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The History of Psychology in the Philippines

Narrator: “Psychology has a long past but has a short History” (H. Ebbinghaus). Is this true in the Philippines as
well? How did Psychology start in the Philippines? Let us rewind time and search were the very first seed of
Psychology was ever planted.

Scene 1:
Narrator: It started in 1926…
(Credits: The University of the Philippines)
(paul)UP Admin: I would like to call on Agustin Alonzo
(kai)Secretary: Yes Sir!
(rex)Agustin Alonzo: Sir?
(paul)UP Admin: We will be establishing in our University the very first Department of Psychology in the
Philippines. With this, you shall be the made as chairman of the said department.
(rex)Agustin Alonzo: Thank you sir! I gladly accept
Narrator: As the years went by, UP pioneered the next movement in Psychology in the Philippines in 1932…
(carlo)Sinforoso Padilla: I plan to establish something here in UP
(paul)UP Admin: What is it?
(carlo)Sinforoso Padilla: I plan to build a Clinic!
(paul)UP Admin: What Clinic?
(carlo)Sinforoso Padilla: A Psychological Clinic!
(paul)UP Admin: Wow! Great! Do it! I approve!
(carlo)Sinfroso Padilla: Thank you sir!

Scene 2:
Narrator: In another school in the Philippines during the 1930s…
(Credits: University of Sto. Tomas)
(patrya)UST Admin: UP has been successful with their Dept of Psychology. It is time that we establish our own
Dept of Psychology!
Narrator: And so it was established in UST and in 1938…
(patrya)UST Admin: What is Angel de Blas?
(kai)Angel de Blas: I have observed sir that we need to create something to improve our Dept of Psychology.
(pat)UST Admin: What is it?
(kai)Angel de Blas: I plan to build a Laboratory!
(pat)UST Admin: What kind of Laboratory?
(kai)Angel de Blas: I plan to set up an Experimental Psychology Laboratory here in UST!
(pat)UST Admin: Wow! Great! I approve!
(kai)Angel de Blas: Thank you sir!

Scene 3:
Narrator: Due to the different sprouting of Psychology in the Philippines, other academicians began their own plans
as well, in 1933…
(Credits: Far Eastern university)
Jesus Perpinian: Sir, I plan to build our very own Psychological Clinic since UP has been successful with their
(jo)FEU Admin: Oh really?
(tom)Jesus Perpinian: Yes Sir! Sinforoso Padilla has been receiving recognition in their university.
(jo)FEU Admin: Okay! I approve.
(tom)Jesus Perpinian: Thank you Sir!

Scene 4:
Narrator: On a side note, at the Philippine Women’s University in 1948…
(Credits: Philippine Women’s University)
(tin)Estefania Aldaba-Lim: Human Relations seems to be vital in our growing society especially in our growing
field of Psychology so we need to study in depth
(fhev)PWU Admin: What are your plans then?
(tin)Estefania Aldaba-Lim: I plan to set up the Institute of Human Relations

Scene 5:
Narrator: In another school:
(Credits: 1961, Ateneo de Manila University)
(rex)Fr. JaimeBulatao: Other Schools have been flourishing with their own department of Psychology. It is time we
incorporate ours with this new course
(kai)ADU Admin: What are your plans then?
(rex)Fr. Jaime Bulatao: Not only a department of psychology but also a Central Guidance Bureau and here are the
people who will help me
(Show a crowd)
(kai)ADU Admin: Hmm… Good! I approve!
(rex)Fr. Jaime Bulatao: Thank you Sir!
(Crowd Cheers)

Scene 6:
Narrator: Oh but wait, what about in the University of San Carlos?
(Credits: 1954, University of San Carlos)
(carlo)SVD1: Psychology has become a phenomenon of scientific interest nowadays
(tom)SVD2: It would seem so. In Luzon, many experiments and courses have already been done in different
universities there.
(paul)Joseph Goertz: Then we shall establish one!
(carlo)SVD1: What are you planning Joseph Goertz?
(paul)Joseph Goertz: Father, here in San Carlos, we should establish our own Psychology Department!
(tom)SVD2: I agree! Good thinking Joseph Goertz!
(carlo)SVD1: Then we approve! Good work Goertz!

