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Reading comprehension is of utmost importance among the learners since it is the reading ability
that enables a student or reader to understand every component, element or features of a reading text.
These elements include words, symbols, lexical structures, grammar, syntax and most of all the messages
conveyed by a reading se lection. Among the elements of a reading text, it is the message or theme of the
selection which is the most important to be comprehended by the learners or readers. This is because
messages or concepts well comprehended pave way for better and more successful learning gains and
There are four levels of reading comprehension which need to be mastered by the learners.
These are literal, interpretive or inferential and critical reading comprehension. This reading worksheet
will help students hone their levels of reading comprehension with its designed reading activities,
exercises and assessments.


This reading worksheet is founded on the objective of developing and enhancing the literal,
interpretive or inferential and critical reading comprehension skills of the pupils After working on the
activities in this worksheet, students will be able to:
1. comprehend passages and selections literally
2. apply skills which enable them to make inferences and interpretation of the text
3. analyze reading passages and text critically


Literal comprehension involves what the author is actually saying. The
reader needs to understand ideas and information explicitly stated in the
reading material. Some of the specific skills under literal reading comprehension
are recognizing facts, identifying the main idea, supporting details, following
specific directions and sequencing events.

Directions: Read carefully the following short stories and try to identify the facts stated in each
selection by answering the comprehension questions that follow.

Activity 1
A long time ago, Barangay Palanas is a sitio of Barangay Malaguit. The old name of Palanas is Sitio
Gumamela. Many people go to this sitio because of its majestic water that looks like a waterfalls from the
mountains that is used for laundry and bathing. This area is now incorporated in Purok Masagana.

Because of its waters, people always say the word “Palanas”, which means strong water from the

In 1960s “Palanas” was used to name the new Barangay because of its alluring water from the
mountains. The first leader of the said Barangay is Maximo Manarang succeeded by Benjamin Ilustre.

Barangay Palanas today is a progressive because of different establishment in the area. The
primary source of income of people of Palanas is Gold Panning and fishing because the land is blessed
with gold and extensive seas.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the old name of Barangay Palanas?
a. Sitio Masagana
b. Sitio Maligaya
c. Sitio Gumamela
d. Sitio Sampaguita
2. Why many people go to Palanas?
a. Because of its people
b. Because of its water
c. Because of its fish
d. Because of the area
3. Who is the first leader of Barangay Palanas?
a. Maximo Manarang
b. Benjamin Illustre
c. Ramon Castillo
d. Antonio Cerillo
4. Which of the following means “Palanas”?
a. strong water from the mountains
b. strong water from the sea
c. strong water from the ocean
Activity 2

The old century church holds history and

mystery. This old stone church was built by the early
Franciscan missionaries. The façade of the old church is
made of adobe blocks and strong shafts of hardwood
cut from the forests during the early Spanish times and
is facing the pacific ocean. Looking at the marking of
the façade, you can see the triangular figure with an eye
at the center which symbolizes trinity. Paracale church
celebrated its 400th anniversary.

It was in the year 1581 the Franciscan

missionaries founded this small town. For some years there was no regular minister until the year 1611 in
which Fray Jose de la Torre OFM, was assigned. The religious order built the church under the patronage
of Nuestra Senora de Candelaria ( all so-called Our Lady of Purification). In the year 1632 the chapel of
Gaugau and Capalonga were included.

1. Who built the old stone church?

a. Augustinian
b. Thomasites
c. Franciscan
d. Benedictins
2. What does the triangular figure with an eye at the center symbolizes?
a. Trinity
b. Holy father
c. Holy spirit
d. The son
3. When did the Franciscan missionaries founded the small town?
a. 1579
b. 1580
c. 1581
d. 1582
4. The façade of the church is made of _____?
a. Adobe blocks
b. Hollow blocks
c. Steel
d. Brass
5. Who is the patron of Paracale Church?
a. Nuestra Senora de Candelaria
b. Nuestra Senora de Maria
c. Mary Magdalene
d. Saint Peter
Activity 3


Rice was the staple food of the ancient
Filipinos. They cooked it in pots and in bamboos.
Our forefathers’ diet included also various species
of fish caught in rivers and lakes; meat from
carabaos, deer, hogs, chickens and edible birds;
vegetables, tubers like sweet potato, spices like
pepper and garlic; and fruits like bananas, oranges,
guavas and mangoes.
There were also many kinds of wine and
drinks on the islands. The tuba which was taken
from the coconut palms was the champagne of the
early Filipinos. Among the popular wines were the
Visayan pangasi, fermented from rice; the Visayan gauilang
distilled from sugar cane and the Igorot tapuy, taken from rice.
Although the early Filipinos were heavy drinkers, they seldom lost their senses when
drunk. They only became lively, talkative and witty when intoxicated. Even after a heavy drink,
their hands never trembled and they could manage to weigh their gold correct!

