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Ocean Engineering 108 (2015) 276–286

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Probabilistic model for predicting deep-draught channel design:

Savannah, GA entrance channel
M.J. Briggs a,n,1, P.J. Kopp b, A.L. Silver b, W. Wiggins c
Briggs Group LLC, Vicksburg, MS 39180, United States
Surface Ship Hydromechanics Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, West Bethesda, MD 20817-5700, United States
Savannah District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah, GA 31402-0889, United States

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A vertical ship motion study was conducted to evaluate three proposed channel alignments S-1, S-3, and
Received 5 June 2013 S-8 in the Savannah, GA entrance channel. These alignment changes (doglegs) are proposed to allow
Accepted 22 July 2015 ships to reach deeper water in less distance, with reduced dredging costs. The Channel Analysis and
Design Evaluation Tool (CADET) was used to predict the underkeel clearance and annual days of
Keywords: accessibility. The clearance and accessibility results were calculated for each channel option and include
Vertical ship motions vertical ship motion allowances based on the wave-induced coupled heave, roll, and pitch. This provides
Underkeel clearance a risk-based method of determining channel project depth based on two ship loading conditions for the
Deep draught navigation three channel alignment options.
Entrance channel design
Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Numerical models
Risk-based design

1. Introduction DUKC deterministically assesses the UKC of a vessel with a

known load condition, speed and track under specific met-ocean
The new third locks of the Panama Canal in the $5.25B conditions (Atkinson and O’Brien, 2008; O’Brien et al., 2012). By
modernization are expected to open in 2016. This increased simulating vessel movements over many years, it assesses the risk
capacity will be a boon to U.S. ports, especially on the East coast. of bottom touching, waterway capacity, and optimized depths
The new expanded locks will double existing canal capacity and through statistical analysis of the simulated UKC data.
allow three times the cargo by allowing larger ships in the canal. UNDERKEEL (Spencer, et al., 1990) was developed for the study
The “New Panamax” ships will have lengths up to 366 m, beams to of ship motions and wave forces on ships in shallow water. It
49 m, and draughts to 15.2 m. Today, Post-Panamax (i.e. larger employs linearized wave theory with potential flow applied in the
than existing Panama Canal) containerships make up 16 percent of frequency domain (i.e. regular waves) to represent the behavior of
the world's fleet. By 2030, these larger ships are expected to carry waves and water flows in the vicinity of the ship. Strip or slender
more than 60 percent of all containers (Booth 2013). body theory treatment of boundary conditions at the hull are
Port designers have historically relied on deterministic modeled to allow for flows underneath the keel. All components of
approaches with large safety factors for channel design. Although wave force and moment and vessel motions are computed. A
these designs resulted in 100 percent accessibility of a channel, typical application is the estimation of vertical motions of ships
they were overly conservative and relied upon extensive dredging underway in a navigation channel to estimate the likely minimum
which was expensive. Risk-based models are now recommended dredged depth needed for safe transit in waves.
to provide a more realistic and cost-effective design based on a CADET is a numerical model to aid in determining the ‘opti-
useful service life with an acceptable level of risk of mishaps or mum’ dredge depth for the offshore portions of entrance channels
groundings. Existing probabilistic design tools include DUKC that are subjected to waves (Briggs et al., 2012). This ‘optimum’
(Dynamic Underkeel Clearance), UNDERKEEL, and CADET (Channel dredge depth is defined as the depth that provides the maximum
Analysis and Design Evaluation Tool). accessibility for the minimum amount of dredging. It predicts
channel accessibility for acceptable levels of risk based on Gaus-
sian and Rayleigh distributions and an Ochi prediction of the
Corresponding author. extreme value of a random process (Ochi, 1973) of underkeel
E-mail address: (M.J. Briggs).
1 clearance (UKC) from ship motion allowances for different wave,
Former Affiliation: Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineer
Research and Development Center, 3909 Halls Ferry Rd., CEERD-HN-HH, Vicksburg, ship, and channel combinations. Note that UKC used in this paper
MS 39180-6199, United States. means static underkeel clearance and is equivalent to the project
0029-8018/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M.J. Briggs et al. / Ocean Engineering 108 (2015) 276–286 277

