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Michigan Today

The University of Michigan February 1991 Vol. 23, No. 1

mere s a supemomputing
race between —

The Chickens
iJ the Ox

Michigan Today illustration by Fred Zinn

Michigan Today
The University of Michigan February 1991 Vol. 23, No. 1

By Philip Emeagwali
cian because he is a huge computer. Hutton and such as identifying and classifying birds, under-
HUMAN COMPUTING Maseres were great calculators rather than great standing regional variations in-accented speech
"Can you do addition?" the White Queen asked. "What's mathematicians. When their pages were full of and so on.
one and one and one and one and one and one and one and figures and symbols, they were happy. [John] At the same time, we are unable to perform
one and one and one?" — Lewis Carroll, Alice Through Napier alone, of all philosophers in all ages, made more than one calculation at a time (sequential
the Looking-Glass. it the grand object of his life to obtain the power computing). We compute at a very slow rate,
of calculation without its prolixity." and with a very small memory. Even worse, our

he word "computer" is often thought to
have been coined with the advent of the Human computers have both strengths and limited memory sometimes causes us to forget
first electronic computer in 1946. Actually, weaknesses. We humans have great powers of intermediate results and thus to fail to reach solu-
according to Webster's dictionary, the earliest re- reasoning. Most of the things we do come from tions. We need to write down many intermediate
corded use of "computer" came exactly 300 years knowledge that we have developed culturally or results and can use only simple procedures to
earlier, in 1646. that we have learned as so-called common sense solve mathematical problems.
From the 17th century until the turn of the 20th rules. We also have great tolerance for ambiguity. Since the human computer preceded the elec-
century, the term was used to describe people Confronted with a sentence that has several tronic computer, and since humans developed the
whose jobs involved calculating. In his 1834 book possible interpretations, humans can choose electronic computer, we created it in our own im-
Memoirs of John Napier of Merchiston, Mark Napier the correct interpretation for the given context. age. This means early electronic computers reflect
wrote: "Many a man passes for a great mathemati- Humans also have the capacity of categorization, our limitations. Just as the human computer has
only one brain, so the early electronic computers
had only one processor. Since our brain can
perform only one calculation at a time, most
computers were built to perform only one
calculation at a time.

The Ways of Counting The world's first large-scale general-purpose

electronic computer, the ENIAC (Electronic Nu-
merical Integrator And Computer), was designed
with only one processor. (Michigan's Arthur W.
Burks, professor emeritus of electrical and
computer science, helped design and build
The march of ENIAC. A model of ENIAC, which was operated
from 1946 to 1955, stands on display in the Electri-
technology cal Engineering and Computer Science Building
on North Campus.)
is toward oodles One of the primary problems that motivated the
design of ENIAC was to calculate the trajectory
of calculations of ballistic missiles at the U. S. Army's Ballistic
Research Laboratory in Aberdeen, Maryland.
in almost no Before the invention of ENIAC, Army engineers
used 176 human computers to perform the calcu-
time at all lations needed to produce firing and bombing
tables for gunnery officers. Such calculations
must be sequential, and therefore they mapped
well onto the early electronic computers with their
sequential processing.
Another example of a technology matched to
the human image is robotics. Early robots tended
to have arms and/or legs and one centralized
brain. This design has shifted recently to one in
which robots now have a network of small, simple
brains (or processors), each devoted to a single job
such as lifting an arm.
As mathematical reasoning progressed,
however, it became apparent that sophisticated
mathematical techniques suited for electronic
computing diverged from those suited for the
human brain. For example, the 10-based decimal
system has proven to be the best for human
computers, while the binary system based on
the number 2, although too awkward for humans,
is a natural match for electronic computers, where
strings of bits with values of either 0 or 1 are used
to store data.

"'Firstly, I would like to move this pile from here to
there,' he explained, pointing to an enormous mound
of fine sand, 'but I'm afraid that all I have is this tiny
tweezers.' And he gave them to Milo, who immediately
began transporting one grain at a time." Norton Juster,
The Phantom Tollbooth.

As mathematics progressed, the tasks under-

taken by human computers grew increasingly
complex. By the late 19th century, certain cal-
culations were recognized as outstripping the
calculating capacity of hundreds of human clerks.
The 1880 United States census posed one of the
biggest computational challenges of that time.
To analyze the 1880 census results, the U.S.
Simulation of seismic waves propagating through a government employed an army of clerks (called
model containing a salt dome — an arching forma- "computers") for seven years. The population
tion in sedimentary rock with a mass of rock salt changed significantly during those seven years,
as its core. Such models require massive amounts of however, rendering the results out of date before
computations at many sites over regular intervals of they were published. More timely results could
time. The demands of a whole class of such computa- have been obtained by employing even more
tion-intensive problems is ushering in a new era clerks, but that would have been too costly.
in computing.
2 February 1991

Why the chicken is

The human computers worked independently
and simultaneously on the 1880 census data to
produce numerous and voluminous sets of tables. Governing Equations
In the field of computation their method is termed
"working in parallel." It was the best technique
known at that time, but since the results were still
unacceptably slow in coming, the Census Bureau
held a competition to find a more effective way
to count the population. This competition led to
the invention of Hollerith's Tabulating Machine,
which was subsequently used to compute the
U.S. population more accurately in 1890.


The century-old idea of holding a competition
to solve computation-intensive problems was
revived in 1986 by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers Computer Society with
its annual Gordon Bell Prize Competition. The natural laws governing Earth's weather — and the
As in 1890, competition has spurred advances mathematical equations derived from those laws —
in computing. operate at all locations in our atmosphere, and in the
The solution of important computation- same way (diagram #2). Therefore, the quadrillions of
intensive problems, like those required in calculations required to solve weather equations are
weather-prediction, demand the calculation Quadrillions of calculations are needed to model Earth's distributed evenly throughout the globe, whether the
climate. A conventional supercomputer (diagram #1) climatic conditon is a blizzard in Boise, a thunderstorm
of trillions, quadrillions and even more calcula- tries to use one processor to perform the quadrillions of in Oslo, torrential rains in Bangladesh or bright sun
tions, whether by human or mechanical or calculations. It's very powerful, but not powerful or fast over Harare. When a natural law applies to all loca-
electronic devices. Solving these problems one enough to complete the calculations in time to yield a tions in the same way, the problem is inherently
at a time or in a step-by-step fashion is analogous useful forecast of approaching weather. massively parallel.
to moving a pile of sand one grain at a time.
It takes forever.
Fortunately, many computation-intensive prob-
lems do not have to be performed one step at a
time. In fact, performing thousands and even mil-
lions of calculations at the same time is the only
way to solve many computation-intensive prob- and shove, gradually moving the food toward the laws that are local and uniform. Local means that
lems quickly enough for the results to do some Hill, but as though by blind chance. It is only when to know the temperature in say, Detroit, in the
good. The latter approach is called massively you watch the dense mass of thousands of ants, next few minutes, we only have to know what is
parallel computing — but with machines instead crowded together around the Hill, blackening the happening right now in the nearby suburbs of
of the human computers that used this system in ground, that you begin to see the whole beast, and Detroit. Uniform means that the laws governing
the 1880s. now you observe it thinking, planning, calculating. weather formation in Detroit are the same as in
It is an intelligence, a kind of live computer, with Timbuktu, Vladivostok or anywhere else.
NATURAL PARALLELISM crawling bits for its wits/' In weather forecasting five uniform and local
Researchers are now learning that many laws are used: conservation of mass; conservation
problems in nature, human society, science and Massive parallelism can also be found in of momentum; the conservation equation for
engineering are naturally parallel, that is, they human society. We see it in wars, elections, eco- moisture; the first law of thermodynamics; and
can be effectively solved by using mathematical nomics and other endeavors characterized by the the equation of state.
methods that work in parallel. These problems simple, independent and simultaneous actions of
share the common thread of having a large num- millions of individuals. This parallelism is so nat-
ber of similar "elements" such as animals, people ural that people aren't even aware of it. Adam CHALLENGES IN COMPUTING
and molecules. The interactions between the ele- Smith described it in The Wealth of Nations: Constructing and running a computer model
ments are guided by simple rules but their overall "Every individual endeavors to employ his capital with the level of spatial resolution required for
behavior is complex. so that its produce may be of greatest value. He gen- accurate computer-based weather forecasting
An individual ant is weak and slow, but ants erally neither intends to promote the public interest, takes quadrillions of arithmetical operations.
have developed a method of foraging for food to- nor knows how much he is promoting it. He intends Yet even this spatial resolution is too coarse
gether with other ants. Their massively parallel only his own security, only his own gain. And he is to image tornadoes and other damaging local
approach is well described by the scientist and in this led by an invisible hand to promote an end weather phenomena.
writer Lewis Thomas in Lives of a Cell: which was no part of his intention. By pursuing his To improve the spatial resolution so that it
"A solitary ant, afield, cannot be considered to own interest he frequently promotes that of society images local weather increases the amount
have much of anything on his mind; indeed, with more effectually than when he really intends to of calculation required by 10s of times, and
only a few neurons strung together by fibers, he promote it/' consequently makes the original problem
can't be imagined to have a mind at all, much less computationally intractable even for a modern
a thought. He is more like a ganglion on legs. Four In science and engineering the common thread supercomputer.
ants together, or 10, encircling a dead moth on a that makes many problems naturally parallel is The U.S. government has identified weather
path, begin to look more like an idea. They fumble that they are governed by a small core of physical forecasting as one of 20 computation-intensive

And the outlook for tomorrow is .

Climate Modeling: Using a Connection Machine super-
computer, scientists at Los Alamos National Labs are
modeling Earth's climate. They stretch a mesh of 500,000
tetrahedrons over a model of the globe, then compute

the Weather
changes to the weather in each cell. Every tetrahedron
spans an area of about 20 miles.
To gain accuracy, the mesh actually stretches out over
areas of calm weather, but twists and bunches up around
local disturbances like hurricanes. Red areas indicate high
kinetic activity; land-masses are yellow; low and lowest 'The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind'
areas of activity are whitish and purple, respectively.
The technique was first developed to model explosions.
The advantage of a massively parallel computer like
the Connection Machine is that after one processor is pro-
grammed to calculate such weather variables as pressure,
temperature, humidity and wind-speed for its tetra-
P erhaps Bob Dylan is right when he sings, "You
don't need a weatherman to tell which way the
wind blows." But you certainly need consider-
able expertise to know which way it will be blowin'
tomorrow or a few days hence, how strong its blast
hedron, the computer does the rest, directing the other will be, where it is likely to turn and what damage it
processors to calculate the variables at the remaining half-
million locations at discrete intervals. is capable of doing.
In The Mathematics of Chaos, Ian Stewart compares Throughout history, people have attempted to pre-
numerical weather prediction to a three-dimensional chess dict the weather — usually with little success. In the
game. The tetrahedral grids form the board, the numerical Middle Ages it was believed that the weather could
Image courtesy of Harold Trease, Los Alamos National Labs; Delany values assigned to weather variables are the pieces, and be forecast by studying the motions of the stars, the
Enterprises, and Thinking Machines Corp. tomorrow's weather corresponds to a position of the game. behavior of wildlife or the condition of certain plants.
The governing rules are the equations of motion of the Today, some people still rely on the Farmer's Almanac,
atmosphere. which uses a 200-year-old "secret formula" and
"calculations based on solar activity."
English meteorologist Lewis Frye Richardson,

avored over the ox TERAFLOPS - HARDLY A DINOSAUR

"Teraflops" may sound like the name of a dino-
saur, b u t it does not describe extinct creatures,
rather a level of computing yet to b e achieved —
computing on the trillionfold level. The Holy Grail
of large-scale computation is to attain a sustained
teraflops rate in important problems.
As Elizabeth Corcoran p u t it in January's
Scientific American, "From the perspective of
supercomputer designers, their decathlon is best
described by three Ts — a trillion operations a sec-
ond, a trillion bytes of memory and a data com-
munications rate of a trillion bytes per second."
The effort to increase computing speed is a n old
one. It is the primary motivation that led to the in-
vention of the abacus, logarithmic table, slide rule
and electronic computer. However, these devices
share one fundamental limitation: they are based
on sequential computing, a n d thus are subject to
the speed limits imposed by computing singly. As
a result, some investigators now believe that mas-
sive parallelism is the only feasible approach that
can b e used to attain a teraflops rate of computa-
The architecture of a massively parallel computer is tion. Only massive parallelism allows u s to
designed to match the computer with the problem. The cart pulled by the ox (diagram #4) represents a con-
ventional supercomputer. Intuition might lead one to perform millions of calculations at once.
To perform calculations in weather prediction, a
massively parallel computer assigns different locations think that the bull can outperform the cart pulled by a The most massively parallel computer built
around the globe to different processors inside the multitude of well-trained, harnessed chickens. But the so far, known as the Connection Machine, uses
computer (diagram #3). Today, the most powerful coordination of many smaller units results in better 64,000 processors to perform 64,000 calculations at
massively parallel computer has 64,000 processors. A performance. Similarly, a massively parallel computer once. This approach makes it 64,000 times faster
massively parallel computer with a million processors is faster and more powerful than a conventional than using one processor.
is under construction. supercomputer. The Connection Machine has attained computa-
tional speeds in the range of five to 10 billion
Illustrations copywrighted by Fred Zinn for Michigan Today. calculations per second. The next generation of the
Connection Machine is expected to use one mil-
lion processors to perform one million calculations
at once. That could make it one million times
faster than using a single processor. The target
"grand challenges." Others include improving computing in the image of the human brain computational speed for this machine is one
extraction of oil deposits, modeling the ocean, (sequential computing) to massively parallel trillion calculations per second.
increasing computers' skill at understanding computing, which employs thousands or more Massively parallel computers also have
human speech and written language, mapping computers to solve one computation-intensive properties that make them far less costly than
the human genome, and developing nuclear problem. Just as a paradigm shift in the belief conventional computers. W h e n the number of
fusion. Many other problems in mathematics about the shape of the Earth led to routine cir- processors are doubled, the performance doubles,
would take trillions of years to solve with the faster cumnavigations on the high seas, we will soon b u t the cost increases only b y a few percentage
computers currently available. routinely solve important societal problems that points, since m a n y components are shared by all
are so computation-intensive that we had previ- the processors.
EXPLOITING PARALLELISM: ously only dreamed of attempting them. A massively parallel computer also r u n s cooler
A PARADIGM SHIFT Examining the roots of this paradigm shift than a conventional supercomputer. You can rest
Seminal ideas in science usually occur in a will show why continuing efforts to solve com- your h a n d on it while it runs; it doesn't require
process that has been described as a series of putation-intensive problems with sequential the $10,000-a-month energy bills needed to keep
paradigm shifts, that is, a shift in the dominant computers will succeed only as well as the early a mainframe supercomputer from overheating.
patterns or examples which humans use in think- aircraft did by attempting to fly by flapping-bird- We have come a long way from the individual
ing or portraying "how things are." A well-known like wings. with a n abacus to today's massively parallel
example of paradigm shift is the transition from Since many computation-intensive problems computers. The motivation along the path from
the belief that the Earth is flat to the belief that it are inherently parallel, it only makes sense to then to now has been the existence of computa-
is round. With this paradigm shift, Magellan be- build and use a computer that exploits their inher- tion-intensive problems requiring computing
came aware that he could travel around the globe. ent parallelism. Such a computer will give the best resources of larger magnitude than those
If only one human computer had been used performance when it "looks" like the inherently available.
to analyze the 1880 census, the work would have parallel problems that it is trying to solve. The Despite humanity's great progress in com-
taken forever to complete. Similarly, if only one problems — such as modeling atmospheric condi- puting, the national grand challenges compiled
computer were used to solve a computation-inten- tions, as discussed earlier — arise from myriad by the U.S. government identify computation-
sive problem of today, it would take forever to simple interactions between thousands or millions intensive problems that will inspire u s to find
complete it. This paradigm of using one computer of elements. As a result, the total calculations even more n e w ways of computing. In five years,
to solve a problem is called sequential computing. required carry us into the realm of "teraflops" we should b e computing at the teraflops level. It
We are now living through a great paradigm computing. will b e fascinating to see what achievements and
shift in the field of computing, a shift from new challenges will come after that. NT

