Integrated Bar of The Philippines Leyte Chapter

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The following schedule of fees is intended to set a standard for legal fees and shall not be construed
as fixing the minimum or maximum fees to be charged in any given case or situation (IBP By-Laws Sec. 15)
and does not prevent an agreement on reasonable fees that may be arrived at by the lawyer and the client,
expressly or impliedly, based on the criteria fixed by Rule 138, Sec. 24 of the Rules of Court concerning: (1)
the importance of the subject matter of the controversy; (2) extent of the services rendered; and (3)
professional standing of the Attorney and by Canon 20, Rule 20.1 of the Code of Professional Responsibility,
thus: (a) the time spent and the extent of the services rendered or required; (b) the novelty and difficulty of
the questions involved; (c) the importance of the subject matter; (d) the skill demanded; (e) the probability of
losing other employment as a result of acceptance of the proffered case; (f) the customary charges for similar
charges and the schedule of fees of the IBP Chapter to which he belongs; (g) the amount involved in the
controversy and the benefits resulting to the client from the services; (h) the contingency or certainty of
compensation; (i) the character of employment, whether occasional or established; and (j) the professional
standing of the lawyer. The lawyer shall likewise be conscious of his/her obligation under Canon 14 and the
accompanying rules, not to refuse his services to the needy, not to decline, except for serious and sufficient
cause, an appointment as counsel de oficio or amicus curiae, and that the practice of law is not a business
but a profession imbued with public service where renumeration is a mere incident. (Cueto v. Jimenez, Jr.,
A.C. No. 5798, Jan. 20, 2005).


Sec. 1.01 For consultation on simple questions of law, minimum of P 500.00

Sec. 1.02 For consultation on less complicated questions of law,

minimum of P 1,000.00

Sec. 1.03 For consultation on complicated questions of law,

minimum of P 1,500.00

Sec. 1.04 For consultation on any question of law, with legal research
and legal study with written opinion, minimum of P 3,000.00


Sec. 2.01 For notarization/acknowledgment of prepared affidavits,

sworn statements, and similar documents P 150.00

Sec. 2.02 For preparation and notarization/acknowledgment of affidavits,

sworn statements, promissory notes and similar simple
documents P 300.00

Sec. 2.03 For notarization of special/general power of attorney P 350.00

Sec. 2.04 For preparation and notarization of special/general power of

attorney P 500.00

Sec. 2.05 For preparation/review/finalization and notarization of

minutes of meeting, resolutions of corporations and corporate
secretary’s certificate P 1,000.00

Sec. 2.06 For preparation and notarization/acknowledgment of Last Will,

2% of the current actual market value of the properties, but not
less than P 5,000.00

Sec. 2.07 For preparation and notarization/acknowledgment of deeds of

sale, mortgages, donations and other deeds of conveyance
involving real properties, 2% of the amount involved but not
less than P 2,000.00

Sec. 2.08 For preparation and notarization/acknowledgment of deeds

of sale, mortgages, donations and other deeds of conveyance
involving chattel or personal properties, 2% of the amount but
not less than P 1,500.00

Sec. 2.09 For preparation and notarization/acknowledgment of lease

contracts of real and/or personal property, 2% of the total
consideration involved for the entire period of the lease, but
not less than P 2,000.00

Sec. 2.10 For preparation and acknowledgment of pro-forma articles

of incorporation or partnership, without registration in the SEC P 5,000.00

Sec. 2.11 For preparation and acknowledgment of original articles of

incorporation or partnership, without registration in the SEC P 15,000.00

Sec. 2.12 For preparation and acknowledgment of pro-forma constitution

and by-laws of corporation or partnership without SEC
registration P 5,000.00

Sec. 2.13 For preparation and acknowledgment of original constitution

and by-laws of corporation or partnership, without SEC
registration P 15,000.00

Sec. 2.14 For preparation and notarization/acknowledgment of

subdivision agreements, deeds of extrajudicial partition,
settlement of estates and affidavit of self-adjudication, 1% of
the current market value of all the properties, but in no case
shall be less than P 10,000.00

Sec. 2.15 For preparation and notarization of building or construction

Contracts, 1% of the total contract price, but not less than P 10,000.00

Sec. 2.16 For preparation and notarization of government construction

Contracts, 1% of the total contract price, but not less than P 10,000.00


Sec. 3.01 For negotiations of collective bargaining agreements P 1,000.00/hour

Sec. 3.02 For review, finalization and acknowledgment of CBAs P 5,000.00


Sec. 4.01 Extrajudicial demand of accounts:

Special retainer’s fee of at least P2,000.00 covering the initial

expenses for stationery, transportation, mailing, etc. In addition,
the lawyer is entitled to the following professional fees:
a) 10% of the amount actually collected if the account is 6-months
old or less;
b) 12.5% of the amount actually collected if the account is more
than 6-months old but not more than 1-year old;
c) 15% of the amount actually collected if the account is more
than 1-year old;

Sec. 4.02 Judicial demand of accounts:

a Special retainer’s fee ranging from 5% to 10% of the amount

involved, but not less than P10,000.00, for the initial research,
drafting and filing of initiatory pleading, etc. If the case is
amicably settled or favorable judgment is obtained, the
attorney shall be entitled, inclusive of the special retainer’s fee,
the following additional fee:

1. 10% of the total amount collected if payment is made during

mediation and/or
2. 20% of the total amount collected if payment is made after
trial and judgment;

b In addition and within 20-kilometer radius from the lawyer’s office,

The lawyer shall be entitled to an appearance fee as follows:

1. If the case is before the MTC/MCTC P 1,000.00

2. If the case is before the RTC P 2,000.00

c Beyond the 20-kilometer radius, the lawyer shall be entitled

to an appearance fee equivalent to the above-appearance
fee, plus a distance premium of P20.00 per kilometer travelled
(one way) beyond the 20-kilometer radius or as may be
agreed upon by the lawyer and client, taking into consideration
the circumstances of both lawyer and client.