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The story tells about food and drinks of ______________.
a. the ancient Filipinos b. the modern Filipinos
c. the mountain people
2. Where did they cook rice?
a. in jars and pots b. in kettles and pots
c. in pots and bamboos
3. What other things were used as food?
a. grasses and roots b. various species of fish
c. leaves and branches
4. Which was considered the champagne of the ancient Filipinos?
a. rice b. tuba c. coconut juice
5. What was the Visayan pangasi?
a. wine fermented from rice b. wine extracted from sugar cane
c. wine extracted from the coconut palms
Activity 4
Emong’s Pandesal
Emong started baking Pandesal when he was in fifth
grade. By the time he reached seventh grade, his Pandesal were
locally famous. All of his friends would beg him to make his
famous Malunggay Pandesal almost every week. Then one day a
local reporter wrote a story about his and his Malunggay
Pandesal. The story was later picked up by National Television
news. The story talked about the number of different recipes
Emong could make and how tasty his Emong were. Upon seeing
the story, Baker’s Enterprise to see if he would sell them him
famous Malunggay recipe. Emong sold them his pinipig recipe
for twenty thousand pesos and his pudding recipe for fifty
thousand pesos, but he refused to sell them his malunggay
pandesal recipe. He decided to keep this recipe and start his own
company. On August 2002, he started her Emong’s Malunggay


1. When did Emong begin to bake pandesal?
a. third grade b. fifth grade c. seventh grade d. eighth grade
2. What Pandesal recipe was Emong most famous for?
a. Malunggay Pandesal b. Monggo Pandesal c. kamote Pandesal d.squash
3. What news story really led to his big success?
a. local news b. county news c. state news d. school news
4. What company purchased some of Emong's recipes?
a. Alpo Enterprise b. Bobo Enterprise c. Coco Enterprise d. none of these
5. How much money did Berta make from selling two of her recipes?
a. P 20,000 b. P 40,000 c. P 65,000 d. P 75,000
Activity 5


President Quezon’s counsel to the
Filipino was: “Make the Filipinos true
citizens of the Philippines. They should be
made aware of things connected with
their country and people including their
culture and civilizations.”
What did President Quezon want to
convey to his countrymen? In his opinion,
we deserved to be called a true Filipino if
we have our country’s welfare at heart.
Knowledge and appreciation of our country’s history, civilization and culture are
to be required from each individual. Every citizen must be concerned with the
progress of the nation, in making the country known to other parts of the world
and in achieving peace for the land of his birth.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What did President Quezon wish for the Philippines?
a. fame b. wealth c. loyal sons and daughters
2. Who deserves to be called a true Filipino?
a. somebody working in a foreign firm b. somebody working in the government
c. somebody working for his country’s progress
3. What should every Filipino strive to achieve for his country?
a. progress b. culture c. machineries
4. In what should a Filipino feel proud of?
a. his country’s name b. his country’s culture c. his country’s location
5. To whom was President Quezon’s counsel addressed?
a. to the soldiers b. to all the citizens c. to the government officials
Activity 1


Frogs and toads have some things in common. They
are both amphibians. That means they live on land and in
water at different times in their lives. Both lay their eggs in
water. They also have the same eating habits and eat
insects with their long sticky tongues.