depth minus ship draught. The CADET predictions allow the is the design tool equivalent of EMOGS, since it calculates effective
designer to choose a channel depth that requires the least amount UKC and bottom touching risk probability for any number of ships
of dredging for the maximum amount of accessibility assuming an and loading conditions over a range of channel project depths.
acceptable level of risk. CADET has recently been accepted on the CADET also assumes an equal probability of a transit in either
Corp's Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Coastal Community of Practice inbound or outbound directions at any time of day or night.
Preferred List of numerical models.
Briggs et al. (2006) compared CADET predictions of channel 2.2. Underkeel clearance
accessibility with both a numerical model based on Poisson and
Bernoulli probability distributions for ship arrivals and groundings The effective UKCj at location j (i.e., jth control point on hull
from a laboratory dataset. In the latter model, recurrence intervals surface usually corresponding to bow, stern, rudder, or sides) is
were estimated for the number of years between mishaps or given by
groundings. Comparisons between both methods were presented
UKCj ¼ Dc þ Et  ðT j þ Sj þ Aj Þ ð1Þ
with good agreement.
Briggs et al. (2010, 2013b) performed a validation study with where Dc is the nominal channel project depth, Et is water level
CADET for six ships during inbound and outbound transits in due to tides, Tj is static draught and trim of the ship at rest, Sj is
Ambrose Channel, NY. Comparisons between field measurements underway sinkage and trim (i.e., squat), and Aj is the wave-
and CADET predictions agreed reasonably well in the three induced, vertical motions allowance due to heave, roll, and pitch.
reaches. Additional validation comparisons between field and Note that EMOGS explicitly includes the tidal water level compo-
laboratory measurements and CADET predictions for the World nent, Et, while CADET does not.
Utility bulk carrier were performed for Barbers Pt, HI (Briggs et al.,
2014b). The agreement between CADET predictions and field and 2.2.1. Ship squat
laboratory measurements was reasonable. Finally, CADET was Ship squat Sj is typically estimated within CADET using the
recently applied to study the potential effects of a subsurface Beck–Newman–Tuck (BNT) algorithm. The BNT prediction is based
mound on ship transits in Ambrose Channel, NY (Briggs et al., on early work by Tuck (1966) investigating the dynamics of a
2014a). Wave-induced ship motions for transits over the mound slender ship in shallow water at various speeds for an infinitely
were compared to transits in the entrance channel to select a wide channel and for a finite width channel such as a canal (Tuck,
minimum dredge depth across the mound to prevent grounding 1967). This work was expanded to include a dredged channel with
and insure navigation safety. a finite-width inner channel and depth and an infinitely-wide
In this study, CADET was applied to the modification of the outside channel of shallower depth (Beck et al., 1975). Briggs et al.
entrance channel at Savannah, Georgia (Briggs and Henderson, (2013a) compared CADET BNT predictions with PIANC (World
2011). The goal of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) Association for Waterborne Transport, formerly Permanent Inter-
was to evaluate three proposed channel options to accommodate national Association of Navigation Congresses) and Ankudinov
the “New Panamax” class of ships. The project depth is restricted (Ankudinov and Jakobsen, 1996, Ankudinov et al., 2000) empirical
due to environmental, buried utilities, dredging costs, offshore formulas for the prediction of ship squat with measured DGPS
reefs, economic, and political considerations. Ship speeds in the squat data from the Panama Canal for four ships. All of the
offshore portions of the entrance channel are restricted to 10 knots predictions fell within the range of squat measurements.
during the right whale season. Some of the channel options are In the BNT model, the fluid is assumed to be inviscid and
more direct and would require less ship maneuvering to reach irrotational and the hull long and slender. The underwater area of
deep water. Environmental concerns require a minimum amount the hull is modeled and the dynamic pressure is obtained by
of dredging through the offshore reefs and disturbance to the differentiating the velocity potential along the length of the hull
whale habitat. Thus, it was necessary to minimize dredging and for each Depth Froude Number Fnh defined as:
construction costs, while still insuring navigational safety, operat- Vs
ing efficiency, and minimum environmental damage. F nh ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2Þ
In this paper, brief descriptions of CADET theory and risk
analysis are presented in Section 2. The Savannah project site, where Vs is ship speed in m/s, g is gravitational acceleration in m/
design ship, channel options, and wave and tidal forcing are s2, and h is water depth in m.
described in the next section (Section 3). Results from the days The sinkage and trim predictions are obtained from the
of accessibility analysis are presented and discussed in Section 4. dynamic pressure by calculating the vertical force and pitching
Section 5 contains results of the ship motion analyses and net moment. The midship sinkage SMid and trim angle TR are given as a
underkeel clearance predictions. Finally, a summary and conclu- function of Fnh, where sinkage and trim are positive for downward
sions are presented in the last section (Section 6). movement and bow down, respectively. Squat at the jth control
point Sj is calculated as:
Sj ¼ SMid þ X j sin ðT R Þ ð3Þ
2. CADET numerical model
where Xj is the longitudinal distance from the center of gravity of
2.1. Background the ship to the jth control point (positive forward of midship).
When the control point is vertically offset from the ship baseline,
The CADET numerical model is based on technology initially there is an additional correction to Sj.
developed for the Navy's Environmental Monitoring and Operator
Guidance System (EMOGS) (Silver, 1992, Silver and Dalzell, 1997). 2.2.2. Vertical motions allowance
EMOGS provides real-time operational guidance on the expected The vertical motions allowance Aj is estimated from the vertical
UKC of a ship, given wave and water level measurements or wave-induced, rigid body motion transfer functions of heave, roll,
observations at a particular port for a transit at a particular time and pitch. The magnitude of the vertical displacement at a point
and direction. For each UKC prediction, it calculates the uncer- on the ship is dependent upon the height and period of the waves
tainty and risk of touching the channel bottom for those condi- in the channel, the ship speed, the relative ship heading to the
tions. EMOGS has been used successfully for over 20 years. CADET waves, channel depth, and the position of the point relative to the
278 M.J. Briggs et al. / Ocean Engineering 108 (2015) 276–286

ship center of gravity. For the coupled heave, roll, and pitch peak enhancement factor that controls the width of the S(f) where
motions at a critical point j on the hull, a complex-valued vertical sea (swell) components are broader (narrower) in frequency space
displacement transfer function Hj(f,θ) is calculated as: using smaller (larger) values of γ. The function φ(2πf,h) may be
approximated as:
H j ðf ; θÞ ¼ Zðf ; θÞ þX j Θðf ; θÞ þY j Φðf ; θÞ ð4Þ
where Z(f, θ) is the complex vertical heave motion transfer 0:5ω2 ωr1
Φð2π f ; hÞ ¼ ð10Þ
function; Xj and Yj are the longitudinal and lateral distances, 1  0:5ð2  ωÞ2 ω 41
respectively, from the ship's center of gravity to the jth control pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
where ω ¼ 2π f h=g . The functions a and b are defined as:
point; and θ(f, θ) and Φ(f, θ) are the complex pitch and roll 2
!4 !2 3
transfer functions, respectively. The Response Amplitude Operator f  1 f
(RAO) is defined as the square of the amplitude of the transfer a ¼ 1:25 ; b ¼ exp4 2 1 5 ð11Þ
fp 2σ f p
function at each frequency.
This vertical motion transfer function, Hj, is then used in the where fp ¼ peak spectral frequency and σ is given by
calculation of the σj RMS (root mean square) displacement at (
critical point j given by 0:07 f r f p
σ ¼ 0:09 f 4f ð12Þ
qffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
XX  2 p
σ j ¼ σ 2j ¼ Sðf ; θÞH j ðf ; θÞ Δf Δθ ð5Þ
f θ The directional spreading function D(f,θ) can be approximated
 2 using several different empirical formulas. One of the simplest is a
where S(f,θ) is the directional wave spectrum, H j ðf ; θÞ is the
cosnθ directional distribution (Smith et al., 2001). It is defined as:
square of the modulus of the vertical motion transfer function, or  
RAO, and Δf and Δθ are the increments in frequency and direction, 1 θ  θm
Dðf ; θÞ ¼ cos n ð13Þ
respectively. C 2
Since this σj is calculated from individual wave conditions with
where C is a conversion constant to insure that the constraint in
phase differences, it may not provide the largest vertical excursion
Eq. (8) is satisfied, θ is direction of the spectral component, θm is
the ship may experience during a transit. Therefore, Ochi (1973)
the peak or dominant direction of the spectral component, and n is
proposed higher order extremal statistics to define an expected
an even-numbered exponent that determines the width of the
extreme motion allowance Aj during a given transit as:
spreading with a small (large) n equivalent to broad (narrow)
T d σ vj directional spreading.
Aj ¼ σ j 2 ln ð6Þ
2πασ j
2.3. Uncertainty and risk analysis
where Td is exposure time in the channel (i.e., reach length/ship
speed) in seconds, σvj is the vertical velocity of the vertical motion
The primary objective for calculating uncertainty is to provide a
(i.e., time derivative of σj) at location j, and α is a risk parameter. If
measure of risk of a ship touching the various project depths. The risk
α ¼0.01, then the ship has a risk of 1 in 100 that the predicted of touching the channel bottom is defined as that proportion of all
motions allowance Aj will be exceeded for the given set of wave
possible transits under statistically constant conditions in which the
minimum channel clearance would be zero or negative (i.e., adverse
outcomes). To compute the risk under this definition, it is necessary to
2.2.3. Directional wave spectra compute the probability density of the minimum clearance. The risk
As shown in Eq. (5), directional wave spectra S(f,θ) are the model accounts for the uncertainty in each of the contributing
driving mechanism in CADET to predict vertical ship motions. parameters by assuming (a) Gaussian distribution for static ship
Design life predictions of channel accessibility require a good draught, (b) Gaussian distribution for underway sinkage and trim,
statistical representation, on the order of a 20-year design life. The and (c) Rayleigh distribution for the vertical motion and velocity
Wave Information Study (WIS) is a good source of 20-year variances. Since wave height is characterized by the Rayleigh dis-
hindcast data for the U.S. coastline ( tribution, it is a reasonable probability distribution to describe the
mil/wis). Since it is rare to have predictions or measurements of wave-driven vertical motion and velocity variances.
S(f,θ), empirical formulas for the frequency spectrum S(f) and the To calculate the risk of touching project depth, it is required to
directional spreading function D(f,θ) are typically defined as: determine the probability density function of the largest motion
Sðf ; θÞ ¼ Sðf ÞDðf ; θÞ ð7Þ excursion in a given duration of transit considering the uncer-
tainty in the estimates of channel depth, and ship motion and
subject to the constraints
velocity. The probability density of all possible values of instanta-

