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Therapeutic Programming Proposal (Pre)

Name of facilitating employee: Ravina Parmar

Initials of person served: HT *Fake Initials and Proposal*

Description of activity
HT will be completing a lesson plan on natural disasters for their activity for school. HT will
get to read a narrative of Huu-ay-aht seisemic history and learn about the causes and triggers for

What is the purpose of this activity? How does it meet the person’s served monthly goal?
HT’s monthly goal is education. HT has expressed interest in learning about natural disasters.
The purpose of this activity is to get HT involved in educational activities at home that will not
only help promote HT’s development, but also help stimulate and engage HT in keeping active
throughout the day.

What are the s.m.a.r.t goals?

The activity will take approximately 45 minutes, maybe less. This activity will give us the
opportunity to discuss future educational activities HT may like to take part in.

What will you need to in order to complete this activity?

1 Staff, 1 Lesson Plan, HT

What barriers or obstacles might you face with this activity?

Refusal to take part in lesson plan or may not want to interact with staff.

How will you overcome these obstacles?

Suggest an alternate educational activity, offer the activity another day, or offer an incentive
once the lesson plan is completed.
Therapeutic Programming Proposal (Post)

Name of facilitating employee: Ravina Parmar

Initials of person served: HT *Fake Initials and Proposal*

We any goals met while completing this activity?

All goals were met. We reviewed and learned about natural disasters.

What could be improved for next time?

All goals were met. I wouldn’t have done anything differently.

How will you build on this activity for next time?

We can continue to expand our knowledge on other natural disasters that take place in the

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