diagnostic Clean Database Issues Grouped by Status

Objects, along with their first relations, are grouped by status and listed with various error
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Diagnostic\Diagnostic Clean Database Issues Grouped by Status\Diagnostic Clean
Database Issues Grouped by Status.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Name (Or Class Name) – Name of the object in error. If the object does not have a name or
has been deleted, the class username is provided. #Error::ObjectName#
First Relations – Displays the first relations of the object in error. If the object does not exist
except in a relationship, you can identify it by using the userclass name of the objects on the
other side of the relationship. #Error::First Relations#
DataStore – Displays the object where the error is found. Values include: Site, Model, and
Catalog. #Error::DataStore#
In Todo List – Specifies if the object in error has a To Do record associated with
it. #Error::InToDoList#
State – Displays the object in error. Values include: Active, Deleted, and Not
found. #Error::State#
Approval – Displays the status of the object in error. Values include: Working, In Review,
Rejected, and Approved. #Error::ApprovalStatus#
OID – The Unique Indentifier (in space and time)of the object in error. #Error::OID#
Permission Group – Displays the group where in object was last
modified. #Error::PermissionGroup#
Date Created - Creation date of the object in error. #Error::ObjectDateCreated#
Date Modified – Last modification date of the object in error. #Error::ObjectDateModified#
Date Deleted – Displays the date the object was deleted. Values include: Approval, PG, Date
created, and Modified are Nulls. #Error::DeletedDate#
Deleted by – Displays the name of the person who deleted the object in
error. #Error::DeletedBy#
Application – Displays the name of the application that reported and qualified the
error. #Error::ApplicationUserName#
Owner – Displays the name of the owner of the object in error. #Error::ClassOwnerApplication#

Reports User's Guide 289

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Status – Displays the status of the error. Values include: New, Existing, No longer exists, and
Fixed. #Error::Status#
Severity – Displays the severity of the error. Values include: Fatal, Crucial, High, and
Normal. #Error::Severity#
Date Created – Date the error was created. #Error::ErrorDateCreated#
Date Updated – Displays the last modification date of the error. #Error::ErrorDateModified#
Action to take – Values include: No Action and To be Removed. #Error::ActionToTake#
Problem Description – Displays a description of the error. #Error::ProblemDescription#

Diagnostic Clean Database Issues with Column

Filters (Diagnostic)
Objects, along with their first relations, are listed with various error properties with column
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Diagnostic\Diagnostic Clean Database Issues with Column Filters\Clean Database
Issues Column Filtered.rtp
Name (Or Class Name) #Error::ObjectName#
DataStore #Error::DataStore#
State #Error::State#
OID #Error::OID#
Date Created #Error::ObjectDateCreated#
Date Deleted #Error::DeletedDate#
First Relations #Error::First Relations#
In Todo List #Error::InToDoList#
Approval #Error::ApprovalStatus#
Permission Group #Error::PermissionGroup#
Date Modified #Error::ObjectDateModified#
Deleted by #Error::DeletedBy#
Application #Error::ClassOwnerApplication#
Status #Error::Severity#
Dated Created #Error::ErrorDateModified#
Action to take #Error::ProblemDescription#
Owner #Error::ApplicationUserName#
Severity #Error::Status#
Date Updated #Error::ErrorDateCreated#
Problem Description #Error::ActionToTake#

290 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Diagnostic General Statistics on Modeling Activity

Objects are listed and sorted by creation date, deletion data, and untouched duration.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Diagnostic\General statistics on Modeling Activity\General statistics on Modeling
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Create Objects (Heading)
Date #Created::Date#
DBType #Created::DBType#
Count #Created::Count#
Deleted Objects (Heading)
Date #Deleted::Date#
DBType #Deleted::DBType#
Count #Deleted::Count#
Untouched Objects Since (Heading)
Date #Untouched::Date#
Days #Untouched::Days#
DBType #Untouched::DBType#
Count #Untouched::Count#

Diagnostic Interference Checking (Diagnostic)

Interferences are listed with the corresponding two guilty parts and the required action.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Diagnostic\Interference Checking\Interference Checking.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
General Settings (Heading)
IFC Server #ServerAndProject::Server#
Interference Permission Group #ServerAndProject::Project#
Clearance rule is used #ServerAndProject::UseClearance#
Required – Required is processed #ServerAndProject::RequiredRequired#
Required – Optional is procesed #ServerAndProject::RequiredOptional#
Optional – Optional is processed #ServerAndProject::OptionalOptional#
Aspects Settings #Setting::AspectCode#
Part A
Name #Interference::PartA#

Reports User's Guide 291

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Aspect #Interference::AspectA#
Modified #Interference::Date Modified A#
Part B
Name #Interference::PartB#
Aspect #Interference::AspectB#
Modified #Interference::Date Modified B#
Required Action #Interference::FoulStatus#
Created #Interference::Date Detected#
X #Interference::FoulPositionX#
Y #Interference::FoulPositionY#
Z #Interference::FoulPositionZ#
Notes #Interference::Remark#

Diagnostic Interference Checking with System Names

Interferences are listed with the corresponding two guilty parts and the required action.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Diagnostic\Interference Checking\Interference Checking with System Names.rtp
The difference between this report and the Diagnostic Interference Checking report is that the
Diagnostic Interference Checking with System Names report uses labels to add the parent
system to the object names. The labels output the object name and system. If accessing
MicroStation or PDS elements, the object name expands to include the reference file name.
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
General Settings (Heading)
IFC Server #ServerAndProject::Server#
Interference Permission Group #ServerAndProject::Project#
Clearance rule is used #ServerAndProject::UseClearance#
Required – Required is processed #ServerAndProject::RequiredRequired#
Required – Optional is procesed #ServerAndProject::RequiredOptional#
Optional – Optional is processed #ServerAndProject::OptionalOptional#
Aspects Settings #Setting::AspectCode#
Part A
Name #Interference::PartA#
Aspect #Interference::AspectA#
Modified #Interference::Date Modified A#
Part B
Name #Interference::PartB#
Aspect #Interference::AspectB#

292 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Modified #Interference::Date Modified B#

Required Action #Interference::FoulStatus#
Created #Interference::Date Detected#
X #Interference::FoulPositionX#
Y #Interference::FoulPositionY#
Z #Interference::FoulPositionZ#
Notes #Interference::Remark#

Diagnostic P&ID Correlated 3D Objects (Diagnostic)

3D objects are listed with corresponding status, P&ID item name, and P&ID drawing number.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Diagnostic\P&ID
Correlated 3D Objects\P&ID Correlated 3D Objects.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
3D Item Name #CorrelatedObject::3DObject#
Correlation Status #CorrelatedObject::CorrelationStatus#
P&ID Item Name #CorrelatedObject::PIDObject#
P&ID Drawing Number #CorrelatedObject::PIDDrawing#

Diagnostic P&ID Non-Correlated Objects (Diagnostic)

P&ID objects are listed with corresponding P&ID drawing numbers.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Diagnostic\P&ID
Non-Correlated Objects\P&ID Non- Correlated Objects.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Item Name
P&ID Drawing Number

Reports User's Guide 293

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Diagnostic Piping Commodity Specifications

List all items in a particular piping specification.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Diagnostic\Piping
Commodity Specifications\Piping Commodity Specifications.rtp
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Short Code #PartSpec::ShortCode#
Option Code #PartSpec::OptionCode_ShortValue#
Multi-Size #PartSpec::MultiSizeOption#
First Size
From #PartSpec::FirstSizeFrom#
To #PartSpec::FirstSizeTo#
Units #PartSpec::FirstSizeUnits#
Schedule #PartSpec::FirstSizeSchedule_ShortValue#
Second Size
From #PartSpec::SecondSizeFrom#
To #PartSpec::SecondSizeTo#
Units #PartSpec::SecondSizeUnits#
Schedule #PartSpec::SecondSizeSchedule_ShortValue#
Engineering Tag #PartSpec::EngineeringTag#
Commodity Code #PartSpec::CommodityCode#
Selection Basis
Index #PartSpec::SelectionBasis#
Short String #PartSpec::SelectionBasis_ShortValue#
Description #PartSpec::ShortMaterialDescription#
Valve Operator
Type #PartSpec::ValveOperatorType_ShortValue#
Part Number #PartSpec::ValveOperatorCatalogPartNumber#
BendRadius Multiplier #PartSpec::BendRadiusMultiplier#

294 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Diagnostic SmartPlant To Do List (Diagnostic)

Tasks are listed by action with corresponding source and property information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Diagnostic\SmartPlant To Do List\SmartPlant To Do List.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Task (Heading)
Action #Create::Action#, #Modify::Action#
ItemType #Create::ItemType#, #Modify::ItemType#
Item Tag #Create::3DItemTag#, #Modify::3DItemTag#
Creation Date #Create::CreationDate#, #Modify::CreationDate#
User #Create::User#, #Modify::User#
Status #Create::Status#, #Modify::Status#
Source (Heading)
Doc Type #Create::SourceDocType#, #Modify::SourceDocType#
Doc Name #Create::SourceDocName#, #Modify::SourceDocName#
Item Tag #Create::SourceItemTag#, #Modify::SourceItemTag#
Properties (Heading)
Name #Modify::PropName#
Source Value #Modify::SourceValue#
Target Value #Modify::3DValue#

Diagnostic ToDoList Include Second Class Objects

Creates a report first and second class to-do list objects.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Diagnostic\Diagnostic ToDoList include second class objects folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Reports User's Guide 295

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Sheet1 tab
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Note #ToDoList::Note#
Object Name #ToDoList::ObjectName#
Permission Group #ToDoList::PermissionGroup#
Approval Status #ToDoList::ApprovalStatus#
State #ToDoList::State#
Changed By #ToDoList::UserLogin#
Date Modified #ToDoList::TodoDate#

Diagnostic User Access Rights (Diagnostic)

Users are listed per database with access and permission group information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Diagnostic\User
Access Rights\User Access Rights.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Data Base #ProjectManagement::DBType#
Folder #ProjectManagement::Folder#
Permission Group #ProjectManagement::Permissiongroup#
User #ProjectManagement::User#
Access Right #ProjectManagement::AccessRight#
Location #ProjectManagement::PGLocation#

Diagnostic WorkShare Management (Diagnostic)

Model databases are listed with information such as location, site server, naming string, and
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Diagnostic\WorkShare Management\WorkShare Management.rtp
Plant #WorkShare::Plant#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Location #WorkShare::Location#
Location ID #WorkShare::LocationID#
Site Server #WorkShare::SiteServer#
Naming String #WorkShare::NamingString#
DB Type #WorkShare::DBType#
Data Database #WorkShare::Data#
Meta Database #WorkShare::MetaData#

296 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

DIN Wall Thickness Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of DIN wall thickness data to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\DIN Wall Thickness Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

DIN Wall Thickness Data tab

First Size #DWTD::FirstSize#
First Size Units #DWTD::FirstSize#
Second Size #DWTD::SecondSize#
Second Size Units #DWTD::SecondSizeUnits#
Multi Size Option #DWTD::MultiSizeOption#
Geometric Industry Standard #DWTD::GeometricIndustryStandard#
First Size Schedule #DWTD::FirstSizeSchedule#
Second Size Schedule #DWTD::SecondSizeSchedule#
Wall Thickness For Port 1 #DWTD::[lbl_WallThicknessForPort1]#
Reinforced Wall Thickness For Port 1 #DWTD::[lbl_ReWallThicknessForPort1]#
Wall Thickness For Port 2 #DWTD::[lbl_WallThicknessForPort2]#
Reinforced Wall Thickness For Port 2 #DWTD::[lbl_ReWallThicknessForPort2]#
Wall Thickness For Port 3 #DWTD::[lbl_WallThicknessForPort3]#
Reinforced Wall Thickness For Port 3 #DWTD::[lbl_ReWallThicknessForPort3]#
Wall Thickness for Port 4 #DWTD::[lbl_WallThicknessForPort4]#
Reinforced Wall Thickness For Port 4 #DWTD::[lbl_ReWallThicknessForPort4]#
Wall Thickness For Port 5 #DWTD::[lbl_WallThicknessForPort5]#
Reinforced Wall Thickness For Port 5 #DWTD::[lbl_ReWallThicknessForPort5]#

Reports User's Guide 297

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Direction Change Fittings (Catalog Parts)

[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Catalog
Parts\Direction Change Fittings\Direction Change Fittings.rtp
Commodity Code #Branch Fittings::Commodity Code#
Material cl #Branch Fittings::Material cl#
Material #Branch Fittings::Material#
Material Category #Branch Fittings::Material Category#
GIS cl #Branch Fittings::GIS cl#
Geo Ind Std #Branch Fittings::Geo Ind Std#
Short Material Description #Branch Fittings::Short Material Description#
Commodity Type #Branch Fittings::Commodity Type#
Piping Commodity Type #Branch Fittings::Piping Commodity Type#
Port 1
Pressure #Branch Fittings::End Prep 1#
End Prep cl #Branch Fittings::End Prep 1 cl#
End Prep #Branch Fittings::End Prep 1#
End Std cl #Branch Fittings::End Std 1 cl#
End Std #Branch Fittings::End Std 1#
Schedule #Branch Fittings::Schedule 1#
Port 2
Pressure #Branch Fittings::Pressure 2#
End Prep cl #Branch Fittings::End Prep 2 cl#
End Prep #Branch Fittings::End Prep 2#
End Std cl #Branch Fittings::End Std 2 cl#
End Std #Branch Fittings::End Std 2#
Schedule #Branch Fittings::Schedule 2#
NPD 1 #Branch Fittings::NPD 1#
Unit 1 #Branch Fittings::Unit 1#
NPD 2 #Branch Fittings::NPD 2#
Unit 2 #Branch Fittings::Unit 2#
Face to Center #Branch Fittings::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#

Electrical CableTray Material Take-Off (Electrical)

Creates a report of cable tray material take-off parts to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\CableTray Material Take-Off folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#

298 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Part Number #CableTray::PartNumber#
Part Description #CableTray::PartDescription#
Nominal Width #FormattingUOM::{Width}# #CableTray::[WidthFormatted]#
Nominal Depth #FormattingUOM::{Depth}# #CableTray::[DepthFormatted]#
Reducing Size #FormattingUOM::{ReducingSize}# #CableTray::[ReducingSizeFormatted]#
Bend Radius #FormattingUOM::{BendRadius}# #CableTray::[outElectrical CableTray Bend
Manufact. #CableTray::Manfacturer#
Rung Spacing #FormattingUOM::{RungSpacing}# #CableTray::[RungSpacingFormatted]#
Divider Part No. #CableTray::DividerPartNumber#
Cover Part No. #CableTray::CoverPartNumber#
Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}# #CableTray::[WeightFormatted]#
Total Quantity #FormattingUOM::{Length}# #CableTray::[Quantity]#

Electrical Cableway Fill Sorted by Hanger Name

Creates a report of cableway fills sorted by hanger name to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cableway Fill Sorted by Hanger Name folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Hanger Name #Cable::Hanger Name#
X-Position (m) #Cable::LocationX#
Y-Position (m) #Cable::LocationY#
Z-Position (m) #Cable::LocationZ#
Length (m) #Cable::Length#
No. of Cables #Cable::No. Cables at Hanger#
Total Wire Area (m ) #Cable::Total Wire Area#
Raceway Trade Size #Cable::Raceway Trade Size#
Total Traverse Area (m ) #Cable::Total Traverse Area#
Allowable Traverse Area (m ) #Cable::Allowable Traverse Area#
Available Traverse Area (m ) #Cable::Available Traverse Area#

Reports User's Guide 299

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Raceway Fill Status #Cable::Fill Status#

Percent Full #Cable::Percent Full#

Electrical Cableway Fill Sorted by Hanger Name

Cable is listed by name with corresponding hanger name. It shows position and length
information, raceway information and several area calculations. Percent full also displays.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cableway Fill Sorted by Hanger Name\Cableway Fill Sorted by Hanger
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Hanger Name #Cable::Hanger Name#
X-Position (m) #Cable::LocationX#
Y-Position (m) #Cable::LocationY#
Z-Position (m) #Cable::LocationZ#
Length (m) #Cable::Length#
No. of Cables #Cable::No. Cables at Hanger#
Total Wire Area (m²) #Cable::Total Wire Area#
Raceway Trade Size #Cable::Raceway Trade Size#
Total Traverse Area (m²) #Cable::Total Traverse Area#
Allowable Traverse Area (m²) #Cable::Allowable Traverse Area#
Available Traverse Area (m²) #Cable::Available Traverse Area#
Raceway Fill Status #Cable::Fill Status#
Percent Full #Cable::Percent Full#

Electrical Cableway Fill Sorted by Key Hanger Name

Creates a report of cable way fills sorted by key hanger names to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cableway Fill Sorted by Key Hanger Name folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#

300 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Key Hanger #Cable::Hanger Name#
X-Position (m) #Cable::LocationX#
Y-Position (m) #Cable::LocationY#
Z-Position (m) #Cable::LocationZ#
Length (m) #Cable::Length#
No. of Cables #Cable::No. Cables at Hanger#
Total Wire Area (m ) #Cable::Total Wire Area#
Raceway Trade Size #Cable::Raceway Trade Size#
Total Traverse Area (m ) #Cable::Total Traverse Area#
Allowable Traverse Area (m ) #Cable::Allowable Traverse Area#
Available Traverse Area (m ) #Cable::Available Traverse Area#
Raceway Fill Status #Cable::Fill Status#
Percent Full #Cable::Percent Full#

Electrical Cableway Fill Sorted by Key Hanger Name

Cable is listed by name with corresponding key hanger name. It shows position and length
information, raceway information and several area calculations. Percent full also displays.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cableway Fill Sorted by Key Hanger Name\Cableway Fill Sorted by Key
Hanger Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Hanger Name #Cable::Hanger Name#
X-Position (m) #Cable::LocationX#
Y-Position (m) #Cable::LocationY#
Z-Position (m) #Cable::LocationZ#
Length (m) #Cable::Length#
No. of Cables #Cable::No. Cables at Hanger#
Total Wire Area (m²) #Cable::Total Wire Area#
Raceway Trade Size #Cable::Raceway Trade Size#
Total Traverse Area (m²) #Cable::Total Traverse Area#
Allowable Traverse Area (m²) #Cable::Allowable Traverse Area#
Available Traverse Area (m²) #Cable::Available Traverse Area#
Raceway Fill Status #Cable::Fill Status#
Percent Full #Cable::Percent Full#

Reports User's Guide 301

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Electrical Cabling Fill Sorted by Cableway Element

Creates a report of cabling fill sorted by the cableway elements to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cabling Fill Sorted by Cableway Element folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Route Element #Cable::Route Element#
X-Position (m) #Cable::LocationX#
Y-Position (m) #Cable::LocationY#
Z-Position (m) #Cable::LocationZ#
Length (m) #Cable::Length#
No. of Cables #Cable::No. Cables in Segment#
Total Wire Area (m ) #Cable::Total Wire Area#
Raceway Trade Size #Cable::Raceway Trade Size#
Total Traverse Area (m ) #Cable::Total Traverse Area#
Allowable Traverse Area (m ) #Cable::Allowable Traverse Area#
Available Traverse Area (m ) #Cable::Available Traverse Area#
Raceway Fill Status #Cable::Fill Status#
Percent Full #Cable::Percent Full#

Electrical Cabling Fill Sorted by Cableway Element

Cable is listed by name with position and length information, raceway information and several
area calculations.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Electrical\Cabling
Fill Sorted by Cableway Element\Cabling Fill Sorted by Cableway Element.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Route Element #Cable::Route Element#

302 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

X-Position (m) #Cable::LocationX#

Y-Position (m) #Cable::LocationY#
Z-Position (m) #Cable::LocationZ#
Length (m) #Cable::Length#
No. of Cables #Cable::No. Cables In Segment#
Total Wire Area (m²) #Cable::Total Wire Area#
Raceway Trade Size #Cable::Raceway Trade Size#
Total Traverse Area (m²) #Cable::Total Traverse Area#
Allowable Traverse Area (m²) #Cable::Allowable Traverse Area#
Available Traverse Area (m²) #Cable::Available Traverse Area#
Raceway Fill Status #Cable::Fill Status#
Percent Full #Cable::Percent Full#

Electrical Cabling Material Take-Off (Electrical)

Creates a report of cabling MTO to be used for review of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cabling Material Take-Off folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Number #Cable::CableName#
Part Number #Cable::CablePart#
Diameter #FormattingUOM::{Diameter}# #Cable::[outElectrical Cable Diameter]#
Description #Cable::Description#
No. of Conductors #Cable::NoOfConductors#
Size of Conductors #FormattingUOM::{ConductorSize}# #Cable::[outElectrical Cable
Conductor Size]#
Cable Type #Cable::CableType#
Cable Covering #Cable::CableCovering#
Armor Type #Cable::ArmorType#
Power Capacity #FormattingUOM::{Power}# #Cable::[outElectrical Cable Power]#
Temperature Rating #Cable::TempRating#
Voltage Rating #Cable::VoltageRating#
Impedance #FormattingUOM::{Impedance}# #Cable::[outElectrical Cable Impedance]#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}# #Cable::[outElectrical Cable Length]#
Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}# #Cable::[outElectrical Cable Weight]#

Reports User's Guide 303

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Cable Type (Electrical)

Creates a report of cabling sorted by cable type to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cabling Sorted by Cable Type folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Type #Cable::Cable Type#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Diameter (m) #Cable::Diameter#
Part Number #Cable::Part Number#
Description #Cable::Part Description#
No. of Conductors #Cable::No. Conductors#
Originating Device #Cable::From Device#
Terminating Device #Cable::To Device#

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Cable Type (Electrical)

Cable types are listed with cable information such as diameter, number of conductors, and
from/to devices.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Electrical\Cabling
Sorted by Cable Type\Cabling Sorted by Cable Type.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Type #Cable::Cable Type#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Diameter (m) #Cable::Diameter#
Part Number #Cable::Part Number#
Description #Cable::Part Description#
No. of Conductors #Cable::No. Conductors#
Originating Device #Cable::From Device#
Terminating Device #Cable::To Device#

304 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Cableway Element

Creates a report of cabling sorted by cableway elements to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cabling Sorted by Cableway Element folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Element #Cable::Route Element#
X Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
#Cable::[outElectrical Cable Position X (East)]#
Y Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
#Cable::[outElectrical Cable Position Y (North)]#
Z Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
#Cable::[outElectrical Cable Position Z (Up)]#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}# #Cable::[outElectrical Cable Length]#

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Cableway Element

Cable is listed by name with position and length information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Electrical\Cabling
Sorted by Cableway Element\Cabling Sorted by Cableway Element.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Element #Cable::Route Element#
X Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
#Cable::[outElectrical Cable Position X (East)]#
Y Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
#Cable::[outElectrical Cable Position Y (North)]#
Z Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
#Cable::[outElectrical Cable Position Z (Up)]#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}#

Reports User's Guide 305

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Cable::[outElectrical Cable Length]#

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Electrical System Name

Creates a report of cabling parts sorted by the electrical system name to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cabling Sorted by Electrical System Name folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Electrical System #Cable::Cable System#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Cable Type #Cable::Cable Type#
Diameter #Cable::Diameter#
Part Number #Cable::Part Number#
Description #Cable::Part Description#
No. of Conductors #Cable::No. Conductors#
Originating Device #Cable::From Device#
Terminating Device #Cable::To Device#

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Electrical System Name

Electrical systems are listed with cable information such as diameter, No. of conductors, and
from/to devices.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Electrical\Cabling
Sorted by Electrical System Name\Cabling Sorted by Electrical System Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Electrical System #Cable::Cable System#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Cable Type #Cable::Cable Type#
Diameter (m) #Cable::Diameter#
Part Number #Cable::Part Number#
Description #Cable::Part Description#

306 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

No. of Conductors #Cable::No. Conductors#

Originating Device #Cable::From Device#
Terminating Device #Cable::To Device#

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Hanger Name (Electrical)

Creates a report of cabling parts sorted by hanger name to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cabling Sorted by Hanger Name folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Hanger Name #Cable::Hanger Name#
X Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #Cable::[LocationTX]#
Y Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #Cable::[LocationTY]#
Z Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #Cable::[LocationTZ]#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}# #Cable::[LengthWithUnits]#

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Hanger Name (Electrical)

Cable is listed with the corresponding hanger name and position/length information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Electrical\Cabling
Sorted by Hanger Name\Cabling Sorted by Hanger Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Hanger Name #Cable::Hanger Name#
X Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}#
Y Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}#
Z Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}#

Reports User's Guide 307

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Key Hanger Name

Creates a report of cabling parts sorted by key hanger name to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cabling Sorted by Key Hanger Name folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Hanger Name #Cable::Hanger Name#
X Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #Cable::[LocationTX]#
Y Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #Cable::[LocationTY]#
Z Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #Cable::[LocationTZ]#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}# #Cable::[LengthWithUnits]#

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Key Hanger Name

Cable is listed with the corresponding key hanger name and position/length information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Electrical\Cabling
Sorted by Key Hanger Name\Cabling Sorted by Key Hanger Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Hanger Name #Cable::Hanger Name#
X Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}#
Y Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}#
Z Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}#

308 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Path Marker Name

Creates a report of cabling parts sorted by the path marker name to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Electrical\Cabling Sorted by Path Marker Name folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Marker Name #Cable::Marker Name#
X Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #Cable::[LocationTX]#
Y Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #Cable::[LocationTY]#
Z Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #Cable::[LocationTZ]#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}# #Cable::[LengthWithUnits]#

Electrical Cabling Sorted by Path Marker Name

Cable is listed with the corresponding marker name and position/length information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Electrical\Cabling
Sorted by Path Marker Name\Cabling Sorted by Path Marker Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Marker Name #Cable::Marker Name#
X Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}#
Y Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}#
Z Position #FormattingUOM::{Location}#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}#

Reports User's Guide 309

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Equipment Finishing Sorted by Equipment Name

Equipment is listed with paint and insulation information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Equipment\Finishing Sorted by Equipment Name\Finishing Sorted by Equipment
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
Filter Name #Equipment::{FilterName}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Filter Location #Equipment::{FilterLocation}#
Filter Description #Equipment::{FilterDescription}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Equipment #Equipment::Equipment#
Paint (Heading)
Requirement #Equipment::PaintRequirement#
Type #Equipment::PaintType#
Color #Equipment::PaintColor#
Insulation (Heading)
Purpose #Equipment::InsulationPurpose_LongString#
#Equipment::[outEquipment Insulation Thickness]#

Equipment Location in WBS Project

Equipment vessels are listed with control point location and corresponding drawing number.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Equipment\Location in WBS Project\Vessel Location in WBS Project.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Filter Name #Vessel Location and Drawing::{FilterName}#
Filter Location #Vessel Location and Drawing::{FilterLocation}#
Filter Description #Vessel Location and Drawing::{FilterDescription}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Equipment #Vessel Location and Drawing::Equipment#
Project #Vessel Location and Drawing::Project#
Control Point Location
E / W #Vessel Location and Drawing::[outEquipment Vessel Occurrence Location X (East)]#
N / S #Vessel Location and Drawing::[outEquipment Vessel Occurrence Location Y (North)]#
Elevation #Vessel Location and Drawing::[outEquipment Vessel Occurrence Location Z (Up)]#
Coordinate Identification

310 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Name #Vessel Location and Drawing::ControlPoint#

Type #Vessel Location and Drawing::Type#

Equipment Location Sorted by Equipment Name Style

1 (Equipment)
Equipment is listed with location, description, permission group, and approval status.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Equipment\Location Sorted by Equipment Name Style 1\Location Sorted by Equipment
Name Style 1.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
Filter Name #Equipment::{FilterName}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Filter Location #Equipment::{FilterLocation}#
Filter Description #Equipment::{FilterDescription}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Equipment #Equipment::Equipment#
Location #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
#Equipment::[outEquipment Occurrence Location]#
Description (General Notes) #Equipment::Description#
Permission Group #Equipment::Project#
Approval Status #Equipment::Status# #Equipment::Diff#

Equipment Location Sorted by Equipment Name Style

2 (Equipment)
Equipment is listed with weight, location, description, and construction information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Equipment\Location Sorted by Equipment Name Style 2\Location Sorted by Equipment
Name Style 2.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Filter Name #Equipment::{FilterName}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Filter Location #Equipment::{FilterLocation}#
Filter Description #Equipment::{FilterDescription}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Equipment #Equipment::Equipment#
Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}#
#Equipment::[outEquipment Combined Wet and Dry Weights]#
Location #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
#Equipment::[outEquipment Occurrence Location]#

Reports User's Guide 311

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description (General Notes) #Equipment::Description#

Construction (Heading)
Requirement #Equipment::ConstructionRequirement#
Type #Equipment::ConstructionType#

Equipment Material Take-Off (Equipment)

Equipment quantities are calculated and shown with part number, class, description and dry
weight. This may be embedded into a drawing.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Equipment\Material Take-Off\Material Take-Off.rtp
Item Number #Equipment::ItemNum#
Qty #Equipment::Total#
Part Number #Equipment::PartNumber#
Part Class #Equipment::PartClass#
Part Description #Equipment::PartDescription#
Dry Weight #Equipment::[outEquipment Dry Weight]#
Dry Weight #Equipment::Diff#

Equipment Nozzle Sorted by Equipment

Equipment is listed with nozzle information such as size, type, orientation and location.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Equipment\Nozzle
Sorted by Equipment\Nozzle Sorted by Equipment.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Distance Units #FormattingUOM::{Location}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Coordinate System #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
Equipment Name #EqpNoz::EqpName#
Equipment Location #EqpNoz::[outEquipment Occurrence Location]#
Nozzle Name #EqpNoz::NozName#
Nozzle Size #EqpNoz::[outEquipment Nozzle NPD]#
Nozzle Type #EqpNoz::Type#
Nozzle Orientation #EqpNoz::[outEquipment Nozzle Orientation]#
Nozzle Location #EqpNoz::[outEquipment Nozzle Location]#

312 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Equipment Piping Trim (Piping)

Creates a report of Equipment Piping Trim to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Piping\Equipment Piping Trim folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Part Oid #PipePart::OID#
Equipment #PipePart::EqpName#
Nozzle #PipePart::NozzleName#
Nozzle NPD #PipePart::[Nozzle NPD Label]#
Pipe Run #PipePart::Run#
Part Description #PipePart::Description#
Category #PipePart::Category#
NPD #PipePart::[Part NPD Label]#
Commodity Code #PipePart::CommodityCode#
Quantity #PipePart::PartNumber#
Total #PipePart::[Quantity Label]#

Solids of Design Equipment with Composite CoG

Creates a report of designed equipment solids with the composite center of gravity.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Equipment\Solids of Design Equipment with Composite CoG folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Filter Name #Solids::{FilterName}#
Filter Location #Solids::{FilterLocation}#
Filter Definition #Solids::{FilterDescription}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Item #Solids::ItemNum#
Designed Equipment #Solids::[DDesignEqpNameFormatted]#
Solid #Solids::Solid Name#

Reports User's Guide 313

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Material Type #Solids::Material Name#

Material Grade #Solids::Material Grade#
Net Volume #Solids::[VolumeFormatted]#
Weight #FormattingUOM::{Dry Weight}# #Solids::[WeightFormatted]#
Center of Gravity #FormattingMatrix::{My TransformA}# #Solids::[COGFormatted]#

Exhaust Head (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Exhaust Heads to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Exhaust Head

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

314 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Exhaust Head tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Reports User's Guide 315

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Exhaust Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ExhaustDiameter]#
Exhaust Height #PartData::[lbl_ExhaustHeight]#
Port V Offset #PartData::[lbl_PortVOffset]#
Port H Offset #PartData::[lbl_PortHOffset]#

Expansion Joint (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Expansion Joint to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Expansion
Joint folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

316 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Expansion Joint tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Reports User's Guide 317

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#

Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Piping Specialty Diameter #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyDiameter]#

Expansion Joint Offset (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Expansion Joint Offset to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Expansion
Joint Offset folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

318 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions


Expansion Joint Offset tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:IJUAComponentOffset::Component Offset <Offset>
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#

Reports User's Guide 319

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#

Field Fit Length (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Field Fit Length to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Field Fit Length folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

320 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Field Fit Length tab

Weld Type #PGDB::WeldType#
Nominal Piping Diameter From #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Construction Requirement End 1 #PGDB::ConstructionRequirementEnd1#
Construction Requirement End 2 #PGDB::ConstructionRequirementEnd2#
Field Fit Length #PGDB::[lbl_FieldFitLength]#

Filter (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered

Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Filters to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Filter folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 321

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Filter tab
Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

322 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Filter Body Height 1 #PartData::[lbl_FilterBodyHeight1]#
Nozzle Offset #PartData::[lbl_NozzleOffset]#
Offset #PartData::[lbl_Offset]#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Flame Arrestor (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Flame Arrestors to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Flame
Arrestor folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Reports User's Guide 323

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Flame Arrestor tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#

324 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#

End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Piping Specialty Height #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyHeight]#

Flared Pipe (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant

Creates a report of Flared Pipe to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Field Fit Length folder.

Reports User's Guide 325

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Flared Pipe tab

Nominal Piping Diameter #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Schedule Thickness #PGDB::ScheduleThickness#
Lap Length #PGDB::[lbl_LapLength]#
Lap Thickness #PGDB::[lbl_LapThickness]#

Flow Magnetic (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Flow Magnetic to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Flow
Magnetic folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

326 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions


Flow Magnetic tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Instrument Length
OA:Instrument Height
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#

Reports User's Guide 327

Appendix: Report Descriptions

End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#

Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Length #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentLength]#
Instrument Width #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentWidth]#
Instrument Height 1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight1]#

Flow Switch (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Flow Switches to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Flow Switch

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

328 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Switch tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Reports User's Guide 329

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Face to End #PartData::[lbl_FacetoEnd]#
Instrument Length #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentLength]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#

Flow Transmitter (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Flow Transmitters to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Flow
Transmitter folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

330 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Transmitter tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 331

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Height1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight1]#
Instrument Height2 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight2]#
Instrument Width #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentWidth]#

Fluid Density Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Fluid Density Rule to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Fluid Density Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Fluid Density Rule tab

Fluid Code #PGDB::FluidCode#
Temperature From #PGDB::[lbl_TemperatureFrom]#
Temperature To #PGDB::[lbl_TemperatureTo]#
Density #PGDB::[lbl_Density]#

Free Vent2 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Free Vents to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Free Vent2

332 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Free Vent2 tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Reports User's Guide 333

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#

Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Piping Specialty Width #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyWidth]#
Piping Specialty Height #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyHeight]#
Vent Angle #PartData::[lbl_VentAngle]#

Full-size Tees and Reducing Tees (Catalog Parts)

[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Catalog
Parts\Full-size Tees and Reducing Tees\Full-size Tees and Reducing Tees.rtp
Commodity Code #Branch Fittings::Commodity Code#
Material cl #Branch Fittings::Material cl#
Material #Branch Fittings::Material#
Material Category #Branch Fittings::Material Category#
GIS cl #Branch Fittings::GIS cl#
Geo Ind Std #Branch Fittings::Geo Ind Std#
Short Material Description #Branch Fittings::Short Material Description#
Commodity Type #Branch Fittings::Commodity Type#
Piping Commodity Type #Branch Fittings::Piping Commodity Type#
Port 1

334 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

End Prep cl #Branch Fittings::End Prep 1 cl#

End Prep #Branch Fittings::End Prep 1#
Schedule #Branch Fittings::Schedule 1#
Pressure #Branch Fittings::End Prep 1#
End Std cl #Branch Fittings::End Std 1 cl#
End Std #Branch Fittings::End Std 1#
NPD #Branch Fittings::NPD 1#
Unit #Branch Fittings::Unit 1#
Port 3
End Prep cl #Branch Fittings::End Prep 3 cl#
End Prep #Branch Fittings::End Prep 3#
Schedule #Branch Fittings::Schedule 3#
Pressure #Branch Fittings::Pressure 3#
End Std cl #Branch Fittings::End Std 3 cl#
End Std #Branch Fittings::End Std 3#
NPD #Branch Fittings::NPD 3#
Unit #Branch Fittings::Unit 3#
Face to Center #Branch Fittings::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Face 1 to Center #Branch Fittings::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face 2 to Center #Branch Fittings::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#

Gasket Part Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of gasket part data to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Gasket Part Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Gasket Part Data tab

Industry Commodity Code #GPD::IndustryCommodityCode#
Ring Number #GPD::RingNumber#
Nominal Diameter From #GPD::NominalDiameterFrom#
Nominal Diameter To #GPD::NominalDiameterTo#
Nominal Diameter #GPD::NominalDiameter#
Npd Unit Type #GPD::NpdUnitType#
Gasket Industry Standard #GPD::GasketIndustryStandard#
Gasket Type #GPD::GasketType#
Thickness For 3D Model #GPD::[lbl_ThicknessFor3DModel]#
Procurement Thickness #GPD::[lbl_ProcurementThickness]#
Materials Grade #GPD::MaterialsGrade#

Reports User's Guide 335

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Gasket Outside Diameter #GPD::[lbl_GasketOutsideDiameter]#

Gasket Inside Diameter #GPD::[lbl_GasketInsideDiameter]#
Gasket Outside Diameter Basis #GPD::GasketOutsideDiameterBasis#
Flange Insulation Kit Type #GPD::FlangeInsulationKitType#
Insulating Washer Thickness #GPD::[lbl_InsulatingWasherThickness]#
Metallic Electro Plated Washer Thickness #GPD::[lbl_MetallicElectroPlatedWasherThk]#
Maintenance Factor #GPD::MaintenanceFactor#
Flange Pressure #GPD::FlangePressure#
Stress At Which Seal Is Initiated #GPD::StressAtWhichSealIsInitiated#
Tightness Curve Slope #GPD::TightnessCurveSlope#
Intersection Of Unload Curve With Vertical Axis #GPD::IntOfUnloadCurveWithVerAxis#
Minimum Tightness Parameter #GPD::MinimumTightnessParameter#
Maximum Tightness Parameter #GPD::MaximumTightnessParameter#
Maximum Temperature #GPD::MaximumTemperature#
Maximum Pressure #GPD::MaximumPressure#
Gasket Inside Diameter Basis #GPD::GasketInsideDiameterBasis#

Gasket Selection Filter for Nozzles (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Gasket Selection Filter for Nozzles to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Gasket Selection Filter for Nozzles

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Gasket Selection Filter for Nozzles tab

Equipment Tag Number #PGDB::EquipmentTagNumber#
Nozzle Tag Number #PGDB::NozzleTagNumber#
Contractor Commondity Code #PGDB::ContractorCommodityCode#
Gasket Requirements #PGDB::GasketRequirements#
Ring Number #PGDB::RingNumber#
Fabrication Category #PGDB::FabricationCategory#
Supply Responsibility #PGDB::SupplyResponsibility#
Comments #PGDB::Comments#

336 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Globe Control Valve (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Globe Control Valves to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Globe
Control Valve folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Globe Control Valve tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#

Reports User's Guide 337

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#

Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

338 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Hangers and Supports All Sorted by Name (Hangers

and Supports)
All supports are listed with corresponding supported route information and supporting structure
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\All Sorted by Name\All Sorted by Name.rtp

Plant Name #Plant::Name#

User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Hanger/Support #HangerSupport::HangerName#
Support Location
#FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
#HangerSupport::[outStructure Hanger Support Occurrence Location]#
Supported Entity
Run #HangerSupport::RunName#
System #HangerSupport::RouteName#
Supporting Structure One #HangerSupport::StructName#
Supporting Structure Two #HangerSupport::StructName2#

Hangers and Supports Combined Sorted by Name

(Hangers and Supports)
Combined supports are listed with corresponding "supported" route information and "supporting"
structure information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\Combined Sorted by Name\Combined Sorted by Name.rtp