X 2π
X neous minimum clearance for a given condition is obtained by a
Sðf Þ ¼ Sðf ; θÞΔθ; Dðf ; θÞΔθ ¼ 1 ð8Þ numerical convolution. Then, the risk of touching the project
0 0
depth is the integration of the negative portion of the instanta-
Since entrance channels are typically in shallow water, it is neous minimum clearance probability density.
appropriate to use something like the TMA (Texel, MARSEN, and A risk analysis is performed to determine the probability of any one
ARSLOE) shallow-water spectral form (Bouws et al., 1985) for S(f). of the critical points of the deep draught ship touching the channel
The TMA characterizes waves generated in deepwater which have bottom for inbound and outbound transits. The risk analysis is
propagated into shallow water and reduces to the JONSWAP (JOint performed for each of the wave conditions in a wave climatology for
North Sea WAve Project) spectrum (Hasselmann et al., 1973) in the the port. The result of the risk analysis provides a probability of the
deepwater limit. It is defined as: ship touching the channel bottom under each of the wave conditions
αg 2 for a specified project depth. It is assumed that if the risk is greater
Sðf Þ ¼ Φð2π f ; hÞea γ b ð9Þ than some threshold value (normally 1 in 100), then the channel is
ð2π Þ4 f
inaccessible by the ship. The days of accessibility of the channel are
where α is Phillip's constant that is a function of the wave height calculated by determining the persistence of the wave condition that
and usually is obtained from an iterative procedure, and γ is the produces the risk of 1 in 100 or less. The risk calculation is performed
M.J. Briggs et al. / Ocean Engineering 108 (2015) 276–286 279

for each wave condition and range of project depths. Of course, it is fully-loaded ships have draughts of T ¼14.0 and 14.5 m, respec-
never going to be possible to have the required number of days of tively. Of course, these draughts represent “worst” case scenario as
accessibility and the “least” amount of dredging as these are opposite ships rarely are loaded to their full design draughts due to
ends of the continuum of possibilities. What is selected is a compro- differences in cargo density and scheduling. Also, traffic conges-
mise between these two: pick a number of days of accessibility that tion and two-way traffic are not a factor for the Savannah channel
will provide reasonable efficiency and a depth that will require as ships of this size are expected to call on this port on only a
dredging costs that are within the project budget and safety weekly basis. Ship speeds range from 8 to 14 knots in the Outer
constraints. Channel, with restrictions to 10 knots during right whale season.
Heave, roll, and pitch transfer functions (RAOs) are estimated
using a frequency domain, shallow water, strip-theory program
3. Project site SCORES (Kaplan, 1996). It uses hull geometry, draught and trim,
ship speeds, water depths, roll damping coefficient, and wave
3.1. Savannah entrance channel frequencies. Fig. 3 shows an example heave, roll, and pitch RAO for
the fully-loaded Susan Maersk with a speed of Vk ¼10 knot and a
The Port of Savannah, GA, is an important deep-draught commer- channel depth of h ¼15.8 m. The non-dimensional amplitude RAOs
cial harbor on the U.S. Atlantic coast with containerships comprising a are plotted as a function of wave frequency in Hz. The coastline is
major part of its commercial fleet. The Entrance Channel consists of aligned roughly WSW/NNE along this portion of the coast and the
two sections: an Outer Channel (Fig. 1) subject to waves, and a channel alignment ranges from 901 to 1171 (approximately E/W to
sheltered Inner Channel. The existing Outer Channel has a length up ESE/WNW). The most common wave direction is nearly parallel
to 18.3 km and was modeled in this study as an “open” or unrest- with the entrance channel with a mean direction of 112.81;
ricted cross-section with a width of 183 m and depth of 13.4 m MLLW representing 22.8 percent of all waves (see Section 3.4.1). Waves
(Mean Lower Low Water). The 31-km-long Inner Channel has a width within a 601 sector on either side of this mean direction represent
of 152 m and depth of 12.8 m MLLW. Since it is not exposed to waves, nearly 80 percent of all waves. Thus, example RAOs for the
it was not modeled in this study, but was considered in the outbound ship are shown for head (01) and bow quartering seas
calculation of required transit times. Harbor pilots routinely use the (301 and 601) and for the inbound ship, corresponding seas include
2.4 m tide and overdredge allowance as necessary to accommodate following (1801) and stern quartering (1201 and 1501).
larger draught ships. Although CADET includes the overdredge
allowance, it does not consider shoaling between dredging events.
Of course, these tide heights only occur for variable time windows
each day during the year so that the pilots have limited sailing
windows during any given day of a year. Thus, the days of accessibility
predicted by CADET for a fixed depth need to be adjusted to account
for the variability in this depth as a function of the tides. This is
discussed in Section 4.6 (Discussion).

