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N1 :Good morning, i’m nurse........ what’s your problem?

Px :I got headache since yesterday, easily tired, and sometimes my vision disturbance
N1 :Okay mam, i’ll check your vital sign first. It need 5 minute. Would you?
Px :Okay ners
N1 :Lay down on the bed, please
( menutup sketsel, mencuci tangan, pasang handscoon, dan melakukan tindakan )
N1 : well, your result of your temperature is 37 C , heart rate 84x/menit, respiratory rate is
18 x/ minute and your blood pressure is 160 / 80 mmHG. Based on your vital sign, you must
do the blood test in the laboratory. To know the disease
Px : okay, i will go to laboratory to do the blood test
(Pasien keruang Laboratorium, di tangani oleh petugas lab )
Pasien disuruh keruangan untuk cek lab , di tangani oleh petugas lab
PL : Morning. What can i do for you?
Px : My doctor says that I need a blood test to know my glucose level.
PL : I can help you with that. Just wait a minute, i will call your name later.
Px : Okay, thanks
A minute later
PL : Ms. ......... right?
Px : Yes, i am.
PL : Just come in, and sit down please. This test to know the result of your glucose level. I
wiil need time about 15 minutes. Will you?
Px : It’s okay.
PL : Now, roll up your left sleeve please
Px : Is a bloos test painful? (Sambil gulung lengan baju)
PL : I am putting a tourniquet on your arm to plump up the vein. It will only feel like a
little pin prick.
Px : My god! Thats hurt!
PL : That was it. Thank you for coming today. To know the result, you can back here 1
hour later.
( 1 hour later )
PL : Ms......?
Px : Yes i am
PL : excuse me mam, this is the result of your blood test. You should bring this to the
nurse. And doctor will tell about the result
Px : okay
PL : Any question mam?
Px : Nothing nurse. Thank you
PL : You’re welcome
(pasien berjalan ke nurse station sambil bawa itu kertas cek lab)
N1 : Ms........, after doctor see the result of your blood test, you have been diagnosed with
Px : Are you sure?
N1 : Yes, I am. And about the food you should consume or avoid, nutritionist will come to
tell you
( N1 pergi meninggalkan ruangan, dan Ahli Gizi datang )
AG : Is it ms.....?
Px : yes, i am
AG : mam, i will ask you. During the day, usually what kind of the food you always
Px : I usually eat rendang, vegetable with coconut milk, beef, pastries and so on. And
sometimes if in the midnight i feel hungry, I always sancking.
AG : Mam, start now, you should avoid these type of food. Cause it can increase your
Px : Okay, insyaallah I will avoid all of the food that can increase my glucose
AG : And then, you should take a diet including low fat, low glucose, low sodium. Like
vegetable, fruit, beef with low fat, avoid the food with coconut milk. And you also can chane
your rice with brown rice, and you can make a steam vgetable. And dont eat tinned food.
Px : What about milk?
AG : It’s okay, but the milk with low fat.
Px : Okay
AG : Is it clear mam?
Px : I think it’s enough
AG : Any Question?
Px : No, and thank you
( px ke nurse station menemui N1 )
N1 : Hello mam, after you meet the nutritionist don’t forget to aplly in your daily life.
Px : Okay nurse
N1 : I would like to tell you, if you feel the sign and symptomps like you feel before, you
should come to hospital or puskesmas. Then, you should make a slippers to walk out. You
should control your glucose level, and dont forget to take a medicine routine. Is it clear mam?
Px : Yes.
N1 : Okay, nurse ..................... will teach you how to do a gymnastic foot mam. Will you?
Px : Yes, I will
N1 : Okay, I will go back to the nurse station
( N2 datang ke pasien )
N2 : Hello, is it Ms Fira?
Px : Yes I ama
N2 : i will teach you how to do a gymnastic food for help blood flow to the foot. What are
you feeling mam?
Px : better than before nurse
N2 : Okay lets start. Can you sit on the chair mam?
Px : Yes i can
N2 : Take a seat, please. And please follow my instruction. If you don’t understand, you ca
ask to me.
Px : Okay
N2 : Place the heel on the floor, and the toes straight and keep it up to the sol like this and
repeat 10x.
Then, twist your point of your toes, and do it 10x. Can you mam?
Px : like this nurse. Is it right?
N2 : Place your toes to the floor, and lift your heel and twist your ankle 10x
Then, twist your foot, like writing on the air. Start with 1 until 10, like this.
The last, i will take a newspaper above your feet, excuse me. Stepping on newspaper,
with your feet and make a ball with your feet. Then, divide in two the newspaper. Move the
torn newspaper to the one newspaper. And wrap all with your feet become a ball, like this
Px : Mengikuti
N2 : Okay mam, the exercise have done. Any question?
Px : How much i should fo this exercise?
N2 : 2x 1 week mam. Is it clear?
Px : Yes, thank you nurse
N2 : Okay, i will give you a leaflet about this exercise, so if you forget you can read again.
And now i will go back to the nurse station

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