Disciplines Investigates These Social Phenomena

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School: De La Salle University-Manila

Course: Globalization and Development (GLOBDEV)

Type: Thematic/Integrative
Level: GE Junior

I. Course Description

This course is designed to get students to engage complex processes such as globalization and
development using a variety of approaches available from the different social sciences. The aim is to get
students to acquire a deeper understanding not just of current issues, but of the ways by which various
disciplines investigates these social phenomena.

II. Desired Learning Results

Expected Lasallian Graduate Attributes By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Socially Responsive Christian Achiever Reflect on local and international initiatives that have
an effect on national development, societal well-being,
and global interaction.

Engage in global issues that impact on the Philippines

in terms of sovereignty, economy, identity, and security.
Critical Global Citizen Raise questions in order to understand the critical link
between globalization and development.

Appreciate theoretical perspectives derived from a

broad range of disciplines including international
relations, political science, and development studies.
Competent Professional Demonstrate self confidence and motivation to do their
best and affirm their efforts towards continuous
education and self-improvement.

Expand critical and creative occupational skills by

accomplishing individual and group tasks.
Technologically Adept Gain knowledge and to express themselves utilizing
modern information and communication technologies

Be attuned to innovations in new technologies and their

applications, utilizing the university's cutting-edge
research facilities and state-of-the-art learning

III. Final Product/Performance

What should be the final product(s)/performance task(s)? Performances on the part of the learner that will
demonstrate the ELGA and “deep understanding.”
Final Product
Research-based presentation on the impact of globalization to the Philippines.
Performance Tasks:
Blogs and Forum Threads: Individual reflections on critical questions of globalization and
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YouTube Presentation: Who is the global Filipino?

Group Project Paper: Academic paper that complements the video by explaining and further
exploring the subject presented by the group.
Long Exams: Assessment of the student’s knowledge of key concepts in globalization and
ELGA Product/Performance Possible Dimension
Socially Responsive Christian Research-based presentation Get students to appreciate the
Achiever on the impact of globalization complexity of today’s social problems,
to the Philippines and the need to do more research on
the most pressing social questions of
our time.
Critical Global Citizen Raise critical questions concerning
globalization and development;

Provide illustrative examples to draw

out the concrete historical and
geographical locations within which
the questions are situated;

Examine the challenge and complexity

of response to these questions; and,

Emphasize the need to think carefully

about the broader issues (assumptions
or theoretical approaches) that underlie
the questions they ask as well as the
answers they give.
Competent Professional Develop in students the habit of
thinking in terms of frameworks and
methodologies rather than merely in
terms of “facts”, “trends”, or
Technologically Adept Be able to use the Internet for
information and research.

Utilize multimedia resources to

organize and present fresh insights,
information, and knowledge.

Knowledge dissemination using

Information and Communication

IV. Valid Assessment

Rubric: Blogs and Forum Threads/Posts (Individual)

Criteria Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent
Below 70 70-79 80-89 90-100

Overall use of Blog entries and Almost all All blog entries All blog entries
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blogs and forum forum thread/posts required blog and comments and forum thread
threads are few and entries and along with forum posts along with
generally simple comments along thread/posts are comments are
retellings of with forum submitted, though submitted, all of
personal events. No thread/posts have not all of them which are
comments are made been completed. may give evidence substantial.
on blogs of others. of a substantial Beyond the
contribution. required number,
your blog includes
many more
Intellectual Blog entries and Blog entries and Blog entries and Blog entries and
Engagement with forum thread/posts forum forum thread/posts forum thread/posts
Key Concepts make no reference thread/posts make demonstrate demonstrate
to issues raised some reference to awareness of most engagement with
through readings issues raised of the key issues the important
and/or class through readings raised through issues raised
activities and/or class readings and/or through readings
activities class activities and/or class
Personal Blog entries and Blog entries and Blog entries and Blog entries and
Response to Key forum thread/posts forum forum thread/posts forum thread/posts
Concepts show no personal thread/posts convey evidence convey extensive
response is made to convey little of a personal evidence of a
the issues/concepts evidence of a response to the personal response
raised in the personal response issues raised in the to the issues raised
readings/activities to the readings/ in the readings/
issues/concepts activities, and activities, and
raised in the demonstrate that demonstrate the
readings/activitie the author is author's growth
s capable of through reflection
reflecting on on learning,
learning, technology and
technology, and society.
Engaged Writing Blog entries and Blog entries and Blog entries and Blog entries and
forum thread/posts forum forum thread/posts forum thread/posts
use incorrect thread/posts show a good show a very good
grammar and syntax demonstrate some command of command of
consistently, making evidence of Standard English. Standard English
it difficult for others correct spelling, No problems for and have some
to follow. No links grammar, your audience. flair and
are included punctuation, etc. Most blog entries originality. Blog
connecting your Audience will include links. entries may
thoughts to those of have little trouble contain multiple
others. reading your links.
blog. An
occasional link is
Source: Adapted from a rubric found at
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Rubric: YouTube Presentation (Group)