3.2. Design ship

The design ship for the Savannah study is the New Panamax
(formerly Post-Panamax) Susan Maersk containership (Fig. 2). It
was completed in 1997 with a TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units)
capacity of 8680, length overall LOA ¼347 m, length between
perpendiculars Lpp ¼331.6 m, and beam B¼ 42.8 m. The light- and Fig. 2. Susan Maersk design ship for Savannah Entrance Channel.

Fig. 1. Savannah Entrance Channel proposed channel alignments showing existing channel to Station 60 (60 þ 000), option S-1 extension of existing channel to Station 123
(123þ 000), option S-3 from Station 60 (60 þ 000) to Station 82 (82 þ000) to Station 98 (98 þ000), and option S-8 from Station 60 to Station 98.
280 M.J. Briggs et al. / Ocean Engineering 108 (2015) 276–286

Table 1
1.6 Pros and cons for channel options.
Amplitude (Non-Dim)

0 deg Option Length Alignment Pros Cons

30 deg (km) (deg)
60 deg
0.8 180 deg S-1 19.2 0 Straight channel Most dredging
150 deg Existing Most shoals/reefs
0.4 120 deg
No doglegs
S-3 11.6 27 Shorter channel Severe dogleg at Sta.
0 82
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Less dredging
S-8 11.3 13 Shortest channel Slight dogleg at Sta.
Frequency (Hz) 60
Least dredging

3 Notes:
Amplitude (Non-Dim)

1. S-8 length based on Law of Cosines to Sta. 60.

0 deg
2. Alignment relative to S-1.
30 deg
60 deg
180 deg Each of the three option routes was divided into several
150 deg reaches. Typically, reaches are defined where the channel depth,
120 deg width, and/or alignment changes. Fig. 4 shows more detail of the
bathymetry and channel orientation from Station 3 (i.e., Sta.
0 3þ 000) to Station 87 (i.e., Sta. 87 þ000). Most of the offshore
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 reaches are straight sections with little curvature seaward of
Frequency (Hz) Station 39. To facilitate comparisons among the S-1, S-3, and S-8
options, three reaches were defined for each from Station 39 to
Station 123 with designations of S-1_Sta39, S-3_Sta39, and
0.4 S-8_Sta39, respectively. Table 2 shows the channel particulars for
Amplitude (Non-Dim)

0 deg these basic comparisons including reach number, wave ID, reach
0.3 30 deg name, beginning and ending stations, length, and alignment angle.
60 deg A second group with 6 reaches was defined for final comparisons
0.2 180 deg between the S-1 and preferred S-8 options for the channel's entire
150 deg length from Station 0 to Station 123. This group has designations
120 deg of S-1_Sta0 and S-8_Sta0.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 3.4. Waves
Frequency (Hz)
Since waves drive the CADET model's predictions of vertical
Fig. 3. RAOs for fully-loaded Susan Maersk (T ¼ 14.5 m, h ¼ 15.8 m, Vk ¼ 10 knots) for ship motions, it was important to provide accurate estimates of
(a) heave, (b) roll, and (c) pitch. Outbound (solid lines for 01, 301 and 601) head and
the wave environment. The steps in this process involved estimat-
bow quartering seas and inbound (dashed line for 1801, 1501, and 1201) for
following and stern quartering seas. ing (a) deepwater hindcast waves, (b) deepwater joint probability
distributions, (c) directional wave spectra, and (d) transformed
(deep to shallow water) channel wave spectra.
3.3. Channel options

The deeper-draught design ship will require dredging to a 3.4.1. Deepwater hindcast waves
depth of 14.9 m MLLW along extensions to deeper water and The 20-year hindcast wave data for this study were provided by
removal of shallow shoals. The project depth is restricted due to the Wave Information Study (WIS). WIS370 was selected since it is
buried utilities, dredging costs, offshore reefs, and environmental, one of the deepwater stations that are closest to the Savannah
economic, and political considerations. Fig. 1 shows the three Channel. Wave directions θp in degrees are directions from which
proposed channel alignment options that were considered based the waves are traveling. Direction bands are in 22.51 increments
on length, dredging requirements, and pilot considerations. from 01 to 3601. The overall mean wave direction is 1301. The most
Table 1 lists the three options and the corresponding “Pros” and common wave direction, with 22.3 percent of the cases, is
“Cons” for each. For this study, the existing channel starts at between 101.31 and 123.81, with a mean of 112.81. Both of these
Station 0 and ends at Station 60 (i.e., 60þ000, 18.3 km). Option S-1 wave directions are nearly parallel with the existing and S-1
is a proposed extension of the existing channel to Station 123 channel alignments. The overall mean wave period is 5 s. The
(123þ 000, 37.5 km). Option S-3 intersects the existing channel at most commonly occurring wave period band, with 81.5 percent of
Station 82 (82 þ000, 25.0 km) and runs east–west to Station 98 the cases, is from 1 to 5 s, with a mean of 4.2 s. Significant wave
(98 þ000, 29.9 km). The S-8 option is the preferred option for the heights range from 0 to 9.1 m, with variable band limits. The
pilots since it has a similar alignment and is an easier transition to overall mean wave height is 1.0 m. The most common wave height
the existing channel. It also intersects the existing channel at band, with 54.4 percent of the cases, is from 0.6 to 1.2 m, with a
Station 60 and ends at Station 98. All three route options begin at mean of 0.9 m. The largest significant wave height was 8.8 m, with
Station 0. Options S-3 and S-8 have the advantage that they reach corresponding peak period of 14.3 s and wave direction of 112.51.
deep water in a shorter distance with fewer shoals and offshore However, this is a very rare occurrence, with correspondingly low
reefs to dredge through than the S-1 option. probability of occurrence.
M.J. Briggs et al. / Ocean Engineering 108 (2015) 276–286 281

Fig. 4. Savannah Outer Channel showing Stations 3 (Sta.3 þ000), 21, 39, 60, and 87.

