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Marketforce and the ASI’s Inaugural Conference

Smart Energy
Networks Europe
30th November & 1st December 2010 Crowne Plaza - The Palace, Brussels

Driving the development of future grids:

automation, integration and innovation

Philip Lowe Andrea Brentan Martin Fuchs

Director General, DG ENER Chief Executive Officer Chairman of the Board
European commission Endesa transpower stromübertragungs
and Vice Chairman, tennet

Pierre-Alain Graf Per Hallberg Stig Goethe

Chief Executive Officer Senior Advisor, Vattenfall President, Power circle
swissgrid and Chair, Smart Grids Working Group and Chairman, IA ENArD

Aurelio Blanquet Oliver Giese Kim Behnke

Director for Automation and Telecontrol Vice President Market Regulation, Head of R&D and Environment
EDP Distribuição Economic and Public Affairs Energinet

Nikos Hatziargyriou Francesco Amadei Terje Gjengedal

Project Coordinator, mErGE Head of Regulatory Affairs & Senior Vice President, R&D Director
and Deputy CEO, Transmission Antitrust Compliance statnett
& Distribution Enel Distribuzione
Public Power corporation

Book now and

save up to €500 off “ The energy regulatory landscape is changing rapidly in Europe. Smart Energy
Networks Europe is where regulators, network operators and energy market players

will meet to debate the drivers of change and to exchange perspectives.
Artur Trindade, Director - Costs and Revenues, ERSE
the standard rate!
Smart Energy Networks Europe
Driving the development of future grids: automation, integration and innovation

A pan-European forum for smart grid development

Smart networks are a must for the future, with respect to both the transmission and distribution
networks. The challenge of integrating a steadily increasing amount of non dispatchable Renewable
Energy Sources imposes a thorough rethinking of transmission architecture and management of the
European transnational backbone. A significant expansion will also be necessary to allow the cross-
border electricity trade to dispose of sufficient liquidity and to create a truly pan-European Internal
Electricity Market. However, removing bottlenecks by building new lines is becoming more and more
difficult due to increasing environmental concerns and local opposition. Hence, it is necessary to put in
place a "smarter" management of the existing lines with the support of new technologies.

The broad scope of the Smart Energy Networks Europe conference will allow attendees to gain a
complete view of the drivers of smart grids and the solutions that are there to support this epocal
evolution. A good combination of keynote sessions and panel discussions will bring the public into the
debate, and contribute to making the event more stimulating.

Gianluigi Migliavacca, Head of Transmission Network Planning Research Group, ERSE

and Project Coordinator, REALISEGRID

Key topics to be addressed:

• Changing roles and responsibilities in regulated
energy networks

• Drivers for developing smarter, more flexible

low-carbon energy networks

• The challenge of integrating renewable and

distributed generation into the grid
• Operating, expanding and integrating
transmission networks for a Pan-European
energy market

• Improving and safeguarding the

performance and stability of networks

• Exploring the potential of smart grids: the role

for electric vehicles and home automation
“Europe is heading towards a new and greener
• Standards and interoperability: harmonising the
energy system. Fulfilling the EU targets on function of smart grids
renewables, greenhouse gas reduction and energy
efficiency puts the energy sector into one of the • Looking to the future: the changing energy supply
biggest challenges ever experienced. A massive and demand landscape in Europe
amount of big-scale and small-scale renewables
will be taken to the market and European citizens
will be much more active on the demand side. To
make this happen we need an effective grid
(transmission and distribution) to match supply and
demand in an environmentally friendly way. This is
what Smart Grids are about and this is what we will


Smart Energy Networks Europe
Driving the development of future grids: automation, integration and innovation

Session Two: Changing roles and responsibilities

Day 1: Tuesday 30th November 2010 in the regulated environment
A panel of regulators and network operators will discuss the
09.15 Welcome address by Marketforce challenges they face in this new era for energy networks.
Relationships, roles and responsibilities are in a state of flux as
09.20 Chairman’s opening remarks a new paradigm for the operation of energy networks is
Keynote Opening Address: A smart low-carbon
! energy future for Europe The audience plays a key role in driving discussion as questions
from the floor will be taken throughout.
09.25 • Progress on implementing the 3rd Energy Package: an update
on priority projects • Shifting priorities for regulation: from low-cost energy to low-
• Introducing the Energy Security and Infrastructure Instrument carbon networks
• Roadmap 2050: how smart networks fit into the vision of a • Incentivising sustainability and supporting investment in a
low-carbon energy future for Europe smart network
• White Paper on Electrification of Transport • Supporting DSOs in their new roles as market facilitators and
Philip Lowe, Director General, DG ENER, European decarbonisation actors
Commission • Preparing to implement the 3rd Energy Package: working
towards regulatory cooperation and common network codes
09.45 Questions • Forging harmonious cooperative relationships around cross-
border infrastructure and market operation
Session One: Energy networks of the future - the • How will the relationships between DSO, energy supplier and
big picture customer evolve?
• Understanding fixed and variable costs, and changing
A panel of key figures in European electricity transmission and economic factors
distribution networks will outline and discuss the drivers, scope
and development priorities for developing smart, low-carbon 11.40 Luis Jesus Sanchez De Tembleque, Director, Electricity
energy networks. Questions from the floor will be taken after Department, CNE
each speaker to allow plenty of time to exchange perspectives.
12.00 Francesco Amadei, Head of Regulatory Affairs and Antitrust
09.55 Operating and expanding integrated, flexible transmission Compliance, Enel Distribuzione and Infrastructure and
networks across Europe Networks Division, Enel