Scene 7:
Narrator: The Philippine Psychological Corporation is founded. The corporation offers psychological services and is
the main retailer of psychological tests. This was in 1962.
(Credits: Psychological Corporation)
(pat)Seller 1: UP Psych Department orders WISC for upcoming college students. Check if we have any more
(tin)Seller 2: What scale?
(pat)Seller1: WISC
(tin)Seller2: Nope! We only have Personality Tests here left.
(pat)Seller1: Ok!
Narrator: Also it was in this year that the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) is founded.
(Show a picture of PAP, if possible)

Scene 8:
Narrator: In 1963, a big leap in the History of Psychology was made.
(rex)PAP Committee: Thank you everyone for attending the first annual convention of the Psychological
Association of the Philippines! I would like to recognize some prominent people such as Sinforoso Padilla , Fr.
Jaime Bulatao, Angel de Blas, Jesus Perpinian… I’m glad all of you made it! (tanan naa except sa camera man)
(Character Adlibs making conversations)
(rex)PAP Committee: We shall start with our first publication which is Symposium on the Filipino Personality.
(Crowd Cheers)

Scene 9:
Narrator: The Philippine Journal of Psychology, the official journal of the PAP makes its first appearance.
The PAP, together with the Philippine Association of Social Workers, Philippine Economics Society, Philippine
National Historical Association, Philippine Sociological Society, and Philippine Statistical Association form the
Philippine Social Science Council.
(Provide a series of pictures on the Philippine Journal of Psychology for this scene)

Scene 10:
Narrator: By the 1970s…
(paul)Dad: Anak, what would you want to take in college?
(fhev since la na bata2’g nawng! Haha)Anak: Psychology dad! My other classmates are taking that also.
(kai)Mom: It seems the whole barangay is looking forward their children to take that course.
(paul)Dad: Hmmm.., Psychology that is the first time I’ve heard it here (puzzled)
(fhev)Anak: Of course dad! It is already popular in Visayas and Mindanao! I would like to join the Pambansang
Samahan ng Sikolohiyang Pilipino.
(paul)Dad: Who founded that?
(Virgilio Enriquez pops out)
(carlo)Virgilio Enriquez: It is I!
(paul)Dad: Who are you?
(carlo)Virgilio Enriquez: I am Virgilio Enriquez, and I founded that organization!

Scene 11:
Narrator: In 1982, the PAP decided in a class of Psychologists
(tin)PAP Admin: It is time for quality control!
(pat)Psychologist1: Why?
(tin)PAP Admin: This is now the time that all practicing psychologists should be licensed. It would then be a good
way that psychology should be a licensed profession.
(all)Crowd: Yes we agree!

Scene 12:
Narrator: It was then in 1985 where a notable Filipino Psychologist was…
(rex)Tig.award: Now, Amaryllis T. Torres, for being one of the Outstanding Young Scientist in NAST
(kai)Amaryllis T. Torres: Thank you very much! (She cries)
(rex)Tig.award: This in here recognition of her researches in population, industrial psychology, social development
and participatory strategies, and in evaluation studies, as well as her work on human development training.
(kai)Amaryllis T. Torres: With this achievement, I will strive on to progress in Filipino Psychology!
Scene 13:
Narrator: It was in 1986…
(Credits: Show pictures of the EDSA revolution)
(pat)Cory Aquino: In the Moral Recovery Program, our leading Psychologists will do their job in order to correct the
scars and traumas done by the dictatorial regime
(Previous Notable Psychologist are shown etc. Sinforoso, jesus)
(Adlb of how the plan works)

Scene 14:
Narrator: In 1987, The Catholic Mass Media awards…
(fhev)Ma. Lourdes Arrelano-Carandang: Thank you Catholic Mass Media!
(Crowd cheers)
(kai)Reporter: What is in your book?
(fhev)Ma. Lourdes Arrelano-Carandang: My book “Children under stress” probes on the sad social situation for
people who must take action and cares deeply about our children

Scene 15:
Narrator: In the years 1988 and 1990, respectively:
(Credits: 1988)
(pat)President Corazon Aquino: I hereby, award Alfredo V. Lagmay as the National Scientist of the Philippines
(carlo)Alfredo V.Lagmay: Thank you Ma’am President!
(Credits: 1990)
(tom)Admin: From the Philippine Social Science Council, we award Jaime Bulatao as the National Social Scientist
in this generation
(paul)Jaime Bulatao: Thank you very much!
Narrator: And also, it was in 1990 were PAP was among the founding members of the Afro-Asian Psychological
(Afro and Asian shake hands is shown, if possible)
Scene 16:
Narrator: In 1991…
(tin)Tig,award: We award Ma. Cecilia G. Conaco as one of the Outstanding Young Scientists in the Philippines. It is
in her recognition, of her pioneering works on ethnicity and fertility which led to the development of models and
ethnic-specificÂ…population control the Philippines.
(kai)Ma. Cecilia G. Conaco: Thank you for this award! My other Works are on the psychology f Filipino women
and social cognition have resulted in the development of strategies on persuasion and attitude change which are very
relevant to the country's national development efforts."
(all)Crowd: Cheers!

