YÖKDİL Sağlık 26 Şubat 2017

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YÖKDİL – Sağlık 1/0217

1 – 20. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 5. Germline editing could be permitted in the
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz future, if ---- regulated and with public
approval, concludes the report.
1. All medications have the ---- to cause some
side effects. A) fundamentally B) severely
C) relatively D) properly
A) failure B) potential E) similarly
C) custom D) label
E) rupture

6. Smartphone apps make it easier for patients

2. If the burn is severe, the patient may ---- to manage their conditions while ---- their
shock and should be kept warm. daily routines.

A) get over B) put off A) depending on B) calling off

C) go into D) look up C) taking off D) giving up
E) give away E) carrying on

3. Supplements can help prevent acute 7. Access ---- data is at the centre of many
respiratory tract infections, particularly controversies in modern medicine, not just to
among those who are ---- in vitamin D. do with the usefulness ---- drugs, but also of
A) deficient B) efficient
C) redundant D) reluctant A) of / in B) at / to

E) persistent C) to / of D) in / at
E) up / by

4. So as to ---- obesity, heart disease, diabetes

and cancer, many countries are going to raise 8. Autism is thought to be two to five times more
taxes on unhealthy foods. common ---- men, and some think the
condition is caused ---- having an “extreme
A) combat B) support male brain”.
C) receive D) promote
E) pretend A) up / out B) from / to
C) to / of D) for / at
E) in / by

YÖKDİL – Sağlık I/2017

9. If everyone ---- vitamin D supplements, more 12. In 1993, the famous singer ---- from a rare skin
than 3 million fewer people in the UK ---- disease called vitiligo, which ---- sufferers to
respiratory infections like colds or flu every lose pigmentation in their skin.
A) had suffered / caused
A) took / would have B) would have suffered / may cause
B) takes / had had C) suffered / causes
C) is taking / have D) was suffering / had to cause
D) had taken / will have E) would suffer / will cause
E) will take / have had

13. Unlike laboratory studies, prediction studies

offer no clinical usefulness ---- assessing
10. Recently, statins ---- to manage cholesterol individuals.
levels in those deemed at risk of heart attacks
---- under scrutiny. A) when B) since
C) unless D) if
A) to give / came E) whereas
B) to have given / come
C) giving / had come
D) having given / would come
E) given / have come

14. Investigations and treatment should not be

delayed simply ---- a patient is pregnant;
indeed, most medications and radiological
tests can be used in pregnancy.

11. ---- a rat bite, you first ---- to stop any resulting
bleeding. A) because B) once
C) after D) though
A) To treat / need E) unless
B) To be treated / had needed
C) Treated / needed
D) Having treated / have needed
E) Treating / would need
15. It takes only six months of drug treatment to
cure ordinary tuberculosis, ---- it takes,
unfortunately, two years to cure people
whose infections are resistant to drugs.

A) so B) if
C) but D) since
E) or

YÖKDİL – Sağlık 1/0217

16. A patient with manifestations of anaphylaxis 19. The majority of teenagers are aware of
may be easily diagnosed; ----, many present AIDS, but they are unaware of ---- much
with only one or two of the features, more common STIs, like HPV.
increasing diagnostic uncertainty.
A) the other
A) moreover B) otherwise B) others
C) besides D) therefore C) other
E) however D) another
E) the others

17. All parameters were measured by the same

investigator ---- was familiar with the
anatomy of the thoracic spine.
20. A study suggests that some antibiotics are
indiscriminate, in other words, they act
A) why B) when
against a wide range of bacteria ---- good ----
C) where D) who
E) which

A) rather / than
B) as / as
C) the more / the more
D) so / that
18. Surveys have revealed that the majority of E) both / and
Australians would be ---- taxing junk food if
the money was spent on tackling childhood

A) in favour of
B) on behalf of
C) in terms of
D) in view of
E) on the brink of

YÖKDİL – Sağlık I/2017

21 – 25. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 23.

düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) will be performed
B) was performed
Our immune system recognizes and (21) ---- anything C) would be performed
foreign to the body (22) ---- microbes and particles with D) had been performed
toxic compounds. This defence (23) ---- through the E) is performed
cells in the circulatory and the lymphatic systems.
These cells are produced in the bone marrow and
lymphatic tissue (thymus, lymph nodes, spleen and
tonsils) respectively. They begin their lives as "stem
cells". These are (24) ---- vague and featureless ----
there is no way to determine what type of blood cell
they will ultimately become. They may develop into any
of a number of different kinds of cells like red blood
cells or various types of white blood cells. These cells
are then released (25) ---- the blood stream and are A) less / than
carried to all parts of the body.
B) such / as
C) such / that
D) so / that
E) whether / or