a pioneer in mathematical weather prediction, was maintain communication to North and South on the map. ** The "myriad computers at work upon the
the first investigator to understand the computation- "From the floor of the pit a tall pillar rises to half the weather of the part of the map where each sits,"
intensiveness of weather forecasting. height of the wall. It carries a large pulpit on its top. In can be described as mapping and load distribution
The following passage from Richardson's Weather this sits the man in charge of the whole theater; he is sur- in the Connection Machine.
Prediction by Numerical Process, published in 1922, rounded by several assistants and messengers. One of his ** Richardson's concept that "each computer at-
illustrates his farsightedness. It is a description of a duties is to maintain a uniform speed of progress in all tends only to one equation or part of an equation"
huge amphitheater filled with "64,000 computers to parts of the globe. In this respect lie is like the conduc- is known today as local computation.
race the weather of the whole globe." (In Richardson's tor of an orchestra in which tlie instruments are slide rules Richardson's vision was bold and wonderful be-
day, "computer" still referred not to a machine but and calculating machines." cause he understood that weather forecasting is
to an individual using an abacus, logarithmic table or computation-intensive and envisioned massive
slide rule. Here is Richardson's vision of the assem- Several features of Richardson's giant computer
blage of computers needed to predict the weather
parallelism as a useful tool in solving weather
with human components correspond to the fastest equations.
mathematically: and most powerful supercomputer known today, What Richardson did not foresee, however,
the Connection Machine, designed by Danny is that accurate weather forecasts would require
"Imagine a large hall like a theater, except that the circles Hillis of Thinking Machines Corporation of
and galleries go right round through the space usually oc- about a quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) calcu-
Cambridge, Massachusetts. The similarities lations. In fact, it would have taken his 64,000
cupied by the stage. The zualls of this chamber are painted include the following:
to form a map of the globe. human computers more than 1,000 years just to
"Myriad computers are at work upon the weatlier of the ** The 64,000 human computers of Richardson's forecast the next day's weather!
part of the map where each sits, but each computer attends vision are analogous to the 64,000 processors of Each processor in the Connection Machine has
only to one equation or part of an equation. The work of the Connection Machine. far greater computing power than one human
each region is coordinated by an official of higher rank. - ** The slide rules and calculating machines that in- computer. Collectively, the 64,000 processors of
Numerous little 'night signs' display the instantaneous creased computational speed in Richardson's era the Connection Machine can solve the equations
values so that neighboring computers can read them. Each are analogous to the "floating-point accelerators" that govern weather forecasting at a rate surpass-
number is thus displayed in three adjacent zones so as to of modern computers. ing six billion calculations per second, or two days.
4 February 1991

Weather, Continued

The analogy between Richardson's vision and size and that 85 percent of presidentially declared
the contemporary use of computers for weather disasters are weather- and flood-related.
forecasting is of more than historical interest. "The NWS's $2 billion modernization of its fore-
Huge social and economic benefits could be casting capabilities . . . will repay its cost many
achieved if massively parallel computing leads to times over by reducing annual $30-$40 billion
more accurate weather forecasts. Accordingly, the weather-related U.S. economic losses by 5 to 10
President's Office of Science and Technology Policy percent," Friday added.
included weather forecasting as one of 20 national Friday's remarks would have delighted
computational Grand Challenges in science and Richardson, w h o was dismissed as an idle The 1922 dream of Lewis E Richardson: 64,000
engineering. dreamer by his contemporaries. Today, 70 years human computers to calculate the variables required
Citing the benefits to be gained from more after Richardson wrote his mathematical fantasy, to predict the weather numerically. He foresaw
accurate weather forecasting, Elbert W. Friday, the National Center for Atmospheric Research has that mathematical forecasting was computation-
director of the U.S National Weather Service noted selected the Connection Machine for a study of intensive, but didn't realize it would have taken
in an address to the 18th annual Computer Sci- the feasibility of using massively parallel computers his calculating army 1,000 years to predict the
ence Conference that the United States has more to forecast the weather. NT next day's weather.
violent weather than any country of comparable Illustration by A. Lannerback, Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm.

Grad student Philip Emeagwali —

One of the world's "The fourth, or inertial, force affecting the slow

fastest human! flow of oil in the ground is about 10,000 times smaller
than the three other forces," Emeagwali explains,
"so neglecting inertia didn't result in much error
even though the solutions still resembled those of
the parabolic equations.
By John Woodford "If I put 10,000 dollar bills on the table in ones and
you take a dollar, I'm not likely to detect and report

F aster supercomputers are needed to solve

important scientific and engineering problems.
Computing twice as fast would be impressive; ten
the crime. In the same way, it was reasonable to
ignore the inertial force back then."
Emeagwali had become interested in the
times faster would be even more impressive. Risenkampf equations while working at the National
Philip Emeagwali, a doctoral candidate in scientific Weather Service, and decided to take a "top-down
computing in the College of Engineering and the approach" by seeing if the hyperbolic equations
1989 recipient of the Gordon Bell Prize for his super- would result in a better model of oil-field flow.
computing research, has increased the speed of a "I knew that hyperbolic equations result in solu-
massively parallel supercomputer to as much as tions that more accurately reflect the real world,"
1,000 times faster than a mainframe computer and Emeagwali says, and so he expected them to yield
1,000,000 times faster than a personal computer. a better representation of the real properties of oil-
Almost as impressive as its speed of operation is field flow.
the massively parallel computer's thrift. It costs only Even though they are more complex, Emeagwali
about one-fiftieth of the money to perform computa- Emeagwali with the Connection Machine in Cam- theorized, hyperbolic equations would open "a
tions on a massively parallel computer as on a bridge, Massachusetts. Massively parallel computers shorter and quicker path" to the solution of modeling
conventional supercomputer. are a young technology. Only a few universities have flow. And in terms of his academic goals, using
"The supercomputer industry and much of the acquired their own models. The U-M is now consid- hyperbolic equations on a massively parallel
academic establishment have claimed that massively ering venturing into this field, Emeagwali says. computer would show that "calculations that could
parallel computers were suited only for certain types take months, even years, to perform on a personal
of problems," Emeagwali says. "But in the past few computer could be done in seconds or minutes.
months, reports at scientific gatherings and in the percentage point — translates into billions of dollars "If we had massively parallel computers a hun-
news media have indicated that some investigators of savings." dred years ago," Emeagwali continues, "we would
using the Connection Machine — the largest mas- Emeagwali attracted the attention of many have used hyperbolic equations instead of parabolic.
sively parallel supercomputer now available — industries and investigators when he won the Gor- The serial computer hardware we have today reflects
have proved the establishment wrong." don Bell Prize by showing how he used a $6 million the absence of a need to go the hyperbolic route.
Emeagwali had already been looking at com- massively parallel computer to perform the trillions But once you have a certain kind of hardware, it rein-
putation-intensive problems from a theoretical of oil field-modeling computations at three times the forces the methods you've used. It's not that anyone
standpoint. When he learned of a $1,000 prize of- speed of the mightiest $30 million supercomputer. is to blame for it, but in a sense computers have
fered by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics He hit a computational speed of 3.1 billion calcula- developed down a blind alley."
Engineers Computer Society for the fastest com- tions per second. In the future, Emeagwali says — and the very near
putation in a scientific and engineering problem How did he do it? It took some creative future at that — the architecture of massively parallel
requiring trillions of calculations, he decided mathematical thinking for Emeagwali, who was re- computers like the Connection Machine will trickle
to compete. nowned for mathematical prowess even as a child in down to the personal computer level. They will
Emeagwali studied the U.S. government's list of Nigeria, to hit upon a "new" technique that resur- increase realism in what computer buffs call artificial
the 20 most computationally difficult problems. The rected some equations that had grown dusty in the reality (AR).
one that interested him most involved calculating computing field for 50 years. More important for civilization will be the impact
oil flow. Even before the onset of war in the Persian Rather than use the equations that have been used of massive parallelism at the supercomputer level.
Gulf, American experts recognized the importance throughout the century to calculate oil-field flow Emeagwali expects to see quite soon "automakers
of improving the efficiency of oil extraction. and similar phenomena, Emeagwali asked himself, using these computers to fully simulate car crashes
"The oil industry purchases 10 percent of all super- "When did we start using these equations, and why on the computer rather than crashing expensive
computers and is keenly aware of the difficulty of did we start using them?" rigged-out models at up to $750,000 a test."
computing oil-field flow," Emeagwali says. He researched those questions and learned that In medicine, "Investigators will find that using
Oil has properties that make calculating its flow in the late 19th century "a type of partial differential computers based on the technology of massive
patterns within an oil field more difficult than mod- equation similar to the classical 'heat equation' was parallelism will permit them to study human dis-
eling the flow of groundwater. To model oil-field flow derived to perform the kinds of calculations required eases by studying humans without compromising
in a computer requires simulation of the distribution to describe oil-field flow." human health, instead of using mice, chimpanzees
of the oil at tens of thousands of locations throughout There are three families of partial differential and the like."
the far-flung field. At each location, the computer equations — elliptical, parabolic and hyperbolic. The "Any way you look at it," Emeagwali concludes,
must be programmed to make hundreds of simul- equations usually used to simulate an oil reservoir "the computer industry will have no choice. They
taneous calculations at regular intervals of time to fall into the parabolic category. Oil reservoir equa- will have to switch to massive parallelism."
determine such variables as temperature, direction tions take into account three of the four major forces Emeagwali hopes to give the industry a big
of oil flow, viscosity, pressure and several geological affecting flow: pressure, gravitation and viscosity nudge in early 1991 if his latest submission for the
properties of the basin holding the oil. (or drag). They ignore the fourth force — inertia international computing contest is as convincing as
"Even a supercomputer working at the rate of mil- (or acceleration). last year's.
lions of calculations a second is far too slow to reach In 1938 a Soviet mathematician, B.K. Risenkampf, "I'm trying to prove that we now know how to
a result that can be acted on in a timely fashion," derived a set of partial differential equations that in- reach the Holy Grail of computing — computing at
Emeagwali explains. "The oil companies need the cluded the fourth force. The Risenkampf equations the teraflops level by performing trillions of calcula-
results quickly enough to decide how to recover the belong to the hyperbolic category. tions in a second" [see main article].
maximum amount of oil." Until the invention of the massively parallel com- Emeagwali says massively parallel supercomputers
Since an average of only about 30 percent of oil is puter, it made no sense to try to apply Risenkampf's are approximately five times faster than conventional
recovered in an oil field, Emeagwali notes, "It's easy equations to problems like oil-field flow; it would machines now, but he forecasts that the advantage
to understand why the industry is keenly interested have taken too many computations for existing will approach 100-to-l in 10 years. If he's right, you
in more accurate simulations of oil flow. An improve- computing technology — from calculating machines can expect radical changes in the computer industry
ment to even a 31 percent recovery rate — just one to supercomputers. very soon. MT

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By Vivian A. Byrd aid. The family would include the custodial par- sistant in the Department of Chemistry, assistant
Office of Financial Aid ent and his or her spouse. The income and assets teacher for Community Day Care, and clerk for
* of the non-custodial parent are not included in the University's News and Information Services.