Table 2 3.4.3. Directional wave spectra

Savannah Outer Channel parameters used in CADET modeling. From deepwater joint probability distributions of Tp vs. Hs,
wave parameter statistics were gathered for generating empirical
Group ID Reach Wave Reach Station Length Angle
directional wave spectra representative of the WIS370 deepwater
no. ID (km) (deg)
Begin End
data. A total of 99 different combinations of Tp, Hs, and θp were
obtained. Wave bins that had less than 0.05 percent (i.e., 0.0005)
Basic comparisons for Channel to Sta. 39 of the total number of occurrences were eliminated as these
S-1_Sta39 1 100 S-1a 82 123 12.5 117 represent very rare events on both low and high ends of the
2 200 S-1b 60 82 6.7
dataset. With the elimination of these rare occurrences and
3 300 Tybee 39 60 6.4
S-3_Sta39 1 100 S-3 82 98 4.9 90 including all the very low wave energy days, a total of 72.3 days
2 200 S-1b 60 82 6.7 117 per year (19.8 percent of a year) are considered “calm” days.
3 300 Tybee 39 60 6.4 During these days, wave-induced vertical ship motions are insig-
S-8_Sta39 1 100 S-8a 82 98 4.8 104
nificant and will not impact the available UKC in the Savannah
2 200 S-8b 60 82 6.5
3 300 Tybee 39 60 6.4 117
Entrance Channel. Thus, CADET was not run for these waves, but
Detailed comparisons for entire Channel to Sta. 0 they are included in the days of accessibility. After this pre-
S-1_Sta0 1 100 S-1a 82 123 12.5 117 processing, the final wave dataset does include seven relatively
2 200 S-1b 60 82 6.7 “extreme” waves that can lead to ship grounding, but of course the
3 300 Tybee 39 60 6.4
probability of occurrence is very low.
4 400 Bloody Pt 22 39 5.2 141
5 500 Jones Is 15 22 2.1 108 The directional wave spectra were then generated using a TMA
6 600 Tybee 0 15 4.6 83 frequency spectrum and a cosn spreading function. Spectral
Knoll Cut frequencies ranged from 0.01 Hz to 0.50 Hz in 0.01-Hz intervals
S-8_Sta0 1 100 S-8a 82 98 4.8 104
to cover frequencies corresponding to one half to three times the
2 200 S-8b 60 82 6.5
3 300 Tybee 39 60 6.4 117
peak frequency. Because of directional spreading and CADET
4 400 Bloody Pt 22 39 5.2 141 requirements, the full circle of 3601 was modeled in 151 incre-
5 500 Jones Is 15 22 2.1 108 ments. Spectral wave parameters were selected for each wave
6 600 Tybee 0 15 4.6 83 based on wave period, a standard approach for CHL (Coastal and
Knoll Cut
Hydraulics Laboratory) studies. For the TMA spectrum, frequency
Notes: spreading is a function of the γ parameter that varied between 3.3
S-8 length based on Law of Cosines. (broad) and 8 (narrow). For the directional cosn spreading func-
Angle is channel alignment relative to outbound ships, clockwise from North. tion, the “n” parameter ranged from 4 (broad) to 30 (narrow).
These spectra formed the incident wave input at Station 123
(beginning of Reach 1) in the Savannah Channel.
3.4.2. Deepwater joint probability distributions
The next step in the wave processing was to separate the data
into joint probability or percent occurrence tables of peak wave 3.4.4. Wave transformation
period Tp vs. significant wave height Hs for a realistic set of Thompson (2002) modeled the existing Savannah Channel
direction bands. Because of the angle of the shore (i.e., shelter- with the STWAVE numerical model (Smith et al., 2001) and
ing), wave directions outside the range of 11.31 to 236.31 would calculated wave transformation along the channel as a function
not impact the Savannah Channel, so the set of direction bands of distance from the WIS deepwater Station. These transformation
was reduced. The total number of observations or predictions for factors for wave height were used in this study to reduce the wave
the entire 20-year hindcast dataset was 175,314. The reduced height of the 99 empirical directional wave spectra for the
dataset has only 90 percent of these observations, or 158,138 different reaches from the offshore Station 123 to the inshore
observations. Station 0. Table 3 lists the wave height reduction factors for each
282 M.J. Briggs et al. / Ocean Engineering 108 (2015) 276–286

Table 3 4. Ship accessibility

Wave height reduction factors by reach.
CADET predicts days/year of accessibility based on the ship
Reach no. Wave ID Station no. Height ratio
parameters, channel configuration, input wave conditions, and risk
1 100 123 1.00 of grounding (1 in 100 for this study). This accessibility is
2 200 82 0.94 generated for each reach, transit direction, and ship loading
3 300 60 0.85 condition. Based on these values, the project designer can select
4 400 39 0.56
5 500 24 0.57
the optimum dredge depth which is defined as the shallowest
6 600 15 0.28 dredge depth with the required percentage of time the channel
could be safely transited each year.
Notes: This section presents results for mainly the fully-loaded Susan
1. Station no.¼ Beginning station no.
Maersk for absolute water levels. These water levels represent a
combined water depth that includes tides and/or future dredging.
For instance, a depth of 15.8 m represents either a dredged depth
of 15.8 m or a depth of 14.9 m plus a tide level of þ0.9 m. The
effect of the tides on days of accessibility is discussed later.
4.1. Comparison of optional routes
Days of accessibility/year