Criteria Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent
Below 70 70-79 80-89 90-100

Subject Subject knowledge Some subject Subject knowledgeSubject knowledge

Knowledge is not evident. knowledge is is evident in much
is evident
Information is evident. Some of the project. throughout the
confusing, incorrect, Information is Most information project. All
or flawed. confusing, is clear, information is
incorrect, or appropriate, and clear, appropriate,
flawed. correct. and correct.
Citing Sources No sources are Few sources are Most sources are All sources are
properly cited. properly cited. properly cited. properly cited.
Organization The sequence of The sequence of The sequence of The sequence of
information is not information is information is information is
logical. somewhat logical. logical and
logical. intuitive.
Originality The work is a The work is an The project shows The project shows
minimal collection extensive some evidence of significant
or rehash of other collection and originality and evidence of
people's ideas, rehash of other inventiveness. originality and
products, and people's ideas, inventiveness. The
images. There is no products, and majority of the
evidence of new images. There is content and many
thought. little evidence of of the ideas are
new thought or fresh, original, and
inventiveness. inventive.
Technical Project does not run Project runs Project runs Project runs
satisfactorily. There minimally. There adequately with perfectly with no
are too many are many minor technical technical
technical problems technical problems. problems. For
to view the project. problems when example, there are
viewing the no error messages,
project. all sound, video, or
other files are
Source: Adapted from a rubric found at http://www.uen.org/Rubric/rubric.cgi?rubric_id=16

Rubric: Group Work

Criteria Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent
Below 70 70-79 80-89 90-100

Contributions/participatio Seldom Sometimes Cooperative, Always willing

n cooperative, cooperative, usually offered to help and do
Attitude rarely offers sometimes useful ideas. more, routinely
useful ideas. Is offered useful Generally offered useful
disruptive. ideas. Rarely displays positive ideas.
displays attitude. Always displays
positive positive attitude.
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Working with Did not do any Could have Did their part of Did more than
others/cooperation work – does not done more of the work – others – highly
contribute, does the work – has cooperative. productive
not work well difficulty, Works well with Works extremely
with others, requires others, rarely well with others,
usually argues structure, argues. never argues
with teammates. directions and
Focus on task/commitment Often is not a Sometimes not Does not cause Tries to keep
good team a good team problems in the people working
member. Does member. group. together.
not focus on the Sometimes Focuses on the Almost always
task and what focuses on the task and what focused on the
needs to be done. task and what needs to be done task and what
Lets others do the needs to be most of the time. needs to be
work. done. Must be Can count on done. Is very
prodded and this person. self-directed.
reminded to
keep on task.
Team role fulfillment Participate in few Participated in Participated in Participated in
or no group some group most group all group
meetings. meetings. meetings. meetings,
Provided no Provided some Provided assumed
leadership. Did leadership. Did leadership when leadership role
little or no work some of the asked. Did most as necessary.
assigned by the work assigned of the work Did the work
group. by the group. assigned by the that was
group assigned by the
Communication/listening Never listens, Rarely listens Usually listens Always listens
Information sharing Does share nor to, shares with, to, shares with, to, shares with,
support the or supports the and supports the and supports the
efforts of others. efforts of efforts of others. efforts of others.
Does not provide others. Is Sometimes talks Provided
effective always talking too much. effective
feedback to other and never Provided some feedback to
members. Does listens to others. effective other members.
not relay any Provided no feedback to Relays a great
information to feedback to others. Relays deal of
teammates. others. Does some basic information – all
not relay any information – relates to the
information to most relates to topic.
teammates. the topic.
Source: Adapted from a rubric found at:
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3 Long Exams: 40% (13.33% each)
YouTube Production: 20%
Blog (5 entries minimum) 10%
Forum Threads/Posts (5 entries minimum) 10%
Project Paper: 10%
Peer Performance Evaluation: 10%