P arents address thousands of queries to the the analysis. Often a job during the semester adds structure to
Office of Financial Aid each year. The most I'm not going to claim my child this year as a a student's schedule, making it easier to budget
frequently asked questions, and brief an- dependent. Will you treat her as independent? time. Since the alternative to working is often
swers to them, include the following: The criteria for independent status are complex. borrowing, it is wise to explore Work-Study.
What is financial aid? A decision not to claim a child is insufficient in How can I get in-state residency for my child?
Financial Aid is the total of resources available itself to give a student independent status. Residency status is determined at the point of
to assist students and their families in meeting There are, however, some straightforward . admission. Any appeals to the status must be
educational costs. There are two kinds of financial circumstances under which the student is submitted to the Residence Status and Residence
aid — gift aid (grants and scholarships) and self- considered independent, such as being 24 years Audit Section of the U-M Registrar's Office.
help aid (loans and Work-Study employment). old or a graduate student. For younger under- Although the difference between resident and
How is financial need determined? graduate students, the criteria for independent non-resident expenses is substantial, we consider
Need for aid equals the total cost of education status include assessment of the students'avail- this cost difference in determining financial need.
for an academic year minus the amount that a able resources during specified periods of time What if there's a death, a divorce or a job layoff
family is deemed able to contribute. and whether parents claimed them as dependents. in our family during our child's matriculation?
The family contribution has two parts: the par- Since this is a complex issue, discussion with a We encourage the student or the family to con-
ental contribution and the student contribution. financial aid officer is advised. tact us as soon as possible any time there is a
The parental contribution is an estimate of how Next year I will have two children at U-M. Will significant change in family circumstances. Aid
much parents can afford to pay toward costs for I have to pay double the parental contribution? awards may be revised when warranted, and the
the year. It is based primarily on parents' income No, the parental contribution derived from the Office of Financial Aid maintains some resources
and assets. The student contribution is based on DOE formula is based on annual income and as- for responding to emergency situations.
student income, savings and checking accounts. sets, and is the amount the family should be able
The amounts of both the student and the family to afford for educational expenses. If a family has
contributions are derived from a uniformly ap- two children in school, the amount would be di-
plied formula prescribed by the U.S. Department vided by two, one-half available for each of the Financial Aid Facts
of Education (DOE). two children. If there are more than two children The University currently estimates that the
If your family contribution for a given academic in school at one time, the amount would be di- total annual budget for first-year and sophomore
year is less than the cost of attending, you have vided by the number of dependent children in in-state students students is $9,700 for tuition,
shown "demonstrated financial need" and may college. housing, meals, books, fees, travel and leisure,
be eligible to receive financial aid. Cost includes When do I have to pay the parental contribu- and $10,000 for juniors and seniors.
tuition, fees, books and all living expenses. tion to the University and where do I pay it? Any in-state student could qualify for aid up to
Part of our family's savings are separated for re- The parental contribution is not a fee to be paid the amount by which the annual budget exceeds
tirement. Why should we have to use those assets to the University. It represents assistance from the the family contribution. If, for example, an in-
to send our children to school? family to the student during the year and can be coming in-state student's family can contribute
In assessing financial need, the financial applied toward tuition, room and board costs, or $3,000, the student would qualify for a combina-
strength of the family is considered. Thus, current to other expenses. tion of grants, loans, Work-Study and scholar-
income as well as assets are used in the analysis. Does my child have to accept the Work-Study ships totaling $6,700.
Allowances, based on the age of the parents, are part of the financial aid award? I really don't President James J. Duderstadt has emphasized
made for retirement needs. The amount of assets want him/her to work while at school. that no in-state student who meets U-M quali-
"protected" for retirement increases as the parent Some parents worry that work will interfere fications needs to worry about meeting school
approaches retirement age. with academic performance. Studies have demon- costs.
I have divorced and remarried, and have cus- strated that the opposite is true. Many students In-state tuition for 1990/91 is $3,366 for first-
tody of our college student. Do I have to include begin building a professional resume through and second-year students and $3,738 for juniors
my new husband's income along with my own on Work-Study jobs, most of which are funded and seniors. About $4,000 more is figured for
the Financial Aid Form? for eight to 16 hours a week with flexible hours room and board; so the difference up to $9,700
The income and assets of all family members to accommodate the student's class schedule. is spending money and miscellaneous expenses
must be reported to be considered for financial Some jobs currently available are laboratory as- that vary from student to student.
6 February 1991

taxes. It does not avoid valuation problems and

tax problems that arise upon one's death and the
professional fees necessary to deal with these

This article is excerpted from several chapters of David

W Belin's Leaving Money Wisely, published in January
Leaving problems. And, if you're not thorough in transfer-
ring all of your property to the trust and leave part
of your property outside of the trust, which may
necessitate extensive probate proceedings, there
may be no material savings of lawyers' fee and

by Scribner's Sons, New York ($19.95). This article is
copyrighted by the publisher and the author; no portion of other probate costs.
it may be reprinted without their permission. The key provisions to understand are that you
can be one of the trustees, you can have all of the
By David W. Belin income and all of the right to principal during
your lifetime, and you can have the right to

L ife is full of paradoxes, many of which in-

volve money. I have been astounded at how
many women and men spend lifetimes
Wisely amend or revoke the trust at any time you desire.
Every single provision that you might want to
include in a will can be included in a living trust,
for upon your death your living trust in essence
becomes your will. The major difference is that it
accumulating money, yet spend so little time in will distribute your property automatically, with-
deciding what the fate of their property will be out going through the cumbersome and expensive
once they are gone. provisions of probate.
One does not have to be a multimillionaire to
be affected by the federal estate tax laws. Today, Psychological Factors
anyone with more than $600,000 in assets —
including the value of a home, life insurance pol- "\ T oney holds the promise of providing oppor-
icy proceeds and retirement plans — is affected 1.V.L tunities to beneficiaries, enhancing their
by these laws, and millions of Americans fall into security, imparting responsibility to them and
this category. encouraging positive feelings toward you, toward
One thing I can guarantee: Whether you are themselves and toward the entire family. But leav-
rich or poor, old or young, married or unmarried, ing money also carries with it the possibilities of
you will probably be making a big mistake if you overburdening your beneficiaries, creating an en- -
do not have a will or living trust. If that is the vironment in which relatives maneuver or fight
course you chose, the state will write your will for with one another, potentially inhibiting motiva-
you. In some states, here is the kind of a will the tion and fostering laziness, and even creating or
law will provide if you have no will or living trust exacerbating feelings of anger, guilt, envy and re-
of your own: gret among family members. A litany of books
If lam married and have children, I leave my surviv- written by unhappy children of wealthy and
ing spouse one-third of my property and my children powerful individuals can testify to the latter.
two-thirds of my property. If I don't have a surviving There is the potential risk associated with a
spouse or children, I will leave my property to my par- child receiving her or his inheritance outright
ents, and if neither parent is living, I will leave it to my on attaining legal age. Young people often make
brothers and sisters. mistakes in handling large sums of money they
I understand that if I have children and they are un- receive in one lump sum, mistakes they would not
der 22, guardians will have to be appointed who will
manage the property for my children through a guard- Author, make if they were older and had more experience.
Despite my overall disposition that free choice is a
ianship court proceeding until a child reaches age 21, desirable state of affairs, I have seen lots of situa-
when he or she will get all of his share of the property
attorney, alumnus tions that suggest that young people who receive
large amounts of money in one lump sum may
If you want your spouse to get more or less dissipate all or a major portion in a relatively short
than one third of your property, if you want your
children to have property held in a way to avoid
David Belin time. Restraints on access to inherited wealth
make sense in many instances.
cumbersome and expensive guardianship or
conservatorship proceedings, if you don't want guides families Some Scenarios
children to get a big lump sum of cash when they
reach the age of 21 because you are concerned
about whether they can handle it properly, then in estate planning O ften when clients turn to me for advice as
they struggle to resolve these problems, I re-
you better prepare a will promptly. If not, and you
die without a will, the laws of the state in which fer to what I call "Belin Basic Rules One and Two."
you live will determine where your property goes. Belin Rule Number One: There is more than one
right way.
Belin Rule Number Two: When trying to choose
What is a Living Trust? among two or more alternatives, consider what
you would advise your best friend to do if he or
f you want to leave money wisely, I urge that
you consider adopting a living trust. It avoids
It avoids tying up property in probate
she came to you for advice under similar facts and
In a first marriage, the typical will for a married
courts. It avoids executor fees. It substantially re- couple with no estate tax problems is usually very
duces legal fees. Perhaps most important of all, simple. Each person leaves all of her or his prop-
a living trust in essence is a posthumous gift to erty outright to the surviving partner. If the
your family, for it can save them a lot of time and spouse does not survive, then the property will go
effort and avoid the frustration that often comes cause no inventory of property will be filed in a outright to the children or, if none, to brothers and
when one has to deal with the complexity of probate court, which would let the whole world sisters or nieces or nephews. Although this is a
probate courts. know the amount of property I own. No one, very natural and understandable approach, it can
I have planned my estate in a way to minimize other than the beneficiaries of my living trust, will result in major problems.
costs, just as I recommend to clients. I have exe- know how much money I left to individuals, how For instance, if a wife and husband (or single
cuted a living trust and have transferred all of my much money I left to charities and how I disposed parent) are killed in a car accident, and there are
assets to that living trust. of the remaining part of my estate. There will be children under legal age who survive and there is
My house and my car are not registered in my no probate of my estate, except for what is called no trust, the property will generally be managed
name. Rather, legal ownership is in the name of a pour-over will, which will cover the contingency under the jurisdiction of a court. This is often a
the David W. Belin Living Trust. that all of my assets may not have been trans- cumbersome and relatively expensive proceeding,
My checking account is not in my own name. ferred to my living trust. with the added disadvantage of limited invest-
When I sign checks, I merely sign my name, but Since at the time of my death all of my assets, ment flexibility.
below the signature line is the word "Trustee," hopefully, will already have been transferred to a Problems can also arise when a couple has no
and the actual bank account is in the name of the living trust, these assets can be sold, new assets children. If an experienced businessman or busi-
David W. Belin Living Trust. can be bought, distributions can be made to my nesswoman leaves everything to a spouse, and
Everything I own is in the name of the David W. heirs without any delays, and all of the red tape the spouse is not experienced in handling assets,
Belin Living Trust — stocks, bonds, real estate of probate will have been avoided. the property could be mismanaged and conceiva-
and even household furniture and furnishings. The living trust has one other basic advantage. bly be entirely dissipated. The event of remarriage
When I die, since all of my property has been In the event of your temporary or permanent inca- poses another potential problem: property owned
transferred to my living trust, there will be no pacity — through physical or mental illness — the by an inexperienced widow or widower may be-
estate to probate and no need to have ancillary trust instrument continues to own your property, come subject to the control of the second spouse,
probate proceedings in any state outside of Iowa and the other named trustee can manage your which can lead to many negative ramifications.
where I might have a real estate investment. As a affairs without going into court and undertaking Related to these scenarios is the question of
result, there will be no executor's fees to pay, and any formal legal proceedings in the form of a what happens to property owned by a couple
although there will be legal fees to take care of conservatorship or guardianship. without children when one partner leaves every-
such matters as filing any estate and inheritance What does a living trust not do? It does not thing to the other. If the husband dies first and
tax returns, these fees will be minimized. save federal estate or state inheritance taxes; tax the wife receives all the property, on her death
Mv family privacy will also be protected, be- returns still must be filed. It does not save income the property might very well go to members of

her family — brothers and sisters, nieces and could in turn leave the property to her child and
nephews — with none to the family of the hus- exclude Walter's two children from his prior mar-
band. Sometimes couples avoid this eventuality by riage. The same situation could happen in reverse
having wills that state that the person who is the if Betty predeceased Walter and Walter had not
second to die will leave the property, half to the adopted Gloria.
husband's side and half to the wife's side. In general, the best way to deal with the in-
Here is my overall recommendation, should you creasingly common circumstances of the blended
have no strong preferences of your own: Leave your family is to use the flexibility of a trust. Thus, in-
property in a trust. A well-prepared trust instru- Y!ir !
-!:.-w,Eri.-:.v;O!;/.:;;iroi.;.,iTi:>-A' :,•••'.«u-s
stead of Walter leaving property outright to Betty,
ment with capable trustees offers protection and he could leave the property in trust for her benefit.
flexibility for many possible problems that can The trust would provide that, during the remain-
arise. Consider making your surviving spouse a der of Betty's life, she would get all of the income.
co-trustee. Give your spouse all of the income and •
The principal could also be used for her benefit
give the independent trustee the additional power and, if Walter so provided, for the benefit of all
to use whatever principal is needed to provide for three blended-family children, if needed. On
the proper care, maintenance and support of your the death of Betty it would go in equal shares to
spouse. CREATIVE Walter's two children and Betty's child, Gloria.
Leaving Money Outright INCOME AMERICANS Second Wives and Second Husbands
To Children Is Not Always Best FOR THE 1990s
: • : . • - :

