AC7109.4 Rev D - Editorial 11aug2016

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AC7109/4 REV.

Issued 1995-03
Revised 2016-08
161Thorn Hill Road
Warrendale, PA 15086-7527 Superseding AC7109/4 Rev. C

Editorial Change made to 6.1 and 6.2 to add job tracker fields on August 11, 2016


This checklist supplements PRI AC7109. This checklist shall apply to all
suppliers seeking Nadcap Coatings accreditation who perform stripping
processes other than machining, water jet or grinding.


2.1 Classification



Media Blast

Molten Salt



3.1 Does the material control demonstrate the following elements:

3.1.1 Listing of approved chemical material and other media sources? YES NO
•OEM specification or Critical items list, Approved Vendor/Supplier List

3.1.2 Procedure for verification and documentation of materials received? YES NO

•A record of review and acceptance (e.g. log, sign-off, stamp, etc.).
There does not need to be a mark on each characteristic.

PRI operating procedures provide that "This report is published by PRI to advance the state of technical, engineering, and quality
sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent
infringement arising there from, is the sole responsibility of the user."

PRI values your input. To provide feedback on this document, please contact the appropriate commodity staff engineer.
(Contact information is located at under “Contact Us”.)
Copyright 2016 Performance Review Institute. All rights reserved.
t-frm-15 04-Jan-2016
PRI AC7109/4 Revision D -2-

3.1.3 Material storage is in an appropriately controlled environment? YES NO

•Per Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), Control of Substances
Hazardous to Health (COSHH) or equivalent
•Protected from contamination and moisture as appropriate


4.1 Electrolytic SECTION NA

•NA if electrolytic stripping is not performed.

4.1.1 Are tanks labeled to include identification, contents and temperature YES NO

4.1.2 Is there a record of filter: SECTION NA

•NA if filters are not used Cleaning? YES NO NA

•NA if filters are not cleaned Recharging? YES NO NA

•NA if filters are not recharged Replacement? YES NO

4.1.3 Are spray and immersion rinse tanks: SECTION NA

•NA if rinse tanks are not used Clean, clear, free-running or monitored for contamination levels? YES NO

•Does not apply to drag-out tanks if adequate rinsing is provided
afterward. Situated in a sequence to prevent cross contamination of process YES NO

tanks? Assuring adequate neutralization and/or removal of process chemicals? YES NO

•Particular attention must be given to parts such as small diameter
•Processor should have or make provision for auxiliary rinsing.

4.1.4 Are parts fixtured, or are other provisions made, to preclude air YES NO
•Look for entrapment that would affect an area to be stripped. This is
not a factor for uncoated areas. Agitation could address this issue.

4.1.5 Is the process equipped with arc detector/auto shutdown mechanism? YES NO
•Visible device or described in equipment manual if not visible

4.1.6 Are there work instructions to define the electrolytic stripping YES NO
•Procedure, work instructions, and/or stripping router (e.g. time,
temperature, solution composition/control, etc.)
PRI AC7109/4 Revision D -3-

4.1.7 Is the chemistry of the stripping solution controlled? YES NO

•Look at customer and internal requirements and see that the analysis
meets these requirements
•If there is no specification requirement, this is expected to be
controlled internally (internal approval and traceable).
•For single component stripping solutions, stock loss or strip time
control to determine when to replace bath is acceptable if there are no
other specification requirements for solution control.

4.1.8 Does the hardware receive an embrittlement relief bake prior to YES NO NA
recoating as required by specification and/or customer?
•Listed and signed off on router or in procedure that is then referenced
and signed off on router
•NA if embrittlement relief bake is not required.

If supplier performs embrittlement relief, PRI AC7109/7 shall be

completed or the supplier shall be Nadcap accredited to PRI AC7102

4.1.9 Are inspection requirements and accept/reject criteria defined? YES NO

•Described on router and/or in procedure or work instruction

4.2 Media Blasting (e.g. grit, glass bead, etc.) SECTION NA

•NA if media blast stripping is not performed.

4.2.1 Is there a system to ensure that blast media that has been used for YES NO
stripping is not used for surface preparation prior to coating?
•Grit used once, or dedicated cabinets, or change out of grit between
stripping and surface prep.