• Adapting to the new energy mix: integrating renewable 12.20 Artur Trindade, Director - Costs and Revenues, ERSE
generation sources
• Working towards an integrated regional energy market for 12.40 Oliver Giese, Vice President Market Regulation, Economic and
Europe Public Affairs, E.ON
• The role for flexible, integrated networks in meeting EU
sustainability and energy security goals 13.00 Questions
• Understanding changing energy demand patterns: the future
of energy consumption 13.15 Lunch
Martin Fuchs, Chairman of the Board, transpower
stromübertragungs and Vice Chairman, Tennet Session Three: Towards an integrated regional
grid for Europe
10.15 Questions
14.25 Delivering cost-effective expansion and interconnection of
10.20 The evolving role for distribution system operators in Europe Europe’s high-voltage networks

• Driving sustainability and energy efficiency through network • Allocating costs and benefits in cross-border projects: how
technology will these be funded?
• Facilitating competitive energy retail markets: improved • Sources of private sector and public funding for investment in
performance through grid automation transmission grid and interconnection
• Defining smart grid: how will the networks of the future • How will access tariffs be affected? What’s needed from
perform? regulators to support these investments?
• Accommodating embedded generation: smart grids for • The effect of market coupling on infrastructure: harmonising
balancing two-way energy flows governance and pricing structures across energy markets
Aurelio Blanquet, Director for Automation and Telecontrol, Alain Taccoen, Deputy Manager, Regulation and Finance
EDP Distribuição Department, Réseau de Transport d'Électricité

10.40 Questions 14.45 Developing and operating efficient, integrated transmission

10.45 Driving the development of transmission and distribution
networks globally • Integrating new and remote generation capacity into the
• An overview of recent developments from the IEA’s ENARD • Advanced system balancing to accommodate renewables and
Implementing Agreement new supply and demand patterns
• Key technology advances in the areas of network design and • Understanding the implications of distribution network
operation automation and smart metering for transmission
• Future challenges for operators in transition to smart grid • Creating a future-proof grid: major priorities for expansion
and integrated regional transmission and upgrades
• What’s next? Priorities for the standardisation, harmonisation Terje Gjengedal, Senior Vice President, R&D Director, Statnett
and integration of smart energy networks
Stig Goethe, President, Power Circle and Chairman, IA ENARD 15.05 Preparing for the future energy landscape: smart, flexible
transmission networks
11.05 Questions
• Operating in the pan-European energy market: the role of the
11.10 Refreshments TSO and key development priorities
• Responding to the challenge of fluctuating energy sources:
communications infrastructure for system stability

tel. +44 (0)20 7760 8699

• Progressing international cooperation between TSOs to 09.40 Case Study: PowerMatching City - Hoogkerk, The
facilitate storage and balancing solutions Netherlands
• Skills and resources for developing infrastructure at a time of
high global demand The "PowerMatching City" in Hoogkerk, The Netherlands set
Pierre-Alain Graf, Chief Executive Officer, Swissgrid out to develop and trial a model for a smart grid system which
would provide a reference for smart grid implementation
15.25 Questions across Europe. The microgrid project consists of 25 homes
fitted with microgeneration, solar panels, smart appliances,
15.40 Refreshments electric vehicles, hybrid heat pumps and small-scale
community generation units. A senior representative from the
16.10 REALISEGRID: towards a pan-European transmission network project will outline the experiences so far and lessons to share
from this project.
• Assessing the potential of new technologies: driving flexibility, Dr. René Kamphuis, Network & Infrastructure Efficiency Unit,
reliability and improved capacity Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)
• Understanding future energy scenarios for Europe: mapping
supply and demand 10.00 EcoGrid Europe Project: fast track to smart grid
• Analysing the costs and benefits of priority transmission
projects for Europe • Supporting the delivery of 50% renewable energy in Denmark
• Achieving a harmonised approach to transmission by 2025: priority projects
infrastructure development • Introducing EcoGrid: transforming energy networks in
Gianluigi Migliavacca, Head of Transmission Network Planning Denmark
Research Group, ERSE and Project Coordinator, REALISEGRID • EcoGrid Europe: developing a full-scale smart grid prototype
for Europe
16.30 The TWENTIES project: trialling technology for integrating wind • Fast track smart grid implementation: introducing the market
energy sources model and key stages
Kim Behnke, Head of R&D and Environment, Energinet
• Introducing and outlining the scope of the project: what are
we trying to achieve? 10.20 Advanced data and communications systems for smart network
• How is the project progressing? First steps in project operation
development and lessons learned
• Combining new technologies with innovative system • Ensuring interoperability between network elements and the
management techniques for best results wider grid
• What’s next? Looking towards the project outcomes and • Assessing the options for communication networks
commercial scale development technology: pros and cons
José Luis Mata, TWENTIES Project Coordinator and Head of • Do DSOs need 24/7 real time consumer data or is it sufficient
Regulation and Studies Department, Red Eléctrica de España to get network data from transformer stations?
• Systems security: how can data integrity and security be
16.50 Panel discussion with questions from the floor ensured?
Speaker to be confirmed
• What are the priority infrastructure projects for the region?
• Do ENTSO-E and ACER have the tools and the influence to 10.40 Questions
successfully deliver a joined-up strategy for smart grid?
• Delivering grid projects across multiple national policy and 11.00 Refreshments
planning frameworks: how can this be managed?
• Achieving coordination between governments, regulators and 11.30 Case Study: Developing Smart Grid in The
transmission system operators Netherlands
• How might a supergrid for Europe affect the structure and
function of the energy market? • Looking to the future: a vision of Smart Grids in The
• How can the costs, risks and benefits of new infrastructure be Netherlands
fairly distributed? • A roadmap for the implementation of Smart Grids in the
17.20 Chairman’s closing remarks and end of day one • Practical experiences from Dutch pilot studies: Microgrid
• Understanding the need for chain optimisation and
Day 2: Wednesday 1st December 2010 Martijn Bongaerts, Strategic Policy Advisor, Alliander and
Chairman - Smart Grids Working Group, Netbeheer Nederland
and Member, National Platform for Energy Transition