In today's society, increasing numbers of first

I n the typical will for a person with children,
if there is no surviving spouse because of death
or divorce, the property generally is distributed
marriages unfortunately often end in divorce. On
the other hand, many people find great happiness
in their second marriages, including those whose
outright to the children. first marriages ended because of the death of a
In many instances this may be fine, but there spouse. However, complications can arise when
are situations where this can result in difficulties. estate-planning issues are discussed.
We have already discussed problems that can There might be three sets of children — the
arise when property is left outright to children wife's children from the first marriage, the hus-
who are not of legal age. Even when the size of band's children from the first marriage, and the
the estate is not large, the astute person with children of the two together. Each partner wants
young children will consider putting the property to treat all of her or his children equally. But one
in trust instead of leaving it outright to children. child (assuming one child from the second mar-
The trust terms can provide that the income can were earning above the $75,000 floor, then the in- riage) will in a sense be ultimately receiving
be used for their proper care, support, mainte- come would be divided equally among all three, property from both parents in the second mar-
nance and education, and the trustee can be given but if only two were earning above $75,000, then riage. The children from the first marriage could
discretionary power to invade the principal, if the third child would get all of the income from inherit from additional sources, too — from the
necessary. Then, when the children reach an age the fourth share. other natural parent or from grandparents. When
when the parent thinks they can handle large There is more than one right way to divide children from neither marriage have a potential
sums of money, the property can be distributed property among your children. In making deci- large inheritance from a source other than your-
outright. sions about which path to take, one cardinal rule self, it is easier to determine a measure of equality
Many individuals are naturally concerned about to remember is that all children are not equal, and between them. But when there are potential large
whether trustees would be sufficiently generous there is no absolute requirement that all children inheritances that apply to only one set of children,
in the event that a particular family need arose. must be treated equally under a will or living it is more difficult to determine what is fair.
My experience is that trustees generally respond trust. I believe that, if one is to err, it is better to err
liberally in times of need, but I suggest that, if on the side of generosity because it has one major
there were any doubt, the trust terms could give Leaving Money to Grandchildren fringe benefit: It helps make the second marriage
the child a right each year to take out 5 percent of work. One of the best ways to reach the heart of a
the principal.
Another advantage of using a trust arises if
a child is divorced. Property owned outright by
Ito fchild
there are four grandchildren, three by one
and one by another, there are two ways
leave them money: per stirpes distribution: one
partner is to reach out to the hearts of your part-
ner's children.
a child generally becomes part of the property to grandchild ends up with half of the total estate
be divided by the court. On the other hand, if A Final Plea
of the grandparents and the other grandchildren
property remains in trust, it is at least partially each end up with one sixth (or collectively three
shielded from claims of the child's spouse.
There is yet another advantage to a trust: It can
sixths) of the estate.
The alternative approach is what is known as
Y ou have within yourself the ability to make
the kinds of personal decisions that will be
best for you and your loved ones. The worst thing
act as a shield from the psychological pressures ex- a per capita distribution, where each grandchild
erted by a spouse or other members of a family. you can do is to do nothing. If you care about all
would get one fourth of her or his grandparents' of the sweat and toil that have gone into accu-
property. mulating whatever estate you have, if you care
When Should Property In looking at the conundrum of grandchildren about your loved ones and want to make it a little
Be Distributed Outright to Children? equality, there is one other consideration which, of bit easier for them in the sorrow of your death, if
course, is similar to questions that arise when one you want to take advantage of the tax-saving fea-
M y own preference is to give a child two or
three opportunities to handle a large sum.
For example, if a trust were to have $75,000 of
considers how to leave property to children. What
will the grandchildren think? If one grandchild re-
ceives three times as much as his cousins because
tures that the laws allow, then undertake the effort
to plan how you want to leave your property. Ml
principal, instead of having a child get the entire he or she happened to have no siblings, will this
$75,000 in one lump sum at age 21,1 might sug- lead the cousins to feel that they were unfarily
gest distributing half at 25 and half at 30, or one treated by their grandparents? Should this be of David W. Belin worked his way through the University of
third at 25, one third at 30, and one third at 35. concern to the grandparents in their deliberations Michigan in six years, earning in that time three degrees —
The undistributed balance can continue to be held about how to leave the property? all with high distinction — a B.A. in 1951, an M.B.A. in '53
in trust, with the income distributed each year to Some people have come to me and raised the and J.D in '54. The National Law Journal has included Belin
the child. There can also be flexible provision to possibility of discussing the per capita-per stirpes in its list of the 100 "most powerful and influential lawyers in
invade the principal if there are specific needs, dilemma with their children and grandchildren the United States."
such as medical bills, college or post-graduate and telling everyone how and why they reached Belin is also the author of Final Disclosure, an account of
education costs, a down payment for a house, their decision. However, my experience has his service as chief counsel for the Warren Commission that
the purchase of an automobile or household investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
been that in many families premature discussions
furniture, etc. Belin finds it regrettable that "most Americans believe
about these decisions often create unpleasant erroneously that there was a conspiracy involved in the assas-
situations for all concerned. If you are in doubt, sination of President Kennedy." He blames the news media
All Children Are Not Equal I would recommend not discussing this emotion- for this collective gullibility, not the "conspiracy-tlieory
ally charged issue with your family unless you profiteers."
think there is a compromise that would satisfy "This is a bad chapter in the history of the US. news
W hat do you do when you have three children
— a schoolteacher earning $30,000 a year,
an ophthalmologist earning $300,000 a year and
everybody. media," he says. "The underlying philosophy of a free press is
that it will help the public reach conclusions about issues and
events. But when news media play up groundless charges of
a graduate student heading toward a business Blended Families and Adopted Children assassination conspiracies and then give little or no coverage
career? Do you divide your property equally to rebuttals, they are not carrying out the principles for which
among all three?
When this problem was presented to me several
years ago, I developed a proposal that I called the
f a person dies without a will, the law in most
states will generally treat natural-born and
children equally. However, differences
our country has established and maintained a free press.
"The most disheartening thing is that in colleges and uni-
versities it's being seen as liberal to believe in a conspiracy
"extra common share" approach, and my clients arise in blended-family situations where there is behind the Kennedy assassination. Mark Lane, a profiteer and
liked the concept. I suggested that my clients, in- no formal adoption. a liar, has been invited to speak on the U-M campus about the
stead of dividing their estates into equal parts for Where there is a blended family, it is even more assassination, while I, an alumnus who was counsel for the
Warren Commission, have never been invited to speak on
each of their three children, divide their estates important to consider the possibility of a trust. Take that subject."
into four parts. The fourth part would be a com- Walter, who is divorced and has custody of his Belin adds, however, that he sees the most important lesson
mon share. The income from that share would be two young sons. Walter marries Betty, a young of the assassination controversy as the fact that "we live in a
distributed to those children who were earning widow with one child. If Walter were to die before country where a David Belin can investigate all of the facts
less than $75,000 a year annually, with that figure Betty and leave property outright to Betty, rather about the Warren Commission and write and publish a book
to be adjusted by inflation. If all of their children than in trust, there is every likelihood that Betty about it."
8 February 1991 MICHIGAN TODAY 9

By Margaret Parker
So much more to it
than meets the eye THE ALPHABET OFCOLOR
municate those perceptions without actually tal method that mirrors the scientific discoveries

S everal years ago, rummaging through an But what about the rules of the spectrum that ner eye, only a narrow band of energy is capable
old art supply store, I came across tubes of I'd been taught in school, the color charts and of creating the rainbow of color called the spectrum. reproducing the color itself. Consider these lines of the century, and a method that is an inner
paint whose names I didn't know. With a wheels that demonstrate so precisely how every This is a sliding scale of undiscriminated hue. from Amy Lowell's poem, "The Customer." search of emotion and imagination, a meditation
luxurious thrill I picked up "Sap Green" and color relates to every other? Why confuse the vi- like that practiced in certain Eastern and Native
"Madder Lake." sual with the verbal? What do names have to do .. . She minced up to the counter, said: American religions.
with actual color? Does color have meaning like 'I want three years of ribbon - red/
As a painter I'm used to handling "pure" color, Sat down upon a stool and waited. Josef Albers' method in The Interaction of Color
the pigment itself. Mixed from treasured formulas the verbal meaning of words? My playful alphabet The tranquil atmosphere vibrated. was the classic example of the first approach.
of earths, oils and poisons, it snakes out of a tube contradicted everything I thought I knew about He demonstrated the various effects of color
with a life of its own. Each pigment has its own color and forced me to re-examine its source. As I bowed and brought a brilliant red, contrast in a series of eloquently simple visual
texture, its own mixability with other colors, my search widened, like the botanical explorers Spectrum graph Flaming and smooth as though each thread experiments. He chose colors not because they lSth-century Indian diagram used in computing
who sailed the world, I dug up and collected lost paper, Technical and Were new-run blood or molten glass
its own flow or grab when applied to paper or She gave one look and let it pass. harmonized but because they demonstrated his astronomical periods and in meditation. From Tantra,
canvas. As a child, I secretly ate my crayons and and exotic colors and beautiful color concepts to Education Center of points about color by Philip Raw son, Thames & Hudson, N.Y. (1973).
licked paints to taste color. Delicious knowledge. include in my alphabet. the Graphic Arts, I brought her scarlet, a poppy shade contrast. His format
Rochester Institute Hot as a subaltern's cockade.
Sap Green had a slight stink when it gobbed What is color? In the everyday jumble of life, of Technology.
of visual proof is
out of the tube, slipping under the brush in a color is inseparable from the surrounding world It darted out between my hands the format I use
Like a spurted flame of many strands. draw towards the center of the organism in
transparent acid yellow-green that was lost imme- of objects. It is one of our fundamental means She shook her head and murmured, 'Crude/ . . . in my alphabet,
diately when mixed with other colors. The Artist's of separating one shape from another, defining Color is perceived anatomically, not bit by bit although my objec- response to the blue to purple range of color.
Handbook of Materials and Techniques listed it as volume, recording the passage of light and time. but along an overlapping and intermixing contin- I urged a cardinal crimson — she pouted. tive is more open- These physical reactions give color immediate
a dye pigment "made from unripe buckthorn Light strikes objects and refracts into our eyes in a uum. Receptor cells of the retina at the back of Magenta, vermilion — both were flouted. ended. I chose command over our faculties. They strike at the
berries. Fades rapidly." No wonder Sap Green, kaleidoscope of color. the inner eye take in the spectral information and Carbuncle, ruby, cinnabar,
color arbitrarily instinctual, intuitive, emotional level of being.
then, unlike a passive camera, continually rework The counter looked like a mad bazaar. Looking at a color for a long time is the best way to
despite its urges toward spring, has been Consider the (alphabetically) and
dropped from the lexicon of modern paints. and reorganize the captured image. Seeing is an I brought down carmine doubled with gold. a known series of learn one's own physical and emotional reactions
number of ways act of interpretation from the first glimmer. When
That started me wondering what other colors that blue may be I found pale buffs under which rolled shapes (the letters to it. I hope my alphabet of color stimulates those
might have been lost. I began collecting colors you look at this page, your eye tells you not only A faint suggestion of watchet or blue. of the alphabet) to observe color unrestricted. reactions and reflections.
produced. The blue all the colors of this spectrum but also that it's Nothing I showed her seemed to do . . .
by name and grouping the names alphabetically. of the sky is caused The second contribution of American artists to
Then, for the fun of it, I began painting an printed on paper, not reflected through a glass • • • • •
by the scattering of prism or a rainy sky. Eminently adaptable, sensi- the understanding of pure color has been to set it
alphabet with these colors. sunlight through These undefin- apart, to frame it as worthy of our concentration,
tive to the slightest contrast, the optical network able shades of
Apricot, azure, alizarine crimson and aqua-
marine made up my letter "A." Each color was
the atmosphere
(more red in
London or yellow
of color vision is an instrument set to detect and _
interpret as much as possible from one point of
difference between
outer perceived
to use it as a mode of contemplation.
When allowed our deepest uninterrupted atten- C olor is as much about social history as it is
about the spectrum. Color reaches us sublim-
inally, as in the red dress Bette Davis wears in the
identified by name and hue. The shape of the let- view. I captured and pinnedjlown the spectrum tion, color can open up what Mark Rothko called
ter built a framework that freed the colors from in Los Angeles due color and inner "states of soul." Rothko looked for a way to reveal film Jezebel, which is seen as a shade of gray in
for my letter "S." imagined color have the black-and-white film. Yet, the red has seared
association with objects, allowing the colors to to pollutants). The the source of light that our seeing implies. His ap-
stand on their own. I loved the way grouping blueness of water caused some philos- proach was similar to the ancient use of color as a through layers of celluloid and time into our
the colors alphabetically set the rules of color reflects the light • • • • • ophers to show point of meditation. Or as he put it: 'A painting is social memory.
on their ear. of the sky on a smooth surface; a cloudy, rough the white flag and not about experience, it is an experience." Color can define experience, as we in America
here appear to be three irreducible primary designate color the have demonstrated, in the crudest to the most
day makes the water gray. The blue portion of the
rainbow is due to light dispersion through water T colors — red, blue and yellow — from which
all other colors can be produced. That is the first
prime example of
pure, unanalyzable
As an internal contemplation, the discipline
of yoga associates color with bodily organs and subtle forms. The distinguishing color of skin pig-
mentation has been misused by every race as a
droplets. The iridescent blue of a beetle's shell with the seven points of the spine through which
depends on the angle of view across fine, evenly "rule" about color that everyone is taught. As with quality. This is when my alphabet of color comes the yogi experiences the rise of the inner spirit rationale for the harshest domination. Where color
spaced ridges on the shell that intensify and dis- everything else about color, however, this first rule in handy. Letter "R" revels in the many reds of red. through the physical body to the infinite. Color is for one group is a means of control, color for an-
tort light waves. The wing of a housefly has many is not hard and fast, but relative. The exact color also used as an external meditation. The mandala other group is a matter of life. Color systematized
transparent layers whose interference with light of those primaries fluctuates; they are different • • • • •
is one form, a circle within a square where color into human stereotypes is never more dangerous,
waves causes iridescent colors similar to those in light, paint or printing; they are not so much a enacts the cyclical flow of self to cosmos. more enmeshing. In the great lyric tradition of the
rule as a function of three mutually exclusive hues blues, "blues" names emotion, situation, a history
produced by oil films.
Most coloration in animals, like blue eyes,
is a result of the scattering of light. The blues of
within a given system. Each color is perceived in
three dimensions: the brightness of the color from
E very culture has names for colors. Beginning
with the distinction between light and dark,
then a word for red, societies add color names
of great endurance, the musical beat that both
remembers and releases the pain.
sapphire and lapis lazuli result from charge trans- light to dark; the hue of the color named "red," to their languages in a pattern. In my growing Color absorbs and records our memories of
fers in a crystal field. The star Sirius glows blue "blue," "purple" and so on; and the saturation of collection, names are as evocative as the colors pleasure and pain. When leftover scraps of mate-
from the temperature of its atoms and ions. The a given color from its "pure" hue to gray. themselves. They bring to mind sources of pig- rials are stitched into quilts, colors patched from
blue from a color TV owes its light emission to ments, like cobalt and cochineal. Coral, canary old patterns into new become dense with memo-
bombardment by a stream of electrons. Vapor • • • • • and chestnut vividly recall colors in nature, while ries. My letter "Q" takes a piece from every other
lamps, lightning, auroras and some lasers are cream, cocoa and charcoal evoke tastes, smells letter to make a quilt.
created by gas excitations. A blue gas flame is a and textures. My search came to a turning point The narrative of color is carried still further with
condition of the vibration and rotation of light.
Blue dyes from organic compounds form trans-
T he challenge of demonstrating how colors re-
late has led to some marvelous charts. The
"color wheel" is the most basic. It shows the pri-
when I discovered the National Bureau of Stan-
dards' Universal Color Language and Color Names
a single evocative word. Though we can't compare
it with a visible spectrum, we can't forget how
At first I saw this idea as a possible book for itions between molecular orbitals. The milk-and- mary colors as red, blue and yellow, in wedges of Dictionary. Here I Melville expanded the meaning of the color
children, to be called The Alphabet of Color. Most fire blue of an opal is caused by light diffraction. a circle with their secondary mixtures — purple, found 7,500 colors "white" in Moby Dick. The African writer Amos
introductory color books deal with only about 10 With C. L. Hardin's compelling list of blues from green and orange — between. listed alphabetically Tutuola records the terror of color magic in The
colors. They identify colors through objects, "blue- Color for Philosophers: Unweaving the Rainbow, I To demonstrate by name and charted Palm Wine Drinkard. We travel with a man and
birds, blueberries and bluebells," and use only the knew I had discovered my letter "B." the three dimen- by number through his wife looking for the "Deads Town" and pass
brightest colors. Toys, too, are colored in the same sions of light/dark, . seven ascending through zones of color where anything can hap-
harsh and limited palette. The theory at work here • • • • • hue and intensity levels of accuracy. pen. Here they are entering a "Red-Bush," a bush
is that children see and respond first to bright simultaneously, a The color dictionary that "was in deep red together with all the trees,
primary reds, blues and yellows, and learn best Fascination with the color of objects is what sphere is often pro- may not satisfy ground and all the living creatures therein. Imme-
in simple steps from a small set of choices. The first attracted me to painting. Trying to paint the posed with pure philosophers, but it diately we entered this 'Red-Bush' my wife and
result is that in our earnestness to educate we roundness of a cup, the variations of the red of an hues circling the pe- does set industrial myself turned deep-red." Tutuola vividly induces
reduce the vast to the mundane. Why not spread apple, daylight on a checkered tablecloth, the im- rimeter, becoming standards of textile the fear of color's mastery over our inner and outer
a full palette before our children and let them portance of a shadow, I learned immediately that darker toward the design, chemistry, landscape. We have only the wife's words as pro-
play and learn however they like? every color is relative to and altered by its circum- bottom to black, graphic arts, print- tection: "This is only fear for the heart but not
Victorian toys allowed children to see forest stance. Change one dab of gray and the lip of the lighter toward the ing, tanning, horticulture and optics for color dangerous to the heart."
green and china pink as well as flaming crimson cup bends in instead of out, shadow becomes top to pure white, codification. (See accompanying article). I was both Mark Rothko's 'Number 10' (1950, oil on There seems to be a great need to control color,
and velvet black. These fascinating colors gave more interesting than the cup, green foliage and cutting through overjoyed and overwhelmed, but I also learned canvas, MOMA) a fear of its mutability. Color changes with every
toys a mystery and illusion that continues to make goes muddy, a porcelain cup turns to clay. Paint- the center from top to bottom to a core of gray. what my alphabet was not. personal interpretation and has many more mean-
them prized possessions. Another Victorian play- ing asks how the human eye receives, stores and Mesmerized by these charts, I wanted to include Color stimulates not only the eye but the whole ings than letters of the alphabet. My alphabet is
thing, the Mother Goose rhymes, make and break recreates color. Painting honors the fact that an ob- that systematic approach in my alphabet. The • • • • • body. Rudolf Arnheim reported in Art and Visual just one interpretation, and also an homage to
the rules of language with equal abandon, using ject can not only create color in several ways, but letter "W" shows my version of the color wheel. Perception that strong, bright colors in the red- color in its multitudinous garbs, and for its power
also affect the color of nearby objects. There may orange range produce excitement. Muscular power to engage our energies, emotions and memories.MT
a ridiculous vocabulary, higgledy-piggledy, that
will never be used again. The rhymes are still
among the greatest teachers of the English lan-
be a transmission color, a reflection color, an inter-
ference color — each of which can be further
The need for all these charts points to a central
enigma of visual perception. Unlike the auditory
recall of pure pitch, color memory for a single
N ow that the search for color names had be-
came a matter of choice, I began looking back
to the colors themselves. Contemporary American
and blood circulation are increased by colored
lights shown in sequence, beginning with blue, Margaret Parker '69 of Castine,
guage. I had in mind a Mother Goose of color. altered by the angle at which a viewer sees them precise shade is poor. When tested, as Rudolf artists who have explored pure abstraction have the least effective, through green, yellow, orange Maine, majored in painting at the
and by the character of surrounding light. Arnheim reports in Art and Visual Perception, considered color as a subject all its own. Throwing and red. Patients with a cerebellar disease have School of Art. Her 14 terra cotta
Philosophers pose the question of whether color observers "cannot agree on where the principal paint, spraying it, soaking, stripping, chunking, been found to be so sensitized to color that one, reliefs representing lives of the
even exists as "color" before it is perceived by the colors appear at their purest. This is true even for even massing it into whole walls, artists let paint a woman wearing a red dress, became dizzy, lost homeless as images of the Stations
human eye and brain. My search for the origins of the fundamental primaries, especially for pure refer to nothing but surface and let color play her sense of balance and was in danger of falling, of the Cross were published to-
color turned from the outer world to the inner eye. red." Furthermore, words fail to pin color down. as freely as music to reach the emotions of each symptoms that disappeared when she changed gether with meditations by Father
As the full range of light and dark strikes the in- Verbal description falls short of any dependable viewer in a totally uninterrupted interchange. to a green dress. Our whole organism has been Daniel Berrigan (Stations, the
color accuracy. So even if we can perceive all these Two seemingly contradictory approaches to found to have an expansive response to the range Way of the Cross, Harper &
dazzling variations on the charts, we can't com- color have been used — a step-by-step experimen- of yellow to red colors, and to constrict or with- Row, 1989).
Photo by Suzannah Hall