Scene 17:
Narrator: Well, in 1992… A lot of things happened
(Characters will just pose as their names are mentioned)
The PAP and nine other national psychological associations establish the Asia-Oceania Psychological Association.
The PAP names Ma. Lourdes Arellano-Carandang, Abraham Felipe, and Patricia Licuanan as Outstanding
Psycholgists. ( She would also say: 1994 Ma. Lourdes Arellano-Carandang is named National Social Scientist by
the Philippine Social Science Council.)
Jaime C. Bulatao's Phenomena and Their Interpretation is published.
Virgilio Enriquez publishes From Colonial to Liberation Psychology.

Scene 18:
Narrator: It was in 1995 where a significant event happened:
(Credits: PAP Regional Conference)
(Place the theme in the background: “Psychoogical Issues in a growing Global Community”)
(rex)PAP Admin: Now we will award the following Psychologist for being one of the Outstanding Psychologists of
this Year!
(all)Crowd: Cheers!
(rex)PAP Admin: Calling Forth Virgilio Enriquez, Allen Tan and Amaryllis Tiglao-Torres…
(carlo, tom, and fhev)Awardees: Thank You sir!
(rex)PAP Admin: Also, the National Academy of Science and Technology awards Allan B. I. Bernardo as the
Outstanding Young Scientist in the Philippines.
(paul)Allan B. I. Bernardo: Thank you very much! I believe this is due in recognition of his significant research
studies on the roles of language and other contextual factors in the development of higher-order cignitive processes
and representation particularly in the are of mathematical cognition, that provide scientific bases for rationalizing
educational practice and reform".
Scene 19:
Narrator: In 1998… This was the time that the 4th Biannual Afro-Asian Psychological Association. It was also in
this time…
(pat)Ma. Emma Concepcion D. Liwag: And so little child, how are you doing?
(fhev)Child: I’m okay…
(pat)Ma. Emma Concepcion D. Liwag: I’m here to do research on your emotional and cognitive development of
children. Are you ok if we do some activities?
(fhev)Child: Ok!
(Ma. Emma Concepcion D. Liwag does some cognitive test)
(carlo)Tig.award: We award Ma. Emma Concepcion D. Liwag as Outstanding Young Scientist by NAST for her
work provides scientific knowledge that can be used to guide therapy for children who experience traumatic or
highly emotional events, and to design educational programs to prepare children for the cognitive challenges of the
21st century, is unmatched by any other psychologist in the country.
(pat)Ma. Emma Concepcion D. Liwag: Thank you!

Scene 20
Narrator: In addition to this…
(carlo)Tig.Award: APA awards Cristina J. Montiel receives the Distinguished Contribution Award from the
Psychologists for Social Responsibility of the American Psychological Association "For her unwavering
commitment to social justice in her personal and professional life." Her work is a model for those who aspire to do
peace activism and scholarship, to combine passion with analytical rigor, and to speak with both their heart and
mind. The APA Division of Peace Psychology also confers on her the Outstanding Service Award.
(tin)Cristina J. Montiel: Thank you!

Scene 21
Narrator: In 1999…
(Credits: In the Inited Nations Children Fund)
(pat)Ma. Emma Concepcion Liwag: Here sir with Alma de la Cruz, and Ma. Elizabeth Macapagal of Ateneo
Wellness Center passes this thorough review of gender socialization in the Philippines
(rex)UN: Thank you for your contribution!

Scene 22
Narrator: Now were in 2002, who could this be?
(Theme: National Research Council of the Philippines)
(carlo)Tig.award: We give this achievement award to this prolific researcher and author, respected professor and
academic leader for his contributions to the field of cognitive science and especially human problem solving,
mathematical cognition, bilingual cognition, cultural and contextual factors in thinking and theories of intelligence,
as well as applications of cognitive science to education which has won for him prestigous national and international
awards and fellowships for teaching and research; and for being a guiding light for young scholars and academics,
thus ensuring the continued growth of psychology as a discipline."
This is to Allan B.I. Bernardo! Congratulations!
Crowd: Cheers!
(tom)Allan B.I. Bernardo: Thank you sir!
(carlo)Tig.award: PAP also confers the title of Outstanding Psychologists to the following: Betty Abregana, Anna
Daisy Javier Carlota, Noemi Catalan, Rosemarie Salazar Clenenia, Elizabeth R. Ventura, and Imelda Virginia
Awardees: Thank You! (tin, fhev, paul, pat, kulangan tau g bae)
(all)Crowd: Cheers Again!

Scene 23:
Narrator: Hmm.., I think that’s about it with this History.., 2011. What will the History of Philippine Psychology be
facing in this upcoming year?
Whole group tries to act by studying and researching and experimenting…

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