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9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU


Top 50 College Financial Literacy

 March 9, 2017  Posted by: Mike Brown

 Category: Top Colleges (

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In 2008, The President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy de ned nancial literacy as "the
ability to use knowledge and skills to manage nancial resources effectively for a lifetime of
nancial well-being." Today, nine years later, the need for nancial literacy has become dire due
to rising college tuition costs that leave students in suffocating debt
( nancial-aid/).

According to the most recent data, the national student loan debt has climbed to $1.41 trillion.
Additionally, the average college student holds $28,400 in student loan debt. These stats are
particularly distressing because the average student knows nothing about their nances. For
example, a recent LendEDU study showed that 49.80% of college attendees incorrectly believed
the government would forgive their federal student loans. If students do not know basic
nancial information about student loans, how are they going to know how to balance a
checkbook, take out a mortgage, or invest in mutual fund?

In light of this, LendEDU has compiled a ranking of the 50 best nancial literacy programs
offered at colleges throughout the United States. Financial literacy initiatives have become
popular on college campuses in large part because of the in ated expenses required to attend
these institutions. Many schools now offer workshops, courses, one-on-one consultations, and
incentivizing programs to teach their students to become scally responsible.

Our study looked at hundreds of colleges and universities that are known to have a nancial
literacy program. Our rankings were based on 3 parameters: (1) Number of Workshops and
Resources Available; (2) Access to One-On-One Financial Consultation; (3) Incentivizing Programs
Available. Each parameter was graded on a 50 point scale (50 being the best) and that number
was multiplied by each parameter’s respective weight. The weights for the aforementioned
parameters were, respectively, 50%, 30%, and 20%. The total score was tallied on a 50 point
scale by adding together each parameter’s weighted score. Full methodology can be found at
the bottom of this page.

Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs

1. Texas Tech University
Total Score: 48.8 1/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

Total Score: 48.8 

Texas Tech University is home to the best college nancial literacy program according to
LendEDU. The Texas Tech nancial literacy program, known as "Red to Black," covers topic such
as creating budgets, building and using credit, and maximizing student loans. Texas Tech's
America Saves Week is a week long event featuring numerous nancial literacy workshops. The
Raider Relief Fund was created to give nancial assistance to quali ed applicants for living and
other educational expenses.

2. University of North Texas

Total Score: 47.6

The University of North Texas and their Student Money Management Center have earned the
number two spot in our rankings. According to their website, North Texas' nancial literacy
program "provides personal nancial coaching sessions in which students lead the discussion
on personal nancial topics and concerns relating to their lives." The university has a busy
nancial literacy workshop schedule, with presentations like "Wedding on a Budget," "Salary
Negotiation," and "How to Avoid Moving Back Home."

3. Syracuse University
Total Score: 47.5 2/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

Rounding out the top three is Syracuse University. Syracuse's Money Awareness Program is one
of the best incentivizing nancial literacy programs on any college campus. Quali ed students
are awarded grant funding to replace their student debt. Every semester, participating students
must complete a nancial literacy session, answer nancial literacy questions, and set new goals.
Students can also become Peer Financial Coaches, in which they help their fellow students with
nancial issues and receive credit in return.

4. University of Montana
Total Score: 45.8

The University of Montana is number four on the Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs list.
UM is one of the few schools that requires nancial literacy education for their students. Their
required nancial education program is known as "Transit", and it covers topics like 401ks,
investing, and student loan default protection. The University of Montana also offers students 30
or 60 minute private counseling sessions with a nancial expert.

5. Bowling Green State University

Total Score: 45.5

Bowling Green State University has taken the number ve spot in our list. BGSU is in a
partnership with PNC Bank to provide nancial literacy resources and workshops to students. As
part of their nancial literacy partnership, PNC incentivizes nancial literacy by offering a $500
scholarship to Bowling Green State students. PNC Bank also offers monthly seminars on a wide
range of nancial literacy topics, including identity theft, setting nancial goals, and borrowing

6. Sam Houston State University

Total Score: 45.1 3/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

Sam Houston State University is number six on our list of the best college nancial literacy
programs. Sam Houston State had a number of unique incentivizing programs that encourage
nancial literacy. The university offers a $500 scholarship to students who score well on a
nancial literacy quiz, and also gives students the opportunity to win $1,000 in nancial literacy
jeopardy. Signature events at SHSU that promote nancial literacy include Houston Money
Week, Financial Literacy Week, and Financial Literacy Month. 

