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1/8/18 1/9/18

ID Task Name Start Finish Duration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011

1 Kick off Meeting 1/8/18 1/8/18 0 w. 1 d.

2 Input Document Review 2/8/18 4/8/18 0 w. 3 d.

3 CFT/Project Start Meeting 4/8/18 4/8/18 0 w. 1 d.

4 Mechanical Design 6/8/18 7/8/18 0 w. 2 d.

5 Mechanical GAD submission to client for internal review 6/8/18 8/8/18 0 w. 3 d.

6 Piping layout & 3D Model 7/8/18 9/8/18 0 w. 3 d.

7 Take
Piping Confirmation
Support & Structural GA 9/8/18 10/8/18 0 w. 2 d.

on Piping Routing
Clent Review Meeting (Piping , Structure, Equipment) 11/8/18 11/8/18 0 w. 1 d.

9 Comment Incorporations (Piping , Structure, Equipment) 13/8/18 14/8/18 0 w. 2 d.

10 Client Review Meeting (Piping , Structure, Equipment) 15/8/18 15/8/18 0 w. 1 d.

11 Stress Analysis Or Piping loads on Supports 13/8/18 16/8/18 0 w. 4 d.

12 Update the Pipe Routing and Pipe Support as per Stress Analysis 17/8/18 17/8/18 0 w. 1 d.

13 Prepare Equipment Orientation Drawing 18/8/18 18/8/18 0 w. 1 d.

14 STAD Analysis of Structure 16/8/18 20/8/18 0 w. 4 d.

15 Update the GA Drawing as per Orientation & Submission 18/8/18 20/8/18 0 w. 2 d.

16 Fabrication Drawing & Submission 16/8/18 20/8/18 0 w. 4 d.

17 Update the Structure as per STAD Analysis 21/8/18 21/8/18 0 w. 1 d.

18 Generate Foundation Foot Print, Piping Layuot and Structural GA 22/8/18 23/8/18 0 w. 2 d.

19 Submission of 3D model, Piping GA, Structural GA and Foot Print 23/8/18 24/8/18 0 w. 2 d.

20 Generate Structural Pipe Support Drawing Details 25/8/18 27/8/18 0 w. 2 d.

21 Extracting the Isometric, Spool Drawing and MTO 28/8/18 29/8/18 0 w. 2 d.

22 Structural MTO and Project Submission 30/8/18 31/8/18 0 w. 2 d.

23 Client Comment and Final Submission & Project Close 8/9/18 10/9/18 0 w. 2 d.

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