4.2.2 Are there work instructions that define the grit blasting parameters? YES NO
•Listed in procedure, work instruction, or on router (e.g. particle size,
pressure, etc.)

4.2.3 Are controls (e.g., inspection, frozen parameters, training, documented YES NO
procedures) in place to ensure the base material is protected from
excessive erosion during coating removal?
•See examples listed for controls also customer and specification
requirements for controls that may include approval of method in
general or part specific approval (Do not dwell)

4.2.4 Are inspection requirements and accept/reject criteria defined? YES NO

•Described on router and/or in procedure or work instruction

4.3 Molten Salt SECTION NA

•NA if molten salt stripping is not performed.

4.3.1 Are spray and immersion rinse tanks: SECTION NA

•NA if rinse tanks are not used Clean, clear, free-running or monitored for contamination levels? YES NO

PRI AC7109/4 Revision D -4-

• Does not apply to drag-out tanks if adequate rinsing is provided

afterward. Situated in a sequence to prevent cross contamination of process YES NO

tanks? Assuring adequate neutralization and/or removal of process chemicals? YES NO

• Particular attention must be given to parts such as small diameter
• Processor should have or make provision for auxiliary rinsing.

4.3.2 Are parts fixtured, or other provisions made, to preclude YES NO

air/water/molten salt entrapment?
•This is critical for safety and stripping purposes. If not obvious look at
record of customer or internal approval of stripping process set-up

4.3.3 Are there work instructions to define the molten salt stripping YES NO
•Procedure, work instructions, and/or stripping router (e.g. temperature,
time, etc.)

4.3.4 Are inspection requirements and accept/reject criteria defined? YES NO

•Described on router and/or in procedure or work instruction

4.4 Chemical SECTION NA

•NA if chemical stripping is not performed

4.4.1 Are tanks labeled to include identification, contents and temperature YES NO

4.4.2 Is there a record of filter: SECTION NA

•NA if filters are not used Cleaning? YES NO NA

•NA if filters are not cleaned Recharging? YES NO NA

•NA if filters are not recharged Replacement? YES NO

4.4.3 Are spray and immersion rinse tanks: SECTION NA

•NA if rinse tanks are not used Clean, clear, free-running or monitored for contamination levels? YES NO

•Does not apply to drag-out tanks if adequate rinsing is provided
afterward. Situated in a sequence to prevent cross contamination of process YES NO

tanks? Assuring adequate neutralization and/or removal of process chemicals? YES NO

PRI AC7109/4 Revision D -5-

•Particular attention must be given to parts such as small diameter

•Processor should have or make provision for auxiliary rinsing.

4.4.4 Are parts fixtured, or have other provisions been made, to preclude YES NO
air/solution entrapment?
•Look for entrapment that would affect an area to be stripped. This is
not a factor for uncoated areas. Agitation could address this issue.

4.4.5 Are masking, insulators, or similar methods being used to prevent YES NO NA
galvanic coupling of dissimilar materials?
•Look at set-up or procedure, processing only one type of material at a
time, etc.
•NA if there are no dissimilar metal couples.
•NA if galvanic coupling is used in the stripping process.

4.4.6 Are there work instructions to define the chemical stripping YES NO
•Procedure, work instructions, and/or stripping router (e.g. time,
temperature, solution composition/control, etc.)

4.4.7 Is the chemistry of the stripping solution controlled? YES NO

•Look at customer and internal requirements and see that the analysis
meets these requirements
•If there is no specification requirement, this is expected to be
controlled internally (internal approval and traceable).
•For single component stripping solutions, stock loss or strip time
control to determine when to replace bath is acceptable if there are no
other specification requirements for solution control.

