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Wonder Dot Teacher Guide

Scroll Quest challenges for Dot

Table of Contents
Level 1 Guide
Wonder Workshop: Hi Robot
Wonder Workshop: Loopy Lights
Wonder Workshop: Show and Tell
Wonder Workshop: Disco Ball
Wonder Workshop: Clap Happy
Wonder Workshop: Button Beeps
Wonder Workshop: Go Time

Level 2 Guide
Firefly Lagoon: Lean Machine
Firefly Lagoon: Firefly Dot
Firefly Lagoon: Eye Spy
Firefly Lagoon: Sonar Sweep
Firefly Lagoon: Duck and Cover

Level 3 Guide
Dragon Reach: Butt Heads

Level 4 Guide
Yeti Pass: Snow Globe
Yeti Pass: Blizzard Beacon
Yeti Pass: Not Yet Yeti

Level 5 Guide
Mount Ashburn: Hot Dot

Level 6 Guide
Galaxy Lake: Lost in Space
Galaxy Lake: Space Rocks
Galaxy Lake: Light Sword

Level 7 Guide
Kong City: Drag Race
Kong City: Cop Stop
Kong City: Blinky Grooves
Kong City: Traffic Trouble
Kong City: Whirly Bird

Level 8 Guide
Forgotten Jungle: Bush Whacky

Level 9 Guide
Dry Gulch: Farm Fun
Dry Gulch: Cow Tips
Dry Gulch: El Toro

Level 10 Guide
Big Cat Canyon: Dandelion Dot
Big Cat Canyon: Trumpet

Level 11 Guide
Castle Creepenstein: Night Watch
Level 1: Hi Robot, Loopy Lights, Show and Tell, Disco Ball, Clap
Happy, Button Beeps, Go Time

Concepts covered
● Connecting commands/states directionally in the order they will happen
● Programming...
○ Cues: auto, clap, button 1, 2 and 3, top button, instant, wait for
○ Lights
○ Pre-recorded words and phrases, e.g., “Red” and “Read, set go!”
○ Lights off.
○ Customize eye lights.
○ Sounds, e.g. a happy sound.

Key terms
Start​: the beginning of or to begin the program that was created
Code​: One or more sequenced commands/states programmed on the Wonder app to be carried out by
Other forms of the word include: coder (noun), coding (verb)
Programming​: The act of creating a code or program for Dot to carry out. Other forms of the word
programming include: programmer and program (noun).
Command​: A state you code for Dot to follow.
Cue​: ​Cues tell Dot when to transition to the next command/state, e.g., auto, instant, clap, press top button,
press button 1, 2 or 3.
Auto​: Dot will go to the next state after finishing the current action.
Instant:​ Dot will go to the next state immediately.
Wait for​: putting a hold on the program until a new cue or command/state is introduced.
Eye Lights​: The ring of 12 customizable LED lights on Dot face.

Extension questions
1. What did you learn about coding from this first set of challenges?
2. In which direction is a Wonder app code typically sequenced? What is the exception?
(We code from left to right, except when creating loops.)
3. What are some different cues that can be used between states? Explain
the purpose of each. (Possible answers: instant, auto, clap, press top button, press
buttons 1, 2 or 3)
4. Which 3 cues were used in Go Time. Explain the purpose of each cue in this program.
5. Which cues were used in Button Beeps? How were the eye lights customized?
Hi Robot
Zone: Wonder Workshop
Challenge Progression 1

Make Dot automatically say, “Hi.”

Wonder Key​: yicz

Loopy Lights
Zone: Wonder Workshop
Challenge Progression 2

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically turn on blue lights then automatically turn on red lights.
Step 2​: After turning on red lights, make Dot automatically turn on blue lights again.

Wonder Key​: 5fqm

Show and Tell
Zone: Wonder Workshop
Challenge Progression 3

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically say, “Red,” then automatically turn on red lights.
Step 2​: After turning on red lights, make Dot automatically say, “Yellow,” then automatically turn
on yellow lights.
Step 3​: After turning on yellow lights, make Dot automatically say, “Green,” then automatically
turn on green lights.
Step 4​: Make Dot turn on each light before saying the matching color.