Fig. 5 compares accessibility among the three channel options of
S-1, 6 kt S-1 (open squares), S-3 (solid triangles), and S-8 (solid line) for the
180 S-3, 6 kt
S-8, 6 kt
fully-loaded Susan Maersk at speeds of 6 (blue), 10 (red), and 14
S-1, 10 kt (green) knots. The Savannah offshore channel is restricted to max-
S-3, 10 kt
S-8, 10 kt
imum ship speeds of 10 knots due to the right whale constraints. The
S-1, 14 kt maximum proposed project depth will be only 14.9 m, so these
S-3, 14 kt
S-8, 14 kt
deeper water depths represent use of the maximum tidal range up to
2.4 m, plus additional depth for future consideration. Ideally, one
0 wants 365 days of accessibility at the shallowest water depth possible.
14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 These water levels do not occur continuously as they are only possible
Water depth (m) for limited time intervals each year according to the tides.
Fig. 5. CADET predictions of days of accessibility for inbound fully-loaded Susan This plot (Fig. 5) represents the worst case combinations for
Maersk as a function of channel depth and ship speed for route options S-1, S-3, and inbound transits for all three reaches in each of the three channel
S-8. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is options. The left-most curves on these accessibility figures repre-
referred to the web version of this article.) sent the best results since they indicate the most number of days
of accessibility for the shallowest channel depth. In general, the
slower ship speeds have greater days of accessibility than faster
reach and their corresponding wave ID (see Table 2). The 100 speeds. Slower speeds mean less ship squat and longer time in the
series were used for reach 1, 200 series for reach 2, etc. It channel. However, it is assumed that the required tidal window is
was assumed that the wave period and wave directions long enough so that the depth does not decrease appreciably
would not change significantly across the relatively short distances during a transit. In general, all three options provide approxi-
of the Savannah Channel as the bathymetry was relatively con- mately the same number of days of accessibility for the same
stant and wave refraction would be minor. Thus, the directional channel depth and ship speed.
spectra were identical for each reach except for the reduction in
wave height. All the other parameters remained unchanged 4.2. Comparison of transit direction
between reaches.
Fig. 6 compares the effect of inbound vs. outbound transit direction
for the six reaches in the option S-8_Sta0 route (Table 2). Inbound and
outbound transits are assumed to have the same loading and draught,
3.5. Tides although in reality transit draughts often differ for inbound vs.
outbound movements. The main difference between the transit
As noted previously due to environmental and political concerns, directions is the relative angle of the wave to the ship, which alters
the recommended depths will require the consideration of tides to the wave encounter frequency and leads to different ship response
achieve desired water levels for safe transit. A tidal window is and vertical motions. Table 4 lists days of accessibility for inbound and
calculated for the channel to allow sufficient time to transit the outbound transits at 10 knots as a function of three water depths for
channel based on different ship speeds. The 37 tidal constituents for each route option. Outbound transits have slightly more days of
Ft. Pulaski are representative of the Outer Channel in Savannah. Each accessibility than inbound transits, with the largest difference (i.e.,
constituent includes the amplitude and phase of the tide constant for highest days of accessibility) occurring at a 10 knots speed.
Savannah. They are input to the tidal prediction program in CADET
which calculates the average tidal range for 20 years between 1986 4.3. Effect of reach
and 2006. The duration in hourly increments that the water level is
above various threshold levels in 30 cm increments was estimated. The effect of channel reach on the days of accessibility is shown in
The tide duration prediction program then determines the number of Fig. 7 for inbound transits for reaches R1 and R6 in the S-8_Sta0 route.
days per year the water level is above the user-specified tide datum As expected, days of accessibility increase for the more sheltered (i.e.,
for durations in 1 h increments. This duration is continuous so that a smaller wave heights) interior reaches (i.e., R6 or as reach number
ship can expect that this time interval is available for transit during increases) for inbound transits and all ship speeds. The largest
the calculated number of days per year. difference occurred for the 10 knot speed.
M.J. Briggs et al. / Ocean Engineering 108 (2015) 276–286 283

360 360

300 300

Days of accessibility/year
Days of accessibility/year

240 240
R1, 6 kt
R6, 6 kt
Inbound, 6 kt R1, 10 kt
180 Outbound, 6 kt 180
R6, 10 kt
Inbound, 10 kt R1, 14 kt
Outbound, 10 kt R6, 14 kt
120 Inbound, 14 kt 120
Outbound, 14 kt

60 60

0 0
14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0
Water depth (m) Water depth (m)

Fig. 6. CADET predictions of days of accessibility for inbound vs. outbound fully- Fig. 7. CADET predictions of days of accessibility in reaches R1 and R6 in S-8_Sta0
loaded Susan Maersk as a function of channel depth and ship speed for six reaches for inbound fully-loaded Susan Maersk.
in S-8_Sta0 group.

Table 4
Days of accessibility for fully-loaded ship at 10 knots.

Days of accessibility/year
Group ID Inbound Outbound
h ¼ 15.5 m h ¼ 15.8 m h ¼ 16.2 m h ¼ 15.5 m h ¼ 15.8 m h ¼ 16.2 m Light, 6 kt
Full, 6 kt
180 Light, 10 kt
S-1_Sta39 356 360 363 363 364 364 Full, 10 kt
S-3_Sta39 357 360 363 364 364 365 Light, 14 kt
S-8_Sta39 357 360 363 364 364 365 120 Full, 14 kt
S-1_Sta0 356 360 363 363 364 364
S-8_Sta0 357 360 363 364 364 365

In summary for the fully-loaded ship, the days of accessibility
14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0
increase for slower ship speeds, outbound transits, and interior
Water depth (m)
reaches. A fully-loaded ship has approximately 90 percent or more
of each year available for ship transits for depths from 15.2 to 16.5 m Fig. 8. CADET predictions of days of accessibility for Reach 1 in S-8_Sta0 group for
(i.e., þ0.3 to þ1.5 m tide). A depth of 15.8 m (þ0.9 m) will give a light- and fully-loaded Susan Maersk as a function of channel depth and ship speed
for inbound transits.
UKC of 1.4 m with 360 days of accessibility for inbound and 364 days
for outbound ships. The S-8 option gives similar or slightly better days
of accessibility as the other two options. The effect of tide is not
included yet, but will be discussed later in this section. The existing Savannah Outer Channel has a length of 18.3 km
(Sta0 to Sta60) and a water depth of 13.4 m MLLW. All three
options considered in this study would include the existing
4.4. Comparison of loading condition
channel as the inner reach that ships would transit. The S-1
channel option (S-1_Sta0) would have a total length of 37.5 km
Finally, Fig. 8 compares the effect of light- versus fully-loaded
to reach the ocean contour with commensurate depth at Sta123.
conditions for inbound transits in the six reaches along the
Channel options S-3 (S-3_Sta0) and S-8 (S-8_Sta0) would have
S-8_Sta0 route. As expected, the light-loaded ship (dashed line)
lengths of 29.9 km and 29.6 km, respectively, as they “daylight” at
has increased days of accessibility compared to the fully-loaded
Sta98. All options would be deepened to a project depth of 15.2 m
ship (solid line) for all ship speeds for inbound transits.
MLLW. Table 5 lists the distance and travel time in hours for
In summary for both light- and fully-loaded ships, the days of
different ship speeds for the various route options. The numbers in
accessibility increase for slower ship speeds, outbound transits,
parenthesis are the “rounded up” times that might be considered
interior reaches, and light-load. The optimum depths are 15.2 m
somewhat conservative to insure safe transits in the event of
(þ 0.3 m) and 15.8 m (þ 0.9 m) for the light- and fully-loaded
unexpected delays and variability in ship speed.
ships, respectively. The S-8 option is as good or better as the other
Fig. 9 shows the number of days with water levels higher than a
options relative to days of accessibility.
threshold water depth above MLLW for durations of 1–8 h. For
example, the water level will be higher than 15.8 m MLLW with
4.5. Effect of tides duration of 6 h for 365 days/year. Table 5 shows that durations of
1–4 h are required to satisfy the required travel times for the range
The recommended depths for the light- and fully-loaded ships of ship speeds from 6 to 14 knots. Of course, this assumes that the
will require the use of the tide to achieve the desired water levels tide actually occurs at the time the Susan Maersk is planning to
for safe transit. One of the first considerations is the calculation of transit the channel. The CADET days of accessibility are based on a
the travel time required for the different route options. This full 24-h day. Therefore, there will probably be some instances
required travel time must be balanced with the available time where ships will be forced to wait on the tide. These tidal
that can be achieved using the tides. predictions are a statistical representation of the tides and are
284 M.J. Briggs et al. / Ocean Engineering 108 (2015) 276–286