7. Ohio State University

Total Score: 44.7

Ohio State University and their Scarlet and Gray Financial program are ranked seventh on
LendEDU's list. Scarlet and Gray Financial is a nancial coaching program that helps thousands
of Buckeyes each year. Students will have no problem scheduling a one-on-one consultation
with a nancial expert, as the Scarlet and Gray program employs 56 nancial advisors. The TOPP
program offers to forgive students the $25 fee for late payments if they schedule a private
nancial consultation. 

8. University of South Carolina

Total Score: 44.5 4/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

The University of South Carolina's nancial literacy program was good enough to be ranked
eighth on our list. USC offers private nancial advice from an expert on a number of topics,
including debt management and nancial planning for study abroad. South Carolina also offers
a wide range of nancial literacy workshops upon request. Topics for these workshops include
"Identity Theft 101," "How to Negotiate a Salary," and "How to Pay the Bills." The school also offers
up to $500 in an emergency loan for students who run into unexpected nancial hardship.

9. George Washington University

Total Score: 44.1

Few schools on this list have set up an entire center for nancial literacy, but George Washington
has, and it has earned them the nine spot in the rankings. The Global Financial Literacy
Excellence Center at George Washington has created many helpful resources to help students
understand their nances. They offer a number of nancial literacy courses such as "Personal
Finance", and "The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis." The university also has a Financial
Literacy Seminar Series which is offered throughout the school year and features guest speakers
from around the country.

10. University of Kansas

Total Score: 43.8 5/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

Rounding out the top 10 is the University of Kansas. The University of Kansas offers a couple of
three credit personal nance classes. KU also allows for students to schedule a one-on-one
nancial advice session, or a nancial literacy workshop. Topics that can be scheduled include
"Credit Card Debt" and "Budgeting and Savings". KU Financial Aid TV is an online portal that
allows students to watch a wide variety of videos that offer nancial literacy advice. 

11. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Total Score: 43.6

The University of Wisconsin-Madison, and their Center for Financial Security have earned the 11
slot on our list. The Center for Financial Security offers a ton of informative webinars on topics
such as "Retirement Planning and Saving." The university also publishes a quarterly nancial
coaching newsletter. The Household Finance Research Seminar is offered at the University of
Wisconsin to better understand the everyday impacts of various nancial topics. Training
sessions and presentations can be made available upon request.

11. California State University, Northridge

Total Score: 43.6 6/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

California State University, Northridge has found themselves in a three way tie for the 11th spot in
LendEDU's rankings. CSUN's Financial Literacy Program declares its mission is "to expand
students’ understanding of money management strategies that will empower them to make
wise and informed nancial decisions..." The university offers a busy nancial literacy workshop
schedule, with topics like "How is Interest Calculated on Student Loans?" and "Four Money
Pitfalls to Tackle While in College."

11. Yale University

Total Score: 43.6

Yale University marks the last member of the three way tie for the 11 spot, and also is the rst Ivy
League school to be mentioned in our rankings. Beginning in 2012, Yale University has offered
private nancial consultations to students to discuss their nancial situations, loan obligations,
and repayment options. Yale has a tremendous incentivizing program known as the Career
Option Assistance Program (COAP). The program provides nancial assistance to graduates who
choose lower-paying careers. 45 percent of all students with student loan debt use this

14. Boston College

Total Score: 43.5 7/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

Boston College has earned the 14th spot in the Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs
ranking. Boston College's nancial literacy program is known as "Successful Start" and features a
full workshop schedule. Workshops scheduled in the month of March include "Investing 101"
and "Evaluating a Job Offer and the Art of Negotiation." On April 25th, BC will celebrate the 10
year anniversary of Successful Start by having their own Financial Literacy Day. 

15. Creighton University

Total Score: 43.4

Creighton University comes in at number 15 on our list. Creighton's nancial literacy page on
their website has a plethora of resources and learning material. Creighton's nancial literacy
program known as "Financial Fitness" frequently posts nancial tips and advice for students
looking to become more scally responsible. Group orientated nancial workshops and private
consultations can be scheduled at Creighton upon request.