Wonder Key​: nkee

Disco Ball
Zone: Wonder Workshop
Challenge Progression 4

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically turn the lights off.

Step 2​: After turning off the lights, make Dot automatically turn on green lights.
Step 3​: After turning on green lights, make Dot automatically turn the lights off again.
Step 4​: Change the lights off state into a Magenta light.
Step 5​: Make Dot automatically blink three lights in this order: magenta, then green then yellow.

Wonder Key​: tnru

Clap Happy
Zone: Wonder Workshop
Challenge Progression 5

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically turn off all eye lights.
Step 2​: Make Dot turn on one eye light when a clap is heard.
Step 3​: Make Dot turn on a new eye light each time you clap.
Step 4​: After Dot is smiling, make Dot automatically play a happy sound!

Wonder Key​: zypf

Button Beeps
Zone: Wonder Workshop
Challenge Progression 6

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically turn off all eye lights.
Step 2​: After turning off the eye lights, make Dot automatically play an FX sound.
Step 3​: After the sound, make Dot turn on one eye light when button 1 is pressed. Then make
Dot automatically play the sound again.
Step 4​: After the sound, make Dot turn on two eye lights when button 2 is pressed. Then make
Dot automatically play the sound again.
Step 5​: After the sound, make Dot turn on three eye lights when button 3 is pressed. Then
make Dot automatically play the sound again.
Step 6​: Make Dot turn off all eye lights when the top button is pressed.

Wonder Key​: d5kb

Go Time
Zone: Wonder Workshop
Challenge Progression 7

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically say, “Ready, set, go!” Then make Dot automatically turn on red
Step 2​: After the sound, make Dot instantly turn on red lights.
Step 3​: After turning on red lights, make Dot wait for 1.0 s then turn on yellow lights. After
turning on yellow lights, make Dot wait for 1.0 s then turn on green lights.

Wonder Key​: n9hx

Level 2: Lean Machine, Firefly Dot, Eye Spy, Sonar Sweep, Duck and

Concepts Covered
Programming Dot to do the following...
❏ Respond to cues: tilted lean left, tilted lean right, tilted face down, tilted face up,
❏ Return to Start in a program
❏ Loop a segment of code
❏ Listener to wait for a cue
❏ Make sounds, e.g., Raspberry sound.
❏ Say, “I spy with my glowing eye,” “Awww,”
❏ Customize eye lights to move eye lights clockwise
❏ Make FX sounds
❏ Make Animal Sounds

Key terms
The Listener​: works at the same time as the main code and waits until a cue causes it to change to a
new state.
Loop​: ​a set of instructions that a computer program repeats.

Extension questions
1. How can Dot’s eye lights be customized to turn on clockwise?
2. Which cue did you use to transition Dot’s eye lights in Sonar Sweep?
3. Which cue do you use to program a time delay between two states or commands?
4. Explain why and how a loop was used in Firefly, Eye Spy and Duck and Cover.
5. Describe a programming scenario in which you would use the random cue.
Lean Machine
Zone: Firefly Lagoon
Challenge Progression 1

Step 1​: Make Dot turn on yellow lights when tilted to lean left. Then make Dot automatically
return to Start.
Step 2​: Make Dot turn on magenta lights when tilted to lean right. The make Dot automatically
return to Start.
Step 3:​ Make Dot turn on green lights when tilted face down. Then make Dot automatically
return to Start.
Step 4:​ Make Dot turn on cyan lights when tilted face up. Then make Dot automatically return to

Wonder Key​: utfd

Firefly Dot
Zone: Firefly Lagoon
Challenge Progression 2

Step 1:​ Make Dot automatically turn the lights off then automatically turn on two eye lights.
Step 2:​ Make Dot automatically loop the eye ring states to look like a pair of flapping wings.
Step 3:​ Make Dot use a listener to turn on orange lights every 2.0 s. After turning on orange
lights make Dot automatically turn the lights off again.
Step 4:​ PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot pretend to be a firefly. Hold Dot and pretend to fly around.
Let Dot blink the light three times.