Plant Name #Plant::Name#

User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Hanger/Support #HangerSupport::HangerName#
Support Location #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
Supported Entity (Heading)
Run #HangerSupport::RunName#
System #HangerSupport::RouteName#
Supporting Structure One #HangerSupport::StructName#
Supporting Structure Two #HangerSupport::StructName2#

Reports User's Guide 339

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Hangers and Supports End View - Drawing (Hangers

and Supports)
This is an embedded report for a Pipe Support drawing. It lists the Route objects that are being
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\Hangers and Supports End View - Drawing\Hangers and Supports End View -
Item #SupportRoute::ItemNum#
Supported Entity
Run #SupportRoute::RouteName#
System #SupportRoute::RunName#

Hangers and Supports for Cableways Sorted by Name

(Hangers and Supports)
Cableway supports are listed with corresponding supported route information and supporting
structure information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\For Cableways Sorted by Name\For Cableways Sorted by Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Hanger/Support #HangerSupport::HangerName#
Support Location #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
Run #HangerSupport::RunName#
System #HangerSupport::CablewayName#
Supporting Structure One #HangerSupport::StructName#
Supporting Structure Two #HangerSupport::StructName2#

Hangers and Supports for Components - Drawings

(Hangers and Supports)
This is an embedded report for a Pipe Support drawing. It lists the components that make up
the support.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\For Components - Drawing\For Components - Drawing.rtp
Item Number #For Components - Drawing::ItemNum#
Part Number #For Components - Drawing::Part Number#
Quantity #For Components - Drawing::Total#

340 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Hangers and Supports for Components Sorted by

Name (Hangers and Supports)
Hangers are listed with corresponding support component name as well as location and weight
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\For Components Sorted by Name\For Components Sorted by Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Hanger/Support #HangerSupport::HangerName#
Support Component #HangerSupport::SupportComponentName#
Component Location #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
Dry Weight #HangerSupport::DryWeight#
Wet Weight #HangerSupport::WetWeight#

Hangers and Supports for Conduit Sorted by Name

(Hangers and Supports)
Conduit supports are listed with corresponding supported route information and supporting
structure information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\For Conduits Sorted by Name\For Conduits Sorted by Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Hanger/Support #HangerSupport::HangerName#
Support Location #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
Run #HangerSupport::RunName#
System #HangerSupport::ConduitName#
NCD #HangerSupport::NCD#
NCD Unit Type #HangerSupport::NCDUnitType#
Supporting Structure One #HangerSupport::StructName#
Supporting Structure Two #HangerSupport::StructName2#

Reports User's Guide 341

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Hangers and Supports for Ducts Sorted by Name

(Hangers and Supports)
Duct supports are listed with corresponding supported route information and supporting
structure information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\For Ducts Sorted by Name\For Ducts Sorted by Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Hanger/Support #HangerSupport::HangerName#
Support Location #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
Run #HangerSupport::RunName#
System #HangerSupport::DuctName#
Duct Width #HangerSupport::Width#
Duct Depth #HangerSupport::Depth#
Supporting Structure One #HangerSupport::StructName#
Supporting Structure Two #HangerSupport::StructName2#

Hangers and Supports for Pipe Sorted by Name

(Hangers and Supports)
Pipe supports are listed with corresponding supported route information and supporting
structure information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\For Pipe Sorted by Name\For Pipe Sorted by Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Hanger/Support #HangerSupport::HangerName#
Support Location #FormattingUOM::{Location}# #FormattingMatrix::{MyTransformA}#
Pipe Line
Run #HangerSupport::RunName#
System #HangerSupport::PipeLineName#
NPD #HangerSupport::NPD#
NPD Unit Type #HangerSupport::NPDUnitType#
Supporting Structure One #HangerSupport::StructName#
Supporting Structure Two #HangerSupport::StructName2#

342 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Hangers and Supports for Supported Route - Drawing

(Hangers and Supports)
This is an embedded report for a Pipe Support drawing. It lists the Route objects that are being
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\For Supported Route - Drawing\For Supported Route - Drawing.rtp
Item Number #SupportRoute::ItemNum#
Supporting Entity
Run #SupportRoute::RouteName#
System #SupportRoute::RunName#

Hangers and Supports for Supporting Structure -

Drawing (Hangers and Supports)
This is an embedded report for a Pipe Support drawing. The structure used to attach the
support to is listed.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\For Supporting Structure - Drawing\For Supporting Structure - Drawing.rtp
Item Number #SupportStruct::ItemNum#
Structure #SupportStruct::StructName#

Hangers and Supports ISO View - Drawing (Hangers

and Supports)
This is an embedded report for a Pipe Support drawing. It lists the components that make up
the support.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\Hangers and Supports ISO View - Drawing\Hangers and Supports ISO View -
Item #For Components - Drawing::ItemNum#
Qty #For Components - Drawing::Total#
BOM Description #For Components - Drawing::BOM Description#

Reports User's Guide 343

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Hangers and Supports Pipe Rack Sorted by Name -

Export to Icarus (Hangers and Supports)
Pipe racks (space folders) are listed with many properties such as area, tag, and WBS
Internal Name
AreaName #PipeRack::SpaceFolder#
CpUserTag #PipeRack::Name#
CpComponentWBS (Blank)
CpNumberItems #PipeRack::NumberItems#
CpLength M #PipeRack::Length#
CpWidth M #PipeRack::Width#
CpHeight M #PipeRack::Height#
CpNumberOfLevels #PipeRack::NumberLevels#
CpHeightToFirstLevel M #PipeRack::HeightFirstLevel#
CpPipeRackType #PipeRack::PipeRackType#
CpSteelAnalysisType #PipeRack::SteelAnalysis#
CpMainBentSpacing M #PipeRack::MainBent#
CpThirdColumnYN #PipeRack::ThirdColumnOption#
CpColumnBaseOption #PipeRack::ColumnBaseOption#
CpDistributedLoadPerLevel KPA #PipeRack::[outStructure Icarus Pipe Rack Distributed Load
per Level]#
CpAirCoolerLoading KPA #PipeRack::[outStructure Icarus Pipe Rack Air Cooler Loading]#
CpNumberOfCatwalks #PipeRack::NumberCatwalks#
CpCatwalkWidth M #PipeRack::CatwalkWidth#
CpNumberOfLadders #PipeRack::NumberLadders#
CpNumberOfStairways #PipeRack::NumberStairways#
CpNumberOfBracedBays #PipeRack::NumberBracedBays#
CpNumberBeamStrutsPerColumnLine #PipeRack::BeamStrutsPerColumnLine#
CpNumberBeamStrutsPerPipeLevel #PipeRack::BeamStrutsPerPipeLevel#
CpEndBentExclusion #PipeRack::EndBentExclusion#
CpBeamColumnMinimumWidth MM #PipeRack::[outStructure Icarus Pipe Rack Minimum
Beam or Column Width]#
CpConcreteType #PipeRack::ConcreteType#
CpWindForceAdjustment #PipeRack::WindForceAdjustment#
CpSeismicForceAdjustment #PipeRack::SeismicForceAdjustment#
CpGratingType #PipeRack::GratingType#

344 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Hangers and Supports Side View - Drawing (Hangers

and Supports)
This is an embedded report for a Pipe Support drawing. It lists the Structure used attach the
support to.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Hangers and
Supports\Hangers and Supports Side View - Drawing\Hangers and Supports Side View -
Item #SupportStruct::ItemNum#
Structure #SupportStruct::StructName#

HVAC Material Take-Off (HVAC)

HVAC duct, fabricated parts, fittings, transitions, registers, and dampers are listed with
quantities and other information. This may be embedded into a drawing.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\HVAC\Material
Take-Off\Material Take-Off.rtp
Section #FormattingUOM::{Section}# #Duct::[CrossSection]#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}# #Duct::[LengthFormatted]#
Sheet Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}# #Duct::[WeightFormatted]#
Total Weight (SUM)
Fabricated Part
Name #Fabricated::Name#
Duct Section Max #FormattingUOM::{Section}# #Fabricated::CrossSectionMax#
Sheet Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}# #Fabricated::[outHVAC Fabricated Weight]#
Total Weight (SUM)
Item Number #Fitting::ItemNum#
Category #Fitting::Category#
Description #Fitting::PartDescription#
Angle #FormattingUOM::{Angle}# #Fitting::[outHVAC Angle Value]#
Inlet #FormattingUOM::{Section}# #Fitting::Inlet#
Outlet #FormattingUOM::{Section}# #Fitting::Outlet#
Branch1 #FormattingUOM::{Section}# #Fitting::Branch1#
Branch2 #FormattingUOM::{Section}# #Fitting::Branch2#
Quantity #Fitting::[Quantity]#
Item Number #Transition::ItemNum#
Category #Transition::Category#

Reports User's Guide 345

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description #Transition::PartDescription#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}# #Transition::[outHVAC Transition Length]#
Inlet #FormattingUOM::{Section}# #Transition::Inlet#
Outlet #FormattingUOM::{Section}# #Transition::Outlet#
Quantity #Transition::[Quantity]#
Register – Diffuser – Grille
Type #Register::Type#
Section #Register::[outHVAC Linear Duct Cross Section Size]#
Model #Register::Model#
Quantity #Register::[Quantity]#
Damper – Other In-line
Type #Damper::Type#
Duct Section #FormattingUOM::{Section}# #Damper::CrossSectionMax#
Model #Damper::Model#
Quantity #Damper::[Quantity]#

In-Line Fittings (Catalog Parts)

[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Catalog
Parts\In-Line Fittings\In-Line Fittings.rtp
Commodity Code #In-line Fittings::Commodity Code#
Material cl #In-line Fittings::Material cl#
Material #In-line Fittings::Material#
Material Category #In-line Fittings::Material Category#
GIS cl #In-line Fittings::GIS cl#
Geo Ind Std #In-line Fittings::Geo Ind Std#
Short Material Description #In-line Fittings::Short Material Description#
Commondity Type #In-line Fittings::Commodity Type#
Piping Commodity Type #In-line Fittings::Piping Commodity Type#
Port 1
End Prep cl #In-line Fittings::End Prep 1 cl#
End Prep #In-line Fittings::End Prep 1#
Pressure #In-line Fittings::Pressure 1#
End Std cl #In-line Fittings::End Std 1 cl#
End Std #In-line Fittings::End Std 1#
NPD #In-line Fittings::NPD 1#
Unit #In-line Fittings::Unit 1#
Port 2
End Prep cl #In-line Fittings::End Prep 2 cl#
End Prep #In-line Fittings::End Prep 2#
Schedule #In-line Fittings::Schedule 2#
Pressure #In-line Fittings::Pressure 2#
End Std cl #In-line Fittings::End Std 2 cl#
End Std #In-line Fittings::End Std 2#

346 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

NPD #In-line Fittings::NPD 2#

Unit #In-line Fittings::Unit 2#
Face to Face #In-line Fittings::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Industry Commodity Code Rules (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Commodity Code Rules)
Creates a report of piping industry commodity code rules for improved integration. This report is
be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Commodity Code Rules\Industry Commodity Code
Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Formats tab
Property Name #Formats::PropertyName#
Property Sequence #Formats::PropertySequence#
Number of Characters #Formats::NoOfChars#

Industry Practice Properties tab

Identifies the industry practice properties addressed by this report - Pressure Rating, Schedule
Thickness, Materials Grade, and Geometric Industry Standard.

Bolt Coating tab

BoldCoatingCodelistNumber #BoltCoating::CodelistValue#
BoltCoatingChars #BoltCoating::Code#
BoltCoatingValue #BoltCoating::ShortValue#

Reports User's Guide 347

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Bolt Diameter tab

BoltDiameterChars #BoltDiameter::Code#
BoltDiameterValue #BoltDiameter::StringValue#

Bolt Length tab

BoltLengthChars #BoltLength::Code#
BoltLengthValue #BoltLength::StringValue#

Bolt Set Quantity tab

Bolt Set Quantity Chars #BoltSetQuantity::Code#
BoltSetQuantityValue #BoltSetQuantity::IntegerValue#

Bolt Type tab

BoltTypeCodelistNumber #BoltType::CodelistValue#
BoltTypeChars #BoltType::Code#
BoltTypeValue #BoltType::ShortValue#

EndPreparation tab
EndPreparationCodelistNumber #EndPreparation::CodelistValue#
EndPreparationChars #EndPreparation::Code#
EndPreparationValue #EndPreparation::ShortValue#

Flange Face Surface Finish tab

FlangeFaceSurfaceFinishCodelistNumber #FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish::CodelistValue#
FlangeFaceSurfaceFinishChars #FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish::Code#
FlangeFaceSurfaceFinishValue #FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish::ShortValue#

Gasket Thickness tab

GasketThicknessChars #GasketThickness::Code#
GasketThicknessValue #GasketThickness::StringValue#

Gasket Type tab

GasketTypeCodelistNumber #GasketType::CodelistValue#
GasketTypeChars #GasketType::Code#
GasketTypeValue #GasketType::ShortValue#

348 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Geometric Industry Practice tab

GeometricIndustryPracticeCodelistNumber #GeometricIndustryPractice::CodelistValue#
GeometricIndustryPracticeChars #GeometricIndustryPractice::Code#
GeometricIndustryPracticeValue #GeometricIndustryPractice::ShortValue#

Geometric Industry Standard_UM tab

GeometricIndustryStandardChars #GeometricIndustryStandard_UM::Code#
GeometricIndustryStandardValue #GeometricIndustryStandard_UM::ShortValue#

Geometric Industry Standard_US tab

GeometricIndustryStandardChars #GeometricIndustryStandard_US::Code#
GeometricIndustryStandardValue #GeometricIndustryStandard_US::ShortValue#

Lining Material tab

LiningMaterialCodelistNumber #LiningMaterial::CodelistValue#
LiningMaterialChars #LiningMaterial::Code#
LiningMaterialValue #LiningMaterial::ShortValue#

Manufacturing Method tab

ManufacturingMethodCodelistNumber #ManufacturingMethod::CodelistValue#
ManufacturingMethodChars #ManufacturingMethod::Code#
ManufacturingMethodValue #ManufacturingMethod::ShortValue#

MaterialsGrade_BS tab
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeCodelistNumber #MaterialsGrade_BS::CodelistValue#
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeChars #MaterialsGrade_BS::Code#
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeValue #MaterialsGrade_BS::ShortValue#

MaterialsGrade_US tab
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeCodelistNumber #MaterialsGrade_US::CodelistValue#
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeChars #MaterialsGrade_US::Code#
MaterialsIndustryStandardandGradeValue #MaterialsGrade_US::ShortValue#

Reports User's Guide 349

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Nipple or Purchase Length tab

NippleorPurchaseLengthChars #NippleorPurchaseLength::Code#
NippleorPurchaseLengthValue #NippleorPurchaseLength::StringValue#

Nut Type tab

NutTypeCodelistNumber #NutType::CodelistValue#
NutTypeChars #NutType::Code#
NutTypeValue #NutType::ShortValue#

Pressure Rating_DN tab

PressureRatingCodelistNumber #PressureRating_DN::CodelistValue#
PressureRatingChars #PressureRating_DN::Code#
PressureRatingValue #PressureRating_DN::ShortValue#

Pressure Rating_US tab

PressureRatingCodelistNumber #PressureRating_US::CodelistValue#
PressureRatingChars #PressureRating_US::Code#
PressureRatingValue #PressureRating_US::ShortValue#

Piping Commodity Type tab

PipingCommodityTypeCodelistNumber #PCT::CodelistValue#
PipingCommodityTypeChars #PCT::Code#
PipingCommodityTypeValue #PCT::ShortValue#

Requisition Classification tab

RequisitionClassificationCodelistNumber #RequisitionClassification::CodelistValue#
RequisitionClassificationChars #RequisitionClassification::Code#
RequisitionClassificationValue #RequisitionClassification::ShortValue#

Surface Preparation tab

SurfacePreparationCodelistNumber #SurfacePreparation::CodelistValue#
SurfacePreparationChars #SurfacePreparation::Code#
SurfacePreparationValue #SurfacePreparation::ShortValue#

350 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Manufacturer and Model No tab

ValveManufacturerandModelNumberChars #ValveManufacturerandModelNo::Code#
ValveManufacturerandModelNumberValue #ValveManufacturerandModelNo::ShortValue#

Valve Trim tab

ValveTrimCodelistNumber #ValveTrim::ValveTrimCodelistNumber#
ValveTrimChars #ValveTrim::Code#
Valve Trim Value #ValveTrim::ShortValue#

Washer Thickness tab

WasherThicknessChars #WasherThickness::Code#
WasherThicknessValue #WasherThickness::StringValue#

Washer Type tab

WasherTypeCodelistNumber #WasherType::CodelistValue#
WasherTypeChars #WasherType::Code#
WasherTypeValue #WasherType::ShortValue#

Inline Silencer Type1 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Inline Silencers Type1 to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Inline Silencer
Type1 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Reports User's Guide 351

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Inline Silencer Type1 tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#

352 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#

End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#

Instrument Class Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of instrument class data to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Instrument Class Data folder.

Reports User's Guide 353

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Instrument Class Data tab

Tag Number #MCD::TagNumber#
Generic Tag Number #MCD::GenericTagNumber#
Spec Name #MCD::SpecName#
First Size From #MCD::FirstSizeFrom#
First Size To #MCD::FirstSizeTo#
First Size Units #MCD::FirstSizeUnits#
Second Size From #MCD::SecondSizeFrom#
Second Size To #MCD::SecondSizeTo#
Second Size Units #MCD::SecondSizeUnits#
Multi Size Option #MCD::MultiSizeOption#
Requisition Type #MCD::RequisitionType#
Contractor Commodity Code #MCD::ContractorCommodityCode#
Instrument Type #MCD::InstrumentType#
Geometry Type #MCD::GeometryType#
First Size Schedule #MCD::FirstSizeSchedule#
Second Size Schedule #MCD::SecondSizeSchedule#
Part Data Basis #MCD::PartDataBasis#
Is Graphical Representation #MCD::IsGraphicalRepresentation#
Maximum Temperature #MCD::[lbl_MaximumTemperature]#
Material Grade #MCD::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #MCD::LiningMaterial#
Corrosion Allowance #MCD::CorrosionAllowance#
Short Material Description #MCD::ShortMaterialDescription#
Localized Short Material Description #MCD::LocalizedShortMaterialDesc#
Long Material Description #MCD::LongMaterialDescription#
Vendor #MCD::Vendor#
Manufacturer #MCD::Manufacturer#
Fabrication Type #MCD::FabricationType#
Supply Responsibility #MCD::SupplyResponsibility#
Reporting Type #MCD::ReportingType#
Gasket Requirements #MCD::GasketRequirements#
Bolting Requirements #MCD::BoltingRequirements#
Welding Requirements #MCD::WeldingRequirement#
Loose Material Requirements #MCD::LooseMaterialRequirements#
Substitution Cap Screws Quantity #MCD::SubstCapScrewsQuantity#
Substitution Cap Screw Contractor Commodity Code #MCD::SubstCapScrewsQuantity#
Substitution Cap Screw Diamater #MCD::[lbl_SubstCapScrewDiameter]#

354 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Tapped Hole Depth #MCD::[lbl_TappedHoleDepth]#

Valve Operator Type #MCD::ValveOperatorType#
Valve Operator Geometry Industry Standard #MCD::ValveOperatorGeoIndStd#
Valve Operator Catalog Part Number #MCD::ValveOperatorCatalogPartNumber#
Hyperlink To Electronic Manuals #MCD::HyperlinkToElectronicManuals#
Hyperlink To Electronic Vendor #MCD::HyperlinkToElectronicVendor#
Reportable Commodity Code #MCD::ReportableCommodityCode#
Quantity Of Alternate Reportable Parts #MCD::QuantityOfAltReportableParts#
Alternate Reportable Commodity Code #MCD::AltReportableCommodityCode#
Mirror Behavior Option #MCD::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Maximum Pressure #MCD::MaximumPressure#
Quantity Of Reportable Parts #MCD::QuantityOfReportableParts#
Piping Note 1 #MCD::PipingNote1#
First Size UOM Basis In Catalog #MCD::FirstSizeUOMBasisInCatalog#
Second Size UOM Basis In Catalog #MCD::SecondSizeUOMBasisInCatalog#

Instrumentation Control Valves Sorted by Name

Control valves are listed with primary/secondary sizes, supply responsibility, and approval
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Instrumentation\Control Valves Sorted by Name\Control Valves Sorted by Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Item Name #ControlValves::ItemName#
Size #ControlValves::[outInstrumentation Control Valves NPD with Unit Primary]#
Size #ControlValves::[outInstrumentation Control Valves NPD with Unit Secondary]#
Description #ControlValves::[Description]#
Supply Responsibility #ControlValves::SupplyResponsibility#
Approval Status #ControlValves::Status_LongString#

Reports User's Guide 355

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Instruments (Verification of Consistency)

Creates a report of instruments to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Verification of Consistency\Instruments folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Description of the Error #PISCapScrewsBoltPartData::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISCapScrewsBoltPartData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISCapScrewsBoltPartData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISCapScrewsBoltPartData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISCapScrewsBoltPartdata::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISCapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISCapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISCapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizeunits#
Contractor Commodity Code Of The Substitution Cap Screw
Contractor Commodity Code Of The Piping Specialty

Description of the Error #PICEBoltedGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PICEBoltedGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEBoltedGenericData::firstsizefrom
First Size To #PICEBoltedGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEBoltedGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEBoltedGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEBoltedGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEBoltedGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PICEBoltedGenericData::multisizeoption#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PICEBoltedGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PICEBoltedGenericData::npdunits#
End Preparation #PICEBoltedGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PICEBoltedGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PICEBoltedGenericData::endstandard#

Description of the Error #PICECapScrewsBoltPartData::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PICECapScrewsBoltPartData::tagnumber#

356 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Contractor Commodity Code of the Substitution Cap Screw

Short Material Description #PICECapScrewsBoltPartData::ShortMaterialDescription#
First Size From #PICECapScrewsBoltPartData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICECapScrewsBoltPartData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PICECapScrewsBoltPartData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICECapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICECapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PICECapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PICEFemailGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PICEFemaleGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEFemaleGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICEFemaleGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEFemaleGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEFemaleGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEFemaleGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEFemaleGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PICEFemaleGenericData::multisizeoption#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PICEFemaleGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PICEFemaleGenericData::npdunits#
End Preparation #PICEFemaleGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PICEFemaleGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PICEFemaleGenericData::endstandard#
Schedule (Thickness) #PICEFemaleGenericData::schedule#

Description of the Error #PICELinearThicknessGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PICELinearThicknessGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICELinearThicknessGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICELinearThicknessGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICELinearThicknessGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICELinearThicknessGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICELinearThicknessGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICELinearThicknessGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PICELinearThicknessGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PICELinearThicknessGenericData::npdunits#
Lining Material #PICELinearThicknessGenericData::liningmaterial#
Geometric Industry Standard

Reports User's Guide 357

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PICELocalizedDesc::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PICELocalizedDesc::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICELocalizedDesc:;firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICELocalizedDesc::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICELocalizedDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICELocalizedDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICELocalizedDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICELocalizedDesc::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PICELongDesc::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PICELongDesc::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICELongDesc::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICELongDesc::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICELongDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICELongDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICELongDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICELongDesc::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PICEMatlClassExistence::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PICEMatlClassExistence::specname#
Tag Number #PICEMatlClassExistence::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEMatlClassExistence::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICEMatlClassExistence::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEMatlClassExistence::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEMatlClassExistence::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEMatlClassExistence::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEMatlClassExistence::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PICEMatlClassExistence::multisizeoption#

Description of the Error #PICEMechanicalGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PICEMechanicalGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEMechanicalGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICEMechanicalGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEMechanicalGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEMechanicalGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEMechanicalGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEMechanicalGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PICEMechanicalGenericData::multisizeoption#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PICEMechanicalGenericData::npd#

358 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Nominal Diameter Units #PICEMechanicalGenericData::npdunits#

End Preparation #PICEMechanicalGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PICEMechanicalGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PICEMechanicalGenericData::endstandard#

Description of the Error #PICEPartData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PICEPartData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEPartData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICEPartData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEPartData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEPartData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEPartData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEPartData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PICEPartData::multisizeoptions#

Description of the Error #PICEPlainGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PICEPlainGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEPlainGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICEPlainGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEPlainGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEPlainGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEPlainGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEPlainGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PICEPlainGenericData::multisizeoption#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PICEPlainGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PICEPlainGenericData::npdunits#
End Standard #PICEPlainGenericData::endstandard#
Schedule (Thickness) #PICEPlainGenericData::schedule#

Description of the Error #PICEReoprtOfSymbols::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PICEReoprtOfSymbols::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEReoprtOfSymbols::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICEReoprtOfSymbols::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEReoprtOfSymbols::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEReoprtOfSymbols::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEReoprtOfSymbols::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEReoprtOfSymbols::secondsizeunits#
Symbol Name #PICEReoprtOfSymbols::symboldefinitionname#

Reports User's Guide 359

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Tag Number #PICEReport::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEReport::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICEReport::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEReport::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEReport::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEReport::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEReport::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PICEReport::multisizeoption#
Part Number #PICEReport::partnumber#
Primary Size #PICEReport::primarysize#
Primary Size Units #PICReport::prisizenpdunits#
Secondary Size #PICReport::secondarysize#
Secondary Size Units #PICEReport::secsizenpdunits#
First Size Schedule #PICEReport::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PICEReport::secondsizeschedule#

Description of the Error #PICEReportableCmdty::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PICEReportableCmdty::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEReportableCmdty::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICEReportableCmdty::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEReportableCmdty::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEReportableCmdty::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEReportableCmdty::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEReportableCmdty::secondsizeunits#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Reportable Piping Commodity
Contractor Commodity Code of the Instrument

Description of the Error #PICEShortDesc::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PICEShortDesc::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEShortDesc::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICEShortDesc::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEShortDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEShortDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEShortDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEShortDesc::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PICESubstCapScrew::TypeOfError#

360 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Contractor Commodity Code of the Substitution Cap Screw

Tag Number #PICESubstCapScrew::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICESubstCapScrew::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICESubstCapScrew::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICESubstCapScrew::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICESubstCapScrew::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICESubstCapScrew::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICESubstCapScrew::secondsizeunits#

Tag Number #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::multisizeoption#
Part Number #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::partnumber#
Primary Size #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::primarysize#
Units of Measure #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::prisizenpdunits#
Secondary Size #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::secondarysize#
Units of Measure #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::secsizenpdunits#
First Size Schedule #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PICESummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeschedule#

Description of the Error #PICESymbolPlacement::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PICESymbolPlacement::TagNumber#
First Size From #PICESymbolPlacement::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICESymbolPlacement::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICESymbolPlacement::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICESymbolPlacement::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICESymbolPlacement::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICESymbolPlacement::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PICESymbolPlacement::multisizeoption#
Primary Size #PICESymbolPlacement::firstsize#
Primary Size Units #PICESymbolPlacement::primarysizeunits#
Secondary Size #PICESymbolPlacement::secondarysize#
Secondary Size Units #PICESymbolPlacement::Secsizeunits#
First Size Schedule #PICESymbolPlacement::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PICESymbolPlacement::secondsizeschedule#

Reports User's Guide 361

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Maximum Temperature #PICESymbolPlacement::maximumtemperature#

Symbol Name #PICESymbolPlacement::symbolname#

Description of the Error #PICESymbols::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PICESymbols::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICESymbols::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICESymbols::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICESymbols::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICESymbols::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICESymbols::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICESymbols::secondsizeunits#
Symbol Name #PICESymbols::symboldefinitionname#

Description of the Error #PICEValveOpMatIctlData::TypeOfError#
Valve Operator Number #PICEValveOpMatIctlData::ValveOperatorCatalogPartNumber#
Tag Number #PICEValveOpMatIctlData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEValveOpMatIctlData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICEValveOpMatIctlData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEValveOpMatIctlData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEValveOpMatIctlData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEValveOpMatIctlData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEValveOpMatIctlData::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PICEValveOpPart::TypeOfError#
Valve Operator Number #PICEValveOpPart::ValveOperatorCatalogPartNumber#
Tag Number #PICEValveOpPart::tagnumber#
First Size From #PICEValveOpPart::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PICEValveOpPart::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PICEValveOpPart::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PICEValveOpPart::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PICEValveOpPart::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PICEValveOpPart::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PICEWtAndCg::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PICEWtAndCg::tagnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PICEWtAndCg::industrycommoditycode#
Part Number #PICEWtAndCg::partnumber#
Dry Weight #PICEWtAndCg::[lbl_dryweight]#
Water Weight #PICEWtAndCg::[lbl_waterweight]#

362 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PISBoltedGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PISBoltedGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISBoltedGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISBoltedGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISBoltedGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISBoltedGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISBoltedGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISBoltedGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Industry Commodity Code #PISBoltedGenericData::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PISBoltedGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PISBoltedGenericData::npdunits#
End Preparation #PISBoltedGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PISBoltedGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PISBoltedGenericData::endstandard#

Description of the Error #PISWtAndCg::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISWtAndCg::tagnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PISWtAndCg::industrycommoditycode#
Part Number #PISWtAndCg::partnumber#
Dry Weight #PISWtAndCg::[lbl_dryweight]#
Water Weight #PISWtAndCg::[lbl_waterweight]#

Description of the Error #PISCmdtyClass::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISCmdtyClass::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISCmdtyClass::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISCmdtyClass::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISCmdtyClass::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISCmdtyClass::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISCmdtyClass::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISCmdtyClass::secondsizeunits#
Industry Commodity Code #PISCmdtyClass::industrycommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PISCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::secondsizeto#

Reports User's Guide 363

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Second Size Units #PISCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::secondsizeunits#

Industry Commodity Code #PISCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PISCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PISCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::npdunittype#

Description of the Error #PISFemaleGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PISFemaleGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISFemaleGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISFemaleGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISFemaleGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISFemaleGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISFemaleGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISFemaleGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PISFemaleGenericData::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PISFemaleGenericData::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PISFemaleGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PISFemaleGenericData::npdunits#
End Preparation #PISFemaleGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PISFemaleGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PISFemaleGenericData::endstandard#
Schedule (Thickness) #PISFemaleGenericData::schedule#

Description of the Error #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::npdunits#
Lining Material #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::liningmaterial#
Geometric Industry Standard #PISLinerThicknessGenericData::geometricindustrystandard#

Description of the Error #PISLocalizedDesc::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISLocalizedDesc::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISLocalizedDesc::firstsizefrom#

364 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

First Size To #PISLocalizedDesc::firstsizeto#

First Size Units #PISLocalizedDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISLocalizedDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISLocalizedDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISLocalizedDesc::secondsizeunits#
Contractor Commodity Code #PISLocalizedDesc::contractorcommoditycode#

Description of Error #PISLongDesc::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISLongDesc::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISLongDesc::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISLongDesc::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISLongDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISLongDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISLongDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISLongDesc::secondsizeunits#
Contractor Commodity Code #PISLongDesc::contractorcommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PISMatlClassExistence::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PISMatlClassExistence::specname#
Tag Number #PISMatlClassExistence::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISMatlClassExistence::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISMatlClassExistence::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISMatlClassExistence::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISMatlClassExistence::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISMatlClassExistence::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISMatlClassExistence::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PISMatlClassExistence::multisizeoption#

Description of the Error #PISMatlCtlData::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISMatlCtlData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISMatlCtlData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISMatlCtlData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISMatlCtlData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISMatlCtlData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISMatlCtlData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISMatlCtlData::secondsizeunits#
Contractor Commodity #PISMatlCtlData::contractorcommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PISMechanicalGenericData::Typeoferror#

Reports User's Guide 365

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Tag Number #PISMechanicalGenericData::tagnumber#

First Size From #PISMechanicalGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISMechanicalGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISMechanicalGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISMechanicalGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISMechanicalGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISMechanicalGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PISMechanicalGenericData::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PISMechanicalGenericData::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PISMechanicalGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PISMechanicalGenericData::npdunits#
End Preparation #PISMechanicalGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PISMechanicalGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PISMechanicalGenericData::endstandard#

Description of the Error #PISMultipleMatlCtlData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PISMultipleMatlCtlData::tagnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Piping Instrument
Short Material Description #PISMultipleMatlCtlData::ShortMaterialDescription#

Description of the Error #PISPartValidation::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PISPartValidation::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISPartValidation::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISPartValidation::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISPartValidation::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISPartValidation::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISPartValidation::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISPartValidation::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PISPartValidation::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PISPartValidation::industrycommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PISPlainGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PISPlainGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISPlainGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISPlainGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISPlainGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISPlainGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISPlainGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISPlainGenericData::secondsizeunits#

366 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Multi-size Option #PISPlainGenericData::multisizeoption#

Industry Commodity Code #PISPlainGenericData::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PISPlainGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PISPlainGenericData::npdunits#
End Standard #PISPlainGenericData::endstandard#
Schedule (Thickness) #PISPlainGenericData::schedule#

Tag Number #PISReport::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISReport::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISReport::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISReport::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISReport::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISReport::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISReport::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PISReport::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PISReport::industrycommoditycode#
Part Number #PISReport::partnumber#
Primary Size #PISReport::primarysize#
Units of Measure #PISReport::prisizenpdunits#
Secondary Size #PISReport::secondarysize#
Units of Measure #PISReport::secsizenpdunits#
First Size Schedule #PISReport::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PISReport::secondsizeschedule#

Description of the Error #PISReportableCmdty::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISReportableCmdty::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISReportableCmdty::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISReportableCmdty::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISReportableCmdty::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISReportableCmdty::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISReportableCmdty::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISReportableCmdty::secondsizeunits#
The Contractor Commodity Code of the Reportable Piping Commodity
Contractor Commodity Code of the Stock Instrument

Description of the Error #PISReportOfSymbols::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISReportOfSymbols::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISReportOfSymbols::firstsizefrom#

Reports User's Guide 367

Appendix: Report Descriptions

First Size To #PISReportOfSymbols::firstsizeto#

First Size Units #PISReportOfSymbols::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISReportOfSymbols::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISReportOfSymbols::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISReportOfSymbols::secondsizeunits#
Industry Commodity Code #PISReportOfSymbols::industrycommoditycode#
Symbol Name #PISReportOfSymbols::symboldefinitionname#

Description of Error #PISShortDesc::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISShortDesc::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISShortDesc::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISShortDesc::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISShortDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISShortDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISShortDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISShortDesc::secondsizeunits#
Contractor Commodity Code #PISShortDesc::contractorcommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PISSubstCapScrew::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISSubstCapScrew::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISSubstCapScrew::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISSubstCapScrew::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISSubstCapScrew::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISSubstCapScrew::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISSubstCapScrew::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISSubstCapScrew::secondsizeunits#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Substitution Cap Screw

Tag Number #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::industrycommoditycode#
Part Number #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::partnumber#
Primary Size #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::primarysize#

368 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Units of Measure #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::prisizenpdunits#

Secondary Size #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::secondarysize#
Units of Measure #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::secsizenpdunits#
First Size Schedule #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PISSummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeschedule#

Description of the Error #PISSymbolPlacement::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISSymbolPlacement::Tag Number#
First Size From #PISSymbolPlacement::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISSymbolPlacement::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISSymbolPlacement::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISSymbolPlacement::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISSymbolPlacement::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISSymbolPlacement::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PISSymbolPlacement::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PISSymbolPlacement::industrycommoditycode#
Primary Size #PISSymbolPlacement::firstsize#
Primary Size Units #PISSymbolPlacement::primarysizeuints#
Secondary Size #PISSymbolPlacement::secondsize#
Secondary Size Units #PISSymbolPlacement::Secsizeunits#
First Size Schedule #PISSymbolPlacement::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PISSymbolPlacement::secondsizeschedule#
Maximum Temperature #PISSymbolPlacement::maximumtemperature#
Symbol Name #PISSymbolPlacement::symbolname#

Description of the Error #PISSymbols::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PISSymbols::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISSymbols::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISSymbols::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISSymbols::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISSymbols::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISSymbols::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISSymbols::secondsizeunits#
Industry Commodity Code #PISSymbols::industrycommoditycode#
Symbol Name #PISSymbols::symboldefinitionname#

Description of the Error #PISValveOpMatlctlData::TypeOfError#
Valve Operator Number #PISValveOpMatlctlData::ValveOperatorPartNumber#
Tag Number #PISValveOpMatlctlData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISValveOpMatlctlData::firstsizefrom#

Reports User's Guide 369

Appendix: Report Descriptions

First Size To #PISValveOpMatlctlData::firstsizeto#

First Size Units #PISValveOpMatlctlData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISValveOpMatlctlData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISValveOpMatlctlData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISValveOpMatlctlData::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PISValveOpPart::TypeOfError#
Valve Operator Number #PISValveOpPart::ValveOperatorPartNumber#
Tag Number #PISValveOpPart::tagnumber#
First Size From #PISValveOpPart::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PISValveOpPart::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PISValveOpPart::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PISValveOpPart::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PISValveOpPart::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PISValveOpPart::secondsizeunits#

Insulation Material (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Insulation Data)
Creates a report of Insulation Material to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Insulation Data\Insulation Material folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Insulation Material tab

Material Type #PGDB::MaterialType#
Density #PGDB::[lbl_Density]#
Allowable Thickness #PGDB::[lbl_AllowableThickness]#

Insulation Specification (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Insulation Data)
Creates a report of Insulation Specification to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.

370 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of

Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Insulation Data\Insulation Specification folder.