16. Loyola University Chicago

Total Score: 43.3

Loyola University Chicago's nancial literacy program has made the list at number 16.  Loyola
Chicago's program is called "Money Matters", and it provides plenty of helpful resources for
students looking to handle their nances better. Financial experts at the university can provide 8/27
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expertise on topics such as searching for scholarships, creating a budget, and understanding
nancial aid applications and packages. Loyola University Chicago has also created a number of
interactive video courses that explain key nancial topics.

16. Champlain College

Total Score: 43.3

Champlain College has earned a share of the 16 spot in LendEDU's rankings. Champlain's Center
for Financial Literacy aims to provide nancial literacy education to not just college students, but
also K-12 students and teachers. This Vermont college offers a wide range of courses and
workshops related to nancial literacy. Examples of these courses include, "Financing Your First
Car," "Understanding Employee Bene ts," and "Financial Sophistication." Champlain's Awesome
Island Game rewards the most nancial literate participants with grants ranging from $10,000
to $25,000.

16. University of South Florida

Total Score: 43.3

The University of South Florida is the nal school that nished with a total score of 43.3, good
enough for a three way tie for 16th. USF's nancial literacy program is known as "Bull2Bull
Financial Education". Organizations or classes on campus can schedule a nancial literacy
seminar with Bull2Bull at any time. South Florida's workshop schedule is jam-packed, with
workshops such as "Loan Smarts," "Healthy Money Habitudes," and "Financial Life After
Graduation" available in the spring semester. Students can also schedule private consultations
regarding loans. 

19. University of Central Florida

Total Score: 43.2 9/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

The University of Central Florida places 19th on LendEDU's list. Central Florida's nancial literacy
program is called "Centsible Knights," which offers wide-reaching nancial advice on a number
of topics such as "saving for your future." Students at UCF can visit the Of ce of Student
Financial Assistance to receive nancial guidance and advice. Centsible Knights incentivizes
nancial literacy by running a contest in which students must show what they are saving up for
to be eligible for a $50 gift card.

20. Texas State University

Total Score: 43.1

Texas State University makes LendEDU's list at number 20. Their program, known as "University
College's Career & Financial Education (CAFE) Financial Literacy Program," offers plenty of
nancial literacy workshops, presentations, events, and collaborative campus ventures.
Examples of these workshops include "Financial Safeguards" and "Post-Graduation Transitions."
Students are also given the option to schedule a professional nancial consultation session
whenever they would like. 

20. University of Arizona

Total Score: 43.1

The University of Arizona's nancial literacy program, "Take Charge Cats," nds itself in a tie for
the 20th spot. Besides helping out their fellow students, Take Charge Cats also teaches nancial
literacy to over 21,000 youths and adults in the Tucson community. The program offers 10/27
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numerous nancial literacy workshops that can be scheduled at any time. "Developing a
Spending Plan," "Understanding Credit Reports," and "Understanding Paychecks" are some of
the workshops made available. Take Charge Cats has also created a couple of incentivizing
nancial literacy programs.

22. University of California, Los Angeles

Total Score: 42.9

The University of California, Los Angeles' Financial Wellness Program was good enough for
number 22 on LendEDU's list. UCLA allows students to request workshops on a wide range of
topics such as "Apartment Hunting Made Easy" and "Socialize on a Shoestring." The university
also has an online nancial literacy education course that is mandatory for rst-year students
and transfers. UCLA's nancial literacy program includes 10 Financial Wellness peers that are
available to students seeking one-on-one nancial consultation.

23. Harvard University

Total Score: 42.7

Harvard University has earned the number 23 spot on our list. The Ivy League school has a
number of resources available to students related to topics such as budgeting, credit, and debt
management. Harvard utilizes Google Hangouts to give presentations and Q & A's to students
looking to become nancially literate. Students can also be invited to two different nancial
literacy seminars, which are "Financial Aid 201" and "Money Management 201." On April 8th,
Harvard celebrates Financial Literacy Day by conducting informative sessions. 

24. University of Pittsburgh

Total Score: 42.5 11/27
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The University of Pittsburgh has lled the number 24 spot in the rankings.  All incoming
students at the University of Pittsburgh are required to complete a nancial literacy course. At
Pittsburgh, students are welcomed to walk-in to the nancial aid of ce at any time to receive
nancial advice. The university offers a number of helpful resources, including a page that
teaches nancial aid terms, a page that helps students develop a budget, and a page where
students can monitor their loans.

