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NAME: Angulo, Felix DATE: 07/24/2018 LESSON DURATION: 50

ANTICIPATORY SET: KWL - “K” - What students already know about the Civil War; SWBAT: Identify four reasons for the South seceding
“W” - What students wonder (would like to learn) about the Civil War. from the Union (United States).
INSTRUCTION: PowerPoint Lecture: Lesson matter will be presented to students via PowerPoint lecture.

Running Clock Teacher Action Student Action Materials Needed

08:00-08:07 am Introduction to lesson and questions about Listen to teacher and complete the “K” KWL
what the students already know about the (What you know about the Civil War) and Articles
Civil War. “W” (What you want to learn about the Graphic Organizers
Civil War) sections of the KWL. Computer, Projector
08:07-08:37 am Handout Articles and Graphic Organizers. Put Independent Reading followed by group Pens or Pencils
students in groups of 3-4 (preferably 4). discussion and completion of the Graphic
Instructions for students: Each student will Organizer. Each student will read and
read and analyze one article (Who’s the analyze one article (Who’s the author,
author, What is the author saying about the What is the author saying about the
reason(s) the South is seceding). Each student reason(s) the South is seceding). Each
will then present the article to the group. All student will then present the article to the
students rotate in presenting their respective group. All students rotate in presenting
article to the group. Students will complete their respective article to the group.
the graphic organizer by writing down the Students will complete the graphic
reason(s) for the South seceding from each organizer by writing down the reason(s) for
article. Lastly, students will write down 3-4 the South seceding from each article.
reasons the South seceded from the Union Lastly, students will write down 3-4
according to the articles. reasons the South seceded from the Union
according to the articles.

08:37-08:42 am Reflect on the articles in a class discussion. Participate in class discussion. Share the
Teacher will facilitate a class discussion reasons your group came up with for the
regarding the reasons for the South seceding. South seceding. What reason(s) do you
Encourage students to participate. Questions think are most important? Based on the
to ask: What are the reasons, according to the author(s) of the articles, are there different
articles, why the South seceded the Union? reasons for secession given? Do you agree
LACOE – REVISED 10/12/17
Are there different reasons given by each with the secession of the South?
article/author? What are the reasons the South
seceded according to Confederate authors
(Davis, Calhoun, Stephens)? According to
Lincoln? What are the reasons why you think
the South seceded? Do you agree with the
secession of the South?

08:42-08:49 am Informative Assessment - KWL - Students Independently complete the “L” section of
will independently complete the “L” section the KWL. What did you learn from this
of the KWL by stating what the learn from the lesson regarding the Civil War? What are
lesson. What are the reasons, or reason, for the reasons, or reason, for the South
the South seceding the Union? seceding the Union?

LACOE – REVISED 10/12/17

Learning Styles
Hearing Impaired
Physical Impaired

CLOSURE: According to the articles, there are several reasons the South seceded the Unions. These reasons include slavery, states rights, popular
sovereignty, economic suppression, contrasting cultures (religion, education, population), and the election of 1860 (Lincoln). As a student of history,
we must be able to identify how one’s background and bias will influence their words and actions. Davis, Calhoun, and Stephens were huge leaders
and supporters of secession. Thus, identifying their stance will enable us to understand the reasons they gave for secession. The reasons they gave
were states rights, popular sovereignty, economic supporesion, and the election of 1860. Such reasons justify their actions of splitting from the
Union. These reasons are valid reasons for secession. On the other hand, Lincoln argues that the reason for the South seceding is solely because of
slavery. The South wanted slavery to continue and expand. This reason also justifies the actions of the Union in fighting to save the Union. So which
side, the Confederates or the Union, was right? Who do you agree with? Was slavery the main reason for the South seceding? Was the Civil War
fought because the South wanted to continue and expand slavery? These questions continue to divide our country.

ASSESSMENT Using the KWL chart, students will identify four reasons for the South seceding from the Union, according to the articles. Students
will show their understanding by independently completing the “L” section of the KWL chart. In doing so, students will demonstrate what they
learned from this lesson.

LACOE – REVISED 10/12/17

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