A) destroys B) embraces
C) infects D) yields
E) preserves


A) below B) into
C) over D) onto
E) across


A) thanks to B) as for
C) as of D) such as
E) but for

YÖKDİL – Sağlık 1/0217

26 – 30. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 28.

düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) therefore B) for instance
C) otherwise D) besides
The 1972 (26) ---- of smallpox in Yugoslavia was the E) or else
last major epidemic in Europe. It was centred in Kosovo
and Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (both then part
of SFR Yugoslavia). A Muslim pilgrim (27) ---- the
smallpox virus in the Middle East. Upon returning to his
home in Kosovo, he started the epidemic. 175 people
were infected, 35 of whom died in no time. The
epidemic, (28) ----, had to be dealt with urgently (29) ----
mass vaccination and enforced quarantine. And even
the 1982 film Variola Vera is
(30) ---- the event. 29.

A) on the verge of
B) in contrast to
C) with respect to
D) by means of
E) in pursuit of


A) eradication B) outbreak
C) evolution D) prevention
E) treatment


A) based on
B) turned down
C) looked after
27. D) brought up
E) cut off
A) had contracted
B) has contracted
C) contracted
D) contracts
E) will contract

YÖKDİL – Sağlık I/2017

31. – 40. sorularda verilen cümleyi 33. ---- but clinicians should be cautious of putting
tamamlayabilecek seçeneği bulunuz. people on large amounts of central nervous
system stimulant drugs.
31. ----, the best thing to do is to stop it to allow
the muscle to relax. A) Other smoking cessation schemes
eventually stop
A) Unless hand exercisers are used on a B) E-cigarettes are used in nicotine
routine basis replacement therapy
B) Once with suitable doses after operation C) People continuously taking nicotine get this
sympathetic stimulation
C) If hand cramps are induced by an activity
D) Life expectancy has risen to 81 years for
D) Typists, musicians, and other people who
women in the US
E) E-cigarettes used to be seen as a
E) When the doctors and consultancy services
replacement of nicotine addiction
are enough

32. ---- unless the evidence of a recent rabies shot

34. Both the Asian flu and the Hong Kong flu, ----,
is provided.
mutates from pig viruses.

A) Vaccines to prevent human rabies have

been available for more than 100 years A) because it causes economic losses
exceeding 32 billion dollars
B) Domestic animals account for less than 10%
of the reported rabies cases B) if it were as contagious as the flu

C) Dogs that have bitten someone must be C) when the virus threatens to trigger a global
quarantined for a period of two weeks epidemic

D) There were eight confirmed cases of death D) although they saved more than 1.5 million
due to human-to-human rabies lives in 2014 alone
transmissions E) which are not so deadly as other types of flu
E) Some countries have few diagnostic facilities
and almost no rabies surveillance

YÖKDİL – Sağlık 1/0217

35. Since new car smells are hazardous and even 37. Since nicotine was first identified in early
toxic, ----. 1800s, ----.

A) it is really surprising that they have side A) it will have been completely eliminated from
effects your system
B) the problem tends to dissipate after about six B) it was rated as a more powerful drug than
months cocaine at high doses
C) they may cause headache, eye irritation and C) no advertising of cigarettes would be
drowsiness permitted, and nicotine would be regulated
D) there is no evidence that the materials are D) some documents had proved that tobacco
used in cars officials knew it was addictive
E) the other area of transport is steadily E) it has been studied extensively and shown to
increasing its usage in all its forms have a number of complex effects on the

36. A recent survey has proved ----. 38. Although removal of both ovaries protects
against subsequent development of ovarian
cancer, ----.
A) that tiredness can seriously impair people’s
ability to drive
B) whether it is possible to compare safety A) this benefit comes at the cost of an
standards internationally increased risk of cardiovascular disease
premenopausal women
C) as people consuming more vegetables live
longer those who don’t B) the lifetime risk of developing ovarian cancer
is one in fifty-two in the UK
D) which causes the accumulation of a toxic
compound in the blood known as lactic acid C) forty per cent of women with no specific risk
factors for reproductive cancer had their
E) though most people consider the traditional
ovaries removed
division of housework to be normal
D) fewer women who retained one or both
ovaries died within the duration of the study
E) they compared women who had both ovaries
removed with those who had one or none

YÖKDİL – Sağlık I/2017

39. There is no need for you to take any 41. - 46. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
supplementary drugs ----. anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) even if there were no signs of a disease 41. Scientists have discovered a gene that triggers
B) so your physician prescribes an antiviral a feeling of fullness and helps prevent the
medicine desire to overeat.