10 February 1991

Applications of color
(Or why its hard to sell a green car)

By Linda Walker
Why, instead of a vivid, glowing rainbow of colors in
our daily life, do we usually face relatively few choices
in everything we buy, from car shift knobs to carpets
and drapes, kitchen cabinets, sweaters and stationery?
This is because a color committee of people from these
industries gets together to decide what is best for them
and us. There is no color clash, or much choice, in
American consumer products — by design.
Every six months about 500 industrial decision-
makers meet to decide what the colors will be in
three years' time for everything from cars and
bricks to fabrics and greeting cards.
Sekulski and Samuels
These colorists, as they are called, are members
of the Color Marketing Group (CMG), explains
Charles McGrew of Indiana, a former automotive chairs. Both tasks require "unity of aesthetics and and '60s, Daily says people get tired of green and
designer for Navistar International. function, color, shape and safety." don't wear it much because it's not complimentary
"Here's how it works," McGrew says. 'At one To design the piston-making machine, Sekulski to the skin. What to do with it? "Probably the
of the two annual meetings there are workshops had to understand the product environment, most salable way is a deep jewel color like hunter,
of about 20 members each, organized around "how people interface with the equipment, what which exudes elegance and richness. Jaguar has
an industry. There might be five transportation environmental contaminants there are that might used it."
workshops and all the members will be decision- affect the paint, what kind of light there is — full- Colorists agree that brighter colors are on the
makers — the people who are designing cars, spectrum, fluorescent or halogen — and whether horizon in the auto industry, and that they will
commercial vehicles or boats as well as people workers have to wear tinted glasses." appear first in less expensive models and sports
who work in fabrics, leathers and paints. Even when the choice of color is more a matter cars.
"Every member brings forecast guesses, sam- of taste than function, compared with the infinite Other color specialists emphasize that despite
ples of color — actual bits of fabric — and by variety of color, choices available to consumers fads, the pendulum of color taste does not swing
consensus each workshop presents the five colors seem quite narrow. far from the norm. The Pantone Cororation, maker
they predict. Then the captains and co-captains "The staples for cars are black and white, the of ink and fabric samples used throughout the
get together," McGrew continues, "and narrow bread and butter; then the reds that shift," says print and textile industries, tracked 900 printing
down the 25 choices from the workshops to the CMG's McGrew, "and peach is a new basic colors over 25 years and found that 90 percent of
five, which in turn go to a steering committee color for fashion and the home." those used fell in less than 10 percent of the color
that includes the captains from fashion, home When it comes to cars, green is tricky. "No one range. MT
furnishings and other workshops. All the colors wants to do it; it's controversial," Daily says. Al-
are homogenized down to 15 or 20 colors best though the color enjoyed salad days in the 1950s
representing all industries."
Robert S. Daily, color marketing manager for
Du Pont's Automotive Products Finishes Division
in Troy, Michigan, is charged with putting
together a palette of exterior colors for auto
manufacturers to choose from. Like McGrew,
There's still a maize in world of crayons
he attends CMG meetings and looks for trends
in color everywhere. "As of this time, Dixon Ticonderoga, the maker of committee replaced the lighter hue with the
"We take note of the fall fashion showings in Prang's Color Art crayons, has no plans to discontinue darker one used today.
Paris, Milan and New York," Daily says, "and maize." • Did the class of 1867 want the color yellow but
there's a trickle-down effect to cars. But fashion With those words, Michael Gordon, the Mait- not the word's associations of cowardice? Is that
can turn around in a year. Cars take a longer land, Florida, crayon manufacturer's senior vice why they called it maize as some schools call it
lead time because we have to coordinate vinyl, president for marketing and sales, brought hope gold?
plastics, fabric, leather and paints." to a U-M community shaken last Aug. 7, when • If yellow is shunned, why do we of Michigan
"The whole point is to keep a manufacturer the number-one crayon maker, Binney and Smith, sing, "The Yellow and the Blue"? Perhaps because
from choosing the wrong color and losing money," dropped maize from its line of 64 Crayola crayons. the school's hymn and the 1867 colors predated the
McGrew explains. "Carpets and wallpapers have Crayola also eliminated lemon yellow, orange craven connotations of the word "yellow." Accord-
to agree and 85 different disciplines from silk yellow, blue gray, violet blue, green blue, orange ing to the U-M's sesquicentennial songbook,
flowers, packaging, greeting cards and cosmetics red and raw umber. Of the eight dropped, three Charles M. Gayley wrote the words for Michigan's
all tie in." were yellows and three were blues. Was it a plot? hymn in 1878; yellow did not mean cowardly until
Color is as much a matter of function as aes- Lina Striglia, Crayola's spokesperson, insists around 1910, in reference to the yellow press of
thetics for two University of Michigan industrial not. "We talk to the children who come through the day.
designers whose work includes dishware, furni- on our tours and they told us we needed to • The word maize entered the language in 1555
ture, office partitions, locomotives and industrial change. We had many similar color pairings — from the Spanish for the grain we know as corn,
machines. maize and goldenrod, cadet blue and blue gray — which early on was also called Indian corn and
Allen J. Samuels, professor in the School of and we discovered we could pull some out with- Guinea, Turkish or Indian wheat.
Art, was aware of the CMG when he worked for out its being detrimental to our color offering. • Yellow, denoting our brightest color, can be
Corning in the 1960s. "Trends were important," We're going to offer eight new colors that have traced back to Old English geolu and made its first
he says, "and our designs had to fit in with the higher energy. The ones we're retiring are muted written appearance in Beowulf about the year
avocado, harvest gold and burnt orange kitchens and boring and so are their names." 700. ("Yolk", spelled "yelk" until the 19th century
of that era. Boring?! and still pronounced that way in some regions,
"Color is a function of ergonomics," he con- Striglia is sensitive to offended feelings. shares the same root.)
tinues. "When I design surgical instruments I take "There's lots of passion for certain colors, and • Is there a platonic ideal of maize? The nearest
into account the operating room — the low light, some distress, not just that we're retiring colors, we can come to an official shade is something
the fact that it's a room full of people in a condi- but that we're retiring favorites. We don't want to called "light yellow 86." Many professions have
tion of stress. I have to take into account what be disrespectful to them, so we are putting them codified colors to standardize descriptions of
they can see and feel. Colors are a function of in our Hall of Fame — they will never be forgot- stones, birds, flowers and even symptoms of dis-
those things; for example, there are no red instru- ten. We've made oversize crayons of each of the ease. The U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau
ments. There must be a contrast, and white is the eight retired colors and they will be on permanent of Standards combined many of these earlier cod-
best color to contrast with blood. display." ifications in their book, Color — Universal Language
But white and beige are the worst colors for the Crayola introduced maize in 1949. Are 41 years and Dictionary of Names, and included seven hues
sides of bathtubs, Samuels notes, "because age enough? Striglia says yes, because today's children of maize. The Commerce department bases its cat-
flattens the lens of the eye. Elderly people often want "lighter, brighter colors." egories in the Color Names Dictionary, published by
can't perceive depth when it is white on white, the Inter-Society Color Council and the National
so they often fall when getting into a bathtub. Amaizin' Facts Bureau of Standards, which catalogued colors
A glass of milk on a white tablecloth presents How did the "muted and boring" color maize according to hue, value and chroma into 267 color-
the same problem. The elderly have trouble come to be adopted as half of the U-M's official name blocks.
distinguishing it, and can knock it over." colors? • The seven maizes listed in the department's
Ronald Sekulski, assistant professor at the • Maize and azure blue became the first official book are made up of such color-name blocks as
School of Art, has designed furniture and office colors of the University in 1867 after a three-mem- medium orange yellow 71, brilliant yellow 83 and
systems for Herman Miller and Steelcase and ber committee of the class of 1867 adopted them. vivid yellow 82. Of the seven maizes listed, three
chairs for Harter Contract. Like Samuels, he has a But a lot of different blues started to show up in were derived solely, and one partially, from the
private design practice. subsequent decades on athletic uniforms, com- color-name block light yellow 86. — L.W.
Sekulski says he uses the same criteria whether mencement ribbons, banners and dance programs.
he's designing a machine for making pistons for The hues ranged from baby to midnight blues. Linda Walker '66 M.S. W. is an Ann Arbor free-lance
the Ann Arbor Machine Company or designing Seeking to end the riot of blues, in 1912 a faculty writer.