Reports User's Guide 371

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Insulation Specification tab

Spec Name #PGDB::SpecName#
Material #PGDB::Material#
Purpose #PGDB::Purpose#
Thickness Rule #PGDB::ThicknessRule#
Temperature Rule #PGDB::TemperatureRule#

Insulation Thickness Table (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Insulation Data)
Creates a report of Insulation Thickness Table to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Insulation Data\Insulation Thickness Table folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Insulation Thickness Table tab

Spec Name #PGDB::SpecName#
Npd_Low #PGDB::Npd_Lo#
Npd_High #PGDB::Npd_Hi#
Npd Unit Type #PGDB::NpdUnitType#
Temperature_Low #PGDB::[lbl_Temperature_Lo]#
Temperature_High #PGDB::[lbl_Temperature_Hi]#
Thickness #PGDB::[lbl_Thickness]#

372 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Knife Gate Valve (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Knife Gate Valves to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Knife Gate
Valve folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Knife Gate Valve tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#

Reports User's Guide 373

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#

Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Valve Height #PartData::[lbl_ValveHeight]#

374 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Ladder Splice Plate (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of cable tray ladder splice plates to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts\LadderSplicePlate folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Cable Tray Ladder Splice Plate tab

Part Class Type CableTrayClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Part Number #PartData::PartNumber#
Part Description #PartData::PartDescription#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Material #PartData::Material#
Tray Type #PartData::TrayType#

Reports User's Guide 375

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Component Type #PartData::ComponentType#

Length #PartData::[lbl_Length]#
Load Span Classification #PartData::LoadSpanClassification#
Rung Spacing #PartData::RungSpacing#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Replacement Part Number #PartData::ReplacementPartNumber#
Associated Part Number #PartData::AssociatedPartNumber#
Quantity of Associated Parts #PartData::QuantityOfAssociatedParts#
Nominal Depth #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth]#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Nominal Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth1]#
Actual Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth1]#
Load Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth1]#
Nominal Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth2]#
Actual Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth2]#
Load Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth2]#

Linear Valves (Catalog Parts)

[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Catalog
Parts\Linear Valves\Linear Valves.rtp
Spec Name #Valves::Spec Name#
Commodity Code #Valves::Commodity Code#
Material cl #Valves::Material cl#
Material #Valves::Material#
Material Category #Valves::Material Category#
GIS cl #Valves::GIS cl#
Geo Ind Std #Valves::Geo Ind Std#
Short Material Description #Valves::Short Material Description#
Operator Part Number #Valves::Operator Part No#
Operator cl #Valves::Operator cl#
Operator #Valves::Operator#
Port 1
End Prep cl #Valves::End Prep 1 cl#
End Prep #Valves::End Prep 1#

376 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Schedule #Valves::Schedule 1#
Pressure #Valves::Pressure 1#
Flow cl #Valves::Flow 1 cl#
Flow #Valves::Flow 1#
End Std cl #Valves::End Std 1 cl#
End Std #Valves::End Std 1#
NPD #Valves::NPD 1#
Unit #Valves::Unit 1#
Port 2
End Prep cl #Valves::End Prep 2 cl#
End Prep #Valves::End Prep 2#
Schedule #Valves::Schedule 2#
Pressure #Valves::Pressure 2#
Flow cl #Valves::Flow 2 cl#
Flow #Valves::Flow 2#
End Std cl #Valves::End Std 2 cl#
End Std #Valves::End Std 2#
NPD #Valves::NPD 2#
Unit #Valves::Unit 2#
Face to Face #Valves::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Liner Thickness Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of liner thickness data to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Lines Thickness Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Liner Thickness Data tab

Lining Material #LTD::LiningMaterial#
Geometry Industry Standard #LTD::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Nominal Piping Diameter #LTD::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Diameter Units #LTD::NominalDiameterUnits#
Liner Thickness At Inside Diameter #LTD::[lbl_LinerThicknessAtInsideDiameter]#
Liner Thickness At Face Of Flange #LTD::[lbl_LinerThicknessAtFaceOfFlange]#
Optional Liner Thickness At Face Of Flange #LTD::[lbl_OptionalLinerThkAtFaceOfFlange]#

Reports User's Guide 377

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Mach Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Mach Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Mach Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Mach Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule tab

Bolt Length From #PGDB::[lbl_BoltLengthFrom]#
Bolt Length To #PGDB::[lbl_BoltLengthTo]#
Bolt Diameter From #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterFrom]#
Bolt Diameter To #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterTo]#
Bolt Length Tolerance #PGDB::[lbl_BoltLengthTolerance]#

Mass Flow (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Mass Flow to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Mass Flow

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

378 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Mass Flow tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#

Reports User's Guide 379

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#

Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Instrument Length #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentLength]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Width #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentWidth]#
Instrument Height1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight1]#
Instrument Height2 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight2]#

Master Instrument Part Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of master instrument part data to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Instruments Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running
this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Master Instrument Part Data folder.

380 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Custom Interfaces tab

Interface Name
Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

SheetName tab
Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#

Reports User's Guide 381

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#

Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Major Body Diameter #PartData::[lbl_MajorBodyDiameter]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Length #PartData::[lbl_OperatorLength]#

382 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Master Piping Part Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of master piping part data to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Master Piping Part Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Custom Interfaces tab

Interface Name
Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

SheetName tab
Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#

Reports User's Guide 383

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#

Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#

384 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#

Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#

Master Piping Specialty Part Data (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping)
Creates a report of master piping specialty part data to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Specialty Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this
delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Master Piping Specialty Part Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Custom Interfaces tab

Interface Name
Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Reports User's Guide 385

Appendix: Report Descriptions

SheetName tab
Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

386 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Collar Thickness #PartData::[lbl_CollarThickness]#
Basket Length #PartData::[lbl_BasketLength]#
Basket End Diameter #PartData::[lbl_BasketEndDiameter]#
Collar End to Center #PartData::[lbl_CollarEndtoCenter]#

Master Valve Operator Part Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of master valve operator part data to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Valve Operator Class Part Name and Unit of Measure are required when running this
delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Master Valve Operator Part Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Custom Interfaces tab

Interface Name
Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 387

Appendix: Report Descriptions


Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

SheetName tab
Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Symbol Icon
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator Is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#

Materials Data (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Materials Data to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Materials Data folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

388 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Materials Data tab

Design Standard #PGDB::DesignStandard#
Material Grade #PGDB::MaterialsGrade#
Temperature #PGDB::[lbl_Temperature]#
Wall Thickness From #PGDB::[lbl_WallThicknessFrom]#
Wall Thickness To #PGDB::[lbl_WallThicknessTo]#
Coefficient Y #PGDB::CoefficientY#
Allowable Stress #PGDB::[lbl_AllowableStress]#
Mill Tolerance Percentage #PGDB::MillTolerancePercentage#
Mill Tolerance #PGDB::[lbl_MillTolerance]#

Mating Ports (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Mating Ports to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Mating Ports folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Mating Ports tab

End Preparation 1 #PGDB::EndPrep1#
End Preparation 2 #PGDB::EndPrep2#

Reports User's Guide 389

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Min Pipe Length Purchase (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Min Pipe Length Purchase to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Min Pipe Length Purchase folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Min Pipe Length Purchase tab

Nominal Piping Diameter #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Purchase Length #PGDB::[lbl_PurchaseLength]#
Minimum Pipe Length #PGDB::[lbl_MinimumPipeLength]#
Preferred Minimum Pipe Length #PGDB::[lbl_PreferredMinimumPipeLength]#

Minimum Pipe Length Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Minimum Pipe Length Rule to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Minimum Pipe Length Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

390 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Minimum Pipe Length Rule tab

Nominal Piping Diameter #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Minimum Pipe Length #PGDB::[lbl_MinimumPipeLength]#
Preferred Minimum Pipe Length #PGDB::[lbl_PreferredMinimumPipeLength]#

Motor Operated Valve (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Motor Operated Valves to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Motor
Operated Valve folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 391

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Motor Operated Valve tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

392 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#

Multi Port Valve Operator Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of Multi Port Valve Operator Data to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Multi Port Valve Operator Data folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Multi Port Valve Operator Data tab

Contractor Commodity Code #PGDB::ContractorCommodityCode#
First Size From #PGDB::FirstSizeFrom#
First Size To #PGDB::FirstSizeTo#
First Size Units #PGDB::FirstSizeUnits#
Second Size From #PGDB::SecondSizeFrom#
Second Size To #PGDB::SecondSizeTo#
Second Size Units #PGDB::SecondSizeUnits#
Multi size Option #PGDB::MultisizeOption#
Port Number #PGDB::PortNumber#

Reports User's Guide 393

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Operator Type #PGDB::ValveOperatorType#

Valve Operator Geo Ind Std #PGDB::ValveOperatorGeoIndStd#
Valve Operator Number #PGDB::ValveOperatorNumber#

NPD Equivalence Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of NPD Equivalence Rule to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\NPD Equivalence Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

NPD Equivalence Rule tab

NPD In Primary Units Of Measure #PGDB::NPDInPrimaryUnitsOfMeasure#
Primary Units Of Measure #PGDB::PrimaryUnitsOfMeasure#
NPD In Secondary Units Of Measure #PGDB::NPDInSecondaryUnitsOfMeasure#
Secondary Units of Measure #PGDB::SecondaryUnitsOfMeasure#

Nut Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping)

Creates a report of nut part data to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Nut Part Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

394 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Nut Part Data tab

Industry Commodity Code #NPD::IndustryCommodityCode#
Nut Type #NPD::NutType#
Geometry Industry Standard #NPD::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Materials Grade #NPD::MaterialsGrade#
Nut Height #NPD::[lbl_NutHeight]#

Olet-type Branches (Catalog Parts)

[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Catalog
Parts\Olet-type Branches\Olet-type Branches.rtp
Commodity Code #Olets::Commodity Code#
Material cl #Olets::Material cl#
Material #Olets::Material#
Material Category #Olets::Material Category#
GIS cl #Olets::GIS cl#
Geo Ind Std #Olets::Geo Ind Std#
Short Material Description #Olets::Short Material Description#
Commodity Type #Olets::Commodity Type#
Piping Component Type #Olets::Piping Commodity Type#
Port 1
Pressure #Olets::Pressure 1#
End Prep cl #Olets::End Prep 1 cl#
End Prep #Olets::End Prep 1#
End Std cl #Olets::End Std 1 cl#
End Std #Olets::End Std 1#
Schedule #Olets::Schedule 1#
NPD #Olets::NPD 1#
Unit #Olets::Unit 1#
Port 2
Pressure #Olets::Pressure 2#
End Prep cl #Olets::End Prep 2 cl#
End Prep #Olets::End Prep 2#
End Std cl #Olets::End Std 2 cl#
End Std #Olets::End Std 2#
Schedule #Olets::Schedule 2#
NPD #Olets::NPD 2#
Unit #Olets::Unit 2#
Face to Header Surface #Olets::[lbl_FacetoHeaderSurface]#
Hole in Heater #Olets::[lbl_HoleinHeader]#
Major Body Diameter #Olets::[lbl_MajorBodyDiameter]#

Reports User's Guide 395

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Orifice Plates (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Orifice Plates to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Orifice
Plates folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Orifice Plates tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#

396 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#

Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Instrument Diameter #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentDiameter]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Width #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentWidth]#

Reports User's Guide 397

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Orthographic Drawing Revision History (Deliverables)

Creates a report of drawing revision history, including status and update information.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Deliverables\Orthographic Drawing Revision History folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Sheet tab
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Path #OrthoSheet::Path#
Name #OrthoSheet::Name#
Date Created #OrthoSheet::Date Created#
Last Updated #OrthoSheet::Date Last Modified#
Last Updated By #OrthoSheet::Last Modified by#
Approval #OrthoSheet::Approval Status#
In To Do List #OrthoSheet::[outSheetInToDoList]#
In DB Integrity #OrthoSheet::SheetError#
Version #OrthoSheet::Version#
Revision Mark #OrthoSheet::Revision Mark#
Date Modified #OrthoSheet::Revision Date Last Modified#
Revision Date #OrthoSheet::Revision Date#
Revised By #OrthoSheet::Revised By#
Modified By #OrthoSheet::Revision Last Modified by#
Origin #OrthoSheet::[outRevisionType]#

Pipe Bending Configuration Data (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data)
Creates a report of Pipe Bending Configuration Data to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data\Pipe Bending Configuration
Data folder.

398 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Pipe Bending Configuration Data tab

Is Bend Planar #PGDB::IsBendPlanar#
Nominal Bend Angle From 1 #PGDB::[lbl_[NominalBendAngleFrom1]#
Nominal Bend Angle To 1 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleTo1]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle From 2 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleFrom2]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle To 2 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleTo2]#
Nominal Bend Angle From 2 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleFrom2]#
Nominal Bend Angle To 2 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleTo2]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle From 3 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleFrom3]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle To 3 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleTo3]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle From 4 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleFrom4]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle To 4 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleTo4]#
Nominal Bend Angle From 4 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleFrom4]#
Nominal Bend Angle To 4 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleTo4]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle From 5 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleFrom5]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle To 5 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleTo5]#
Nominal Bend Angle From 5 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleFrom5]#
Nominal Bend Angle To 5 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleTo5]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle From 6 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleFrom6]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle To 6 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleTo6]#
Nominal Bend Angle From 6 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleFrom6]#
Nominal Bend Angle To 6 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleTo6]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle From 7 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleFrom7]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle To 7 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleTo7]#
Nominal Bend Angle From 7 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleFrom7]#
Nominal Bend Angle To 7 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleTo7]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle From 8 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleFrom8]#
Non Planar Rotation Angle To 8 #PGDB::[lbl_NonPlanarRotationAngleTo8]#
Nominal Bend Angle From 8 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleFrom8]#
Nominal Bend Angle To 8 #PGDB::[lbl_NominalBendAngleTo8]#
Pipe Bend Type #PGDB::PipeBendType#
Bend To Bend Tangent Basis #PGDB::BendToBendTangentBasis#

Reports User's Guide 399

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Pipe Bending Die Data (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data)
Creates a report of Pipe Bending Die Data to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data\Pipe Bending Die Data folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Pipe Bending Die Data tab

Piping Bending Machine Name #PGDB::PipeBendingMachineName#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominial Piping Diameter UOM #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUOM#
Piping Bend Radius Multiplier #PGDB::PipeBendRadiusMultiplier#
Abolute Pipe Bend Radius #PGDB::[lbl_AbsolutePipeBendRadius]#
Minimum Grip Length #PGDB::[lbl_MinimumGripLength]#
Default Min Tan Len Between Bends #PGDB::[lbl_DefaultMinTanLenBetweenBends]#

Pipe Bending Elongation (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Pipe Bending Elongation to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Pipe Bending Elongation folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

400 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Pipe Bending Elongation tab

Nominal Piping Diameter #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Pipe Bend Radius #PGDB::[lbl_PipeBendRadius]#
Pipe Elongation Unit Bend Angle #PGDB::[lbl_PipeElongationUnitBendAngle]#
Bend Angle #PGDB::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Pipe Elongation #PGDB::[lbl_PipeElongation]#

Pipe Bending Machine Data (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data)
Creates a report of Pipe Bending Machine Data to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data\Pipe Bending Machine Data

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Pipe Bending Machine Data tab

Piping Bending Machine Name #PGDB::PipeBendingMachineName#
Piping Bending Machine Description #PGDB::PipeBendingMachineDescription#
Piping Bending Machine Type #PGDB::PipeBendingMachineType#
Height Above Shop Floor #PGDB::[lbl_HeightAboveShopFloor]#
Maximum Pipe Length #PGDB::[lbl_MaximumPipeLength]#
Maximum Bend Angle #PGDB::[lbl_MaximumBendAngle]#
Minimum Bend Angle #PGDB::[lbl_MinimumBendAngle]#
Maximum Capacity #PGDB::MaximumCapacity#
Maximum Section Modulus #PGDB::[lbl_MaximumSectionModulus]#
Maximum Centerline Radius #PGDB::[lbl_MaximumCenterlineRadius]#

Reports User's Guide 401

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Pipe Bending Minimum Tangent Length Data (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data)
Creates a report of Pipe Bending Minimum Tangent Length Data to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data\Pipe Bending Minimum Tangent
Length Data folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Pipe Bending Minimum Tangent Length Data tab

Pipe Bending Machine Name #PGDB::PipeBendingMachineName#
Pipe Bend Type #PGDB::PipeBendType#
Minimum Bend To Bend Tangent Length Option #PGDB::MinBendToBendTanLenOption#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Piping Diameter UOM #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUOM#
Piping Bend Radius Multiplier #PGDB::PipeBendRadiusMultiplier#
Minimum Tangent Length Between Turn 12 #PGDB::[lbl_MinTanLenBetweenTurn12]#
Minimum Tangent Length Between Turn23 #PGDB::[lbl_MinTanLenBetweenTurn23]#
Minimum Tangent Length Between Turn34 #PGDB::[lbl_MinTanLenBetweenTurn34]#
Minimum Tangent Length Between Turn45 #PGDB::[lbl_MinTanLenBetweenTurn45]#
Minimum Tangent Length Between Turn56 #PGDB::[lbl_MinTanLenBetweenTurn56]#
Minimum Tangent Length Between Turn67 #PGDB::[lbl_MinTanLenBetweenTurn67]#
Minimum Tangent Length Between Turn78 #PGDB::[lbl_MinTanLenBetweenTurn78]#
Optional Minimum Grip Length #PGDB::[lbl_OptionalMinimumGripLength]#
Optional Minimum Pull Length #PGDB::[lbl_OptionalMinimumPullLength]#

402 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Pipe Stock (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of pipe stock to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
Piping Instruments Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running
this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Pipe Stock folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

CustomClassInterfaceList tab
Class Name
Interface Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 403

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Pipe Stock tab

Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Density #PartData::[lbl_Density]#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Purchase Length #PartData::[lbl_PurchaseLength]#
Minimum Pipe Length #PartData::[lbl_MinimumPipeLength]#
Maximum Pipe Length #PartData::[lbl_MaximumPipeLength]#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Npd[1]:Primary #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2]:Secondary #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Weight Per Unit Length #PartData::[lbl_WeightPerUnitLength]#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

PipeRuns by Drawing (Deliverables\PipeRuns by

Creates a report of PipeRuns and the drawings that contain them, which can be used for review
and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Deliverables\PipeRuns by Drawing folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

404 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Drawing #DrawingPipeRuns::DrawingName#
Drawing Revision #DrawingPipeRuns::DrawingRevision#
Pipeline #DrawingPipeRuns::Pipeline#
PipeRun #DrawingPipeRuns::Run#

Piping Commodity Material Control Data (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping)
Creates a report of piping commodity material control data to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
No inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Piping Commodity Material Control Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Piping Commodify Mt ControlData tab

Contractor Commodify Code #MCD::ContractorCommodityCode#
First Size From #MCD::FirstSizeFrom#
First Size To #MCD::FirstSizeTo#
First Size Units #MCD::FirstSizeTo#
Second Size From #MCD::SecondSizeFrom#
Second Size To #MCD::SecondSizeTo#
Second Size Units #MCD::SecondSizeUnits#
Multi size Option #MCD::MultisizeOption#
Industry Commodity Code #MCD::IndustryCommodityCode#
Client Commodify Code #MCD::ClientCommodityCode#
CIMIS Commodity Code #MCD::CIMISCommodityCode#
Short Material Description #MCD::ShortMaterialDescription#
Localized Short Material Description #MCD::LocalizedShortMaterialDesc#
Long Material Description #MCD::LongMaterialDescription#
Vendor #MCD::Vendor#
Manufacturer #MCD::Manufacturer#
Fabrication Type #MCD::FabricationType#
Supply Responsibility #MCD::SupplyResponsibility#
Reporting Type #MCD::ReportingType#
Quantity Of Reportable Parts #MCD::QuantityOfReportableParts#
Gasket Requirements #MCD::GasketRequirements#
Bolting Requirements #MCD::BoltingRequirements#
Welding Requirement #MCD::WeldingRequirement#

Reports User's Guide 405

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Loose Material Requirements #MCD::LooseMaterialRequirements#

Substution Cap Screws Quantity #MCD::SubstCapScrewsQuantity#
Substitution Cap Screw Contractor Commodity Code
Substitution Cap Screw Diameter #MCD::SubstCapScrewDiameter#
Tapped Hole Depth #MCD::TappedHoleDepth#
Multi port Valve Operator Requirement #MCD::MultiportValveOpReq#
Valve Operator Type #MCD::ValveOperatorType#
Valve Operator Geometric Industry Standard #MCD::ValveOperatorGeoIndStd#
Valve Operator Catalog Part Number #MCD::ValveOperatorCatalogPartNumber#
Reportable Commodity Code #MCD::ReportableCommodityCode#
Part Data Source #MCD::PartDataSource#
Alternate Orientation Commodity Code #MCD::AltOrientationCommodityCode#
Hyperlink To Electronic Vendor #MCD::HyperlinkToElectronicVendor#
Hyperlink To Electronic Manuals #MCD::HyperlinkToElectronicManuals#
Piping Note 1 #MCD::PipingNote1#
Vendor Part Number #MCD::VendorPartNumber#
Manufacturer Part Number #MCD::ManufacturerPartNumber#
Alternate Reportable Commodity Code #MCD::AltReportableCommodityCode#
Quantity Of Alternate Reportable Parts #MCD::QuantityOfAltReportableParts#
Legacy Commodity Code #MCD::LegacyCommodityCode#

Piping Commodity Procurement Data (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping)
Creates a report of Piping Commodity Procurement Data to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Piping Commodity Procurement Data folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

406 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Commodity Procurement Data tab

Commodity Code #PGDB::CommodityCode#
First Size #PGDB::FirstSize#
First Size Units #PGDB::FirstSizeUnits#
Second Size #PGDB::SecondSize#
Second Size Units #PGDB::SecondSizeUnits#
Multi size Option #PGDB::MultisizeOption#
First Size Schedule #PGDB::FirstSizeSchedule#
Second Size Schedule #PGDB::SecondSizeSchedule#
Client Commodity Code #PGDB::ClientCommodityCode#
CIMIS Commodity Code #PGDB::CIMISCommodityCode#
Vendor Part Number #PGDB::VendorPartNumber#
Manufacturer Part Number #PGDB::ManufacturerPartNumber#
Unit Cost #PGDB::UnitCost#
Requisition Number #PGDB::RequisitionNumber#
Installation Man Hours #PGDB::InstallationManHours#
Maintenance Man Hours #PGDB::MaintenanceManHours#

Piping Commodity Service Limits Data (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping)
Creates a report of Piping Commodity Service Limits Data to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Piping Commodity Service Limits Data folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Reports User's Guide 407

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Commodity Service Limits Data tab

Industry Commodity Code #PGDB::IndustryCommodityCode#
First Size #PGDB::FirstSize#
First Size Units #PGDB::FirstSizeUnits#
First Size Schedule #PGDB::FirstSizeSchedule#
Second Size #PGDB::SecondSize#
Second Size Units #PGDB::SecondSizeUnits#
Second Size Schedule #PGDB::SecondSizeSchedule#
Multi size Option #PGDB::MultisizeOption#
Industry Commodity Code Gasket #PGDB::IndustryCommodityCodeGasket#
Maximum Temperature #PGDB::[lbl_MaximumTemperature]#
Maximum Pressure #PGDB::[lbl_MaximumPressure]#

Piping Fittings - Export to Icarus

Fittings are listed with many properties such as area, fitting type, and pipe flange class.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Fittings -
Export to Icarus\Fittings - Export to Icarus.rtp
Internal Name (Blank)
Units (Blank)
AreaName #PipeComp::AreaName#
CpItemDescription #PipeComp::RunOID#
SpFittingType #PipeComp::CommodityType#
SpFittingCount #PipeComp::FittingCount#
CpPipeFlangeClass #PipeComp::Rating#
CpControlValveReduction (Blank)
CpControlValveMinimumClass (Blank)
CpValvePackingSeal (Blank)

Piping Fittings and Welds Sorted by NPD (Piping)

Fittings are listed with size, type, approval status, and quantity information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Fittings
and Welds Sorted by NPD\Fittings and Welds Sorted by NPD.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
#Fitting::[outPiping Fittings NPD with Unit Primary]#
#Weld::[outPiping Weld NPD with Unit Primary]#

408 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

#Fitting::[outPipe Part Commodity and Description_Local1]#
Approval Status

Piping Fittings Material Take-Off in WBS Project

Fittings are listed in material take-off form with NPD's, quantities and supply responsibilities.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Fittings
Material Take-Off in WBS Project\Fittings MTO in WBS Project.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Project #Fittings::ProjectName#
Nominal Size
1 #Fittings::[outPiping Fittings NPD with Unit Primary]#
2 #Fittings::[outPiping Fittings NPD with Unit Secondary]#
Specification #Fittings::[outSpecName]#
Item Code #Fittings::ContractorCommodityCode#
Fabrication Requirement #Fittings::[outFabricationRequirement]#
Description #Fittings::ShortMaterialDescription#
Quantity #Fittings::Total#
OFM / CFM #Fittings::[outSupplyResponsibility]#

Piping Generic Data Bolted (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of piping generic data bolted to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Piping Generic Data Bolted folder.

Reports User's Guide 409

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Piping Generic Data Bolted tab

Nominal Piping Diameter #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalDiameterUnits#
Pressure Rating #PGDB::PressureRating#
End Preparation #PGDB::EndPreparation#
End Standard #PGDB::EndStandard#
Flange Outside Diameter #PGDB::[lbl_FlangeOutsideDiameter]#
Flange Thickness #PGDB::[lbl_FlangeThickness]#
Flange Thickness Tolerance #PGDB::[lbl_FlangeThicknessTolerance]#
Flange Face Projection #PGDB::[lbl_FlangeFaceProjection]#
Raised Face Diameter #PGDB::[lbl_RaisedFaceDiameter]#
Flange Groove Width #PGDB::[lbl_FlangeGrooveWidth]#
Seating Depth #PGDB::[lbl_SeatingDepth]#
Bolt Circle Diameter #PGDB::[lbl_BoltCircleDiameter]#
Quantity Of Bolts Required #PGDB::QuantityOfBoltsRequired#
Bolt Diameter #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameter]#
Body Outside Diameter #PGDB::[lbl_BodyOutsideDiameter]#
Drilling Template Pattern #PGDB::DrillingTemplatePattern#
Bolt Pattern Length Bolt Pattern Length
Bolt Pattern Width #PGDB::[lbl_BoltPatternWidth]#
Bolt Pattern Offset #PGDB::[lbl_BoltPatternOffset]#

Piping Generic Data Female (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of piping generic data female to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Piping Generic Data Female folder.

410 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Piping Generic Data Female tab

Nominal Piping Diameter #PGDF::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Diameter Units #PGDF::NominalDiameterUnits#
Pressure Rating #PGDF::PressureRating#
Schedule #PGDF::Schedule#
End Preparation #PGDF::EndPreparation#
End Standard #PGDF::EndStandard#
Socket Diameter #PGDF::[lbl_SocketDiameter]#
Socket Depth #PGDF::[lbl_SocketDepth]#
Socket Offset #PGDF::[lbl_SocketOffset]#
Thread Depth #PGDF::[lbl_ThreadDepth]#
Hub Outside Diameter #PGDF::[lbl_HubOutsideDiameter]#
Hub Thickness #PGDF::[lbl_HubThickness]#
Body Outside Diameter #PGDF::[lbl_BodyOutsideDiameter]#

Piping Generic Data Mechanical (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of piping generic data mechanical to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Piping Generic Data Mechanical folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Piping Generic Data Mechanical tab

Nominal Piping Diameter #PGDM::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Diameter Units #PGDM::NominalDiameterUnits#
End Preparation #PGDM::EndPreparation#
End Standard #PGDM::EndStandard#
Pressure Rating #PGDM::PressureRating#
Groove Depth #PGDM::[lbl_GrooveDepth]#
Groove Width #PGDM::[lbl_GrooveWidth]#
Groove Set back #PGDM::[lbl_GrooveWidth]#

Reports User's Guide 411

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Insulated Pipe Sorted by Insulation Class

Pipe is listed with insulation properties such as class, material, purpose, temperature, and NPD.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Insulated
Pipe Sorted by Insulation Class\Insulated Pipe Sorted by Insulation Class.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Insulation Class #Pipe::[outPipeInsulation]#
Material #Pipe::InsulationMaterial#
Purpose #Pipe::InsulationPurpose#
Temperature #Pipe::[outPiping Pipe Insulation Temperature]#
Thickness #Pipe::[outPiping Pipe Insulation Thickness]#
NPD #Pipe::NPD#
Unit #Pipe::NPDUnitType#
Length #Pipe::[outPiping Pipe Length]#

Piping Material Class (Verification of Consistency)

Creates a report of piping material classes to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Verification of Consistency\Piping Material Class folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Description of the Error #PMCBoltExtensionRule::Typeoferror#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCBoltExtensionRule::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCBoltExtensionRule::NominalDiameterUnits#
End Preparation #PMCBoltExtensionRule::EndPreparation#
End Standard #PMCBoltExtensionRule::EndStandard#

Description of the Error #PMCBoltlengthCalcsCapscrewTol::Typeoferror#
Bolt Diameter #PMCBoltlengthCalcsCapscrewTol::[lbl_boltdiameter]#
Bolt Length #PMCBoltlengthCalcsCapscrewTol::[lbl_boltlength]#

Description of the Error #PMCBoltlengthCalcsMachBoltTol::Typeoferror#
Bolt Diameter #PMCBoltlengthCalcsMachBoltTol::[lbl_boltdiameter]#

412 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Bolt Length #PMCBoltlengthCalcsMachBoltTol::[lbl_boltlength]#

Piping Materials Class #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::Specname#
Revision Number #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::RevisionNumber#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::Npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::NpdUnitType#
End Preparation #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::Port1EndPreparation#
Pressure Rating #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::Port1PressureRating#
End Standard #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::Port1EndStandard#
Bolting Requirement #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::Port1BoltingRequirement#
Bolt Extension #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_BoltExtension1]#
Flange Thickness #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_FlangeThickness1]#
Flange Thickness Tolerance #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_FlangeThicknessTolerance1]#
Flange Face Projection #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lb_FlangeFaceProjection1]#
Seating Depth #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_SeatingDepth1]#
Liner Thickness #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_LinerThickness1]#
Lap Thickness #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_LapThickness1]#
End Preparation #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::Port2EndPreparation#
Pressure Rating #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::Port2PressureRating#
End Standard #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::Port2EndStandard#
Bolting Requirement #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::Port2BoltingRequirement#
Bolt Extension #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_BoltExtension2]#
Flange Thickness #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_FlangeThickness2]#
Flange Thickness Tolerance #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_FlangeThicknessTolerance2]#
Flange Face Projection #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lb_FlangeFaceProjection2]#
Seating Depth #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_SeatingDepth2]#
Liner Thickness #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_LinerThickness2]#
Lap Thickness #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_LapThickness2]#
Gasket Thickness #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_GasketThickness]#
Number of Nuts #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::NumberOfNuts#
Nut Height #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_NutHeight]#
SupplNumber of Nuts #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::SupplNumberOfNuts#
Number of Washers #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::NumberOfWashers#
Washer Thickness #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_WasherThickness]#
CapScrew Hole Depth #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_CapScrewHoleDepth]#
Bolt Diameter #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_BoltDiameter]#
Number of Bolts #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::NumberOfBolts#
RoundOffBasis #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::RoundOffBasis#
Bolt Calculated Length #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_CalculatedLength]#
Bolt Rounded Length #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_RoundedLength]#
Bolt Length Tolerance #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_Boltlengthtolerance]#
CapScrew Length #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_CapScrewLength]#

Reports User's Guide 413

Appendix: Report Descriptions

CapScrew Diameter #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_CapScrewDiameter]#

Number of CapScrews #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::NumberOfCapScrews#
CapScrew Length Tolerance #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_Capscrewlengthtolerance]#
CapScrew Rounded Length #PMCBoltlengthCalcsReport::[lbl_CapscrewRoundedLength]#

Description of the Error #PMCBoltlengthCalcsStudBoltTol::Typeoferror#
Bolt Diameter #PMCBoltlengthCalcsStudBoltTol::boltdiameter#
Bolt Length #PMCBoltlengthCalcsStudBoltTol::boltlength#

Description of the Error #PMCBoltlengthCalPreferredCapScrew::Typeoferror#
Bolt Diameter #PMCBoltlengthCalPreferredCapScrew::boltdiameter#
Materials Grade #PMCBoltlengthCalPreferredCapScrew::MaterialsGrade#

Description of the Error #PMCBoltlengthCalPreferredMachBolt::Typeoferror#
Bolt Diameter #PMCBoltlengthCalPreferredMachBolt::boltdiameter#
Materials Grade #PMCBoltlengthCalPreferredMachBolt::MaterialsGrade#

Description of the Error #PMCBoltlengthCalPreferredStudBolt::Typeoferror#
Bolt Diameter #PMCBoltlengthCalPreferredStudBolt::boltdiameter#
Materials Grade #PMCBoltlengthCalPreferredStudBolt::MaterialsGrade#

Industry Commodity Code #PMCBoltPartDataReport::industrycommoditycode#
Bolt Type #PMCBoltPartDataReport::bolttype#
Materials Grade #PMCBoltPartDataReport::materialsgrade#
Coating Type #PMCBoltPartDataReport::coatingtype#

Description of the Error #PMCBoltSelectionfltboltpartdata::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCBoltSelectionfltboltpartdata::specname#
Revision Number #PMCBoltSelectionfltboltpartdata::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCBoltSelectionfltboltpartdata::industrycommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCBoltSelectionfltbolttypedata::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCBoltSelectionfltbolttypedata::specname#
Revision Number #PMCBoltSelectionfltbolttypedata::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCBoltSelectionfltbolttypedata::contractorcommoditycode#

414 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

BoltSelFltr End Consistency

Description of the Error #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::specname#
Revision Number #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter From
Nominal Piping Diameter To
Npd Unit Types #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::NpdUnitTypes#
Bolt Option #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::BoltOption#
Maximum Temperature #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::MaximumTemperature#
End Preparation #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::EndPreparation#
Pressure Rating #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::PressureRating#
End Standard #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::EndStandard#
Alternate End Preparation #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::AlternateEndPreparation#
Alternate Pressure Rating #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::AlternatePressureRating#
Alternate End Standard #PMCBoltSelectionfltEndConsistency::AlternateEndStandard#

Description of the Error #PMCBoltSelectionfltMatlctlData::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCBoltSelectionfltMatlctlData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCBoltSelectionfltMatlctlData::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCBoltSelectionfltMatlctlData::contractorcommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::specname#
Revision Number #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter From #PMCBoltSelectionfltUniqueNominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Npd Unit Types #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::NpdUnitType#
Bolt Option #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::BoltOption#
Maximum Temperature #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::MaximumTemperature#
End Preparation #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::EndPreparation#
Pressure Rating #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::PressureRating#
End Standard #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::EndStandard#
Alternate End Preparation #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::AlternateEndPreparation#
Alternate Pressure Rating #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::AlternatePressureRating#
Alternate End Standard #PMCBoltSelectionfltUnique::AlternateEndStandard#

Reports User's Guide 415

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PMCBoltSelectionFtr::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCBoltSelectionFtr::specname#
Revision Number #PMCBoltSelectionFtr::revisionnumber#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCBoltSelectionFtr::NominalDiameter#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCBoltSelectionFtr::NominalDiameterUnits#
End Preparation #PMCBoltSelectionFtr::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PMCBoltSelectionFtr::pressurerating#
End Standard #PMCBoltSelectionFtr::endstandard#
Alternate End Preparation #PMCBoltSelectionFtr::Altendpreparation#
Alternate Pressure Rating #PMCBoltSelectionFtr::Altpressurerating#
Alternate End Standard #PMCBoltSelectionFtr::Altendstandard#

Description of the Error #PMCCapScrewBoltPart::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCCapScrewBoltPart::specname#
Revision Number #PMCCapScrewBoltPart::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Substitution Cap Screw
Contractor Commodity Code of the Piping Commodity
Short Material Description #PMCCapScrewBoltPart::ShortMaterialDescription#

Piping Materials Class #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::specname#
Revision Number #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::revisionnumber#
Short Code #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::ShortCode#
First Size From #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::FirstSizeFrom#
First Size To #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::FirstSizeTo#
First Size Units #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::FirstSizeUnits#
Second Size From #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::SecondSizeFrom#
Second Size To #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::SecondSizeTo#
Second Size Units #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::SecondSizeUnits#
Multi-size Option #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::mutlisizeoption#
First Size Schedule #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::PrimarySizeSchedule#
Second Size Schedule #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::SecondarySizeSchedule#
Commodity Option #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::CommodityOption#
Selection Basis #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::SelectionBasis#
Maximum Temperature #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::MaximumTemperature#
Minimum Temperature #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::MinimumTemperature#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::ContractorCommodityCode#
Engineering Tag #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::EngineeringTag#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::IndustryCommodityCode#

416 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Short Material Description #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::ShortMaterialDescription#

First Size From #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::FirstSizeFromMCD#
First Size To #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::FirstSizeToMCD#
First Size Units #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::FirstSizeUnitsMCD#
Second Size From #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::SecondSizeFromMCD#
Second Size To #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::SecondSizeToMCD#
Second Size Units #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::SecondSizeUnitsMCD#
Geometric Industry Standard #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Valve Operator Type #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::ValveOperatorType#
Valve Operator Number #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::ValveOperatorNumber#
Materials Grade #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::MaterialsGrade#
Piping Component Type #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::PipingComponentType#
Valve Model Number #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::ValveTrim#
Flange Surface Finish #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::ManufacturingMethod#
Miscellaneous Requisition Classification
Npd[1] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::Npd1#
NpdUnitType[1] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::Npd1Units#
Pressure Rating [1] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::pressurerating1#
Schedule Thickness [1] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::schedule1#
End Preparation [1] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::endpreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::endstandard1#
Npd[2] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::Npd2#
NpdUnitType[2] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::Npd2Units#
Pressure Rating [2] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::pressurerating2#
Schedule Thickness [2] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::schedule2#
End Preparation [2] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::endpreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::endstandard2#
Npd[3] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::Npd3#
NpdUnitType[3] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::Npd3Units#
Pressure Rating [3] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::pressurerating3#
Schedule Thickness [3] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::schedule3#
End Preparation [3] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::endpreparation3#
End Standard [3] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::endstandard3#
Npd[4] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::Npd4#
NpdUnitType[4] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::Npd4Units#
Pressure Rating [4] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::pressurerating4#
Schedule Thickness [4] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::schedule4#
End Preparation [4] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::endpreparation4#

Reports User's Guide 417

Appendix: Report Descriptions

End Standard [4] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::endstandard4#

Npd[5] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::Npd5#
NpdUnitType[5] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::Npd5Units#
Pressure Rating [5] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::pressurerating5#
Schedule Thickness [5] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::schedule5#
End Preparation [5] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::endpreparation5#
End Standard [5] #PMCCatalogPartsSummary::endstandard5#

Description of the Error #PMCClampSelectionfltMatlctlData::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCClampSelectionfltMatlctlData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCClampSelectionfltMatlctlData::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCClampSelectionfltMatlctlData::contractorcommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCClampCmdtyClassSummaryOfSymbols::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCClampCmdtyClassSummaryOfSymbols::specname#
Revision Number #PMCClampCmdtyClassSummaryOfSymbols::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code
Industry Commodity Code
Symbol Name #PMCClampCmdtyClassSummaryOfSymbols::symboldefinitionname#

Description of the Error #PMCClampCmdtyClassSymbol::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCClampCmdtyClassSymbol::specname#
Revision Number #PMCClampCmdtyClassSymbol::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCClampCmdtyClassSymbol::contractorcommoditycode#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCClampCmdtyClassSymbol::industrycommoditycode#
Symbol Name #PMCClampCmdtyClassSymbol::symboldefinitionname#

Description of the Error #PMCClampCmdtySpecificSericeLimitsData::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCClampCmdtySpecificSericeLimitsData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCClampCmdtySpecificSericeLimitsData::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code
Normal Piping Diameter #PMCClampCmdtySpecificSericeLimitsData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCClampCmdtySpecificSericeLimitsData::npdunittype#

Description of the Error #PMCClampGasketSelectionfltData::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCClampGAsketSelectionfltData::specname#

418 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Revision Number #PMCClampGAsketSelectionfltData::revisionnumber#

Contractor Commodity Code #PMCClampGAsketSelectionfltData::contractorcommoditycode#

Piping Materials Class #PMCClampPartDataReport::specname#
Revision Number #PMCClampPartDataReport::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCClampPartDataReport::industrycommoditycode#
Part Number #PMCClampPartDataReport::partnumber#
Primary Size #PMCClampPartDataReport::primarysize#
Primary Size Npd Units #PMCClampPartDataReport::prisizenpdunits#
Secondary Size #PMCClampPartDataReport::secondarysize#
Secondary Size Npd Units #PMCClampPartDataReport::secsizenpdunits#
First Size Schedule #PMCClampPartDataReport::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PMCClampPartDataReport::secondsizeschedule#

Description of the Error #PMCClampSelectionfltCmdtyClassData::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCClampSelectionfltCmdtyClassData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCClampSelectionfltCmdtyClassData::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCClampSelectionfltCmdtyClassData::industrycommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCClampSelectionfltPartData::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCClampSelectionfltPartData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCClampSelectionfltPartData::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCClampSelectionfltPartData::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCClampSelectionfltPartData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCClampSelectionfltPartData::npdunittype#

Description of the Error #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::specname#
Revision Number #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter From #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Npd Unit Types #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::NpdUnitType#
Clamp Option #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::ClampOption#
Clamp Selection Basis #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::ClampSelectionBasis#
End Preparation #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::EndPreparation#
End Standard #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::EndStandard#
Alternate End Preparation #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::AlternateEndPreparation#
Alternate End Standard #PMCClampSelectionfltUnique::AlternateEndStandard#