Wonder Key​: djvp

Eye Spy
Zone: Firefly Lagoon
Challenge Progression 3

Step 1:​ Make Dot automatically say, “I spy with my glowing eye.” Then make Dot instantly turn
off all eye lights.
Step 2:​ Make Dot turn on all eye lights when the top button is pressed.
Step 3:​ Make Dot turn off the eye lights when the top button is pressed again.

Wonder Key​: 2ku9

Sonar Sweep
Zone: Firefly Lagoon
Challenge Progression 4

Step 1:​ Make Dot automatically turn on cyan lights then automatically turn on one eye light.
Step 2:​ Make Dot automatically move the eye light in a clockwise circle around the eye ring.
Step 3:​ After the last eye ring, make Dot automatically play an FX sound. Then make Dot
instantly turn on white lights.
Step 4:​ Make Dot automatically loop the program forever.

Wonder Key​: iuq4

Duck and Cover
Zone: Firefly Lagoon
Challenge Progression 5

Step 1:​ Make Dot automatically turn on yellow lights. Then make Dot play a duck sound when
Dot is moved down.
Step 2:​ After playing the duck sound, make Dot randomly choose to turn on red lights or yellow
Step 3:​ After turning on red lights, make Dot wait for 1/0 s then play the Awww #1 sound. Then
make Dot automatically turn on yellow lights.
Step 4:​ After turning on red lights, make Dot play the raspberry sound when the top button is
Step 5:​ After playing the raspberry sound, make Dot automatically say, “Do it!” Then make Dot
automatically turn on yellow lights.
Step 6:​ PLAY WITH DOT: Move Dot up and down to fly. Press the top button at the right time to
make Dot play the raspberry sound three times.

Wonder Key​: iwzs

Level 3: Butt Heads

Concepts covered
● Cues: slide left, slide right, slide forward, slide backward
● Wait for a random time
● Animation, i.e., acting dizzy

Key terms
Animation​: to program Dot with a pre-corded sound, lights and movement.

Extension questions
1. In Butt Heads, what type of cue allows Dot to move out of the way of the billy goat?
2. In step 3 of Butt Heads, the random cue was used to make Dot randomly turn on red or
green lights after the turn lights off state. Replay the program 5 times. How many times
does Dot turn red? How many times does Dot turn green?
3. Describe the various loops that were programmed in Butt Heads. Why were they used?
4. When is it possible to use two cues between two states? (Response: When
programming a loop.)
5. In step 7, Dot plays the Humph #1 sound. What other sounds could Dot make?
Butt Heads
Zone: Dragon Reach
Challenge Progression 1

Step 1:​ Make Dot automatically turn on white lights.
Step 2:​ After turning on white lights, make Dot wait for a random time up to 3.0 s then play a
goat sound. Then make Dot automatically turn the lights off.
Step 3:​ After turning the lights off, make Dot randomly choose to turn on red lights or green
Step 4:​ After the red and the green light, make Dot wait for 2.0 s then act dizzy.
Step 5:​ After Dot acts dizzy, make Dot automatically say, “Why you!” Then make Dot
automatically turn on white lights.
Step 6:​ After turning on red lights, if Dot feels a slide left or a slide right, make Dot say, “Whoa,
catch me!” Then make Dot automatically turn on white lights.
Step 7: ​After turning on green lights, if Dot feels a Slide Forward, make Dot play the Humph #1
sound. Then make Dot automatically say, “You shush!” and automatically turn on white lights.
Step 8:​ PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot butt heads with the billy goat. Dodge when the goat pushes
and try to push the goat three times.

