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Diamond Jubilee Mulaqat 2018

Darbar – United Kingdom

The Diamond Jubilee of our beloved 49th Imam Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni
(a.s.) is upon us. In just a few days we will be graced by the Imam with a Darbar;
a Mulaqat (meeting or encounter) which symbolises the Imam welcoming us, as
the King, to his Royal Court. In meeting the Imam, we will be blessed with his
Didar (glimpse, sight or vision) and this encounter with our Imam is an incredibly
special moment in the life of each and every murid across the world.

As we continue our journey through this period of intezar (yearning, waiting,

longing, anticipation) we are also provided with the opportunity to reflect upon
the relationship that each and every one of us has with our Imam. Let us use
this opportunity to reflect on what we can do individually so that, inshallah,
when the day arrives, we will be spiritually prepared to receive the grace and
blessings of Didar and be illuminated and enlightened by the Nur of Imamat.

Preparing for
a Mulaqat with

In the Presence of …

Imam-e-Zaman (Imam of the Time)

He is always present a witness with his followers; but who has

seen his beauty except the blessed? He who is the cupbearer of
the fount of paradise is aware altogether of the hearts of his
followers. He is the Imam of the time! The guide and comforter
the protector of his followers whether young or old. Like the
sun in the sky he is manifest in the world but the blind bat
cannot see his luminous face!

- Fida’i Khurasani (d. 1923)

Our Spiritual Parent

The Imams are your spiritual parents. Avail yourselves of a few

days of life which are at your disposal here and look after your
spiritual elevation under the care of your spiritual parents!

- Da’i al-Mu‘ayyad fi’l Din al-Shirazi (d.1078 CE)

Aal-e-Nabi (The progeny of the Messenger of God)

O Legatee of the Prophets!

O descendant of the Legatees.
For you is my love and devotion
and to you is my prayer and supplication.
Whoever obeys the Imam, attains peace and glory!
And reaches the heights of love, rising to a high status!

- Ya Imami Ya Imami (Qasida) – Ali Qasim

Aulad-e-Ali (The descendant of ‘Ali)

(O Lord) Ali has come from the progeny of the Imams

And he is the same Lord that occupies
the Throne (of Imamat) in the present age
Manifestation upon manifestation,
the lineage (of Imams) has been established
How can he be anyone else?

- Anant Akhado (Ashaji) – Pir Hasan Kabir al-Din

Allah’s Rahma (Mercy) to Humankind

The greatest expression of divine mercy to mankind is the

appearance of the Imam of the Age (Imām-i zamān),
as a man among others, so that through him man may know
Allah in the true sense (bi-haqīqat) of knowing Him!

- Da’i Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (d.1274 CE)

The Possessor of Divinely-Inspired Knowledge

Remember that we [the Imams] are the Ahl al-Bayt of the

Holy Prophet! We are his true companions, we are the trustees
and treasurers of the knowledge granted to him,
and we are the gates through which one can reach
this storehouse of wisdom and learning!

- Hazrat Imam ‘Ali (a.s.)

Our Spiritual Guide

Today I have encountered the Didar of the True Guide

I have indeed attained joy and happiness… 1
Blessed with the Didar, my heart found satisfaction &
contentment and I have reached the most exalted Kingdom
I have indeed attained joy and happiness… 3
In the depth of the heart, he who is blessed by Didar only sees
Divine Unity. He sees the Kingdom of Hazrat Ali (a.s.)
I have indeed attained joy and happiness… 4

- Satgur Miliya Mune Aaj – Sayyida Imam Begum

The Nur (Light) of Allah

Salvation is to be found in the Imam of the Time!

It is well that you should follow the Imam
For the Light of God is within his pure heart,
Through that Light you will be freed from darkness.
Follow that Light and may peace be with you!

- Da’i Nizari Quhistani (d. 1321 CE)

Adab in the Huzur
of Imam-e-Zaman

Adab (Conduct and Etiquette) in the Huzur (Presence) of Imam-e-Zaman

According to the 10th century Ismaili da’i al-Qadi al-Nu’man (d. 974 CE), followers
of the Imam should carry themselves and behave in a manner befitting being in
the presence of the Imam. Not only does this require us to conduct ourselves in
certain ways, but ultimately it is about coming into the presence of the Imam with
open hearts, minds and souls. If we are able to achieve this, then our behaviour
will follow.