On the other hand, they are different in many ways. As

adults, frogs spend most of the time in water, while toads
prefer land. Frogs have smooth skin and slim bodies with
long back legs. Toads have rough skin and plump bodies
with short back legs.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. how different amphibians are

b. how frogs live
c. how frogs and toads are different
d. similarities and differences between frogs and toads

This worksheet is from
Activity 2

Before you put on that Angry Birds costume and exhaust yourself roving from
door to door pandering for candy, take a minute to reflect on the tradition in which you
are taking part. Halloween is believed to have come from an ancient Celtic festival dating
back some 2,000 years. November 1st was the Celtic New Year and marked the end of
summer to the Celts, so they celebrated on its eve by wearing costumes made of animal
skins and dancing around bon fires. Over the next two millennia, this primitive
celebration grew to be candy fueled costume ball that we know today.

What is the main idea of this passage?

a. the pleasure of celebrating Halloween
b. the origin of Halloween celebration
c. the activities done during Halloween
This worksheet is from
Activity 3
A school canteen or lunch counter is established in every school to
improve children’s eating habits and preferences.
Native, nutritious dishes such as goto, pancit and
lumpia are prepared by a teacher with the help of
some children. Sandwiches are sold for those who
prefer a light merienda. A good lunch counter as milk
as a regular item for sale. Teachers encourage their
pupils to include milk in their daily food intake.
The canteen is part of a school.
It protects from sickness by discouraging them to buy
from food peddlers and unsanitary, nearby stores.
Pupils are asked to patronize
the canteen for their own health. The low prices of
food serve as an encouragement for the children to
buy the from the school canteen.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What does a school lunch counter serve?
a. lunch b. merienda c. dinner
2. When do the majority of children buy at the lunch counters?
a. after class b. before class c. during recess
3. Which of these statements is true?
a. Native foods are good for light merienda. b. Recess lunch may take the place of lunch.
c. Goto, pancit and lumpia are eaten at breakfast.
4. What food should a lunch counter always have?
a. rice b. milk c. cereals
5. Why is milk food for children?
a. It tastes good. b. It is nice to drink
Activity 4

It is estimated that over one million piece of yum burgers

are sold in the Philippines each year. Jollibee Corporation
sells enough yum burger to circle the earth 1.25 times if
each piece were laid end to end. That’s a lot of burger, but
that’s nothing compared to coffee production. Over 100
million coffees are produced every day! But even coffee
have got nothing on the country’s staple product, rice. Rice
planters milled over 11.23 billion kilos of rice in the
Philippines each year. Now that’s a colossal!
What is the main idea of the selection?
a. comparison of rice industry’s products in terms of production growth
b. production of rice
c. the profitability of selling rice
Activity 5
Bamboo is one of the most useful
grasses in the world. In fact, it may be more
like a tree than like a grass. It has leaves as
thick as trees. It can be used to make fences,
houses, ladders, toys, umbrellas and rafts.
Its leaves are used as food for animals or to
make paper. From the stem, are made
buckets, water pipes, flutes and flowerpots.
What is the main idea of this selection?
Write your answer on the space provided below.
Activity 6
The dictionary is very important reference.
As a student, knowing how to find information in it
in the shortest time possible is necessary. The
words in the dictionary are arranged alphabetically.
It is then important to know whether a certain
letter is at the beginning, middle or end of the
alphabet so no time will be wasted.

What is the main idea of this selection?

Write your answer on the space provided below.

Activity 7
Three types of ants, each with a
different task to perform, live in an ant
colony. There is usually only one queen ant.
She lays the eggs. The male ants fertilize the
queen’s eggs. Female ants or workers do
such things as gathering food, defending the
colony from enemies and caring for young
What is the main idea of this
selection? Write your answer on the space
provided below.
Activity 8
Our country’s interest in bicycling is
growing. Bicycle racing, both indoors and outdoors, is
a fast growing sport. Some people join clubs that
have racing teams. Other join clubs that plan tours.
These tours may be as short as neighborhood circuits
or as long as cross –country trips. More and more
people of all ages are taking these bike tours.

What is the main idea of this selection?

Write your answer on the space provided below.

This worksheet is from www.teach-

Activity 10

Herbs, which are the

flowering plants, have several
interesting uses. The leaves, seeds
and even the underground roots can
be used as spices when cooking.
Fragrances for
perfume and soap often
come from herbs. One of the most
interesting and perhaps the oldest,
use of these plants is for making
medicines. Ancient people believed
that herbs had the power to heal

What is the main idea of this

selection? Write your answer on the
space provided below.
Activity 1
Directions: Read each selection carefully. Sequence the events of each selection by numbering
the events in the correct order that they appear in the text.