25. Indiana University
Total Score: 42.3

Indiana University's nancial literacy program, "MoneySmarts", nishes 25th in our rankings. In
addition to offering online consultations, the MoneySmarts team provides students with private
consultations regarding topics such as budgeting, identity theft, and establishing credit. IU's
nancial literacy program also offers hour long group presentations on nancial literacy. Indiana
University also offers both one and three credit courses on nancial literacy topics such as
personal nance basics and risk management. 

25. Liberty University
Total Score: 42.3

Liberty University has earned themselves a tie for the 25th spot on LendEDU's list of the Top 50
College Financial Literacy Programs. Liberty University offers a free nancial literacy class to all
students currently enrolled at the school. The course can be completed at the student's pace, 12/27
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and it covers nancial topics such as "Properties of Money and Wealth," "College Essentials," and
"Career Planning." The course is done in collaboration with personal nancial expert and #1 New
York Times Best-Selling author, Dave Ramsey. 

27. Kansas State University

Total Score: 41.9

Kansas State University's Powercat Financial program takes home the 27th slot in our rankings.
Powercat Financial offers both online and in-person one-on-one nancial counseling upon
request. KSU's nancial literacy program also offers presentations to students on a litany of
topics such as "Creating a Spending or Savings Plan" and "Protecting Against Identity Theft."
Kansas State has made available two nancial literacy courses, "Money 101" and "Introduction to
Personal Finance Planning." 

27. Georgetown University

Total Score: 41.9

Georgetown University's nancial literacy program has nished in a tie for the 27th spot on
LendEDU's list. Georgetown's program, "Money $ense," has expanded to provide students with
one nancial literacy workshop a month for the whole school year. Workshop topics include
lessons on taxes, budgeting, investing, and loans. The university also offers peer counseling to
students struggling with the nancial aid process. 

29. University of Alaska, Anchorage

Total Score: 41.8 13/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

The University of Alaska, Anchorage has come in at number 29 on our list. The University of
Alaska, Anchorage's nancial literacy initiative is known as "$avy $eawolf." UAA has a very
impressive lineup of nancial literacy workshops, such as "Stretching Your Dollar" and "The Loan
Zone."  The university requires all graduating students who have student loans to complete an
exit counseling session so that they know their rights and responsibilities as a student loan

29. Southern Connecticut State University

Total Score: 41.8

Southern Connecticut State University has a nancial literacy program that was tied for 29th on
our list. SCSU's nancial literacy website has an impressive collection of nancial literacy
resources and tools. Besides offering one-on-one nancial literacy consultations and
presentations, Southern Connecticut State University offers customized nancial planning
sessions with individual students. Individual nancial plans can be created for each student
according to their nancial situation and academic goals.

31. Benedictine University

Total Score: 41.7 14/27
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Benedictine University's nancial literacy program has come in at number 31 on our list. Started
in 2008, Benedictine's program offers a nancial literacy course that allows students create their
own budget and statement of net worth, track their spending, and learn from nancial literacy
experts. The course, Financial Literacy 120, is two credit hours and is open to all undergraduate
students regardless of major. The course also combines their online learning and discussion
sessions with on-site presentations.

32. Iowa State University

Total Score: 41.2

Iowa State University has earned the number 32 ranking on our list of the Top 50 College
Financial Literacy Programs. Iowa State's nancial literacy initiative offers an impressive number
of nancial literacy courses. The school offers plenty of courses that are meant for both personal
and family nance. Students will learn how to minimize debt, accrue savings, and invest

33. University of Buffalo

Total Score: 41.1

The University of Buffalo's nancial literacy program was good enough to take the 33rd spot in
our rankings. Besides providing an ample amount of interactive nancial literacy resources, UB
also allows students to register for an online nancial education program known as "SUNY
Smart Track." This online program teaches students about nancial literacy through online
courses and blog posts. The university also provides students with many nancial advisors that
the students can go to for nancial advice. 

33. University of Iowa

Total Score: 41.1 15/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

The University of Iowa has landed in a tie for having the 33rd best nancial literacy program.
Students at the University of Iowa can schedule a private consultation with a nancial literacy
specialist, and discuss topics such as "applying for nancial aid," "budgeting educational
expenses," and "borrowing wisely." University of Iowa students can also enroll in UI's CashCourse,
where they can learn about money management skills, how to manage debt, and how to
survive a tough economy.