“Those who know the true position of the Imams and have faith in their
Imamat, conscientiously believe that standing in front of the Imams with
respectfulness which is due to them is a sort of prayer which brings the
devotee nearer to Allah… If any one of us stands up before the Imam, we
should adopt the position which we take up at the time of… prayers. We
should have due regard for the dignity of the Imam… and look up to him with
the belief that to get a glimpse [Didar] of the Imam is a sort of prayer”

As we internalise the words of this great Fatimid Ismaili da’i, let us reflect upon
how we can be fully present in the space, conscious and reflective, patient and
humble and showing our gratitude, love and unity before our beloved Imam…

Adab (Conduct and Etiquette) in the Huzur (Presence) of Imam-e-Zaman

Mawlana Hazar Imam’s Diamond Jubilee Darbars

Northern Areas of Pakistan (9-10 December 2018)

What do you notice about the adab of different murids in the pictures and in
the video you have just seen? How does this connect with Qadi al-Nu’man’s

Why do you think murids are conducting themselves in this way in the huzur of
Mawlana Hazar Imam?

Entering the “Darbar Hall” – Being Present in Body, Mind and Soul

The experience of meeting the Imam is imbued with deeply spiritual significance.
As murids who have a permanent spiritual bond with the Imam, the Didar is our
opportunity to behold the face of the great-grandson of our beloved
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) and Hazrat Mawlana Ali (a.s.).
But at its heart, the meeting is an encounter of love between parent and child.

As we enter, let us be conscious of our attitude and be fully present before the
Imam. Remember that a Didar with Mawlana Hazar Imam is an opportunity for us
to connect with and be in the presence of Allah’s Nur (divine light) on the earth
which is manifest in the Imam of the Time. We will hear his guidance filled with
wisdom and foresight, his aspirations and ambitions for our futures, and his words
of blessing for our spiritual and material prosperity. As we reflect upon this and
prepare ourselves to enter the Royal Court of the Imam, let us rejoice in the
blessings of this unique occasion in our lives and remember that just as we see
the Imam, he will also see each and every single one of us… body, mind, and soul.

Take a moment to think, what do you want to bring inside?

Journey through
the Darbar

Ceremonies in the Intezar and Huzur of Imam-e-Zaman

1. Intezar Period – During which devotional recitations will take place

from the Holy Qur’an as well as Ginans, Qasidas and Tasbihs

*** Imam enters the Darbar Hall ***

2. Salawat – The prayers for Allah’s blessings upon Prophet

Muhammad (s.a.s.) and his progeny.

3. Devotional Recitations – Holy Qur’an, Ginans, Qasidas and Tasbihs.

4. Loyalty Address – Reaffirmation of our love, devotion loyalty and

support for Mawlana Hazar Imam by the President of the National
Council on behalf of the Jamat

5. Offerings – An offering of mehmani and nazrana made to the Imam

on behalf of the Jamat by the Jamati leadership

6. Farman Mubarak – An edict filled with hikma (wisdom) and baraka


7. Blessings – Juro and Ab-e-Shifa will be blessed by the Imam of the Time

*** Imam departs the Darbar Hall ***

8. Shukrana Tasbih – Offering humble appreciation and sincere

gratitude to the Imam for having blessed us with a Darbar

1. Intezar Period inside the Darbar Hall

Now that we are seated, our period of intezar (yearning, longing and anticipation)
will begin. We will see Mawlana Hazar Imam arrive in our midst and begin with the
recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an, as well as devotional recitations of ginans,
qasidas and zikr tasbihs in order to prepare ourselves for the blessing of his didar.
These recitations will express ideas and themes which are special to us as
Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims.

Holy Qur’an

Bismillah-i Rahman-i Rahim. Inna ladhina ya-baya’unaka innama ya-baya’una-

llaha yad-ullahi fawqa aydihim fama nakatha fa-innama yankuthu ‘ala nafsihi
wa man awfa bima ahda alayullaha fa-sayutihi ajran azima.

In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful. Indeed, those who give you
[O Prophet] their bay’ah [allegiance], they give it but to Allah. The Hand of Allah is
upon their [hands]. And he who breaks it [bay’ah] breaks it against his own soul.
And he who fulfils what he has pledged [with Allah], Allah will give him a
great reward.