C) if you have well balanced diey

D) although the risk of transmission is not high A) Fazla yemek yeme isteğini bastıran ve
doygunluk hissini tetikleyen bir gen tüm bilim
E) as soon as you had your blood pressure insanları tarafından tanımlanmıştır.

B) Bilim insanları doygunluk hissi uyandıran ve

fazla yemek yeme arzusunu engellemeye
yardım eden bir gen keşfettiler.

C) Bazı bilim insanları doyma hissini uyandıran ve

aşırı yeme arzusunu engelleyen bir gen
üzerinde çalışmaktadırlar.

D) Fazla yemek yeme arzusunu önleyip

doygunluk hissini ortaya çıkaran bir gen bilim
insanlarını hayrete düşürmüştür.

E) Bilim insanlarının bulduğu bir gen doygunluk

hissini tetiklemekte ve aşırı yemek yeme
arzusunu engellemektedir.

40. Ethically, for some, human genes should not

be manipulated to correct diseases ----.

A) so that computerized robotics were able to

check thousands of DNA samples
B) by the time scientists identified those
C) since all scientists involved in the
experiments were checking different DNA
D) whereas, for others, it can be done only
when alternative treatments are not
E) because a few samples had been cloned or

YÖKDİL – Sağlık 1/0217

42. Unlike viral illnesses, allergies are not 44. Virus invades nervous system and destroys
associated with fever, fatigue and body aches. nerve cells that control muscles.

A) Virüs ile ilgili hastalıkların aksine, alerjiler ateş, A) Bazı virüslerin sinir sistemini ve kasları kontrol
aşırı yorgunluk ve vücut ağrıları ile ilgili eden sinir hücrelerini yok ettiği bilinir.
B) Sinir sistemini ele geçirip sinir hücrelerini yok
B) Virüsün yol açtığı hastalıklara rağmen, ateş, eden virüs kasları da kontrol eder.
yorgunluk ve vücut ağrıları alerjiler ile ilişkili
olabilir. C) Virüs sinir sistemini ele geçirir ve kasları
kontrol eden sinir hücrelerini yok eder.
C) Virüslerin yol açtığı hastalıklar yüzünden,
alerjiler ateş, yorgunluk ve vücut ağrıları ile D) Virüs sinir sistemini ele geçirmekle kalmayıp
ilgili değildir. kasları kontrol eder ve sinir hücrelerini yok
D) Virüsle bağlantılı hastalıklara rağmen,
alerjilerin ateş, yorgunluk ve vücut ağrıları ile E) Birçok virüs sinir sistemini yok eder veya
ilgili olmadığı belirlenmiştir. kasları kontrol eden sinir hücrelerini ele geçirir.

E) Virüsten kaynaklanan hastalıklar gibi, birçok

alerji türünün de ateş, yorgunluk veya vücut
ağrıları ile ilgisi bulunmamaktadır.

45. Eating disorders can lead to serious health

problems, such as infertility, heart disease,
43. A study conducted in 1970 showed that one organ failure and even death.
out of 14,000 children in America was autistic.

A) Yemek yeme bozuklukları, kısırlık, kalp

A) Amerika'daki 14.000 çocuk arasından hastalığı, organ yetmezliği gibi ciddi sağlık
bazılarının otistik olduğu 1970 yılında yapılan sorunlarına ve hatta ölüme yol açabilir.
bir araştırma sayesinde ortaya çıktı.
B) Bazı yemek yemek bozukluklarının ölüm dahil
B) Amerika’ da yapılan bir araştırma ile 14.000 kısırlık, kalp hastalığı, organ yetmezliği gibi
çocuktan sadece birinin otistik olduğu 1970 birçok önemli sağlık sorunlarına yol açtığı
yılında ortaya çıktı. bilinir.