contribute to the requirement." The syn-

LETTERS tax appears to have come directly from

the College of Engineering, but the con-
cept is noble: Surely, the times demand
that teachers cast off obsolete notions of
scholarship and rigorous proof and start
to think creatively. Besides, who wants
to take one of those old-fashioned, non-
More about Eve
I STRUGGLED through Suzanne
Fleming's article in the December issue,
'All About Eve." The story tells of the
controversy between molecular biolo-
gists and "human fossil" anthropologists
creative courses where the structure is on the origin of Homo sapiens. Why, oh,
logical and factual? why this controversy?
Oosterbaan Books for the young In view of these enlightened initia- Are these learned men, these scien-
tives, I am puzzled that the University tists, not aware that the origin of man
NOWHERE in all the words written FOR PERHAPS 12 years, I road to my has failed to address an even more ob- is very simply, clearly and succinctly
about the great Bennie Oosterbaan did I children each evening before bedtime. vious relic of past discrimination. I refer, recorded in the Book of Genesis? If so,
see a word about his only son, Bennie Jr. Our favorite book was Jan Wahl's Pleasant of course, to the blatantly sexist and op- shouldn't they rather be interested
Those of us who were student nurses at Fieldmouse ("Once Upon a Time Is Now," pressive treatment of female members in really important things, like did the
the U-M in the postwar years stood by December 1990). We actually wore that of the varsity cheerleading teams. I ask Creator give Adam and Eve navels, or
helplessly as Bennie and his wife, Del, book out. Not only were the stories fun you: Why is it that only the women wear decorate Adam's chest with nipples?
watched young Bennie (about 8 years to read but every one had a message for those short little pleated skirts? Don't The molecular school uses a clock in
old, not sure) slowly die of an incurable adults and the children. the authorities know how cold it is out its calculations. Of course there was a
brain disease. What a caring, kind cou- there? And why does our school con- clock! The first 24 hours, Sunday, the
ple they were! We never heard a word Terrence E. O'Loughlin '55 MBA tinue to allow the women to be tossed first day, saw the creation of light and its
of reproach to the hospital staff. Indeed, Columbus, Ohio up in the air and twirled around by the separation from darkness. Monday saw
we grew to love them as we watched men? If women are to be regarded as the creation of the firmament — division
their silent suffering. I can still see the I VERY much enjoyed Cathleen Collins more than "objects," shouldn't they have of the waters which were under the
haunting sadness in their eyes as they Lee's interviews with U-M children's equal opportunity to be the tosser and firmament from the waters above the
stood by Bennie's bed. In spite of this book writers and would like to add Joan twirler, instead of merely tossee and firmament. The third day, Tuesday, was
burden, which seemed interminable, Ben- Bios, whose Gathering Days won the 1979 twirlee? very busy. It saw the separation of land
nie still managed to perform his jobs as Newbery Award; Gloria Whelan, whose I urge the LS&A curriculum commit- from the waters and the beginning of
Michigan's assistant football coach and The Secret Keeper, published this year by tee, with its customary scholarly vegetation, grass, herbs, fruit trees. Very
head coach in admirable fashion, even Scribner's, is her seventh book for young precision, to issue a formal apology to early in the morning of the fourth day,
though his heart was breaking. Those people and, like the others, distin- the affected students, pay such repara- Wednesday, a very bad storm seems to
of us who knew him during this trying guished for its lyrical beauty and moral tions as may be appropriate and resolve have caused an outage, forcing the Cre-
time in his life will never forget what a and psychological insights; and X. J. to prevent any future occurrence. ator to create the sun, the moon and the
tender, loving man he was. Kennedy, whose volumes of clever, stars. Thursday witnessed the creation
amusing, literate verses for children Marshall C. Lewis '49
New Canaan, Connecticut of whales and birds. Friday saw the cre-
Elizabeth Lee Gannon '47N are unsurpassed (see "The Owlstone ation of land animals — beasts and cattle
Farmington, Michigan Crown," "The Phantom Ice Cream Man" and creeping things, and the Creator
and at least half a dozen others). created man in his own image, and he
PS. Love my little clock as a reward for also created some females. On the sev-
becoming a life member in the Alumni Martha Bennett Stiles Not so gruff
Paris, Kentucky
enth day, Saturday, the Creator was so
Association. tired from creating all these creations
FROM EARLY early 1924 through 1926, that he took the day off and rested.
ENCLOSED IS information about chil- I was on the staff of the Michigan Daily,
dren's books and short stories by Martha Now, the author of Genesis isn't clear
during which time I had the medical as to when the Creator created Adam: on
(Wells) Bennett Stiles '54, a Phi Beta beat. When I first contacted Aldred Scott
Hindsight Kappa graduate in chemisty and winner Friday or the second Sunday? All the cre-
Warthin [a professor whose attitude toward ations of that first week are recorded in
of two Hopwood Awards. I missed women was debated in June and October
IT HAS been said that to settle for a tie in mention of her work in the article on Chapter 1. Adam and Eve are not intro-
a sports event is like kissing your sister. Letters columns — Ed.] in attempting to duced until Chapter 2, which leaves
children's publications. gather information, his gruffness almost
When Michigan elected to go for two the reader in doubt as to whether Adam
points to win its game with Michigan Sister Hilda Bonham, IHM caused me to resign. However, after the was created on Friday or the following
State in the closing moments, the con- Coordinator of the Hopwood Program, initial encounter, he was always most Sunday.
sensus undoubtedly was that even 1979-81 pleasant and helpful. He introduced me After He created Adam, the Creator
though unsuccessful it was the smart Adrian, Michigan to his assistant, Dr. Simpson, who for decided that Adam should have a help-
thing to do. But subsequent events almost three years kept me abreast of meet. For some reason the author
proved how wrong was the decision not (Thanks for pointing out this oversight. much of the medical news. I also remem- doesn't explain, the Creator decided not
to kick the tying point. Stiles is a journalist, novelist, fiction writer ber that Dr. Cabot, who I believe was to let Adam choose among the females
Michigan ended its season in a four- and poet. The latest of her nine novels, Kate dean of the Medical School, was an who had been created on Friday. He per-
way tie at 6-2 with Michigan State, Illi- of Still Waters (Macmillan, 1990) is set in excellent source of news. formed surgery on Adam, took one of
nois and Iowa. If Michigan had tied the rural Kentucky, and was singled out by the Simon Rosenbaum '27
his ribs and created Eve. Aside from the
game with Michigan State, as it could Kirkus book review as a work "of unusually Grand Rapids, Michigan
cooking, housecleaning and other do-
easily have done, its season would have high quality" — Ed.) mestic duties, Eve became the first
ended 6-1-1, making it the Big Ten win- librarian in charge of the library then
ner. It would have been in the more AFTER READING about writers of chil- known as the "Tree of Knowledge." Like
lucrative and prestigious Rose Bowl in- dren's books, I thought you might be any good librarian worth her salt, she
Women's songs decided to read one of the books. The
stead of the Gator Bowl, and if it had interested in my wife, Kay Cooper Watt,
won the Rose Bowl by a big score, it who graduated in 1963 with a degree in one she chose seems to have had a pic-
OVER THE YEARS, I have been ture of a snake on its cover. She found it
could have wound up chosen as number journalism. (Kay Cooper recently published impressed by your coverage of feminist
one again in the final national poll. her 12th work for young readers, Where in so exciting that she gave it to Adam to
issues and alums who have published read. Unfortunately, she had chosen the
So much for hindsight! the World Are You? (Walker and Co.), an books. Thus, I'd like to call to your atten-
introduction to geography — Ed.) wrong book to read, and she and Adam
George E Wilcox '24 Eng. tion the work of Hilda Wenner '57. were driven out of the garden.
Longxvood, Florida John Watt '63 Pharm (formerly Hilda Engel). Her book Here's to
the Women is an anthology of traditional Yes, yes, I know. The author of Genesis
Springfield, Illinois speaks of apples on the Tree of Knowl-
and contemporary songs, the first major
collection to tie women's songs to their edge rather than books in a library, but
culture and their story. It contains like so many stories in the Good Book,
100 songs with words and music plus they have to be considered allegorical to
commentaries that place the songs in be believed.
On social progress
historical contextand provide informa- Richard D. Rowley
IT LEAVES this old grad breathless tion about the songwriters. Bellaire, Michigan
to observe the social progress being Originally published by Syracuse .
achieved by our alma mater. For exam- University Press in 1987, it is about to
ple, the new rule that invites a student to be reprinted by the Feminist Press (City I WAS pleasantly surprised to see the
report anyone who derogates his or her University of New York) — the first in story about one of my professors from
heritage and genetic or gender-related a series titled "Women in Music." Hilda the just-finished term, Milford Wolpoff.
attributes. I wish such recourse had been is producing a teaching tape of 25 of The class I had was a Collegiate Seminar
available to me when — as a white male the songs. on the exact topic the article was about,
underclassman aspiring to be a varsity divergence in the theory of evolution.
Ann R. Haendel '57
Wahl Van Allsburg
basketball player — I was subjected to The problem I had with the article was
St. Petersburg Beach, Florida
hurtful comments directed at me by the that it was written very subjectively. Pro-
CORRECTION: The photographs of coaches and lettermen who made clear fessor Wolpoff tried to keep our class as
authors Chris Van Allsburg '72 and Jan in all sorts of invidious and occasionally COULD YOU please include U-M's cal- objective as possible on such a debatable
Wahl '58 were reversed in our December physical ways that my personal attri- endar in your publication? As a parent, topic, but your article pointed to his
issue. Here are the correct identifications. butes would prevent me from making I would appreciate knowing the vacation theories and only glossed over in-depth
the team. A clear case of institutional dates, semester lengths, etc. Perhaps studies done by geneticists.
bias against people who couldn't run, U-M has a calendar it could send me? Geneticists now offer more evidence
jump or shoot. [Academic year calendars are available from toward the theory of a single African an-
Maddy, not 'McNetty Now the LS&A faculty has taken an- the U-M Office of tlie Administration Regis- cestor. Mitochondrial DNA studies done
other giant step with the establishment trar, 1510 LS&A 1382, Ann Arbor, MI by Linda Vigilant at University of Cali-
I WOULD think that anyone connected of mandatory courses in race and 48109.] fornia, Berkeley, using new polymerase
with the University would know that Joe ethnicity. Conservatives will be quick chain restriction, point to a single origin
Maddy ran the National Music Camp at to complain that the content of such Norma P. Thomas for humans in Africa. New techniques
Interlochen! [Thankyou. A transcription courses has been left almost totally un- Mankato, Minnesota in nuclear DNA testing will offer even
error caused the misspelling — Ed.] defined, but never mind: The important more insight.
thing is "that faculty members from Paleoanthropologist Chris B. Stringer
Jane Lombard '37, '51 MA all departments are urged to think of the British Museum of Natural His-
Dearborn, Michigan creatively about how their fields might tory offers a different perspective on
12 February 1991 / LETTERS

fossil finds. According to his studies, nicate, such as the changing weather of from Homo erectus in areas all over the no, is there any way that a nonmember
fossils don't show a gradual evolution the Ice Age. Fossil finds offer proof that world. could get hold of a credit report and
across regions of Europe and Asia. Also our oldest ancestors had the same physi- I thought the whole controversy is misuse it?"
Africa contains very good examples of ology as we do. The mental ability is still about whether Eve was the first woman, "No way!" John replied.
Neanderthal and Homo sapiens fossils at question. the one mother of all humankind, not This flat-out assertion was used as the
found right next to each other. This sug- These areas of studies and points of about how humankind spread all over opening statement of that "60 Minutes"
gests replacement of species instead of views were left out of the article, thus the world. Does Wolpoff posit that segment. Unbeknownst to Spafford or
gradual evolution. leading to a one-sided argument. I un- erectus was the first human being in- anyone but the "60 Minutes" conspira-
The violent "holocaust" that Professor derstand that space in the journal is an stead of Eve? All of his arguments seem tors, the Wallace crew had set up a
Wolpoff describes is a hypothesis that issue, so maybe a second part to this ar- to deal with when and how humanity dummy corporation with a valid New
only discredits the opposing theory. It ticle might be appropriate. Please try to spread, rather than with its origin. York City address, complete with sta-
also sensationalizes the debate instead of present a more well-rounded view in the His statement that people have always tionery and a firm name on the door.
offering new insight. It is possible that future. Isn't that what we students are intermingled certainly misses the point Using this blind, the crew then set out
the mother of us all had an advantage all in college for? about the origins of humanity, as does to obtain credit reports from a number
that the Neanderthals of Europe and the statement he is trying to refute, that of Credit Bureaus, using the plea of
archaics across Asia did not have. Allan Alex Sir'ota '93 a small band of Africans swept around urgency to save a sale as the excuse for
Wilson of Berkeley suggests speech Ann Arbor the world and replaced all other people. bypassing the formality of membership.
ability. After the original male and female (call it Most respondents declined. A few
Many linguists have traced, languages the "Garden of Eden theory"), there had fell for the plea and sent a copy of the
back to 100,000 years ago. There is a I'VE BEEN fascinated with the "Eve to be some kind of proliferation before file information, compromising their
very good probability that what "Eve" theory" ever since it was first reported. there could be people to intermingle. I'd privileged status by divulging confiden-
possessed was a higher mental ability I tried to follow Milford Wolpoff's refuta- like to hear Professor Wolpoff's answers tial information to a non-member.
achieved as a result of evolution in Africa tions, which I realize are based on many about the flaws in logic I have discussed. Despicable! But typical of "60 Minutes'"
over 100,000 years, perhaps by gene mu- years of scientific research. However, techniques.
tation or by the triggering of the actual I failed to grasp one glaring flaw in his Jean Tenofsky May '41
ability to communicate by some sort of theory of multiregional evolution, which Pittsburgh Norman Williamson '36
social event or by a new need to commu- states that Homo sapiens evolved slowly Claremont, California

Students and the police

.w ** %w*^ w I r m m
27. Nylon Windbreaker Jacket. Unlined.
Winter Sale! STUDENT skepticism with President
Duderstadt's professed concern for
Mystery date solved?
Elastic cuffs. Front pockets. Navy.
Regular S-XL. $29.00 XXL.
Sale Price: S -XL....$19.99 XXI
38. Flannel Lined Nylon Satin Jacket. Knit