- Q. 48:10
Qasida – Ali Guyam Ali Juyam

The following qasida describes the intimate and affectionate relationship which
exists between the murid and the Imam. It reminds us that the Imam is at the
core of our very existence and that we should therefore invoke his name and seek
him at all times. The poet sings that ‘Ali (i.e. the Imam of the Time) is in our soul,
he brings peace to our hearts and removes our difficulties as the Mushkil Kusha.
‘Ali is the one who unites us with our origin and therefore, wherever we are, we
must always recite the name of our Mawla ‘Ali, to seek strength and courage
from him. As we search for spiritual grace and mercy, this qasida is a submission
by each and every murid to the Nur (Light) of Imamat from which we have all
been created and it expresses the desire of a murid to be blessed with spiritual
happiness and Nurani didar (spiritual vision and enlightenment).

Ba ruz-u shab mani shayda Ali guyam Ali juyam

Ba bagh-u gulshan-u sahra Ali guyam Ali juyam

Morning and night, I am besotted [with love], I call Ali. I seek Ali.
In green expanses, in the rose-garden, in the desert, I call Ali. I seek Ali.

Ali ruh-u rawan-i man Ali aram-i jan-i man

Ali dhikr-i zabān-i man, Ali guyam Ali juyam

Ali is my soul. Ali is my spirit. Ali is the tranquillity and peace of my life.
Ali is the recitation on my tongue, I call Ali. I seek Ali.

Ali hall-i har mushkil Ali sultan-i jan-u dil

Ali bashad bi haqq wasil Ali guyam Ali juyam

Ali is the solver and remover of all difficulties. Ali is the Sultan of my life and heart.
Ali is indeed the link to the Truth [al-Haqq = Allah], I call Ali. I seek Ali.

Ali Haydar Ali safdar Ali muʾnis Ali dilbar

Ali bud yar-i payghambar Ali guyam Ali juyam

Ali is the lion, Ali is the valiant, Ali is the companion, Ali is the beloved.
Ali was the dearest friend to the Prophet, I call Ali. I seek Ali.
Zikr Tasbih

Ya Rahman Ya Rahim (x11)

O the Most Compassionate. O the Most Merciful.

*** Imam enters the Darbar Hall ***

2. Salawat

As Mawlana Hazar Imam enters the Darbar Hall, 18,000 murids will begin to recite
the salawat in one voice as one united Jamat. In doing this we express our belief in
the following verse of the Holy Qur’an and affirm that we are indeed in the holy
huzur of Aal-e-Nabi (The progeny of Prophet Muhammad) and Aulad-e-Ali
(The descendant of Hazrat Mawlana ‘Ali)

“Indeed Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet! O you who
believe, invoke blessings on him and greet him with the full greeting of peace”

Holy Qur’an 33:56

In a hadith, the Prophet has said: “He who recites salawat on me once, Allah sends
salawat on him ten times…” and thus, when we recite the salawat, Allah’s baraka
(blessings) overflow and are showered upon us through the Imam, as the Nur of
Allah manifested upon the earth – thereby creating a circle of blessings. Each
salawat we recite is a mark of our love for the Imam as our spiritual mother and
father and expression of our devotion and submission to him as our Murshid.

Allahumma Salli ‘Ala Muhammadiw-wa aal-i Muhammad (x 11)

O Allah! Shower your peace and blessings upon Muhammad and the progeny of

3. Devotional Recitations

At this point, we will hear recitations from the Holy Qur’an as well as Ginans,
Qasidas and zikr tasbihs which will express ideas and themes which are special to us
as Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims.

Holy Qur’an

Bismillah-i Rahman-i Rahim. Ya ayyuhan-nasu qad ja’akum burhanum min

rabbikum wa anzala ilaykum Nurum Mubina. Fa-amma lladhina amanu bi-llahi
wa-‘tasamu bi-hi fa-sa-yudkhiluhum , fí rahmatim minhu wa-fadlin wa-yahdihim
ilayhi siratam mustaqima.

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. O humankind, indeed a

proof has come to you from your Lord and We have sent down to you a Manifest
Light. So, as for those who believe in Allah, and hold fast to Him, He shall make
them enter into His mercy and a bounty [from Him]. He shall guide them to
Himself, by a straight path.