35. University of Illinois

Total Score: 40.9

The University of Illinois has come in at number 35 on our list. The University of Illinois' nancial
literacy program is particularly strong because of their incentivizing programs. For example, the
University Challenge is a program that gives a student, from any major, a mock $1 million
portfolio and an online brokerage account so that they can learn to buy and sell equities. The
China Challenge allows students to mock invest in Shanghai and Shenzhen in Chinese Yuan.
The university also allows students to take a nancial literacy quiz to test their knowledge in
nancial matters.

36. University of Cincinnati 

Total Score: 40.7 16/27
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The University of Cincinnati has a nancial literacy program that was good enough for 36th in
our rankings. The program, known as "UCAN Manage It," offers a combination of nancial
literacy videos and presentations. The University of Cincinnati has partnered with Grad Ready, a
personal nancial literacy tool that provides guidance and teaches money skills. During the
month of April, the University of Cincinnati will be celebrating Financial Literacy Month with
plenty of informative events.

36. University of Michigan

Total Score: 40.7

The University of Michigan has nished tied for 36th in our nancial literacy rankings. The
University of Michigan enables students to take a one-credit mini-course known as "The
Financially Savvy Student." This course teaches students how to use credit cards safely and
smartly, develop a budget, and assess their nancials. UofMich's "Smart Borrowing Initiative"
counsels students on individual debt and requires students to take online nancial tutorials
before taking out more federal student loans. 

38. Wichita State University

Total Score: 40.6

Wichita State University's nancial literacy program was good enough for the 38th spot on
LendEDU's list. Wichita State works with CashCourse to provide nancial literacy information to
students and help them manage their nancial habits. The University also developed
MyCollegeMoneyPlan to help students make smart nancial decisions when they are choosing a
school to attend.  Wichita State also offers a grant ranging from $250 to $4,000 per year to
incoming students who perform well in the classroom, but have nancial limitations. 

39. California State University, Bakers eld

Total Score: 40.3 17/27
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California State University, Bakers eld has earned the number 39 spot in our rankings. CSUB has
partnered with iGrad to provide their students with ample nancial literacy information. A free
online personal nance course can be taken that covers topics including budgeting, banking,
and credit card debt. Students at CSUB can also participate in the iGrad Townhall, a monitored
online bulletin discussion board where students can ask questions pertaining to their nances.

39. Michigan State University

Total Score: 40.3

Michigan State University has been placed in a tie for the 39th spot in LendEDU's rankings.
Michigan State's nancial literacy website makes available a ton of resources for students
looking to improve their nancial literacy skills. The university has created Financial 4.0, a
website that provides tools such as nancial calculators and a budget tracker. MSU has created
an impressive workshop schedule, with events entitled "Credit," "Budgeting," and "Identity Theft"
all available for students to attend.

41. Johnson & Wales University

Total Score: 40 18/27
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Coming in at number 41 is Johnson and Wales University. Johnson and Wales University has
partnered with iGrad to teach their students about the importance of nancial literacy. Also
available to students of JWU is an impressive roster of nancial planning experts that can be
made available for a one-on-one consultation upon request. Johnson and Wales University also
has a wide variety of scholarships for students looking to improve their nancial situation. 

42. Menlo College

Total Score: 39.9

Menlo College's nancial literacy program was good enough to crack the list at number 40.
According to the schools nancial literacy page, Menlo's nancial literacy center "provides
learning opportunities to enable college students to make sound economic decisions, which
will serve as fundamental skills for the rest of their lives." Menlo also offers a course for freshman
that teaches nine sections of personal nance. Like many schools on this list, Menlo partners
with iGrad to promote nancial literacy.

42. University of Colorado Denver

Total Score: 39.9 19/27
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The University of Colorado Denver has a nancial literacy program that is tied for 42nd in
LendEDU's rankings. Colorado Denver has a number of interesting workshops that promote
nancial literacy. Examples of these workshops include "Ballin' on a Budget," "Money Matters,"
and "Are You Credit Worthy?" The University of Colorado Denver also has no shortage of
interactive resources and nancial tools, such as their own budget worksheet. 