I Up to50% campus safety is fully justified. Very few
staff live on campus as Duderstadt does,
but many students do. If they felt that
YOU HAVE marvelously alert readers!
I rightly was taken to task by Elizabeth
Turner Harmon '38 and "several other
cuffs. Front pockets. Navy, off on some garments. an armed police force commanded by readers" in the December issue for erro-
Regular. S-XL. $49.00' XXL. .$55.00 Sale Limited to garments and design combinations In this ad.
SalePricc: S-XL .$34.99 XXL., $39.99 Sale ends April 14,1990.
Duderstadt would make the campus a neously having written that in 1932, the
safer place, they would be demonstrat- late, then Georgina (Gig) Karlson, thrilled
27. New! l.T-Shlrt. White, Navy o r Gold. ing in favor of such a force, not against it. an entire Mosher-Jordan corridor with
s-xi Sale Price...$6.50 reg. $13. oo All serious students of police activity the stunning news that Tom Harmon
XXI. (White) $7.00 reg. $14.00 agree that police patrol has little effect on had just telephoned to ask her for a date.
XXXJUWhite) $10.00 reg. $15.00 crime rates. The new police cannot pos-'
1A. 1OO% Cotton T-Shirt. White or Navy. However, almost immediately follow-
S-XL $7.00 reg. $13.50 sibly deter the typical serious campus ing publication of my letter, a charming
XXLfWhite) $7.50 reg. $14.50 crimes, like date rape, that take place be- personal response from Elizabeth Shaw
XXXUWhite) $10.50 reg. $15.50
2. Sweatshirt. Grey, White or Navy. hind closed doors. If campus crime is Weesner '41, Karlson's sister-in-law,
S-XL .'. $21.00 reg. $27.00 suddenly condemned as alarmingly informed me of my mistake. A vain at-
XXL(White or Navy) $25.50 reg. $31.50 high, that is an argument against police,
3.Hooded Sweatshirt. White or Navy. tempt to correct my error has involved
S-XL $25.00 reg. $33.00 not an argument for them. several telephone calls. Those involved
XXUwhitci J$29.50 reg. $37.50 Since police are not the answer, stu-
4.Sweatpant. Grey, White or Navy.
have included, among others, Joel S.
S XI $21.00 reg. $27.00
dents reasonably infer there must be Berger, director of membership services
4B. Blank SlVeatpttnt. Grey, White another question they are the answer of the Alumni Association; publicist
or Navy. No print. Match with Sweat- to. What else can it be but political Dawn Yoakum, who checked the Sports
shirt tops. S - XI $16.50 reg. $24.00 repression? Information Department's Vertical File,
6. Rugby Style Shirt. Long Sleeves. Is Duderstadt, though obviously mis- and Karen L. Jania, reference assistant
Navy body. S -XL $39.00 reg. $45.00
XXL $43.00 reg. $49.00 taken, at least sincere in saying he needs of the Bentley Historical Library, who
XXXI $46.50 reg. $52.50 police for protection, not for politics? checked The Michiganensian.
8. Super Heavy Weight Sweatshirt. There's an easy way to find out. Place the Their kind, combined aid produced a
85% C o t t t o n / 1 5 % Polyester. White. police force under the control of a demo-
S - XL.... $44.50 reg. $49.50 list of our football squads for the years
cratically selected board — of students. of 1932-4. From those lists, may I say
7, Zipper 8weatahirt. Grey. Front zipper,
hood and front pockets. S-Xl $39.00 Who better to place in charge than those with complete lack of assurance, that
9- Golf Shirt with pocket. White..
whom the police, according to Duder- Karlson's football-hero date, which I in-
S - XI $21.00 reg. $27.00 stadt, are there to serve? If the advertently seem to have made historic
XXI $24.00 reg. $30.00 Administration does not take this pro-
XXXI $27.00 reg. $33.00
or at least a cause celebre, was with either
posal seriously, its sexist and paternalist Chris Everhardus '34 (listed as Chris on
yammer about campus crime should one line-up sheet; Herm, on another) or
not be taken seriously either, and Duder- with Fred Petoskey '34. The latter's name
stadt's political police should be run off tinkles a bell a trifle less faint. At least I
campus as soon as possible. am sure the call did not come from
amother football stalwart of those days
Robert C. Black '73
(White garments have Navy
imprints. Albany, New York
— Gerald Ford.
Because the information I needed took
11. Short. Elastic waist. White or Navy.
S -XL..Sale Price....$10.00 reg. $13.00 time to acquire, the kettle of fish I stirred
11A. Camp Short. Twill. Front pock- up obviously has dramatically increased.
ets. Longer legs. Elastic waist. White or
Navy. S-XI „ $13.00 reg. $17.00 As a result, I could not immediately eat
14. Nightshirt. White. 60 Minutes 'despicable' crow. But during this three-month time
One Size $12.00 reg. $16.00 lapse, as a culinarian, I have been puz-
16. Long Sleeve Cotton Shirt. 100%
Cotton Sheeting. White. HOW CAN you tell if it's going to be zling over which particular herbs and
S - XL $24.00 reg. $27.00 a bad day at the office? When you find spices will at least enhance the bird.
17. Long Sleeve Polo Shirt in Fleece. Mike Wallace and the "60 Minutes" Meanwhile, may I add that along with
White. S-XL $25.00 reg. $30.00
XXL $29.00 reg. $33.00 camera crew waiting for you in the another of your readers, I too, cheer
XXXL $32.00 reg. $36.00 reception! Lawrence Kasdan's quite wonderful ad-
21. Sport Bag. Canvas. Navy imprint
on Natural color bag. Gold imprint on
Granted that Mike Wallace (see dress to the 1990 graduating class. And
navy bag. Zipper, v' X 16" . "Big Ticker/' December '90 issue) has in the interest of ongoing information —
Sale $12.00 reg. $15.00 achieved an unparalleled top Nielsen the University is mentioned both in John
22. Tote bag. Canvas. Navy imprint on
natural color canvas. rating for longer than just about any on- D. MacDonald's Darker Than Amber and
14" X 13" X 4" $6.50 reg. $7.50 going network program, there is some Elmore Leonard's Freaky Deaky. Because
25. Ecology Canvas Tote Bag. Slmliiar in question about his methods in achieving my major was English literature, I must
dimensions to a paper grocery sack, wash-
able. Natural canvas color. 1 bag $8.00 it. He has mastered the art of deception justify this choice of reading matter —
Adddltional bags $6.50 ea
25D. Blank Eco b a g s $6.OO ea in his interviewing and subsequent cut- both books made a recent virulent virus
ting and pasting. Responses that were attack almost bearable.
Alumni Products Satisfaction Phone Orders spoken in all candor have been taken out Concerning my professional name —
PO Box 465
Bclpre Ohio 45714 Mon - Fri 9 to 5PM EST of context and rejuggled in such a way Helen Worth — my husband, Arthur M.
(304) 485-4856 Guaranteed that the respondent is made to appear to Gladstone, author of some 40 pseud-
Doscriptlon Color
# Prico
be contradicting him/herself. onymous novels sees very much eye-to-
Garniont iocos
Example: In his great expose of abuses eye with Nancy Willard '58 (Dec. '90).
in Credit Bureau reporting, he blind- In an engaging feature, Cathleen Collins
sided John Spafford who, as president Lee, quotes Willard as saying she "wants
of the Associated Credit Bureaus' trade to discover the story" of her books as she
association, was made to say that there "goes along." Gladstone says that during
was no way that a nonmember could get writing his, he can't wait to find out how
Street WVr.iid.ntj.dd 6% Us his/her hands on an individual's credit they will end!
Clty_ State Shipping a Handling
history and use it to that person's
Shipping * Handling P O B o x Addrcnoeii
disadvantage. Helen Worth '35
Visa MC F.xp Date chnrgna: APO. FPO. NON- This was accomplished in a typical "60 Charlottesville (Ivy), Virginia
Cardir to $40. add $4.95 ContlnenLnl USA
Name ol issuing Hank $40 01 to $00. arid $5.95 AddrRMtii: Plenum Minutes" ploy. After a lengthy interview,
$80.01 to $120. add $6.OS add 85.OO to rcgulnr
$120.01 • ndd$7.9S Shipping Ac llnridilrtg. Wallace said, "John, we've only got 15
signature seconds left on the video tape. Yes or

Making a lasting gift through a bequest

The impact that bequests have had
on the University can be seen from
one end of Central Campus to the
other. The rewards for Michigan have
been substantial. Building projects
have been funded, scholarships and
fellowships established and research
opportunities opened.
From early in the University's his-
tory, alumni and friends have left a ': William W. Cook initially wished
variety of gifts, some small, some to endow a professorship in the Law
large, but all of great value to the School, but later expanded his vision
academic mission of the University to include the magnificent Law
of Michigan. Quadrangle.
In recognition of the benefits that
bequests offer the .U-M, the John
Monteith Society has been created to
recognize those donors who make a
1Regent Arthur Hill told no one that
he had made a provision in his will
to fund Hill Auditorium.
bequest to the University (see accom-
panying article).

For Buildings
On the south side of campus, the
Law Quadrangle was built through
a generous gift from the estate of
William W. Cook, who received his
baccalaureate in 1880 and his law de-
gree in 1882. On the campus's north
side, Hill Auditorium was made possi-
ble by a bequest from Regent Arthur
Hill of the class of 1865.
Looking at its Tudor Gothic style, it
is hard to imagine that the Law Quad
dates only from 1933. After funding
and furnishing the Martha Cook dor-
mitory for women, (named after his
mother), William Cook, a New York
attorney, was asked to fund another
residence hall. When that plan fell
through, he was approached about
a new facility for the Law School.
Cook responded with unprece-
dented generosity, making provision
in his will for the four magnificent
buildings that make up the Law Quad her sex and to enlarge our facilities for
and for a substantial endowment in medical education."
support of legal research. The Bates Professorship is an
The final dollar value of the Law example of how a bequest for an
Quad buildings, including equipment endowment can perpetuate a person's
and books, was $8,643,370; but the concern about a particular issue or
benefits brought to the University area of study.
and the Law School by Cook's gift Many others have followed Eliza-
are incalculable. beth Bates's example. William
Hill Auditorium, so central to the Bandemer '22 B.S.E., a prominent
intellectual and cultural life of the Uni- business executive and civic leader in
versity, almost wasn't built. Although Ann Arbor, used his will to further his
the University's need for an audi- interests. His bequest funded a sub-
torium was long recognized, and stantial scholarship program for
plans were drawn up for a suitable engineering students and established
building in 1894, years of fund raising an endowment for research in plastic
proved fruitless. and reconstructive surgery.
Then Arthur Hill, who became a re- Recently, Willard J. Banyon '34, '38
gent in 1901, took matters into his own L.L.B., an attorney, businessman and
hands. Telling no one of his intention, newspaper publisher in the Benton
he made a provision in his will for a Harbor and St. Joseph twin cities,
$200,000 bequest in support of the addressed his dual interests in the
auditorium project. The University College of Engineering and Michigan
received this gift in 1910, and Hill athletics by leaving $250,000 to the
Auditorium was dedicated in 1913.
Arthur Hill recognized a need of the
University and met it. His generosity
dean of engineering's discretionary
fund and $50,000 to the Glenn E. (Bo)
Schembechler Hall.
The John Monteith Society
continues to enrich thousands of lives Another bequest to the University
through the concerts, convocations, resulted from a donor's life long love In the summer of 1817, when Michigan- proved a new donor recognition program
plays and performances presented in of art. The U-M's Museum of Art has was stilt part of the Northwest Territory at its springl990 meeting.
the building that is his lasting legacy. been greatly aided by a bequest from and Detroit was a small village of French Named the John Monteith Society, the
W. Hawkins Ferry of over $1 million to and Indian fur traders, three prominent program recognizes people wlw demon-
For a Personal Interest strengthen the Museum's collection. men came together to develop a strategic strate his foresight by making a bequest to
Buildings are not the only enduring Ferry, a noted architectural historian plan fora government-supported the University, Members will be asked to
legacies created by bequests. Michi- and renowned collector of modern art, University. provide the University with a copy of the
gan's first endowment for an active has carried on his father's tradition of Father Gabriel Richard, a French portion of the estate plan pertaining to
professorship was created in 1898 by a generous support to the arts in De- Sulpician missionary, Augustus A. B. their gift and to sign a John Monteith
bequest from Elizabeth Bates, a physi- troit. During his lifetime he made gifts Woodward, tfie newly appointed chief jus- Society Statement of Intent.
cian from Port Chester, New York. to support the arts at U-M as well. tice of the Territory, and the Reverend John The University ioill invite members to
Although not an alumna, Bates left The direct financial benefits that Monteith, a recently ordained Presbyterian special donor recognition programs, in-
the University the bulk of her estate these and other bequests bring to the clergyman, formed the Catliolepistemiad of cluding President's Weekends, In addition,
to endow the Bates Professor of the University are readily apparent. But Michigania, now known as the University Monteith Society members may be eligible
Diseases of Women and Children. these gifts bring an additional benefit. of Michigan. John Monteith was elected for recognition at one of the Presidential
As President James B. Angell said at They serve as a lasting testament to president of the newly formed university Societies levels.
the time, "She was moved to remem- a generosity of spirit that has charac- because of his reputation as a courageous The Office of Trusts and Bequests at the
ber us in this generous manner by the terized so many of Michigan's alumni individualist and classical scholar. University can provide additional infor-
fact that this University was one of and friends through the years. This In honor of those who share John Mon- mation. The office may be reached at 301
the first to offer medical education to generosity strengthens and sustains teith's vision of the need for a great public £. Liberty, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2260;
women. She wished to testify her ap- the University, and it has inspired university, the U-M Presidential Societies (313) 998-6085.
preciation of the service thus rendered succeeding generations to emulate it. Executive Committee unanimously ap-
14 February 1991 /