Wonder Key​: cdip

Level 4: Snow Globe, Blizzard Beacon, Not Yet Yeti

Concepts covered
● New Cue: Shake
● Customizing patterns in the eye ring
● Changing color lights with a timed wait for cue
● Making Dot play FX sounds at timed intervals
● Returning to Start within a program

Extension questions
1. What type of cue was used to make Dot into a snow globe in the Snow Globe program?
2. What type of cue was used to make Dot into a blizzard beacon in the Blizzard Beacon
3. In Not Yet Yeti, Dot takes a face plant. Which cue is like a face plant?
4. How many times does Dot make the crocodile sound in Not Yet Yeti? How many
crocodile commands are dragged to the program?
5. How many loops were programmed in Not Yet Yeti?
Snow Globe
Zone: Yeti Pass
Challenge Progression 1

Step 1:​ Make Dot automatically turn off all eye lights. Then make Dot automatically turn the
lights off.
Step 2:​ After turning the lights off, make Dot automatically say, “Shake it, Baby!” Then make Dot
turn on blue lights when Dot feels a shake.
Step 3​: After turning on blue lights, make Dot automatically show a pattern of lights in the new
eye ring.
Step 4​: Add a different eye light pattern to each new eye ring. Then from the center eye ring,
make Dot randomly choose another eye light pattern to show.
Step 5​: PLAY WITH DOT: Shake Dot to see the snow flurries.

Wonder Key​: hkgh

Blizzard Beacon
Zone: Yeti Pass
Challenge Progression 2

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically turn on red lights.
Step 2​: After turning on red lights, make Dot wait for 1.0 s then turn the lights off. Then make
Dot wait for 1.0 s and turn on red lights again.
Step 3​: Make Dot always wait for 0.2 s before changing the color of the lights.
Step 4​: Make Dot use the listener to play an FX sound every 2.0 s. After the sound, make Dot
instantly turn on red lights.

Wonder Key​: mmp4

Not Yet Yeti
Zone: Yeti Pass
Challenge Progression 3

Step 1​: Make Dot say, “Oh, what’s over here.” when the top button is pressed.
Step 2​: After saying, “Oh, what’s over here,” make Dot automatically play a crocodile sound.
Then make Dot wait for 1.5 s and turn on yellow lights.
Step 3​: After turning on yellow lights, make Dot instantly say “Hide me!” Then make Dot
automatically play another crocodile sound.
Step 4​: After the last crocodile sound, make Dot wait for 2.5 s then turn on red lights. Then
make Dot automatically play the Dizzy #1 sound and instantly return to Start.
Step 5​: After the last crocodile sound, make Dot say, “Face Plant!” when tilted down. Then
make Dot automatically turn the lights off.
Step 6​: After turning the lights off, make Dot wait for 2.0 s then turn on white lights. Then make
Dot automatically say, “Little help?”
​ fter saying “Little help?” make Dot say, “Whoa, where am I?” when Dot is tilted upright.
Step 7: A
Then make Dot automatically say, “Oh, what’s over here.”
​ LAY WITH DOT: When the Yeti growls, try to hide Dot. Roll Dot on the floor to try and
Step 8: P
make Dot stop face down to hide from the Yeti. Help Dot hide from the Yeti three times.

Wonder Key​: r3da

Level 5: Hot Dot

Concepts covered
● New cue: Drop
● A review of concepts covered through Dot-Scroll Quest Levels 1-5

Extension questions
1. Explain why a loop was programmed in step 3 of Hot Dot.
2. How was the drop use used in the program, Hot Dot?
3. Which command/state does Dot perform right before Nervous #1 Sound?
4. Which command/state does Dot perform right before Nervous #2 Sound?
5. Which command/state does Dot perform right before looping back to Start at the end of
the Hot Dot program?
Hot Dot
Zone: Mount Ashburn
Challenge Progression 1

Step 1​: Make Dot turn the lights off when the top button is pressed. Then make Dot
automatically say, “Ha ha hot!”
Step 2​: After saying, “Ha ha hot!”, make Dot automatically turn on red lights. Then make Dot
wait for 3.0 s then play the siren sound.
Step 3​: After the siren sound, make Dot wait for 2.0 s then play the short rocket boost sound.
After the short rocket boost, make Dot turn the lights off when the top button is pressed.
Step 4​: After turning on red lights, make Dot play the Nervous #1 sound when Dot feels a drop.
After the Nervous #1 sound, make Dot automatically turn on orange lights.
Step 5​: After turning on orange lights, make Dot play the Nervous #2 sound when Dot feels a
drop. After the Nervous #2 sound, make Dot automatically turn on yellow lights.
Step 6​: After turning on yellow lights, make Dot play the Nervous #3 sound, make Dot
automatically turn on cyan lights.
Step 7​: After turning on cyan lights, make Dot automatically say, “Yes” then automatically return
to Start.