Sec. 5.01 Foreclosure of real estate mortgage, 10% of the highest bid but in
no case less than P 20,000.00

Sec. 5.02 Foreclosure of chattel mortgage, 10% of the highest bid price but
in no case less than P 10,000.00

[criminal, civil, labor and administrative cases]


a. Criminal cases involving light and less grave felonies filed

before the prosecutor up to the DOJ and/or filed with the MTC P 30,000.00

b. All civil cases filed before the MTC P 30,000.00

c. Criminal cases Involving grave felonies filed before the

Prosecutor up to the DOJ and/or filed with the RTC P 50,000.00

d. All civil cases filed before the RTC P 50,000.00

e. Before the Ombudsman or Sandiganbayan P 50,000.00

f. Before the Court of Appeals or Supreme Court P 50,000.00

g. Before other administrative bodies (NLRC, DOLE, etc.) P 30,000.00

1. A lawyer representing labor shall be entitled to the legal

fees provided under the Labor Code and other applicable

Sec. 6.02 Deposit fee to cover expenses such as xerox, mailing, transportation,
messengerial service, and other similar expenses P 5,000.00

Sec. 6.03 Fees on contingent basis is 40% of the amount of money or value of
the property, irrespective of when the case is finally terminated.


a. Before the provincial or city prosecutor, quasi-judicial bodies P 1,500.00

b. Before the MTC/MCTC P 2,000.00

c. Before the RTC P 2,000.00

d. Before the Ombudsman or Sandiganbayan P 5,000.00

e. Before the CA P 5,000.00

f. Before the SC P 10,000.00

Sec. 6.05 Save for hearings in all fora beyond 20-K radius from lawyer’s office,
the rate charge is P20.00/km); however, the following are the
suggested rates in the following cases:

a. Manila cases: before CA, Ombudsman, Sandiganbayan, SEC,

CTA, DOTr, Bureau of Patents, Commission on Immigration,
COMELEC, and other national, judicial, administrative or
quasi-judicial agency or tribunal: P 15,000.00

b. Cebu cases: (same) - P 10,000.00

c. Mindanao cases (same) - P 15,000.00

d. Oral arguments before the Supreme Court P 25,000.00

Sec. 6.06 All expenses out of town such as plane fare, board and lodging
or hotel accommodation shall be borne by the client.

Sec. 5.07 Success fee can be stipulated and charged to the winning
client in addition to the foregoing fees, a maximum of 25%
of the civil indemnity awarded in the case and actually
collected from the adverse party.

Sec. 6.08 Or, in lieu of the foregoing, Legal fees for a case may be charged in
LUMP SUM, as may be agreed by the parties, under the following
Minimum fees:

a. Criminal/Civil Case before MTC P 50,000.00

b. Criminal/Civil Case before RTC P 75,000.00
c. Labor/Administrative Cases P 50,000.00

Sec. 7.01 In naturalization and alien legalization proceedings

a. Judicial Proceedings P100,000.00

b. Administrative Proceedings P100,000.00

Sec. 7.02 Testate or Intestate Proceedings:

a. Without opposition: 25% of the gross market value of the

estate not exceeding P100,000.00 but not less than P25,000.00

b. With opposition: 25% of the gross market value of the

estate, irrespective of such value, but not less than P25,000.00

NOTE: All expenses shall be borne by the client.


Sec. 8.01 Monthly Retainer’s Fees

Retainership shall consist of free legal advice on legal matters affecting
the client’s personal interest and business affairs, exclusive of fees for
notarial services and for handling cases before courts, administrative
and quasi-judicial bodies.

a. Sole Proprietorship P 5,000.00

b. Corporation/Partnership/Association P 10,000.00


Sec. 9.01 For representing a party in voluntary arbitration cases or mediation

Proceedings involving:

a. One issue submitted for resolution P 20,000.00

b. Two issues submitted for resolution P 40,000.00
c. Per additional issue for resolution P 10,000.00
d. The lawyer shall also be entitled to a success fee
Based on the arbitral award or settlement amount,
Minimum of 5%


Sec. 10.01 The lawyer shall also be entitled to other fringe benefits under our
Labor laws and pursuant to pradtice or collective bargaining agreement.

Sec. 10.02 In all cases, incidental expenses relative to cases before courts,
administrative and quasi-judicial bodies, i.e., filing and/or docket fee,
photocopying, securing documents, court fees, transcript of stenographic
notes, mailing, communication, transportation, hotel accommodations,
food, etc. shall be for the account of the client.

Sec. 10.03 The foregoing schedule of standardized minimum fees shall not apply
when there is a special law fixing the attorney’s fees chargeable in
certain cases.

Sec. 10.04 The attorney’s fee charged to client shall be inclusive of taxes.



FEBRUARY 24, 2018

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