09.15 Chairman’s opening remarks

11.50 Case Study: Smart Metering and Online
Session Four: Smart distribution networks for the Engagement
• Differentiation in competitive markets: appealing to the
Keynote Opening Address: Distribution system changing requirements of energy customers
! operators in future energy networks • Bringing demand response online: collaborations with Google
Powermeter and Twitter
09.20 • Integrating distributed generation and microgeneration: • What does the future hold for demand response management
balancing two-way power flows in energy systems?
• Reducing energy losses from networks: contributing to the Speaker to be confirmed
decarbonisation of energy
• Improving system performance and stability: facilitating the 12.10 Questions
free flow of energy in the marketplace
• Reducing lifecycle costs: achieving improved, cost-effective 12.30 Lunch
system monitoring and maintenance
Per Hallberg, Senior Advisor, Vattenfall and Chair, Smart Grids
Working Group, Eurelectric


Session Five: Harnessing the full potential of
smart energy networks
13.45 Smart customers in the networks of the future: delivering Key reasons to attend:
energy services via smart grid
• Hear the latest developments in strategy from the
• How are consumer behaviours changing and how might smart top network operators across Europe
energy networks create further change?
• What additional services might retailers attach to the basic
meter and grid functions? • Debate the finer points of network and
• Coping with complexity of variable tariffs and smart meters: infrastructure policy and regulatory frameworks
engaging the customer
• What are the prospects for and implications of greater home
automation? • Learn from the most ambitious and innovative case
Speaker to be confirmed studies and pilots
14.05 Project MERGE: preparing Europe’s grid for electric vehicles
• Exchange perspectives with leading network
• Understanding the impacts on generation, infrastructure and operators
energy supply and demand
• Exploring the options for system operators to integrate EV:
smart control approaches • Maximise the potential for collaboration and
• Integrating EV into the energy market and aligning the engagement with industry peers
functions with smart metering
• Towards a fair, transparent regulatory framework for the
incorporation of EV • Understand the latest developments in smart
Nikos Hatziargyriou, Project Coordinator, MERGE and Deputy grid technology
CEO - Transmission and Distribution, Islands Network Operator
& Research, Tests and Standards Centre, Public Power
Corporation • Participate in shaping the future of Europe's energy
14.25 Questions

! Keynote Closing Address: A vision of the future • Respond to the shifting paradigm of energy
14.35 • Rising to the challenge: revolutionising energy systems for a
consumption: plan your strategy in Europe
low-carbon future
• The ‘Meters and More’ alliance with Enel: defining
standardised interoperable smart meters
• Electric mobility alliance with Enel and Renault-Nissan:
technical and market integration of EV
• Smart City Malaga: driving energy efficiency with smart grid
technology Interested in speaking, exhibiting or
Andrea Brentan, Chief Executive Officer, Endesa hosting an event around the
14.55 Questions conference?
15.05 Chairman’s closing remarks and end of conference There are plenty of great tailored opportunities to
meet and greet key people at this conference. For
more details, please get in touch with
Sasan Izadpanah:
Programme key
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7760 8652
Panel Discussion Email:
Each speaker will make an individual address or short
introductory remarks before joining a lively discussion
and interactive debate.

Keynote Address
! A prominent industry player addresses the event on a key

Case Study
A particular company or project is closely analysed to
provide delegates with a thorough understanding of key
challenges and lessons that can be broadly applied to
their own experiences.

tel. +44 (0)20 7760 8699

marketforce and the AsI’s Inaugural conference
Smart Energy Networks Europe
30th November & 1st December 2010
Crowne Plaza - The Palace, Brussels

Registration Form Code: 3222


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