Reports User's Guide 419

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PMCCmdtyClassBoltedGenericData::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCCmdtyClassBoltedGenericData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCCmdtyClassBoltedGenericData::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code
Industry Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyClassBoltedGenericData::industrycommoditycode#
Short Material Description #PMCCmdtyClassBoltedGenericData::shortmaterialdescription#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCCmdtyClassBoltedGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCCmdtyClassBoltedGenericData::npdunits#
Pressure Rating #PMCCmdtyClassBoltedGenericData::pressurerating#
End Preparation #PMCCmdtyClassBoltedGenericData::endpreparation#
End Standard #PMCCmdtyClassBoltedGenericData::endstandard#

Description of the Error #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::contractorcommoditycode#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::industrycommoditycode#
Short Material Description #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::shortmaterialdescription#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::npdunits#
Pressure Rating #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::pressurerating#
End Preparation #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::endpreparation#
End Standard #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::endstandard#
Schedule (Thickness) #PMCCmdtyClassFemaleEndData::schedule#

Description of the Error #PMCCmdtyClassLinerthicknessData::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCCmdtyClassLinerthicknessData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCCmdtyClassLinerthicknessData::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyClassLinerthicknessData::commoditycode#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyClassLinerthicknessData::industrycommoditycode#
Short Material Description #PMCCmdtyClassLinerthicknessData::shortmaterialdescription#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCCmdtyClassLinerthicknessData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCCmdtyClassLinerthicknessData::npdunittype#
Lining Material #PMCCmdtyClassLinerthicknessData::liningmaterial#
Geometric Industry Standard

Description of the Error #PMCCmdtyClassMechanicalEndData::Typeoferror#

420 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Materials Class #PMCCmdtyClassMechanicalEndData::specname#

Revision Number #PMCCmdtyClassMechanicalEndData::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code
Industry Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyClassMechanicalEndData::industrycommoditycode#
Short Material Description #PMCCmdtyClassMechanicalEndData::shortmaterialdescription#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCCmdtyClassMechanicalEndData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCCmdtyClassMechanicalEndData::npdunits#
Pressure Rating #PMCCmdtyClassMechanicalEndData::pressurerating#
End Preparation #PMCCmdtyClassMechanicalEndDataendpreparation#
End Standard #PMCCmdtyClassMechanicalEndData::endstandard#

Description of the Error #PMCCmdtyClassPlainPipe::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCCmdtyClassPlainPipe::specname#
Revision Number #PMCCmdtyClassPlainPipe::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyClassPlainPipe::contractorcommoditycode#
IndustryCommodityCode #PMCCmdtyClassPlainPipe::industrycommoditycode#
Short Material Description #PMCCmdtyClassPlainPipe::shortmaterialdescription#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCCmdtyClassPlainPipe::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCCmdtyClassPlainPipe::npdunits#
Schedule (Thickness) #PMCCmdtyClassPlainPipe::schedule#
End Standard #PMCCmdtyClassPlainPipe::endstandard#
Pressure Rating #PMCCmdtyClassPlainPipe::pressurerating#

Description of the Error #PMCCmdtyClassSummaryOfSymbols::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCCmdtyClassSummaryOfSymbols::specname#
Revision Number #PMCCmdtyClassSummaryOfSymbols::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code
Industry Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyClassSummaryOfSymbols::industrycommoditycode#
Symbol Name #PMCCmdtyClassSummaryOfSymbols::symboldefinitionname#

Description of the Error #PMCCmdtyClassSymbols::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCCmdtyClassSymbols::specname#
Revision Number #PMCCmdtyClassSymbols::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyClassSymbols::contractorcommoditycode#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyClassSymbols::industrycommoditycode#
Symbol Name #PMCCmdtyClassSymbols::symboldefinitionname#

Description of the Error #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::typeoferror#

Reports User's Guide 421

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Materials Class #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::specname#

Revision Number #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::revisionnumber#
Short Code #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::shortcode#
Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::commoditycode#
Option Code #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::optioncode#
Maximum Temperature #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::maximumtemperature#
Minimum Temperature #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::minimumtemperature#
First Size From #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PMCCmdtyFiltersizenotinnpdrule::multisizeoption#

Description of the Error #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::specname#
Revision Number #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::revisionnumber#
Short Code #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::shortcode#
Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::commoditycode#
Option Code #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::optioncode#
Maximum Temperature #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::maximumtemperature#
Minimum Temperature #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::minimumtemperature#
First Size From #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::multisizeoption#
(Overlapping with) First Size From #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::firstsizefrom1#
(Overlapping with) First Size To #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::firstsizeto1#
(Overlapping with) Second Size From #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::secondsizefrom1#
(Overlapping with) Second Size To #PMCCmdtyFiltersizeOverlapping::secondsizeto1#

Description of the Error #PMCCmdtyMatlCtlDataLabelIV::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCCmdtyMatlCtlDataLabelIV::SpecName#
Revision Number #PMCCmdtyMatlCtlDataLabelIV::RevisionNumber#
Label Name #PMCCmdtyMatlCtlDataLabelIV::Name#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCCmdtyMatlCtlDataLabelIV::CommodityCode#
Material Description Type #PMCCmdtyMatlCtlDataLabelIV::MatlDescType#

422 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PMCComponentTypeVerification::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCComponentTypeVerification::specname#
Revision Number #PMCComponentTypeVerification::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCComponentTypeVerification::contractorcommoditycode#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCComponentTypeVerification::industrycommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCFilterCmdtyClassData::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCFilterCmdtyClassData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCFilterCmdtyClassData::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCFilterCmdtyClassData::industrycommoditycode#
Short Material Description #PMCFilterCmdtyClassData::shortmaterialdescription#

Description of the Error #PMCFilterCmdtyServiceLimits::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCFilterCmdtyServiceLimits::specname#
Revision Number #PMCFilterCmdtyServiceLimits::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCFilterCmdtyServiceLimits::industrycommoditycode#
First Size #PMCFilterCmdtyServiceLimits::[lbl_npd1]#
Second Size #PMCFilterCmdtyServiceLimits::[lbl_npd2]#

Description of the Error #PMCFilterMatlctlData::Typeoferror#
Piping Material Class #PMCFilterMatlctlData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCFilterMatlctlData::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCFilterMatlctlData::commoditycode#
Primary Npd #PMCFilterMatlctlData::npd1#
Primary Npd Units #PMCFilterMatlctlData::npd1units#
Secondary Npd #PMCFilterMatlctlData::npd2#
Secondary Npd Units #PMCFilterMatlctlData::npd2units#
Multi-size Option #PMCFilterMatlctlData::multisizeoption#

Description of the Error #PMCFlangeSetbkDistanceRule::Typeoferror#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCFlangeSetbkDistanceRule::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCFlangeSetbkDistanceRule::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Materials Grade #PMCFlangeSetbkDistanceRule::materialsgrade#
Pressure Rating #PMCFlangeSetbkDistanceRule::pressurerating#

Industry Commodity Code #PMCGasketPartDataReport::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Diameter From #PMCGasketPartDataReport::nominaldiameterfrom#

Reports User's Guide 423

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Nominal Diameter To #PMCGasketPartDataReport::nominaldiameterto#

Nominal Diameter #PMCGasketPartDataReport::nominaldiameter#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCGasketPartDataReport::npdunittype#
Gasket Type #PMCGasketPartDataReport::gaskettype#
Ring Number #PMCGasketPartDataReport::ringnumber#
Gasket Industry Standard #PMCGasketPartDataReport::gasketindustrystandard#
Thickness for 3D Model #PMCGasketPartDataReport::[lbl_ThicknessFor3DModel]#
Procurement Thickness #PMCGasketPartDataReport::[lbl_]ProcurementThickness]#
Materials Grade #PMCGasketPartDataReport::MaterialsGrade#
Gasket Outside Diameter #PMCGasketPartDataReport::[lbl_GasketOutsideDiameter]#
Gasket Inside Diameter #PMCGasketPartDataReport::[lbl_GasketInsideDiameter]#
Gasket Outside Diameter Basis #PMCGasketPartDataReport::GasketOutsideDiameterBasis#
Gasket Inside Diameter Basis #PMCGasketPartDataReport::GasketInsideDiameterBasis#

Description of the Error #PMCGasketSelectionfltGasketPartIData::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCGasketSelectionfltGasketPartIData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCGasketSelectionfltGasketPartIData::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCGasketSelectionfltGasketPartIData::industrycommoditycode#
Ring Number #PMCGasketSelectionfltGasketPartIData::ringnumber#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCGasketSelectionfltGasketPartIData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCGasketSelectionfltGasketPartIData::npdunittype#

Description of the Error #PMCGasketSelectionfltMatlctlData::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCGasketSelectionfltMatlctlData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCGasketSelectionfltMatlctlData::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCGasketSelectionfltMatlctlData::contractorcommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCGasketSelectionFtr::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCGasketSelectionFtr::specname#
Revision Number #PMCGasketSelectionFtr::revisionnumber#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PMCGasketSelectionFtr::NominalDiameter#
Nominal Diameter Units #PMCGasketSelectionFtr::NominalDiameterUnits#
End Preparation #PMCGasketSelectionFtr::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PMCGasketSelectionFtr::pressurerating#
End Standard #PMCGasketSelectionFtr::endstandard#
Alternate End Preparation #PMCGasketSelectionFtr::Altendpreparation#
Alternate Pressure Rating #PMCGasketSelectionFtr::Altpressurerating#
Alternate End Standard #PMCGasketSelectionFtr::Altendstandard#

424 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PMCGsktPart3DThickness::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCGsktPart3DThickness::specname#
Revision Number #PMCGsktPart3DThickness::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCGsktPart3DThickness::industrycommoditycode#
Gasket Thickness #PMCGsktPart3DThickness::[lbl_ThicknessFor3DModel]#

Description of the Error #PMCGsktPartProcurementThickness::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCGsktPartProcurementThickness::specname#
Revision Number #PMCGsktPartProcurementThickness::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCGsktPartProcurementThickness::industrycommoditycode#
Procurement Thickness #PMCGsktPartProcurementThickness::[lbl_ProcurementThickness]#

GasketSelFltr End Consistency

Description of the Error #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::specname#
Revision Number #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter From
Nominal Piping Diameter To
Npd Unit Types #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::NpdUnitTypes#
Gasket Option #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::GasketOption#
Maximum Temperature #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::MaximumTemperature#
End Preparation #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::EndPreparation#
Pressure Rating #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::PressureRating#
End Standard #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::EndStandard#
Alternate End Preparation #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::AlternateEndPreparation#
Alternate Pressure Rating #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::AlternatePressureRating#
Alternate End Standard #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::AlternateEndStandard#
Fluid Code #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::FluidCode#
Schedule Thickness #PMCGsktSelectionfltEndConsistency::ScheduleThickness#

Description of the Error #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::specname#
Revision Number #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter From
Nominal Piping Diameter To

Reports User's Guide 425

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Npd Unit Types #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::NpdUnitTypes#

Gasket Option #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::GasketOption#
Maximum Temperature #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::MaximumTemperature#
End Preparation #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::EndPreparation#
Pressure Rating #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::PressureRating#
End Standard #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::EndStandard#
Alternate End Preparation #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::AlternateEndPreparation#
Alternate Pressure Rating #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::AlternatePressureRating#
Alternate End Standard #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::AlternateEndStandard#
Fluid Code #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::FluidCode#
Schedule Thickness #PMCGsktSelectionfltFCConsistency::ScheduleThickness#

Description of the Error #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::specname#
Revision Number #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter From #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Npd Unit Types #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::NpdUnitType#
Gasket Option #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::GasketOption#
Maximum Temperature #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::MaximumTemperature#
End Preparation #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::EndPreparation#
Pressure Rating #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::PressureRating#
End Standard #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::EndStandard#
Alternate End Preparation #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::AlternateEndPreparation#
Alternate Pressure Rating #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::AlternatePressureRating#
Alternate End Standard #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::AlternateEndStandard#
Fluid Code #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::FluidCode#
Schedule Thickness #PMCGsktSelectionfltUnique::ScheduleThickness#

Description of the Error #PMCMatlCtlDataCapScrewVerification::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCMatlCtlDataCapScrewVerification::specname#
Revision Number #PMCMatlCtlDataCapScrewVerification::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Piping Commodity
Short Material Description #PMCMatlCtlDataCapScrewVerification::ShortMaterialDescription#

Description of the Error #PMCMatlCtlDataLocalizedDesc::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCMatlCtlDataLocalizedDesc::specname#
Revision Number #PMCMatlCtlDataLocalizedDesc::revisionnumber#

426 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Contractor Commodity Code #PMCMatlCtlDataLocalizedDesc::commoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCMatlCtlDataLongDesc::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCMatlCtlDataLongDesc::specname#
Revision Number #PMCMatlCtlDataLongDesc::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCMatlCtlDataLongDesc::commoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCMatlCtlDataMultiPortValveOpData::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCMatlCtlDataMultiPortValveOpData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCMatlCtlDataMultiPortValveOpData::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCMatlCtlDataMultiPortValveOpData::CommodityCode#
Primary Size #PMCMatlCtlDataMultiPortValveOpData::npd1#
Primary Size Units #PMCMatlCtlDataMultiPortValveOpData::npd1units#
Secondary Size #PMCMatlCtlDataMultiPortValveOpData::npd2#
Secondary Size Units #PMCMatlCtlDataMultiPortValveOpData::npd2units#
Mutli-size Option #PMCMatlCtlDataMultiPortValveOpData::multisizeoption#

Description of the Error #PMCMatlCtlDataReportableCmdtyVerification::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCMatlCtlDataReportableCmdtyVerification::specname#
Revision Number #PMCMatlCtlDataReportableCmdtyVerification::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Reportable Piping Commodity
Contractor Commodity Code of the Piping Commodity

Description of the Error #PMCMatlCtlDataShortDesc::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCMatlCtlDataShortDesc::specname#
Revision Number #PMCMatlCtlDataShortDesc::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCMatlCtlDataShortDesc::commoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCMatlCtlDataValveOpMatlCtlData::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCMatlCtlDataValveOpMatlCtlData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCMatlCtlDataValveOpMatlCtlData::revisionnumber#
Valve Operator Number
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCMatlCtlDataValveOpMatlCtlData::commoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCMatlCtlDataValveOpPartData::Typeoferror#

Reports User's Guide 427

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Materials Class #PMCMatlCtlDataValveOpPartData::specname#

Revision Number #PMCMatlCtlDataValveOpPartData::revisionnumber#
Valve Operator Number
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCMatlCtlDataValveOpPartDatacommoditycode#
Valve Size #PMCMatlCtlDataValveOpPartData::valvesize#
Valve Size Units #PMCMatlCtlDataValveOpPartData::valvesizeunits#

Description of the Error #PMCMultipleMatlCtlData::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCMultipleMatlCtlData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCMultipleMatlCtlData::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Piping Commodity
Short Material Description #PMCMultipleMatlCtlData::ShortMaterialDescription#

Industry Commodity Code #PMCNutPartDataReport::industrycommoditycode#
Nut Type #PMCNutPartDataReport::nuttype#
Materials Grade #PMCNutPartDataReport::materialsgrade#
Nut Height #PMCNutPartDataReport::[lbl_nutheight]#

Description of the Error #PMCNutPartNutHeight::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCNutPartNutHeight::specname#
Revision Number #PMCNutPartNutHeight::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCNutPartNutHeight::industrycommoditycode#
Nut Height #PMCNutPartNutHeight::[lbl_nutheight]#

Description of the Error #PMCNutPartSupplNutHeight::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCNutPartSupplNutHeight::specname#
Revision Number #PMCNutPartSupplNutHeight::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCNutPartSupplNutHeight::industrycommoditycode#
Nut Height #PMCNutPartSupplNutHeight::[lbl_nutheight]#
Supplementary Nut Requirement #PMCNutPartSupplNutHeight::supplementarynutoption#
Supplementary Nut Contractor Commodity Code

Description of the Error #PMCNutSelectionfltMatlctlData::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCNutSelectionfltMatlctlData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCNutSelectionfltMatlctlData::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCNutSelectionfltMatlctlData::contractorcommoditycode#

428 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PMCNutSelectionfltNutpartdata::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCNutSelectionfltNutpartdata::specname#
Revision Number #PMCNutSelectionfltNutpartdata::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCNutSelectionfltNutpartdata::industrycommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCNutSelectionfltSupplNut::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCNutSelectionfltSupplNut::specname#
Revision Number #PMCNutSelectionfltSupplNut::RevisionNumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCNutSelectionfltSupplNut::contractorcommoditycode#
Supplementary Nut Requirement #PMCNutSelectionfltSupplNut::SupplementaryNutOption#
Supplementary Nut Contractor Commodity Code

Description of the Error #PMCNutSelectionfltUnique::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCNutSelectionfltUnique::SpecName#
Revision Number #PMCNutSelectionfltUnique::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCNutSelectionfltUnique::industrycommoditycode#
Nut Option #PMCNutSelectionfltUnique::NutOption#
Maximum Temperature #PMCNutSelectionfltUnique::MaximumTemperature#
Bolt Type #PMCNutSelectionfltUnique::BoltType#
Bolt Diameter #PMCNutSelectionfltUnique::[lbl_BoltDiameter]#

Description of the Error #PMCNutSelectionFtr::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCNutSelectionFtr::specname#
Revision Number #PMCNutSelectionFtr::revisionnumber#
Bolt Type #PMCNutSelectionFtr::BoltType#
Bolt Diameter #PMCNutSelectionFtr::[lbl_BoltDiameter]#

Description of the Error #PMCPartData::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCPartData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCPartData::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCPartData::industrycommoditycode#
Short Material Description #PMCPartData::shortmaterialdescription#
Primary Size #PMCPartData::primarysize#
Primary Size Units #PMCPartData::primarysizeunits#
Secondary Size #PMCPartData::secondarysize#
Secondary Size Units #PMCPartData::secondarysizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PMCPartData::multisizeoption#

Reports User's Guide 429

Appendix: Report Descriptions

First Size Schedule #PMCPartData::firstsizeschedule#

Second Size Schedule #PMCPartData::secondsizeschedule#

Piping Materials Class #PMCPartReport::specname#
Revision Number #PMCPartReport::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCPartReport::industrycommoditycode#
Primary Size #PMCPartReport::primarysize#
Primary Size Units of Measure #PMCPartReport::primarysizeunits#
Secondary Size #PMCPartReport::secondarysize#
Secondary Size Units of Measure #PMCPartReport::secondarysizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PMCPartReport::multisizeoption#
First Size Schedule #PMCPartReport::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PMCPartReport::secondsizeschedule#

Description of the Error #PMCRules::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCRules::specname#
Revision Number #PMCRule::revisionnumber#
Rule Name #PMCRules::Rulename#

Piping Materials Class #PMCSummaryOfClampParts::specname#
Revision Number #PMCSummaryOfClampParts::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCSummaryOfClampParts::industrycommoditycode#
Part Number #PMCSummaryOfClampParts::partnumber#
Primary Size #PMCSummaryOfClampParts::primarysize#
Primary Size Npd Units #PMCSummaryOfClampParts::prisizenpdunits#
Secondary Size #PMCSummaryOfClampParts::secondarysize#
Secondary Size Npd Units #PMCSummaryOfClampParts::secsizenpdunits#
First Size Schedule #PMCSummaryOfClampParts::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PMCSummaryOfClampParts::secondsizeschedule#

Piping Materials Class #PMCSummaryofBoltParts::specname#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCSummaryofBoltParts::industrycommoditycode#

Piping Materials Class #PMCSummaryOfGasketParts::specname#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCSummaryOfGasketParts::industrycommoditycode#

Piping Materials Class #PMCSummaryofNutParts::specname#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCSummaryofNutParts::industrycommoditycode#

430 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Materials Class #PMCSummaryOfWasherParts::specname#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCSSummaryOfWasherParts::industrycommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCSymbolPlacement::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCSymbolPlacement::specname#
Revision Number #PMCSymbolPlacement::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCSymbolPlacement::IndustryCommodityCode#
Short Code #PMCSymbolPlacement::ShortCode#
Primary Size #PMCSymbolPlacement::firstsize#
Primary Size Units #PMCSymbolPlacement::firstsizeunits#
Secondary Size #PMCSymbolPlacement::secondsize#
Secondary Size Units #PMCSymbolPlacement::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PMCSymbolPlacement::multisizeoption#
First Size Schedule #PMCSymbolPlacement::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PMCSymbolPlacement::secondsizeschedule#
Option Code #PMCSymbolPlacement::optioncode#
Maximum Temperature #PMCSymbolPlacement::maximumtemperature#
Minimum Temperature #PMCSymbolPlacement::minimumtemperature#
Selection Basis #PMCSymbolPlacement::selectionbasis#
Symbol Name #PMCSymbolPlacement::symbolname#

Description of the Error #PMCTaps::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCTaps::specname#
Revision Number #PMCTaps::revisionnumber#
Tap Number #PMCTaps::permissibletapnumber#

Description of the Error #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataShortDesc::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataShortDesc::specname#
Revision Number #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataShortDesc::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataShortDesc::contractorcommoditycode#
Valve Operator Number #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataShortDesc::operatorpartnumber#

Description of the Error #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataLongDesc::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataLongDesc::specname#
Revision Number #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataLongDesc::revisionnumber#
Valve Operator Number #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataLongDesc::operatorpartnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataLongDesc::contractorcommoditycode#

Reports User's Guide 431

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Industry Commodity Code #PMCWasherPartDataReport::industrycommoditycode#
Washer Type #PMCWasherPartDataReport::washertype#
Materials Grade #PMCWasherPartDataReport::materialsgrade#
Washer Thickness #PMCWasherPartDataReport::[lbl_washerthickness]#

Description of the Error #PMCWasherPartSupplWasherThickness::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCWasherPartSupplWasherThickness::specname#
Revision Number #PMCWasherPartSupplWasherThickness::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code
Washer Thickness #PMCWasherPartSupplWasherThickness::[lbl_WasherThickness]#
Supplementary Washer Requirement
Supplementary Washer Contractor Commodity Code

Description of the Error #PMCWasherPartWasherThickness::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCWasherPartWasherThickness::specname#
Revision Number #PMCWasherPartWasherThickness::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCWasherPartWasherThickness::IndustryCommodityCode#
Washer Thickness #PMCWasherPartWasherThickness::[lbl_WasherThickness]#

Description of the Error #PMCWasherSelectionfltMatlctlData::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCWasherSelectionfltMatlctlData::specname#
Revision Number #PMCWasherSelectionfltMatlctlData::revisionnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PMCWasherSelectionfltMatlctlData::contractorcommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCWasherSelectionfltUnique::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCWasherSelectionfltUnique::specname#
Revision Number #PMCWasherSelectionfltUnique::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCWasherSelectionfltUnique::industrycommoditycode#
Washer Option #PMCWasherSelectionfltUnique::WasherOption#
Maximum Temperature #PMCWasherSelectionfltUnique::MaximumTemperature#
Bolt Diameter #PMCWasherSelectionfltUnique::[lbl_BoltDiameter]#

Description of the Error #PMCWasherSelectionfltWasherpartdata::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCWasherSelectionfltWasherpartdata::specname#
Revision Number #PMCWasherSelectionfltWasherpartdata::revisionnumber#

432 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Industry Commodity Code #PMCWasherSelectionfltWasherpartdata::industrycommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PMCWasherSelectionFtr::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCWasherSelectionFtr::specname#
Revision Number #PMCWasherSelectionFtr::revisionnumber#
Bolt Diameter #PMCWasherSelectionFtr::[lbl_BoltDiameter]#

Description of the Error #PMCWeightDataForClampParts::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCWeightDataForClampParts::specname#
Revision Number #PMCWeightDataForClampParts::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCWeightDataForClampParts::industrycommoditycode#
Part Number #PMCWeightDataForClampParts::partnumber#
Dry Weight #PMCWeightDataForClampParts::[lbl_dryweight]#
Water Weight #PMCWeightDataForClampParts::[lbl_waterweight]#

Description of the Error #PMCWtAndCG::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCWtAndCG::specname#
Revision Number #PMCWtAndCG::revisionnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PMCWtAndCG::industrycommoditycode#
Primary Size #PMCWtAndCG::PrimarySize#
Primary Size Units of Measure #PMCWtAndCG::PrimarySizeUnits#
Secondary Size #PMCWtAndCG::SecondarySize#
Secondary Size Units of Measure #PMCWtAndCG::SecondarySizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PMCWtAndCG::multisizeoption#
First Size Schedule #PMCWtAndCG::FirstSizeSchedule#
Second Size Schedule #PMCWtAndCG::SecondSizeSchedule#
Dry Weight #PMCWtAndCG::[lbl_dryweight]#
Water Weight #PMCWtAndCG::[lbl_waterweight]#

Description of the Error #PMCWeldTypeRuleVerification::Typeoferror#
Fabrication Type1 #PMCWeldTypeRuleVerification::FabricationTypeEnd1#
Construction Requirement1 #PMCWeldTypeRuleVerification::ConstructionRequirementEnd1#
Fabrication Type2 #PMCWeldTypeRuleVerification::FabricationTypeEnd2#
Construction Requirement2 #PMCWeldTypeRuleVerification::ConstructionRequirementEnd2#

Description of the Error #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataLocalizedDesc::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataLocalizedDesc::specname#
Revision Number #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataLocalizedDesc::revisionnumber#

Reports User's Guide 433

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Operator Number #PMCVlvOpMatlCtlDataLocalizedDesc::operatorpartnumber#

Contractor Commodity Code

Description of the Error #PipeBranch::TypeOfError#
Piping Materials Class #PipeBranch::specname#
Revision Number #PipeBranch::revisionnumber#
Short Code #PipeBranch::shortcode#
Header Size #PipeBranch::headersize#
Header Size NPD Unit Type #PipeBranch::hdrsizenpdunittype#
Branch Size #PipeBranch::branchsize#
Branch Size NPD Unit Type #PipeBranch::brsizenpdunittype#

Description of the Error #Reinforcingweldsandpads::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #Reinforcingweldsandpads::specname#
Revision Number #Reinforcingweldsandpads::revisionnumber#
Short Code #Reinforcingweldsandpads::shortcode#
Selection Basis #Reinforcingweldsandpads::selectionbasis#
Header Size #Reinforcingweldsandpads::headersize#
Header Size Units of Measure #Reinforcingweldsandpads::hdrsizenpdunittype#
Branch Size #Reinforcingweldsandpads::branchsize#
Branch Size Units of Measure #Reinforcingweldsandpads::brsizenpdunittype#

Description of the Error #PMCServiceLimits::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PMCServiceLimits::specname#
Revision Number #PMCServiceLimits::RevisionNumber#
Npd From #PMCServiceLimits::NpdFrom#
Npd Units #PMCServiceLimits::NpdUnits#
Npd To #PMCServiceLimits::NpdTo#
Temperature #PMCServiceLimits::Temperature#
Pressure #PMCServiceLimits::Pressure#

Piping Material Take-Off (Piping)

Piping components are listed with category, NPD, and commodity code along with
quantities. This may be embedded into a drawing.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Material
Take-Off\Material Take-Off.rtp
Item Number #Component::ItemNum#
Category #Component::Category#
Description #Component::[Description with Length]#

434 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

NPD #Component::[NPD]#
Code #Component::CommodityCode#
Client Commodity Code #PartData::ClientCommodityCode#
Quantity #Component::[Quantity]#

Piping Materials Class (Piping Specifications)

Report of piping materials class with related selection filters and rules
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping
Specifications\Piping Materials Class\Piping Materials Class.rtp

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Bend Angles tab

Spec Name #Bend Angles::SpecName#
Npd #Bend Angles::npd#
Npd Unit Type #Bend Angles::NpdUnitType#
Bend Angle #Bend Angles::BendAngle#

Bolt Selection Filter tab

Spec Name #Bolt Selection Filter::SpecName#
Nominal Diameter From #Bolt Selection Filter::NominalDiameterFrom#
Nominal Diameter To #Bolt Selection Filter::NominalDiameterTo#
Npd Unit Type #Bolt Selection Filter::NpdUnitType#
Priority #Bolt Selection Filter::Priority#
Bolt Option #Bolt Selection Filter::BoltOption#
Bolt Extension Option #Bolt Selection Filter::BoltExtensionOption#
Contractor Commodity Code #Bolt Selection Filter::ContractorCommodityCode#
End Preparation #Bolt Selection Filter::EndPreparation#
Pressure Rating #Bolt Selection Filter::PressureRating#
End Standard #Bolt Selection Filter::EndStandard#
Alternate End Preparation #Bolt Selection Filter::AlternateEndPreparation#
Alternate Pressure Rating #Bolt Selection Filter::AlternatePressureRating#
Alternate End Standard #Bolt Selection Filter::AlternateEndStandard#
Fabrication Category Override #Bolt Selection Filter::FabricationType#
Supply Responsibility Override #Bolt Selection Filter::SupplyResponsibilityOverride#
Lubrication Requirements #Bolt Selection Filter::LubricationRequirements#
Max Temperature #Bolt Selection Filter::MaxTemperature#

Reports User's Guide 435

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Comments #Bolt Selection Filter::Comments#

Piping Note 1 #Bolt Selection Filter::PipingNote1#
Piping Note 2 #Bolt Selection Filter::PipingNote2#
Piping Note 3 #Bolt Selection Filter::PipingNote3#
Piping Note 4 #Bolt Selection Filter::PipingNote4#
Piping Note 5 #Bolt Selection Filter::PipingNote5#
Piping Note 6 #Bolt Selection Filter::PipingNote6#
Piping Note 7 #Bolt Selection Filter::PipingNote7#
Piping Note 8 #Bolt Selection Filter::PipingNote8#
Piping Note 9 #Bolt Selection Filter::PipingNote9#
Piping Note 10 #Bolt Selection Filter::PipingNote10#

Clamp Selection Filter tab

Spec Name #Clamp Selection Filter::SpecName#
Nominal Diameter From #Clamp Selection Filter::NOMINALDIAMETERFROM#
Nominal Diameter To #Clamp Selection Filter::NOMINALDIAMETERTO#
Npd Unit Type #Clamp Selection Filter::NPDUNITTYPE#
Clamp Option #Clamp Selection Filter::CLAMPOPTION#
Clamp Selection Basis #Clamp Selection Filter::CLAMPSELECTIONBASIS#
Contractor Commodity Code #Clamp Selection Filter::CONTRACTORCOMMODITYCODE#
Priority #Clamp Selection Filter::PRIORITY#
Reportable Commodity Code #Clamp Selection Filter::REPORTABLECOMMODITYCODE#
Quantity Of Reportable Parts #Clamp Selection ilter::QUANTITYOFREPORTABLEPARTS#
End Preparation #Clamp Selection Filter::EndPreparation#
End Standard #Clamp Selection Filter::EndStandard#
Alternate End Preparation #Clamp Selection Filter::AlternateEndPreparation#
Alternate End Standard #Clamp Selection Filter::AlternateEndStandard#
Fabrication Category Override #Clamp Selection Filter::FabricationType#
Supply Responsibility Override #Clamp Selection Filter::SupplyResponsibilityOverride#
Max Temperature #Clamp Selection Filter::MaxTemperature#
Alternate Reportable Commodity Code #Clamp Selection
Quantity Of Alternate Reportable Parts #Clamp Selection
Pressure Rating #Clamp Selection Filter::PressureRating#
Alternate Pressure Rating #Clamp Selection Filter::AlternatePressureRating#
Comments #Clamp Selection Filter::Comments#
Piping Note 1 #Clamp Selection Filter::PipingNote1#
Piping Note 2 #Clamp Selection Filter::PipingNote2#
Piping Note 3 #Clamp Selection Filter::PipingNote3#
Piping Note 4 #Clamp Selection Filter::PipingNote4#
Piping Note 5 #Clamp Selection Filter::PipingNote5#
Piping Note 6 #Clamp Selection Filter::PipingNote6#

436 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Note 7 #Clamp Selection Filter::PipingNote7#

Piping Note 8 #Clamp Selection Filter::PipingNote8#
Piping Note 9 #Clamp Selection Filter::PipingNote9#
Piping Note 10 #Clamp Selection Filter::PipingNote10#

Reports User's Guide 437

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Corrosion Allowance tab

Spec Name #Corrosion Allowance::SpecName#
Materials Category #Corrosion Allowance::MaterialsCategory#
Fluid Code #Corrosion Allowance::FluidCode#
Corrosion Allowance #Corrosion Allowance::CorrosionAllowance#

Default Change Of Direction tab

Spec Name #Default Change Of Direction::SpecName#
Bend Angle From #Default Change Of Direction::BendAngleFrom#
Bend Angle To #Default Change Of Direction::BendAngleTo#
Functional Short Code #Default Change Of Direction::FunctionalShortCode#

Field Lining Thickness tab

Spec Name #Field Lining Thickness::SpecName#
Nominal Piping Diameter From #Field Lining Thickness::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #Field Lining Thickness::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #Field Lining Thickness::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Liner Thickness Inside Diameter #Field Lining Thickness::LinerThicknessInsideDiameter#
Liner Thickness On Face Of Flange #Field Lining Thickness::LinerThicknessOnFaceOfFlange#

Gasket Selection Filter tab

Spec Name #Gasket Selection Filter::SpecName#
Nominal Diameter From #Gasket Selection Filter::NominalDiameterFrom#
Nominal Diameter To #Gasket Selection Filter::NominalDiameterTo#
Npd Unit Type #Gasket Selection Filter::NpdUnitType#
Priority #Gasket Selection Filter::Priority#
Gasket Option #Gasket Selection Filter::GasketOption#
Ring Number #Gasket Selection Filter::RingNumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #Gasket Selection Filter::ContractorCommodityCode#
Minimum Temperature #Gasket Selection Filter::MinimumTemperature#
Max Temperature #Gasket Selection Filter::MaxTemperature#
End Preparation #Gasket Selection Filter::EndPreparation#
Pressure Rating #Gasket Selection Filter::PressureRating#
End Standard #Gasket Selection Filter::EndStandard#
Alternate End Preparation #Gasket Selection Filter::AlternateEndPreparation#
Alternate Pressure Rating #Gasket Selection Filter::AlternatePressureRating#
Alternate End Standard #Gasket Selection Filter::AlternateEndStandard#
Fabrication Type #Gasket Selection Filter::FabricationType#
Supply Responsibility Override #Gasket Selection Filter::SupplyResponsibilityOverride#
Fluid Code #Gasket Selection Filter::FluidCode#
Schedule Thickness #Gasket Selection Filter::ScheduleThickness#
Comments #Gasket Selection Filter::Comments#

438 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Note 1 #Gasket Selection Filter::PipingNote1#

Piping Note 2 #Gasket Selection Filter::PipingNote2#
Piping Note 3 #Gasket Selection Filter::PipingNote3#
Piping Note 4 #Gasket Selection Filter::PipingNote4#
Piping Note 5 #Gasket Selection Filter::PipingNote5#
Piping Note 6 #Gasket Selection Filter::PipingNote6#
Piping Note 7 #Gasket Selection Filter::PipingNote7#
Piping Note 8 #Gasket Selection Filter::PipingNote8#
Piping Note 9 #Gasket Selection Filter::PipingNote9#
Piping Note 10 #Gasket Selection Filter::PipingNote10#

Inside Surface Treatment tab

Coating Type #Inside Surface Treatment::CoatingType#
Interior Surface Treatment #Inside Surface Treatment::INTERIORSURFACETREATMENT#
#Inside Surface Treatment::SpecName#
#Inside Surface Treatment::FluidCode#

Joint Quality Factor tab

Spec Name #Joint Quality Factor::SpecName#
Nominal Diameter From #Joint Quality Factor::NominalDiameterFrom#
Nominal Diameter To #Joint Quality Factor::NominalDiameterTo#
Npd Unit Type #Joint Quality Factor::NpdUnitType#
Joint Quality Factor #Joint Quality Factor::JointQualityFactor#

Minimum Pipe Length Purchase tab

Spec Name #Minimum Pipe Length Purchase::SpecName#
Nominal Piping Diameter #Minimum Pipe Length Purchase::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #Minimum Pipe Length
Purchase Length #Minimum Pipe Length Purchase::PurchaseLength#
Minimum Pipe Length #Minimum Pipe Length Purchase::MinimumPipeLength#
Preferred Minimum Pipe Length #Minimum Pipe Length

Reports User's Guide 439

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Minimum Pipe Length Rule tab

Spec Name #Minimum Pipe Length Rule::SpecName#
Nominal Diameter #Minimum Pipe Length Rule::NominalDiameter#
Unit Type #Minimum Pipe Length Rule::UnitType#
Minimum Pipe Length #Minimum Pipe Length Rule::MinimumPipeLength#
Preferred Minimum Pipe Length #Minimum Pipe Length Rule::PreferredMinimumPipeLength#

Nut Selection Filter tab

Spec Name #Nut Selection Filter::SpecName#
Nut Option #Nut Selection Filter::NutOption#
Bolt Type #Nut Selection Filter::BoltType#
Bolt Diameter #Nut Selection Filter::BoltDiameter#
Contractor Commodity Code #Nut Selection Filter::ContractorCommodityCode#
Supplementary Nut Requirement #Nut Selection Filter::SupplementaryNutRequirement#
Supplementary Nut Contractor Commodity Code #Nut Selection
Max Temperature #Nut Selection Filter::MaxTemperature#
Fabrication Category Override #Nut Selection Filter::FabricationType#
Supply Responsibility Override #Nut Selection Filter::SupplyResponsibilityOverride#
Comments #Nut Selection Filter::Comments#
Piping Note 1 #Nut Selection Filter::PipingNote1#
Piping Note 2 #Nut Selection Filter::PipingNote2#
Piping Note 3 #Nut Selection Filter::PipingNote3#
Piping Note 4 #Nut Selection Filter::PipingNote4#
Piping Note 5 #Nut Selection Filter::PipingNote5#
Piping Note 6 #Nut Selection Filter::PipingNote6#
Piping Note 7 #Nut Selection Filter::PipingNote7#
Piping Note 8 #Nut Selection Filter::PipingNote8#
Piping Note 9 #Nut Selection Filter::PipingNote9#
Piping Note 10 #Nut Selection Filter::PipingNote10#

Outside Surface Treatment tab

Spec Name #Outside Surface Treatment::SpecName#
Nominal Piping Diameter From #Outside Surface Treatment::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #Outside Surface Treatment::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #Outside Surface Treatment::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
EnvironmentalZone #Outside Surface Treatment::EnvironmentalZone#
Coating Type #Outside Surface Treatment::CoatingType#
Exterior Surface Treatment #Outside Surface Treatment::ExteriorSurfaceTreatment#
AuxiliaryTreatment #Outside Surface Treatment::AuxiliaryTreatment#

440 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Permissible PipeBending Machine tab

Spec Name #Permissible PipeBending Machine::SpecName#
Nominal Piping Diameter From #Permissible PipeBending
Nominal Piping Diameter To #Permissible PipeBending Machine::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units of Measure #Permissible Pipe Bending
Pipe Bending Machine Name #Permissible PipeBending Machine::PipeBendingMachineName#

Permissible Taps tab

Spec Name #Permissible Taps::SpecName#
Permissible Tap Number #Permissible Taps::PermissibleTapNumber#
Is Preferred Tap #Permissible Taps::IsPreferredTap#

Pipe Bend Radii tab

Spec Name #Pipe Bend Radii::SpecName#
Nominal Diameter #Pipe Bend Radii::NominalDiameter#
Unit Type #Pipe Bend Radii::UnitType#
Bend Radius #Pipe Bend Radii::BendRadius#
Bend Radius Multiplier #Pipe Bend Radii::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Is Default #Pipe Bend Radii::IsDefault#