44. University of Maine

Total Score: 39.8

The University of Maine's nancial literacy program nished 44th on the Top 50 College Financial
Literacy Programs list. The University of Maine's nancial literacy and debt management
program is called SALT. Students that use SALT can take an online training course that teaches
them practical money management strategies. SALT also has the ability to track all of a
student's loans in one place. The University of Maine has a large nancial advisory team that is
available for counseling Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. 

45. University of Albany, SUNY 

Total Score: 39.6

The University of Albany, SUNY comes in at number 45 on our list. Their program, known as
"Great Danes, Dollars, & $ense," was created in partnership with SUNY Smart Track. SUNY Smart
Track provides students with training in nancial topics like personal budgeting, saving, and 20/27
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identity theft. The university incentivizes students to practice nancial literacy by offering the
chance to win a $500 scholarship or one semester tuition-free if they attend one of the nancial
literacy workshops. 

46. Eastern University

Total Score: 39.4

Eastern University has earned the number 46 spot on LendEDU's list. Eastern University's
nancial literacy program is known as "Financial Literacy and You (FLY)." According to the
website, FLY's goal is "to help students learn how to better manage their money so they can
afford to stay in school, borrow wisely and graduate with the nancial skills needed to achieve
their nancial goals." FLY offers students one-on-one coaching sessions with nancial experts, or
peer counseling sessions with a student coach.

47. Gonzaga University

Total Score: 39.1

Gonzaga University's nancial literacy program was good enough to take the 47th spot in our
rankings. Gonzaga University has made their nancial literacy program part of their healthy
campus initiative. The university has an impressive collection of nancial literacy resources
available to all students. Similar to many schools on this list, Gonzaga has entered into a
partnership with CashCourse, an online, interactive guide that promotes nancial literacy.

47. San Jose State University

Total Score: 39.1 21/27
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San Jose State University has tied for the 47th spot in our rankings. Like many schools ranked on
our list, San Jose State works with CashCourse to promote and teach nancial literacy to
students. San Jose State also has provided quite a few nancial literacy workshops to their
students. Some workshops coming up include, "Think Before You Swipe! Credit & Credit Cards,"
"Road to Wealth - Budgeting & Basic Banking," and "Loan Repayment Options."

49. Duke University

Total Score: 38.9

Duke University has earned the number 49 spot on LendEDU's list. Duke offers plenty of
workshops for students that can be scheduled upon request. A few examples of these
workshops include, "Your Spending Plan," "Saving and Investing in your Future," and "Salary
Negotiations and Bene ts." The nancial literacy website at Duke University features a ton of
nancial literacy resources and guides to help students. Also, Duke includes creative money-
saving options for students on budget.

50. University of Maryland

Total Score: 38.6 22/27
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The University of Maryland completes LendEDU's Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs list.
At the University of Maryland, students are able to request nancial literacy presentations.
Maryland's nancial literacy page offers resources that will educated students on topics like
maintaining credit, budgeting, and borrowing. The University of Maryland is also partnered with
iGrad to provide students with webinars, video presentations, educational games, and nancial
calculators to improve their nancial literacy. 

Complete Rankings for the Top 50 

In the following table, the column headers represent the following:

Resources: The amount of nancial literacy workshops, webinars, presentations, tools, and
pages readily available

Advice: The amount of nancial experts readily available for private consultations and the hours
they are available

Programs: The amount of programs readily available that incentivize nancial literacy

Total Score: The combined score of all three weighted parameters


Rank Resources Programs Total Score

School Name Advice

Texas Tech
1 50 48 47 48.80
University of
2 49 45 48 47.60
North Texas
3 48 45 50 47.50
University of
4 50 44 38 45.80
Bowling Green
5 46 45 45 45.50
State University
Sam Houston
6 46 45 43 45.10
State University
Ohio State
7 44 49 40 44.70
University of
8 50 45 30 44.50
South Carolina 23/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