- Q. 4:174-175

Ginan – Sahebji tu(n) more man bhave

In the following ginan, Sayyid Muhammad Shah describes the intimate

relationship between the Imam and his murid and expressed his deep and
heartfelt love for his Saheb (Master); the Imam. He says that his heart is full of
love and longing for his Mawla, to the exclusion of everything and everyone else.
Conveying the depth of his love, he says that his Mawla spoils him by showering
him with everything he asks for. He says that he has searched long and hard and
has found nobody to compare with his Mawla. Without the Imam’s presence,
every single moment becomes one of despair. In the final verse, Sayyid
Muhammad Shah reiterates his total dependence on Imam-e Zaman saying he
has placed himself at the Imam’s mercy. He ends by asking: How could we ever
leave our Mawla and turn to any other for protection or guidance? The ginan is
ultimately an expression of the deepest love which exists between the Imam and
each and every murid in the Jamat.

Sahebji tu(n) more man bhave
Avar more chinta na ave
Duja more man na bhave
Sahebji tu more man bhave… 1

My Lord, my heart is fond of you

I remember no one but you
Nor does anyone else please my heart
My Lord, my heart is fond of you

Eji Je je mangu te tunhi deve

Eva eva laad ladave
Sahebji tu more man bhave… 2

For whatever I ask, so readily you give

You indulge me in so many ways,
My Lord, my heart is fond of you

Eji Bolya Sayyid Muhammad Shah sharan tumare

Tuje chhodi duje duware kahan jaave
Sahebji tu more man bhave… 9

Sayyid Muhammad Shah supplicates

Leaving you, what other place am I to go?
My Lord, my heart is fond of you

Zikr Tasbih

Ya Aal-e Nabi, Aulad-e Ali,

Ya Mushkil Kusha, Ya Hazar Imam (x 11)

O progeny of the Prophet, O descendant of Ali,

O remover of difficulties, O present Imam

4. Loyalty Address

At this point, the President of the National Council for the United Kingdom will
present what is known as the loyalty address to Mawlana Hazar Imam. On behalf
of the entire UK jurisdiction Jamat, the President will reaffirm our love, devotion
loyalty and support for Mawlana Hazar Imam.

Bay’ah is based on our Jamat’s recognition we are in constant need of divinely-

inspired guidance in each age (zaman) and in pledging our bay’ah, we accept the
permanent spiritual bond connecting us with the Imam, beyond time and space.

The Holy Qur’an reminds believers that those who, in the time of Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.s.) gave their bay’ah to him were in fact pledging their love,
devotion, loyalty and allegiance to Allah. If they followed the farmans
(commands) of the Holy Prophet (farman-bardari), Allah would indeed reward
them with plenty:

“Indeed, those who give you [O Prophet] their bay’ah [allegiance], they give it
but to Allah. The Hand of Allah is upon their [hands]. And he who breaks it
[bay’ah] breaks it against his own soul. And he who fulfils what he has pledged
[with Allah], Allah will give him a great reward.”

Holy Qur’an 48:10

The Holy Qur’an also reminds Muslims that their loyalty and obedience to the
Prophet was a way for them to express their love and reverence for Allah himself
through devotion to His Messenger. In fulfilling their bay’ah by following the
Prophet, the believers were reminded that, Allah will in turn, show love to them
and forgive them their mistakes and shortcomings.

Say [O Prophet]: If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and
forgive you your faults, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”

Holy Qur’an 3:31

As Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims, our bay’ah to the Imam during occasions such as a
didar affirms both 1) the incredibly powerful spiritual relationship with have with
our Imam and 2) today, it is Mawlana Hazar Imam, as the inheritor of his
grandfather, Prophet Muhammad’s legacy and authority, who guides us in all
aspects of our lives with the same love, care, compassion and dedication that the
Prophet had for the Jamat in his own time.

As the President offers the loyalty address, know that each and every one of us is
also participating in this pledge alongside him to our beloved Imam-e-Zaman.

As you sit in the hall and watch the video of the loyalty address, think about
what it is that you would like to offer the Imam as an expression of love and
gratitude for his compassionate guidance in your life?

This is also an opportunity for you to speak to your Imam from within your
heart and soul and seek forgiveness for whatever mistakes you may have
made or shortcomings you may have. What do you wish to say to your

5. Offerings

Now, at the pleasure of the Imam and with his graceful acceptance, the Jamati
leadership will make offerings to Mawlana Hazar Imam. These will include the
1) Chain of Office 2) mehmani and 3) all material, time and knowledge nazrana on
behalf of the Jamat. All offerings are an expression of love and appreciation for
the existence of Mawlana Hazar Imam in our lives as well as a way to show our
shukrana (gratitude) for the Imam’s continuous Baraka (blessings) in our worldly
and spiritual lives.