4.4.8 Do chemical stripping baths include an inhibiting agent when required YES NO NA
by specification or customer?
•NA if an inhibiting agent is not required

4.4.9 Does the hardware receive an embrittlement relief bake prior to YES NO NA
recoating as required by specification and/or customer?
•Listed and signed off on router or in procedure that is then signed off
on router
•NA if embrittlement relief bake is not required

If supplier performs embrittlement relief, PRI AC7109/7 shall be

completed or the supplier shall be Nadcap accredited to PRI AC7102

4.4.10 Are inspection requirements and accept/reject criteria defined? YES NO

•Described on router and/or in procedure or work instruction


•NA if media blast is the only stripping process performed.
PRI AC7109/4 Revision D -6-

5.1 Is there a procedure for initial tank make-up? YES NO

5.2 Is there a procedure which defines the control of solutions? YES NO

•E.g. Number of uses, time, number of adds, number of parts or
determined by analyses

5.3 Solution Analysis/Strip Rate Determination SECTION NA

•NA for single use solutions

5.3.1 Are the following responsibilities assigned and documented: Review and approval of analysis results? YES NO Authorization of re-analysis? YES NO Calculation of process solution additions and corrections? YES NO Preparation and approval of analysis procedures? YES NO

5.3.2 Are these responsibilities performed by a qualified individual or by a YES NO

technician supervised by such an individual?
•Defined requirement for personnel, e.g. 5 years of experience,
technical degree

5.3.3 Do the solution control records contain the following information for
each tank monitored:
•Analysis for the concentration of individual constituents of a solution
may not be required if other adequate and appropriate solution control
methods are used. Some examples of alternate methods include
specific gravity, strip rate, boiling point and defined bath replacement
(e.g., dump when strip time exceeds 20 minutes or dump when etch
rate drops below 0.005 inches/hour). Tank identification? YES NO Tank contents? YES NO Tank size (working volume) and level? YES NO

•The working volume shall be defined in the log, but the level may be
marked or automatically controlled in the tank. Analysis frequency? YES NO Constituents to be analyzed? YES NO Operating parameters and tolerances (temperature, constituents, pH, YES NO

strip rate, etc.)? Date sampled and analyzed? YES NO Analysis results and/or calculated constituent values? YES NO Additions and corrections? YES NO

PRI AC7109/4 Revision D -7-

•Corrections are removal of solutions for the maintenance of controls Tank dumps? YES NO Reanalysis after addition when out of specification limits? YES NO

•Specification limits could be defined by customer or internally. Identity of individual conducting analyses, additions, re-analyses and YES NO


5.3.4 Do records show that corrections and/or additions are made when there YES NO NA
is an out-of-tolerance condition identified prior to stripping?
•NA when there have been no out-of-tolerance conditions

5.3.5 Is solution analysis frequency defined by and conducted per procedure YES NO
and in accordance with applicable customer specifications?

5.3.6 Do procedures require, and documents show, that processing is halted YES NO
for solutions which exhibit out-of-tolerance conditions until the condition
is corrected and the solution reanalyzed?

5.3.7 Are there procedures that describe the following: Solution analysis conforming to a laboratory standard or chemical YES NO

compound manufacturer's procedures?
•The use of test kits supplied for testing proprietary compounds is
acceptable. Sample collection which assures that the sample is representative of YES NO
the bath solution and operating condition and precludes sample
•Bath should be at correct level, agitated and at correct temperature
prior to sampling. Addition calculations? YES NO

5.3.8 Are laboratory chemicals labeled and stored properly? YES NO

•MSDS or other established requirements

5.3.9 Are laboratory materials with a limited shelf life properly labeled to YES NO NA
preclude usage after expiration date?
•NA if no materials with a limited shelf life
PRI AC7109/4 Revision D -8-


6.1 Job Audit #1 (In-Process Audit) SECTION NA

•NA if an in-process job audit is not performed.

NOTE: If the part, technology or any technical information or data being

utilized in the audit is classified as “EC–LR/Restricted” (see posted
Nadcap definition) any technical data required to be included in
response to questions marked with an (EC) cannot by displayed in
eAuditNet as they contain information available only to properly
licensed or otherwise unrestricted parties.