Table 5 days/yr/365 days/yr). The days of accessibility decrease for

Travel times in hours for a one-way transit, Savannah Outer Channel. increases in duration, water depth, and ship speed.
For the light-loaded ship, a minimum water depth of 15.2 m
Channel option Distance Ship speed (knots)
(þ0.30 m tide) was recommended. This depth has a correspond-
(km) (nm) 6 10 14 ing 358 days of accessibility for inbound transits. Since the plan is
to dredge the Outer Channel to 14.9 m, it will be necessary to
Existing 18.3 9.9 1.7 (2) 1.0 (2) 0.7 (1) require the use of 0.3 m of tide to accommodate safe transits for
S-1 37.5 20.2 3.4 (4) 2.0 (3) 1.4 (2)
S-3 29.9 16.1 2.7 (3) 1.6 (2) 1.2 (2)
light-loaded ships. Of course, the tides will provide additional
S-8 29.6 15.9 2.7 (3) 1.6 (2) 1.2 (2) safety margins in deeper water for ships with shallower draughts.

5. Vertical ship motions and net UKC

Wave-induced vertical ship motions are composed of the com-
1 hr bined effects of heave, roll, and pitch at the five critical points on the
Days > threshold water level

300 2 hr
3 hr bottom of the ship. CADET calculates these vertical motion allowances
4 hr for each ship loading condition, channel reach, and water depth. The
240 5 hr
6 hr allowances are based on Eq. (6) and are output for each wave
7 hr condition, transit direction, ship speed, and critical points.
180 8 hr
Reach 1, located at the offshore end of the channel, has the
largest vertical motion allowances since it is exposed to the largest
wave heights. Comparisons were made of inbound and outbound,
light- and fully-loaded ship motions in Reach 1 for average values
for all 99 wave cases, for the three channel options S-1, S-3, and S-
8. In general, outbound transits are much less of a problem than
inbound transits as their motion allowances are much smaller. For
15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0
the light-loaded ship, the motion allowances tend to increase as
Threshold water level (m)
ship speed increases. The motion allowances for the fully-loaded
Fig. 9. Effect of tides on water levels at ocean boundary of Savannah Outer Channel ship, however, tended to decrease until reaching a ship speed of
using Ft. Pulaski predictions.
about 12 knots before increasing again at the highest speeds. This
is due to the particular RAO response characteristics of the fully-
intended to be used only as a planning tool for evaluating the loaded ship to different ship speeds and loading conditions. These
suitability and cost benefit of different channel depths. comparisons indicated that the S-8 option is the preferred alter-
native as it has smaller predicted motions than the S-1 or S-3
4.6. Discussion options for all speeds, especially for 10 knots.
The net underkeel clearance (UKCNet) is obtained by subtracting
As an example for the fully-loaded Susan Maersk, CADET results dynamic squat and these ship motions from the static UKC. This
showed that 360 days of accessibility were available at a depth of definition of the UKCNet is analogous to the PIANC (2014) definition
15.8 m MLLW for inbound transits at a speed of 10 knots for all as a deterministic parameter that is used primarily in the Concept
route options. Since Fig. 9 shows that 365 days/yr are available at Design stage. In this study, however, we use it as a probabilistic
this water depth for durations up to 6 h, and the required transit parameter since we want to compare the remaining UKC after
time is between 2 and 3 h (Table 2) for all channel options; there accounting for all other ship motions. PIANC (2014) also defines a
should be sufficient time to insure a safe transit in the Outer maneuverability margin (MM) that is used to define the time-
Channel at this water level. Of course, the durations must be long averaged clearance under the ship to insure adequate maneuver-
enough to allow the ship to safely transit the Outer Channel as ability for a moving ship. We chose not to use the MM since it still
well as the Inner Channel, which has a length of 31 km. includes the vertical ship motions. Although these ship motions
If the number of days at a water level due to the tide were less are not very large in sheltered interior channel reaches, they are
than the predicted days of accessibility, then one would expect to significant in the outer channel reaches of this study that are
reduce the number of days of accessibility by the percentage of the exposed to waves. Therefore, we wanted to explicitly account for
tide at a particular level. A simplistic estimate would be to reduce them in the channel design UKC. In general, there is sufficient MM
the days of accessibility by multiplying this value by the tidal to insure a minimum of 0.6 m to 5 percent of draught, as
percentage. Of course, this assumes that the tide and waves are in recommended by PIANC.
phase, which is not likely to occur simultaneously every time in a In general for the light- and fully-loaded Susan Maersk, UKCNet
real-world situation. As a design tool, however, it is probably increases with change in transit direction from inbound to out-
acceptable to interpret the results in this fashion as it makes the bound, increases in water depth, and decreases in speed. Fig. 10
comparisons uniform. During actual transits, pilots would need to compares the average UKCNet statistics for the inbound fully-
take into account the wave and tide conditions expected during loaded ship in Reach 1 between S-1 and S-8 options. These results
the transit, especially if the UKC is small. are in agreement with the previous accessibility results in that S-8
Continuing with the previous example for the fully-loaded ship, option is as good as or slightly better than the S-1 and S-3 channel
if duration of 7 h was desired, Fig. 9 shows that only 200 days/yr configurations.
are available. Thus, the effective number of days of accessibility Fig. 11 compares the average UKCNet statistics for inbound and
would be reduced to only 197 days (i.e., 200 days/yrn360 days/yr/ outbound, fully-loaded ships in Reach 1 of S-8 option. UKCNet
365 days/yr). This is due to the fact that the water level is not increases for outbound transits, in keeping with the accessibility
constant for 365 days each year, but must depend on a þ 0.9 m results. In summary, UKCNet increases with change in transit
tide that does not occur every day. If a duration of 8 h is desired, direction from inbound to outbound, increases in depth, and
then only 24 days of accessibility are available (i.e., 25 days/yrn360 decreases in speed.
M.J. Briggs et al. / Ocean Engineering 108 (2015) 276–286 285