Wonder Key​: nncq

Level 6: Lost in Space, Space Rocks, Light Sword

Concepts covered

Program Dot to...

● Looping back to Start at the end of a program
● Match a directional word with the appropriate direction Dot is facing or leaning, i.e., face
up, face down, lean left, lean right, upside down
● Make vehicle sounds, e.g., jet
● Special: Do Nothing
● Choose a random directional state/command, e.g, up, down, left, right
● Program Dot to turn on sound when when word spoken matches direction Dot is facing
or tilted.
● Light Sword State
● Respond to a cue that matches the direction Dot is facing, e.g., left, right, up or down.

Key terms
Light Sword State​: A special command/state that initiates Dot to make a sound and turn on lights.

Extension questions

1. How many loops were created in Lost in Space?

2. Which directional cues were programmed in Lost in Space?
3. In Space Rocks, what was the purpose of the random cue used after Do Nothing?
4. In Space Rocks, what was the purpose of the random cue used after the red light?
5. In the Light Sword program, why are four cues used between the Do Nothing state and
the Light Sword state?
Lost in Space
Zone: Galaxy Lake
Challenge Progression 1

Step 1​: Make Dot say, “Up” when tilted face up. Then make Dot automatically return to Start.
Step 2​: Make Dot say, “Left” when tilted to lean left. Then make Dot automatically return to
Step 3​: Make Dot say “Right” when tilted to lean right. Then make Dot automatically return to
Step 4​: Make Dot say “Down” when tilted to face down. Then make Dot automatically return to
Step 5​: Make Dot say “Upside down, you can turn me!” when tilted upside down. Then make
Dot automatically return to Start.
Step 6​: PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot get a good sense of direction in zero gravity. Tilt Dot in
each direction.

Wonder Key​: uweh

Space Rocks
Zone: Galaxy Lake
Challenge Progression 2

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically play the jet sound. Then make Dot wait for 1.0 s and do
Step 2​: After doing nothing, make Dot wait for a random time up to 2.0 s then play a warning
sound then make Dot wait for 1.0 s and turn on red lights.
Step 3​: After turning on red lights, make Dot randomly choose a direction sound. Make Dot
choose between left, right, up or down.
Step 4​: After each direction sound, make Dot wait for 2.0 s then play the siren sound. Then
make Dot wait for 1.0 s and play the short rocket boost sound.
Step 5​: After the Short rocket boost sound make Dot instantly turn the lights off then
automatically turn off all eye lights.
Step 6​: After turning off the eye lights, make Dot automatically play the Dizzy #1 sound. Then
make Dot return to Start when the top button is pressed.
Step 7​: After Dot says each direction, make Dot turn on cyan lights when tilted in the correct
direction to match the sound.
Step 8​: After turning on cyan lights, make Dot automatically play the jet sound again.
Step 9​: PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot fly through space and avoid three asteroids.

Wonder Key​: s6zu

Light Sword
Zone: Galaxy Lake
Challenge Progression 3

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically turn the lights off then automatically turn off all eye lights.
Step 2​: After turning off the eye lights, make Dot turn on green lights when the top button is
Step 3​: After turning on green lights, make Dot automatically play the Light Sword state.
Step 4​: After the Light Sword state, make Dot wait for 2.0 s then do nothing.
Step 5​: After doing nothing, make Dot play a new Light Sword state when Dot feels a slide left,
slide right, slide forward, or slide backward.
Step 6​: After the Do Nothing state, make Dot wait for 1.0 s then return to the first Do Nothing
Step 7​: After the second Do Nothing state, make Dot play a new Light Sword state when Dot
feels a shake.