Pipe Bending Elongation tab

Spec Name #Pipe Bending Elongation::SpecName#
Nominal Piping Diameter #Pipe Bending Elongation::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #Pipe Bending Elongation::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Pipe Bend Radius #Pipe Bending Elongation::PipeBendRadius#
Pipe Elongation Unit Bend Angle #Pipe Bending Elongation::PipeElongationUnitBendAngle#
Bend Angle #Pipe Bending Elongation::BendAngle#
Pipe Elongation #Pipe Bending Elongation::PipeElongation#

Pipe Branch tab

Spec Name #Pipe Branch::SpecName#
Header Size #Pipe Branch::HeaderSize#
Header Size Unit Type #Pipe Branch::HeaderSizeUnitType#
Branch Size #Pipe Branch::BranchSize#
Branch Size Unit Type #Pipe Branch::BranchSizeUnitType#
Angle Low #Pipe Branch::AngleLow#
Angle High #Pipe Branch::AngleHigh#
Short Code #Pipe Branch::ShortCode#
Secondary Short Code #Pipe Branch::SecondaryShortCode#
Tertiary Short Code #Pipe Branch::TertiaryShortCode#

Reports User's Guide 441

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Pipe Nominal Diameters tab

Spec Name #Pipe Nominal Diameters::SpecName#
Nominal Diameter #Pipe Nominal Diameters::Npd#
Unit Type #Pipe Nominal Diameters::NpdUnitType#

Pipe Takedown Parts tab

Spec Name #Pipe Takedown Parts::SpecName#
Nominal Diameter #Pipe Takedown Parts::NominalDiameter#
Unit Type #Pipe Takedown Parts::UnitType#
Weld ShortCode #Pipe Takedown Parts::WeldShortCode#
Takedown Short Code #Pipe Takedown Parts::TakedownShortCode#
Pair Required #Pipe Takedown Parts::PairRequired#
Is Weld #Pipe Takedown Parts::IsWeld#

Piping Commodity Filter tab

Spec Name #Piping Commodity Filter::SpecName#
Short Code #Piping Commodity Filter::ShortCode#
First Size From #Piping Commodity Filter::FirstSizeFrom#
First Size To #Piping Commodity Filter::FirstSizeTo#
First Size Units #Piping Commodity Filter::FirstSizeUnits#
Second Size From #Piping Commodity Filter::SecondSizeFrom#
Second Size To #Piping Commodity Filter::SecondSizeTo#
Second Size Units #Piping Commodity Filter::SecondSizeUnits#
Commodity Option #Piping Commodity Filter::CommodityOption#
Multi Size Option #Piping Commodity Filter::MultiSizeOption#
Minimum Temperature #Piping Commodity Filter::MinimumTemperature#
Maximum Temperature #Piping Commodity Filter::MaximumTemperature#
Engineering Tag #Piping Commodity Filter::EngineeringTag#
Selection Basis #Piping Commodity Filter::SelectionBasis#
Commodity Code #Piping Commodity Filter::CommodityCode#
Fabrication Category Override #Piping Commodity Filter::FabricationType#
Supply Responsibility Override #Piping Commodity Filter::SupplyResponsibilityOverride#
First Size Schedule #Piping Commodity Filter::FirstSizeSchedule#
Second Size Schedule #Piping Commodity Filter::SecondSizeSchedule#
Reportable Commodity Code #Piping Commodity Filter::ReportableCommodityCode#
Bend Radius Multiplier Piping Commodity Filter::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Number Of Miter Cuts #Piping Commodity Filter::NumberOfMiterCuts#
Preferred Pipe Length #Piping Commodity Filter::PreferredPipeLength#
Quantity Of Reportable Parts #Piping Commodity Filter::QuantityOfReportableParts#
Jacketed Piping Basis #Piping Commodity Filter::JacketedPipingBasis#
Associated Commodity Code #Piping Commodity Filter::AssociatedCommodityCode#
PDS Modifier #Piping Commodity Filter::PDSModifier#

442 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Bend Radius #Piping Commodity Filter::BendRadius#

Alternate Reportable Commodity Code #Piping Commodity
Quantity Of Alternate Reportable Parts #Piping Commodity
First Size UOM Basis in Catalog #Piping Commodity Filter::FirstSizeUOMBasisinCatalog#
Second Size UOM Basis in Catalog #Piping Commodity
Comments #Piping Commodity Filter::Comments#
Piping Note 1 #Piping Commodity Filter::PipingNote1#
Piping Note 2 #Piping Commodity Filter::PipingNote2#
Piping Note 3 #Piping Commodity Filter::PipingNote3#
Piping Note 4 #Piping Commodity Filter::PipingNote4#
Piping Note 5 #Piping Commodity Filter::PipingNote5#
Piping Note 6 #Piping Commodity Filter::PipingNote6#
Piping Note 7 #Piping Commodity Filter::PipingNote7#
Piping Note 8 #Piping Commodity Filter::PipingNote8#
Piping Note 9 #Piping Commodity Filter::PipingNote9#
Piping Note 10 #Piping Commodity Filter::PipingNote10#

Piping Materials Class Data tab

Spec Name #Piping Materials Class Data::SpecName#
Fluid Service #Piping Materials Class Data::FluidService#
Materials of Construction Class #Piping Materials Class Data::MaterialsofConstructionClass#
Materials Description #Piping Materials Class Data::MaterialsDescription#
Design Standard #Piping Materials Class Data::DesignStandard#
Lining Material #Piping Materials Class Data::LiningMaterial#
Piping Spec Status #Piping Materials Class Data::PipingSpecStatus#
Responsibility #Piping Materials Class Data::Responsibility#
Last Modified On #Piping Materials Class Data::LastModifiedOn#
Revision Number #Piping Materials Class Data::RevisionNumber#
Approved By #Piping Materials Class Data::ApprovedBy#
Approval Date #Piping Materials Class Data::ApprovalDate#
Piping Commodity Override Option #Piping Materials Class
Automated Flange Selection Option #Piping Materials Class
Washer Creation Option #Piping Materials Class Data::WasherCreationOption#
Stress Relief #Piping Materials Class Data::StressRelief#
Examination #Piping Materials Class Data::Examination#
Hyperlink To Human Spec #Piping Materials Class Data::HyperlinkToHumanSpec#
Gasket Requirement Override #Piping Materials Class Data::GasketRequirementOverride#
Stress Relief Requirement #Piping Materials Class Data::StressReliefRequirement#

Reports User's Guide 443

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Materials Type #Piping Materials Class Data::MaterialsType#

Materials Group #Piping Materials Class Data::MaterialsGroup#
Jacket Material Of Construction Class #Piping Materials Class
Jumper Materials Of Construction Class #Piping Materials Class
Jacket Materials Description #Piping Materials Class Data::JacketMaterialsDescription#
Jumper Materials Description #Piping Materials Class Data::JumperMaterialsDescription#
Jacket and Jumper Fluid Service #Piping Materials Class Data::JacketandJumperFluidService#
Comments #Piping Materials Class Data::Comments#
Piping Note 1 #Piping Materials Class Data::PipingNote1#
Piping Note 2 #Piping Materials Class Data::PipingNote2#
Piping Note 3 #Piping Materials Class Data::PipingNote3#
Piping Note 4 #Piping Materials Class Data::PipingNote4#
Piping Note 5 #Piping Materials Class Data::PipingNote5#
Piping Note 6 #Piping Materials Class Data::PipingNote6#
Piping Note 7 #Piping Materials Class Data::PipingNote7#
Piping Note 8 #Piping Materials Class Data::PipingNote8#
Piping Note 9 #Piping Materials Class Data::PipingNote9#
Piping Note 10 #Piping Materials Class Data::PipingNote10#

Port Alignment tab

Spec Name #Port Alignment::SpecName#
Nominal Piping Diameter From #Port Alignment::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #Port Alignment::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #Port Alignment::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
End Preparation #Port Alignment::EndPreparation#
Method Of Trimming #Port Alignment::MethodOfTrimming#
Acceptable Alignment Tolerance #Port Alignment::AcceptableAlignmentTolerance#

Reinforcing Pad Data tab

Spec Name #Reinforcing Pad Data::SpecName#
Header Size #Reinforcing Pad Data::HeaderSize#
Header Size Units Of Measure #Reinforcing Pad Data::HeaderSizeUnitsOfMeasure#
Branch Size #Reinforcing Pad Data::BranchSize#
Branch Size Units Of Measure #Reinforcing Pad Data::BranchSizeUnitsOfMeasure#
Acute Branch Angle From #Reinforcing Pad Data::AcuteBranchAngleFrom#
Acute Branch Angle To #Reinforcing Pad Data::AcuteBranchAngleTo#
Minimum Reinforcing Pad Width #Reinforcing Pad Data::MinimumReinforcingPadWidth#

444 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Reinforcing Weld Data tab

Spec Name #Reinforcing Weld Data::SpecName#
Header Size #Reinforcing Weld Data::HeaderSize#
Header Size Units Of Measure #Reinforcing Weld Data::HeaderSizeUnitsOfMeasure#
Branch Size #Reinforcing Weld Data::BranchSize#
Branch Size Units Of Measure #Reinforcing Weld Data::BranchSizeUnitsOfMeasure#
Acute Branch Angle From #Reinforcing Weld Data::AcuteBranchAngleFrom#
Acute Branch Angle To #Reinforcing Weld Data::AcuteBranchAngleTo#
Min. Reinforcing Weld Size #Reinforcing Weld Data::MinReinforcingWeldSize#

Root Gap tab

Spec Name #Root Gap::SpecName#
Nominal Piping Diameter From #Root Gap::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #Root Gap::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #Root Gap::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Root Gap #Root Gap::RootGap#

Service Limits tab

Spec Name #Service Limits::SpecName#
Temperature #Service Limits::Temperature#
Pressure #Service Limits::Pressure#

Size Reduction tab

Spec Name #Size Reduction::SpecName#
First Size #Size Reduction::FirstSize#
First Size Units #Size Reduction::FirstSizeUnits#
Second Size #Size Reduction::SecondSize#
Second Size Units #Size Reduction::SecondSizeUnits#
Size Reduction Type #Size Reduction::SizeReductionType#
Size Reduction Preference #Size Reduction::SizeReductionPreference#
Fitting 2 First Size #Size Reduction::Fitting2FirstSize#
Fitting 2 First Size Units #Size Reduction::Fitting2FirstSizeUnits#
Fitting 3 First Size #Size Reduction::Fitting3FirstSize#
Fitting 3 First Size Units #Size Reduction::Fitting3FirstSizeUnits#
Fitting 4 First Size #Size Reduction::Fitting4FirstSize#
Fitting 4 First Size Units #Size Reduction::Fitting4FirstSizeUnits#

Reports User's Guide 445

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Thickness Data Rule tab

Spec Name #Thickness Data Rule::SpecName#
Nominal Piping Diameter #Thickness Data Rule::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #Thickness Data Rule::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Minimum Thickness #Thickness Data Rule::MinimumThickness#
Retirement Thickness #Thickness Data Rule::RetirementThickness#
Thread Thickness #Thickness Data Rule::ThreadThickness#
Preferred Schedule 1 #Thickness Data Rule::PreferredSchedule1#
Preferred Schedule 2 #Thickness Data Rule::PreferredSchedule2#
Preferred Schedule 3 #Thickness Data Rule::PreferredSchedule3#
Preferred Schedule 4 #Thickness Data Rule::PreferredSchedule4#
Preferred Schedule 5 #Thickness Data Rule::PreferredSchedule5#
Preferred Schedule 6 #Thickness Data Rule::PreferredSchedule6#

Washer Selection Filter tab

Spec Name #Washer Selection Filter::SpecName#
Washer Option #Washer Selection Filter::WasherOption#
Bolt Diameter #Washer Selection Filter::BoltDiameter#
Contractor Commodity Code #Washer Selection Filter::ContractorCommodityCode#
Max Temperature #Washer Selection Filter::MaxTemperature#
Supplementary Washer Requirement #Washer Selection
Supplementary Washer Contractor Commodity Code #Washer Selection
Fabrication Category Override #Washer Selection Filter::FabricationType#
Supply Responsibility Override #Washer Selection Filter::SupplyResponsibilityOverride#
Comments #Washer Selection Filter::Comments#
Piping Note 1 #Washer Selection Filter::PipingNote1#
Piping Note 2 #Washer Selection Filter::PipingNote2#
Piping Note 3 #Washer Selection Filter::PipingNote3#
Piping Note 4 #Washer Selection Filter::PipingNote4#
Piping Note 5 #Washer Selection Filter::PipingNote5#
Piping Note 6 #Washer Selection Filter::PipingNote6#
Piping Note 7 #Washer Selection Filter::PipingNote7#
Piping Note 8 #Washer Selection Filter::PipingNote8#
Piping Note 9 #Washer Selection Filter::PipingNote9#
Piping Note 10 #Washer Selection Filter::PipingNote10#

446 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Weld Clearance Rule tab

Spec Name #Weld Clearance Rule::SpecName#
Nominal Piping Diameter From #Weld Clearance Rule::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #Weld Clearance Rule::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #Weld Clearance Rule::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Weld Class #Weld Clearance Rule::WeldClass#
Weld Clearance Diameter Increase #Weld Clearance Rule::WeldClearanceDiameterIncrease#
Weld Clearance Length #Weld Clearance Rule::WeldClearanceLength#

Weld Gap Rule tab

Spec Name #Weld Gap Rule::SpecName#
Nominal Piping Diameter From #Weld Gap Rule::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #Weld Gap Rule::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #Weld Gap Rule::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Weld Class #Weld Gap Rule::WeldClass#
Weld Type #Weld Gap Rule::WeldType#
Weld Gap #Weld Gap Rule::WeldGap#

Piping Nipple Spools Sorted by NPD (Piping)

Nipple spools are listed with size, type, approval status, and quantity information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Nipple
Spools Sorted by NPD\Nipple Spools Sorted by NPD.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Size #NippleSpool::[outPiping Nipple Spool NPD with Unit Primary]#
Type #NippleSpool::Type#
Description #NippleSpool::[outDescription]#
Approval Status #NippleSpool::Status#
Quantity #NippleSpool::Quantity#

Reports User's Guide 447

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data F001 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for blind flanges or caps to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Flanges Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
BlindFlange Blind flange
FBLD Blind flange
BlindFlange_m Blind flange
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data F001

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

448 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data F001 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 449

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#

Piping Part Data F002 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for plate flanges or slip-on flanges to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Flanges Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
PlateFlange Plate flange
SlipOnReducingFlange Slip-on reducing flange
SlipOnFlange_m Slip-on flange
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data F002

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

450 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data F002 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Reports User's Guide 451

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#

Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#

452 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data F003 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for reducing filler flanges to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Flanges Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
FRLILR Reducing filler flange
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data F003

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 453

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data F003 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

454 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Piping Part Data F004 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for lap joint flanges to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Flanges Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
LapJointFlange Lap joint flange with stub end
LapJointFlange_m Lap joint flange
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data F004

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Reports User's Guide 455

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data F004 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
OA:Lap Thickness
OA:Is Pipe Flared
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

456 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#

Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Stub Length #PartData::[lbl_StubLength]#
Lap Thickness #PartData::[lbl_LapThickness]#

Reports User's Guide 457

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data F005 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for weld neck orifice flanges with one tap to be used for
review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Flanges Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
OrificeFlange Weld neck orifice flange
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data F005

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

458 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data F005 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 459

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Face to Tap #PartData::[lbl_FacetoTap]#

Piping Part Data F006 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for weld neck orifice flanges with two taps to be used for
review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Flanges Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
OrificeFlangewithTwoTaps Weld neck orifice flange
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data F006

460 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data F006 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Reports User's Guide 461

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Npd[4] #PartData::Npd4#
Npd Unit Type[4] #PartData::NpdUnitType4#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

462 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Face to Tap #PartData::[lbl_FacetoTap]#

Tap Orientation #PartData::TapOrientation#

Piping Part Data M001 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for caps or plugs based on Face to End dimensions to be
used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following End Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Cap Cap
Plug Plug
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M001

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 463

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M001 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#

464 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#

Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Face to End #PartData::[lbl_FacetoEnd]#

Piping Part Data M002 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for fixed angle symmetrical elbows or non-radial weldolets or
180 degree returns based on Face to Center dimension to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
11_25DegElbow 11.25 degree elbow
180DegReturn 180 degree long radius return
22_5DegElbow 22.5 degree elbow
45DegElbow 45 degree elbow
5_625DegElbow 5.625 degree elbow
60DegElbow 60 degree elbow
90DegElbow 90 degree elbow
E45 45 degree elbow
E90 90 degree elbow
VE90Elbow 90 degree elbow
VE45 45 degree elbow
VPSElbow90Deg 90 degree elbow
VPSElbow45Deg 45 degree elbow
E45TC 45 degree elbow
E90TC 90 degree elbow, Hygienic
WeldoletNonRadial Non-radial weldolet
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M002

Reports User's Guide 465

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M002 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

466 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#

Reports User's Guide 467

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M003 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for variable angle symmetrical elbows based on Face to
Center dimension to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
45Deg3DElbow 45 degree elbow, 3D
45DegLRElbow 45 degree elbow, long radius
90Deg3DElbow 90 degree elbow, 3D
90DegLRElbow 90 degree elbow, long radius
90DegSRElbow 90 degree elbow, short radius
E45LRRJ 45 degree elbow, long radius
E90LRRJ 90 degree elbow, long radius
Elbow45Deg 45 degree elbow
Elbow90Deg 90 degree elbow
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M003

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

468 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions


Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M003 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#

Reports User's Guide 469

Appendix: Report Descriptions

End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#

End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#

Piping Part Data M004 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical 90 degree reducing elbows to be used for
review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
90DegRedElbow 90 degree reducing elbow
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M004

470 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M004 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Reports User's Guide 471

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Reducing Length #PartData::[lbl_ReducingLength]#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#

472 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M005 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical 90 degree reducing elbows to be used for
review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
90DegReducingElbow 90 degree reducing elbow
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M005

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 473

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M005 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

474 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
ParameterA2 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterA2]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#

Piping Part Data M006 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for symmetrical long tangent elbows based on Elbow Bend
Radius and Tangent Length dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
45DegSymElbow 45 degree elbow, long radius, long tangent
90DegSymElbow 90 degree elbow, long radius, long tangent
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M006

Reports User's Guide 475

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M006 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

476 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Elbow Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_ElbowBendRadius]#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#

Reports User's Guide 477

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M007 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for fixed angle symmetrical long tangent elbows based on
Face to Center and Tangent Length dimensions to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
E45LT 45 degree elbow, long radius, long tangent
E90LT 90 degree elbow, long radius, long tangent
30DegSymElbow 30 degree elbow
60DegSymElbow 60 degree elbow
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M007

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

478 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M007 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 479

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#

Piping Part Data M008 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for elbows based on Face to Center and Tangent Length
dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
TrimSymElbowType1 90 degree elbow, long radius, long tangent
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M008

480 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M008 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #

Reports User's Guide 481

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#

482 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M009 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for variable angle symmetrical long tangent elbows based on
Elbow Bend Radius and Tangent Length dimensions to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
TrimSymElbowType2 90 degree elbow, long radius, long tangent
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M009

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 483

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M009 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#

484 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Elbow Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_ElbowBendRadius]#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#

Piping Part Data M010 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical long tangent elbows based on one Face to
Center and two Tangent Length dimensions to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
45DegLtElbow 45 degree elbow, long radius, long tangent
90DegLTElbow 90 degree elbow, long radius, long tangent
90DebAsymElbow 90 degree elbow, long radius, long tangent
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M010

Reports User's Guide 485

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M010 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

486 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Tangent Length1 #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength1]#
Tangent Length2 #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength2]#

Reports User's Guide 487

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M011 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical 30 degree, long tangent elbows based on
Elbow Bend Radius and two Tangent Length dimensions to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
30DegAsymElbow 30 degree elbow
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M011

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

488 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M011 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 489

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Elbow Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_ElbowBendRadius]#
Tangent Length1 #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength1]#
Tangent Length2 #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength2]#

Piping Part Data M012 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical 45 degree, long radius, long tangent
elbows based on Elbow Bend Radius, Face to Center, and Tangent Length dimensions to be
used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
45DegAsymElbow 45 degree elbow, long radius, long tangent
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M012

490 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M012 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Reports User's Guide 491

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Elbow Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_ElbowBendRadius]#

492 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M013 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical 60 degree, long tangent elbows based on
Elbow Bend Radius, two Face to Center, and two Tangent Length dimensions to be used for
review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
60DegAsymElbow 60 degree elbow
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M013

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 493

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M013 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

494 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Tangent Length1 #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength1]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Tangent Length2 #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength2]#
Elbow Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_ElbowBendRadius]#

Piping Part Data M014 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for mitered elbows to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
E225MiterNCut 22.5 degree elbow, 1-cut mitered
E30MiterNCut 30 degree elbow, 1-cut mitered
E45MiterNCut 45 degree elbow, 1-cut mitered
E60MiterNCut 60 degree elbow, 1-cut mitered
E90MiterNCut 90 degree elbow, 1-cut mitered
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M014

Reports User's Guide 495

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M014 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

496 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
No Of Miter Cuts #PartData::NoOfMiterCuts#

Reports User's Guide 497

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M015 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical street elbows to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
45DegStreetElbow 45 degree elbow, street
90DegStreetElbow 90 degree elbow, street
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M015

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

498 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M015 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 499

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#

Piping Part Data M016 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical union elbows to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
45DegUnionElbow 45 degree elbow, union
90DegUnionElbow 90 degree elbow, union
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M016

500 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M016 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Reports User's Guide 501

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Union Diameter #PartData::[lbl_UnionDiameter]#

502 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M017 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for 90 degree reducing street elbows to be used for review
and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
90DegRedStreetElbow 90 degree reducing street elbow
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M017

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 503

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M017 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

504 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Tangent Length1 #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength1]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Tangent Length2 #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength2]#

Piping Part Data M018 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for 180 degree return with Use-Point to be used for review
and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
TRUBWWM 180 degree return with Use-Point
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M018

Reports User's Guide 505

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M018 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

506 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Face1 to Face3 #PartData::[lbl_Face1toFace3]#

Reports User's Guide 507

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M019 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for 180 degree return with Use-Point on side offset to be
used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Direction Change Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
TRUSWWM 180 degree return with Use-Point on Side offset
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M019

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

508 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M019 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 509

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Face3 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face3toCenter]#

Piping Part Data M020 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for Tee or true wye type brand fittings based on two Face to
Center dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Reducing Tee Reducing branch tee
TrueY True Y
TRB Reducing branch tee
Reducing Tee_m Reducing branch tee
ReducingLateral Reducing branch lateral
TMMMS Reducing branch tee
TRMMMS Reducing branch tee
TRWWM Reducing branch tee
TRWWMS Reducing branch tee

510 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

TrueY2FC True Y
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M020

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M020 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#

Reports User's Guide 511

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#

Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#

512 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#

Piping Part Data M021 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for Tee type branch fittings based on Face to Center
dimension to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ReducingRunAndBranchTee Reducing run and branch tee
Tee Tee
T Tee
Tee_m Tee
VictaulicT tee
VPSTee Tee
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M021

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Reports User's Guide 513

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M021 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#

514 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#

Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#

Reports User's Guide 515

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M022 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical Tee or wye or lateral type branch fittings
based on three Face to Center dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
90DebReducingYBranch 90 degree reducing short Y-branch
90DegYBranch 90 degree short Y-branch
Lateral Lateral
ReducingLateral Reducing run and branch lateral
StreetTee Street tee
TrueY3FC True Y
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M022

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

516 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M022 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 517

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Face3 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face3toCenter]#

Piping Part Data M023 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical Tee type branch fittings based on Face to
Center and Face2 to Center dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
TWMSW Short Outlet Run Tee
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M023

518 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M023 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Reports User's Guide 519

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#

520 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M024 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical Tee type branch fittings based on Face to
Center and Face 3 to Center dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Tee_PDB Tee
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M024

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 521

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M024 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

522 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Face3 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face3toCenter]#

Piping Part Data M025 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical Tee type branch fittings based on Face to
Face and Face to Center dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
DripRingTee Drip ring tee
ReducingInstrumentTee Reducing instrument tee
TFI Full size instrument tee
TRI Reducing instrument tee
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M025

Reports User's Guide 523

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M025 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

524 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Face3 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face3toCenter]#

Reports User's Guide 525

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M026 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for trimmable tee based on Face to Center dimension and
Trim Angle to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
TrimmableTee Tee
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M026

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

526 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M026 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#

Reports User's Guide 527

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#

Piping Part Data M027 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for trimmable reducing tee based on two Face to Center
dimensions and Trim Angle to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
TrimmableReducingTee Reducing branch tee
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M027

528 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M027 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #

Reports User's Guide 529

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#

530 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M028 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for Tee Wye type branch fittings to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
TeeWye Tee wye
ReducingTeeWye Reducing run and branch tee
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M028

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 531

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M028 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

532 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Face3 Offset1 #PartData::[lbl_Face3Offset1]#
Face3 Offset2 #PartData::[lbl_Face3Offset2]#

Piping Part Data M029 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for union tee type fittings to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
OnBranchUnionTee On-branch union tee
OnRunUnionTee On-run union tee
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M029

Reports User's Guide 533

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M029 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

534 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Face3 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face3toCenter]#

Reports User's Guide 535

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Union Diameter #PartData::[lbl_UnionDiameter]#

Piping Part Data M030 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for instrument tees to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
InstrumentTee Short Outlet Run Tee
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M030

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

536 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M030 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 537

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#

Piping Part Data M031 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for lateral of true wye type branch fittings based on Face to
Face and Face to Branch dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
LAT Lateral
Y True Y
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M031

538 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M031 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Reports User's Guide 539

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Face2 to Branch #PartData::[lbl_Face2toBranch]#

540 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M032 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for olet type branch fittings based on Face to Header
Surface, Major Body Diameter, and Hole in Header dimensions to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Sockolet Sockolet reducing
Thredolet Thredolet reducing
Weldolet Weldolet reducing
Sockolet_m Sockolet reducing
Thredolet_m Thredolet reducing
Weldolet_m Weldolet reducing
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M032

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 541

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M032 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

542 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to HeaderSurface #PartData::[lbl_FacetoHeaderSurface]#
Hole in Header #PartData::[lbl_HoleinHeader]#
MajorBodyDiameter #PartData::[lbl_MajorBodyDiameter]#

Piping Part Data M033 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for sweepolets to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Sweepolet Sweepolet
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M033

Reports User's Guide 543

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M033 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

544 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Header Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoHeaderCenter]#
Sweepolet Width #PartData::[lbl_SweepoletWidth]#

Reports User's Guide 545

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M034 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for flanged olets to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
FlangeOlet Nippolet
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M034

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

546 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M034 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 547

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Header Surface #PartData::[lbl_FacetoHeaderSurface]#
Nipple Length #PartData::[lbl_NippleLength]#
Flange Length #PartData::[lbl_FlangeLength]#

Piping Part Data M035 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for cross type branch fittings based on Face to Center
dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
BasinCross Basin cross
Cross Cross
ReducingBranchCross Reducing branch cross
ReducingRunBrnchCross Reducing run branch cross
XLT Cross
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M035

548 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M035 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Reports User's Guide 549

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Npd[4] #PartData::Npd4#
Npd Unit Type[4] #PartData::NpdUnitType4#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#

550 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M036 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical reducing cross type branch fittings based
on two Face to Center dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
XRMMMM Reducing branches cross
XLRT Reducing branches cross
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M036

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 551

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M036 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

552 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Npd[4] #PartData::Npd4#
Npd Unit Type[4] #PartData::NpdUnitType4#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#

Piping Part Data M037 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for reinforcing pads to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ReinforcingPad Stub-on reinforcing pad
ReinforcingPad_m Stub-on reinforcing pad
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M037

Reports User's Guide 553

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M037 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#

554 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#

Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
RPad Width #PartData::[lbl_RPadWidth]#
RPad Thickness #PartData::[lbl_RPadThickness]#

Reports User's Guide 555

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Angle #PartData::[lbl_Angle]#

Piping Part Data M038 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for non-radial reinforcing pads to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Branch Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ReinforcingPadNonRadial Non-radial reinforcing pad
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M038

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

556 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M038 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#

Reports User's Guide 557

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
RPad Width #PartData::[lbl_RPadWidth]#
RPad Thickness #PartData::[lbl_RPadThickness]#
Angle #PartData::[lbl_Angle]#

Piping Part Data M039 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for elevated type fire monitors, type 1, to be used for review
and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ElevatedFireMonitorTy1 Elevated type fire monitor
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M039

558 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M039 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #

Reports User's Guide 559

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
BodyT to Center #PartData::[lbl_BodyTtoCenter]#
BodyB to Center #PartData::[lbl_BodyBtoCenter]#
BodyL to Center #PartData::[lbl_BodyLtoCenter]#
BodyR to Center #PartData::[lbl_BodyRtoCenter]#
Cannon Length #PartData::[lbl_CannonLength]#
Cannon Diameter #PartData::[lbl_CannonDiameter]#

560 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Body Width #PartData::[lbl_BodyWidth]#

Piping Part Data M040 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for fire hydrants to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
FireHydrant Dry barrel type hydrant
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M040

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 561

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M040 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

562 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Bottom to Center #PartData::[lbl_BottomtoCenter]#
Grade to Center #PartData::[lbl_GradetoCenter]#
Water Outlet to Grade #PartData::[lbl_WaterOutlettoGrade]#
Water Outlet to Top #PartData::[lbl_WaterOutlettoTop]#
Hydrant Diameter #PartData::[lbl_HydrantDiameter]#
Water Outlet to Center #PartData::[lbl_WaterOutlettoCenter]#
Water Outlet Diameter #PartData::[lbl_WaterOutletDiameter]#
Rotation #PartData::[lbl_Rotation]#

Piping Part Data M041 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for elevated type fire monitors, type 2, to be used for review
and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ElevatedFireMonitorTy2 Elevated type fire monitor
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M041

Reports User's Guide 563

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M041 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

564 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
ParameterA2 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterA2]#
ParameterA3 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterA3]#
ParameterA4 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterA4]#
ParameterA6 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterA6]#
ParameterB1 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterB1]#
ParameterB2 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterB2]#

Reports User's Guide 565

Appendix: Report Descriptions

ParameterB3 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterB3]#
ParameterB4 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterB4]#
ParameterB5 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterB5]#
ParameterB6 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterB6]#
ParameterB7 #PartData::[lbl_ParameterB7]#

Piping Part Data M042 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for station type monitors to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Monitor Station type monitor
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M042

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

566 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M042 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 567

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
BodyT to Center #PartData::[lbl_BodyTtoCenter]#
BodyB to Center #PartData::[lbl_BodyBtoCenter]#
BodyL to Center #PartData::[lbl_BodyLtoCenter]#
BodyR to Center #PartData::[lbl_BodyRtoCenter]#
Cannon Length #PartData::[lbl_CannonLength]#
Cannon Diameter #PartData::[lbl_CannonDiameter]#
Body Width #PartData::[lbl_BodyWidth]#

Piping Part Data M043 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for hose rack stations to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
HoseRackStation Hose rack
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M043

568 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M043 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Reports User's Guide 569

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Port V Offset #PartData::[lbl_PortVOffset]#
Port H Offset #PartData::[lbl_PortHOffset]#
Station Length #PartData::[lbl_StationLength]#
Station Height #PartData::[lbl_StationHeight]#
Station Width #PartData::[lbl_StationWidth]#

570 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M044 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for spray sprinklers to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Sprinkler Spray sprinkler
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M044

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 571

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M044 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

572 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Sprinkler Diameter #PartData::[lbl_SprinklerDiameter]#

Piping Part Data M045 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for spectacle blinds to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
SpectacleBlind Spectacle blind
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M045

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Reports User's Guide 573

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M045 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
OA:Spectacle Position
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#

574 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Fig8InterAxis #PartData::[lbl_Fig8InterAxis]#

Reports User's Guide 575

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M046 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for stub end long parts to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
StubEnd Stub end long
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M046

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

576 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M046 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Reports User's Guide 577

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#

Piping Part Data M047 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for couplings based on two Face to Center dimensions to
be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Coupling_PDB Coupling
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M047

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

578 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M047 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Reports User's Guide 579

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#

Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#

580 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M048 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for Victaulic couplings to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
RedCoupling Coupling, Victaulic
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M048

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 581

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M048 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

582 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Disc Width #PartData::[lbl_DiscWidth]#
Disc Diameter #PartData::[lbl_DiscDiameter]#

Piping Part Data M049 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for half couplings to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
HalfCoupling Half coupling
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M049

Reports User's Guide 583

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M049 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

584 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Header Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoHeaderCenter]#
Face to End #PartData::[lbl_FacetoEnd]#

Reports User's Guide 585

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M050 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for clamps and tri-clamps to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ClampHDHWN_TriClover Clamp, Tri-Clamp
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M050

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

586 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M050 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 587

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Clamp Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ClampDiameter]#

Piping Part Data M051 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for Techlok Clamps to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
TechlokClamp Clamp, Techlok
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M051

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

588 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M051 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Reports User's Guide 589

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#

Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Clamp Inner Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ClampInnerDiameter]#
Clamp Outer Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ClampOuterDiameter]#
Clamp Length #PartData::[lbl_ClampLength]#
Clamp Width #PartData::[lbl_ClampWidth]#
Lug Separation #PartData::[lbl_LugSeparation]#
Bolt Lug Width #PartData::[lbl_BoltLugWidth]#
Bolt Diameter #PartData::[lbl_BoltDiameter]#
Bolt Center Distance #PartData::[lbl_BoltCenterDistance]#

590 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Bolt Length #PartData::[lbl_BoltLength]#

Bolt Pitch #PartData::[lbl_BoltPitch]#

Piping Part Data M052 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for Victaulic Clamps to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
VictaulicClamp Clamp, Victaulic
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M052

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 591

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M052 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

592 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Clamp Outer Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ClampOuterDiameter]#
Clamp Length #PartData::[lbl_ClampLength]#
Clamp Width #PartData::[lbl_ClampWidth]#

Piping Part Data M053 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for Unions to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Union Union
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M053

Reports User's Guide 593

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M053 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

594 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Union Diameter #PartData::[lbl_Union Diameter]#

Reports User's Guide 595

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M054 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for spacers to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
SPACER Ring spacer
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M054

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

596 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M054 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
OA:Face to Face
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#

Reports User's Guide 597

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Piping Part Data M055 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for paddle spacers to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Paddle Paddle spacer
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M055

598 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M055 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Reports User's Guide 599

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Handle to Center #PartData::[lbl_HandletoCenter]#

600 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data M056 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for flanges or olets or other miscellaneous fittings based on
Face to Face dimension to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
FlangeConnectionPiece Flange connecting piece
LongWeldNeckFlange Long weld neck flange
ReducingFlange Threaded reducing flange
SlipOnFlange Slip-on flange
SocketFlange Socket flange
SocketweldFlange Socket weld flange
ThreadedFlange Threaded flange
WeldNeckFlange Weld neck flange
WeldNeckExpanderFlange Weld nect expander flange
Bushing Bushing
ConcentricReducer Concentric reducer
ConcentricSwage Concentric swage
Coupling Coupling
Nipple Nipple
ReducingInsert Reducing insert type 1
Elbolet Elbolet for long radius elbow
Endolet Endolet
Latrolet Latrolet
BlankDisc Blank disc
REDC Concentric reducer
Elbolet_m Elbolet for long radius elbow
Endolet_m Endolet
WeldNeckFlange_m Weld neck flange
ConcentricReducer_m Concentric reducer
Coupling_m Coupling
VREDC Concentric reducer

Reports User's Guide 601

Appendix: Report Descriptions

VPSCoupling Coupling, Victaulic

Hub Hub
FERR Ferrule
REDCLT Concentric reducer Extended Tangent
REDCMM Concentric reducer
REDCRJ Concentric reducer
REDELT Eccentric reducer Extended Tangent
HoseConnection Hose connection
UnionTail Union tail
UnionHead Union head
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M056

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

602 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M056 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 603

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Piping Part Data M057 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for eccentric reducing or eccentric swage fittings based on
Face to Face dimension and Eccentric Offset Basis to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Miscellaneous Fittings Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is
used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
EccentricReducer Eccentric reducer
EccentricSwage Eccentric swage
REDE Eccentric reducer
EccentricReducer_m Eccentric reducer
VREDE Eccentric reducer
REDEMM Eccentric reducer
REDERJ Eccentric reducer
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data M057

604 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data M057 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #

Reports User's Guide 605

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

606 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data Op001 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for hand wheel operators or solenoid operators based on
Operator Height and Operator Diameter to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Operator3 Hand wheel
Operator251 Hand wheel, special
Operator3_b Hand wheel
Operator691 Solenoid, single
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op001 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 607

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op001 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#

Piping Part Data Op002 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for gear, top mounted hand wheel Type 1 operator to be
used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Operator291 Gear, top mounted hand wheel Type 1
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op002 folder.

608 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op002 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#
Actuator Length #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorLength]#
Operator Depth #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDepth]#
Actuator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorDiameter]#

Reports User's Guide 609

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Actuator Offset #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorOffset]#

Stem Extension #PartData::[lbl_StemExtension]#

Piping Part Data Op003 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for gear, side mounted hand wheel Type 1 operator to be
used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Operator331 Gear, side mounted hand wheel Type 1
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op003 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

610 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op003 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#
Operator Cen From Top #PartData::[lbl_OperCenFromTop]#
Operator Depth #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDepth]#
Arm Length #PartData::[lbl_ArmLength]#
Actuator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorDiameter]#
Actuator Offset #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorOffset]#
Stem Extension #PartData::[lbl_StemExtension]#

Piping Part Data Op004 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for gear, side mounted hand wheel Type 2 operator to be
used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Operator332 Gear, side mounted hand wheel Type 2
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op004 folder.

Reports User's Guide 611

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op004 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#
Operator Cen From Top #PartData::[lbl_OperCenFromTop]#
Operator Depth #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDepth]#
Arm Length #PartData::[lbl_ArmLength]#

612 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Arm Length1 #PartData::[lbl_ArmLength1]#

Arm Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ArmDiameter]#
Actuator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorDiameter]#
Actuator Offset #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorOffset]#
Stem Extension #PartData::[lbl_StemExtension]#

Piping Part Data Op005 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for gear, side mounted hand wheel Type 3 operator to be
used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Operator333 Gear, side mounted hand wheel Type 3
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op005 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 613

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op005 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#
Operator Cen From Top #PartData::[lbl_OperCenFromTop]#
Operator Depth #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDepth]#
Operator Height1 #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight1]#
Arm Length #PartData::[lbl_ArmLength]#
Actuator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorDiameter]#
Actuator Offset #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorOffset]#
Stem Extension #PartData::[lbl_StemExtension]#

Piping Part Data Op006 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for gear, side mounted hand wheel Type 4 operator to be
used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Operator334 Gear, side mounted hand wheel Type 4
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op006 folder.

614 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op006 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#
Operator Cen From Top #PartData::[lbl_OperCenFromTop]#
Operator Depth #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDepth]#
Arm Length #PartData::[lbl_ArmLength]#

Reports User's Guide 615

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Arm Length1 #PartData::[lbl_ArmLength1]#

Actuator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorDiameter]#
Actuator Offset #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorOffset]#
Stem Extension #PartData::[lbl_StemExtension]#

Piping Part Data Op007 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for inclined hand wheel to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Operator 5 Inclined hand wheel
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op007 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

616 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op007 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#
Stem Angle #PartData::[lbl_StemAngle]#

Piping Part Data Op008 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for gear, side mounted inclined hand wheel Type 1 operator
to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Operator351 Gear, side mounted inclined hand wheel Type 1
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op008 folder.