Carlita the Relay Machine

Carlita was a star swimmer at Bayanihan National High School. She had been swimming
competitively since he was five years old. She was to swim in three events and one relay at the
meet on Tuesday.As always, Carlita had her signature bowl of suman and puto before preparing
for the meet. He also always has a rice krispies bar immediately following his warm up routine.
When she prepares for a meet, the first thing that she does is stretch her muscles and
warm-up by running in place, immediately after stretching. Then, she does ten push-ups
followed by a run up and down the middle school bleachers.
Carlita swam well. She placed first twice and got a third place in 500 meter butterfly
stroke. She truly dominated the relay getting his team a two lap lead by the time she got out of
the water.
Sequence the events in order (1-being the first event) by using 1-6:
Carlita ate a Rice Krispies bar.
Carlita ran up and down the bleachers.
She did push ups.
Carlita won her first swimming event.
She stretched her muscles.
This worksheet is from www.teach-
Activity 2
Mr. Padilla and His Morning Exercises
Mr. Padilla was a very well liked
neighbor that we had for years. One day he woke up and
didn’t feel so well. He decided to go to see Dr. Jerome to
see what the problem might be. Dr. Jerome is the best! Dr.
Jerome did some blood work on Mr. Padilla. He found that
his blood contain very little vitamins and minerals. He
recommended that Mr. Padilla begin to eat more fruits and
vegetables. In addition, he wanted Mr. Padilla to exercise
three times a week for thirty minutes every time.
Mr. Padilla wanted to feel better, so he followed the good doctor’s advice. Every morning
he woke up, he followed the same routine. First, he ate a grapefruit and drank a glass of water.
He would then walk two miles. He would end off with a full body stretch. Then he would ride his
bike to work.
As months went on, Mr. Padilla felt a ton better. He began help Mr. Cruz prune her
garden every night after work. As a form of payment, Ms. Cruz would always make Mr. Padilla a
healthy dinner.
Sequence the events in order (1 being first) by using 1-6:
Mr. Padilla went to the doctor.
Mr. Matters helped prune Ms. Cruz garden.
He walked two miles.
He would ride his bike to work.
Mr. Padilla did a full body stretch.
Mr. Padilla ate a grapefruit.

Interpretive or Inferential comprehension deals with what the author means by what is said. The
reader must read between the lines and make inferences about the things not directly stated. Inferential
comprehension skills specifically include predicting outcomes, making inferences, interpreting figurative
language and drawing conclusions.


Directions: Read each selection carefully. Predict what outcome or event is more likely to happen or
occur next.

Activity 1
Bantay sat at the mouth of the alley
and chewed the bone that he had found by
the dumpster. It was a meaty bone that had
belonged to a larger animal, perhaps a state
fair prize winning pig. Bantay was attracted
to the bone by its strong scent. Apparently,
he was not the only one who could smell it.
He heard the jangle of tags behind him and
turned to see a larger dog. Roy released the
bone and began growling at the other dog.
The other dog began growling at Roy. The
two dogs inched toward one another,
maintaining eye contact. Each began
growling louder as the other approached
within striking distance.

What event is most likely to occur

Ding! The timer rang. Cassandra pulled the oven door open and the fragrance of hot
cherry pie filled the room. Steam was emanating from the surface of the pastry. Cassandra took
a deep whiff and said, "Mm..." She then put the pie on the kitchen table to cool and went off to
knit a hat for her grandson. Her dog Champ must have smelled the pie too. He wandered into
the kitchen, put his forelegs on the table, licked his lips...

What event is most likely to occur next?


"Remember to study for the test tomorrow!" Ms. Claire said before dismissing her class.
Lisa wrote the assignment in her notebook but when she got home she just wanted a break from
school, so she watched TV. A couple of hours later, Lisa knew that it was time to get to work, but
first she would check her email. After another hour on the Internet, Lisa noticed that it was
getting late. She opened up the textbook and began looking for the chapter. Then her friend
Jenna called. Bobby and Suzy had broken
up! Lisa couldn't believe it. She and Jenna talked about it for another hour. Now it was really late
and Lisa was tired. She hung up with Jenna and turned to the chapter on rock formations in her
science book. She began reading it. Her head felt a little woozy, wobbly and then…

What event is most likely to occur next?


