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1.0 Introduction :

Optimum nutrition is critical for the well being of individual and society at large. The ability to
identify the subject at nutritional risk will bring significant improvement in the subject
nutritional well being. Thus nutritional assessment is an important tool to interpret the subject
nutritional condition from dietary, biochemical, anthropometric and clinical studies.
Anthropometry method is a method used to obtain measurements of physical dimensions and
composition of the body. The term anthropometry derives from Greek by Brizek (1965) where
“anthrops” means man and “metron” means measure. It provides valuable information on
nutritional status if standardized methods are followed for measuring the body. The advantages
of using anthropometry is that it is safe, simple, non invasive and can be used for individuals and
large sample sizes. The method used are precise and accurate provided that standardized
techniques are used. These method can also be used to identify mild to moderate and severe
nutrition deficiency. Even though, anthropometry cannot identify which specific nutrient
deficiencies and unable to distinguish disturbances in growth or body composition induced by
nutrient deficiencies from these caused by imbalances in protein and energy intake.

2.0 Result and calculations:

Anthropometry Record Form

Date: 27 September 2010
Name: Lawrence Loy Chun Wei
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Height (m): 1.75 Weight (kg): 61.1
BMI (weight/height2 ): 19.83 BMI classification: Normal range
Waist circumference (cm): 78.7 Waist circumference classification:
Hip circumference (cm): 94.5
Waist to hip ratio: 0.83 Waist to hip classification: Healthy range

Skinfold Measurements (mm) Form:

Chest : 6.6
Triceps: 21.4
Biceps: 7.3
Subscapular: 9.4
Suprailiac: 9.9
Thigh: 24.0
Calculations (use appropriate formula):
Sum of skinfolds (mm): 48 (4 site)
Percent body fat: 19.1% (Bio impedence –Omron)
Fat weight (kg): 11.7
Lean body weight (kg):49.4
Desired body weight (kg): 58.1

3. Calculate (show your calculation) your body fat percentage using:
(i) The equation/ formula by Durnin& Womersley and Siri Equation:
Linear regression equation (Durnin& Womersley)
Body density (BD) =C-[M (log10 sum of all four skinfolfs)]

Siri Equation:
Fat percentage = [(4.95/BD)-4.5] x 100
= 18.3 %

(ii) The equation/ fornula by Jackson & Pollock and Siri Equation
Body density equation (Jackson & Pollock)
Male body density :
= 1.0990750 – 0.0008209 (X2) + 0.0000026 (X2)2 – 0.0002017(X3) –
0.005675(X4) + 0.018586(X5)
X2 = sum of the chest abdomen and thigh skinfolds in mm,
X3 = age in years
X4 = waist circumference in cm
X5 = forearm circumference in cm
After using the formula, the body density is 1.058
Siri Equation:
Fat percentage = 17.8%

(iii) Generalized Body composition equations for male and female adults.
Body Density = 1.0705
Percent Body Density =12.4%
Body Density =1.0806
Body Density =1.0589
Percent Body Density =15.87%

(iv) The nomogram for calculating % of body fat from the sum of the three skinfolds.

Body fat percentage=12.5%

4. Classify your percentage body fat by using the Table of standards/references

provided. Is it within the healthy range?
It is within the average range(upper end).

3.0 Discussion :

4.0 Conclusion :

5.0 References :

Detsky AS, McLaughlin JR, Baker JP, Johnston N, Whittaker S et al. (1987). What is subjective
global assessment of nutritional status ? Journalof parenteral and external nutrition 11:8-13.

6.0 Appendix :

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