Reports User's Guide 617

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op008 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#
Arm Length #PartData::[lbl_ArmLength]#
Operator Depth #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDepth]#
Actuator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorDiameter]#

618 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Actuator Offset #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorOffset]#

Stem Extension #PartData::[lbl_StemExtension]#
Stem Angle #PartData::[lbl_StemAngle]#
Operator Cen From Top #PartData::[lbl_OperCenFromTop]#

Piping Part Data Op009 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for wrench, special type operator to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Operator271 Wrench, special
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op009 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 619

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op009 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Lever Length #PartData::[lbl_LeverLength]#

Piping Part Data Op010 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for wrench or lever type operators to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
Operator9 Wrench, short
Operator17 Lever
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op010 folder.

620 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op010 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Lever Length #PartData::[lbl_LeverLength]#
Lever Length1 #PartData::[lbl_LeverLength1]#

Reports User's Guide 621

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data Op011 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for electro-pneumatic operators based on Actuator
dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
OperatorElecAct Electro-pneumatic
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op011 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

622 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op011 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Actuator Height #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorHeight]#
Actuator Length #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorLength]#
Actuator Width #PartData::[lbl_ActuatorWidth]#

Piping Part Data Op012 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for electro-pneumatic operators to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
OperatorDL84 Electro-pneumatic operators
OpACVB Electro-pneumatic operators
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op012 folder.

Reports User's Guide 623

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op012 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Depth #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDepth]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#

624 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data Op013 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for motor, Type 1 operator based on Instrumental Height,
Instrumental Length, and Instrumental Width dimensions to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
OpRacKAndPinion Motor, Type 1
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op013 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 625

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op013 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Width #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentWidth]#
Instrument Length #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentLength]#
Instrument Length1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentLength1]#
Instrument Height2 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight2]#
Withdrawal Distance #PartData::[lbl_WithdrawalDistance]#
Instrument Height3 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight3]#

Piping Part Data Op014 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for motor, Type 1 operator based on Operator Height and
Operator Depth to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
OPTravelingNutAct Motore, Type 1
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op014 folder.

626 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op014 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Depth #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDepth]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#

Reports User's Guide 627

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data Op015 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for indicator post to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
IndicatorPost Indicator post
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op015 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

628 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op015 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Post Base To Valve Center #PartData::[lbl_PostBaseToValveCenter]#
Post Base To Level #PartData::[lbl_PostBaseToLevel]#
Post Height #PartData::[lbl_PostHeight]#
Post Diameter #PartData::[lbl_PostDiameter]#

Piping Part Data Op016 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for wall post to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
WallPost Wall post
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op016 folder.

Reports User's Guide 629

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op016 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Post Base To Valve Center #PartData::[lbl_PostBaseToValveCenter]#
Post Height #PartData::[lbl_PostHeight]#
Post Diameter #PartData::[lbl_PostDiameter]#
Wall Thickness #PartData::[lbl_WallThickness]#
Hand Wheel Diameter #PartData::[lbl_HandWheelDiameter]#

630 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data Op017 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for chain wheel based on Operator Height and Chain
Wheel Diameter to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ChainWheelRVC Chain wheel
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op017 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 631

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op017 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Chain Wheel Dia #PartData::[lbl_ChainWheelDia]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#

Piping Part Data Op018 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for chain wheel based on Operator Length, Operator
Diameter, and Hand Wheel Diameter to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ChainWheel Chain wheel
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op018 folder.

632 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op018 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Length #PartData::[lbl_OperatorLength]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#
Hand Wheel Diameter #PartData::[lbl_HandWheelDiameter]#

Reports User's Guide 633

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data Op019 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for ________________________ to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
FloorBox Floor box
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op019 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

634 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op019 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Floor Thickness #PartData::[lbl_FloorThickness]#
Top Opending Diameter #PartData::[lbl_TopOpeningDiameter]#
Bottom Opening Diameter #PartData::[lbl_BottomOpeningDiameter]#

Piping Part Data Op020 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for floor stand to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
FloorStand Floor stand
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op020 folder.

Reports User's Guide 635

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op020 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Hand Wheel Diameter #PartData::[lbl_HandWheelDiameter]#
Base Plate Dia #PartData::[lbl_BasePlateDia]#

636 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data Op021 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for extension stem to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Operator Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ExtensionStem Extension stem
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Valve Operator Part Data\Piping Part
Data Op021 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 637

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data Op021 tab

Part Class Type ValveOperatorClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
Valve Operator Number #PartData::ValveOperatorNumber#
Valve Size #PartData::ValveSize#
Valve Size Units #PartData::ValveSizeUnits#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Valve Operator is Rotatable #PartData::ValveOperatorIsRotatable#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry Cog X #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry Cog Y #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry Cog Z #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Hand Wheel Diameter #PartData::[lbl_HandWheelDiameter]#

Piping Part Data P01 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for distance piece to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Distance Pieces Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for
this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
DistancePiece Distance piece
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data P01

638 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data P01 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#

Reports User's Guide 639

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#

640 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data S01 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for steam trap with two ports to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Steam Traps Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
WOStreamTrap Steam trap
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data S01

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 641

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data S01 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

642 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Base to Inlet #PartData::[lbl_BasetoInlet]#
Outlet Offset #PartData::[lbl_OutletOffset]#
ST Height #PartData::[lbl_STHeight]#

Piping Part Data S02 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for steam trap with three ports to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Steam Traps Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
WOSteamTrap3 Steam trap
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data S02

Reports User's Guide 643

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data S02 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#

644 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#
Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#

Reports User's Guide 645

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Npd[4] #PartData::Npd4#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Base to Inlet #PartData::[lbl_BasetoInlet]#
Base to Outlet #PartData::[lbl_BasetoOutlet]#
Outlet Offset #PartData::[lbl_OutletOffset]#
ST Height #PartData::[lbl_STHeight]#

Piping Part Data V001 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for valves based on Face to Face dimension to be used for
review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
CheckValveSwing Check value swing type
CheckValve Check value reduced port
CheckValve_Fem Check valve reduced port swing type
StopCheckValve Stop check valve
WaferCheckValve Wafer check valve
BallValve Ball valve long pattern
ButterflyValve Butterfly valve low pressure
GateValve Gate valve
GlobeValve Globe valve
PlugValve Plug valve short pattern
DIA Diaphragm valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V001

646 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V001 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness

Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#

Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#

Reports User's Guide 647

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #

Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

648 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data V002 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for valves based on Face to Center dimension to be used
for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
AngleCheckValve Angle check valve
AngleStopCheckValve Angle stop check valve
AngleGlobeValve Angle blowdown valve
TankDrainValve Tank drain valve
AngleValve45Deg Angle valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V002

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 649

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V002 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#

650 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#

Piping Part Data V003 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for asymmetrical valves or knife gate values based on two
Face to Center dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
AngleGlobeValve_Asym Angle blowdown valve
GateValve_Asym Gate valve reduced port
GlobeValve_Asym Globe valve reduced port
KnifeGateValve Knife gate valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V003

Reports User's Guide 651

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V003 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #

652 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#

Reports User's Guide 653

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data V004 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for gate valves, globe valves, or diaphragm valves based on
Face to Face, Operator Height, and Operator Diameter dimensions to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
GateValve_m Gate valve
GlobeValve_m GlobeValve_m
DIAMM Diaphragm valve
DIALT Diaphragm valve
DIAWM Diaphragm valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V004

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

654 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V004 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Reports User's Guide 655

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#

Piping Part Data V005 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for automatic recirculation valves to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
AutoRecirculationValve Automatic recirculation valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V005

656 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V005 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #

Reports User's Guide 657

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#

Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Cone Length #PartData::[lbl_Cone Length]#

658 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data V006 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for Gate values with through-conduits to be used for review
and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ConduitGateValve Gate valve, through-conduit
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V006

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 659

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V006 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard [1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard [2] #PartData::EndStandard2#

660 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
CylinderLength #PartData::[lbl_CylinderLength]#

Piping Part Data V007 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for angle hose valve to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
AngleHoseValve Angle hose valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V007

Reports User's Guide 661

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V007 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#

662 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Hose Conn End to Center #PartData::[lbl_HoseConnEndtoCenter]#

Reports User's Guide 663

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data V008 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for angle valve based on Face to Center, Operator Height,
and Operator Diameter dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
AngleValve Angle valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V008

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

664 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V008 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

Reports User's Guide 665

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Diameter #PartData::[lbl_OperatorDiameter]#

Piping Part Data V009 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for high pressure butterfly valve to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ButterflyValve_m Butterfly valve high pressure
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V009

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

666 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V009 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#

Reports User's Guide 667

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#

Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Disc Width #PartData::[lbl_DiscWidth]#
Disc Diameter #PartData::[lbl_DiscDiameter]#
Stem Width #PartData::[lbl_StemWidth]#
Stem Diameter #PartData::[lbl_StemDiameter]#
Stem FI Width #PartData::[lbl_StemFlWidth]#
Stem FI Diameter #PartData::[lbl_StemFlDiameter]#
Act FI Width #PartData::[lbl_ActFlWidth]#
Act FI Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ActFlDiameter]#
Act Width #PartData::[lbl_ActWidth]#
Act Diameter #PartData::[lbl_ActDiameter]#

668 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data V010 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for low pressure butterfly valve based on Face to Face to be
used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ButterflyValveArmLength Butterfly valve low pressure
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V010

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 669

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V010 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

670 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Piping Part Data V011 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for low pressure butterfly valve based on Face to Face and
Operator Height dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
ButterflyValveOperHgt Butterfly valve low pressure
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V011

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Reports User's Guide 671

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V011 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#

672 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#

Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Reports User's Guide 673

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data V012 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for ball valve reduced port to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
BallValve_m Ball valve reduced port
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V012

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

674 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V012 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

Reports User's Guide 675

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Length #PartData::[lbl_OperatorLength]#

Piping Part Data V013 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for check valve based on Face to Face and Valve Height
dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
CKL Check valve, horizontal lift
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V013

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

676 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V013 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#

Reports User's Guide 677

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#

Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Valve Height #PartData::[lbl_ValveHeight]#

678 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data V014 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for gate valve based on Face to Face, Valve Height, and
Hand Wheel Diameter dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
GateValveAngleOp Gate valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V014

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 679

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V014 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#

680 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Valve Height #PartData::[lbl_ValveHeight]#
Hand Wheel Diameter #PartData::[lbl_HandWheelDiameter]#
Rotation #PartData::[lbl_Rotation]#

Piping Part Data V015 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for olet gate valve to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
OletGateValve Extended body gate valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V015

Reports User's Guide 681

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V015 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#

682 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Valve Center to Header Center #PartData::[lbl_ValveCentertoHeaderCenter]#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Olet Length #PartData::[lbl_OletLength]#

Reports User's Guide 683

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Part Data V016 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for 3-way ball valve based on three Face to Center
dimensions to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
3WayBallValve 3-way ball valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V016

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

684 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V016 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#

Reports User's Guide 685

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Face3 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face3toCenter]#

Piping Part Data V017 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for 3-way ball valve based on Face to Center, Major Body
Diameter, Operator Height, and Operator Length dimensions to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
3WayBall 3-way ball valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V017

686 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V017 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#

Reports User's Guide 687

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#
Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#

688 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Major Body Diameter #PartData::[lbl_MajorBodyDiameter]#
Operator Height #PartData::[lbl_OperatorHeight]#
Operator Length #PartData::[lbl_OperatorLength]#

Piping Part Data V018 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for 2-way diaphragm diverter valve to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
MultiportDia2WayG 2-way diaphragm diverter valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V018

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 689

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V018 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#

690 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Face3 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face3toCenter]#
Valve Body Width #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyWidth]#
Valve Body Depth #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyDepth]#
Valve Body Height #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyHeight]#

Piping Part Data V019 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for 3-way diaphragm diverter valve to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
MultiportDia3Way 3-way diaphragm diverter valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V019

Reports User's Guide 691

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V019 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#

692 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#
Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Piping Point Basis[4] #PartData::PipingPointBasis4#
Id[4] #PartData::Id4#
Pressure Rating[4] #PartData::PressureRating4#
End Preparation[4] #PartData::EndPreparation4#
End Standard[4] #PartData::EndStandard4#
Schedule Thickness[4] #PartData::ScheduleThickness4#
Flow Direction[4] #PartData::FlowDirection4#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#

Reports User's Guide 693

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#

Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Npd[4] #PartData::Npd4#
Npd Unit Type[4] #PartData::NpdUnitType4#
Valve Body Height #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyHeight]#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Face3 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face3toCenter]#
Nozzle Center to Center #PartData::[lbl_NozzleCentertoCenter]#
Offset #PartData::[lbl_Offset]#

Piping Part Data V020 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for 4-way diaphragm diverter valve to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
MultiportDia4WayG 4-way diaphragm diverter valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V020

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

694 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V020 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#

Reports User's Guide 695

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#

Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#
Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Piping Point Basis[4] #PartData::PipingPointBasis4#
Id[4] #PartData::Id4#
Pressure Rating[4] #PartData::PressureRating4#
End Preparation[4] #PartData::EndPreparation4#
End Standard[4] #PartData::EndStandard4#
Schedule Thickness[4] #PartData::ScheduleThickness4#
Flow Direction[4] #PartData::FlowDirection4#
Piping Point Basis[5] #PartData::PipingPointBasis5#
Id[5] #PartData::Id5#
Pressure Rating[5] #PartData::PressureRating5#
End Preparation[5] #PartData::EndPreparation5#
End Standard[5] #PartData::EndStandard5#
Schedule Thickness[5] #PartData::ScheduleThickness5#
Flow Direction[5] #PartData::FlowDirection5#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#

696 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#

Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Npd[4] #PartData::Npd4#
Npd Unit Type[4] #PartData::NpdUnitType4#
Npd[5] #PartData::Npd5#
Npd Unit Type[5] #PartData::NpdUnitType5#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Face3 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face3toCenter]#
Face4 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face4toCenter]#
Face5 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face5toCenter]#
Valve Body Width #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyWidth]#
Valve Body Depth #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyDepth]#
Valve Body Height #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyHeight]#

Piping Part Data V021 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for 4-way diaphragm diverter valve to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
MultiportDia4Way 4-way diaphragm diverter valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V021

Reports User's Guide 697

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V021 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#

698 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#
Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Piping Point Basis[4] #PartData::PipingPointBasis4#
Id[4] #PartData::Id4#
Pressure Rating[4] #PartData::PressureRating4#
End Preparation[4] #PartData::EndPreparation4#
End Standard[4] #PartData::EndStandard4#
Schedule Thickness[4] #PartData::ScheduleThickness4#
Flow Direction[4] #PartData::FlowDirection4#
Piping Point Basis[5] #PartData::PipingPointBasis5#
Id[5] #PartData::Id5#
Pressure Rating[5] #PartData::PressureRating5#
End Preparation[5] #PartData::EndPreparation5#
End Standard[5] #PartData::EndStandard5#
Schedule Thickness[5] #PartData::ScheduleThickness5#
Flow Direction[5] #PartData::FlowDirection5#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

Reports User's Guide 699

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Npd[4] #PartData::Npd4#
Npd Unit Type[4] #PartData::NpdUnitType4#
Npd[5] #PartData::Npd5#
Npd Unit Type[5] #PartData::NpdUnitType5#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Face3 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face3toCenter]#
Face4 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face4toCenter]#
Face5 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face5toCenter]#
Valve Body Width #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyWidth]#
Valve Body Depth #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyDepth]#
Valve Body Height #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyHeight]#
Offset #PartData::[lbl_Offset]#

Piping Part Data V022 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data)
Creates a report of piping part data for 7-way diaphragm diverter valve to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Piping Part Class Name and Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered
report. The following Valves Part Class/Piping Commodity Type mapping is used for this report:
Part Class Piping Commodity Type
MultiportDia7WayG 7-way diaphragm diverter valve
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data\Piping Part Data V022

700 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Piping Part Data V022 tab

Part Class Type PipeComponentClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#

Reports User's Guide 701

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#

Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#
Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Piping Point Basis[4] #PartData::PipingPointBasis4#
Id[4] #PartData::Id4#
Pressure Rating[4] #PartData::PressureRating4#
End Preparation[4] #PartData::EndPreparation4#
End Standard[4] #PartData::EndStandard4#
Schedule Thickness[4] #PartData::ScheduleThickness4#
Flow Direction[4] #PartData::FlowDirection4#
Piping Point Basis[5] #PartData::PipingPointBasis5#
Id[5] #PartData::Id5#
Pressure Rating[5] #PartData::PressureRating5#
End Preparation[5] #PartData::EndPreparation5#
End Standard[5] #PartData::EndStandard5#
Schedule Thickness[5] #PartData::ScheduleThickness5#
Flow Direction[5] #PartData::FlowDirection5#
Piping Point Basis[6] #PartData::PipingPointBasis6#

702 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Id[6] #PartData::Id6#
Pressure Rating[6] #PartData::PressureRating6#
End Preparation[6] #PartData::EndPreparation6#
End Standard[6] #PartData::EndStandard6#
Schedule Thickness[6] #PartData::ScheduleThickness6#
Flow Direction[6] #PartData::FlowDirection6#
Piping Point Basis[7] #PartData::PipingPointBasis7#
Id[7] #PartData::Id7#
Pressure Rating[7] #PartData::PressureRating7#
End Preparation[7] #PartData::EndPreparation7#
End Standard[7] #PartData::EndStandard7#
Schedule Thickness[7] #PartData::ScheduleThickness7#
Flow Direction[7] #PartData::FlowDirection7#
Piping Point Basis[8] #PartData::PipingPointBasis8#
Id[8] #PartData::Id8#
Pressure Rating[8] #PartData::PressureRating8#
End Preparation[8] #PartData::EndPreparation8#
End Standard[8] #PartData::EndStandard8#
Schedule Thickness[8] #PartData::ScheduleThickness8#
Flow Direction[8] #PartData::FlowDirection8#
Piping Note1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Npd[4] #PartData::Npd4#
Npd Unit Type[4] #PartData::NpdUnitType4#
Npd[5] #PartData::Npd5#
Npd Unit Type[5] #PartData::NpdUnitType5#
Npd[6] #PartData::Npd6#

Reports User's Guide 703

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Npd Unit Type[6] #PartData::NpdUnitType6#

Npd[7] #PartData::Npd7#
Npd Unit Type[7] #PartData::NpdUnitType7#
Npd[8] #PartData::Npd8#
Npd Unit Type[8] #PartData::NpdUnitType8#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Face3 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face3toCenter]#
Face4 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face4toCenter]#
Face5 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face5toCenter]#
Face6 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face6toCenter]#
Face7 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face7toCenter]#
Face8 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face8toCenter]#
Valve Body Width #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyWidth]#
Valve Body Height #PartData::[lbl_ValveBodyHeight]#

Piping Pipe Line List (Piping)

Pipelines are listed with several properties like nominal size, paint spec, insulation purpose.
Located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Piping\Piping Pipe Line List\Piping Pipe Line List.rtp
PipeRun #PipeLine::PipeRun#
NPD #PipeLine::[Nominal Diameter]#
Piping Spec #PipeLine::PipingSpec#
Insul Spec #PipeLine::InsulationSpec#
Insul Matrl #PipeLine::InsulationMaterial#
Insul Temp #PipeLine::[outPipe Line List Insulation Temperature]#
Insul Purp #PipeLine::InsulationPurpose#
Paint Spec #PipeLine::PaintingSpecs#
Op. Temp #PipeLine::[outPipe Line List Operating Temperature]#
Op. Pressure #PipeLine::[outPipe Line List Operating Pressure]#

Piping Pipe Material Take-Off in WBS Project

Pipes are listed in material take-off form with quantity being calculated for total length and
supply responsibilities.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\<ReportsTemplatesFolder>\Reports\Types
of Reports\Piping\Pipe Material Take-Off in WBS Project\Pipe Material Take-Off in WBS
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Project #Pipes::ProjectName#
Nominal Size #Pipes::[outPiping Pipes NPD with Unit]#

704 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Specification #Pipes::[outSpecName]#
Item Code #Pipes::ContractorCommodityCode#
Fabrication Requirement #Pipes::FabricationRequirement#
Description #Pipes::[outDescription]#
Total Length #Pipes::[outPiping Pipes Length]#
OFM / CFM #Pipes::[outSupplyResponsibility]#

Piping Pipe Runs - Export to Icarus

Pipe runs are listed with many properties such as area, tag, and WBS information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Pipe Runs
- Export to Icarus\Pipe Runs - Export to Icarus.rtp
Internal Name (Blank)
Units (Blank)
AreaName #PipeRun::AreaName#
CpItemDescription #PipeRun::OID#
CpUserTag #PipeRun::Name#
CpComponentWBS #PipeRun::PLSName#
CpNumberItems #PipeRun::NumberItems#
CpPipeMaterial #PipeRun::Material#
CpCustomPipeSpec #PipeRun::SpecName#
MM DIAM #PipeRun::NPD#
M #PipeRun::Length#
CpPipeType (Blank)
CpPipeScheduleGage #PipeRun::Schedule#
CpPipeThickness #PipeRun::Schedule#
CpFluidPhase (Blank)
L/S (Blank)
M3/H (Blank)
KG/M3 #PipeRun::[outPiping Icarus Fluid Density]#
MPA-S (Blank)
KPA #PipeRun::[outPiping Icarus Design Maximum Pressure]#
DEG C #PipeRun::[outPiping Icarus Design Maximum Temperature]#
DEG C #PipeRun::[outPiping Pipe Run Operating Maximum Temperature]#

Reports User's Guide 705

Appendix: Report Descriptions

CpPipeInsulationType #PipeRun::InsulationMaterial#
MM #PipeRun::[outPiping Pipe Run Insulation Thickness 2]#
CpPipeInsulationJacketType (Blank)
CpETraceCableType #PipeRun::TracingType#
CpHeatTraceFluid #PipeRun::TracingMedium#
DEG C #PipeRun::[outPiping Pipe Run Tracing Temperature]#
KPA (Blank)
CpSpecialPipeDescription (Blank)
CpNumberWelds #PipeRun::WeldCount#
PERCENT #PipeRun::WeldXRayPercent#
CpStressRelief (Blank)
COATS (Blank)
COATS (Blank)
CpPipeInstallationOption (Blank)
MM (Blank)
CpPipeRoutingType (Blank)
CpPipeBendForElbow (Blank)
CpPipeBranchForTee (Blank)
CpFittingRulesYN (Blank)
CpValveRulesYN (Blank)
CpHorizontalAllowancePercent (Blank)
CpVerticalAllowancePercent (Blank)
CpPrimaryEquipmentUserTag (Blank)
CpPrimaryEquipmentConnection (Blank)
CpSecondaryEquipmentUserTag (Blank)
CpSecondaryEquipmentConnection (Blank)

706 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Pipe Total Length Sorted by NPD (Piping)

Pipe is listed with description, length, approval status, and weight.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Pipe Total
Length Sorted by NPD\Pipe Total Length Sorted by NPD.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Size #Piping::[outPiping Piping NPD with Unit]#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}#
#Piping::[outPiping Piping Length]#
Approval Status #Piping::Status#
Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}#
#Piping::[outPiping Weight]#

Piping Pipeline and Revision Data Sorted by Name

Pipelines are listed along with their respective pipe runs and user modification information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Pipeline
and Revision Data Sorted by Name\Pipeline and Revision Data Sorted by Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Pipeline #Pipeline Revision Report::Pipeline#
Pipe Run #Pipeline Revision Report::PipeRun#
By #Pipeline Revision Report::UserLogin#
Date #Pipeline Revision Report::DateLastModified#

Reports User's Guide 707

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Piping Pipelines Sorted by Name (Piping)

Pipelines are listed with several properties like nominal size, paint spec, insulation purpose, and
approval status.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Pipelines
Sorted by Name\Pipelines Sorted by Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Line Number
Nominal Size
Pipe Spec
Paint Spec
#Pipe::Coating Type#
Insulation Temperature #FormattingUOM::{Temperature}#
#Pipe::[Pipe Insulation]#
#Pipe::[outPiping Pipe Insulation Temperature]#
Insulation Purpose
Insulation Material
#Pipe::Insulation Purpose#
#Pipe::Insulation Purpose_LongString#
#Pipe::Insulation Material#
#Pipe::Insulation Material_LongString#
Insulation Thickness #FormattingUOM::{Thickness}#
#Pipe::[outPiping Pipe Insulation Thickness]#
Approval Status #Pipe::Status#

Piping Specialty Class Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of piping specialty class data to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Piping Specialty Class Data folder.

708 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Piping Specialty Class Data tab

Tag Number #MCD::TagNumber#
Generic Tag Number #MCD::GenericTagNumber#
Spec Name #MCD::SpecName#
First Size From #MCD::FirstSizeFrom#
First Size To #MCD::FirstSizeTo#
First Size Units #MCD::FirstSizeUnits#
Second Size From #MCD::SecondSizeFrom#
Second Size To#MCD::SecondSizeTo#
Second Size Units #MCD::SecondSizeUnits#
Multi Size Option #MCD::MultiSizeOption#
Requisition Type #MCD::RequisitionType#
Contractor Commodity Code #MCD::ContractorCommodityCode#
Specialty Type #MCD::SpecialtyType#
Geometry Type #MCD::SpecialtyType#
First Size Schedule #MCD::FirstSizeSchedule#
Second Size Schedule #MCD::SecondSizeSchedule#
Part Data Basis #MCD::PartDataBasis#
Is Graphical Representation #MCD::IsGraphicalRepresentation#
Maximum Temperature #MCD::[lbl_MaximumTemperature]#
Material Grade #MCD::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #MCD::LiningMaterial#
Corrosion Allowance #MCD::CorrosionAllowance#
Short Material Description #MCD::ShortMaterialDescription#
Localized Short Material Description #MCD::LocalizedShortMaterialDesc#
Long Material Description #MCD::LongMaterialDescription#
Vendor #MCD::Vendor#
Manufacturer #MCD::Manufacturer#
Fabrication Type #MCD::FabricationType#
Supply Responsibility #MCD::SupplyResponsibility#
Reporting Type #MCD::ReportingType#
Gasket Requirements #MCD::GasketRequirements#
Bolting Requirements #MCD::BoltingRequirements#
Welding Requirements #MCD::WeldingRequirement#
Loose Material Requirements #MCD::LooseMaterialRequirements#
Substitution Cap Screws Quantity #MCD::SubstCapScrewsQuantity#
Substitution Cap Screw Contractor Commodity Code

Reports User's Guide 709

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Substitution Cap Screw Diameter #MCD::[lbl_SubstCapScrewDiameter]#

Tapped Hole Depth #MCD::[lbl_TappedHoleDepth]#
Valve Operator Type #MCD::ValveOperatorType#
Valve Operator Geometry Industry Standard #MCD::ValveOperatorGeoIndStd#
Valve Operator Catalog Part Number #MCD::ValveOperatorCatalogPartNumber#
Hyperlink To Electronic Manuals #MCD::HyperlinkToElectronicManuals#
Hyperlink To Electronic Vendor #MCD::HyperlinkToElectronicVendor#
Reportable Commodity Code #MCD::ReportableCommodityCode#
Quantity of Alternate Reportable Parts #MCD::QuantityOfAltReportableParts#
Alternate Reportable Commodity Code #MCD::AltReportableCommodityCode#
Mirror Behavior Option #MCD::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Maximum Pressure #MCD::MaximumPressure#
Quantity Of Reportable Parts #MCD::QuantityOfReportableParts#
Piping Note 1 #MCD::PipingNote1#
First Size UOM Basis in Catalog #MCD::FirstSizeUOMBasisInCatalog#
Second Size UOM Basis in Catalog #MCD::SecondSizeUOMBasisInCatalog#

Piping Specifications Sorted by Spec Name

Specifications are listed per plant with material and fluid references.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Piping\Specifications Sorted by Spec Name\Specifications Sorted by Spec Name.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Specification #Piping Specifications Per Plant::SpecName#
Description #Piping Specifications Per Plant::Description#
Material Reference #Piping Specifications Per Plant::MaterialReference#
Fluid Reference #Piping Specifications Per Plant::FluidReference#

Piping Tie Points in WBS Project

Tie Points (which are actually Control Points) are listed with corresponding Pipeline/Run
information and location coordinates.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Tie Points
in WBS Project\Tie Points in WBS Project.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Tie Point #Tie Point::ControlPointName#
Pipeline #Tie Point::PipelineName#

710 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Pipe Run #Tie Point::PipeRunName#

W #Tie Point::[outPiping Tie Point Occurrence Location X]#
N #Tie Point::[outPiping Tie Point Occurrence Location Y]#
U #Tie Point::[outPiping Tie Point Occurrence Location Z]#
Notes #Tie Point::Note#

Piping Valves Material Take-Off in WBS Project

Valves are listed in material take-off form with NPD's, quantities and supply responsibilities.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Valves
Material Take-Off in WBS Project\Valves Material Take-Off in WBS Project.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Project #Valves::ProjectName#
Nominal Size
1 #Valves::[outPiping Valves NPD with Unit Primary]#
2 #Valves::[outPiping Valves NPD with Unit Secondary]#
Specification #Valves::[Specification]#
Item Code #Valves::ContractorCommodityCode#
Description #Valves::[Description]#
Quantity #Valves::TotalQuantity#
OFM / CFM #Valves::[SupplyResponsibility]#

Piping Valves Sorted by NPD (Piping)

Valves are listed with primary/secondary sizes, approval status, and quantity information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Valves
Sorted by NPD\Valves Sorted by NPD.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Size #Valves::[outPiping Valves NPD with Unit Primary]#
Size #Valves::[outPiping Valves NPD with Unit Secondary]#
Description #Valves::[Description]#
Approval Status #Valves::Status_LongString#
Quantity #Valves::TotalQuantity#

Reports User's Guide 711

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Plain Piping Generic Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of plain piping generic data to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Plain Piping Generic Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Plain Piping Generic Data tab

Nominal Piping Diameter #PPGD::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Diameter Units #PPGD::NominalDiameterUnits#
End Standard #PPGD::EndStandard#
Schedule #PPGD::Schedule#
Pressure Rating #PPGD::PressureRating#
Piping Outside Diameter #PPGD::[lbl_PipingOutsideDiameter]#
Wall Thickness #PPGD::[lbl_WallThickness]#

Planning Joints (ShipStructure)

Creates a planning joint report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\ShipStructure\Planning Joint folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Report tab
Plant #Plant::Name#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
PlanningJointID #PlanningJoint::PlanningJointID# The unique key for a particular planning
PlanningJointName #PlanningJoint::PlanningJointName#
PhysicalConnectionID #PlanningJoint::PhysicalConnectionID# The unique key for a
particular physical connection.
AssemblyID #PlanningJoint::AssemblyID# The Assembly ID to which the planning joint is
Assembly Name #PlanningJoint::AssemblyName#

712 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Connected Part1 #PlanningJoint::Part1#

Connected Part2 #PlanningJoint::Part2#
Weld Type #PlanningJoint::WeldType# Tee, Weld, ButtWeld, or LapWeld.
Weld Dimension (Leg) m #PlanningJoint::WeldDimension# Leg length of the welding.
WeldEquipment #PlanningJoint::WeldEquipment# Type of welding machine/equipment.
WeldPosition #PlanningJoint::WeldPosition# Flat, Vertical, Horizonal, or Overhead.
WeldDirection #PlanningJoint::WeldDirection# Up, Down, N/A (not-applicable), Unknown.
Length(m) #PlanningJoint::Length# Length of the planning joint.
Groove Type #PlanningJoint::GrooveType# Type of groove (edge preparation) used - X, I,
V, Y, and so on.
Accessibility #PlanningJoint::Accessibility# Open space or Closed space.
WeldInclination(rad) #PlanningJoint::WeldInclination# Inclination of the planning joint is
calculated based on the Manufacturing Orientation of the assembly.
WeldRotation(rad) #PlanningJoint::WeldRotation# Rotation of the planning joint is
calculated based on the Manufacturing Orientation of the assembly.
Root Gap m #PlanningJoint::RootGap# Gap between the weld part and the joint part.
WeldSide #PlanningJoint::WeldSide# Determines the side of the welding. For plates:
Molded and Anti-Molded. For profiles: the defined naming sides (Web-Left, Web, Right, and so
WeldShape #PlanningJoint::WeldShape# Curved or Straight.
Land Length(Nose) m #PlanningJoint::LandLength# The length of the land, if relevant.

Plate Flange Setback Distance (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Plate Flange Setback Distance to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Plate Flange Setback Distance folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Reports User's Guide 713

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Plate Flange Setback Distance tab

Nominal Piping Diameter From #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Setback Distance #PGDB::[lbl_SetbackDistance]#

Port Alignment Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Port Alignment Rule to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Port Alignment Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Port Alignment Rule tab

Nominal Piping Diameter From #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
End Preparation #PGDB::EndPreparation#
Method Of Trimming #PGDB::MethodOfTrimming#
Acceptable Alignment Tolerance #PGDB::[lbl_AcceptableAlignmentTolerance]#

Preferred Cap Screw Length Rule (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Preferred Cap Screw Length Rule to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Preferred Cap Screw Length Rule

714 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Preferred Cap Screw Length Rule tab

Bolt Diameter From #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterFrom]#
Bolt Diameter To #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterTo]#
Bolt Diameter Increment #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterIncrement]#
Materials Grade #PGDB::MaterialsGrade#
Perferred Bolt Length From #PGDB::[lbl_PreferredBoltLengthFrom]#
Perferred Bolt Length To #PGDB::[lbl_PreferredBoltLengthTo]#
Preferred Bolt Length Increment #PGDB::[lbl_PreferredBoltLengthIncrement]#

Preferred Mach Bolt Length Rule (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Preferred Mach Bolt Length Rule to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Preferred Mach Bolt Length Rule

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Preferred Mach Bolt Length Rule tab

Bolt Diameter From #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterFrom]#
Bolt Diameter To #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterTo]#
Bolt Diameter Increment #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterIncrement]#
Materials Grade #PGDB::MaterialsGrade#
Perferred Bolt Length From #PGDB::[lbl_PreferredBoltLengthFrom]#
Perferred Bolt Length To #PGDB::[lbl_PreferredBoltLengthTo]#
Preferred Bolt Length Increment #PGDB::[lbl_PreferredBoltLengthIncrement]#

Reports User's Guide 715

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Preferred Stud Bolt Length Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Preferred Stud Bolt Length Rule to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Preferred Stud Bolt Length Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Preferred Stud Bolt Length Rule tab

Bolt Diameter From #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterFrom]#
Bolt Diameter To #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterTo]#
Bolt Diameter Increment #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterIncrement]#
Materials Grade #PGDB::MaterialsGrade#
Perferred Bolt Length From #PGDB::[lbl_PreferredBoltLengthFrom]#
Perferred Bolt Length To #PGDB::[lbl_PreferredBoltLengthTo]#
Preferred Bolt Length Increment #PGDB::[lbl_PreferredBoltLengthIncrement]#

Pressure Gauge (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Pressure Gauges to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Pressure
Gauge folder.

716 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Pressure Gauge tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#

Reports User's Guide 717

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#

Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Instrument Diameter #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentDiameter]#
Instument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Width #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentWidth]#
Instrument Width1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentWidth1]#

Pressure Regulator (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Pressure Regulators to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Pressure
Regulator folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

718 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Pressure Regulator tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#

Reports User's Guide 719

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Height1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight1]#
Instrument Diameter #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentDiameter]#

Pressure Relief Valve (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Pressure Relief Valves to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Pressure
Relief Valve folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

720 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Pressure Relief Valve tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#

Reports User's Guide 721

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#

Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Center #PartData::[lbl_FacetoCenter]#
Face 1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#

Pressure Switch (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Pressure Switches to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Pressure
Switch folder.

722 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Pressure Switch tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Instrument Height1
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#

Reports User's Guide 723

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#

Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Width #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentWidth]#
Instrument Length #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentLength]#
Instrument Height1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight1]#

Pressure Transmitter (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Pressure Transmitters to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Pressure
Transmitter folder.

724 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Pressure Transmitter tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#

Reports User's Guide 725

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#

Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Instrument Diameter #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentDiameter]#
Instrument Nut Width #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentNutWidth]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Height1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight1]#
Instrument Height2 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight2]#
Instrument Height3 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight3]#

Reducer (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of cable tray reducer parts--straight, left, and right--to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts\Reducers folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

726 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name
The following part class names (PartClassName) are associated with this report definition:
CTStraightReducer, CTLeftReducer, and CTRightReducer.

AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Cable Tray_Reducers tab

Part Class Type CableTrayClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Part Number #PartData::PartNumber#
Part Description #PartData::PartDescription#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Material #PartData::Material#
Tray Type #PartData::TrayType#
Component Type #PartData::ComponentType#
Length #PartData::[lbl_Length]#
Load Span Classification #PartData::LoadSpanClassification#
Rung Spacing #PartData::RungSpacing#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#

Reports User's Guide 727

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Replacement Part Number #PartData::ReplacementPartNumber#

Nominal Width #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth]#
Nominal Depth #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth]#
Reducing Size #PartData::ReducingSize#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Nominal Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth1]#
Nominal Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth1]#
Actual Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth1]#
Actual Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth1]#
Load Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth1]#
Load Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth1]#
Nominal Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth2]#
Nominal Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth2]#
Actual Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth2]#
Actual Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth2]#
Load Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth2]#
Load Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth2]#

Reinforcing Pads (Catalog Parts)

[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Catalog
Parts\Reinforcing Pads\Reinforcing Pads.rtp
Commodity Code #Branch Fittings with RPads::Commodity Code#
Material cl #Branch Fittings with RPads::Material cl#
Material #Branch Fittings with RPads::Material#
Material Category #Branch Fittings with RPads::Material Category#
Short Material Description #Branch Fittings with RPads::Short Material Description#
Header Schedule #Branch Fittings with RPads::Header Schedule#
Header NPD #Branch Fittings with RPads::Header NPD#
H Unit #Branch Fittings with RPads::H Unit#
Branch NPD #Branch Fittings with RPads::Branch NPD#
B Unit #Branch Fittings with RPads::B Unit#
RPad Width #Branch Fittings with RPads::[lbl_RPadWidth]#
RPad Thickness #Branch Fittings with RPads::[lbl_RPadThickness]#

728 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Root Gap (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant

Creates a report of Root Gap to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Root Gap folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Root Gap tab

Nominal Piping Diameter From #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Root Gap #PGDB::[lbl_RootGap]#

Rules (Catalog Engineering Checks\Cableway)

Creates a report of cableway specification rules to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Cableway\Rules folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Reports User's Guide 729

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Cableway Nominal Sizes tab

Spec Name #Nominal Sizes::SpecName#
Section Name #Nominal Sizes::SectionName#

CableWay Bend Radius tab

Spec Name #Bend Radius::SpecName#
Bend Radius #Bend Radius::[lbl_BendRadius]#

Rules (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit)

Creates a report of conduit specification rules to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Rules folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Conduit Filter tab

Spec Name #Conduit Filter::SpecName#
Short Code #Conduit Filter::ShortCode#
Comments #Conduit Filter::Comments#
First Size From #Conduit Filter::FirstSizeFrom#
First Size To #Conduit Filter::FirstSizeTo#
First Size Units #Conduit Filter::FirstSizeUnits#
Second Size From #Conduit Filter::SecondSizeFrom#
Second Size To #Conduit Filter::SecondSizeTo#
Second Size Units #Conduit Filter::SecondSizeunits#
Commodity Option #Conduit Filter::CommodityOption#
Contractor Commodity Code #Conduit Filter::ContractorCommodityCode#
Bend Radius #Conduit Filter::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #Conduit Filter::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Selection Basis #Conduit Filter::SelectionBasis#

730 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Conduit Nominal Diameters tab

Spec Name #Conduit Nominal Diameters::SpecName#
Npd #Conduit Nominal Diameters::Npd#
Npd Unit Type #Conduit Nominal Diameters::NpdUnitType#

Short Code Hierarchy Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Short Code Hierarchy Rule to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Short Code Hierarchy Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Short Code Hierarchy Rule tab

Short Code Hierarchy Type #PGDB::ShortCodeHierarchyType#
Short Code #PGDB::ShortCode#

Short Stroke Rotameter (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Short Stroke Rotameters to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Short Stroke
Rotameter folder.