Passing Grade: 70%

Grading Scale:
97-100 4.0
93-96 3.5
89-92 3.0
85-88 2.5
80-84 2.0
75-79 1.5
70-74 1.0
0-69 0.0
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V. Learning Activities

Date Type Topic/Activity/Reference

09/13 Introduction: Why study globalization and development?
Introduction by Tutors; Discussion of syllabus and course requirements;
09/15 Classroom
Instruction to set up blog accounts; Group assignments for final product
09/20 Master People, Households, and the World (Tétreault, Ch.2)
09/22 Lecture People and Power (Tétreault, Ch.3)
09/27 Why is people's movement restricted? (Edkins, Ch.8)
09/29 Why is the world divided territorially? (Edkins, Ch.9)
10/04 Master First Long Exam, Group Progress Update
10/06 Lecture What happens if we don’t think in human terms? (Edkins, Ch.3)
10/11 How does the nation-state work? (Edkins, Ch.10)
Classroom Discussions on bilateralism, multilateralism, regionalism, and international
10/18 Master How do we find out what’s going on in the world? (Edkins, Ch.7)
10/20 Lecture Research Break
10/25 How is the world organized economically? (Edkins, Ch.12)
10/27 How can we end poverty? (Edkins, Ch.14)
11/03 Second Long Exam, Group Progress Update
11/08 Poverty & Income Distribution: a human face(Oxfam, UNDP)
11/10 What makes the world dangerous? (Edkins, Ch.17)

11/15 Master Why does politics turn to violence? (Edkins, Ch.16)

11/17 What can we do to stop people harming others? (Edkins, Ch.18)
Development and Institutions (ADB,UNDP,WB)
Markets, Power, & Values (Todaro)
Choice of Specific Development topic: Migration, urbanization, environmental
degradation, corruption, etc. (Todaro)
11/29 Third Long Exam, Group Progress Update,
12/01 People and Globalization (Tétreault, Ch.9)
12/06 Initial Presentation of YouTube Production (Elimination Round)
12/13 Final Competition of YouTube Production, Course Synthesis
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Edkins, J. & Zehfuss, M. (eds.) (2009). Global politics: A new introduction. London: Routledge.

Tétreault, M. & Lipschutz, R. (2009). Global Politics as if People Mattered. 2nd edition. Lanham,
MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Todaro, M. and Smith, S. (2006). Economic Development. 9th edition. New York: Pearson
Addison Wesley.


Beneria, L. (2003). Gender, development, and globalization: Economics as if all people mattered. New
York : Routledge.

Blaser, M., Feit, H.A. & McRae, G. (eds.). (2004). In the way of development: Indigenous peoples, life
projects, and globalization. London: Zed Books in association with International Development
Research Centre.

Edelman, M. & Haugerud, A. (eds.). (2005). The anthropology of development and globalization: From
classical political economy to contemporary neoliberalism. Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub.

Goldin, I. & Reinert, K. (2006). Globalization for development: trade, finance, aid, migration,
              and policy. Washington D.C.: The World Bank.

Harrison, G. (ed.). (2005). Global encounters: international political economy, development,

and globalization. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kidd, J.B. & Richter, F.G. (eds.). (2006). Development models, globalization and economies:A search for
the Holy Grail? Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.


Global Politics Online Companion. http://www.routledge.com/textbooks/9780415431316/

United Nations Development Programme. http://www.undp.org/

World Development Reports. http://econ.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTDEC/EXTRESEAR


Bertelsmann Transformation Index. http://www.bertelsmann-transformation-index.de/en/bti/

Asian Development Bank. http://www.adb.org/

Oxfam International www.oxfam.org/

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