2 off the centerline of the ship (nearly following seas). This wave has
the potential to produce significant ship motions that include both
pitch and roll.
1 In summary, the net UKC analyses tended to confirm the results
from the accessibility analyses for all three route options. The S-8
option is the preferred alternative as it tended to have smaller
UKCNet (m)

Bottom predicted motions than the S-1 or the S-3 option for all speeds,
especially for 10 knots.
S-1: h=15.2 m
S-8: h=15.2 m
S-1: h=15.8 m
-1 S-8: h=15.8 m
S-1: h=16.5 m 6. Summary and conclusions
S-8: h=16.5 m

A vertical ship motion study was conducted to evaluate three

6 8 10 12 14 16 proposed channel alignments S-1, S-3, and S-8 in the Savannah, GA
Vs (knots) entrance channel. These alignment changes were proposed to
allow ships to reach deeper water in shorter distances, with
Fig. 10. Comparison of net UKC between S-1 and S-8 options for fully-loaded reduced dredging costs. The project depth is restricted to a depth
inbound ship in Reach 1.
of 14.9 m due to environmental, buried utilities, dredging costs,
offshore reefs, and political considerations. Thus, it will be neces-
sary to use the 2.4 m tidal allowance to insure safe and efficient
2 use of the channel. Also, ship speeds in the offshore portions of the
entrance channel are restricted to 10 knots during right whale
The Susan Maersk was selected as the design ship for this study.
It has a light-loaded draught of 14.0 m and a fully-loaded draught
of 14.5 m. Of course, the fully-loaded draught represents a “worst”
UKCNet (m)

Bottom case scenario as ships rarely are loaded to their full design
0 draughts due to differences in cargo density and scheduling. Thus,
the light-loaded ship is the most realistic ship expected to use
In: h=15.2 m
Out: h=15.2 m Savannah Channel. Also, traffic congestion and two-way traffic are
In: h=15.8 m not a factor for the Savannah Channel as ships of this size are
-1 Out: h=15.8 m
In: h=16.5 m expected to call on this port on only a weekly basis and the port
Out: h=16.5 m will impose a one-way traffic regime as needed to maintain
acceptable levels of safety.
6 8 10 12 14 16 The risk-based Channel Analysis and Design Evaluation Tool
Vs (knots)
(CADET) was used in this study. CADET uses wave-induced ship
motions due to heave, roll, and pitch in the prediction of net
Fig. 11. Comparison of net UKC between inbound and outbound transits for S-8 underkeel clearance and days of accessibility. These motions are
option for fully-loaded ship in Reach 1. output for each ship loading condition, channel reach, water
depth, wave condition, transit direction, ship speed, and critical
A total of seven relatively “extreme” wave cases were identified point on the hull. The 99 wave conditions represent the entire
that can lead to ship grounding for the fully-loaded ship at a depth range of exposure over a 20-year design life for the Savannah
of 15.8 m. As previously discussed, only inbound transits at speeds Channel. They include seven “extreme” wave cases that can lead to
of 10 knots are discussed here as inbound ships had slightly less ship grounding, but they have a very low probability of occurrence
days of accessibility and the ship speed is required to comply with and their impact can be minimized by waiting for deeper water
the right whale constraints. These seven waves represent rela- levels due to the tide.
tively rare occurrences with a total of only 2.6 days/yr. The average In general for both light- and fully-loaded ships, days of
duration is 0.3 days/yr, with a maximum of 0.8 days/yr. The wave accessibility increase for slower ship speeds, outbound transits,
periods range from Tp ¼11.8 to 14.4 s, wave heights from Hm0 ¼ 1.5 interior reaches, and reduced load/shallower draught. Based on
to 2.7 m, and wave directions from 67.51 to 112.51. Again, these are the tidal analysis for the light-loaded inbound ship at 10 knots, the
relatively large wave periods and heights compared to the typical Savannah entrance channel will have an additional water level of
waves at Savannah. In general, increasing the water depth to 0.3 m above 14.9 m project depth (i.e., h¼ 15.2 m) for durations up
16.7 m (þ 1.8 m of tide) eliminates all but the worst wave case to 8 h for a minimum of 358 days of accessibility every year for all
with Tp ¼ 14.4 s, Hm0 ¼ 2.7 m, and θm ¼112.51. This tide and water three route options. To accommodate the fully-loaded inbound
level occurs for durations up to 4 h for 39 days/year. When ship at 10 knots, the tide will be required to provide an additional
comparing these seven “extreme” cases, the S8 option is the water level of 0.9 m above the project depth (i.e., h ¼15.8 m). This
clearer choice relative to S-1 and S-3 options. depth will have durations up to 6 h for a minimum of 360 days of
One way to understand why these ship motions are so large is accessibility every year for all three options. Longer durations or
that the size of the Susan Maersk leads to significant motions even faster ship speeds would reduce the days of accessibility.
for relatively small rotations in pitch and roll. For instance, a pitch Based on the CADET analysis of UKC and the corresponding
or roll angle of 11 produces a vertical displacement of 2.9 m at the days of accessibility, the S-8 alternative is the best option among
longitudinal extremes due to pitch and 0.4 m at the transverse the three choices S-1, S-3, and S-8, and much better than the
extremes due to roll. As an example, a wave with a 112.51 direction existing channel. The S-8 option will have slightly less risk of
is almost parallel with the channel. For inbound transits the ship grounding than S-1 and S-3 for relatively rare, extreme wave
experiences starboard, stern quartering seas that are only 41 to 51 conditions.
286 M.J. Briggs et al. / Ocean Engineering 108 (2015) 276–286

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