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Tool Connection Rationale

This tool can be used as a method to obtain feedback from students during
an introduction of the course. Also, it can be used to obtain feedback from
Learner facilitator, students during the course. Specifically, mid-way through a course the
Survey Monkey Learner content instructor can obtain feedback about specific content.

Students create a story book based upon a graphic/image. Students create

content and can share the content with other peers, parents, or teacher. This
Learner content, Learner- tool connects with a community of people that share in the students learning
learner, Learner environment. This tool can be used by an instructor to create assignments
Storybook facilitator for students, review the story, and provide feedback.

Scoop it is a collaborative tool where communities and relationships are

Learner content, learner- established based off of a specific content. Communities learn from one
Scoopit! learner another about curated information and share content.

Discussion boards allow students to communicate, share experiences, and

Learner content, learner construct new meaning. Instructors facilitate discussions during a course
learner, learner with a prompted question. Students are continously collaborating and
Discussion Board facilitated sharing content.
This web tool can be used as an authentic assessment tool to assess learning.
Learner learner, learner Students can interact with one another using this online quiz tool. Students
JeopardyLabs content can create quizzes using the content they have learned in a specific module.

Learner facilitator, Youtube provides a means for students to share content. Instructors can use
learner -learner, learner- it to present information to students and people to share information
Youtube content globally.

Learner facilitator, A tool that is used to communicate with students in lieu of email. This tool
learner -learner, learner- provides face-to-face or just an audio meeting space to meet students. This
Skype content tool can be used to facilitate meeting, courses, and training sessions.
Collaborative tool that can be used for group projects. Students can share
files or discuss topics within a group environment. It can be used to provide
news/course information. A great tool to use to as a library of information
Learner-learner, learner- such as terminology, recommendations, and external resources related to
content, Learner the course. Yammer could be used by a trainer to provide training
Yammer facilitator documents or videos to employees.

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