"You have to water the tomatoes in the morning, not a midday or night," Veronica told
her brother A.J. He nodded, but it didn't really look like he was paying attention. "They need to
aspirate water all day, so please water them in the morning," she continued. "Yeah, yeah, water
the plants," A.J. said with frustration. Veronica was travelling out of the country to Spain for two
weeks. She was counting on her brother A.J. to water her plants. He had been irresponsible in
the past, but she was giving him another chance. She had heard that gardening was therapeutic
and A.J. needed therapy. She hugged and kissed him goodbye and then went to the airport.
While she was gone, A.J. stopped by the garden once or twice at the start of the first week, and
then he lost interest. Veronica wanted to call her brother to remind him to water the plants, but
she was having so much fun in Spain that she forgot. When Veronica finally returned, the first
thing she did was check out her garden. She walked up to the patch and...

What event is most likely to occur next?

Activity 1
Read the passage below and then choose the best answer to the question. Answer the question on the
basis of what is stated or implied in this passage.

Experienced truck drivers often travel in a convoy--a group of trucks that are traveling to the
same part of the country. Convoys can help truckers to stay alert.

The author implies that professional long-distance truck drivers may avoid traveling alone because:

A) They might drive too fast.

B) They want to arrive before anyone else.
C) Accidents happen more frequently to lone truck drivers than to car drivers who travel alone.
D) Long-distance travel can cause drowsiness.
Huge beasts such as the dinosaur have never really become extinct. Mothra, a giant caterpillar who later
becomes a moth, destroys Tokyo, and stars in the 1962 Japanese film named for him. Mothra is born,
dies, and reborn regularly on classic movie channels. In Japan Mothra is one of the most popular films
ever made. Mothra has survived the creation of more current scary creatures such as giant apes,
extraterrestrial beings and swamp creatures. More than 30 years after his creation, Mothra still lives.

The main subject of the passage is:

A) the reasons that fads do not endure
B) the lasting appeal of Mothra
C) the difficulty of marketing good horror movies
D) old models for creatures are still used because making new monsters is expensive

Anxious to ensure that America would depart from European traditions regarding religion and royalty, the early U.S.
could be described as a place that focused more on work than on the entertainment offered by spectacle and
in the Old World.
However, national celebrations such as the lighting of the White House Christmas Tree and the ceremonies used to
swear in new federal officials give the American people some experiences that are based upon national tradition.

What does the second sentence do?

A) It cancels the meaning of the first.
B) It provides an example of the first sentence.
C) It adds more detail to the first sentence.
D) It offers an exception to the information given in the first sentence.
Activity 2
“Tonyo!” Mom called out as she walked in the front
door. “Tonyo,” she continued shouting, “I am sure could use
some help with these groceries. There was still no reply. Mom
walked into the kitchen to put the grocery bags down on the
counter when she noticed shattered glass from the picture
window all over the living room floor and a baseball not far
from there. “I’m going to kill you, Tonyo !” Mom yelled to
herself as she realized that Tonyo’s shoes were gone.

How do you know this?

Why did Tonyo leave?

What is in the text that supports your answer?____________


Directions: Read each passage carefully including the use of figurative language. Try to
determine what type of figurative language or technique is used in each selection.
Activity 3
Drip—hiss—drip—hiss fall the raindrops / on the oaken log which burns, and steams,
and smokes the ceiling beams. / Drip—hiss—the rain never stops.
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. hyperbole
How do you figure? (Write a sentence to support your answer.)
Activity 4
When the stars threw down their spears, / And water'd heaven with their tears,

What figurative language is used in this passage?

a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. hyperbole
How do you figure? (Write a sentence to support your answer.)
Acitivity 5
The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,
What figurative language is used in this passage?
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. hyperbole


Smith, Gracia. Inferential Reading Texts, Retrieved on November 27, 2016 from

Campbell, Jason. Critical Readers. Retrieved on November 27, 2016 from

Bullock, Sarie. Collection of Stories for Analytical Readers. Retrieved on
November 28, 2016 from

Zaid, Lee Morrel. Reading Texts for Higher Level Reading Competencies.
Retrieved on November 28, 2016 from
reading -competencies.pdf

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