The Mukhisaheb, Kamdiasaheb, Mukhianima and Kamadianima of Ismaili Centre

London will present Mawlana Hazar Imam with an offering on behalf of the entire
United Kingdom jurisdiction Jamat. A mehmani is offered to one who is a mehman
(guest) – For our Jamat, the Imams (a.s.) from the progeny of the Prophet are the
most special guests and we are immensely fortunate to have the Imam in our midst.

In the time of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.), Muslims always sought to offer gifts to
the Prophet as an expression of their love for him and the Holy Qur’an states that,
in accepting their offerings, the Prophet purifies them and sends blessings upon
them which provides peace and tranquillity within their souls. Ultimately, Allah
reminds us in the verse that although in the physical world, it is the Prophet who
is accepting the mehmanis of the believers, as Allah’s Messenger, his acceptance
actually symbolises Allah’s acceptance of their offering and the niyyat (intention)
which accompanies it.

“[O Prophet!] Take offerings (sadaqah) from their wealth and purify and
sanctify them by means of it. And pray / send blessings over them. Verily, your
prayer / blessing is a source of peace (sakan) for them. And Allah is the Hearing,
the Knowing. Do they not know that it is Allah who accepts repentance from His
servants and takes the offerings and that it is Allah who is the accepting of
repentance, the Merciful?”

Holy Qur’an 9:102-104

Chain of Office

The chain of office symbolises the continuum of Imamat – i.e. an unbroken chain
and line of Imams in direct descent from our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.)
through our beloved 1st Imam Hazrat Mawlana ‘Alī (a.s.) and the Prophet’s
daughter Bibi Fatima az-Zahra (a.s.). The 49 links in the chain reflect that the
present (hazar) and living (mawjud) Imam, Shah Karim al-Husayni is the 49th Imam
of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims.

Nazrana – Material, Time and Knowledge

The President will now offer an unconditional gift to the Imam of the Time.

“O our beloved Mawlana Hazar Imam. As an expression of our unending love,

devotion and loyalty, we submit to Khudavand, on the blessed occasion of this
Diamond Jubilee Darbar in the United Kingdom, an unconditional gift of
material, time, and knowledge Nazrana on behalf of the entire Jamat. Through
this Nazrana we pledge our resources of material and intellectual assistance in
the Imamat’s endeavours for the progress of the Ismaili Jamat worldwide”

As the nazrana is offered, imagine that you are on the stage approaching
the Imam with your own individual and personal gift – What would this gift
be and what would you wish to say to Mawlana Hazar Imam on presenting
it to him?

6. Farman Mubarak

The word farman comes from the word “amr” (authority or command) and thus
symbolises an issued command or edict by the Imam of the Time. According to
the 10th century Ismaili da’i al-Qadi al-Nu’man (d. 974 CE), the words of the
Imams are filled with wisdom (hikma) and divinely-inspired knowledge (‘ilm) as
their speech and guidance is inspired by the Nur (divine light) which they possess:

“The words of the imams are like an edifice, some parts of which
strengthen and reinforce the others because they [the Imams] perceive
with the Nur (Light) of Allah. From it they receive knowledge and through
its wisdom they speak; from their ancestors they learn, for they are the
proofs of God (hujjatu’llah), the Mighty, the Glorious, on earth.”

Allah communicates with the Imams, guiding and inspiring them.

“Allah guides them and informs them of what they ask Him about in His
subtle ways. He confers on them favours and blessings which they are the
only privileged persons to receive”

We should always reflect and meditate upon the words of the Imam because
every single word they utter purifies and nourishes our hearts, minds and souls

“Let us then pay full attention to the words of the Imams when we listen
to them. Let us be all ears when they talk and let us ponder over the
matter when they finish their talk.”

7. Blessings (Tabarruki)

At this point, a request will be made to Mawlana Hazar Imam to seek his blessings
(baraka) for Juro and Ab-e-Shifa (literally ‘water of healing’ – i.e. niyaz). This
important ritual symbolises and affirms our belief that the Imam, as the bearer of
the Nur (divine light) of Allah, is his spiritual representative on earth, through whose
infinite blessings, we are enriched and purified within.