Reports User's Guide 731

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Short Stroke Rotameter tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#

732 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#

Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Instrument Diameter #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentDiameter]#
Instrument Length #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentLength]#
Instrument Width #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentWidth]#
Offset #PartData::[lbl_Offset]#

Size Reduction Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Size Reduction Rule to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Size Reduction Rule folder.

Reports User's Guide 733

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Size Reduction Rule tab

Size Reduction Type #PGDB::SizeReductionType#
First Size #PGDB::FirstSize#
First Size Units #PGDB::FirstSizeUnits#
Second Size #PGDB::SecondSize#
Second Size Units #PGDB::SecondSizeUnits#
Size Reduction Preference #PGDB::SizeReductionPreference#
Fitting 2 First Size #PGDB::Fitting2FirstSize#
Fitting 2 First Size Units #PGDB::Fitting2FirstSizeUnits#
Firting 3 First Size #PGDB::Fitting3FirstSize#
Fitting 3 First Size Units #PGDB::Fitting3FirstSizeUnits#
Fitting 4 First Size #PGDB::Fitting4FirstSize#
Fitting 4 First Size Units #PGDB::Fitting4FirstSizeUnits#

Slip On Flange Setback Distance (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Slip On Flange Setback Distance to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Slip On Flange Setback Distance

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

734 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Slip On Flange Setback Distance tab

Nominal Piping Diameter From #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
End Standard #PGDB::EndStandard#
Company Practice Gap #PGDB::[lbl_CompanyPracticeGap]#
Company Practice Round Off Factor #PGDB::[lbl_CompanyPracticeRoundOffFactor]#
Maximum Weld Thickness #PGDB::[lbl_MaximumWeldThickness]#

SmartPlant Review
Generates the graphics (VUE) and attribute data (MDB2) files. These files can be opened in the
SmartPlant Review application. The S3DToSPRDirect.xls file does not require editing and is not

Specialties (Verification of Constistency)

Creates a report of specialty objects to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Verification of Consistency\Specialties folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Description of the Error #PSSWtAndCg::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSWtAndCg::tagnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSWtAndCg::industrycommoditycode#
Part Number #PSSWtAndCg::partnumber#
Dry Weight #PSSWtAndCg::[lbl_dryweight]#
Water Weight #PSSWtAndCg::[lbl_waterweight]#

Description of the Error #PSCEBoltedGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSCEBoltedGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCEBoltedGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCEBoltedGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCEBoltedGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCEBoltedGenericData::secondsizefrom#

Reports User's Guide 735

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Second Size To #PSCEBoltedGenericData::secondsizeto#

Second Size Units of Measure #PSCEBoltedGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSCEBoltedGenericData::multisizeoption#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PSCEBoltedGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PSCEBoltedGenericData::npdunits#
End Preparation #PSCEBoltedGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PSCEBoltedGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PSCEBoltedGenericData::endstandard#

Description of the Error #PSCECapScrewsBoltPartData::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSCECapScrewsBoltPartData::tagnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Substitution Cap Screw
Short Material Description #PSCECapScrewsBoltPartData::ShortMaterialDescription#
First Size From #PSCECapScrewsBoltPartData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCECapScrewsBoltPartData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCECapScrewsBoltPartData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCECapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCECapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCECapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSCEFemaleGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSCEFemaleGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCEFemaleGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First SIze To #PSCEFemaleGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCEFemaleGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCEFemaleGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCEFemaleGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCEFemaleGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSCEFemaleGenericData::multisizeoption#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PSCEFemaleGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PSCEFemaleGenericData::npdunits#
End Preparation #PSCEFemaleGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PSCEFemaleGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PSCEFemaleGenericData::endstandard#
Schedule (Thickness) #PSCEFemaleGenericData::schedule#

Description of the Error #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::firstsizefrom#

736 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

First Size To #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::firstsizeto#

First Size Units of Measure #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::npdunits#
Lining Material #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::liningmaterial#
Geometric Industry Standard #PSCELinerThicknessGenericData::geometricindustrystandard#

Description of the Error #PSCELocalizedDesc::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSCELocalizedDesc::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCELocalizedDesc::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCELocalizedDesc::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCELocalizedDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCELocalizedDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCELocalizedDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCELocalizedDesc::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSCELongDesc::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSCELongDesc::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCELongDesc::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCELongDesc::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCELongDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCELongDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCELongDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCELongDesc::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSCEMatlClassExistence::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PSCEMatlClassExistence::specname#
Tag Number #PSCEMatlClassExistence::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCEMatlClassExistence::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCEMatlClassExistence::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSCEMatlClassExistence::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCEMatlClassExistence::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCEMatlClassExistence::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSCEMatlClassExistence::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSCEMatlClassExistence::multisizeoption#

Reports User's Guide 737

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::multisizeoption#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diamter Units #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::npdunits#
End Preparation #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PSCEMechanicalGenericData::endstandard#

Description of the Error #PSCEPartData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSCEPartData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCEPartData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCEPartData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSCEPartData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCEPartData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCEPartData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSCEPartData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSCEPartData::multisizeoption#

Description of the Error #PSCEPlainGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSCEPartData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCEPartData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCEPartData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCEPartData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCEPartData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCEPartData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCEPartData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSCEPartData::multisizeoption#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PSCEPartData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PSCEPartData::npdunits#
End Standard #PSCEPartData::endstandard#
Schedule (Thickness) #PSCEPartData::schedule#

738 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PSCEReport::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSCEReport::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCEReport::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCEReport::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSCEReport::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCEReport::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCEReport::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSCEReport::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSCEReport::multisizeoption#
Part Number #PSCEReport::partnumber#
Primary Size #PSCEReport::primarysize#
Units of Measure #PSCEReport::prisizenpdunits#
Secondary Size #PSCEReport::secondarysize#
Units of Measure #PSCEReport::secsizenpdunits#
First Size Schedule #PSCEReport::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PSCEReport::secondsizeschedule#

Description of the Error #PSCEReportableCmdty::TypeOfError#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Reportable Piping Commodity
Tag Number #PSCEReportableCmdty::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCEReportableCmdty::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCEReportableCmdty::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCEReportableCmdty::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCEReportableCmdty::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCEReportableCmdty::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCEReportableCmdty::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSCEReportOfSymbols::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSCEReportOfSymbols::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCEReportOfSymbols::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCEReportOfSymbols::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCEReportOfSymbols::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCEReportOfSymbols::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCEReportOfSymbols::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCEReportOfSymbols::secondsizeunits#
Symbol Name #PSCEReportOfSymbols::symboldefinitionname#

Description of the Error #PSCEShortDesc::TypeOfError#

Reports User's Guide 739

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Tag Number #PSCEShortDesc::tagnumber#

First Size From #PSCEShortDesc::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCEShortDesc::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCEShortDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCEShortDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCEShortDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCEShortDesc::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSCESubstCapScrew::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSCESubstCapScrew::tagnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Substitution Cap Screw
First Size From #PSCESubstCapScrew::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCESubstCapScrew::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCESubstCapScrew::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCESubstCapScrew::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCESubstCapScrew::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCESubstCapScrew::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::multisizeoption#
Part Number #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::partnumber#
Primary Size #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::primarysize#
Units of Measure #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::prisizenpdunits#
Secondary Size #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::secondarysize#
Units of Measure #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::secsizenpdunits#
First Size Schedule #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PSCESummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeschedule#

Description of the Error #PSCESymbolPlacement::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSCESymbolPlacement::TagNumber#
First Size From #PSCESymbolPlacement::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCESymbolPlacement::firstsizeto#

740 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

First Size Units #PSCESymbolPlacement::firstsizeunits#

Second Size From #PSCESymbolPlacement::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCESymbolPlacement::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSCESymbolPlacement::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSCESymbolPlacement::multisizeoption#
Primary Size #PSCESymbolPlacement::firstsize#
Primary Size Units #PSCESymbolPlacement::primarysizeunits#
Secondary Size #PSCESymbolPlacement::secondsize#
Secondary Size Units #PSCESymbolPlacement::Secsizeunits#
First Size Schedule #PSCESymbolPlacement::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PSCESymbolPlacement::secondsizeschedule#
Maximum Temperature #PSCESymbolPlacement::maximumtemperature#
Symbol Name #PSCESymbolPlacement::symbolname#

Description of the Error #PSCESymbols::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSCESymbols::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCESymbols::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCESymbols::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCESymbols::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCESymbols::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCESymbols::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCESymbols::secondsizeunits#
Symbol Name #PSCESymbols::symboldefinitionname#

Description of the Error #PSCEValveOpMatlctlData::TypeOfError#
Valve Operator Number #PSCEValveOpMatlctlData::ValveOperatorCatalogPartNumber#
Tag Number #PSCEValveOpMatlctlData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCEValveOpMatlctlData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCEValveOpMatlctlData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCEValveOpMatlctlData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSCEValveOpMatlctlData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSCEValveOpMatlctlData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCEValveOpMatlctlData::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSCEValveOpPart::TypeOfError#
Valve Operator Number #PSCEValveOpPart::ValveOperatorCatalogPartNumber#
Tag Number #PSCEValveOpPart::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSCEValveOpPart::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSCEValveOpPart::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSCEValveOpPart::firstsizeunits#

Reports User's Guide 741

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Second Size From #PSCEValveOpPart::secondsizefrom#

Second Size To #PSCEValveOpPart::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSCEValveOpPart::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSCEWtAndCg::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSCEWtAndCg::tagnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PSCEWtAndCg::industrycommoditycode#
Part Number #PSCEWtAndCg::partnumber#
Dry Weight #PSCEWtAndCg::[lbl_dryweight]#
Water Weight #PSCEWtAndCg::[lbl_waterweight]#

Description of the Error #PSSBoltedGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSSBoltedGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSBoltedGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSBoltedGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSSBoltedGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSBoltedGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSBoltedGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSSBoltedGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSSBoltedGenericData::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSBoltedGenericData::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PSSBoltedGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PSSBoltedGenericData::npdunits#
End Preparation #PSSBoltedGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PSSBoltedGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PSSBoltedGenericData::endstandard#

Description of the Error #PSSCapScrewsBoltPartData::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSCapScrewsBoltPartData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSCapScrewsBoltPartData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSCapScrewsBoltPartData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSCapScrewsBoltPartData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSCapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSCapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSCapScrewsBoltPartData::secondsizeunits#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Substitution Cap Screw
Contractor Commodity Code of the Piping Specialty

742 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PSSCmdtyClass::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSCmdtyClass::tagnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Substitution Cap Screw
First Size From #PSSCmdtyClass::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSCmdtyClass::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSSCmdtyClass::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSCmdtyClass::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSCmdtyClass::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSSCmdtyClass::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSSCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::tagnumber#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::industrycommoditycode#
First Size From #PSSCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSSCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSSCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::secondsizeunits#
Nominal Piping Diameters #PSSCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PSSCmdtySpecificserviceLimits::npdunittype#

Description of the Error #PSSFemaleGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSSFemaleGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSFemaleGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSFemaleGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSFemaleGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSFemaleGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSFemaleGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSFemaleGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSSFemaleGenericData::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSFemaleGenericData::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PSSFemaleGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PSSFemaleGenericData::npdunits#
End Preparation #PSSFemaleGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PSSFemaleGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PSSFemaleGenericData::endstandard#
Schedule (Thickness) #PSSFemaleGenericData::schedule#

Reports User's Guide 743

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::npdunits#
Lining Material #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::liningmaterial#
Geometric Industry Standard #PSSLinerThicknessGenericData::geometricindustrystandard#

Description of the Error #PSSLocalizedDesc::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSLocalizedDesc::tagnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PSSLocalizedDesc::contractorcommoditycode#
First Size From #PSSLocalizedDesc::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSLocalizedDesc::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSSLocalizedDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSLocalizedDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSLocalizedDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSSLocalizedDesc::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSSLongDesc::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSLongDesc::tagnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PSSLongDesc::contractorcommoditycode#
First Size From #PSSLongDesc::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSLongDesc::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSSLongDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSLongDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSLongDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSSLongDesc::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSSMatlClassExistence::Typeoferror#
Piping Materials Class #PSSMatlClassExistence::specname#
Tag Number #PSSMatlClassExistence::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSMatlClassExistence::firstsizefrom#

744 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

First Size To #PSSMatlClassExistence::firstsizeto#

First Size Units #PSSMatlClassExistence::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSMatlClassExistence::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSMatlClassExistence::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSMatlClassExistence::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSSMatlClassExistence::multisizeoption#

Description of the Error #PSSMatlCtlData::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSMatlCtlData::tagnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PSSMatlCtlData::contractorcommoditycode#
First Size From #PSSMatlCtlData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSMatlCtlData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units of Measure #PSSMatlCtlData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSMatlCtlData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSMatlCtlData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units of Measure #PSSMatlCtlData::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSSMechanicalGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSSMechanicalGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSMechanicalGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSMechanicalGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSMechanicalGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSMechanicalGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSMechanicalGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSMechanicalGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSSMechanicalGenericData::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSMechanicalGenericData::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PSSMechanicalGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PSSMechanicalGenericData::npdunits#
End Preparation #PSSMechanicalGenericData::endpreparation#
Pressure Rating #PSSMechanicalGenericData::pressurerating#
End Standard #PSSMechanicalGenericData::endstandard#

Description of the Error #PSSMultipleMatlCtlData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSSMultipleMatlCtlData::tagnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Piping Specialty
Short Material Description #PSSMultipleMatlCtlData::ShortMaterialDescription#

Reports User's Guide 745

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Description of the Error #PSSPartValidation::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSSPartValidation::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSPartValidation::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSPartValidation::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSPartValidation::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSPartValidation::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSPartValidation::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSPartValidation::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSSPartValidation::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSPartValidation::industrycommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PSSPlainGenericData::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSSPlainGenericData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSPlainGenericData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSPlainGenericData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSPlainGenericData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSPlainGenericData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSPlainGenericData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSPlainGenericData::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSSPlainGenericData::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSPlainGenericData::industrycommoditycode#
Nominal Piping Diameter #PSSPlainGenericData::npd#
Nominal Diameter Units #PSSPlainGenericData::npdunits#
End Standard #PSSPlainGenericData::endstandard#
Schedule (Thickness) #PSSPlainGenericData::schedule#

Description of the Error #PSSReport::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSSReport::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSReport::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSReport::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSReport::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSReport::secondsizeunits#
Second Size To #PSSReport::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSReport::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSSReport::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSReport::industrycommoditycode#
Part Number #PSSReport::partnumber#
Primary Size #PSSReport::primarysize#
Primary Size Units #PSSReport::prisizenpdunits#
Secondary Size #PSSReport::secondarysize#

746 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Secondary Size Units #PSSReport::secsizenpdunits#

First Size Schedule #PSSReport::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PSSReport::secondsizeschedule#

Description of the Error #PSSReportableCmdty::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSReportableCmdty::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSReportableCmdty::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSReportableCmdty::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSReportableCmdty::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSReportableCmdty::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSReportableCmdty::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSReportableCmdty::secondsizeunits#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Reportable Piping Commodity
Contractor Commodity Code #PSSReportableCmdty::contractorcommoditycode#

Description of the Error #PSSReportOfSymbols::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSReportOfSymbols::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSReportOfSymbols::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSReportOfSymbols::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSReportOfSymbols::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSReportOfSymbols::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSReportOfSymbols::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSReportOfSymbols::secondsizeunits#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSReportOfSymbols::industrycommoditycode#
Symbol Name #PSSReportOfSymbols::symboldefinitionname#

Description of the Error #PSSShortDesc::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSShortDesc::tagnumber#
Contractor Commodity Code #PSSShortDesc::contractorcommoditycode#
First Size From #PSSShortDesc::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSShortDesc::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSShortDesc::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSShortDesc::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSShortDesc::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSShortDesc::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSSSubstCapScrew::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSSubstCapScrew::tagnumber#

Reports User's Guide 747

Appendix: Report Descriptions

First Size From #PSSSubstCapScrew::firstsizefrom#

First Size To #PSSSubstCapScrew::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSSubstCapScrew::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSSubstCapScrew::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSSubstCapScrew::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSSubstCapScrew::secondsizeunits#
Contractor Commodity Code of the Substitution Cap Screw
Contractor Commodity Code of the Piping Specialty

Description of the Error #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::industrycommoditycode#
Part Number #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::partnumber#
Primary Size #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::primarysize#
Primary Size Units #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::prisizenpdunits#
Secondary Size #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::secondarysize#
Secondary Size Units #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::secsizenpdunits#
First Size Schedule #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PSSSummaryOfCatalogParts::secondsizeschedule#

Description of the Error #PSSSymbolPlacement::Typeoferror#
Tag Number #PSSSymbolPlacement::TagNumber#
First Size From #PSSSymbolPlacement::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSSymbolPlacement::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSSymbolPlacement::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSSymbolPlacement::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSSymbolPlacement::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSSymbolPlacement::secondsizeunits#
Multi-size Option #PSSSymbolPlacement::multisizeoption#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSSymbolPlacement::industrycommoditycode#
Primary Size #PSSSymbolPlacement::firstsize#
Primary Size Units #PSSSymbolPlacement::primarysizeunits#

748 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Secondary Size #PSSSymbolPlacement::secondsize#

Secondary Size Units #PSSSymbolPlacement::Secsizeunits#
First Size Schedule #PSSSymbolPlacement::firstsizeschedule#
Second Size Schedule #PSSSymbolPlacement::secondsizeschedule#
Maximum Temperature #PSSSymbolPlacement::maximumtemperature#
Symbol Name #PSSSymbolPlacement::symbolname#
Description of the Error #PSSSymbols::TypeOfError#
Tag Number #PSSSymbols::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSSymbols::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSSymbols::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSSymbols::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSSymbols::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSSymbols::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSSymbols::secondsizeunits#
Industry Commodity Code #PSSSymbols::industrycommoditycode#
Symbol Name #PSSSymbols::symboldefinitionname#

Description of the Error #PSSValveOpMatlctlDataTypeOfError#
Valve Operator Number #PSSValveOpMatlctlData::ValveOperatorPartNumber#
Tag Number #PSSValveOpMatlctlData::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSValveOpMatlctlData::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSValveOpMatlctlData::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSValveOpMatlctlData::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSValveOpMatlctlData::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSValveOpMatlctlData::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSValveOpMatlctlData::secondsizeunits#

Description of the Error #PSSValveOpPart::TypeOfError#
Valve Operator Number #PSSValveOpPart::ValveOperatorPartNumber#
Tag Number #PSSValveOpPart::tagnumber#
First Size From #PSSValveOpPart::firstsizefrom#
First Size To #PSSValveOpPart::firstsizeto#
First Size Units #PSSValveOpPart::firstsizeunits#
Second Size From #PSSValveOpPart::secondsizefrom#
Second Size To #PSSValveOpPart::secondsizeto#
Second Size Units #PSSValveOpPart::secondsizeunits#

Reports User's Guide 749

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Specifications (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of cableway specifications to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Cableway\Specifications folder.

750 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Cableway Spec tab

Spec Name #Spec::SpecName#
Description #Spec::Description#
Is Tray Specification #Spec::IsTraySpecification#
Material #Spec::Material#
Tray Type #Spec::TrayType#
Manufacturer #Spec::Manufacturer#
Default Bend Radius #Spec::[lbl_DefaultBendRadius]#

Specifications (Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit)

Creates a report of conduit specifications to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Specifications folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Conduit Spec tab

Spec Name #Conduit Spec::SpecName#
Material #Conduit Spec::Material#
Service #Conduit Spec::Service#

Reports User's Guide 751

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Splice Plate Vertical Adjustable (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of cable tray vertical adjustable splice plates to be used for review and approval
of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts\SplicePlaVerAdjustable folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

Vertical Adjustable Splice Plate tab

Part Class Type CableTrayClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Part Number #PartData::PartNumber#
Part Description #PartData::PartDescription#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Material #PartData::Material#
Tray Type #PartData::TrayType#

752 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Component Type #PartData::ComponentType#

Length #PartData::[lbl_Length]#
Load Span Classification #PartData::LoadSpanClassification#
Rung Spacing #PartData::RungSpacing#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Replacement Part Number #PartData::ReplacementPartNumber#
Associated Part Number #PartData::AssociatedPartNumber#
Quantity of Associated Parts #PartData::QuantityOfAssociatedParts#
Nominal Depth #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth]#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Nominal Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth1]#
Actual Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth1]#
Load Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth1]#
Nominal Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth2]#
Actual Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth2]#
Load Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth2]#

Standard Notes Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of Standard Notes Data to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\StandardNotesData folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Reports User's Guide 753

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Standard Notes Data tab

Name #PartData::Name#
Purpose #PartData::Purpose#
Description #PartData::Description#

Steam Trap Type4 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Steam Traps Type4 to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Steam Trap
Type4 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

754 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Steam Trap Type4 tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

Reports User's Guide 755

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Trap Body Diameter #PartData::[lbl_TrapBodyDiameter]#
ST Height #PartData::[lbl_STHeight]#
Face1 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face1toCenter]#
Face2 to Center #PartData::[lbl_Face2toCenter]#
Trap Length1 #PartData::[lbl_TrapLength1]#

Steam Trap Type5 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Steam Traps Type5 to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Steam Trap
Type5 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

756 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Steam Trap Type5 tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#

Reports User's Guide 757

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Piping Specialty Height #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyHeight]#
Piping Specialty Length #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyLength]#
Nozzle Offset #PartData::[lbl_NozzleOffset]#
Piping Specialty Width #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyWidth]#
Nozzle Offset1 #PartData::[lbl_NozzleOffset1]#
Nozzle1 to Nozzle2 #PartData::[lbl_Nozzle1toNozzle2]#
Nozzle Offset2 #PartData::[lbl_NozzleOffset2]#

758 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Steam Trap Type6 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Steam Traps Type6 to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Steam Trap
Type6 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Steam Trap Type6 tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#

Reports User's Guide 759

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#

Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#

760 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#

Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Piping Specialty Length #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyLength]#
Trap Length1 #PartData::[lbl_TrapLength1]#
Piping Specialty Height #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyHeight]#
Piping Specialty Width #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyWidth]#

Steam Trap Type7 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Steam Traps Type7 to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Steam Trap
Type7 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 761

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Steam Trap Type7 tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#

762 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Trap Diameter #PartData::[lbl_TrapDiameter]#
Piping Specialty Height #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyHeight]#

Steam Trap Type8 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Steam Traps Type8 to be used for review and approval of the reference data
in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Steam Trap
Type8 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 763

Appendix: Report Descriptions


Steam Trap Type8 tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#

764 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#

Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Trap Length1 #PartData::[lbl_TrapLength1]#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Body Width #PartData::[lbl_BodyWidth]#
Trap Height Top to Cen #PartData::[lbl_TrapHeightToptoCen]#
With drawal Distance #PartData::[lbl_WithdrawalDistance]#
Trap Height Bot to Cen #PartData::[lbl_TrapHeightBottoCen]#
With drawal Distance1 #PartData::[lbl_WithdrawalDistance1]#

Straight (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of cable tray straight parts to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts\Straight folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Reports User's Guide 765

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

CableTray Straight tab

Part Class Type CableTrayClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Part Number #PartData::PartNumber#
Part Description #PartData::PartDescription#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Material #PartData::Material#
Tray Type #PartData::TrayType#
Component Type #PartData::ComponentType#
Length #PartData::[lbl_Length]#
Load Span Classification #PartData::LoadSpanClassification#
Rung Spacing #PartData::RungSpacing#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Replacement Part Number #PartData::ReplacementPartNumber#
Nominal Width #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth]#

766 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Nominal Depth #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth]#

Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Nominal Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth1]#
Nominal Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth1]#
Actual Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth1]#
Actual Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth1]#
Load Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth1]#
Load Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth1]#
Nominal Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth2]#
Nominal Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth2]#
Actual Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth2]#
Actual Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth2]#
Load Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth2]#
Load Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth2]#

Structure Curve Member Itemized Material Take-Off

Itemized list of Curve members including member type, section name, material, length, weight
and surface area. Weight is computed from the member solid.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Curve
Member Itemized Material Take-Off\Curve Member Itemized Material Take-Off.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Item #MemberCurve::ItemNum#
Name #MemberCurve::Name#
Priority #MemberCurve::Priority#
Type Category #MemberCurve::TypeCategory#
Type #MemberCurve::Type#
Section #MemberCurve::SectionName#
Material Type #MemberCurve::MaterialType#
Material Grade #MemberCurve::MaterialGrade#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}#
#MemberCurve::[outStructure Curve Member Cut Length]#
Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}#
#MemberCurve::[outStructure Curve Member Dry Weight]#
Surface Area #FormattingUOM::{SurfaceArea}#
#MemberCurve::[outStructure Curve Member Computed SurfaceArea]#

Reports User's Guide 767

Appendix: Report Descriptions


Structure Curve Member Itemized Material Take-Off

by Unit Weight (Structure)
Itemized list of Curve members including member type, section name, material, length, weight
and surface area. Weight is computed as Area x CutLength x Density.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Curve
Member Itemized Material Take-Off by Unit Weight\Curve Member Itemized Material Take-Off
by Unit Weight.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Item #MemberCurve::ItemNum#
Name #MemberCurve::Name#
Priority #MemberCurve::Priority#
Type Category #MemberCurve::TypeCategory#
Type #MemberCurve::Type#
Section #MemberCurve::SectionName#
Material Type #MemberCurve::MaterialType#
Material Grade #MemberCurve::MaterialGrade#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}#
#MemberCurve::[outStructure Curve Member Cut Length]#
Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}#
#MemberCurve::[Computed DryWeight]#
Surface Area #FormattingUOM::{SurfaceArea}#
#MemberCurve::[Computed SurfaceArea]#

Structure Handrails Detailed Properties (Structure)

Detailed report listing section sizes and end treatments.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Structure\Handrails Detailed Properties\Handrails Detailed Properties.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
Filter Name #Handrails::{FilterName}#
Filter Location #Handrails::{FilterLocation}#
Filter Description #Handrails::{FilterDescription}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Name #Handrails::Name#
Top Rail Section #Handrails::Top Rail Section#
Height to Top Rail #Handrails::[outHeighttoTopRail]#

768 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Mid-rail Section #Handrails::Mid-rail Section#

Height toMid-rail #Handrails::[outHeighttoMidRail]#
Post Section #Handrails::Post Section#
Toe Plate Section #Handrails::Toe Plate Section#
Height to Toe Plate #Handrails::[outHeightToToePlate]#
Begin Treatment #Handrails::Begin Treatment#
Begin Extension Length #Handrails::[outBeginLength]#
End Treatement #Handrails::End Treatment#
End Extension Length #Handrails::[outEndLength]#

Structure Handrails General Properties (Structure)

General report listing length, height, weight and material.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Structure\Handrails General Properties\Handrails General Properties.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
Filter Name #Handrails::{FilterName}#
Filter Location #Handrails::{FilterLocation}#
Filter Description #Handrails::{FilterDescription}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Name #Handrails::Name#
System #Handrails::Parent System#
Length ft. #Handrails::[outLength]#
Height ft. #Handrails::[outHeight]#
Weight lb. #Handrails::[outWeight]#
Material #Handrails::Material#
Grade #Handrails::Grade#

Structure Ladders Detailed Properties (Structure)

Detailed report listing component dimensions and physical location.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Ladders
Detailed Properties\Ladders Detailed Properties.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
Filter Name #Ladders::{FilterName}#
Filter Location #Ladders::{FilterLocation}#
Filter Description #Ladders::{FilterDescription}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Name #Ladders::Name#
Location #Ladders::[outLocation]#
Number of Steps #Ladders::NumSteps#

Reports User's Guide 769

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Stringer Width #Ladders::[outStringerWidth]#

Stringer Thickness #Ladders::[outStringerThickness]#
Step Diameter #Ladders::[outStepDiameter]#
Step Pitch #Ladders::[outStepPitch]#
Hoop Bottom Level #Ladders::[outBottomLevel]#
Hoop Pitch #Ladders::[outHoopPitch]#
Hoop Radius #Ladders::[outHoopRadius]#
Flare Radius #Ladders::[outFlareRadius]#
Strap Count #Ladders::Strap Count#
Strap Width #Ladders::[outStrapWidth]#
Strap Thickness #Ladders::[outStrapThickness]#
Wall Offset #Ladders::[outWallOffset]#
Ladder Extension #Ladders::[outExtension]#

Structure Ladders General Properties (Structure)

General report listing length, width, height, material and physical location.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Ladders
General Properties\Ladders General Properties.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
Filter Name #Ladders::{FilterName}#
Filter Location #Ladders::{FilterLocation}#
Filter Description #Ladders::{FilterDescription}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Name #Ladders::Name#
Location #Ladders::[outLocation]#
System #Ladders::SystemName#
Length #Ladders::[outLength]#
Width #Ladders::[outWidth]#
Height #Ladders::[outHeight]#
Angle #Ladders::[outAngle]#
Weight #Ladders::[outWeight]#
Material #Ladders::Primary_SPSMaterial#
Grade #Ladders::Primary_SPSGrade#

770 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Structure Linear Member Itemized Material Take-Off

Itemized list of Linear members including member type, section name, material, length, weight
and surface area. Weight is computed from the member solid.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Linear
Member Itemized Material Take-Off\Linear Member Itemized Material Take-Off.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Item #MemberLinear::ItemNum#
Name #MemberLinear::Name#
Priority #MemberLinear::Priority#
Type Category #MemberLinear::TypeCategory#
Type #MemberLinear::Type#
Section #MemberLinear::SectionName#
Material Type #MemberLinear::MaterialType#
Material Grade #MemberLinear::MaterialGrade#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}#
#MemberLinear::[outStructure Linear Member Cut Length]#
Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}#
#MemberLinear::[outStructure Linear Member Dry Weight]#
Surface Area #FormattingUOM::{SurfaceArea}#
#MemberLinear::[outStructure Linear Member Computed SurfaceArea]#

Structure Linear Member Itemized Material Take-Off

by Unit Weight (Structure)
Itemized list of Linear members including member type, section name, material, length, weight
and surface area. Weight is computed as Area x CutLength x Density.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Linear
Member Itemized Material Take-Off by Unit Weight\Linear Member Itemized Material Take-Off
by Unit Weight.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Item #MemberLinear::ItemNum#
Name #MemberLinear::Name#
Priority #MemberLinear::Priority#
Type Category #MemberLinear::TypeCategory#
Type #MemberLinear::Type#

Reports User's Guide 771

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Section #MemberLinear::SectionName#
Material Type #MemberLinear::MaterialType#
Material Grade #MemberLinear::MaterialGrade#
Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}#
#MemberLinear::[outStructure Linear Member Cut Length]#
Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}#
#MemberLinear::[Computed DryWeight]#
Surface Area #FormattingUOM::{SurfaceArea}#
#MemberLinear::[Computed SurfaceArea]#

Structure Member Summarized Material Take-Off by

Unit Weight (Structure)
Summary Member Weight (by Unit Weight) & Length MTO by System are provided.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Member
Summarized Material Take-Off by Unit Weight\Member Summarized Material Take-Off by Unit
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Item Count #Members::ItemCount#
Section #Members::SectionName#
Material Type #Members::MaterialType#
Material Grade #Members::MaterialGrade#
Total Length #FormattingUOM::{Length}#
#Members::[outStructure Member Length]#
Total Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}#
Total Surface Area #FormattingUOM::{SurfaceArea}#

772 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Structure Open Steel Sorted by Name - Export to

Icarus (Structure)
Open steel objects are listed with many properties such as area, tag, and WBS information.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Open
Steel Sorted by Name - Export to Icarus\Open Steel Sorted by Name - Export to Icarus.rtp
Internal Name
Units (BLANK)
AreaName #OpenSteel::SpaceFolder#
CpItemDescription #OpenSteel::Name#
CpUserTag (BLANK)
CpComponentWBS (BLANK)
CpNumberItems #OpenSteel::NumberItems#
CpNumberFloors #OpenSteel::NumberFloors#
#OpenSteel::[outStructure Icarus Open Steel Distributed Load per Level]#
CpNumberStairways #OpenSteel::NumberStairways#
CpStructuralSteelAnalysisType #OpenSteel::SteelAnalysis#
CpColumnBaseOption #OpenSteel::ColumnBaseOption#
CpGratingType #OpenSteel::GratingType#
CpSidingType #OpenSteel::SidingType#

Reports User's Guide 773

Appendix: Report Descriptions

#OpenSteel::[outStructure Icarus Open Steel Slab Thickness]#
CpWindForceAdjustment #OpenSteel::WindForceAdjustment#
CpSeismicForceAdjustment #OpenSteel::SeismicForceAdjustment#

Structure Slab Material Take-Off (Structure)

Slabs are listed by priority with properties such as name, layer type, and material
information. Totals are calculated for thickness, weight and net surface area.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Slab
Material Take-Off\Slab Material Take-Off.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Item #Slab::ItemNum#
Name #Slab::Name#
Priority #Slab::Priority#
Slab Type #Slab::SlabType#
Slab Composition #Slab::SlabComposition#
Layer Type #Slab::LayerType#
Material Type #Slab::MaterialType#
Material Grade #Slab::MaterialGrade#
Thickness #FormattingUOM::{Thickness}#
#Slab::[outStructure Slab Thickness]#
Net Volume #FormattingUOM::{NetVolume}#
#Slab::[outStructure Slab Volume]#
Weight #FormattingUOM::{Weight}#
#Slab::[outStructure Slab Dry Weight]#
Net Surface Area #FormattingUOM::{NetSurfaceArea}#
#Slab::[outStructure Linear Member Net Surface Area]#
Net Projected Area #FormattingUOM::{NetProjectedArea}#
#Slab::[outStructure Linear Member Net Projected Surface Area]#
Total Projected Area #FormattingUOM::{TotalProjectedArea}#
#Slab::[outStructure Linear Member Total Projected Surface Area]#

774 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Structure Stairs Detailed Properties (Structure)

Detailed report listing component dimensions and physical location.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Stairs
Detailed Properties\Stairs Detailed Properties.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
Filter Name #Stairs::{FilterName}#
Filter Location #Stairs::{FilterLocation}#
Filter Description #Stairs::{FilterDescription}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Name #Stairs::Name#
Location #Stairs::[outLocation]#
Number of Steps #Stairs::NumSteps#
Top Landing Length #Stairs::[outLandingLength]#
Platform Thickness #Stairs::[outPlatformThickness]#
Stringer Section #Stairs::String Section#
Step Section #Stairs::StepSectionName#
Step Pitch #Stairs::[outStepPitch]#
Handrail Section #Stairs::HandRail Section#
Post Height #Stairs::[outPostHeight]#
Post Spacing #Stairs::[outPostSpacing]#
Number of Midrails #Stairs::Number of Midrails#
Envelope Height #Stairs::[outEnvelopeHeight]#

Structure Stairs General Properties (Structure)

General report listing length, width, height, material and physical location.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Stairs
General Properties\Stairs General Properties.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
Filter Name #Stairs::{FilterName}#
Filter Location #Stairs::{FilterLocation}#
Filter Description #Stairs::{FilterDescription}#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Name #Stairs::Name#
Location #Stairs::[outLocation]#
System #Stairs::SystemName#
Length #Stairs::[outLength]#
Width #Stairs::[outWidth]#
Height #Stairs::[outHeight]#

Reports User's Guide 775

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Angle #Stairs::[outAngle]#
Weight #Stairs::[outWeight]#
Material #Stairs::Primary_SPSMaterial#
Grade #Stairs::Primary_SPSGrade#

Stud Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Stud Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Stud Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Stud Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule tab

Bolt Length From #PGDB::[lbl_BoltLengthFrom]#
Bolt Length To #PGDB::[lbl_BoltLengthTo]#
Bolt Diameter From #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterFrom]#
Bolt Diameter To #PGDB::[lbl_BoltDiameterTo]#
Bolt Length Tolerance #PGDB::[lbl_BoltLengthTolerance]#

T Strainer (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of T Strainers to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\T Strainer

776 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

T Strainer tab
Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Bend Angle #PartData::BendAngle#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#

Reports User's Guide 777

Appendix: Report Descriptions

End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#

End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#
Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#
Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

778 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Tap Properties Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of Tap Properties Data to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Tap Properties Data folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Tap Properties Data tab

Pressure Rating #PGDB::PressureRating#
End Preparation #PGDB::EndPrep#
End Standard #PGDB::EndStandard#
Schedule Thickness #PGDB::ScheduleThickness#
Flow Direction #PGDB::FlowDirection#

Tee (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts)

Creates a report of cable tray tees, reducing tees, and expanding tees to be used for review and
approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts\Tees folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name
The following part class names (PartClassName) are associated with this report definition:
CTTee, CTReducingTee, CTExpandingTee, CTTeeVD, and CTTeeVU.

Reports User's Guide 779

Appendix: Report Descriptions

AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

CableTray_Tee tab
Part Class Type CableTrayClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Part Number #PartData::PartNumber#
Part Description #PartData::PartDescription#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Material #PartData::Material#
Tray Type #PartData::TrayType#
Component Type #PartData::ComponentType#
Length #PartData::[lbl_Length]#
Load Span Classification #PartData::LoadSpanClassification#
Rung Spacing #PartData::RungSpacing#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Replacement Part Number #PartData::ReplacementPartNumber#
Nominal Width #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth]#
Nominal Depth #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth]#
Reducing Size #PartData::ReducingSize#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#

780 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#

Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Nominal Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth1]#
Nominal Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth1]#
Actual Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth1]#
Actual Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth1]#
Load Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth1]#
Load Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth1]#
Nominal Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth2]#
Nominal Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth2]#
Actual Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth2]#
Actual Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth2]#
Load Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth2]#
Load Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth2]#
Nominal Width[3] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth3]#
Nominal Depth[3] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth3]#
Actual Width[3] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth3]#
Actual Depth[3] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth3]#
Load Width[3] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth3]#
Load Depth[3] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth3]#

Temperature Control Valve (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Temperature Control Valves to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Temperature
Control Valve folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Reports User's Guide 781

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Temperature Control Valve tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#

782 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#

Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Height1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight1]#

Temperature Switch (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Temperature Switches to be used for review and approval of the reference
data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Temperature
Switch folder.

Reports User's Guide 783

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Temperature Switch tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#

784 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#

Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Instrument Height1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight1]#
Instrument Height2 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight2]#
Instrument Height3 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight3]#
Instrument Diameter #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentDiameter]#
Instrument Diameter1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentDiameter1]#

Temperature Transmitter (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Temperature Transmitters to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Temperature
Transmitter folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Reports User's Guide 785

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Temperature Transmitter tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Instrument Length
OA:Instrument Length1
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#

786 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#

Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Length #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentLength]#
Instrument Length1 #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentLength1]#

Valve Operator Material Control Data (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping)
Creates a report of valve operator material control data to be used for review and approval of
the reference data in your catalog.
No inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Valve Operator material Control Data folder.