C) 1970 yılında, Amerika'da çarpıcı bir araştırma C) Yemek yeme bozuklukları,sadece sağlık
yapıldı ve buna göre 14.000 çocuktan birinin problemlerine değil aynı zamanda kısırlık, kalp
otistik olabileceği ileri sürüldü. hastalığı, organ yetmezliği ve ölüme yol açar.

D) 1970 yılında Amerika'da uygulanan bir D) Kısırlık, kalp hastalığı, organ yetmezliği ve
araştırma 14.000 çocuk arasından yalnızca ölüm gibi ciddi sağlık sorunları ciddi yemek
birinin otistik olduğunu keşfetti. yeme bozukluğundan kaynaklanabilir.

E) 1970 yılında uygulanan bir araştırma E) Yemek yeme bozuklukları kısırlık, kalp
Amerika'da 14.000 çocuktan birinin otistik hastalığı, organ yetmezliği gibi birçok sağlık
olduğunu göstermiştir. sorununa yol açabilir veya ölümle

YÖKDİL – Sağlık I/2017

46. Of the many possible environmental factors, 48. Depresif bozukluk o kadar yaygındır ki altı
few have been as thoroughly studied or kişiden biri bu hastalıktan muzdariptir.
debated as our diet.

A) Depressive disorder is widespread and thus one

A) Çevresel faktörler hep gündemde olsa da out of six individuals may undergo it.
beslenme kadar kapsamlı incelenip
tartışılmamaktadır.. B) Though depressive disorder is very prevalent,
one in six people sees a physician.
B) Bazı olası çevresel faktörlere rağmen, çok azı
beslenmeden biraz daha kapsamlı bir şekilde C) Depressive disorder is so common that one in
incelenip tartışılmıştır. six people suffer from it.

C) Muhtemel çevre sorunları arasından, sadece D) Depressive disorder is universal and one in six
bazılarının beslenmemiz kadar detaylı people suffer from it.
incelenip tartışıldığı bilinmektedir.
E) Since depressive disorder is familiar in our lives,
D) Birçok muhtemel çevresel faktörler arasında, one out of six people can experience it.
çok azı beslenmemiz kadar detaylı incelenmiş
veya tartışılmıştır.

E) Birçok muhtemel çevresel faktörler arasında,

bazıları beslenmeden önemsiz olmasına
rağmen detaylı incelenip tartışılmıştır.

49. Kafein içerdiği için kahve zararlı olarak

47. - 52. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
algılanır ancak kahve antioksidan özelliği
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
sayesinde sağlığa çok faydalıdır.

47. Süt kalsiyum bakımından zengin olduğundan,

kemiklerimizdeki kalsiyum seviyelerini A) Coffee is considered to be harmful since it
artırmak için süt tüketmek önemlidir. includes caffeine, but it is highly beneficial
thanks to its antioxidant property.

A) Milk is really rich in calcium, but it is necessary B) Coffee is regarded as detrimental as it

to consume it for intensifying the calcium includes caffeine, so it is not helpful
levels in most of our bones. considering its antioxidant content.

B) Because milk is rich in calcium, it is important C) Coffee is thought to be risky to our health as it
to consume it for increasing the calcium levels consists of a lot of caffeine, yet it is necessary
in our bones. to consume it in small amounts.

C) In addition to being rich in terms of calcium, D) Drinking coffee is neither useful nor destructive
the milk is also crucial to consume it for for many people regardless of its antioxidant
preventing calcium deficiency. content.

D) Whether the milk is rich in calcium or not, it is E) Drinking coffee is rather hazardous since it is
beneficial to boost calcium sums in our bones. totally composed of caffeine, so it seems hard
to avoid drinking it.
E) Milk is rich in calcium, and this is why people
are advised to calcium quantities by
consuming it.

YÖKDİL – Sağlık 1/0217

50. Yeni bir araştırma, kalori tüketimini azaltmanın 52. Bilim insanları mükemmeliyetçi insanların çok
yaşlanma sürecini yavaşlattığını ortaya koydu. fazla uykusuzluk çektiğini ortaya koydu.

A) The latest study unveils that cutting down the A) Scientists suggest that perfectionist people
sum of calorie consumption might retard aging suffer from insomnia a lot.
B) Scientists warn that people who are
B) A study shows that decreasing the amount of perfectionist may suffer many problems such
calories will certainly halt the progression of as insomnia.
C) Scholars think that perfectionist individuals
C) A stunning research discloses that diminishing could undergo severe diseases including
the sum of calories prevents aging process. insomnia.