Wonder Key​: zwic

Level 7: Drag Race, Cop Stop, Blinky Grooves, Traffic Trouble, Whirly

Concepts covered

Program Dot to...

● With New Cue: Voice Heard
● Make a random selection between colored lights
● Make a vehicle sound, e.g., car horn, truck horn, helicopter
● Play a Spin Out sound when slide left or slide right cue is activated
● By customizing an eye ring, looping a repeated pattern with eye lights

Key terms
Voice heard​: A cue which ​is used to transition Dot the next command/state

Extension questions
1. In Cop Stops, which states and cues were used to make Dot look and sound like a real
patrol car?
2. In Blinky Grooves, which cue was used to make Dot Do Nothing?
3. In Blinky Grooves, which cue was used to make a red, yellow or green light turn on?
4. In Blinky Grooves, a Voice Heard cues the light show. What else could be used to cue
the light show beside your voice? (Response: Music)
5. In Traffic Trouble which cue was used to activate the Spin Out Sound? How many cues
were used between each Car Horn and Spin Out? Between the Truck Horn and Spin
Drag Race
Zone: Kong City
Challenge Progression 1

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically turn on red lights then yellow lights then green lights.
Step 2​: Change the yellow light to a brave sound. Make Dot say, “Ready, set, go!” after the red
Step 3​: After turning on green lights, make Dot automatically play the tire squeal sound.

Wonder Key​: ing8

Cop Stop
Zone: Kong City
Challenge Progression 2

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically play the siren sound then automatically turn on red lights.
Step 2​: After the siren sound, make Dot instantly turn on red lights.
Step 3​: After turning on red lights, make Dot automatically turn on blue lights then automatically
turn on red lights again.

Wonder Key​: j8pr

Blinky Grooves
Zone: Kong City
Challenge Progression 3

Step 1​: Make Dot do nothing when a voice is heard.
Step 2​: Make Dot randomly choose to turn on red, yellow or green lights.
Step 3​: After each colored light, make Dot automatically turn the lights off.
Step 4​: After turning the lights off, make Dot instantly return to Start.
Step 5​: PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot groove to the music. Place Dot near the speaker that is
playing music or sing a song into Dot’s microphone. Let blink the lights ten times.

Wonder Key​: oyk5

Traffic Trouble
Zone: Kong City
Challenge Progression 4

Step 1​: Make Dot automatically say, “Little help?” then automatically turn on red lights.
Step 2​: After turning on red lights, make Dot randomly choose to play a car horn or truck horn
Step 3​: After the car horn and truck horn sounds, make Dot wait for 1.5 s then play the short
rocket boost sound. Then make Dot automatically play the siren sound.
Step 4​: After the siren sound, make Dot automatically turn the lights off. Then make Dot return
to Start when the top button is pressed.
Step 5:​ After each horn sound, make Dot play the spin out sound when Dot feels a slide left or
a slide right.
Step 6:​ After the spin out sound, make Dot automatically turn the lights off, play the Nervous #1
sound, and turn on red lights.
Step 7:​ PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot cross the road. Try to dodge three vehicles.

Wonder Key​: bubn

Whirly Bird
Zone: Kong City
Challenge Progression 5

Step 1:​ Make Dot say turn the lights off when tilted face up. Then make Dot automatically
show two eye lights.
Step 2:​ Make Dot automatically show a looping pattern of two eye lights that rotate clockwise.
Step 3:​ Make Dot use a listener to play the helicopter sound whenever the top button is
Step 4:​ After the helicopter sound, make Dot instantly turn on red lights then automatically turn
the lights off.
Step 5:​ PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot fly through the city safely. Hold Dot face up then press the
top button to blink the light three times.