6.1.1 Job Identity

Audit is of an in-process job. Purchase order number: _______________

•For overhaul jobs there may not be a P.O. In this case, record the
repair scheme, engine manual or other equivalent reference. Customer: _______________ Subscriber: Part number: _______________ Part description: _______________ Lot Quantity: _______________ Stripping Process/Method: Date of job and job number: _______________ (EC) Base material/alloy (if available): _______________ (EC) Coating material and/or specification: _______________ Process specification (or Overhaul Manual): _______________ (EC) Special provisions specified: (e.g. Customer approved process _______________
plan number) Operator: _______________ Equipment ID: _______________

6.1.2 Work Instructions Are work instructions compliant with customer requirements? YES NO

•Purchase Order, Prints/Drawings, Specifications, Repair Scheme,
Overhaul Manual and any qualified deviation documents should be
reviewed against procedures and part processing.
PRI AC7109/4 Revision D -9- Does the engineering drawing/specification revision in use match YES NO NA

customer requirements?
•NA if no revision of drawing or specification included within customer
requirements. Has customer approval been received to process to the specification? YES NO NA
•NA if no customer requirement. If the process is frozen by the customer, has customer approval been YES NO NA
•NA if process is not frozen. Are work instructions controlled so as not to be revised without proper YES NO
internal approval and customer approval, when required?
•Establish supplier work instruction control method and compare to
customer requirement. Is revision in operation compliant with approval
status? (Proper signatures, proper revision letters, etc.) Are all levels of processing instructions in agreement with each other? YES NO
•Processing instructions, including technical plans, routers, work
instructions, operation sheets, customer approved documents (as
applicable) etc., should not contradict each other.

6.1.3 Precleaning SECTION NA

•NA if precleaning is not performed. Is cleaning defined in work instructions? YES NO NA

•NA when cleaning is not performed within the scope of the stripping
process. Is cleaning performed in accordance with work instructions? YES NO NA

•NA when cleaning is not performed within the scope of the stripping
process. Is cleanliness verified or inspected? YES NO

•Verified means verified by the supplier (not the auditor). There does
not need to be a separate signature. It can be included as part of the
cleaning operation as long as it is clearly defined in the procedure. Is contamination of parts prevented after cleaning? YES NO

•Examples of preventing contamination include; protection of parts
(covering with paper); placing in a clean area; re-inspection and or re-
cleaning as necessary.

6.1.4 Masking SECTION NA

•NA if masking is not used. Is masking defined in work instructions? YES NO

•Materials and methods are defined and reusable masks are identified
•Work instructions define how masking is to be arranged or constructed
around part.
PRI AC7109/4 Revision D - 10 - Is masking being done in accordance with work instructions? YES NO

6.1.5 Fixture SECTION NA

•NA when fixturing is not used. Is fixture identified? YES NO Does fixture have a controlled configuration or drawing? YES NO NA

•NA applies when not a customer requirement.
•Looking that the fixture can be reproduced.
•Controlled configuration could be a catalog number. Is fixture maintained? YES NO

•Looking for general good working order; not required to clean after
each run.

6.1.6 Stripping Process Is the stripping process defined in the work instructions? YES NO Was the stripping process performed in accordance with the work YES NO
instructions? Do process parameters have tolerance limits? YES NO

•Tolerance limits may be defined in work instructions, a program or
controller system

6.1.7 Post Stripping Demask/Cleaning SECTION NA

•NA if masking is not used or cleaning is not performed. Is cleaning/demasking defined in work instructions? YES NO Is cleaning/demasking being performed in accordance with work YES NO

instructions? Is cleanliness verified or inspected? YES NO

•Verified means verified by the supplier (not the auditor). There does
not need to be a separate signature. It can be included as part of the
cleaning operation as long as it is clearly defined in the procedure.
•NA when post coating cleaning is not required (e.g. when next step is

6.1.8 Inspection Is visual or other inspection defined in work instructions? YES NO Is inspection performed in accordance with work instructions? YES NO

PRI AC7109/4 Revision D - 11 -

6.1.9 Are all operations and inspections properly stamped off or signed off YES NO
and dated by the correct operator or department, including no evidence
of pre-posting data or stamps on the shop order?
•On router/traveler

6.1.10 Did all processing and inspection operations conform to requirements? YES NO

6.1.11 Are equipment/instruments calibrated? YES NO

6.1.12 Certification: Does the supplier certificate conform to customer requirements? YES NO NA

•NA applies when a process certification is not required. Certification number: _______________ Certification date: _______________

PRI AC7109/4 Revision D - 12 -

6.2 Job Audit #2 (Paper Audit Only) SECTION NA

•NA if a paper job audit is not performed.