Rank Resources Programs Total Score

School Name Advice

9 Washington 49 38 41 44.10
University of
10 45 43 42 43.80
University of
11 Wisconsin - 49 37 40 43.60
California State
11 University, 48 42 35 43.60
11 Yale College 41 45 48 43.60
14 Boston College 47 40 40 43.50
15 49 43 30 43.40
16 University 45 44 38 43.30
16 48 35 44 43.30
University of
16 46 41 40 43.30
South Florida
University of
19 47 39 40 43.20
Central Florida
Texas State
20 46 43 36 43.10
University of
20 45 42 40 43.10
22 UCLA 44 43 40 42.90
23 Harvard College 48 37 38 42.70
University of
24 44 39 44 42.50
25 42 47 36 42.30
25 45 38 42 42.30
Kansas State
27 43 44 36 41.90
27 45 36 43 41.90
University of
29 44 36 45 41.80
29 Connecticut 40 46 40 41.80
State University
31 46 37 38 41.70
University 24/27
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Rank Resources Programs Total Score

School Name Advice

Iowa State
32 45 39 35 41.20
University of
33 40 45 38 41.10
University of
33 40 45 38 41.10
University of
35 39 40 47 40.90
University of
36 44 37 38 40.70
University of
36 39 44 40 40.70
Wichita State
38 40 40 43 40.60
California State
39 University, 43 36 40 40.30
Bakers eld
Michigan State
39 43 36 40 40.30
Johnson &
41 37 43 43 40.00
Wales University
42 Menlo College 44 33 40 39.90
University of
42 Colorado 43 38 35 39.90
University of
44 40 42 36 39.80
University of
45 41 37 40 39.60
Albany - SUNY
46 40 40 37 39.40
47 41 36 39 39.10
San Jose State
47 41 36 39 39.10
49 Duke University 43 34 36 38.90
University of
50 37 37 45 38.60

Rank School Name Resources Advice Programs Total Score

Showing 1 to 50 of 50 entries

Full Methodology 25/27
9/22/2017 Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs - LendEDU

LendEDU’s study of the Top 50 College Financial Literacy Programs was conducted by looking at
hundreds of colleges and universities in the United States that are known to have a nancial
literacy program. Our rankings were based on three parameters: (1) Number of Workshops and
Resources Available; (2) Access to One-On-One Financial Consultation; (3) Incentivizing Programs

Each parameter was judged on a 50 point scale (50 being the best, one being the worst). To
come up with a number score for each parameter for every school, each school’s readily
available information was tallied up, and a mean was found for each parameter. The mean was
used to assign a number score for each parameter for every school.

Once each parameter for each school was assigned a score, we were able to calculate a total
score. The total score was found by multiplying each parameters 50 point score by that
parameters assigned weight. Once that happened, we were able to add all three weighted
scores together to nd a total score on a 50 point scale. The rst parameter, Number of
Workshops and Resources Available, was weighted at 50%, or 25 of the 50 points. The second
parameter, Access to One-On-One Financial Consultation, was weighted at 30%, or 15 of the 50
points. The third parameter, Incentivizing Programs Available, was weighted at 20%, or 10 of the
50 points.

Here is a more detailed description of each parameter:

Number of Workshops and Resources Available: This was considered our most important
parameter and was weighted accordingly at 50%. Each school’s nancial literacy website was
examined to determine the number of nancial literacy workshops that were readily available.
Besides the amount of nancial literacy workshops, we also looked for the amount of resources
that were readily available. Resources could have been webinars, video presentations, live
presentations, nancial tools, nancial literacy pages, and interactive guides.

Access to One-On-One Financial Consultation: This was looked at as our second most
important parameter and was weighted at 30%. Each school’s nancial literacy website was
examined to determine how accessible it was for students to get one-on-one consultations from
a nancial expert. The amount of nancial experts that were available at a certain school and
the hours that they were available to give nancial consultation were taken into account.

Incentivizing Programs Available: This was our third most important parameter and was
weighted at 20%. Each school’s nancial literacy website was examined to determine the
ABOUTofUS incentivizing programs that were readily available for a student. An incentivizing
program was something that encouraged the school’s students to practice nancial literacy.
Most of these
LendEDU programs
was started would
in August 2014make the
by Nate student and
Matherson participate in a nancial literacy event, and in
Matt Lenhard.
turn the student would be considered for a reward, usually monetary.
LendEDU is a marketplace for student loans and student loan re nance. We created LendEDU to help student
loan borrowers nd transparency without damaging their credit.

We are student loan borrowers ourselves. Our goal is to help you save money through transparent pricing and


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Disclaimer: At LendEDU, we strive to keep information listed on our site accurate and up to date. The information provided
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