D) According to a study, aging progress can be D) As far as scientists are concerned,

dramatically slowed down by taking fewer perfectionist human beings are less likely to
calories. experience insomnia.

E) A new study has revealed that reducing calorie E) Scholars insist that more perfectionist people
consumption slows down process of aging. may face a severe disorder called insomnia.

51. Dikkat eksikliği oldukça yaygın bir sorundur ve

belirtileri yaşamın birçok alanında insanları
olumsuz yönde etkileyebilir.

A) Attention deficit is a very common problem and

its symptoms could affect people adversely in
many areas of life.

B) Attention deficit may be a prevalent disorder,

so its symptoms will influence some people
negatively in certain areas of life.

C) As attention deficit is a worldwide trouble, its

symptoms concern many people in all areas of

D) Being a universal disorder, attention deficit will

influence individuals in most of daily activities.

E) Attention deficit is a worldwide problem, so its

symptoms will dramatically influence every
person in all areas.

YÖKDİL – Sağlık I/2017

53. - 55. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 54. It is understood from the paragraph that ----.

Pediatric patients are in a risky group in ensuring A) it would be easier to identify the risks of a
patient safety. Some common errors in the work in drug in children if they were able to tell the
adverse effects
pediatrics are weaknesses in planning, lack of
communication and education skills, and workload. B) there is no need to change the dose of a drug
Medication errors containing wrong drug and dose are to be applied by doctors
common as well. Different doses the health care givers
C) discharge of high dose from the body is
apply should only be calculated in accordance with dependent on the body weight only
body weight and surface area. The factor which
increases the potential for medication errors in children D) every child has the same physical features
such as organ development and surface area
is the implication of drug in different doses according to
the child's age, body weight and surface area. E) parents are blamed for the lack of
Children’s weight, surface area and organ development communication and education skills
show differences. And this may affect the evacuation of
high dose from the body. Besides, young children
whose communication skills are limited are at more risk
because they cannot express how the drug’s side
effects bother them.

53. It is stated in the passage that weaknesses in 55. According to the text, ----.
planning ----.

A) there are risks in other old patient groups as

A) lead to higher doses of a drug applied by the well
B) different factors bring about the errors in
B) increase the side effects of a drug on children pediatrics
and adults
C) the characteristics of common medical errors
C) are caused by the limited communication cannot be detected
skills of young children
D) stress and anxiety are the most important
D) are only one of the most common errors in factors causing medical errors
E) workload is of little importance in patient
E) are more serious than other medication errors safety in pediatrics

YÖKDİL – Sağlık 1/0217

56. - 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 57. According to a new research ----.

Pancreatic cancer is lethal and not easily detectable. A) aspirin can lead to adverse effects in
What is worse, there aren’t effective treatments for the pancreatic cancer treatment

majority of patients, who often live less than a year after B) aspirin seems to decrease the likelihood of
being diagnosed. However, a new research in the U.S. pancreatic cancer
shows that regular use of aspirin lowers the risk for
C) the study can be considered to have final
pancreatic cancer by almost fifty percent. The 761
outcomes in terms of aspirin's effect on
patients were interviewed as to their use of aspirin per pancreatic cancer
day or week and when they started or stopped.
Afterwards, they were matched with control group D) pancreatic cancer is such a severe type that
its treatment is merely possible with drugs like
patients. The participants defined as “ever-regular
users of aspirin” had a significantly lower risk for
pancreatic cancer. The analysis found that the risk for E) the conductors of the study urged the
pancreatic cancer decreased eight percent for each participants to intensify their daily aspirin
cumulative year of aspirin use. It also found that
compared to continuing use, quitting aspirin within the
last two years was associated with more than double
the risk for pancreatic cancer. This suggests that during
the last two decades, as the population’s use of aspirin
has increased, the effect of aspirin in decreasing
pancreatic cancer risk has become more pronounced.