Victory crowns a tough career

By Lisa Failer
The 1991 35-3 Gator Bowl victory — The Ohio State game and the Gator
perhaps the high moment of Michi- Bowl trouncing of the University of
gan's mercurial football season this Mississippi were among Milligan's
year — was team co-captain John best performances, Carr says. But they
Milligan's goodbye to a way of life. were also his last.
"I'm done with football/' says Milli- To inside linebacker coach Jim Herr-
gan, a fifth-year graduating senior. mann, the fact that Milligan's football
"I don't see any future in it for me. career is over is beside the point. "Less
But that doesn't bother me. I don't than 1 percent of college players go on
need football." to the pros," he says. "For Milligan not
Milligan suffered a series of almost to go, that's not a big deal. But here at
insurmountable injuries. In Septem- Michigan, he achieved everything he
ber 1987, his first year on the team, he wanted to. He was able to leave that
tore ligaments in his left knee during last game, the Gator Bowl, saying that
practice and underwent reconstructive he gave everything and did everything
surgery (Michigan Today, "Cutting on possible to be the best player he
His Own Knee," October '87). That could be."
entailed a month-long hospital stay These days Milligan, who carried a
because of a serious staphylococcus heavy academic load as a psychology
infection, followed by six months on major, spends more time studying,
crutches. The end of Milligan's football days also marks the end of artificial turf at and he's also applying for jobs in
His doctors said Milligan might not Michigan Stadium. The 'rug' — prime suspect in the injuries of many players human resources and social services
be able to play football again, but a at Michigan and elsewhere — is being torn up, to be replaced by earth and in Colorado and California.
year later he came onto the field as natural grass. "Football was my whole life here;
a starting inside linebacker against it was my identity; it was what I did,"
Notre Dame. he says. "When it's over, you lose what
"It was a great reward for all the gan's, "you lose something in terms you're focused on. Everything was
hard work," he says. of ability, but he was able to play over Carr says Milligan's attitude helped regimented. Now, your schedule is left
But the hard work didn't let up. As a that," Carr adds. even the coaches remain optimistic up to you.
junior, Milligan injured his ankle half- Being co-captains when Gary about turning the season around. "It probably will be a lot harder for
way through the Indiana game, not Moeller replaced Bo Schembechler "Losing games at home back to back me when next fall rolls around. But it's
finding out until the clock ran out that as head coach sharply tested the lead- affects you as a coach every bit as all part of life. You have to move on.
the ankle was broken. ership of Milligan and Jarrod, Bunch much as it does a player. Following I can't see that I hit the peak of my life
This season, Milligan broke his '90 of Ashtabula, Ohio. those losses, every day was like a at 23 years old."
foot early in the second quarter of the "There was a lot of pressure on us to month. John never lost his positive
UCLA game, again not realizing it do well this year, to make Moeller look outlook. That had a tremendously pos- Lisa Failer '88 M.F.A. is an Ann Arbor
until the game was over. The injury good and to carry on with the tradi- itive impact on coaches and players freelancer.
grounded him for the next five games, tion of Michigan football," says the alike."
including the defeats by Michigan 6'3", 233-pound Milligan.
State and Iowa that cost the Wolverines The adjustment was hard for
a Big Ten crown and Rose Bowl coaches and players at first. But as the
appearance. season progressed, Moeller began to
In retrospect, the physical setbacks regard the team as his to coach, Milli-
seem to fade against the hard-won re-
coveries, which were an inspiration to
the team. "That's maybe why the team
gan says. "He became more and more
like himself. It was a real hard situa-
tion for him to come into."
They Said It
elected me captain," Milligan reflects, Still, the losses to Michigan State
"because I was able to come back from and Iowa on home turf were devastat-
all that adversity." ing — and it was the responsibility of "Everything's happening all at once. divided by widely differing views about
Lloyd Carr, assistant head coach Milligan and fullback Bunch to keep Basically, I'm thrilled to have made it the conflict itself. Let us not add to
spirits up. "Coach Moeller always said this far. I don't really know what to the tragedy of war by abandoning our
and defensive coordinator, who fundamental values of free speech and
that to be a good captain is to lead by say" — senior Mike Barrowman, after
recruited Milligan from Trenton, making the list of 10 nominees for the respect for the rights and privileges of
Michigan, calls him a "mentally tough example," Milligan says. "You can't. all members of our community. We hope
Sullivan Award, which goes annually to
individual." After injuries like Milli- have a down day as a captain." the nation's top amateur athlete. Only that dissent will be expressed freely
days before, the English major and Big but in the light of reason and mutual
Ten All-Academic team member had respect" — Michigan President James J.
lowered for the fourth time his world Duderstadt in response to concerns
record in the 200-meter breaststroke at expressed by students as the Gulf
YOU CAN SHOW YOUR the World Swimming Championships war began.
QVQ in Perth, Australia.
U OF M PRIDE!! • • • • •
• • • • •
We're back!! Due to great response, we are able to offer this beautiful As the coalition of armed forces attacked
reproduction of a famous maker watch bearing the official proud U of M "Basically, I'm doing this for personal Iraq, the Michigan Daily published these
sports logo on the dial. and economic reasons. I think I can go reactions from the U-M community:
pretty high — in the first three rounds "It really hurts to see countries clash
Available in Men's of the draft" — junior Jon Vaughn, an- like this. My heart goes out to all those
and Women's Sizes nouncing he hoped to leave college early soldiers fighting on our behalf in the
to play professional football. Vaughn Gulf" — Amrikh Singh '93
• Great Gifts topped the Wolverines with 1,236 yards "By not listening or adhering to diplo-
• Fully Adjustable Band rushing and added 128 more in the 35-3 macy and reason, Saddam Hussein has
Gator Bowl thrashing of Ole Miss. He left the United States and the allies in a
• Quality Quartz Movement had two more years of athletic eligibility. situation that can only be resolved with
• Stainless and Gold force" — Jeffrey Gerson '92.
• Warranty included with each watch • • • • •
• Hundreds Sold "The U.S. locks up Black males at
• Write or call for a rate four times greater than South
Africa. Given that fact, and the alphabet
quantity order prices soup list of other problems Blacks face
here — drugs, teenage pregnancy and Michigan Today
Charge Card # Exp. absent fathers, homicide as the number- John Woodford - Executive Editor
Mastercard/Visa_ Date one cause of death among Black males, Sherri Moore - Graphic Designer
Bush's veto of the 1990 Civil Rights Act Christine Blouch - Copy Editor
Name Bob Kalmbach - Photographer
— well, I think our troubles are here, not Dennis Caplis, Anne Griffin - Development
Address in the Middle East" — Bunyan I. Bryant, Barbara Wilson - Advertising
co-chair of the U-M's 1991 Martin Luther Annie Beekley - Circulation
City, State, Zip King Jr. Symposium Planning Commit- Susan Fielder - Correspondence
tee and associate professor of natural Michigan Today is published four times
Price: Women's $44.00 ORDERING .Quantity Men's resources. a year by News and Information Services,
Price: Men's $44.00 Quantity Women's The University of Michigan,
Handling & Tax: 5.00 TOTAL 12 Maynard St., Ann Arbor MI 48109-1399.
• * • • * Circulation: 310,000
A portion of the proceeds go to U of M.
Mail CHECK, MONEY ORDER or CARD NUMBER to: Michigan Watch Co. "We believe the University community James J. Duderstadt - President
5111 Lashbrook to be fully united in our compassion Walter L. Harrison - Executive Director,
and concern for all those who will suffer University Relations
Brighton, Ml 48116 Joseph H. Owsley - Director, News and
through this war, although we may be Information Services

Immigrant author sees

'a dark side to multiculturalism'
By John Woodford

"Our American intellectuals need older "national mythology of being fate has cast about you. But in making
to become aware of the dark side of a nation of immigrant peoples who your fate, you don't know the meaning
multiculturalism. Emphasizing of make themselves over as Americans." of your actions, so the thing is to make
differences can marginalize the non- The most influential cultural expres- every moment and action special. That
white immigrant or citizen. We see sion of the melting-pot myth, she is a true Hindu view."
danger in times like these when some- added, was created by Jewish immi- Sometimes the "true Hindu view"
one is identified as an Arab-American grants via Hollywood movies. negates Hindu customs. After sending
or Iraqi-American, instead of just an Her Canadian experiences have led her to study writing at the University
American." Mukherjee to celebrate the openness of Iowa in the early '60s, Mukherjee's
The author Bharati Mukherjee told of American society in her fiction parents wrote her that they had picked
Michigan Today that she arrived at this while in no way compromising her out her Bengali bridegroom.
conclusion after living in Canada in perceptions of her new homeland's "But I had already had a whirlwind Mukherjee, who read from her
1966-80. There, she said, as a result peculiar or unpleasant features. courtship with a Canadian writer, novel Jasmine at the 1991 Hopwood
of Canadian immigration policies Jasmine (Grove Weidenfeld, 1989) is Clark Blaise," Mukherjee said, "so I Underclassmen Awards ceremony, is
deigned to bring about "a salad-bowl the tale of a young Indian woman's told my father by letter that by the the only naturalized U.S. citizen to
rather than melting-pot nation," she harrowing but oddly comical journey time he received it, it would already win the National Book Critics Circle
and other Asian immigrants were through several incarnations, from a be too late for the Bengali." Award in fiction.
cursed, spat upon, abused and dis- rundown farm in a village in the Pun- She and Blaise, who heads the
criminated against. jab to early widowhood, from illegal international writing program at the
"There was no constitution, no civil immigration to the United States to University of Iowa, enjoy a "biracial, York City and a Reed College student
rights laws," continued Mukherjee, emergence as a footloose, worldly bicultural and now bicoastal mar- who maintains, to his mother's amuse-
who was on campus in January to wise American. riage," Mukherjee said. They have two ment, "that nothing worth reading has
read from her latest novel, Jasmine, Many readers assume from the grown sons, a film cameraman in New been written after the 14th century."
at the 1991 Hopwood Underclassmen graphic force of Jasmine's adventures
Awards ceremony and to serve as a that Jasmine is Mukherjee. But the
visiting fellow of the Institute for the author's background resembles her
Humanities. heroine's in a literary, not a literal, U-M policy on students who withdraw
"What I say is that we immigrant sense. Mukherjee's father owned a
writers — as distinguished from ex- pharmaceutical company in Calcutta, to enter U.S.military service
patriates — are remaking American had three daughters and sent them all
culture, braiding it, combining it till to study abroad. U-M students in military service re- tary should "be granted prorated or
the broth is new. In the old days, they "No events in Jasmine are true," ceive fee refunds, academic credit and equitable credit for work completed
sold a white block of margarine with a said Mukherjee, who holds a readmission priority. after such examinations as may be de-
orange pellet to mix in, and in the end Distinguished Professorship at the The Regental action governing the termined upon by the faculty of the
both colors mingled till a third and University of California, Berkeley, policy, passed in April 1968, says that school or college in which the students
new product was created. "but they all reflect the intensity of my after the first two weeks of withdrawal is enrolled, due regard being taken for
"It's not a matter of newcomers appetites and the shape of my life and from school to enter U.S. military ser- special circumstances in each case."
mimicking the Anglo models that they desires. I write with what I call my vice, a student is entitled to "a refund The students also "should receive
found, as they did in the 19th century iceberg method — only the tip of the of the semester fee equal to the frac- priority consideration for readmission
fashion, but of rerooting themselves story shows, and it floats right if the tion of the semester not completed at upon termination of his [sic] service,
and transforming the people and part on the page suggests the the time of withdrawal. Any such stu- subject to adequate notice of intention
places they find themselves among. large submerged text." dent returning to the University after to return and limitations of space for
This new process is frightening to The author and her favorite charac- the close of the registration period of particular programs."
many whites. But when you hyphen- ters thrive on "odysseys of disloca^ a semester shall, with the approval of In early February, seven U-M stu-
ate Americans, this sets up a vertical tion" and celebrate "the fact that in the appropriate faculty, be required to dents had left the University to serve
structure in which there is a group America nothing lasts. To me that pay only that part of the semester fee in the Persian Gulf; meanwhile, LSA
that is the prototype, that does not means America is not stuck with the which is proportional to the fraction of announced that it was reviewing its
need to hyphenate, which is 'the' detritus of history." the semester remaining." policy on course credits.
Americans." The "cancellation of history" her The U-M also holds it as a "general Faculty and staff are granted leaves
Far healthier than the hyphenation characters enjoy, Mukherjee said, principal" that a student who has of absence for the duration of their
trend, Mukherjee said, is America's means "getting rid of the barriers that withdrawn to serve in the U.S. mili- active duty.

U reaffirms a level field. Financial aid programs

have not been in place long enough to
level the playing field."
mean that you are not equally disad-
vantaged. I think perhaps we have not
really thought this question through."

minority Moody compared the issue of race-

based affirmative action measures
with changes in the design of running
According to Robert B. Holmes,
assistant vice president for academic
affairs, the University has not received
commitment tracks: "In the past they used to run
races without a staggered start. But
then they realized that the competitors
any new regulations or guidelines
from the DOE.
"We're conducting business as
in the outside lanes were running far- usual," Holmes said, adding that
ther. Nowadays the lanes are staggered "many people-question the Depart-
"The University reaffirms its com- Moody Holmes to make things fair, but it still may ment of Education's stance on the
mitment to both currently enrolled seem to casual or uninformed observers issue, and are concerned about how it
and prospective minority students that the runners in the outside lanes may affect the recruiting of minority
with respect to scholarships and fel- have an advantage." students.
lowships," said Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr., Stephen J. Tonsor, professor of "Schools are worried that this sends
provost and vice president for aca- Williams said that "race-specific" history, said he thought Williams a very chilling message to potential
demic affairs. scholarships violated civil rights law had raised important constitutional students." He said the University has
"We are committed to attracting and and that schools receiving federal questions. a "substantial" amount of financial aid
maintaining a multiculturally diverse money risked losing the funds if they "I am not very keen on race-based targeted for minority students since
student body," Whitaker continued. continued to award scholarships on scholarships," Tonsor said in an inter- their financial need is often high rela-
"Minority students' awards will be the basis of race. view with the Michigan Review, a tive to other students.
fully honored under the original condi- Charles D. Moody, vice-provost student publication. "It is possible for Under the Michigan Mandate
tions of the offer." for minority affairs and professor of a student to be Black and be a mil- announced by President James J.
Whitaker made his statement in education, said the University "will lionaire, well able to afford a college Duderstadt in 1988, Holmes noted,
response to a December ruling by continue to create an institutional education, and simply by accident of one of the University's goals is "to
Michael Williams, head of the Depart- climate conducive to the growth and race receive a scholarship. commit to the recruitment, support
ment of Education (DOE) Office for development of students of color. We "Whether or not a race-based schol- and success of members of historically
Civil Rights, that called into question want them to transfer these achieve- arship is constitutional, whether or under-represented groups among our
the legality of race-based financial ments to additional education and not it is even in the American tradition students, faculty, staff and leadership."
aid. Williams's decision was in reaction to jobs." of equal opportunity, is an important He pointed out that the Mandate
to an announcement that Fiesta Bowl Moody said Williams's ruling was question. I believe you can make a pledges the U-M "to meet the full fi-
officials in Arizona would offer "an effort to jump to a color-blind soci- case for scholarship assistance on the nancial needs of all under-represented
scholarships to Black students of uni- ety without paying attention to the fact basis of being disadvantaged. It is minority students who are Michigan
versities that agreed to play in the that the country didn't get this way by much more difficult to make that case residents and to expand significantly
game despite Arizona voters' rejection being color-blind. Thirty years of affir- on the basis of race. Where do you the financial aid resources available
of a proposed state holiday honoring mative action don't make the playing end? Whom do you include? Because to non-resident under-represented
Martin Luther King Jr. field level after 400 years of not having you are white does not necessarily minority students."
Michigan Today

:> u,them,, l,'i,4'~th">, >i

A maze of maize: On display at Crayola's Hall of Tame (left) in Easton, Pennsylvania, are an oversized maize crayon and
this plaque honoring the Wolverine colors; maize was one of eight hues withdrawn pom the crayon lineup last summer.
At right is a maize still life composed of U-M's version of maize on the football jersey's sleeve; maize crayons by Color
Art and Crayola; an ear of Calico Belle corn; maize yellow (light yellow 86 pom the 1912 work Color Standards and
Color Nomenclature); Crayola's 'Dandelion' crayon (which replaced 'Maize'; and Crayola's 'Lemon Yellow/ the closest
match to the stripe in the football jersey, and erased pom Crayola's lineup. (See articles on color, pages 8-10.)

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U-M Regents: Deane Baker, Ann Arbor; Paul W. Brown, Petoskey; Neal D.
Nielsen, Brighton; Philip H. Power, Ann Arbor; Thomas A. Roach, Ann Arbor;
Veronica Latta Smith, Grosse He; Nellie M. Varner, Detroit; James L. Waters,
Muskegon; James J. Duderstadt, President, Ex-officio.

The University of Michigan, as an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action

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nated against in employment, educational programs and activities, or ad-
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