Wonder Key​: moem

Level 8: Bush Whacky

Concepts covered
● Use the random cue to choose between a colored light or animal sound
● Review of concepts covered from Levels 1-7

Extension questions

1. In Bush Whacky, how many cues were used between the green light and the FX sound?
Which cues were used?
2. Explain how you programmed Dot to choose to make the lion sound or the green lights?
3. How do you make Dot play the Dizzy #1 Sound? Which cue is used?
4. How many different cues are used to trigger Dot to say, “I’m gonna’ wait over there?”
Which cues are used?
5. Which cue simulates the way Dot hides from the lion in Step 7: PLAY WITH DOT?
Bush Whacky
Zone: Forgotten Jungle
Challenge Progression 1

Step 1:​ Make Dot automatically say, “I’m gonna look over there,” then automatically turn on
green lights.
Step 2:​ After turning on green lights, make Dot play an FX sound when Dot feels a slide left
or a slide right.
Step 3:​ After the FX sound, make Dot randomly choose to play the lion sound or turn on green
Step 4:​ After the lion sound, make Dot automatically turn on red lights then automatically say,
“Hide me!”
Step 5:​ After saying, “Hide me!” make Dot wait for 3.0 s then play the Dizzy #1 sound. After the
Dizzy #1 sound, make Dot say, “I’m gonna look over there,” when the top button is pressed.
Step 6:​ After saying, “Hide me!, make Dot turn the lights off when tilted upside down. Then
make Dot wait for 3.0 s and say, “I’m gonna look over there.”
Step 7:​ PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot whack some bushes and explore the jungle. When the lion
roars, help Dot hide three times.

Wonder Key​: sdos

Level 9: Farm Fun, Cow Tips, El Toro

Concepts covered
A review of concept covered in Levels 1-8

Extension questions

1. In Farm Fun what random selection is Dot programmed to choose between?

2. Do you think the animal sounds Dot makes in Farm Fun are random, too? Explain.
3. Which cues used in Cow Tip are similar to a cow actually tipping over and getting back
up again?
4. In Cow Tip, how many cues are programmed between the eye ring and the cow sound?
Which cues are they?
5. Which cues allow Dot to dodge the bull in El Toro?
Farm Fun
Zone: Dry Gulch
Challenge Progression 1

Step 1:​ Make Dot play a silly sound when tilted upside down. Then make Dot do nothing when
tilted upright.
Step 2:​ After doing nothing, make Dot randomly choose to turn on red, magenta or yellow lights.
Step 3:​ After each light, make Dot automatically play an animal sound.
Step 4:​ After each animal sound, make Dot automatically turn the lights off. Then make Dot
automatically return to Start.
Step 5:​ PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot act like animals on the farm. Tilt Dot until you hear all three
of the animal sounds.

Wonder Key​: e6iz

Cow Tips
Zone: Dry Gulch
Challenge Progression 2

Step 1:​ Make Dot automatically turn on white lights. Then make Dot automatically show a
pattern in the eye ring.
Step 2:​ After the eye ring, make Dot play the cow sound when tilted to lean left. Then make Dot
return to Start when tilted upright.
Step 3:​ After the eye ring, make Dot play the cow sound when Dot is tilted face up, or face
down, or when tilted to lean right.
Step 4:​ PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot give the cows a good night’s sleep. Roll Dot on the floor
until Dot tips three cows.

Wonder Key​: iykz

El Toro
Zone: Dry Gulch
Challenge Progression 3

Step 1:​ Make Dot automatically turn on red lights. Then make Dot say, “Whoa, catch me!” when
Dot feels a shake.
Step 2:​ After saying, “Whoa, catch me!”, make Dot wait for a random time up to 3.0 s then turn
on yellow lights.
Step 3:​ After turning on yellow lights, make Dot automatically play a cow sound. Then make Dot
say, “Nice one! when Dot feels a slide left or a slide right.
Step 4:​ After dodging the bull, make Dot automatically turn on red lights again.
Step 5:​ After the cow sound, make Dot wait for 2.0 s then turn the lights off and automatically
play the Dizzy #1 sound. Then make Dot automatically turn on red lights.
Step 6:​ PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot dodge the bull three times.