56. It is stated in the text that ----. 58. The text is mainly about ----.

A) old people using aspirin regularly are less A) the numerous benefits of aspirin on human
open to pancreatic cancer health

B) nearly all pancreatic cancer cases can be B) pancreatic cancer and the data regarding the
totally cured when the treatment is supported disease
with aspirin
C) the approximate number of people who
C) the majority of people who are diagnosed with survived pancreatic cancer
pancreatic cancer have little chance of
D) the aspirin consumption of the people in the
United States
D) seven hundred fifty people applied to hospital
E) pancreatic cancer and the effects of aspirin
and were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
on survival
E) pancreatic cancer patients who use only
aspirin can extend their life span by about a

YÖKDİL – Sağlık I/2017

59. - 61. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 60. It is clear from the passage that ----.

A diet rich in milk products can reduce the likelihood of A) immune systems of all beings are highly
osteoporotic fractures. An intake of dairy foods delicate

corresponding to three or four glasses of milk a day has B) in order to avoid fractures, milk intake is the
been suggested to save at least 20% of healthcare only true solution
costs related to osteoporosis. However, it may also
C) there is relationship between healthcare costs
have undesirable effects. Chronic exposure to
and intake of dairy foods
galactose is detrimental to health and prompts aging.
Even a low dose of galactose can shorten life span due D) cardiovascular diseases also occur when one
to oxidative stress damage, chronic inflammation, does not take sufficient calcium

neurodegeneration, decreased immune response, and E) chronic inflammation is more common than
gene transcriptional changes. The high amount of neurodegeneration
lactose and therefore galactose in milk makes the
recommendations to increase milk intake for prevention
of fractures a conceivable contradiction. Because of the
high content of lactose in milk, we hypothesized that
high consumption of milk may increase oxidative stress,
which in turn affects the risk of mortality and fracture.

61. The main purpose of the author is to ----.

59. It is stated in the passage that osteoporotic

fractures ----. A) show the benefits and drawbacks of calcium

A) are more dangerous when combined with a B) promote milk consumption of children
bone disease for women
C) warn the reader about the costs of hospital
B) can be prevented with a low dose of expenditures
D) calculate the average life span of all beings
C) can result from even average consumption of by means of galactose intake
E) make readers aware of the possible risks of
D) increase death rates are without milk consuming milk

E) affect the risk of mortality according to

empirical evidence

YÖKDİL – Sağlık 1/0217

62. - 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 63. One can infer from the paragraph that ----.

Today, plastic surgery is mainly used for the correction A) plastic surgery is the modern day’s way of
of undesired physical features of people’s faces or making people fit into the society

bodies, not to mention its ability to better several health B) like many of the inventions, plastic surgery
conditions as well. Millions of people around the world owes a lot to world wars
do not hesitate to pay tremendous amounts of money
C) plastic surgery was introduced to make only
for plastic surgeries. The emergence of this highly
the soldiers’ psychology better
popular treatment, however, was due to a much
different need. In World War I, the soldiers usually D) necessary interventions might, in time, turn
suffered head and face wounds in the trenches – into luxury choices

wounds doctors had no idea how to treat – and many of E) started at the time of World War I upon the
these soldiers were left unrecognizable after having a society’s demand for physical beauty
severe wound. Although these soldiers survived the
fierce war and its harsh conditions, they faced the
problem of not being able to blend back into the society
and had to live an isolated life. The medical world’s
answer to this issue was making them a new, less
horrific face using the soldiers’ own tissues. So was
introduced the concept of plastic surgery which helps
people to overcome their physical deficiencies and, in
return, gain benefits not only psychologically but also

62. According to the passage, plastic surgery ----. 64. The best title for the passage can be ----.

A) came into existence mainly due to physical A) The History Of Medicine And Surgery
appearance needs
B) World War I And Trench Warfare
B) intended to prolong the life expectancy of
C) The Psychological Effects Of Plastic Surgery
severely wounded soldiers
D) The Types Of Wounds In World War I
C) has totally lost its original function and offers
no solution to war-related wounds
E) Plastic Surgery: Now And Then
D) was not really possible in WWI as doctors did
not know how to perform it