NOTE: If the part, technology or any technical information or data being

utilized in the audit is classified as “EC–LR/Restricted” (see posted
Nadcap definition) any technical data required to be included in
response to questions marked with an (EC) cannot by displayed in
eAuditNet as they contain information available only to properly
licensed or otherwise unrestricted parties.

6.2.1 Job Identity

Audit is of a completed job. Purchase order number: _______________

•For overhaul jobs there may not be a P.O. In this case, record the
repair scheme, engine manual or other equivalent reference. Customer : _______________ Subscriber: _______________ Part number: _______________ Part description: _______________ Lot Quantity: _______________ Stripping Process/Method: _______________ Date of job and job number: _______________ (EC) Base material/alloy (if available): _______________ (EC) Coating material and/or specification: _______________ Process specification (or Overhaul Manual): _______________ (EC) Special provisions specified: (e.g. Customer approved process _______________
plan number) Operator: _______________ Equipment ID: _______________

6.2.2 Work Instructions Are work instructions compliant with customer requirements? YES NO

•Purchase Order, Prints/Drawings, Specifications, Repair Scheme,
Overhaul Manual and any qualified deviation documents should be
reviewed against procedures and part processing.
PRI AC7109/4 Revision D - 13 - Does the engineering drawing/specification revision in use match YES NO NA

purchasing requirements?
•NA if no revision of drawing or specification included within purchasing
requirements. Has customer/prime approval been received to process to the YES NO NA

•NA if no customer/prime requirement. If the process is frozen by the customer, has customer approval been YES NO NA
•NA if process is not frozen. Are work instructions controlled so as not to be revised without proper YES NO
internal approval and customer approval, when required?
•Establish supplier work instruction control method and compare to
customer requirement. Is revision in operation compliant with approval
status? (Proper signatures, proper revision letters, etc.) Are all levels of processing instructions in agreement with each other? YES NO
•Processing instructions, including technical plans, routers, work
instructions, operation sheets, customer approved documents (as
applicable) etc., should not contradict each other.

6.2.3 Precleaning SECTION NA

•NA if precleaning is not performed. Is cleaning defined in work instructions? YES NO NA

•NA when cleaning is not performed within the scope of the coating
process. Is cleanliness verified or inspected? YES NO

•Verified means verified by the supplier (not the auditor). There does
not need to be a separate signature. It can be included as part of the
cleaning operation as long as it is clearly defined in the procedure.

6.2.4 Masking SECTION NA

•NA if masking is not used. Is masking defined in work instructions? YES NO

•Materials and methods are defined and reusable masks are identified
•Work instructions define how masking is to be arranged or constructed
around part.

6.2.5 Fixture SECTION NA

•NA if fixturing is not used. Is fixture identified? YES NO Does fixture have a controlled configuration or drawing? YES NO NA

•NA applies when not a customer requirement.
PRI AC7109/4 Revision D - 14 -

•Looking that the fixture can be reproduced.

•Controlled configuration could be a catalog number.

6.2.6 Stripping Process Is the stripping process defined in the work instructions? YES NO Do process parameters have tolerance limits? YES NO

•Tolerance limits may be defined in work instructions, a program or
controller system

6.2.7 Post Stripping Demask/Cleaning SECTION NA Is cleaning/demasking defined in work instructions? YES NO

•NA if masking is not used or cleaning is not performed. Is cleanliness verified or inspected? YES NO

•Verified means verified by the supplier (not the auditor). There does
not need to be a separate signature. It can be included as part of the
cleaning operation as long as it is clearly defined in the procedure.
•NA when post coating cleaning is not required (e.g. when next step is

6.2.8 Inspection Is visual or other inspection defined in work instructions? YES NO

6.2.9 Are all operations, inspections, and tests properly stamped off or signed YES NO
off and dated by the correct operator or department, including no
evidence of pre-posting data or stamps on the shop order?
•On router/traveler

6.2.10 Did all processing and inspection operations conform to requirements? YES NO

6.2.11 Are equipment/instruments calibrated? YES NO

6.2.12 Certification: Does the supplier certificate conform to customer requirements? YES NO NA

•NA applies when a process certification is not required. Certification number: _______________ Certification date: _______________

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