Wonder Key​: kdle

Level 10: Dandelion Dot, Trumpet

Concepts covered
Program Dot to turn off an increasing number of lights using Voice Heard cue
Blowing into Dot’s microphone to activate the Voice Heard cue
Recording a customized sound to program

Extension questions

1. In Dandelion Dot, how is Dot programmed to behave like a dandelion? Explain.

2. Which cues are used in Dandelion Dot?
3. How many eye lights are programmed to be turned off each time a voice is heard in
Dandelion Dot?
4. In Trumpet, how is Dot programmed to behave like a trumpet? Explain.
5. What sounds were programmed in Trumpet? What other sounds could be used to make
Dot into an even better magical trumpet?
Dandelion Dot
Zone: Big Cat Canyon
Challenge Progression 1

Step 1:​ Make Dot turn on all eye lights when tilted face up.
Step 2:​ After all the eye lights are on, make Dot turn off some lights each time a voice is heard
until all of the eye lights are turned off.
Step 3:​ After all the eye lights are off, make Dot return to Start when tilted upright.
Step 4:​ PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot pretend to be a dandelion. Hold Dot face up and blow into
the microphone until all of the eye lights turn off.

Wonder Key​: ljgw

Zone: Big Cat Canyon
Challenge Progression 2

Step 1:​ Make Dot automatically turn the lights off. Then make Dot turn on green lights when
button 1 is pressed.
Step 2:​ After turning on green lights, make Dot play an elephant sound when a voice is heard.
Then make Dot instantly turn the lights off again.
Step 3:​ After turning off the lights, make Dot turn on yellow lights when button 2 is pressed.
Step 4:​ After turning on yellow lights, make Dot play a custom sound when a voice is heard.
Then make Dot instantly turn the lights off again.
Step 5:​ After turning the lights off, make Dot turn on red lights when button 3 is pressed.
Step 6:​ After turning on red lights, make Dot play a custom sound when a voice is heard. Then
make Dot instantly turn the lights off again.
Step 7:​ PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot pretend to be a magical trumpet. Blow into Dot’s
microphone and press each button.

Wonder Key​: xmnd

Level 11: Night Watch

Concepts covered
● Programming Dash to fall asleep using the Fall Asleep Animation

Extension questions

1. How can you program Dot to appear to be asleep? (Turn off all lights and eye ring)
2. In Night Watch, which cue wakes up Dot?
3. Which cue makes Dot appear to stay awake for a few seconds and then fall asleep
4. Which cues are used between Dot turning on yellow lights and saying, “Who goes
5. How many different cues are connected to Fall Asleep? Which cues are they and what is
their purpose?
6. Share three ways Dot will program the alarm in Castle Creepenstein.
Night Watch
Challenge Progression 1
Zone: Castle Creepenstein

Step 1:​ Make Dot automatically fall asleep.
Step 2:​ After falling asleep, make Dot automatically turn off the eye lights. Then make Dot
automatically turn the lights off.
Step 3:​ After turning the lights off, make Dot wake up when a clap is heard. Then make Dot
automatically turn on yellow lights.
Step 4:​ After turning on yellow lights, make Dot wait for 5.0 s then fall asleep again.
Step 5:​ After turning on yellow lights, make Dot say, “Wait, who goes there?” when Dot hears a
clap or hears a voice.
Step 6:​ After turning the lights off, make Dot turn on all eye lights when a voice is heard. Then
make Dot automatically say, “Wait, who goes there?”
Step 7:​ After saying, “Wait, who goes there?”, make Dot instantly turn on red lights. Then make
Dot wait for 5.0 s before falling asleep.
Step 8:​ After turning on red lights, make Dot play the siren sound when Dot hears a clap or
hears a voice. Then make Dot automatically say, “Ha hah!”
Step 9:​ After Dot says “Ha hah!”, make Dot say, “You shush!” when the top button is pressed.
Then make Dot automatically fall asleep again.
Step 10​: PLAY WITH DOT: Help Dot listen for sounds in Castle Creepenstein. Make Dot sound
the alarm three times.

Wonder Key​: oyeh

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