E) was performed in the trenches right after the

soldier was wounded in the face

YÖKDİL – Sağlık I/2017

65. - 67. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 66. As pointed out in the passage, most reasons
cevaplayınız. for SAD ----.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of

depression that's related to changes in seasons. It A) have been identified but what exactly causes
it remains a mystery
begins and ends at about the same times every year.
The specific cause of seasonal affective disorder B) have nothing to do with in which part of the
remains unknown. Yet, some factors that may come world you dwell
into play are related to your biological clock, serotonin
C) have long been a matter of discussion in
and melatonin levels. It appears to be more common medical circles
among people who live far north or south of the
equator. This may be due to decreased sunlight during D) are wide in range as everyone has a different
biological clock
the winter and longer days during the summer months.
If you're like most people with SAD, most probably your E) need to be made public so that people can
symptoms will start in the fall and continue into the beat it alone
winter months, sapping your energy and making you
feel moody. Symptoms may start out mild and become
more severe as the season progresses. In some people
with bipolar disorder, spring and summer can bring on
symptoms of mania or a less intense form of mania,
and fall and winter can be a time of depression. It's
normal to have some days when you feel down. But if
you feel down for days at a time and you can't get
motivated to do activities you normally enjoy, you had
better see your doctor.

67. According to the passage, it is natural to ----.

65. One can infer from the passage that ----.

A) feel bad due to the brief absence of sunlight

A) SAD causes depression only in the spring or in summer
early summer
B) develop SAD even if your biological clock
B) Those living in the equator are more works properly
susceptible to SAD
C) have several days on which you become
C) The symptoms of SAD may change in type rather moody
depending on the season
D) get motivated to do a lot of things in winter
D) Medications for SAD are more effective than,
psychotherapy E) be hopeless upon being diagnosed with SAD

E) People with SAD can rarely overcome it

without the help of a doctor

YÖKDİL – Sağlık 1/0217

68. - 70. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 69. According to the paragraph, the support of
cevaplayınız. public policies ----.

If Canadian parents are going to get their kids to

exercise more, they need more than just public A) can assist parents to effectively promote
behaviour change
awareness campaigns. Parents exposed to one such
national campaign were actually less confident they B) is the last resort and not an option on the
could increase their children's activity levels, according table
to a recent UBC study."With statistics outside this study
C) is not easy to get unless one has friends in
showing 88 per cent of parents believe their children the government
exercise enough and only seven per cent of kids meet
recommended guidelines, it is clear more needs to be D) is necessary to reduce the harms caused by
done," says Heather Gainforth, an assistant professor
of health and exercise sciences at UBC's Okanagan E) is on the rise only recently yet far from
campus. "While mass media campaigns appear to satisfactory
increase awareness, parents need the support of public
policies and programs to help them successfully
encourage behaviour change. Without that support,
parents may not have the tools they need to help their
kids become more active.

68. According to the passage, public awareness 70. The best title for the passage can be ----.
campaigns ----.

A) Canadians parents’ problems

A) appeared due to research needs of some
ministries B) Physical problems of kids

B) are not enough to encourage kids to exercise C) How to manage mass media campaigns
D) What to do to activate youngsters
C) have totally lost their original appeal
E) Public health under threat
D) are really useful to change personal and
social ills

E) have long been used for political goals

YÖKDİL – Sağlık I/2017

71. – 75. sorularda paragrafta verilen boşluğa 72. Experts questioned 85 professional female
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek models over the age of 18. They discovered that
cümleyi bulunuz. 81% of them were underweight. Many of the
models led a very unhealthy lifestyle to stay
underweight so that they could get work from
71. Thiosinaminum is a homeopathic drug made
their agencies. ----. They kept their
from mustard seed oil. It is used for a wide “commercially slim and elegant look” in this
variety of medical treatments, such as way. This is mainly because the models said
healing scar tissue, dissolving fibroids and their agency told them they would not get jobs
treating tinnitus. Although it can be purchased unless they lost more weight.
at homeopathic pharmacies, it can also be made
at home. The drug can be taken in various A) In fact, the study was published in the
ways. Some choose to inject a liquid solution ‘International Journal of Eating Disorders’
under the skin. -----. B) Therefore, it is made up of five jury members

C) In contrast, these foreign models had been

A) Others, on the other hand, prefer to consume a suffering from diseases
few capsules each day
D) In addition, the court decided it was wrong to put
B) It is easy to buy thiosinaminum online or at them under pressure
homeopathic drug stores
E) In doing so, they skipped meals, stopped eating
for days, and used diet pills
C) There are not any scientific studies proving
these claims to be true

D) The dosage is dependent on the cause of the

tinnitus 73. Researchers designed their initial experiments
to overcome the developmental roadblock. The
E) In addition, some ear conditions can be treated researchers first created a cell line of immature
quickly by using antibiotics heart cells taken from mouse embryonic stem
cells. ----. And then, they injected about 200,000
of the cells into the ventricle or lower heart
chamber of newborn nude rats - rats with
deficient immune systems that wouldn't attack
and reject the newly introduced cells. After
about a week, the fluorescent cells were still
rounded and immature-looking.