The existence of the Imam is an expression of divine mercy and, in seeking his
blessings, we acknowledge that he (like his great-grandfather Prophet Muhammad)
also possesses spiritual grace (lutf) which he showers upon the Jamat in abundance,
reflecting his deep and unconditional love for us.

*** Imam departs the Darbar Hall ***

As the Imam rises from the Takht (Throne of Imamat) before us and begins to
descend from the Darbar stage to leave his royal court, as one united Jamat, we
will now invoke salawat (blessings) upon Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.), all the
previous 48 Imams, and the Imam-e-Zaman, Mawlana Shah Karim al-Husayni, the
49th present and living Imam of our Jamat.

Allahumma Salli ‘Ala Muhammadiw-wa aal-i Muhammad (x 11)

O Allah! Shower your peace and blessings upon Muhammad and the progeny of
As your Imam walks by you to leave your physical presence, how are you
feeling? Tell the Imam in your heart whatever it is you wish to say and he
will hear you…

8. Shukrana Tasbih

At this point, the experience of our zahiri didar with our beloved Imam has come
to a close, but he will always remain spiritually present with us and the blessings
which he has showered upon us will remain deep within our hearts, minds and
souls for the rest of our lives.

For the grace and blessings of this mulaqat, we will now offer our humble
appreciation and most heartfelt shukrana to Allah for having blessed us with the
presence of his Imam amongst us. In doing so, we will also express our love to
Mawlana Hazar Imam for having blessed us with a Diamond Jubilee Darbar.

Shukran li-llah wa’l-Hamdu li-llah (x 11)

All thanks are due to Allah and all praises are due to Allah,

Intezar Reflections
Anticipation for the Arrival
of Imam-e-Zaman

Guided Reflection: Thoughts – Emotions – Feelings

Close your eyes and rest your hands on your knees. Bring your attention to the
touch of your body on the floor. Feel the weight of your body pressing down.
Take a few deep breaths. In through the nose, and out from the mouth. While you
are breathing deeply, relax your shoulders, your stomach muscles, the muscles in
your face, your hands, and your legs. Let go of all the tension in your body.

Now bring your attention back to your breath. Notice what it feels like as it enters
through your nose, goes down through your throat, filling your lungs, and back
out through your mouth. Notice your stomach and chest rise and fall each time
you breathe in and each time you breathe out. Just allow your breathing to be
natural and relaxed. Whenever you become distracted, bring your attention back
to the sensation of your breath going in and coming out.

Maintaining this mindful awareness, take a moment to reflect on our journey of

faith through the Darbar we experienced. Think about your actions, attitudes, and
feelings. How did you feel knowing that, in just a few short days from now, you
will be in the presence of your Imam? Why do you feel this way?

Try to think of the Imam’s Didar as a heavy downpour of rain. If, before the rain,
we prepare our gardens by removing the weeds and planting seeds, then the rain
will yield beautiful flowers. We are less than 7 days away from the rainfall.

A few short days from a downpour of immense blessings.

Is the garden of your heart ready?

Have you removed the weeds of negativity and cleaned your heart? Have you
planted seeds of good thoughts and actions? The more you prepare your garden,
the more flowers the rain will bring.

If your garden is not fully prepared before the rainfall, don’t worry. What’s
important is effort. Remember, when it rains, it pours, and it pours on every
garden. Regardless of the status of your garden, it will be drenched with his
blessings, his baraka, his Light. How will you prepare your garden?

Where do you stand in your individual journey? Is your mind occupied with
questions, or is it at peace? Remember, whatever you are thinking and feeling is
okay. If you want to talk about anything, we are always here.

As we conclude for the day, let’s take a deep breath. Mawlana Hazar Imam loves
you so much. More than you can even imagine. You just have to open your eyes,
heart, mind and soul to feel it. Out of his love, he will be coming to meet you, his
spiritual child, in just a few short days.

Take a moment to think about what you hope that this meeting does for you.
What flowers do you want in your life after this meeting? What blessings are you
hoping for? When you’re ready, open your eyes…

In your booklet, you may now write a short prayer that you have for this Mulaqat.

My Prayer for this Mulaqat

My thoughts, emotions and feelings…

My thoughts, emotions and feelings…


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