Reports User's Guide 787

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Valve Operator Mt ControlData tab

Operator Part Number #VMCD::OperatorPartNumber#
Short Material Description #VMCD::ShortMatlDescription#
Localized Short Material Description #VMCD::LocShortMaterialDescription#
Long Material Description #VMCD::LongMaterialDescription#
Vendor #VMCD::Vendor#
Manufacturer #VMCD::Manufacturer#
Valve Operator Type #VMCD::ValveOperatorType#
Reportable Commodity Code #VMCD::ReportableCommodityCode#
Quantity of Reportable Part #VMCD::QuantityOfReportableParts#
Alternate Reportable Commodity Code #VMCD::AltReportableCommodityCode#
Quantity Of Alternate Reportable Parts #VMCD::QuantityOfAltReportableParts#
Hyperlink To Electronic Vendor #VMCD::HyperlinkToElectronicVendor#
Hyperlink To Electronic Manuals #VMCD::HyperlinkToElectronicManuals#

Valve Tags by Spec (Catalog Parts)

Valve tags retrieved based on specification.
[Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Catalog
Parts\Valve Tags by Spec\Valve Tags by Spec.rtp
Spec Name #ValveTag::Spec Name#
From S #ValveTag::From S#
To S #ValveTag::To S#
Value Tag #ValveTag::Valve Tag#
Max Temp #ValveTag::[outMaxTemp]#
Commodity Code #ValveTag::Commodity Code#
From M #ValveTag::From M#
To M #ValveTag::To M#
Short Material Description #ValveTag::Short Material Description#
Operator Part Number #ValveTag::Operator Part ##
Operator cl #ValveTag::Operator cl#
Operator #ValveTag::Operator#

788 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Vent Silencer2 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Vent Silencer2 to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Vent
Silencer2 folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Vent Silencer2 tab

Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#

Reports User's Guide 789

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#

Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption #
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Valve Manufacturer #PartData::ValveManufacturer#
Valve Model Number #PartData::ValveModelNumber#
Valve Trim #PartData::ValveTrim#
Flange Face Surface Finish #PartData::FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish#
Surface Preparation #PartData::SurfacePreparation#
Manufacturing Method #PartData::ManufacturingMethod#
Misc Requisition Classification #PartData::MiscRequisitionClassification#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Note 1 #PartData::PipingNote1#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Vent Silencer Body #PartData::[lbl_VentSilencerBodyDiameter]#
Piping Specialty Height #PartData::[lbl_PipingSpecialtyHeight]#

790 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

View Default (ShipDrawings\Dependent View Reports)

Creates a view default report for association with a Drawings by Rule view. You can use this
report when setting up a Drawing by Rule component in the Drawings and Reports task. For
more information, see the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\ShipDrawings\Dependent View Reports\Default folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Report1 tab
View Name #ViewDefault::ViewName#
Document Name #ViewDefault::DocumentName#

Vortex Flow (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data)
Creates a report of Vortex Flow to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Instrument Part Data\Vortex Flow

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Reports User's Guide 791

Appendix: Report Descriptions


Vortex Flow tab

Part Class Type InstrumentsClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#
Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Requisition Type #PartData::RequisitionType#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#

792 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#

Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#
Instrument Height #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentHeight]#
Instrument Diameter #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentDiameter]#
Instrument Width #PartData::[lbl_InstrumentWidth]#

Washer Part Data (Catalog Engineering

Creates a report of washer part data to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Washer Part Data folder.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Washer Part Data tab

Industry Commodity Code #WPD::IndustryCommodityCode#
Washer Type #WPD::WasherType#
Geometric Industry Standard #WPD::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Materials Grade #WPD::MaterialsGrade#
WasherThickness #WPD::[lbl_WasherThickness]#

Weld Model Representation Rule (Catalog

Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Weld Model Representation Rule to be used for review and approval of the
reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Weld Model Representation Rule

Reports User's Guide 793

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Weld Model Representation Rule tab

Nominal Piping Diameter From #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterFrom#
Nominal Piping Diameter To #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterTo#
Nominal Piping Diameter Units #PGDB::NominalPipingDiameterUnits#
Weld Class #PGDB::WeldClass#
Weld Radius Increase #PGDB::[lbl_WeldRadiusIncrease]#
Weld Thickness #PGDB::[lbl_WeldThickness]#
Materials Grade #PGDB::MaterialsGrade#

Weld Type Rule (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules)
Creates a report of Weld Type Rule to be used for review and approval of the reference data in
your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules\Weld Type Rule folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Weld Type Rule tab

Fabrication Type Of End1 #PGDB::FabricationTypeOfEnd1#
Construction Requirement Of End1 #PGDB::ConstructionRequirementOfEnd1#
Fabrication Type of End2 #PGDB::FabricationTypeOfEnd2#
Construction Requirement Of End2 #PGDB::ConstructionRequirementOfEnd2#
Weld Type #PGDB::WeldType#

794 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Wye (Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts)

Creates a report of cable tray wye parts--left, right, horizontal, and TJ Cope--to be used for
review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts\Wyes folder.

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name
The following part class names (PartClassName) are associated with this report definition:
CTHWyeLeft, CTHWyeRight, CTHWyeLeftTJC, and CTHWyeRightTJC.

AttributeName (the programmatic name of the attribute)

Identifies the GUID mapping for the Class/InterfaceName and the AttributeName.

CableTray_Wye tab
Part Class Type CableTrayClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User Class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
Part Number #PartData::PartNumber#
Part Description #PartData::PartDescription#
Manufacturer #PartData::Manufacturer#
Material #PartData::Material#
Tray Type #PartData::TrayType#

Reports User's Guide 795

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Component Type #PartData::ComponentType#

Length #PartData::[lbl_Length]#
Load Span Classification #PartData::LoadSpanClassification#
Rung Spacing #PartData::RungSpacing#
Tangent Length #PartData::[lbl_TangentLength]#
Bend Angle #PartData::[lbl_BendAngle]#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Mirror Behavior Option #PartData::MirrorBehaviorOption#
Part Data Basis #PartData::PartDataBasis#
Replacement Part Number #PartData::ReplacementPartNumber#
Nominal Width #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth]#
Nominal Depth #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth]#
Reducing Size #PartData::ReducingSize#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Nominal Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth1]#
Nominal Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth1]#
Actual Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth1]#
Actual Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth1]#
Load Width[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth1]#
Load Depth[1] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth1]#
Nominal Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth2]#
Nominal Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth2]#
Actual Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth2]#
Actual Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth2]#
Load Width[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth2]#
Load Depth[2] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth2]#
Nominal Width[3] #PartData::[lbl_NominalWidth3]#
Nominal Depth[3] #PartData::[lbl_NominalDepth3]#
Actual Width[3] #PartData::[lbl_ActualWidth3]#
Actual Depth[3] #PartData::[lbl_ActualDepth3]#
Load Width[3] #PartData::[lbl_LoadWidth3]#
Load Depth[3] #PartData::[lbl_LoadDepth3]#
Face to Tangent #PartData::[lbl_FacetoTangent]#

796 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Y Strainer2 (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data)
Creates a report of Y Strainer2 to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your
It is located in the [Reference Data Product Directory]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of
Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data\Y Strainer2

Identifies the XML code used to define the report.

Index tab
Worksheet Name

Category Name
Attribute Name (the programmatic name of the attribute)
Attribute User Name

Y Strainer2 tab
Part Class Type SpecialtyClass
Symbol Definition #Plant::SymbolDefinition#
User class Name #Plant::UserClassName#
Occurrence Class Name #Plant::OccClassName#
Symbol Icon
OA:Insulation Thickness
Industry Commodity Code #PartData::IndustryCommodityCode#
Commodity Type #PartData::CommodityType#
Geometry Type #PartData::GeometryType#
Graphical Representation Or Not #PartData::GraphicalRepresentationOrNot#
Symbol Definition #PartData::SymbolDefinition#

Reports User's Guide 797

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Material Grade #PartData::MaterialGrade#

Lining Material #PartData::LiningMaterial#
Bend Radius #PartData::[lbl_BendRadius]#
Bend Radius Multiplier #PartData::BendRadiusMultiplier#
Bend Angle #PartData::BendAngle#
Geometric Industry Standard #PartData::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Piping Point Basis[1] #PartData::PipingPointBasis1#
Id[1] #PartData::Id1#
Pressure Rating[1] #PartData::PressureRating1#
End Preparation[1] #PartData::EndPreparation1#
End Standard[1] #PartData::EndStandard1#
Schedule Thickness[1] #PartData::ScheduleThickness1#
Flow Direction[1] #PartData::FlowDirection1#
Piping Point Basis[2] #PartData::PipingPointBasis2#
Id[2] #PartData::Id2#
Pressure Rating[2] #PartData::PressureRating2#
End Preparation[2] #PartData::EndPreparation2#
End Standard[2] #PartData::EndStandard2#
Schedule Thickness[2] #PartData::ScheduleThickness2#
Flow Direction[2] #PartData::FlowDirection2#
Piping Point Basis[3] #PartData::PipingPointBasis3#
Id[3] #PartData::Id3#
Pressure Rating[3] #PartData::PressureRating3#
End Preparation[3] #PartData::EndPreparation3#
End Standard[3] #PartData::EndStandard3#
Schedule Thickness[3] #PartData::ScheduleThickness3#
Flow Direction[3] #PartData::FlowDirection3#
Dry Weight #PartData::[lbl_DryWeight]#
Dry CogX #PartData::[lbl_DryCogX]#
Dry CogY #PartData::[lbl_DryCogY]#
Dry CogZ #PartData::[lbl_DryCogZ]#
Water Weight #PartData::[lbl_WaterWeight]#
Water CogX #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogX]#
Water CogY #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogY]#
Water CogZ #PartData::[lbl_WaterCogZ]#
Surface Area #PartData::SurfaceArea#
Volumetric Capacity #PartData::VolumetricCapacity#
Npd[1] #PartData::Npd1#
Npd Unit Type[1] #PartData::NpdUnitType1#
Npd[2] #PartData::Npd2#
Npd Unit Type[2] #PartData::NpdUnitType2#
Npd[3] #PartData::Npd3#

798 Reports User's Guide

Appendix: Report Descriptions

Npd Unit Type[3] #PartData::NpdUnitType3#

Face to Face #PartData::[lbl_FacetoFace]#

Reports User's Guide 799

Batch Print Schedule Wizard Common
3 Tasks • 187
Batch Processing • 169
3Way Diverter Valve (Catalog Engineering Batch Processing - Intergraph Batch
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Services • 165
Instrument Part Data) • 223 Batch Refresh • 178
Batch Schedule Wizard Common Tasks •
A 179
Add a component or package • 62 Batch Update • 176
Add a filter-based query to a report Batch Update Document(s) • 177
template • 145 Bend Radius Multiplier Rule (Catalog
Add Baseline (Tools Menu) • 148 Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Add Component Dialog Box • 62 231
Add Custom Command Dialog Box • 194 Bends (Catalog Engineering
Add custom commands • 193 Checks\CableTray\Parts) • 231
Add Display (Tools Menu) • 148 Blind End Plate (Catalog Engineering
Add Formatting (Tools Menu) • 147 Checks\CableTray\Parts) • 233
Add Query (Tools Menu) • 145 Bolt Commodity Code Subst Rule (Catalog
Add Report Baseline Dialog Box • 148 Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Add Report Query Dialog Box • 147 235
Add Sheets to a Report Template • 116 Bolt Diameter Equivalence Rule (Catalog
Angle Control Valve (Catalog Engineering Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping 236
Instrument Part Data) • 225 Bolt Extension (Catalog Engineering
Appendix Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 236
Report Descriptions • 223 Bolt Part Data (Catalog Engineering
Troubleshooting Drawings and Reports • Checks\Piping) • 237
219 Bolt Selection Filter For Nozzles (Catalog
Attributes Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
• 129 238
Auto Material Description Rule (Catalog Bonding Jumper (Catalog Engineering
Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • Checks\CableTray\Parts) • 238
227 Box Connector (Catalog Engineering
Auto WBS Creation Rule (Catalog Checks\CableTray\Parts) • 240
Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • Bubble Detector (Catalog Engineering
228 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Instrument Part Data) • 242
Bulkload the SPRDirect Catalog (Upgrade
B Only) • 152
Baseline Tab (Report Template Editor Butterfly Valve Elec (Catalog Engineering
Dialog Box) • 123 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Basket Strainer 2 (Catalog Engineering Instrument Part Data) • 244
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Butterfly Valve On Off V (Catalog
Part Data) • 229 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Batch Local Update • 177 Piping Instrument Part Data) • 246
Batch Management • 171
Batch Management Dialog Box (Batch
Management Command) • 173
Batch Print • 176 Cable Tray Specifications (Catalog
Engineering Checks\CableTray) • 248

Reports User's Guide 801


Calculation ProgIDs (Catalog Engineering Conservation Vent (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 249 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Cap Screw Length Calc Tolerance Rule Instrument Part Data) • 276
(Catalog Engineering Contractor Commodity Code Rules
Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 249 (Catalog Engineering
Choose Label Dialog Box • 90 Checks\Piping\Commodity Code Rules) •
Collapse All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft 278
Excel) • 139 Copy a report template to the catalog • 140
Column Settings Dialog Box • 58 Copy Report To Catalog (Report Shortcut
Commodity Material Control Data (Catalog Menu) • 140
Engineering Checks\Conduit) • 250 Copy Report Types, Labels, and the
Compare Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) Configuration File • 151
• 134 Create a new report template from an
Complete Batch Schedule (Schedule existing template • 111
Wizard) • 187 Create a search folder • 163
Component Insulation Exclusion Rule Create a Template • 168
(Catalog Engineering Create an SPRDirect Report • 155
Checks\Piping\Insulation Data) • 251 Create and update a delivered report • 113
Components Overview • 99 Create custom commands • 193
Conditional Drawing Update • 96 Create Report (Report Shortcut Menu) •
Conductivity Sensor (Catalog Engineering 110
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Cross (Catalog Engineering
Instrument Part Data) • 252 Checks\CableTray\Parts) • 282
Conduit 45 Degree Elbow (Catalog Custom Commands • 190
Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) • 254 Custom Commands Dialog Box • 194
Conduit 90 Degree Elbow (Catalog Custom Tab (Properties Dialog Box) • 85
Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) • 256
Conduit Coupling (Catalog Engineering D
Checks\Conduit\Parts) • 258
Conduit Plug (Catalog Engineering Default Change Of Direction (Catalog
Checks\Conduit\Parts) • 260 Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Conduit Pullbox (Catalog Engineering 284
Checks\Conduit\Parts) • 262 Default Commodity Selection Rule (Catalog
Conduit Reducer (Catalog Engineering Engineering Checks\Conduit) • 285
Checks\Conduit\Parts) • 264 Default Project Options (Catalog
Conduit Reducing Tee (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) • 285
Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) • 266 Define User Item Dialog Box • 137
Conduit Stock (Catalog Engineering Delete a custom command • 194
Checks\Conduit\Parts) • 268 Delete an item • 70
Conduit Tangent Elbow (Catalog Delete Command • 70
Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts) • 269 Delivered Custom Commands • 195
Conduit Tee (Catalog Engineering Design Layout • 123
Checks\Conduit\Parts) • 271 Detail View (View Menu) • 56
Conduit Union (Catalog Engineering Diagnostic 3D Grouped by Description and
Checks\Conduit\Parts) • 274 Discipline (Diagnostic) • 287
Configuration Tab (Properties Dialog Box) • Diagnostic 3D To Do List Entries • 287
90 Diagnostic Clean Database Issues
Configuration Tab (Surface Style Rule (Diagnostic) • 287
Properties Dialog Box) • 85 Diagnostic Clean Database Issues Grouped
Configure SmartPlant PDF Converter for by Problem Description (Diagnostic) •
64-bit Windows • 72 288
Diagnostic Clean Database Issues Grouped
by Status (Diagnostic) • 289

802 Reports User's Guide


Diagnostic Clean Database Issues with Electrical Cabling Sorted by Cableway

Column Filters (Diagnostic) • 290 Element (Electrical) • 305
Diagnostic General Statistics on Modeling Electrical Cabling Sorted by Electrical
Activity (Diagnostic) • 291 System Name (Electrical) • 306
Diagnostic Interference Checking Electrical Cabling Sorted by Hanger Name
(Diagnostic) • 291 (Electrical) • 307
Diagnostic Interference Checking with Electrical Cabling Sorted by Key Hanger
System Names (Diagnostic) • 292 Name (Electrical) • 308
Diagnostic P&ID Correlated 3D Objects Electrical Cabling Sorted by Path Marker
(Diagnostic) • 293 Name (Electrical) • 309
Diagnostic P&ID Non-Correlated Objects Embed Labels in a Report • 117
(Diagnostic) • 293 Equipment Finishing Sorted by Equipment
Diagnostic Piping Commodity Specifications Name (Equipment) • 310
(Diagnostic) • 294 Equipment Location in WBS Project • 310
Diagnostic SmartPlant To Do List Equipment Location Sorted by Equipment
(Diagnostic) • 295 Name Style 1 (Equipment) • 311
Diagnostic ToDoList Include Second Class Equipment Location Sorted by Equipment
Objects (Diagnostic) • 295 Name Style 2 (Equipment) • 311
Diagnostic User Access Rights (Diagnostic) Equipment Material Take-Off (Equipment) •
• 296 312
Diagnostic WorkShare Management Equipment Nozzle Sorted by Equipment •
(Diagnostic) • 296 312
DIN Wall Thickness Data (Catalog Equipment Piping Trim (Piping) • 313
Engineering Checks\Piping) • 297 Exhaust Head (Catalog Engineering
Direction Change Fittings (Catalog Parts) • Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
298 Part Data) • 314
Display Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Expand All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft
Box) • 123 Excel) • 138
Document Properties Dialog Box • 214 Expansion Joint (Catalog Engineering
Documentation Comments • 45 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Drawings and Reports • 49 Part Data) • 316
Expansion Joint Offset (Catalog
E Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Specialty Part Data) • 318
Edit a custom command • 193
Edit a Report Template • 115
Edit Custom Command Dialog Box • 195 F
Edit document properties • 74 Field Fit Length (Catalog Engineering
Edit or Delete Batch Jobs • 171 Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 320
Edit Template (Report Shortcut Menu) • 114 Filter (Catalog Engineering
Edit the ReportSettings.txt Configuration Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
File • 152 Part Data) • 321
Electrical CableTray Material Take-Off Find documents to publish • 216
(Electrical) • 298 Find Documents to Publish • 215
Electrical Cableway Fill Sorted by Hanger Find Documents to Publish Dialog Box •
Name (Electrical) • 299, 300 216
Electrical Cableway Fill Sorted by Key Flame Arrestor (Catalog Engineering
Hanger Name (Electrical) • 300, 301 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Electrical Cabling Fill Sorted by Cableway Part Data) • 323
Element (Electrical) • 302 Flared Pipe (Catalog Engineering
Electrical Cabling Material Take-Off Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 325
(Electrical) • 303 Flow Magnetic (Catalog Engineering
Electrical Cabling Sorted by Cable Type Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
(Electrical) • 304 Instrument Part Data) • 326

Reports User's Guide 803


Flow Switch (Catalog Engineering Hangers and Supports for Supported Route
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping - Drawing (Hangers and Supports) • 343
Instrument Part Data) • 328 Hangers and Supports for Supporting
Flow Transmitter (Catalog Engineering Structure - Drawing (Hangers and
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Supports) • 343
Instrument Part Data) • 330 Hangers and Supports ISO View - Drawing
Fluid Density Rule (Catalog Engineering (Hangers and Supports) • 343
Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 332 Hangers and Supports Pipe Rack Sorted by
Formatting Tab (Report Template Editor Name - Export to Icarus (Hangers and
Dialog Box) • 122 Supports) • 344
Free Vent2 (Catalog Engineering Hangers and Supports Side View - Drawing
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty (Hangers and Supports) • 345
Part Data) • 332 Hierarchy Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box)
Full-size Tees and Reducing Tees (Catalog • 136
Parts) • 334 HVAC Material Take-Off (HVAC) • 345

Gasket Part Data (Catalog Engineering Icons for Components and Drawings • 52
Checks\Piping) • 335 Industry Commodity Code Rules (Catalog
Gasket Selection Filter for Nozzles (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Commodity
Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • Code Rules) • 347
336 In-Line Fittings (Catalog Parts) • 346
General Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) • Inline Silencer Type1 (Catalog Engineering
128 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
General Tab (Properties Dialog Box) • 76 Part Data) • 351
Globe Control Valve (Catalog Engineering Insert a note at a precise place on an
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping isometric drawing • 94
Instrument Part Data) • 337 Instrument Class Data (Catalog
Group Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) • Engineering Checks\Piping) • 353
131 Instrumentation Control Valves Sorted by
Name (Instrumentation) • 355
H Instruments (Verification of Consistency) •
Hangers and Supports All Sorted by Name Insulation Material (Catalog Engineering
(Hangers and Supports) • 339 Checks\Piping\Insulation Data) • 370
Hangers and Supports Combined Sorted by Insulation Specification (Catalog
Name (Hangers and Supports) • 339 Engineering Checks\Piping\Insulation
Hangers and Supports End View - Drawing Data) • 370
(Hangers and Supports) • 340 Insulation Thickness Table (Catalog
Hangers and Supports for Cableways Engineering Checks\Piping\Insulation
Sorted by Name (Hangers and Supports) Data) • 372
• 340 Interface Overview • 51
Hangers and Supports for Components - Issue request documents • 211
Drawings (Hangers and Supports) • 340 Issue Request Tab (Publish Dialog Box) •
Hangers and Supports for Components 214
Sorted by Name (Hangers and Supports) Issue Tab (Properties Dialog Box) • 87
• 341 Item Properties Dialog Box • 128
Hangers and Supports for Conduit Sorted
by Name (Hangers and Supports) • 341
Hangers and Supports for Ducts Sorted by K
Name (Hangers and Supports) • 342 Knife Gate Valve (Catalog Engineering
Hangers and Supports for Pipe Sorted by Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Name (Hangers and Supports) • 342 Instrument Part Data) • 373

804 Reports User's Guide


L Nut Part Data (Catalog Engineering

Checks\Piping) • 394
Labels Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) •
Ladder Splice Plate (Catalog Engineering O
Checks\CableTray\Parts) • 375 Olet-type Branches (Catalog Parts) • 395
Linear Valves (Catalog Parts) • 376 Open a document • 69
Liner Thickness Data (Catalog Engineering Open Command • 69
Checks\Piping) • 377 Optional Schedule Properties Dialog Box •
M Orifice Plates (Catalog Engineering
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Mach Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule
Instrument Part Data) • 396
(Catalog Engineering
Orthographic Drawing Revision History
Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 378
(Deliverables) • 398
Manage batch jobs • 171
Manage Projects • 217
Management Console (View Menu) • 55 P
Mass Flow (Catalog Engineering Parameters (Report Shortcut Menu) • 139
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Permissions Overview • 54
Instrument Part Data) • 378 Pipe Bending Configuration Data (Catalog
Master Instrument Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending
Engineering Checks\Piping) • 380 Data) • 398
Master Piping Part Data (Catalog Pipe Bending Die Data (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping) • 383 Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending
Master Piping Specialty Part Data (Catalog Data) • 400
Engineering Checks\Piping) • 385 Pipe Bending Elongation (Catalog
Master Valve Operator Part Data (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Engineering Checks\Piping) • 387 400
Materials Data (Catalog Engineering Pipe Bending Machine Data (Catalog
Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 388 Engineering Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending
Mating Ports (Catalog Engineering Data) • 401
Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 389 Pipe Bending Minimum Tangent Length
Menus and Toolbars • 52 Data (Catalog Engineering
Min Pipe Length Purchase (Catalog Checks\Piping\Pipe Bending Data) • 402
Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • Pipe Stock (Catalog Engineering
390 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Minimum Pipe Length Rule (Catalog Data) • 403
Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • PipeRuns by Drawing
390 (Deliverables\PipeRuns by Drawing) •
Motor Operated Valve (Catalog Engineering 404
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Piping Commodity Material Control Data
Part Data) • 391 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) •
Multi Port Valve Operator Data (Catalog 405
Engineering Checks\Piping) • 393 Piping Commodity Procurement Data
(Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) •
N 406
Piping Commodity Service Limits Data
New Command • 62
(Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) •
Notes Tab (Properties Dialog Box) • 86
NPD Equivalence Rule (Catalog
Piping Fittings - Export to Icarus • 408
Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Piping Fittings and Welds Sorted by NPD
(Piping) • 408

Reports User's Guide 805


Piping Fittings Material Take-Off in WBS Piping Part Data M007 (Catalog
Project • 409 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Generic Data Bolted (Catalog Piping Part Data) • 478
Engineering Checks\Piping) • 409 Piping Part Data M008 (Catalog
Piping Generic Data Female (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Engineering Checks\Piping) • 410 Piping Part Data) • 480
Piping Generic Data Mechanical (Catalog Piping Part Data M009 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping) • 411 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Insulated Pipe Sorted by Insulation Piping Part Data) • 483
Class (Piping) • 412 Piping Part Data M010 (Catalog
Piping Material Class (Verification of Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Consistency) • 412 Piping Part Data) • 485
Piping Material Take-Off (Piping) • 434 Piping Part Data M011 (Catalog
Piping Materials Class (Piping Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Specifications) • 435 Piping Part Data) • 488
Piping Nipple Spools Sorted by NPD Piping Part Data M012 (Catalog
(Piping) • 447 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data F001 (Catalog Engineering Piping Part Data) • 490
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Piping Part Data M013 (Catalog
Data) • 448 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data F002 (Catalog Engineering Piping Part Data) • 493
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Piping Part Data M014 (Catalog
Data) • 450 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data F003 (Catalog Engineering Piping Part Data) • 495
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Piping Part Data M015 (Catalog
Data) • 453 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data F004 (Catalog Engineering Piping Part Data) • 498
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Piping Part Data M016 (Catalog
Data) • 455 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data F005 (Catalog Engineering Piping Part Data) • 500
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Piping Part Data M017 (Catalog
Data) • 458 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data F006 (Catalog Engineering Piping Part Data) • 503
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Piping Part Data M018 (Catalog
Data) • 460 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data M001 (Catalog Piping Part Data) • 505
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data M019 (Catalog
Piping Part Data) • 463 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data M002 (Catalog Piping Part Data) • 508
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data M020 (Catalog
Piping Part Data) • 465 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data M003 (Catalog Piping Part Data) • 510
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data M021 (Catalog
Piping Part Data) • 468 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data M004 (Catalog Piping Part Data) • 513
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data M022 (Catalog
Piping Part Data) • 470 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data M005 (Catalog Piping Part Data) • 516
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part Data M023 (Catalog
Piping Part Data) • 473 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data M006 (Catalog Piping Part Data) • 518
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 475

806 Reports User's Guide


Piping Part Data M024 (Catalog Piping Part Data M041 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 521 Piping Part Data) • 563
Piping Part Data M025 (Catalog Piping Part Data M042 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 523 Piping Part Data) • 566
Piping Part Data M026 (Catalog Piping Part Data M043 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 526 Piping Part Data) • 568
Piping Part Data M027 (Catalog Piping Part Data M044 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 528 Piping Part Data) • 571
Piping Part Data M028 (Catalog Piping Part Data M045 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 531 Piping Part Data) • 573
Piping Part Data M029 (Catalog Piping Part Data M046 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 533 Piping Part Data) • 576
Piping Part Data M030 (Catalog Piping Part Data M047 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 536 Piping Part Data) • 578
Piping Part Data M031 (Catalog Piping Part Data M048 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 538 Piping Part Data) • 581
Piping Part Data M032 (Catalog Piping Part Data M049 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 541 Piping Part Data) • 583
Piping Part Data M033 (Catalog Piping Part Data M050 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 543 Piping Part Data) • 586
Piping Part Data M034 (Catalog Piping Part Data M051 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 546 Piping Part Data) • 588
Piping Part Data M035 (Catalog Piping Part Data M052 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 548 Piping Part Data) • 591
Piping Part Data M036 (Catalog Piping Part Data M053 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 551 Piping Part Data) • 593
Piping Part Data M037 (Catalog Piping Part Data M054 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 553 Piping Part Data) • 596
Piping Part Data M038 (Catalog Piping Part Data M055 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 556 Piping Part Data) • 598
Piping Part Data M039 (Catalog Piping Part Data M056 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 558 Piping Part Data) • 601
Piping Part Data M040 (Catalog Piping Part Data M057 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Piping Part Data) • 561 Piping Part Data) • 604

Reports User's Guide 807


Piping Part Data Op001 (Catalog Piping Part Data Op018 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 607 Valve Operator Part Data) • 632
Piping Part Data Op002 (Catalog Piping Part Data Op019 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 608 Valve Operator Part Data) • 634
Piping Part Data Op003 (Catalog Piping Part Data Op020 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 610 Valve Operator Part Data) • 635
Piping Part Data Op004 (Catalog Piping Part Data Op021 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 611 Valve Operator Part Data) • 637
Piping Part Data Op005 (Catalog Piping Part Data P01 (Catalog Engineering
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Valve Operator Part Data) • 613 Data) • 638
Piping Part Data Op006 (Catalog Piping Part Data S01 (Catalog Engineering
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Valve Operator Part Data) • 614 Data) • 641
Piping Part Data Op007 (Catalog Piping Part Data S02 (Catalog Engineering
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Part
Valve Operator Part Data) • 616 Data) • 643
Piping Part Data Op008 (Catalog Piping Part Data V001 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 617 Piping Part Data) • 646
Piping Part Data Op009 (Catalog Piping Part Data V002 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 619 Piping Part Data) • 649
Piping Part Data Op010 (Catalog Piping Part Data V003 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 620 Piping Part Data) • 651
Piping Part Data Op011 (Catalog Piping Part Data V004 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 622 Piping Part Data) • 654
Piping Part Data Op012 (Catalog Piping Part Data V005 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 623 Piping Part Data) • 656
Piping Part Data Op013 (Catalog Piping Part Data V006 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 625 Piping Part Data) • 659
Piping Part Data Op014 (Catalog Piping Part Data V007 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 626 Piping Part Data) • 661
Piping Part Data Op015 (Catalog Piping Part Data V008 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 628 Piping Part Data) • 664
Piping Part Data Op016 (Catalog Piping Part Data V009 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 629 Piping Part Data) • 666
Piping Part Data Op017 (Catalog Piping Part Data V010 (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Valve Operator Part Data) • 631 Piping Part Data) • 669

808 Reports User's Guide


Piping Part Data V011 (Catalog Piping Valves Sorted by NPD (Piping) • 711
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Plain Piping Generic Data (Catalog
Piping Part Data) • 671 Engineering Checks\Piping) • 712
Piping Part Data V012 (Catalog Planning Joints (ShipStructure) • 712
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Plate Flange Setback Distance (Catalog
Piping Part Data) • 674 Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Piping Part Data V013 (Catalog 713
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Port Alignment Rule (Catalog Engineering
Piping Part Data) • 676 Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 714
Piping Part Data V014 (Catalog Preface • 39
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Preferred Cap Screw Length Rule (Catalog
Piping Part Data) • 679 Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Piping Part Data V015 (Catalog 714
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Preferred Mach Bolt Length Rule (Catalog
Piping Part Data) • 681 Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Piping Part Data V016 (Catalog 715
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Preferred Stud Bolt Length Rule (Catalog
Piping Part Data) • 684 Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Piping Part Data V017 (Catalog 716
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Pressure Gauge (Catalog Engineering
Piping Part Data) • 686 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Piping Part Data V018 (Catalog Instrument Part Data) • 716
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Pressure Regulator (Catalog Engineering
Piping Part Data) • 689 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Piping Part Data V019 (Catalog Instrument Part Data) • 718
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Pressure Relief Valve (Catalog Engineering
Piping Part Data) • 691 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Piping Part Data V020 (Catalog Instrument Part Data) • 720
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Pressure Switch (Catalog Engineering
Piping Part Data) • 694 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Piping Part Data V021 (Catalog Instrument Part Data) • 722
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Pressure Transmitter (Catalog Engineering
Piping Part Data) • 697 Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Piping Part Data V022 (Catalog Instrument Part Data) • 724
Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Print a document • 71
Piping Part Data) • 700 Print a document as a PDF file • 72
Piping Pipe Line List (Piping) • 704 Print Action • 167
Piping Pipe Material Take-Off in WBS Print Command • 71
Project • 704 Properties (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft
Piping Pipe Runs - Export to Icarus • 705 Excel) • 124
Piping Pipe Total Length Sorted by NPD Properties Command • 74
(Piping) • 707 Properties Dialog Box • 75
Piping Pipeline and Revision Data Sorted Properties Dialog Box (Batch Management
by Name (Piping) • 707 Command) • 174
Piping Pipelines Sorted by Name (Piping) • Publish • 204
708 Publish a large 3D model to SmartPlant
Piping Specialty Class Data (Catalog Foundation • 210
Engineering Checks\Piping) • 708 Publish Common Tasks • 203
Piping Specifications Sorted by Spec Name Publish Dialog Box • 212
• 710 Publish documents • 208
Piping Tie Points in WBS Project • 710 Publish Tab (Publish Dialog Box) • 212
Piping Valves Material Take-Off in WBS Publish Workflows • 209
Project • 711

Reports User's Guide 809


Published Documents - Load, Consolidated, Save a report template to a specified

and MergeDelta Tasks (S3D) • 206 location • 142
Publishing Documents • 201 Save As Command • 65
Publishing Title Blocks • 202 Save As Dialog Box • 68
Save Package Command • 63
Q Save Package Dialog Box • 64
Save Report Template (File Menu) • 142
Query Parameters Designer Dialog Box • Save Report Template As (File Menu) • 142
121 Save Template As Dialog Box • 144
Query Tab (Report Template Editor Dialog Save to a file • 66
Box) • 118 Schedule [Task] Dialog Box • 168
Schedule Daily Batch Job (Schedule
R Wizard) • 183
Reducer (Catalog Engineering Schedule Monthly Batch Job (Schedule
Checks\CableTray\Parts) • 726 Wizard) • 185
Refresh (Shortcut Menu) • 91 Schedule One-Time-Only Batch Job
Refresh (View Menu) • 59 (Schedule Wizard) • 186
Refresh Action • 167 Schedule Weekly Batch Job (Schedule
Refresh document status • 92 Wizard) • 184
Reinforcing Pads (Catalog Parts) • 728 Schedule Wizard • 178
Remove Report Component (Tools Menu) • Search Folder Filters • 160
149 Search Folders • 159
Rename an item • 71 Select Active Project Dialog Box • 217
Rename Command • 71 Select Aspects Dialog Box • 82
Repair Documents Custom Command • 195 Select Location Dialog Box • 141
Report Parameters Dialog Box • 139 Select Object Type Dialog Box • 122
Report Parameters Dialog Box (SPRDirect) Select Printer (File Menu) • 72
• 156 Select Printer Dialog Box • 73
Report Properties of <SheetName> Dialog Select Properties Dialog Box • 121
Box • 124 Select Report Template Dialog Box • 114
Report Queries to Extract Data • 109 Set Batch Job Frequency (Schedule
Report Template Editor • 118 Wizard) • 182
Report Templates • 106 Set Print Options • 168
Report Templates Folder • 108 Set properties for publishing documents •
Reports Common Tasks • 105 205
Reports Workflow • 104 Set surface styles and aspects for 3D
Revise • 197 model data documents • 74
Revise a document • 198 Setting Properties • 73
Revise Dialog Box • 198 Setup (Search Folder Component) • 163
Revising • 197 Setup Dialog Box (Search Folder
Revision Tab (Properties Dialog Box) • 88 Component) • 163
Root Gap (Catalog Engineering Short Code Hierarchy Rule (Catalog
Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 729 Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Rules (Catalog Engineering 731
Checks\Cableway) • 729 Short Stroke Rotameter (Catalog
Rules (Catalog Engineering Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Checks\Conduit) • 730 Piping Instrument Part Data) • 731
Run a custom command • 193 Shortcut Menus • 61
Signature Area Tab (Properties Dialog Box)
• 78
S Size Reduction Rule (Catalog Engineering
Save a package • 64 Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 733

810 Reports User's Guide


Slip On Flange Setback Distance (Catalog Structure Linear Member Itemized Material
Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • Take-Off by Unit Weight (Structure) • 771
734 Structure Member Summarized Material
SmartPlant 3D Documentation Set • 41 Take-Off by Unit Weight (Structure) • 772
SmartPlant Review • 735 Structure Open Steel Sorted by Name -
Solids of Design Equipment with Composite Export to Icarus (Structure) • 773
CoG (Equipment) • 313 Structure Slab Material Take-Off (Structure)
Sort Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) • 133 • 774
Specialties (Verification of Constistency) • Structure Stairs Detailed Properties
735 (Structure) • 775
Specifications (Catalog Engineering Structure Stairs General Properties
Checks\Cableway) • 750 (Structure) • 775
Specifications (Catalog Engineering Stud Bolt Length Calc Tolerance Rule
Checks\Conduit) • 751 (Catalog Engineering
Specify columns in the detail view • 56 Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 776
Splice Plate Vertical Adjustable (Catalog Style Tab (Properties Dialog Box) • 79
Engineering Checks\CableTray\Parts) • Submit or Schedule a Batch Job (Schedule
752 Wizard) • 180
SPRDirect Tips and Troubleshooting • 157 Submit or Schedule Printing (Schedule
Spreadsheet Reports • 103 Wizard) • 189
Standard Notes Data (Catalog Engineering Support for Handling Large Publishes • 205
Checks\StandardNotesData) • 753 Surface Style Rule Properties Dialog Box •
Steam Trap Type4 (Catalog Engineering 82
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Surface Style Rule Properties Tab (Surface
Part Data) • 754 Style Rule Properties Dialog Box) • 83
Steam Trap Type5 (Catalog Engineering Surface Styles and Aspects Tab (Properties
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Dialog Box) • 80
Part Data) • 756
Steam Trap Type6 (Catalog Engineering T
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Part Data) • 759 T Strainer (Catalog Engineering
Steam Trap Type7 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Part Data) • 776
Part Data) • 761 Tap Properties Data (Catalog Engineering
Steam Trap Type8 (Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) • 779
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty Tee (Catalog Engineering
Part Data) • 763 Checks\CableTray\Parts) • 779
Straight (Catalog Engineering Temperature Control Valve (Catalog
Checks\CableTray\Parts) • 765 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Structure Curve Member Itemized Material Piping Instrument Part Data) • 781
Take-Off (Structure) • 767 Temperature Switch (Catalog Engineering
Structure Curve Member Itemized Material Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Take-Off by Unit Weight (Structure) • 768 Instrument Part Data) • 783
Structure Handrails Detailed Properties Temperature Transmitter (Catalog
(Structure) • 768 Engineering Checks\Piping\Delivered
Structure Handrails General Properties Piping Instrument Part Data) • 785
(Structure) • 769 Title Area Tab (Properties Dialog Box) • 76
Structure Ladders Detailed Properties Tools Menu • 165
(Structure) • 769 Troubleshooting Linked Servers • 222
Structure Ladders General Properties
(Structure) • 770 U
Structure Linear Member Itemized Material Update a report • 93
Take-Off (Structure) • 771 Update a single drawing • 94

Reports User's Guide 811


Update Action • 166

Update all drawings in a folder or a
component • 93
Update an Existing Batch Job (Schedule
Wizard) • 181
Update Now • 92
Updating Documents • 90
Use the SmartPlant Review Spreadsheet
Report for SPRDirect • 149
Using SPRDirect • 151

Valve Operator Material Control Data
(Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping) •
Valve Tags by Spec (Catalog Parts) • 788
Vent Silencer2 (Catalog Engineering
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Part Data) • 789
View Default (ShipDrawings\Dependent
View Reports) • 791
View Menu • 55
Vortex Flow (Catalog Engineering
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping
Instrument Part Data) • 791

Washer Part Data (Catalog Engineering
Checks\Piping) • 793
WBS Tab (Properties Dialog Box) • 89
Weld Model Representation Rule (Catalog
Engineering Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) •
Weld Type Rule (Catalog Engineering
Checks\Piping\Plant Rules) • 794
What's New in Drawings and Reports • 47
Workspace Explorer (View Menu) • 59
Wye (Catalog Engineering
Checks\CableTray\Parts) • 795

Y Strainer2 (Catalog Engineering
Checks\Piping\Delivered Piping Specialty
Part Data) • 797

812 Reports User's Guide

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