A) In one experiment, some genes were similar to

those activated

B) They next tagged these cells with a fluorescent


C) The cells can no longer demonstrate properties

of heart tissue from patients with the disease

D) Researchers can now consistently grow mature

cardiomyocytes from patients with specific heart

E) In the final proof-of-concept experiment, the

researchers used induced pluripotent stem cells

YÖKDİL – Sağlık 1/0217

74. What if you could lose weight and reduce your 75. The demand for new male contraceptive
risk of life-threatening disease without any methods is growing. Surveys indicate that the
changes in what you eat? The researchers majority of men would be interested in using a
found that participants on the fasting-mimicking new contraceptive, and about 20% of couples
diet lost an average of about 6 pounds. ----. already rely on existing male methods for
Their systolic blood pressure, which was in the reproductive control. While research has
normal range when the study began, also uncovered a variety of new targets for male
dropped by 4.5 mmHG, while their diastolic contraception, no new product has made it to
blood pressure dropped by 3.1 mmHg. Also, market yet. ----. This is because of the potential
their levels of IGF-1 dropped to between 21.7 side effects and safety risks of hormones for
ng/mL and 46.2 ng/mL, reaching a range men. However, studies of hormonal approaches
associated with lower cancer risk. continue to receive the most funding as
evidenced by the recent publication of serious
side effects in a large study of a hormonal
A) Their waistlines shrank by 1 to 2 inches method.

B) The diet can reduce the risks for cancer

considerably A) Preparations are being made for the first clinical
trial in humans
C) Larger FDA studies are necessary to confirm its
B) Many men say they would prefer a non-
effects on disease prevention and treatment
hormonal option
D) This is the first randomized clinical trial with C) Intravas injection of Vasalgel in adult male
enough participants to demonstrate that the diet rhesus monkeys was effective in preventing
is feasible conception

E) Those on a diet should also eat dairy food D) In monkeys there can be additional
products complications, as it is inherently more complex
E) This alternative worked in every single monkey

YÖKDİL – Sağlık I/2017

76. – 80. sorularda verilen cümleler sırasıyla 79. (I) Forget “fight or flight” as the only responses in
okunduğunda anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi the face of stress. (II) For women, there's a third
road: “befriend”. (III) A landmark University of
California reveals that women tend to gather
76. (I) Red light therapy is a healing strategy. with other women in times stress. (IV) This helps
(II) It makes use of red tinted light in order to them share their worries and escape stress in a
stimulate the body’s natural defense systems social environment. (V) Women working in
and bring relief from various ailments. (III) The stressful jobs will turn to alcohol, just like men
basis for this type of treatment has to do with the do.
fact that red light helps to activate ATP or
adenosine triphospate in the muscle tissues, A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
releasing more energy for the body to use.
(IV) Poor circulation is one example. (V) It is
possible to employ LED red light therapy at
home or undergo treatments conducted by a
80. (I) People are very interested in the future
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V because they are sure that it will be very
different from the past. (II) However, nobody
knows how the world will look like in the future.
(III) Some say that the progress in science and
77. (I) A Scottish shower is actually a therapeutic technology will make life more comfortable and
water treatment. (II) The modern Scottish bath machines will do the hard work for human
was first designed and marketed in Scotland beings. (IV) There might have been special
(III) It is offered in many spas and wellness robots for everybody and people would program
centers around the world. (IV) During the them according to their needs. (V) Others
shower, users stand in an enclosed shower speculate that the earth will be very crowded
stall while either a trained therapist or an and people from our planet will have to live in
automated valve system alternates hot and cold space.
water sprays. (V) The user's circulatory system
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
is said to benefit from the cycles of expansion
and shrinkage.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

78. (I) A lot of bread goes into the litter bin every
day. (II) This is mainly because people buy more
bread than they need. (III) In poor African
countries, many people can’t find fresh bread to
eat. (IV) Another reason is that they avoid eating TEST BİTTİ.
bread in fear of putting on weight. (V) For one LÜTFEN CEVAPLARINIZI
reason or another, tons of bread is wasted
whereas many poor people are starving.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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